

Official Journal of the European Union

L 192/20


of 17 July 2015

setting out the necessary technical and operational specifications for implementing version 3 of the EGNOS system


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 1285/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 on the implementation and exploitation of European satellite navigation systems and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 876/2002 and Regulation (EC) No 683/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1), and in particular Article 12(3)(d) thereof,



Article 12 of Regulation (EU) No 1285/2013 provides that the Commission shall have overall responsibility for the EGNOS programme and confers on it implementing powers to determine the technical and operational specifications necessary for EGNOS system evolution.


The EGNOS system has already evolved, as version 1 was introduced in the 2000s, followed by version 2 in 2009. The three services offered by the system, namely the open service, the commercial data dissemination service (‘EDAS’) and the safety-of-life service (‘SoL’) defined in Article 2(5) of Regulation (EU) No 1285/2013 became operational on 30 October 2009, 26 July 2012 and 12 March 2011 respectively.


In order to comply with the characteristics and meet the specific objectives of the EGNOS programme referred to in Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 1285/2013, it is now important to determine the technical and operational specifications of a version 3 of the system. This version 3, which should be brought into service in the 2020s, would be an improvement on version 2 because, in technical terms, it would include on the one hand the monitoring and correction of the signals of the open service offered by the system established under the Galileo programme, and on the other hand the use of double frequency, both for the GPS system and for that of the Galileo programme.


The technical evolution of version 2 to version 3 would improve the geographic coverage of the three services offered by the system and enhance their performance.


With regard to geographic coverage, system evolution would aim, first of all, to guarantee coverage of all territories of the EU Member States geographically located in Europe, including the Azores, the Canary Islands and Madeira. An extension of this coverage beyond the borders of the EU Member States to include the EU candidate countries and the countries involved in the EU neighbourhood policy would also be possible, subject to technical feasibility and on the basis of international agreements, under the conditions set out in the last subparagraph of Article 2(5) of Regulation (EU) No 1285/2013.


Performance, mainly that of the ‘SoL’ service, should be improved in version 3 of the system, compared to version 2.


For the open service, an improvement in performance would involve providing precise data in terms of time measurement, such as differences between the time used by EGNOS on the one hand, and the UTC time and the GPS system time on the other hand.


For the ‘EDAS’ service, this improvement would above all serve to reduce the data-transmission time to two seconds and reduce the lapse of time during which the service is not available.


However, the performance enhancement achieved by version 3 of the EGNOS system should concern mainly the ‘SoL’ service, particularly for the sectors of civil aviation and maritime transport.


For civil aviation and in order to adequately meet air navigation needs, in particular with respect to the optimisation of traffic flow between various geographical areas, version 3 should provide a new ‘Cat I Precision Approach’ service in addition to the three services already on offer in version 2, i.e. the ‘En-Route — Non-precision Approach’, ‘Approach with Vertical Guidance APV-I’ and ‘LPV 200 Approach’. Furthermore, the availability of the ‘LPV 200 Approach’ service would be significantly increased because the time period during which this service is available should fall within the range of 0,99 to 0,999.


In civil aviation, it is also important to ensure that the SoL service continues to comply with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1035/2011 (2). Indeed, as set out in recital 14 of this Regulation, air navigation service providers should operate in compliance with the relevant standards of the International Civil Aviation Organisation, pending the complete transposition of the standards of that international organisation into EU law.


For maritime transport, version 3 of the EGNOS system should introduce the ‘SoL’ service in accordance with the international standards laid down by the International Maritime Organisation, allowing new EGNOS applications which, thanks to their greater precision, would benefit this sector in terms of effectiveness and safety. To this end and bearing in mind the constraints inherent to navigation close to the coast, on the approach to and when entering ports, the extension of the ‘SoL’ service to the maritime sector should in particular provide for a very high degree of availability, over 0,998 on a scale ranging from 0 to 1, guaranteeing the integrity of the service in an interval of less than ten seconds and lateral precision of less than 10 metres.


In addition to this, in order not to affect EGNOS users or compromise the current commercial applications, the technical and operational specifications of version 3 of the EGNOS system should be compatible with those of version 2 so as not to jeopardise what has been achieved so far, or result in degrading current possible uses, to the detriment of users.


In order to complete the technical evolution of version 2 to version 3 of the system, the technical and operational specifications set out in the Annex must be established.


The measures provided for in this Decision comply with the opinion of the committee established pursuant to Article 36(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1285/2013,


Article 1

The technical and operational specifications of version 3 of the EGNOS system are set out in the Annex.

Article 2

This Decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Done at Brussels, 17 July 2015.

For the Commission

The President

Jean-Claude JUNCKER

(1)  OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 1.

(2)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1035/2011 of 17 October 2011 laying down common requirements for the provision of air navigation services and amending Regulations (EC) No 482/2008 and (EU) No 691/2010 (OJ L 271, 18.10.2011, p. 23).



1.   Main characteristics of EGNOS v3 which are maintained or improved from, or added to EGNOS v2




Receivers modes

Mono-frequency mono-constellation: GPS L1

Mono-frequency mono-constellation: GPS L1

Dual-frequency mono-constellation: GPS L1/L5 or Galileo E1/E5a

Dual-frequency dual-constellation: GPS L1/L5 + Galileo E1/E5a

Specific services for Aviation

En-route/non-precision approach

Approach with vertical guidance APV-I

LPV-200 approach

En-route/non-precision approach

Approach with vertical guidance APV-I

LPV-200 approach

CAT-I precision approach

Specific services for Maritime


Oceanic areas

Navigation in harbour entrance, harbour approaches and coastal waters

Capability of the system to be replicated



Compatibility of service performance at user level vs. previous version



Limitation of services (1)

Safety of Life area limited to [40W, 40E], [20N, 70N]

Maximum number of stations limited to 60

None (2)

2.   Open service technical and operational specifications


Open service

Lateral accuracy (95 %)

3 m

Vertical accuracy (95 %)

4 m

OS availability


Service Area

EU-MS + Norway and Switzerland

Guarantee of service



Through compatible receivers within the EGNOS service area

No specific authorisation/certification required


Timing service

EGNOS Network time to UTC system time accuracy

20 ns 3sigma

EGNOS Network time to GPS system time accuracy

Maximum 50 ns

Availability of timing service

99 %

Guarantee of service



Through compatible receivers within the EGNOS service area

No specific authorisation/certification required

3.   EGNOS Data Access service (EDAS) technical and operational specifications



Service specifications

Products provided directly by the system

RIMS raw data

EGNOS broadcast message data

EGNOS health status data

Latency (3)

2 sec




Products provided to end users through specific service providers connected to the EGNOS server

Server specifications

Secured architecture for worldwide access

Sufficient bandwidth connectivity

4.   Safety-of-Life service technical and operational specifications

4.1.   Aviation service (4)


En-route — Non-Precision Approach

Approach with Vertical Guidance APV-I (legacy service)

LPV 200 Approach

Cat I Precision Approach


Annexe V, point 3(a) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1035/2011, as applicable

Lateral accuracy

220 m

16 m

16 m

16 m

Vertical accuracy

Not applicable

20 m

4 m

4 m

VNSE — fault-free conditions



10 m

with probability of 10–7/150 s


VNSE — system failure conditions



15 m

with probability of 10–5/150 s


Integrity risk


2,10–7/150 s

2,10–7/150 s

2,10–7/150 s

Time To Alarm

10 s

10 s

6 s

6 s


556 m

40 m

40 m

40 m


Not applicable

50 m

35 m

10 m

Continuity risk


8,10–6/15 s

8,10–6/15 s

8,10–6/15 s

SoL Service (5) availability



0,99 to 0,999


Service area

Flight information regions (FIRs) of EU-MS + Norway and Switzerland

Landmasses (6) of EU-MS + Norway and Switzerland

Landmasses of EU-MS + Norway and Switzerland

Landmasses of EU-MS + Norway and Switzerland

Target service area extension

Article 2(5) of Regulation (EU) No 1285/2013

Performance of reversion modes

EGNOS V3 shall deliver LPV 200 (7) service level over its Service Area with 99 % availability when reverting to the use of the Galileo constellation only.

EGNOS V3 shall deliver LPV 200 service level in the land masses of the Service Area with 99 % availability upon complete loss of L5/E5a frequency at user level.

Guarantee of service



Through SBAS-compatible receivers

4.2.   Maritime service (8)


Navigation in harbour entrances,

Harbour approaches and coastal waters


IMO Resolution A.915(22) and A.1046(27)

Lateral accuracy

10 m

Vertical accuracy

Not applicable

Integrity risk

1,10–5/3 hours

Time To Alarm

10 s


25 m


Not applicable

Continuity risk

3,10–4/15 minutes

SoL Service availability


Service Area

National Waters (9) of EU-MS + Norway and Switzerland

Guarantee of service



Through SBAS-compatible receivers

(1)  User access for open service and safety of life services limited to visibility area of the geostationary satellites.

(2)  Absence of limitation to allow the design of EGNOS v3 to include additional stations in order to extend, in a continuous manner, the EGNOS service area in accordance with Article 2(5) of Regulation (EU) No 1285/2013.

(3)  Latency is the time elapsed since the transmission of the last bit of the navigation message from the space segment (EGNOS and GPS/Galileo satellites) until the data leave the EGNOS server.

(4)  The performance specifications included in this table address only signal-in-space contributions.

(5)  A range is given for service availability for approach procedure. The bottom of the range shall correspond to the availability expected for the GPS L1-only service. The top of the range shall be available for users equipped with a dual frequency GPS L1-L5 receiver or a combined GPS/Galileo dual-frequency receiver.

(6)  ‘Land masses of an area’ means any land territory, including islands, in the FIR of that area except for the Cat I service for which coverage of Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands are excluded.

(7)  Until sufficient Galileo performance is demonstrated, APV-I service level is accepted.

(8)  The performance specifications included in this table address only signal-in-space contributions.

(9)  National (or territorial) waters are defined in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea as waters extending at most 12 nautical miles from the coast line.




Approach Procedure with Vertical Guidance




EGNOS Data Access Service


European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service


European Union Member States


Flight Information Region

Galileo E1

E1 frequency of Galileo system, corresponding to 1 575,42 MHz

Galileo E5a

E5a frequency of Galileo system, corresponding to 1 176,45 MHz


Global Positioning System


L1 frequency of GPS system, corresponding to 1 575,42 MHz


L5 frequency of GPS system, corresponding to 1 176,45 MHz


Horizontal Alert Limit


International Civil Aviation Organization


International Maritime Organization


Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance


Open Service


Ranging and Integrity Monitoring Station


Standard and Recommended Practices


Satellite-Based Augmentation System


Safety of Life


Coordinated Universal Time


Vertical Alert Limit


Vertical Navigation System Error