

Official Journal of the European Union

L 307/7


of 6 November 2012

implementing Article 8a(1) of Regulation (EC) No 765/2006 concerning restrictive measures in respect of Belarus


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 765/2006 of 18 May 2006 concerning restrictive measures in respect of Belarus (1), and in particular Article 8a(1) thereof,



On 18 May 2006, the Council adopted Regulation (EC) No 765/2006 concerning restrictive measures in respect of Belarus.


On the basis of a review of Council Decision 2010/639/CFSP of 25 October 2010 concerning restrictive measures against Belarus (2), the Council decided that the restrictive measures should be extended until 31 October 2013 and that information relating to listed persons and entities should be updated.


For the sake of clarity, the measures imposed by Decision 2010/639/CFSP have been integrated into Council Decision 2012/642/CFSP of 15 October 2012 concerning restrictive measures against Belarus (3) which replaces Decision 2010/639/CFSP. Decision 2012/642/CFSP also consolidates the lists of persons and entities subject to restrictive measures into a single annex.


The lists of natural or legal persons, entities and bodies subject to restrictive measures as set out in Annexes I, IA and IB to Regulation (EC) No 765/2006 have been consolidated into a single Annex I. The information relating to listed natural or legal persons, entities and bodies should be updated.


Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 765/2006 should therefore be amended accordingly,


Article 1

The text set out in Annexes I, IA and IB to Regulation (EC) No 765/2006 shall be replaced by the text set out in the Annex to this Regulation.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 6 November 2012.

For the Council

The President


(1)   OJ L 134, 20.5.2006, p. 1.

(2)   OJ L 280, 26.10.2010, p. 18.

(3)   OJ L 285, 17.10.2012, p. 1.




A.   Persons referred to in Article 2(1)



Transcription of Belarusian spelling

Transcription of Russian spelling


(Belarusian spelling)


(Russian spelling)

Identifying Information

Reasons for listing


Ablameika, Siarhei Uladzimiravich

Ablameiko, Sergei Vladimirovich

(Ablameyko, Sergey Vladimirovich)

АБЛАМЕЙКА, Сяргей Уладзiмiравiч

АБЛАМЕЙКО, Сергей Владимирович

DOB: 24.09.1956, Voronovo, Hrodna Region

Rector of Belorusian State University. He was responsible for the expulsion of several students from the University because they participated in the demonstrations on 19 December 2010 and in other peaceful demonstrations in 2011.


Akulich, Sviatlana Rastsislavauna

Okulich, Svetlana Rostislavovna

АКУЛIЧ, Святлана Расцiславаўна

ОКУЛИЧ, Светлана Ростиславовна

DOB: 27.08.1948 or 1949

Responsible for implementing the politically-motivated administrative and criminal sanctions against representatives of civil society. Judge of the Pukhovichi District Court. She unlawfully rejected the motion of Natalia Ilinich to restore her position as teacher of the Secondary School in Talkov City.


Aliaksandrau, Dzmitry Piatrovich

Aleksandrov, Dmitri Petrovich

АЛЯКСАНДРAЎ, Дзмiтрый Пятровiч

АЛЕКСАНДРОВ, Дмитрий Петрович


Judge of the Supreme Economic Court. He sustained the ban of the independent ‧Autoradio‧ station. The radio station had been transmitting the electoral programme of Mr. Sannikov, one of the opposition candidates.


Alinikau, Siarhei Aliaksandravich

(Alinikau, Siarhey Alyaksandravich)

Aleinikov, Sergei Aleksandrovich

АЛИНИКАЎ, Сяргей Аляксандравич

АЛEЙНИКOВ, Сергей Aлександрович


Major, head of operative unit of penal colony IK-17 in Shklov. Exerted pressure on political prisoners by denying their right to correspondence and meetings, issued orders to subject them to a stricter criminal regime, searches, and made threats in order to extort confessions. He was directly responsible for violating the human rights of political prisoners and opposition activists by using excessive force against them. His actions constituted a direct violation of the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Alpeeva, Tamara Mikhailauna

(Alpeyeva, Tamara Mikhailauna;

Alpeeva, Tamara Mikhailovna;

Alpeyeva, Tamara Mikhailovna)

АЛПЕЕВА, Тамара Мiхайлаўна

АЛПЕЕВА, Тамара Михайловна


Rector of International Humanitarian-Economic Institute. Responsible for the expulsion of students involved in protests following the December 2010 elections.


Ananich, Alena Mikalaeuna

Ananich, Elena Nikolaevna

(Ananich, Yelena Nikolaevna)

АНАНIЧ, Алена Мiкалаеўна

АНАНИЧ, Елена Николаевна


Judge at the Pervomayski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010 she sentenced civil society activists Paval Shalamitski, Mikhail Piatrenka, Yauhen Batura and Tatsiana Grybouskaya to 10 days in jail, as well as Tornike Berydze to 11 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Ananich, Liliia Stanislavauna

(Ananich, Lilia Stanislavauna; Ananich, Liliya Stanislavauna)

Ananich, Liliia Stanislavovna

(Ananich, Lilia Stanislavovna; Ananich, Liliya Stanislavovna)

АНАНIЧ, Лiлiя Станiславаўна

АНАНИЧ, Лилия Станиславовна

DOB: 1960

ID: 4020160A013PB7

First Deputy Minister of Information. She has played a major role since 2003 in promoting state propaganda, which provokes, supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, and by suppressing the freedom of the media. Democratic opposition and civil society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information.


Arkhipau, Aliaksandr Mikhailavich

Arkhipov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich

APXIПAЎ, Аляксандр Мiхайлавiч

АРХИПОВ, Александр Михайлович

DOB: 1959, Mohilev

Prosecutor of the region of Minsk. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Arlau, Aliaksey

(Arlau Aliaksei)

Arlau, Aliaksandr Uladzimiravich

Orlov, Aleksei

(Orlov, Alexey)

Orlov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich

(Orlov, Alexandr Vladimirovich)

APЛAЎ, Аляксей

APЛAЎ, Аляксандр Уладзiмiравiч

OPЛОВ, Алексей

OPЛОВ, Александр Владимирович


Colonel, head of the KGB detention centre in Minsk. He was personally responsible for cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment of those who were detained in the weeks and months after the crackdown on the post-election protest demonstration in Minsk on 19 December 2010. His actions constituted a direct violation of the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Atabekau, Khazalbek Bakhtibekavich

Atabekov, Khazalbek Bakhtibekovich

АТАБЕКАЎ, Хазалбек Бактiбекавiч

АТАБЕКОВ, Хазалбек Баxтибекович

(АТАБЕКОВ, Кхазалбек Баxтибекович)


Colonel, commander of a special brigade of Interior Troops in the Uruchie suburb of Minsk. He commanded his unit during the crackdown on the post-election protest demonstration in Minsk on 19 December 2010 where an excessive use of force was applied. His actions constituted a direct violation of the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Badak, Ala Mikalaeuna

Bodak, Alla Nikolaevna

БАДАК, Ала Мiкалаеўна

БОДАК, Алла Николаевна

DOB: 30.08.1967

Passport Number: SP0013023

Deputy Minister of Justice, in charge of legal support to the institutions that draft legislative and regulatory acts. Her functions include supervising the drafting of legislation.

She was responsible for the role and the action of the Ministry of Justice and the judiciary of Belarus, which are major instruments of repression of the population, by elaborating laws that are repressive towards civil society and the democratic opposition.


Bakhmatau, Ihar Andreevich

Bakhmatov, Igor Andreevich

БАХМАТАЎ, Irap Андрэевiч

БАХМАТОВ, Игорь Андреевич


Has been actively involved in the repression of civil society in Belarus. As a former Deputy Head of the KGB, in charge of the staff and the organisation of their tasks, he was responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition. Reassigned to the reserve forces in May 2012


Balauniou, Mikalai Vasilievich

Bolovnev, Nikolai Vasilievich

БАЛАЎНЕЎ, Мiкалай Васiльевiч

БОЛОВНЕВ, Николай Васильевич


Judge at the Zavodskoi Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

He was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, he sentenced civil society activists Ihar Pashkovich, Dzimtry Pashyk, Anton Davydzenka, Artsem Liaudanski and Artsem Kuzmin to 10 days in jail. The way he conducted the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Bandarenka, Siarhei Uladzimiravich

Bondarenko, Sergei Vladimirovich

БАНДАРЭНКА, Сяргей Уладзiмiравiч

БОНДАРЕНКО, Сергей Владимирович

Address: Department of law of administration of Pervomaysky district

Chornogo K. 5 office 417

Tel.: +375 17 2800264

Judge of the Pervomaiski District Court of Minsk. On 24 November 2011, he sentenced Ales Byalyatski, one of the most prominent human rights defenders, Chief of the Belarusian HR Centre ‧Vyasna‧, Vice President of FIDH. The trial was conducted in a way that was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Baranouski, Andrei Fiodaravich

Baranovski, Andrei Fedorovich

(Baranovski, Andrey Fedorovich)

БАРАНОЎСКI, Андрэй Федаравiч

БАРАНОВСКИЙ, Андрей Федорович


Judge at the Partizanski District Court of the city of Minsk. He was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, he sentenced civil society activists Siarhei Piakarchyk and Siarhei Navitski to 13 days in jail, as well as Yauhen Kandrautsu to 11 days in jail. The way he conducted the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Barovski, Aliaksandr Genadzevich

Borovski, Aleksandr Gennadievich

БАРОЎСКI, Аляксандр Генадзевiч

БОРОВСКИЙ, Александр Геннадиевич


Public Prosecutor of the Oktiabrski (Kastrichnitski) District Court of Minsk. He dealt with the case of Pavel Vinogradov, Dmitri Drozd, Ales Kirkevich and Vladimir Homichenko. The accusation presented by him had a clear and imminent political motivation and was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. It was based on an incorrect classification of the events of 19 December 2010, not sustained by evidence, proof or testimonies of witnesses.


Barsukou, Aliaksandr Piatrovich

Barsukov, Aleksandr Petrovich

БАРСУКОЎ, Аляксандр Пятровiч

БАРСУКОВ, Александр Петрович


Colonel, Chief of Minsk police. Since his appointment as Chief of Minsk police on 21 October 2011, he has been responsible, as commander, for the repression of approximately a dozen peaceful protesters in Minsk, who were later convicted for breaking the law on mass events. For several years he commanded police action against street protests of the opposition.


Barysionak, Anatol Uladzimiravich

(Barysyonak, Anatol Uladzimiravic)

Borisenok, Anatoli Vladimirovich

(Borisenok, Anatoli Vladimirovich; Borisionok, Anatoli Vladimirovich; Borisyonok, Anatoliy Vladimirovich)

БАРЫСЁНАК, Анатоль Уладзiмiравiч

БОРИСЕНОК, Анатолий Владимирович


Judge at Partizanski District Court of Minsk. In 2010-2011 he fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2011.06.23, Belush Zmitser, 20 daily base units (700 000 BLR); b) 2010.12.20, Zhawnyak Ihar, 30 daily base units (1 050 000 BLR); c) 2010.12.20, Nyestser Aleh, 10 days in prison, d) 2010.12.20, Trybushewski Kiryl, 10 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Murashkevich Vyachaslaw, 10 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, he was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Batura, Mikhail Paulavich

Batura, Mikhail Pavlovich

БАТУРА, Mixaiл Паўлавiч

БАТУРА, Михаил Павлович


Rector of Minsk State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Responsible for the expulsion of students involved in protests following the December 2010 elections.


Bazanau, Aliaksandr Viktaravich

Bazanov, Aleksandr Viktorovich

БАЗАНАЎ, Аляскандр Biктapaвiч

БАЗАНОВ, Александр Викторович

DOB: 26.11.1962, Kazakhstan

Director of the Information and Analytical Centre of the President's Administration. He is one of the main sources of state propaganda, which supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society. Democratic opposition and civil society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information.


Berastau, Valery Vasilievich

Berestov, Valeri Vasilievich

(Berestov, Valeriy Vasilyevich)

БЕРАСТАЎ, Валерый Васiльевiч

БЕРЕСТОВ, Валерий Васильевич


Head of Regional Election Commissionin the Mohilev region. As the Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010 in the Mohilev region.


Bileichyk, Aliaksandr Uladzimiravich

Bileichik, Aleksandr Vladimirovich

(Bileychik, Aleksandr Vladimirovich)

БIЛЕЙЧЫК, Аляксандр Уладзiмiравiч

БИЛЕЙЧИК, Александр Владимирович

DOB: 1964

First Deputy Minister of Justice, in charge of the judicial services, the civil status and the notaries' services. His functions include the supervision of, and control over, the Legal Bar. He has played a major role in almost systematically debarring lawyers who defended political prisoners.


Bortnik, Siarhei Aliaksandrovich

(Bortnik, Siarhey Aliaksandrovich)

Bortnik, Sergei Aleksandrovich

(Bortnik, Sergey Aleksandrovich)

БОРТНIК, Сяргей Аляксандравiч

БОРТНИК, Сергей Александрович

DOB: 28.5.1953

POB: Minsk

Address: Ul. Surganova 80-263, Minsk

Passport No.: MP0469554

Public Prosecutor.

In 2006, he dealt with the case of the former presidential candidate Alyaksandr Kazulin who was accused of organising protests in March 2006 against the fraudulent elections. The accusation presented by him was politically motivated and included clear violations of the Code of Criminal Procedure. In April 2012, he also gave his agreement to imposing preventive police supervision for two years on the prominent political activist, Pavel Vinagradau.


Brysina, Zhanna Leanidauna

Brysina, Zhanna Leonidovna

БPЫCIHA, Жанна Леанiдаўна

БРЫCИНА, Жанна Леонидовнa


Deputy President of the Zavodskoi District Court of Minsk, former judge of the Zavodskoi District Court of Minsk. She dealt with the case of Khalip Irina, Martselev Sergei, Severinets Pavel, outstanding civil society representatives. Her way of conductingthe trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Bulash, Ala

Bulash, Alla

Bulosh, Alla


БУЛАШ, Алла,



Deputy President of the Kastrichnitski District Court of Minsk and former judge of the Oktiabrski (Kastrichnitski) District Court of Minsk. She dealt with the case of Pavel Vinogradov, Dmitri Drozd, Ales Kirkevich, Andrei Protasenia and Vladimir Homichenko. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Bushchyk, Vasil Vasilievich

Bushchik, Vasili Vasilievich

БУШЧЫК, Васiль Васiльевiч

БУЩИК, Василий Васильевич


Member of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC). As a Member of the CEC, he was esponsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010.


Bushnaia, Natallia Uladzimirauna

(Bushnaya, Natallia Uladzimirauna)

Bushnaia, Natalia Vladimirovna

(Bushnaya, Natalya Vladimirovna)

БУШНАЯ, Наталля Уладзiмiраўна

БУШНАЯ, Наталья Владимировна

DOB: 1953, Mohilev

ID: 4110653A014PB7

Has actively undermined democracy in Belarus. In her former role as a Member of the Central Electoral Commission, she was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010.


Busko, Ihar Iauhenavich

(Busko, Ihar Yauhenavich)

Busko, Igor Evgenievich

(Busko, Igor Yevgenyevich)

БУСЬКО, Irap Яўгенавiч

БУСЬКО, Игорь Евгеньевич


Head of the KGB of the District of Brest. Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition in the region of Brest.


Bychko, Aliaksei Viktaravich

Bychko, Aleksei Viktorovich

(Bychko, Alexey Viktorovich)

БЫЧКО, Аляксей Вiктаравiч

БЫЧКО, Алексей Викторович


Judge at the Central District Court of Minsk. On 26 October 2011, he sentenced civil society activist Siarhei Kazakou to 10 days in jail. The way he conducted the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Charhinets, Mikalai Ivanavich

Cherginets, Nikolai Ivanovich

ЧАРГIНЕЦ, Мiкалай Iванавiч

ЧЕРГИНЕЦ, Николай Иванович

DOB: 17.10.1937

POB: Minsk

ID: 3171037A004PB4

Head of the pro-regime Union of writers and Chairman of the Morality Republican Public Council (that takes part in the censorship activities of the regime) and former Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Upper House. He is a close supporter of President Lukashenka, and key to the regime's propaganda and censorship.


Charkas, Tatsiana Stanislavauna

(Cherkas, Tatsiana Stanislavauna)

Cherkas, Tatiana Stanislavovna

ЧАРКАС, (ЧЭРКАС) Таццяна Станiславаўна

ЧЕРКАС, Татьяна Станиславовна


Judge of the Frunzenski District of Minsk, dealing with the cases of protestors Aleksandr Otroshchenkov (sentenced to a 4-years restricted imprisonment), Aleksandr Molchanov (3 years) and Dmitri Novik (3,5 years of restricted imprisonment). Responsible for implementing the politically-motivated administrative and criminal sanctions against representatives of civil society.


Charniak, Alena Leanidauna

Cherniak, Elena Leonidovna

(Cherniak, Yelena Leonidovna; Chernyak, Yelena Leonidovna)

ЧАРНЯК, Алена Леанiдаўна

ЧЕРНЯК, Елена Леонидовна


Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Andrei Eliseeu, Hanna Yakavenka, Henadz Chebatarovich respectively to 10, 11 and 12 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Charnyshou, Aleh Anatolievich

Chernyshev, Oleg Anatolievich

ЧАРНЫШОЎ, Алег Анатольевiч

ЧЕРНЫШЕВ, Олег Анатольевич


Colonel, in charge of counter-terrorist unit of the KGB, the ‧Alpha‧ unit. He personally participated in inhuman and degrading treatment of opposition activists in the KGB detention centre in Minsk after the crackdown on the post-election protest demonstration in Minsk 19 December 2010. His actions constituted a direct violation of the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Chasnouski, Mechyslau Edvardavich

(Chesnovski, Mechislav Edvardovich)

ЧАСНОЎСКI, Мечыслаў Эдвардавiч

ЧЕСНОВСКИЙ, Мечислав Эдвардович

DOB: 18.05.1948

Rector of Brest StateUniversity. Responsible for the expulsion of students involved in protests following the December 2010 elections.


Chatviartkova, Natallia

Chetvertkova, Natalia

(Chetvertkova, Natalya)




Former judge of the Partizanski District Court of Minsk.

She dealt with the trial of ex-presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, civil society activist Ilia Vasilevich, Fedor Mirzoianov, Oleg Gnedchik and Vladimir Yeriomenok. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Chubkavets, Kiryl

Chubkovets, Kirill




Public prosecutor of the case against ex-presidential candidates Nikolai Statkevich and Dmitri Uss, as well as political and civil society activists Andrei Pozniak, Aleksandr Klaskovski, Aleksandr Kvetkevich, Artiom Gribkov and Dmitri Bulanov. The accusation presented by him had a clear and imminent political motivation and was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. It was based on an incorrect classification of the events of 19 December 2010, and not sustained by evidence, proof or testimonies of witnesses.

As a state prosecutor he opposed the appeal of Ales Byalyatski regarding the sentence imposed on him by the Pervomaiski District Court of Minsk even though Byalyatski's trial was conducted in a way that was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Chyzh, Iury Aliaksandravich

(Chyzh, Yury Aliaksandravich)

Chizh, Iuri Aleksandrovich

(Chizh, Yuri Aleksandrovich)

ЧЫЖ, Юрый Аляксандравiч

ЧИЖ, Юрий Александрович

POB: Soboli, Bierezowskij Rajon, Brestkaja Oblast

(Соболи, Березовский район, Брестская область)

DOB: 28.03.1963

Passport No.: SP 0008543 (current validity doubtful).

Iury Chyzh provides financial support to the Lukashenka regime through his holding company LLC Triple which is active in numerous sectors of the Belarusian economy, including activities resulting from public awards and concessions from the regime. The sporting positions he retains, notably being Chair of the Board of the football club FC Dynamo Minsk and Chair of the Belarusian Federation of wrestling, confirm his association to the regime.


Davydzka, Henadz Branislavavich

Davydko, Gennadi Bronislavovich

ДАВИДЗЬКА, Генадзь Бранiслававiч

ДАВНДЬКО, Геннадий Брониславович

DOB: 29.09.1955, Senno, Vitebsk region

President of the State Radio-TV company. Describing himself as an authoritarian democrat, he was responsible for promoting state propaganda on TV, propaganda which supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society after the elections in December 2010. Democratic opposition and civil society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information.


Dranitsa, Aliaksandr Mikalaevich

Dranitsa, Aleksandr Nikolaevich

ДРАНIЦА, Аляксандр Мiкалаевiч

ДРАНИЦА, Александр Николаевич


Army Prosecutor. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Dubinina, Zhanna Piatrouna

Dubinina, Zhanna Petrovna

ДУБIНIНА, Жанна Пятроўна

ДУБИНИНА, Жанна Петровна


Judge at Zavodskoi District Court of Minsk. In 2010 she fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2010.12.20, Hulyak Vital, 30 daily base units (1 050 000 BLR); b) 2010.12.20, Vaskabovich Lyudmila, 30 daily base units (1 050 000 BLR), c) 2010.12.20, Urywski Alyaksandr, 10 days in prison; d) 2010.12.20, Stashulyonak Veranika, 30 daily base units (1 050 000 BLR); e) 2010.12.20, Say Syarhey, 10 days in prison; f) 2010.12.20, Maksimenka Hastassya, 10 days in prison; g) 2010.12.20, Nikitarovich Yuliya, 10 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Dudkin, Anatol Kanstantsinavich

Dudkin, Anatoli Konstantinovich

ДУДКIН, Анатоль Канстанцiнавiч

ДУДКИН, Анатолий Константинович


Prosecutor on Transport Issues of Belarus. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Dysko, Henadz Iosifavich

Dysko, Gennadi Iosifovich

ДЫСКО, Генадзь Iосiфавiч

ДЫСКО, Генадий Иосифович


Prosecutor of the District of Vitebsk. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Dzemiantsei, Vasil Ivanavich

(Dzemyantsey, Vasil Ivanovich)

Dementei, Vasili Ivanovich

(Dementey, Vasili Ivanovich)

ДЗЕМЯНЦЕЙ, Васiль Iванавiч

ДЕМЕНТЕЙ, Василий Иванович

DOB: 20.09.1954

ID: 3200954E045PB4

Head of the Hrodna Customs regional committee, former First deputy Chairman of the KGB (2005-2007), former Deputy Head of the State Customs Committee.

Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and the democratic opposition, in particular in 2006-2007.


Dziadkou, Leanid Mikalaevich

Dedkov, Leonid Nikolaevich

ДЗЯДКОЎ, Леанiд Мiкалаевiч

ДЕДКОВ, Леонид Николаевич

DOB: 10.1964

ID: 3271064M000PB3

As Deputy Head of the KGB, shares responsibility for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Esman, Valery Aliaksandravich

(Yesman, Valery Aliaksandravich)

Esman, Valeri Aleksandrovich

(Yesman, Valeri Aleksandrovich; Yesman, Valeriy Aleksandrovich)

ЕСЬМАН, Валерый Аляксандравiч

ЕСЬМАН, Валерий Александрович


Judge at the Central District Court of the city of Minsk. He was directly involved in trials against peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, he sentenced civil society activists Siarhei Martynau, Dzmitry Chiarniak, Euhen Vaskovich respectively to 10, 11 and 12 days in jail. In June, July and October 2011, he sentenced several other activists to 10 and 11 days in jail. The way he conducted the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Farmahei, Leanid Kanstantsinavich

(Farmahey, Leanid Kanstantsinavich)

Farmagei, Leonid Konstantinovich

(Farmagey, Leonid Konstantinovich)

ФАРМАГЕЙ, Леанiд Канстанцiнавiч

ФАРМАГЕЙ, Леонид Константинович

DOB: 27.08.1962

Deputy Head of the Academy of the Ministry of Interior. Has been actively involved in the repression of civil society in Belarus. In his former role (until June 2011) as Militia Commander of the City of Minsk, he commanded the Minsk militia forces that brutally repressed a demonstration on 19 December 2010.


Gardzienka, Siarhei Aliaksandravich

Gordienko, Sergei Aleksandrovich

(Gordiyenko, Sergey Aleksandrovich)

ГАРДЗIЕНКА, Сяргей Аляксандравiч

ГОРДИЕНКО, Сергей Александрович


Deputy editor of the newspaper of the President's Administration and main propaganda newspaper ‧Sovietskaia Belarus‧. Responsible for relaying state propaganda in the printed press, which has supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified and untrue information, in particular after the Presidential elections in 2010.


Guseu, Aliaksei Viktaravich

Gusev, Aleksei Viktorovich

(Gusev, Alexey Viktorovich)

ГУСЕЎ, Аляксей Biктapaвiч

ГУСЕВ, Алексей Викторович


Responsible for organising and implementing the dissemination of falsified information through the state-controlled media. Former first Deputy Director of the Information and Analytical Centre of the President's Administration.

A source and voice of state propaganda, which provokes, supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society. democratic opposition and civil society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information.


Haidukevich, Valery Uladzimiravich

Gaidukevich, Valeri Vladimirovich

ГАЙДУКЕВIЧ, Валерый Уладзiмiравiч

ГАЙДУКЕВИЧ, Валерий Владимирович

DOB: 19.01.1953

POB: Behoml, Dokshitski district, Vitebsk region

Deputy Minister of Interior. Commander of internal troops, and Member of Parliament in the Lower Chamber.

As a commander of internal troops, he was responsible for the violent repression of the demonstration on 19 December 2012 in Minsk, where his troops were the first to be actively involved.


Halavanau, Viktar Ryhoravich

Golovanov, Viktor Grigorievich

ГАЛАВАНАЎ, Biктap Pыгopaвiч

ГОЛОВАНОВ, Виктор Григорьевич

DOB: 1952, Borisov

As former Minister of Justice, his services elaborated laws that are repressive towards civil society and the democratic opposition. He also denied or deprived registration for NGOs and political parties and he ignored unlawful acts undertaken by the security services against the population.


Harbatouski, Yury Aliaksandravich

(Harbatouski, Iury Aliaksandravich)

Gorbatovski, Yuri Aleksandrovich

(Gorbatovski, Iuri Aleksandrovich; Gorbatovski, Yuriy Alexandrovich)

ГАРБАТОЎСКI, Юрый Аляксандравiч

ГОРБАТОВСКИЙ, Юрий Александрович


Judge at Pervomaiski District Court of Minsk. In 2010 he fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2010.12.20, Hubskaya Iryna, 10 days in prison; b) 2010.12.20, Kaptsiuh Dzmitry, 10 days in prison; c) 2010.12.20, Mikheyenka Yahor, 12 days in prison; d) 2010.12.20, Burbo Andrey, 10 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Pushnarova Hanna, 10 days in prison; f) 2010.12.20, Shepuraw Mikita, 15 days in prison; g) 2010.12.20, Zadzyarkowski Andrey, 10 days in prison; h) 2010.12.20, Yaromyenkaw Yawhen, 10 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, he was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Herasimenka, Henadz Anatolievich

Gerasimenko, Gennadi Anatolievich

ГЕРАСIМЕНКА, Генадзь Анатольевiч

ГЕРАСИМЕНКО, Геннадий Анатольевич


Deputy Head of the Institute of National Security (KGB school) and former Head of the KGB of the District of Vitebsk.

Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition in the region of Vitebsk.


Herasimovich, Volha Ivanauna

Gerasimovich, Olga Ivanovna

Gerasimovich Olga Ivanovna

ГЕРАСIМОВIЧ, Вольга Иванаўна

(ГЕРАСIМОВIЧ, Вольга Иваноўна)

ГЕРАСИМОВИЧ, Ольга Ивановна


Prosecutor who presented the case against Byalyatski in the City Court of Minsk after Byalyatski's application to the court regarding his detention. Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Hermanovich, Siarhei Mikhailavich

Germanovich, Sergei Mikhailovich

(Germanovich, Sergey Mikhailovich)

ГЕРМАНОВIЧ, Сяргей Мiхайлавiч

ГЕРМАНОВИЧ, Сергей Михайлович


Judge at Oktiabrski District Court of Minsk. In 2010 he fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2010.12.20, Sidarevich Katsyaryna, 30 daily base units (1 050 000 BLR); b) 2010.12.20, Lyskavets Paval, 15 days in prison; c) 2010.12.20, Sachylka Syarhey, 15 days in prison; d) 2010.12.20, Krawtsow Dzianis, 10 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Vyarbitski Uladzimir, 15 days in prison; f) 2010.12.20, Newdakh Maksim, 15 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, he was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Hihin, Vadzim Frantsavich

Gigin, Vadim Frantsevich

ГIГIН, Вадзiм Францевiч

ГИГИН, Вадим Францевич

DOB: 1977

Editor-in-Chief of ‧Belorusskaia Dumka‧ monthly journal of the President's Administration.

He is one of the most vocal and influential members of the state propaganda machine in the printed press. He has supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, which are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information, in particular after the Presidential elections in 2010.


Hrachova, Liudmila Andreeuna

(Hrachova, Lyudmila Andreyeuna)

Gracheva, Liudmila Andreevna

(Grachova, Lyudmila Andreyevna; Grachiova, Ludmila Andreevna)

ГРАЧОВА, Людмiла Андрэеўна

ГРАЧЕВА, Людмила Андреевна


Judge of the Leninski District Court of Minsk. She dealt with the case of ex-presidential candidates Nikolai Statkevich and Dmitri Uss, as well as political and civil society activists Andrei Pozniak, Aleksandr Klaskovski, Aleksandr Kvetkevich, Artiom Gribkov and Dmitri Bulanov. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Hureeu, Siarhei Viktaravich

(Hureyeu, Siarhey Viktaravich)

Gureev, Sergei Viktorovich,

(Gureyev, Sergey Viktorovich)

ГУРЭЕЎ, Сяргей Biктapaвiч

ГУРЕЕВ, Сергей Викторович


Has been actively involved in the repression of civil society in Belarus. As a former Deputy Minister of Interior and Head of Preliminary Investigation, he was responsible for the violent suppression of protests and violations of human rights during investigation proceedings in relation to the December 2010 elections. Joined the reserve forces in February 2012.


Husakova, Volha Arkadzieuna

Gusakova, Olga Arkadievna

ГУСАКОВА, Вольга Аркадзьеўна

ГУСАКОВА, Ольга Аркадьевна


Judge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists, Aleksandryna Alibovich and Volha Kashtalian, to 10 days in jail, and Aliaksei Varonchanka and Eryk Arlou to 12 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Iakubovich, Pavel Izotavich

(Yakubovich, Pavel Izotavich)

Iakubovich, Pavel Izotovich

(Yakubovich, Pavel Izotovich)

ЯКУБОВIЧ, Павел Iзотавiч

ЯКУБОВИЧ, Павел Изотович

DOB: 23.09.1946

Member of the Upper House of the Parliament appointed by President Lukashenka, editor-in-Chief of the newspaper of the President's Administration and main propaganda newspaper ‧Sovietskaia Belarus‧.

He is one of the most vocal and influential members of the state propaganda machine in the printed press. He has supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, which are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information. He was particularly active in this regard after the crackdown on peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010 and on subsequent protests.


Iancheuski, Usevalad Viachaslavavich

(Yancheuski, Usevalad Vyachaslavavich)

Ianchevski, Vsevolod Viacheslavovich

(Yanchevski, Vsevolod Vyacheslavovich)

ЯНЧЭЎСКI, Усевалад Вячаслававiч

ЯНЧЕВСКИЙ, Всеволод Вячеславович

DOB: 22.04.1976, Borisov

Assistant to the President, Head of the Ideological Department of the President's Administration.

He is the main creator of the regime's ideology and state propaganda, which supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society. Democratic opposition and civil society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information.


Iarmoshyna, Lidziia Mikhailauna

(Yarmoshyna, Lidzia Mikhailauna; Yarmoshyna, Lidziya Mikhailauna)

Ermoshina, Lidiia Mikhailovna

(Yermoshina, Lidia Mikhailovna; Yermoshina, Lidiya Mikhailovna)

ЯРМОШIНА, Лiдзiя Мiхайлаўна

ЕРМОШИНА, Лидия Михайловна

DOB: 29.1.1953,

POB: Slutsk (Minsk Region)

Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission of Belarus. Since 1996, she has been one of the main persons participating in the falsifications of the fraudulent elections and referendum, in particular in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010.


Iaruta, Viktar Heorhevich

(Yaruta, Viktar Heorhevich)

Iaruta, Viktor Gueorguevich

(Yaruta, Viktor Gueorguevich)

ЯРУТА, Вiктар Георгiевiч

ЯРУТА, Виктор Георгиевич


Head of the KGB Board on State Communications. Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Iasianovich, Leanid Stanislavavich

(Yasianovich, Leanid Stanislavavich)

Iasenovich, Leonid Stanislavovich

(Yasenovich, Leonid Stanislavovich)

ЯСЯНОВIЧ, Леанiд Станiслававiч

ЯСЕНОВИЧ, Леонид Станиславович

DOB: 26.11.1961

POB: Buchani, Vitebsk district

Address: Ul. Gorovtsa 4-104, Minsk

Passport No.: MP0515811

Deputy President of the Minsk Central District Court. Former Judge of the Minsk Central District Court. On 6 August 2006, he sentenced the civil society activists of the Civic Initiative "Partnership" to jail for having monitored the Presidential elections in 2006. Nikolai Astreiko was sentenced to 2 years in jail, Timofei Dranchuk to 1 year, Aleksandr Shalaiko and Enira Bronitskaya to 6 months.

His way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Iauseev, Ihar Uladzimiravich

(Yauseev, Ihar Uladzimiravich; Yauseyev, Ihar Uladzimiravich)

Evseev, Igor Vladimirovich

(Yevseev, Igor Vladimirovich; Yevseyev, Igor Vladimirovich)

ЯЎСЕЕЎ, Irap Уладзiмiравiч

ЕВСЕЕВ, Игорь Владимирович

DOB: 1968

Head of the regional Vitebsk police. Former Deputy Head of Minsk Police and Head of the Minsk anti-riot (OMON) operation team. He commanded the troops that put down the peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010 and personally took part in the brutality, for which he received an award and an acknowledgement letter from President Lukashenka in February 2011. In 2011, he also commanded the troops that repressed several other protests by political activists and peaceful citizens in Minsk.


Ihnatovich-Mishneva, Liudmila

Ignatovich-Mishneva, Liudmila




Prosecutor of the City Court of Minsk dealing in 2011 with the dismissal of the appeal against the sentence of Dmitri Dashkevich and Eduard Lobov, activists of the Molodoi Front (Young Front). The trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Ipatau, Vadzim Dzmitryevich

Ipatov, Vadim Dmitrievich

IПAТAЎ, Вадзiм Дзмiтрыевiч

ИПАТОВ, Вадим Дмитриевич

DOB: 30.10.1964

POB: Ukraine

ID: 3301064A004PB5

Deputy Chairperson, Central Electoral Commission (CEC). As a Member of the CEC.he was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010.


Ivanou, Siarhei

Ivanov, Sergei

(Ivanov, Sergey)

IВАНОЎ, Сяргей

ИВАНОВ, Сергей


Deputy Head of Supply Division of the Ideological and Personnel Directorate of the Minsk Municipal Department of Interior. In February 2011, he received an award and an acknowledgement letter from President Lukashenka for his active participation and implementation of orders during the repression of the 19 December 2010 demonstrations.


Kachanau, Uladzimir Uladzimiravich

Kachanov, Vladimir Vladimirovich

КАЧАНАУ, Уладзiмiр Уладзiмiравiч

КАЧАНОВ, Владимир Владимирович


Aide/Advisor to the Minister of Justice. As the aide to the Minister of Justice, he was responsible or the role and the action of the Ministry of Justice and the judiciary of Belarus, by elaborating laws that are repressive towards civil society and the democratic opposition, supervising the work of the judges and prosecutors, denying or depriving registration for NGOs and political parties, taking decisions against lawyers who defend political prisoners, as well as deliberately ignoring the unlawful acts undertaken by the security services against the population.


Kadzin, Raman

Kadin, Roman


КАДИН, Роман


Commanding officer of Weaponry and Technical Supply of the Motorised Patrol Service.

In February 2011, he received an award and an acknowledgement letter from President Lukashenka for his active participation and implementation of orders during the repression of the 19 December 2010 demonstrations.


Kalach, Uladzimir Viktaravich

Kalach, Vladimir Viktorovich

КАЛАЧ, Уладзiмiр Вiктаравiч

КАЛАЧ, Владимир Викторович


Head of the KGB of the region and city of Minsk and former Deputy Head of the KGB for Minsk. Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB civil society and the democratic opposition in Minsk.


Kaliada, Aliaksandr Mikhailavich

Koleda, Aleksandr Mikhailovich

КАЛЯДА, Аляксандр Мiхайлавiч

КОЛЕДА, Александр Михайлович

DOB: 21.03.1958

ID: 3210358C033PB6

Member of the Central Election Committee and Chairman of the Regional Election Committee of the Brest region. As a Member of the Central Electoral Commission, he was esponsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections in 2006 and 2010 in the Brest region.


Kamarouskaya, Volha Paulauna

Komarovskaia, Olga Pavlovna

КАМАРОЎСКАЯ, Вольга Паvлаўна

КОМАРОВСКАЯ, Ольга Павловна


Judge of the City Court of Minsk. As associate judge, she dismissed the appeals against the sentences of former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, political and civil society activists Irina Khalip, Sergei Martselev, Pavel Severinets, Aleksandr Otroshchenkov, Dmitri Novik, Aleksandr Molchanov, Ilia Vasilevich, Fiodor Mirzayanov, Oleg Gnedchik, Vladimir Yeriomenok, Dmitri Doronin, Sergei Kazakov, Vladimir Loban, Vitali Matsukevich, Evgeni Sekret and Oleg Fedorkevich. These trials were a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Kamisarau, Valery Mikalayevich

Komissarov, Valeri Nikolaevich

KAMICAPAЎ, Валерый Мiкалаевiч

КОМИССАРОВ, Валерий Николаевич


Judge of the City Court of Minsk. As chief judge, he dismissed the appeals against the sentences of political and civil society activists Dmitri Dashkevich, Eduard Lobov, Aleksandr Otroshchenkov, Dmitri Novik, Aleksandr Molchanov. These trials were a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Kanapliou, Uladzimir Mikalaevich

Konoplev, Vladimir Nikolaevich

КАНАПЛЕЎ, Уладзiмiр Мiкалаевiч

КОНОПЛЕВ, Владимир Николаевич

DOB: 3.1.1954

POB: Akulintsi, Mohilev district

ID: 3030154A124PB9

Has close ties with President Lukashenka with whom he worked closely during the 1980s and mainly in 1990s. Former Chairman of the Lower House of the Parliament, appointed by the President. He was one of the main actors in the fraudulent presidential election in 2006.


Karovina, Natallia Uladzimirauna

(Karovina, Natallya Uladzimirauna)

Korovina, Natalia Vladimirovna

(Korovina, Natalya Vladimirovna)

КАРОВIНА, Наталля Уладзiмiраўна

КОРОВИНА, Наталья Владимировна


Judge of Frunzenski District Court of Minsk. In 2010-2011 she fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2011.06.30, Tsyareshchanka Uladzimir, 25 daily base units (875 000 BLR); b) 2011.06.30, Sytsko Stefan, 10 days in prison; c) 2011.06.30, Arapinovich Alyaksandr, 25 daily base units (875 000 BLR); d) 2011.06.30, Yukhnowski Dzyanis, 25 daily base units (875 000 BLR); e) 2011.06.30, Sarachuk Yulian, 25 daily base units (875 000 BLR); f) 2011.06.23, Shewtsow Syarhey,8 daily base units (280 000 BLR); g) 2010.12.20, Vashkevich Alyaksandr, 10 days in prison; h) 2010.12.20, Myadzvedz Lyeanid, 10 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Karpenka, Ihar Vasilievich

Karpenko, Igor Vasilievich

КАРПЕНКА, Iгар Васiльевiч

КАРПЕНКО, Игорь Васильевич

DOB: 28.4.1964

POB: Novokuznetsk, Russia

Head of the Regional Election Commission of Minsk City, former Member of the Lower Chamber of the Parliament, currently Deputy Mayor of Minsk. As Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was directly responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections, in particular in 2006 in Minsk City.


Kastsian, Siarhei Ivanavich

Kostian, Sergei Ivanovich

(Kostyan, Sergey Ivanovich)

КАСЦЯН, Сяргей Iванавiч

КОСТЯН, Сергей Иванович

DOB: 15.1.1941

POB: Usokhi, Mohilev district

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lower House. Important figure in the Lukashenka regime.


Katsuba, Sviatlana Piatrouna

Katsubo, Svetlana Petrovna

КАЦУБА, Святлана Пятроўна

КАЦУБО, Светлана Петровна


Member of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC). As a Member of the CEC, she was esponsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010.


Kavaliou, Aliaksandr Mikhailavich

Kovalev, Aleksandr Mikhailovich

КАВАЛЕЎ, Аляксандр Мiхайлавiч

КОВАЛЕВ, Александр Михайлович


Director of the prison camp in Gorki. He was responsible for the inhuman treatment of the detainees, especially for persecution and torturous treatment of civil society activist Dmitri Dashkevich, who was imprisoned in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Kazak, Viktar Uladzimiravich

Kazak, Viktor Vladimirovich

КАЗАК, Вiктар Уладзiмiравiч

КАЗАК, Виктор Владимирович


Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

He was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, he sentenced civil society activists Siarhei Arlou and Dzmitry Kresik to 12 days in jail, and Valeria Niadzvitskaya, Valiantsyna Busko and Hanna Dainiak to 10 days in jail.

On 27 December 2010, he sentenced the deputy leader of the "Young Front" to 10 days in jail for his participation in the demonstration on 19 December 2010.

On 4 and 7 July 2011, on 8 November 2011, and on 20 December 2011, he sentenced several activists (Viktoriya Bandarenka, 10 days in jail; Andrei Zakhareuski, 5 days in jail; Mikhail Muski, 7 days in jail; Raman Grytsevich, 7 days in jail).

The way he conducted the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Kazheunikau, Andrey

Kozhevnikov, Andrey




Public prosecutor of the case against ex-presidential candidates Vladimir Neklyaev, Vitaly Rimashevsky, members of Neklyaev's campaign team Andrei Dmitriev, Aleksandr Feduta and Sergei Vozniak, as well as Young Front deputy chairperson Anastasia Polozhanka. The accusation presented by him had a clear and imminent political motivation and it was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. It was based on an incorrect classification of the events of 19 December 2010, and not sustained by evidence, proof or testimonies of witnesses.


Kaziiatka, Iury Vasilievich

(Kaziatka, Yury Vasilievich; Kaziyatka, Yury Vasilievich)

Koziiatko, Iuri Vasilievich

(Koziatko, Yuri Vasilievich; Koziyatko, Yuri Vasilievich)

КАЗIЯТКА, Юрый Васiльевiч

КОЗИЯТКО, Юрий Васильевич

DOB: 1964, Brest

General Director of the public TV channel ‧Stolichnoe Televidenie‧, author and anchorman of the TV programme "The picture of the world". This programme is an instrument of state propaganda which supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society. Democratic opposition and civil society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information.

He was particularly active in this regard after the crackdown on peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010 and on subsequent protests.


Khadanovich, Aliaksandr Alyaksandrauvich

Khodanovich, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

ХАДАНОВIЧ, Аляксандр Аляксандравiч

ХOДАНОВИЧ, Александр Александрович


Judge at the Central District Court of the city of Minsk. He was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, he sentenced civil society activist Uladzimir Kozhych to 14 days in jail. On 31 January 2011, he sentenced civil society activist Maksim Viniarski to 10 days in jail for his participation in a demonstration in support of political prisoners. On 24 and 26 October 2011, he sentenced civil society activists Alyaksandr Valantsevich and Alyaksandr Saldatsenka to 7 days in jail. On 9 January 2012, he sentenced civil society activist Mikita Kavalenka to 15 days in jail for his participation in a 1-minute action in support of political prisoners. The way he conducted the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Kharyton, Aliaksandr

Khariton, Aleksandr

ХАРЫТОН, Аляксандр

ХАРИТОН, Александр


Senior Consultant of the Division of Social Organisations, Parties and NGOs of the Ministry of Justice. He has taken an active part in the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition since 2001, by personally refusingto register NGOs and political parties, which in many cases has lead to their abolition.


Khatkevich, Iauhen Viktaravich

(Khatkevich, Yauhen Viktaravich)

Khatkevich, Evgeni Viktorovich

(Khatkevich, Yevgeni Viktorovich)

ХАТКЕВIЧ, Яўген Вiктаравiч

ХАТКЕВИЧ, Евгений Викторович


Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

He was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20, 22 and 27 December 2010, he sentencedcivil society activists, Alyaksandra Suslava and Svitlana Pankavets, to 10 days in jail, Fedar Masliannikau and Mikhas Lebedz to 12 days in jail, and Zmitser Bandarchuk, Artsem Dubski and Mikhas Pashkevich to 15 days in jail. In 2011 and 2012, he sentenced other activists to terms ranging from 7 to 14 days in jail. His way of conducting the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Khmaruk, Siargei Konstantinovich

Khmaruk, Sergei Konstantinovich

(Khmaruk, Sergey Konstantinovich)

ХМАРУК, Сяргей Канстанцiнавiч

ХМАРУК, Сергей Константинович


Prosecutor of the District of Brest. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Khrobastau, Uladzimir Ivanavich

Khrobostov, Vladimir Ivanovich

ХРОБАСТАЎ, Уладзiмiр Iванавiч

ХРОБОСТОВ, Владимир Иванович


Judge of the City Court of Minsk. As associate judge, he dismissed the appeal against the sentence of the political activist Vasili Parfenkov. The trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. On 24 January 2012, he rejected the appeal of Ales Byalyatski against the sentence imposed on him by the Pervomaiski District Court of Minsk even though Byalyatski's trial was conducted in a way that was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Khrypach, Siarhei Fiodaravich

Khripach, Sergei Fiodorovich

ХРЫПАЧ, Сяргей Федаравiч

ХРИПАЧ, Сергей Федорович


Judge of the City Court of Minsk. As chief judge, he dismissed the appeals against the sentences of former presidential candidates Andrei Sannikov, Nikolai Statkevich, Dmitri Uss, Vladimir Nekliaev, political and civil society activists Andrei Dmitriev, Ilia Vasilevich, Fiodor Mirzayanov, Oleg Gnedchik, Vladimir Yeriomenok, Andrei Pozniak, Aleksandr Klaskovski, Aleksandr Kviatkevich, Artiom Gribkov, Dmitri Bulanov and ,as associate judge, Dmitri Dashkevich, Eduard Lobov, Aleksandr Otroshchenkov, Dmitri Novik, Aleksandr Molchanov. These trials were a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Khvainitskaya, Zhanna Anatolyeuna

(Khvainitskaia, Zhanna Anatolieuna)

Khvoinitskaya, Zhanna Anatolyevna

(Khvoinitskaia, Zhanna Anatolievna)

ХВАЙНIЦКАЯ, Жанна Анатольеўна

ХВОЙНИЦКАЯ, Жанна Анатольевна


Judge at Zavodskoi District Court of Minsk. She fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2010.12.20, Makarenka Adam, 6 days in prison; b) 2010.12.20, Bachyla Uladzimir, 30 daily base units (1 050 000 BLR); c) 2010.12.20, Kukalyew Syarhey,10 days in prison; d) 2010.12.20, Astafyew Alyaksandr,10 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Yazerski Raman,10 days in prison; f) 2010.12.20, Sapranyetskaya Darya,10 days in prison; g) 2010.12.20, Aheyeva Iryna,10 days in prison; h) 2010.12.20, Drahun Alyaksandr,10 days in prison; i) 2010.12.20, Shambalava Tatsyana,10 days in prison; j) 2010.12.20, Dzyemidzyuk Barys,10 daysin prison; k) 2010.12.20, Kassabuka Alyaksandr,10 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Kisialiou, Anatol Siamionavich

Kiselev, Anatoli Semenovich

(Kiselyov, Anatoli Semyonovich)

КИСЯЛЕЎ, Анатоль Сяменавiч

КИСЕЛЕВ, Анатолий Семенович


Head of the Regional Election Commission of the Brest region, Head of the pro-regime regional trade union organisation.

As Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010 in the Brest region.


Kisialiova, Nadzeia Mikalaeuna

(Kisyaliova, Nadzeya Mikalaeuna)

Kiseleva, Nadezhda Nikolaevna

КИСЯЛЕВА, Надзея Мiкалаеўна

КИСЕЛЕВА, Надежда Николаевна

ID: 4280558A069PB9

Has actively undermined democracy in Belarus. As a former Member of the Central Electoral Commission, she was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010.


Kochyk, Aliaksandr Vasilyevich

(Kochyk, Aliaksandr Vasilievich)

Kochik, Aleksandr Vasilyevich

(Kochik, Alexandr Vasilievich)

КОЧЫК, Аляксандр Васiльевiч

КОЧИК, Александр Васильевич


Judge at Partizanski District Court of Minsk. In 2010-2011 he fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2011.07.07, Revut Yawhen, 8 days in prison, b) 2011.07.04, Nikitsenka Katsyaryna, 5 days in prison; c) 2011.06.23, Kazak Zmitser, 28 daily base units (980 000 BLR); d) 2010.12.20, Dzyezidzenka Dzianis, 12 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Navumovich Syarhey, 14 days in prison, f) 2010.12.20, Kavalenka Wsevalad, 15 days in prison; g) 2010.12.20, Tsupa Dzyanis,15 days in prison; h) 2010.12.20, Makashyn Syarhey, 10 days in prison; i) 2010.12.20,Zhakhavets Illya, 10 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, he was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Kolas, Alena Piatrovna

Kolos, Elena Petrovna

(Kolos, Yelena Petrovna)

КОЛАС, Алена Пятроўна

КОЛОС, Елена Петровна


Deputy Director of the Information and Analytical Centre of the President's Administration. An important source and voice of state propaganda, which provokes, supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society. Democratic opposition and civil society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information.


Komar, Volha

Komar, Olga

КОМАР, Вольга

КОМАР, Ольга


Judge of the Frunzenski District of Minsk, dealing with the case of protestor, Vasili Parfenkov. Responsible for implementing the politically-motivated administrative and criminal sanctions against representatives of civil society.


Konan, Viktar Aliaksandravich

Konon, Viktor Aleksandrovich

КОНАН, Вiктар Аляксандравiч

КОНОН, Виктoр Александрович


Has actively undermined democracy in Belarus. In his former role of Deputy Prosecutor General, he was in charge and directly involved in all the intelligence activities carried out by the Prosecutor General's office against independent and opposition entities, including in 2010.


Kornau, Uladzimir Uladzimiravich

Kornov, Vladimir Vladimirovich

КОРНАЎ, Уладзiмiр Уладзiмiравiч

КОРНОВ, Владимир Владимирович


Judge at the City Court of Minsk who authorised the rejection of Byalyatski's appeal. Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Korzh, Ivan Aliakseevich

Korzh, Ivan Alekseevich

КОРЖ, Iван Аляксеевiч

КОРЖ, Иван Алексеевич


Head of the KGB of the District of Hrodna. Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition in the region of Hrodna


Kozik, Leanid Piatrovich

Kozik, Leonid Petrovich

КОЗIК, Леанiд Пятровiч

КОЗИК, Леонид Петрович

DOB: 13.7.1948

POB: Borisov

ID: 3130748A017PB8

Head of the Federation of Trade Unions. Former deputy Prime Minister and deputy Head of the President's Administration. Key figure and supporter of the regime. Responsible for the violations in the fraudulent creation of electoral committees, where the members of the pro-regime trade unions represent a major part, and the fraudulent designation of candidates, and for exerting pressure on workers to vote for the regime.


Krasheuski, Viktar

Krashevski, Viktor




Head of the GRU. Responsible for the work of the intelligence services in the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition.


Krasouskaya, Zinaida Uladzimirauna

(Krasouskaia, Zinaida Uladzimirauna)

Krasovskaya, Zinaida Vladimirovna

(Krasovskaia, Zinaida Vladimirovna)

КРАСОЎСКАЯ, Зiнаiда Уладзiмiраўна

КРАСОВСКАЯ, Зинаида Владимировна


Judge at Leninski District Court of Minsk. In 2010 she fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2010.12.20, Krawchuk Volha, 30 daily base units (1 050 000 BLR); b) 2010.12.20, Charukhina Hanna, 30 daily base units (1 050 000 BLR); c) 2010.12.20, Dubovik Alena, 15 days in prison; d) 2010.12.20, Boldzina Alena, 12 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Syrakvash Andrey, 15 days in prison; f) 2010.12.20, Klimko Nastassiya, 12 days in prison; g) 2010.12.20, Kuwshinaw Viktar, 15 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Krot, Ihar Uladzimiravich

Krot, Igor Vladimirovich

КРОТ, Iгар Уладзiмiравiч

КРОТ, Игорь Владимирович


Judge of the City Court of Minsk. As associate judge, he dismissed the appeal against the sentence of the political activist Vasili Parfenkov. The trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Krukouski, Viachaslau Iafimavich

(Krukouski, Vyachaslau Yafimavich)

Kriukovski, Viacheslav Iefimovich

(Kryukovski, Vyacheslav Yefimovich)

КРУКОЎСКI, Вячаслаў Яфiмавiч

КРЮКОВСКИЙ, Вячеслав Ефимович


Head of the Regional Election Commission of the Vitebsk region. As Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010 in the Vitebsk region.


Kryshtapovich, Leu Eustafievich

(Kryshtapovich, Leu Yeustafievich)

Krishtapovich, Lev Evstafievich

(Krishtapovich, Lev Yevstafievich)

КРЫШТАПОВIЧ, Леў Еўстафьевiч

КРИШТАПОВИЧ, Лев Евстафьевич


Deputy Director of the Information and Analytical Centre of the of the President's Administration.

An important source and voice of state propaganda, which supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society. Democratic opposition and civil society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information.


Kukharchyk, Piotr Dzmitryevich

Kukharchik, Piotr Dmitrievich

КУХАРЧЫК, Петр Дзмiтрыевiч

КУХАРЧИК, Петр Дмитриевич

DOB: 22.02.1945

ID: 3220345A033PB9

Rector of Minsk State Pedagogical University. Responsible for the expulsion of students involved in protests following the December 2010 elections.


Kuklis, Mikalai Ivanovich

Kuklis, Nikolai Ivanovich

КУКЛIС, Мiкалай Iванавiч

КУКЛИС, Николай Иванович


Deputy Prosecutor General. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Kuliashou, Anatol Nilavich

Kuleshov, Anatoli Nilovich

КУЛЯШОЎ, Анатоль Нiлавiч

КУЛЕШОВ, Анатолий Нилович

DOB: 25.07.1959

POB: Ali-Bairamly, Azerbaijan

ID: 3250759A066PB3

Has been actively involved in the repression of civil society in Belarus. In his former role as Minister of Interior he commanded the troops of the Ministry of Interior that brutally repressed the peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010 and showed some pride for this responsibility. Assigned to the army reserve forces in January 2012.


Kulik, Mikalai Mikalaevich

Kulik, Nikolai Nikolaievich

КУЛIК, Мiкалай Мiкалаевiч

КУЛИК, Николай Николаевич


Prosecutor of the City of Minsk until 31 July 2012. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Kupryianau, Mikalai Mikhailavich

Kupriianov, Nikolai Mikhailovich

(Kuprianov, Nikolai Mikhailovich; Kupriyanov, Nikolai Mikhailovich)

КУПРЫЯНАЎ, Мiкалай Мiхайлавiч

КУПРИЯНОВ, Николай Михайлович


One of the main actors of the crackdown and repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society between 2002 and 2008. Former Deputy Prosecutor General, a key role in the judicial system of the Lukashenka regime.


Kurlovich, Uladzimir Anatolievich

Kurlovich, Vladimir Anatolievich

КУРЛОВIЧ, Уладзiмiр Анатольевiч

КУРЛОВИЧ, Владимир Анатольевич


Has actively undermined democracy in Belarus. Former Сhairman of the Regional Electoral Commission of the Minsk region.

As Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was directly responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections, in particular in 2006 in the Minsk region.


Kuzniatsou, Ihar Nikonavich

Kuznetsov, Igor Nikonovivh

КУЗНЯЦОЎ, Irap Нiконaвiч

КУЗНЕЦОВ, Игорь Никонович


Head of KGB Training Centre, former Head of the KGB in the Minsk region and in Minsk city.

As the person responsible for preparing and training KGB staff, he was responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and the democratic opposition. In relation to his previous functions, he was responsible for the same repressive work of the KGB in Minsk city and in the region of Minsk.


Kuzniatsova, Natallia Anatolieuna

Kuznetsova, Natalia Anatolievna

(Kuznetsova, Natalya Anatolyevna)

КУЗНЯЦОВА, Наталля Анатольеўна

КУЗНЕЦОВА, Наталья Анатольевна

DOB: 1973, Minsk

Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activist, Anastasia Lazareva, to 10 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Lapko, Maksim Fiodaravich

Lapko, Maksim Fedorovich

(Lapko, Maxim Fyodorovich)

ЛАПКО, Maксiм Федаравiч

ЛАПКО, Максим Федорович


Judge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

He was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, he sentenced civil society activists Raman Scherbau and Vital Tratsiakou to 10 days in jail, Yuri Krylovich and Pavel Kavalenka to 15 days in jail, Youg Front activists Zmitser Kremenitski and Uladzimir Yaromenak respectively to 14 and 15 days in jail. In 2012, he sentenced other activists, particularly Young Front activists, to terms ranging from 10 to 15 days in jail. On 17 July 2012, he sentenced Raman Vasiliev and Uladzimir Yaromenak respectively to 12 and 15 days in jail. His way of conducting the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Lapo, Liudmila Ivanauna

(Lapo, Lyudmila Ivanauna; Lapo, Ludmila Ivanauna)

Lappo, Ludmila Ivanovna

(Lappo, Liudmila Ivanovna; Lappo, Lyudmila Ivanovna)

ЛАПО, Людмiла Iванаўна

ЛАППО, Людмила Ивановна


Judge at Frunzenski District Court of Minsk. In 2010-2011 she fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2011.07.07, Melyanets Mikalay, 10 days in prison; b) 2011.06.30, Shastseryk Uladzimir, 10 days in prison; c) 2011.06.30, Zyakaw Eryk, 10 days in prison; d) 2011.04.25, Grynman Nastassiya, 25 daily base units (875 000 BLR); e) 2010.12.20, Nikishyn Dzmitry,11 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Laptseva, Alena Viacheslavauna

Lapteva, Elena Viacheslavovna

(Lapteva, Yelena Vyacheslavovna)

ЛАПЦЕВА, Алена Вячаславаўна

ЛАПТЕВА, Елена Вячеславовна


Judge at the Zavodskoi Rayon Court of Minsk. She was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Raman Maksimenka, Yuras Shpak-Ryzhkou, Hanna Belskaya, Paval Sakolchik, Sviatlana Rubashkina, Uladzimir Parkalau and Tatsyana Vaikovih to 10 days in jail. The way she conducted the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Laptsionak, Ihar Mikalaevich

Laptionok, Igor Nikolaevich

ЛАПЦЕНАК, Irap Мiкалаевiч

ЛАПТЕНОК, Игорь Николаевич

DOB: 31.08.1947, Minsk

Responsible for organising and implementing the dissemination of falsified information through the state-controlled media. As former Deputy Minister of Information, he played a major role in promoting state propaganda which supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society. Democratic opposition and civil society have been systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified and untrue information.


Lashyn, Aliaksandr Mikhailavich

Lashin, Aleksandr Mikhailovich

ЛАШЫН, Аляксандр Мiхайлавiч

ЛАШИН, Александр Михайлович


Deputy Prosecutor General, responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Lazavik, Mikalai Ivanavich

Lozovik, Nikolai Ivanovich

ЛАЗАВIК, Мiкалай Iванавiч

ЛОЗОВИК, Николай Иванович

DOB: 18.01.1951

Nevinyany, Minsk region

(Невинянн Вилейского р-на Минской обл)

ID: 3180151H004PB2

Secretary of the Central Election Commission of Belarus.

Since 2000 he has been one of the main actors involved in the falsifications in fraudulent elections and referenda, in particular in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010.


Lemiashonak, Anatol Ivanavich

Lemeshenok, Anatoli Ivanovich

ЛЕМЯШОНАК, Анатоль Iванавiч

ЛЕМЕШЕНОК, Анатолий Иванович

DOB: 14.05.1947

Editor-in-Chief of ‧Republika‧, newspaper of the Council of Ministers. In his position he is one of the most vocal and influential members of the state propaganda machine in the printed press. He has supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, which are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information, particularly after the Presidential elections in 2010.


Liabedzik, Mikhail Piatrovich

Lebedik, Mikhail Petrovich

ЛЯБЕДЗIК, Мiхаiл Пятровiч

ЛЕБЕДИК, Михаил Петрович


First Deputy Editor of the newspaper of the President's Administration and main propaganda newspaper ‧Sovietskaia Belarus‧. Source of pro-governmental policy, falsifying facts and making unfair comments on the ongoing processes in Belarus against the democratic opposition and civil society, which have been systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way, in particular after the Presidential elections in 2010.


Liaskouski, Ivan Anatolievich

Leskovski, Ivan Anatolievich

ЛЯСКОЎСКI, Iван Анатольевiч

ЛЕСКОВСКИЙ, Иван Анатольевич


Head of the KGB for Homel and former Deputy Head of the KGB for Homel. Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition in the region of Homel.


Liushtyk, Siarhei Anatolievich

(Lyushtyk, Siarhey Anatolyevich)

Liushtyk, Sergei Anatolievich

(Lyushtyk, Sergey Anatolyevich)

ЛЮШТЫК, Сяргей Анатольевiч

ЛЮШТЫК, Сергей Анатольевич


Judge at Pervomaiski District Court of Minsk. In 2010-2011 he fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2011.07.14, Struy Vitali, 10 daily base units (35 000 BLR); b) 2011.07.04, Shalamitski Paval, 10 days in prison; c) 2010.12.20, Sikirytskaya Tatsyana, 10 days in prison; d) 2010.12.20, Dranchuk Yuliya, 13 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Lapko Mikalay, 12 days in prison; f) 2010.12.20, Pramatoraw Vadzim,12 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, he was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Lomats, Zianon Kuzmich

Lomat, Zenon Kuzmich

ЛОМАЦЬ, Зянон Кузьмiч

ЛОМАТЬ, Зенон Кузьмич

DOB: 1944, Karabani

Has actively undermined democracy in Belarus. In his former role as President of the State Control Committee he was one of the main persons involved in the case of Ales Byalyatski, one of the most prominent human rights defenders, Chief of the Belarusian Human Rights Centre ‧Vyasna‧, Vice President of FIDH. A. Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Luchyna, Leanid Aliaksandravich

Luchina, Leonid Aleksandrovich

ЛУЧЫНА, Леанiд Аляксандравiч

ЛУЧИНА, Леонид Александрович

DOB: 18.11.1947

POB: Pristupovschina, Minsk region

(д. Приступовщина Дзержинского р-на Минской обл)

Has actively undermined democracy in Belarus. Former Сhairman of the Regional Electoral Commission of the Hrodna district.

As Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was directly responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections, in particular in 2006 in the Hrodna region.


Lukashenka, Aliaksandr Ryhoravich

Lukashenko, Aleksandr Grigorievich

ЛУКАШЭНКА, Аляксандр Pыгopaвiч

ЛУКАШЕНКО, Александр Григорьевич

DOB: 30.8.1954

POB: Kopys, Vitebsk district

President of the Republic of Belarus.


Lukashenka, Dzmitry Aliaksandravich

Lukashenko, Dmitri Aleksandrovich

ЛУКАШЭНКА, Дзмiтрый Аляксандравiч

ЛУКАШЕНКО, Дмитрий Александрович

DOB: 23.03.1980

Businessman, with active participation in financial operations involving the Lukashenka family.


Lukashenka, Viktar Aliaksandravich

Lukashenko, Viktor Aleksandrovich

ЛУКАШЭНКА, Biктap Аляксандравiч

ЛУКАШЕНКО, Виктор Александрович

DOB: 28.11.1975

Assistant/Aid to the President in National Security Affairs.

As one of the closest collaborators of his father, he has played a key role in the repressive measures implemented against the democratic opposition and civil society. As a key member of the State Security Council, he was responsible for the coordination of repressive measures against the democratic opposition and civil society, in particular in the crackdown of the demonstration on 19 December 2010.


Lukomski, Aliaksandr Valiantsinavich

Lukomski, Aleksandr Valentinovich

ЛУКОМСКI, Аляксандр Валянцiнавiч

ЛУКОМСКИЙ, Александр Валентинович

DOB: 12.08.1971

ID: 3120871A074PB7

Commander of the Special Regiment of the Ministry of Interior of the City of Minsk.

He commanded the troops that repressed a peaceful demonstration on 19 December 2010, for which he received an award and an acknowledgement letter from President Lukashenka in February 2011. In June 2011, he also commanded troops that repressed peaceful citizens in Minsk.


Lutau, Dzmitry Mikhailavich

Lutov, Dmitri Mikhailovich

(Lutov, Dmitry Mikhailovich)

ЛУТАЎ, Дзмiтрый Мiхайлавiч

ЛУТОВ, Дмитрий Михайлович


Prosecutor in the trial of Syarhei Kavalenka who was sentenced to two years and one month in prison for violation of probation. Syarhei Kavalenka was previously given a suspended sentence for hanging out a white-red-white flag, a symbol of the opposition movement, on a Christmas tree in Vitsebsk. The subsequent sentence given by the judge in the case was disproportionately harsh given the nature of the crime and not in line with the criminal code of Belarus. Lutau's actions constituted a direct violation of the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Makei, Uladzimir Uladzimiravich

(Makey, Uladzimir Uladzimiravich)

Makei, Vladimir Vladimirovich

(Makey, Vladimir Vladimirovich)

МАКЕЙ, Уладзiмiр Уладзiмiравiч

МАКЕЙ, Владимир Владимирович

DOB: 5.08.1958,

Hrodna region

ID: 3050858A060PB5

Minister for Foreign Affairs, former Head of the President's Administration.

As Head of the President's Administration, he was considered to be the second most powerful person in the regime and, as such, was responsible for organising fraudulent elections in 2008 and 2010 and for the subsequent repression of peaceful demonstrators.


Maladtsova, Tatsiana

Molodtsova, Tatiana




Prosecutor of the Frunzenski District of Minsk, dealing with the case of Aleksandr Otroshchenkov, Aleksandr Molchanov and Dmitri Novik. Responsible for implementing the politically-motivated administrative and criminal sanctions against representatives of civil society.


Maltsau, Leanid Siamionavich

Maltsev, Leonid Semenovich

МАЛЬЦАЎ, Леанiд Сяменавiч

МАЛЬЦЕВ, Леонид Семенович

DOB: 29.08.1949,

Vetenevka, Slonim rayon, Hrodna Region

(д. Ветеньевка, Слонимского района, Гродненской области)

ID: 3290849A002PB5

Secretary of the Security Council.

Responsible for all state security services. He planned and ordered the repression of peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010.


Maslakou, Valery Anatolievich

Maslakov, Valeri Anatolievich

МАСЛАКОЎ, Валерый Анатольевiч

МАСЛАКОВ, Валерий Анатольевич


Head of the KGB Board of Intelligence. Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and the democratic opposition.


Mazouka, Anzhalika Mikhailauna

Mazovko, Anzhelika Mikhailovna

(Mazovka, Anzhelika Mikhailovna)

МАЗОЎКА, Анжалiка Мiхайлаўна

МАЗОВКO, Анжелика Михайловна

(МАЗОВКA, Анжелика Михайловна)


Judge at Sovetski District Court of Minsk. In 2010-2011 she fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2011.07.14, Bussel Alyaksandr, 10 days in prison; b) 2011.07.14, Krukowski Syarhey, 8 days in prison; c) 2011.07.14, Kantsin Yahor, 10 days in prison; d) 2011.07.07, Sukhanossik Vyachaslaw, 8 days in prison; e) 2010.12.21, Nyanakhaw Andrey, 15 days in prison; f) 2010.12.20, Myslivets Ihar, 15 days in prison; g) 2010.12.20, Vilkin Alyaksey, 12 days in prison; h) 2010.12.20, Kharitonaw Paval, 12 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Mazouka, Kiryl Viktaravich

Mazovka, Kirill Viktorovich

МАЗОЎКА, Кiрыл Biктapaвiч

МАЗОВКА, Кирилл Викторович


Prosecutor of the Dashkevich-Lobov case. Dmitri Dashkevich and Eduard Lobov, activists of the Molodoi Front (Young Front), were sentenced to several years of imprisonment for ‧hooliganism‧. The motivation behind their imprisonment was that both actively participated in the electoral campaign in December 2010 supporting one of the candidates of the opposition.


Merkul, Natallia Viktarauna

Merkul, Natalia Viktorovna

(Merkul, Natalya Viktorovna

МЕРКУЛЬ, Наталля Biктapaўнa

МЕРКУЛЬ, Наталья Викторовна

DOB: 13.11.1964

Director of the Secondary School in Talkov City, Pukhovichi District. On 27 January 2011, she sacked Natalia Ilinich, a highly regarded teacher of the secondary school for her political views and for her participation at the 19 December 2010 events.


Miatselitsa, Mikalai Tsimafeevich

Metelitsa, Nikolai Timofeevich

МЯЦЕЛIЦА, Мiкалай Цiмафеевiч

МЕТЕЛИЦА, Николай Тимофеевич


Has actively undermined democracy in Belarus. Former Сhairman of the Regional Electoral Commission of the Mohilev district. As Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was directly responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections, in particular in 2006 in the Mohilev region.


Mihun, Andrei Arkadzevich

(Mihun, Andrey Arkadzevich)

Migun, Andrei Arkadievich

(Migun, Andrey Arkadievich)

MIГYH, Андрэй Аркадзевiч

МИГУН, Андрей Аркадевич

DOB: 5.2.1978

POB: Minsk

Address: Ul. Goretskovo Maksima 53-16, Minsk

Passport No.: MP1313262

Public Prosecutor.

In 2006, he dealt with the case of the Civic Initiative "Partnership" for monitoring the Presidential elections in 2006. The accusation presented by him against Nikolai Astreiko, Timofei Dranchuk, Aleksandr Shalaiko and Enira Bronitskaya was politically motivated and included clear violations of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Mikhalchanka, Aliaksei

Mikhalchenko, Aleksei

(Mikhalchenko, Alexey)



DOB: 1973

Journalist of the state TV channel ONT with an influential position. He is the anchorman of the TV programme "That is how it is". This programme is an instrument of state propaganda on TV, which supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society. The opposition and civil society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information He was particularly active in this regard after the crackdown on peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010 and on subsequent protests.


Mikhasiou, Uladzimir Ilich

Mikhasev, Vladimir Ilich

MIXACËЎ, Уладзiмiр Iльiч

МИХАСЕВ, Владимир Ильич

DOB: 14.10.1949

POB: Sosnovka, Shklov rayon, Mohilev district

(д. Сосновка Шкловского района Могилевской области)

Has actively undermined democracy in Belarus. Former Сhairman of the Regional Election Committee of the Homel region, former Member of the Lower Chamber of the Parliament. As Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was directly responsible for the violations of international electoral standards, in particular in the Presidential elections in 2006 in the Homel region.


Miklashevich, Piotr Piatrovich

Miklashevich, Petr Petrovich

МIКЛАШЭВIЧ, Пётр Пятровiч

МИКЛАШЕВИЧ, Петр Петрович

DOB: 18.10.1954

POB: Kosuta, Minsk region

Head of the Constitutional Court and former Prosecutor General who has been active in the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition. In his previous capacity, he was one of the main persons involved in the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society from 2004 to 2008. Since his appointment to the Constitutional Court in 2008, he has faithfully implemented the repressive policies of the regime and has validated repressive laws even when they violated the constitution.


Mitrakhovich, Iryna Aliakseeuna

Mitrakhovich, Irina Alekseevna

MITPAXOBIЧ, Ipынa Аляксееўна

МИТРАХОВИЧ, Ирина Алексеевна


Judge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Aleh Yastrutseu and Mark Metsialkou to 15 days in jail. On 7 July 2011, she sentenced civil society activists Eduard Baida and Andrei Ratsolka to 10 days in jail, and Artsem Starykau to 12 days in jail for taking part in a silent protest. Her way of conducting the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Morozau, Viktar Mikalaevich

Morozov, Viktor Nikolaevich

МАРОЗАЎ, Biктap Мiкалаевiч

МОРОЗОВ, Виктор Николаевич


Prosecutor of the region of Hrodna. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Motyl, Tatsiana Iaraslavauna

(Motyl, Tatsiana Yaraslavauna)

Motyl, Tatiana Iaroslavovna

(Motyl, Tatyana Yaroslavovna)

МОТЫЛЬ, Таццяна Яраславаўна

МОТЫЛЬ, Татьяна Ярославовна


Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 10 January 2011, she sentenced Young Front activist, Yulian Misiukevich, to 12 days in jail and, on 21 January 2011 and 31 January 2011 respectively, she sentenced political activist, Usevalad Shasharin, and civil society activist, Tsimafei Atranschankau, each to 9 days in jail.

She also sentenced on 27 December 2010 and 20 January 2011 respectively human rights defender, Mikhail Matskevich, to 10 days in jail and civil society activist, Valer Siadou, to 12 days in jail for their participation in an action in support of political prisoners.

She was also directly involved in the judicial repression of civil society activist activists in 2011. On 4 and 7 July 2011, she sentenced Anton Glinisty and Andrei Ignatchyk to 10 days in jail. She has also been directly involved in the judicial repression of political activists in 2012.

On 22 February 2012, she sentenced the prominent political activist, Pavel Vinagradau, to 10 days in jail, on whom she also imposed, on 10 April 2012, a preventive police supervision for two years. On 23 March 2012, she sentenced political activists Mikhas Kostka and Anastasia Shuleika of "Revolution through social networks" to 5 days in jail.

On 21 April 2012, she sentenced the latter again to 10 days in jail. On 24, 25 and 26 May 2012, she sentenced Young Front activists, Uladzimir Yaromenak, Zmitser Kremenetski and Raman Vasiliev to 10, 10 and 12 days in jail respectively. On 22 June 2012, she sentenced the Euroradio journalist, Paval Sverdlou, to 15 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Navumau, Uladzimir Uladzimiravich

Naumov, Vladimir Vladimirovich

НАВУМАЎ, Уладзiмiр Уладзiмiравiч

НАУМОВ, Владимир Владимирович

DOB: 7.2.1956,

POB: Smolensk (Russia)

Failed to take action to investigate the case of the unresolved disappearances of Yuri Zakharenko, Viktor Gonchar, Anatoly Krasovski and Dmitri Zavadski in Belarus in 1999-2000. Former Minister of Interior and also former Head of the President's Security Service.


Nazaranka, Vasil Andreyevich

Nazarenko, Vasili Andreevich

НАЗАРАНКА, Васiль Андрэевiч

НАЗАРЕНКО, Василий Андреевич


Judge of the City Court of Minsk. As chief judge, he dismissed the appeals against the sentences of political and civil society activists Vasili Parfenkov and as associate judge, Dmitri Dashkevich, Eduard Lobov. These trials were a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Niakrasava, Alena Tsimafeeuna

Nekrasova, Elena Timofeevna

(Nekrasova, Yelena Timofeyevna)

НЯКРАСАВА, Алена Цiмафееўна

НЕКРАСОВА, Елена Тимофеевна


Judge at the Zavodskoi Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Tatsyana Grechanikava, Alyaksandr Baranou, Yevhen Tsarykau, Maryna Paulouskaya, and Andrei Zialiony to 15 days in jail. On 4 and 7 July 2011, and on 6 October 2011, she sentenced several activists (Katsiarina Davydzik, 10 days in jail; Yauguenia Kamarova, 10 days in jail; Aleh Bazhok, 10 days in jail; Yan Melnikau, 5 days in jail). The way she conducted the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Niavyhlas, Henadz Mikalaevich

Nevyglas, Gennadi Nikolaevich

НЯВЫГЛАС, Генадзь Мiкалаевiч

НЕВЫГЛАС, Геннадий Николаевич

DOB: 11.2.1954

POB: Parahonsk, Pinsk district

ID: 3110254A014PB5

Deputy Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation and former Head of the President's Security Service, former Head of the National Security Council, former Head of the President's Administration, As Head of the President's Administration, he was directly responsible for organising fraudulent elections in 2006 and in the subsequent repression of peaceful demonstrators.


Orda, Mikhail Siarheevich

Orda, Mikhail Sergeievich

ОРДА, Мiхаiл Сяргеевiч

ОРДА, Михаил Сергеевич

DOB: 28.9.1966

POB: Diatlovo, Hrodna region,

(Дятлово Гродненской Области)

ID: 3280966A011PB2

Has actively undermined democracy in Belarus. Former Member of the Upper House and a former leader of BRSM (Belarusian youth union). In particular, in the latter position, he was the main organiser behind actions by BRSM activists against peaceful demonstrators protesting against the fraudulent Presidential elections in 2006.


Padabed, Iury Mikalaevich

(Padabed, Yury Mikalaevich)

Podobed, Iuri Nikolaevich

(Podobed, Yuri Nikolaevich)

ПАДАБЕД, Юрый Мiкалаевiч

ПОДОБЕД, Юрий Николаевич

DOB: 5.3.1962,

POB: Slutsk (Minsk Region)

Head of the security service of the holding company Triple of Yuri Chizh, former Head of the Unit for Special Purposes, Ministry of Interior. As a commander of internal anti-riot troops he was directly responsible for and was directly involved in the violent repression of peaceful demonstrations, notably in 2004 and 2008.


Padaliak, Eduard Vasilievich

(Padalyak, Eduard Vasilyevich)

Podoliak, Eduard Vasilievich

(Podolyak, Eduard Vasilyevich)

ПАДАЛЯК, Эдуард Васiльевiч

ПОДОЛЯК, Эдуард Васильевич


Has actively undermined democracy in Belarus. As a former Member of the Central Electoral Commission, he was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010.


Padhaiski, Henadz Danatavich

Podgaiski, Gennadi Donatovich

ПАДГАЙСКI, Генадзь Данатавiч

ПОДГАЙСКИЙ, Геннадий Донатович


Director of Minsk State Polytechnic College. Responsible for the expulsion of students involved in protests following the December 2010 elections.


Paluyan, Uladzimir Mikalaevich

(Paluian, Uladzimir Mikalaevich)

Poluyan, Vladimir Nikolaevich

(Poluyan, Vladimir Nikolaevich)

ПАЛУЯН, Уладзiмiр Мiкалаевiч

ПОЛУЯН, Владимир Николаевич

DOB: 1961,

Village Nekrashevichi of Karelichi district of Hrodna region

Minister of Taxes and Duties. Supervises tax authorities that support the criminal case against Byalyatski using the pretext of tax evasion. Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Paulichenka, Dzmitry Valerievich

Pavlichenko, Dmitri Valerievich

(Pavlichenko, Dmitriy Valeriyevich)

ПАЎЛIЧЭНКА, Дзмiтрый Валер'евiч

ПАВЛИЧЕНКО, Дмитрий Валериевич

DOB: 1966,

POB: Vitebsk

Key person in the unresolved disappearances of Yuri Zakharenko, Viktor Gonchar, Anatoly Krasovski and Dmitri Zavadski in Belarus in 1999-2000. Head of "Honour", the Ministry of Interior's Association of the veterans from special forces from the Ministry of Interior, former Head of the Special Response Group at the ministry of Interior (SOBR).


Peftsieu, Uladzimir Paulavich

(Peftsiyeu, Uladzimir Paulavich)

Peftiev, Vladimir Pavlovich

(Peftiyev, Vladimir Pavlovich)

ПЕФЦIЕЎ, Уладзiмiр Паулавiч

ПЕФТИЕВ, Владимир Павлович

DOB: 1 July 1957,

Berdyansk, Zaporozhskaya Oblast, Ukraine;

Present passport No.: MP2405942

Person associated with President Lukashenka, Viktar Lukashenka and Dzmitry Lukashenka. Provides economic advice to President Lukashenka and is a key financial sponsor of the Lukashenka regime through his business interests which include Sport Pari, BT Telecommunications and the Spirit and Vodka Company Aquadiv.


Piakarski, Aleh Anatolievich

Pekarski, Oleg Anatolievich

ПЯКАРСКI, Алег Анатольевiч

ПЕКАРСКИЙ, Олег Анатольевич

ID: 3130564A041PB9

Has been actively involved in the repression of civil society in Belarus. As former first Deputy Minister of Interior, he was responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Piatkevich, Natallia Uladzimirauna

Petkevich, Natalia Vladimirovna

(Petkevich, Natalya Vladimirovna)

ПЯТКЕВIЧ, Наталля Уладзiмiраўна

ПЕТКЕВИЧ, Наталья Владимировна

DOB: 24.10.1972

POB: Minsk

ID: 4241072A012PB1

Assistant to the President and former Deputy Head of the President's Administration. In her previous capacity, she was in charge of legal and justice issues in the President's Administration and was directly responsible for organising the fraudulent elections in 2006 and 2010.


Poludzen, Iauhen Iauhenavich

(Paludzen, Yauhen Yauhenavich

Poluden, Evgeni Evgenievich

(Poluden, Yevgeni Yevgenyevich)

ПОЛУДЗЕНЬ, Яўген Яўгенавiч

(ПАЛУДЗЕНЬ, Яўген Яўгенавiч)

ПОЛУДЕНЬ, Евгений Евгеньевич

DOB: 30.01.1962

ID: 3300162A006PB3

Former Deputy Minister of Interior and Head of the militia. Under his command, militia forces brutally repressed the peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010.


Prakopau, Yury Viktaravich

(Prakopau, Iury Viktaravich)

Prokopov, Iuri Viktorovich

(Prokopov, Yuri Viktorovich)

ПРАКОПАЎ, Юрый Вiктаравiч

ПРОКОПОВ, Юрий Викторович

POB: 07.10.1978

ID: 3071078A031PB4

Journalist of the state TV channel ‧Pervi‧ (№ 1) with a senior and influential position. He is the anchorman of the TV programme "In the centre of attention".

This programme is an instrument of state propaganda on TV, which supports and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society. The opposition and civil society are systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using extensive falsified information. He was particularly active in this regard after the crackdown on peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010 and on subsequent protests.


Praliaskouski, Aleh Vitoldavich

Proleskovski, Oleg Vitoldovich

(Proleskovsky, Oleg Vitoldovich)

ПРАЛЯСКОЎСКI, Алег Вiтольдавiч

ПРОЛЕСКОВСКИЙ, Олег Витольдович

DOB: 1.10.1963

POB: Zagorsk

(Sergijev Posad/ Russia)

Minister of Information, former Deputy Head of the President's Administration, former Head of the General Directorate for Ideology in the President's Administration, former Director of the Centre of Analysis and Information of the President's Administration.

He has been one of the main sources and voices of state propaganda and ideological support for the regime. He has been promoted to the position of Minister, and has since continued to be a vocal propagandist and supporter of the acts of the regime towards the democratic opposition and civil society.


Pratasavitskaia, Natallia Uladzimirauna

Protosovitskaia, Natalia Vladimirovna

(Protosovitskaya, Natalia Vladimirovna; Protosovitskaya, Natalya Vladimirovna)

ПРАТАСАВIЦКАЯ, Наталля Уладзiмiраўна

ПРОТОСОВИЦКАЯ, Наталья Владимировна


Judge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of Minsk. She was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Siarhei Sheuchenka, Katsiaryna Sliadzeuskaya and Aliaksandra Chemisava to 10 days in jail, and Yauhen Mironau, Ihar Matsuta, Illya Laptseu, Mikhail Korzun and Vital Murashkevich to 15 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Putsyla, Uladzimir Ryhoravich

(Putsila, Uladzimir Ryhoravich)

Putsilo, Vladimir Grigorievich

(Putsilo, Vladimir Grigoryevich)

ПУЦЫЛА, Уладзiмiр Рыгоравiч

(ПУЦIЛА, Уладзiмiр Рыгоравiч)

ПУЦИЛО, Владимир Григорьевич


Chairman of the City Court of Minsk as last resort supervising the verdicts (delivered by the court of the first instance and confirmed by the court of appeal) in the case of internationally-recognised political prisoner Pavel Severinets (the co-chairman of the organising committee to create the Belarusian Christian Democracy party and the campaign's manager for 2010 presidential candidate Vital Rymashevski) and in the case of former political prisoner Aleksandr Otroshchenkov (press secretary of the 2010 presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov). He denied the judicial plaint against these verdicts, clearly violating the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Pykina, Natallia Mikhailauna

Pykina, Natalia Mikhailauna

Pikina, Natalia Mikhailovna

(Pykina, Natalya Mikhailovna)

ПЫКIНА, Наталля Мiхайлаўна

ПЫКИНА, Наталья Михайловна

DOB: 20.4.1971.

POB: Rakov

Responsible for implementing the politically-motivated administrative and criminal sanctions against representatives of civil society. Judge of the Partizanski District Court dealing with Likhovid's case. She sentenced Mr. Likhovid, an activist of ‧The Movement for Freedom‧, to three-and-a-half years in prison.


Radzkou, Aliaksandr Mikhailavich

Radkov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich

РАДЗЬКОЎ, Аляксандр Мiхайлавiч

РАДЬКОВ, Александр Михайлович

DOB: 1.7.1951

POB: Botnia, Mohilev region

ID: 3010751M102PB0

First Deputy Head of the President's Administration, former Minister of Education.

He closed down the European Humanity University, ordered the repression of opposition students, and organised students in order to force them to vote for the regime. He played an active role in organising fraudulent elections in 2008, 2010 and 2012, and in the subsequent repression of peaceful demonstrators in 2008 and 2010. He is very close to President Lukashenka. He is the Head of Belaya Rus, the main ideological and political organisation of the regime.


Rakhmanava, Maryna Iurievna

Rakhmanova, Marina Iurievna

РАХМАНАВА, Марына Юр'еуна

РАХМАНОВА, Марина Юрьевна


Member of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC). As a Member of the Central Electoral Commission, she was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010.


Ravinskaia, Tatsiana Uladzimirauna

(Ravinskaya, Tatsiana Uladzimirauna)

Revinskaia, Tatiana Vladimirovna

(Revinskaya, Tatiana Vladimirovna; Revinskaya, Tatyana Vladimirovna)

РАВIНСКАЯ, Таццяна Уладзiмiраўна

РЕВИНСКАЯ, Татьяна Владимировна


Judge at the Pervomayski District Court of the city of Minsk.

On 27 April 2011, she sentenced the politician Dmitri Bandarenka, coordinator of the civic campaign "European Belarus" of the former presidential candidate A. Sannikau to 2 years in jail. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Ravutskaia, Nadzeia Zalauna

(Ravutskaya, Nadzeya Zalauna)

Reutskaia, Nadezhda Zalovna

(Reutskaya, Nadezhda Zalovna)

РАВУЦКАЯ, Надзея Залаўна

РЕУТСКАЯ, Надежда Заловна


Judge of the Moscow district of Minsk. Responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition. The way she has implemented her role has contributed to the creation of an atmosphere of fear within society, in particularin relation to the 2006 elections.


Reliava, Aksana Anatolyeuna

(Raliava Aksana Anatolyeuna)

Relyava, Aksana Anatolieuna

РЭЛЯВА, Аксана Анатольеўна

(РAЛЯВА, Аксана Анатольеўна)

РЕЛЯВО, Оксана Анатольевна


Judge at Sovetski District Court of Minsk. In 2010-2011 she fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2011.06.23, Khalyezin Yuri, 20 daily base units (700 000 BLR); b) 2011.06.23, Rutski Alyaksandr, 20 daily base units (700 000 BLR); c) 2011.03.28, Ivashkevich Viktar, 10 days in prison; d) 2010.12.21, Asmanaw Arsen,15 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Kudlayew Alyaksandr, 30 daily base units; f) 2010.12.20, Tryputsin Vitaut, 15 days in prison; g) 2010.12.20, Assipenka Andrey, 15 days in prison; h) 2010.12.20, Ardabatski Dzyanis, 15 days in prison; i) 2010.12.20, Kazlowski Andrey, 15 days in prison and 1 050 000 BLR. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Rubinau, Anatol Mikalaevich

Rubinov, Anatoli Nikolaevich

PYБIНAЎ, Анатоль Мiкалаевiч

РУБИНОВ, Анатолий Николаевич

DOB: 15.4.1939


Chairman of the Upper House of Parliament, former Deputy Head in charge of Media and Ideology of the President's Administration (2006-2008). In that position, he was one of the main sources and voices of state propaganda and ideological support for the regime.


Rusak, Viktar Uladzimiravich

Rusak, Viktor Vladimirovich

РУСАК, Вiктар Уладзiмiравiч

РУСАК, Виктор Владимирович

DOB: 07.02.1955

ID: 3070255A000PB6

Head of the KGB Board on Economic Security.

Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Rusakevich, Uladzimir Vasilievich

Rusakevich, Vladimir Vasilievich

РУСАКЕВIЧ, Уладзiмiр Васiльевiч

РУСАКЕВИЧ, Владимир Васильевич

DOB: 13.9.1947

POB: Vygonoshchi, Brest district

Has actively undermined democracy in Belarus. As a former Minister of Information, he was the main person responsible for the pressure and repression of the independent media and journalists between 2003 and 2009.


Rybakou, Aliaksei Vasilievich

(Rybakov, Aliaksey Vasilievich)

Rybakov, Aleksei Vasilievich

(Rybakov, Alexey Vasilievich)

РЫБАКОЎ, Аляксей Васiльевiч

РЫБАКОВ, Алексей Васильевич

DOB: 31.07.1966

Address: Ul. Yesenina 31-1-104, Minsk

Passport No.: MP2937413

Judge of the Supreme Court. A former judge in the Minsk Moskovski District Court and currently judge of the Supreme Court. He sentenced the former presidential candidate, Alyaksandr Kazulin, to five-and-a-half years in jail for organising protests in March 2006 against the fraudulent elections.

The way he conducted the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Saikouski, Valeri Yosifavich

Saikovski, Valeri Yosifovich

САЙКОЎСКI, Валерый Iосiфавiч

САЙКОВСКИЙ, Валерий Иосифович

Address: Department of law of administration of Pervomaysky district

Chornogo K. 5 office 417

Tel.: +375 17 2800264

Appointed Deputy Head of Minsk Division of the Investigation Committee in January 2012. As Public Prosecutor of the Pervomaiski District Court of Minsk, he dealt with the trial of Ales Byalyatski, one of the most prominent human rights defenders, Chief of the Belarusian HR Centre ‧Vyasna‧, Vice President of FIDH. The accusation presented by the prosecutor in the trial had a clear and imminent political motivation and was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Samaliuk, Hanna Valerieuna

Samoliuk, Anna Valerievna

(Samolyuk, Anna Valeryevna)

САМАЛЮК, Ганна Валер'еўна

САМОЛЮК, Анна Валерьевна


Former Judge at the Frunzenski District Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activist Alyaksandr Stsiashenka to 10 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Sanko, Ivan Ivanavich

Sanko, Ivan Ivanovich

САНЬКО, Iван Iванавiч

САНЬКО, Иван Иванович


Major, senior investigator of the KGB. He conducted investigations which included the use of falsified evidence against opposition activists in the KGB detention centre in Minsk after the crackdown on the post-election protest demonstration in Minsk on December 19th, 2010. His actions constituted a clear violation of the human rights by denying the right to a fair trial and the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Sauko, Valery Iosifavich

Savko, Valeri Iosifovich

САЎКО, Валерый Iосiфавiч

САВКО, Валерий Иосифович


Head of Regional Election Commission (REC), Hrodna Region. As Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010 in the Hrodna region.


Shadryna, Hanna Stanislavauna

Shadrina, Anna Stanislavovna

ШАДРЫНА, Ганна Станiславаўна

ШАДРИНА, Анна Станиславовна


Former Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper of the President's Administration and main propaganda newspaper ‧Sovietskaia Belarus‧.

Responsible for relaying the state propaganda in the printed press, which has provoked, supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society on 19 December 2010 using falsified information.


Shaeu, Valiantsin Piatrovich

(Shayeu, Valyantsin Piatrovich)

Shaev, Valentin Petrovich

(Shayev, Valentin Petrovich)

ШАЕЎ, Валянцiн Пятровiч

ШАЕВ, Валентин Петрович


Deputy Head of the Investigation Committee, former Prosecutor of the region of Homel. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Shahrai, Ryta Piatrouna

Shagrai, Rita Petrovna

ШАГРАЙ, Рнта Пятроўна

ШАГРАЙ, Рита Петровна


Judge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists, Ales Sobal, Maksim Hrishel and Kastantsin Chufistau, to 10 days in jail, and Siarhei Kardymon to 15 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Shamionau, Vadzim Iharavich

Shamenov, Vadim Igorevich

(Shamyonov, Vadim Igorevich)

ШАМЁНАЎ, Вадзiм Iгаравiч

ШАМЁНОВ, Вадим Игоревич


Captain, head of operative unit of penal colony IK-17 in Shklov. Exerted pressure on political prisoners, denying their right to correspondence, and made threats in order to extort confessions. Directly responsible for violating the human rights of political prisoners and opposition activists by the use of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. His actions constituted a direct violation of the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Shastakou, Maksim Aliaksandravich

(Shastakou, Maxim Aliaksandravich)

Shestakov, Maksim Aleksandrovich

(Shestakov, Maxim Alexandrovich)

ШАСТАКОЎ, Maкciм Александравiч

ШЕСТАКОВ, Максим Александрович


Prosecutor who presented the case against Byalyatski in the Pervomaiski District Court of Minsk after Byalyatski's application to the court regarding his detention. Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Shchurok, Ivan Antonavich

Shchurok, Ivan Antonovich

ШЧУРОК, Iван Антонавiч

ЩУРОК, Иван Антонович


Member of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC). As a Member of the Central Electoral Commission, he was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010.


Sheiko, Ina Valerieuna

(Shaiko, Ina Valerieuna Sheyko, Ina Valerieuna)

Sheyko, Inna Valerievna

(Sheiko, Inna Valeryevna)

ШЭЙКО, Iна Валер'еўна

(ШAЙКО, Iна Валер'еўна)

ШЕЙКО, Инна Валерьевна


Judge at Central District Court of Minsk. In 2011 she fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2011.07.21, Shapavalaw Paval, 12 days in prison; b) 2011.07.21, Ivanyuk Yawhen, 12 days in prison; c) 2011.07.14, Khadzinski Paval, 25 daily base units (875 000 BLR); d) 2011.06.23, Sudnik Andrey, 25 daily base units (875 000 BLR); e) 2011.06.23, Yatskow Usevalad, 30 daily base units (1 050 000 BLR); f) 2011.04.28, Kudlaew Alyaksandr, 50 daily base units (1 750 000 BLR). Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Sheiman, Viktar Uladzimiravich

(Sheyman, Viktar Uladzimiravich)

Sheiman, Viktor Vladimirovich

(Sheyman, Viktor Vladimirovich)

ШЭЙМАН, Biктap Уладзiмiравiч

ШЕЙМАН, Виктор Владимирович

DOB: 26.5.1958,

POB: Hrodna region

Responsible for the unresolved disappearances of Yuri Zakharenko, Viktor Gonchar, Anatoly Krasovski and Dmitri Zavadski in Belarus in 1999-2000. Former Secretary of the Security Council. Sheiman remains a Special Assistant/Aid to the President.


Shestakou, Iury Valerievich

(Shestakou, Yury Valerievich)

Shestakov, Iuri Valerievich

(Shestakov, Yuri Valerievich)

ШАСТАКОЎ, Юрый Валер'евiч

ШЕСТАКОВ, Юрий Валерьевич


Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

He was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 and 27 December 2010, he sentenced civil society activists Illya Vasilievich, Nadzeya Chayukhova, Tatsiana Radzetskaya, Siarhei Kanapatski and Volha Damarad to 10 days in jail. His way of conducting the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Shuhaeu, Siarhei Mikhailavich

(Shuhayeu, Siarhei Mikhailavich)

Shugaev, Sergei Mikhailovich

(Shugayev, Sergey Mikhailovich))

ШУГАЕЎ, Сяргей Михайлaвiч

ШУГАЕВ, Сергей Михайлович


Head of the KGB Counter-Intelligence Division and former Deputy Head of the KGB Counter-Intelligence Board. Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and the democratic opposition.


Shved, Andrei Ivanavich

Shved, Andrei Ivanovich

(Shved, Andrey Ivanovich)

ШВЕД, Андрэй Iванавiч

ШВЕД, Андрей Иванович


Deputy Head of the Investigation Committee and former Deputy Prosecutor General and Head of the Investigation Department.

Upon request of the KGB, he initiated the investigation of the case of Ales Byaliatski, one of the most prominent human rights defenders, Chief of the Belarusian Human Rights Centre ‧Vyasna‧, Vice President of FIDH. A. Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Shykarou, Uladzislau Aleksandravich

Shikarov, Vladislav Aleksandrovich

ШЫКАРОЎ, Уладiзлаў Александравiч

ШИКАРОВ, Владислав Александрович


Judge of the Zheleznodorozhny District Court of Vitebsk. He sentenced several protesters during the appeal trial, despite the fact that they were not found guilty by the Court of First Instance. Responsible for implementing the politically-motivated administrative and criminal sanctions against representatives of civil society.


Shylko, Alena Mikalaeuna

Shilko, Elena Nikolaevna

(Shilko, Yelena Nikolaevna)

ШЫЛЬКО, Алена Мiкалаеўна

ШИЛЬКО, Елена Николаевна


Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20, 24 and 30 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists, respectively Ihar Shershan (12 days in jail), Zmitser Shurkhai (10 days in jail) and Franak Viachorka (12 days in jail).

On 24 January 2012, she rejected the appeal of Ales Byalyatski regarding the sentence imposed on him by the Pervomaiski District Court of Minsk even though Byalyatski's trial was conducted in a way that was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition. Her way of conducting the trials is a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Siankevich, Eduard Aliaksandravich

Senkevich, Eduard Aleksandrovich

СЯНЬКЕВIЧ, Эдуард Аляксандравiч

СЕНЬКЕВИЧ, Эдуард Александрович


Prosecutor of the region of Mohilev. Responsible for the repression of civil society following the December 2010 elections.


Siarheenka, Ihar Piatrovich

Sergeenko, Igor Petrovich

(Sergeyenko, Igor Petrovich)

СЯРГЕЕНКА, Iгар Пятровiч

СЕРГЕЕНКО, Игорь Петрович


Head of the KGB of the City District of Mohilev. Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition in the region of Mohilev.


Simakhina, Liubou Siarheeuna

Simakhina, Liubov Sergeevna

CIMAXIHA, Любоў Сяргееўна

СИМАХИНА, Любовь Сергеевна


Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activist Siarhei Barsukou to 12 days in jail.

On 8 November 2011, she sentenced civil society activist, Paval Siarhei, to 7 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Simanau, Aliaksandr Anatolievich

Simonov, Aleksandr Anatolievich

CIMAHAЎ, Аляксандр Анатольевiч

СИМОНОВ, Александр Анатольевич

DOB: 1952, Homel

ID: 3100552C033PB6

Deputy Minister of Justice, in charge of the judiciary staff, the ideology and the control of the implementation of sentences. His functions include the supervision and control of the judiciary staff. He was responsible for the role and the action of the Ministry of Justice and judiciary of Belarus, which are major instruments of repression of the population, by imposing state propaganda in the judiciary, and by ensuring that judicial staff take decisions that are in line with the repressive nature of the regime or that deliberately ignore the unlawful acts undertaken by the security services against the population.


Simanouski, Dmitri Valerevich

Simanovski, Dmitri Valerievich

CIMAHOЎCKI, Дмiтрый Валер'евiч

СИМАНОВСКИЙ, Дмитрий Валериевич


Public Prosecutor of the Pervomaiski District Court of Minsk. He dealt with the case of Dmitri Bondarenko. The accusation presented by him had a clear and imminent political motivation and was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. It was based on an incorrect classification of the events of 19 December 2010, and not sustained by evidence, proof or testimonies of witnesses.


Sirenka, Viktar Ivanavich

Sirenko, Viktor Ivanovich

CIРЭНКА, Biктap Iванавiч

СИРЕНКО, Виктор Иванович

DOB: 04.03.1962

ID: 3040362B062PB7

Head of the Committee for Health Care of Minsk City and former Chief Surgeon of the Minsk Emergency Hospital. He did not oppose the kidnapping of the presidential candidate, Nekliayev, who was transported to his hospital after being severely beaten on 19 December 2010 and, by failing to call the police, cooperated with the unknown perpetrators. Such inaction led him to be promoted.


Sivakau, Iury Leanidavich

(Sivakau, Yury Leanidavich)

Sivakov, Iury (Yurij, Yuri) Leonidovich

СIВАКАЎ, Юрый Леанiдавiч

СИВАКОВ, Юрий Леонидович

DOB: 5.8.1946,

POB: Sakhalin Region

Orchestrated the unresolved disappearances of Yuri Zakharenko, Viktor Gonchar, Anatoly Krasovski and Dmitri Zavadski in Belarus in 1999-2000. Deputy rector of Minsk Institute of Management, former Minister of Tourism and Sports, former Minister of Interior and former Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration.


Skurat, Viktar Vatslavavich

Skurat, Viktor Vatslavovich

СКУРАТ, Вiктар Вацлавaвiч

СКУРАТ, Виктор Вацлавович


Head of the Minsk Municipal Directorate of the Public Security Department of the Ministry of Interior. In February 2011, he received an award and an acknowledgement letter from President Lukashenka for his active participation and implementation of orders during the repression of the 19 December 2010 demonstrations.


Slizheuski, Aleh Leanidavich

Slizhevski, Oleg Leonidovich

СЛIЖЭЎСКI, Алег Леанiдавiч

СЛИЖЕВСКИЙ, Олег Леонидович

DOB: 16.08.1972

POB: Hrodna

Minister of Justice, Member of the Central Election Commission (CEC) and former Head of Division of Social organisations and political parties in the Ministry of Justice. As a Member of the CEC, he was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards which have occurred in elections since 2007. With his positions in the Ministry of Justice and the control he exercises over the judiciary, he has taken an active part in the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition, by refusing registration of NGOs and political parties, which in many cases has lead to their abolition.


Smalenski, Mikalai Zinouevich

Smolenski, Nikolai Zinovievich

СМАЛЕНСКI, Мiкалай 3iноўeвiч

СМОЛЕНСКИЙ, Николай Зиновьевич


Deputy Head of CIS Anti-terrorism Centrer and former Deputy Head of the KGB, in charge of staff and the organisation of their tasks. Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Smirnou, Iauhen Aliaksandravich

(Smirnou, Yauhen Aliaksandravich)

Smirnov, Evgeni Aleksandrovich

(Smirnov, Yevgeni Aleksandrovich)

СМIРНОЎ, Яўген Аляксандравiч

CМИРНОВ, Евгений Александрович

DOB: 15.3.1949

POB: Riazan district, Russia

ID: 3160872K021PB4

Chairman of the EurasEc court, first Deputy Chairman of the Economic Court. Responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition, in particular in relation to the 2006 elections.


Stosh, Mikalai Mikalaevich

Stosh, Nikolai Nikolaevich

СТОШ, Мiкалай Мiкалаевiч

СТОШ, Николай Николаевич


Head of Regional Election Commission of the Homel region. As Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010 in the Homel region.


Stsiapurka, Uladzimir Mikhailavich

Stepurko, Vladimir Mikhailovich

СЦЯПУРКА, Уладзiмiр Мiхайлавiч

СТЕПУРКО, Владимир Михайлович


Judge of the City Court of Minsk. As chief judge, he dismissed the appeals against the sentences of political and civil society activists Irina Khalip, Sergei Martselev, Pavel Severinets, Dmitri Bondarenko, Dmitri Doronin, Sergei Kazakov, Vladimir Loban, Vitali Matsukevich, Evgeni Sekret and Oleg Fedorkevich. These trials were a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

On 24 January 2012, he rejected the appeal of Ales Byalyatski regarding the sentence imposed on him by the Pervomaiski District Court of Minsk even though Byalyatski's trial was conducted in a way that was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Stuk, Aliaksei Kanstantsinavich

Stuk, Aleksei Konstantinovich

(Stuk, Alexey Konstantinovich)

СТУК, Аляксей Канстанцiнавiч

СТУК, Алексей Константинович


Deputy Prosecutor General

In 2007-2008, he opened cases against independent media, journalists and opposition parties. He authorised searches by the KGB officers of the premises of "Radio Racyja", "ERB" television "Belsat", in the Hrodno office of the Belarusian Popular Front and the NGO "Batskavshchyna", as well the apartments of 17 journalists.


Sukharenka, Stsiapan Mikalaevich

Sukhorenko, Stepan Nikolaevich

СУХАРЭНКА, Сцяпан Мiкалаевiч

СУХОРЕНКО, Степан Николаевич

DOB: 27.1.1957

POB: Zdudichi, Homel district

Ambassador of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Chairman of the KGB. He threatened peaceful activists before demonstrations in 2006, and was one of the main actors in the repression after the fraudulent elections of the democratic opposition and of civil society. He was also the initiator of repressive legislative amendments and laws against the democratic opposition and civil society.


Sukhau, Dzmitri Viachaslavavich

(Sukhau, Dzimitry Vyachyaslavavich)

Sukhov, Dmitri Vyacheslavovich

(Sukhov, Dmitry Viacheslavovich)

СУХАЎ, Дзмiтрi Вячаслававiч

СУХОВ, Дмитрий Вячеславович


Lieutenant-Colonel, operative of the military counter-intelligence of the KGB. He falsified evidence and used threats in order to extort confessions from opposition activists in the KGB detention centre in Minsk after the crackdown on the post-election protest demonstration in Minsk on 19 December 2010. He was directly responsible for violating the fundamental human rights of political prisoners and opposition activists by the use of excessive force against them. His actions constituted a direct violation of the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Svistunova, Valiantsina Mikalaeuna

(Svistunova, Valyantsina Mikalayeuna)

Svistunova, Valentina Nikolaevna

(Svistunova, Valentina Nikolayevna)

СВIСТУНОВА, Валянцiна Мiкалаеўна

СВИСТУНОВА, Валентина Николаевна


Judge at Central District Court of Minsk. In 2010-2011 she fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2011.07.21, Bandarenka Volha,10 days in prison; b) 2011.07.21, Ruskaya Volha, 11 days in prison; c) 2010.12.20, Marchyk Stanislaw, 15 days in prison; d) 2010.12.20, Stanchyk Alyaksandr, 10 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Anyankow Syarhey, 10 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Svorab, Mikalai Kanstantsinavich

Svorob, Nikolai Konstantinovich

СВОРАБ, Мiкалай Канстанцiнавiч

СВОРОБ, Николай Константинoвич


Has been actively involved in the repression of civil society in Belarus. As a former Deputy Head of the KGB, he was responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Talstashou, Aliaksandr Alehavich

Tolstashov, Aleksandr Olegovich

ТАЛСТАШОЎ, Аляксандр Алегавiч

ТОЛСТАШОВ, Александр Олегович


Head of the KGB Board on Protection of the Constitutional Order and Fight Against Terrorism.

Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Taranda, Aliaksandr Mikhailavich

Taranda, Aleksandr Mikhailovich

ТАРАНДА, Аляксандр Мiхайлавiч

ТАРАНДА, Александр Михайлович


Deputy Editor of the newspaper of the President's Administration and main propaganda newspaper ‧Sovietskaia Belarus‧.

Responsible for relaying state propaganda in the printed press, which supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified and untrue information, in particular after the Presidential elections in 2010.


Tarapetskaia, Halina Mikhailauna

(Tarapetskaya, Halina Mikhailauna)

Toropetskaia, Galina Mikhailovna

(Toropetskaya, Galina Mikhailovna)

ТАРАПЕЦКАЯ, Галiна Мiхайлаўна

ТОРОПЕЦКАЯ, Галина Михайловна


Deputy Editor of the newspaper of the President's Administration and main propaganda newspaper ‧Sovietskaia Belarus‧.

Responsible for relaying the state propaganda in the printed press, which has provoked, supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, systematically highlighted in a negative and derogatory way using falsified information, in particular after the Presidential elections in 2010.


Ternavsky, Anatoly Andreevich

(Ternavski, Anatoli Andreevich; Ternavskiy, Anatoliy Andreyevich)

ТЕРНАВСКИЙ, Анатолий Андрэевiч

ТЕРНАВСКИЙ, Анатолий, Андреевич

DOB: 1950

POB: Donetsk, Ukraine

Person close to family members of President Lukashenka; sponsor of the President's Sports Club. His dealing with oil and oil products testifies his close relations with the regime, taking into account a state monopoly on the oil refining sector and the fact that only several individuals are entitled to operate in the oil sector. His company Univest-M is one of the two major private oil exporters in Belarus.


Tratsiak, Piotr Uladzimiravich

Tretiak, Petr Vladimirovich

(Tretyak, Piotr Vladimirovich)

ТРАЦЦЯК, Петр Уладзiмiравiч

ТРЕТЬЯК, Петр Владимирович


Has been actively involved in the repression of civil society in Belarus. As a former Deputy Head of the KGB and Member of the Commission of the Security Council on radio frequencies, he was responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Traulka, Pavel

Traulko, Pavel




Lieutenant Colonel, former operative of the military counter-intelligence of the KGB (currently head of the press service of the newly formed Investigative Committee of Belarus). He falsified evidence and used threats in order to extort confessions from opposition activists in the KGB detention centre in Minsk after the crackdown on the post-election protest demonstration in Minsk on 19 December 2010. He was directly responsible for the use of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment and for denying the right to a fair trial. His actions constituted a direct violation of the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Trubnikau, Mikalai Aliakseevich

Trubnikov, Nikolai Alekseevich

ТРУБНIКАЎ, Мiкалай Аляксеевiч

ТРУБНИКОВ, Николай Алексеевич


Judge of the Partizanski district of Minsk. He was directly involved in the judicial repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in 2006-2007. On 15 January 2007, he sentenced the political activist Andrei Dzmitriev to 3 days in jail. His way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Tselitsa, Lidziia Fiodarauna

(Tselitsa, Lidzia Fiodarauna; Tselitsa, Lidziya Fiodarauna)

Telitsa, Lidiia Fedorovna

(Telitsa, Lidia Fedorovna; Telitsa, Lidiya Fedorovna)

ЦЕЛIЦА, Лiдзiя Федараўна

ТЕЛИЦА, Лидия Федоровна


Judge at the Moskovski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activist Mikhail Barsukou to 10 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Tsertsel, Ivan Stanislavavich

Tertel, Ivan Stanislavovich

ЦЕРЦЕЛЬ, Iван Станiслававiч

ТЕРТЕЛЬ, Иван Станиславович


Deputy Head of the KGB, in charge of economic crime and the fight against corruption.

Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and the democratic opposition.


Tsitsiankova, Alena Viktarauna

Titenkova, Elena Viktorovna

(Titenkova, Yelena Viktorovna)

ЦIЦЯНКОВА, Алена Вiктараўна

ТИТЕНКОВА, Елена Викторовна


Former Judge at the Partizanski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Anton Hulak to 15 days in jail, Ales Milinets, Paval Kamarou to 12 days in jail, and Siarhei Piatrushyn to 11 days in jail. In July 2011, she sentenced other activists to 5 and 10 days in jail. The way she conducted the trials was a clearviolation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Tupik, Vera Mikhailauna

Tupik, Vera Mikhailovna

TYПIK, Вера Мiхайлаўна

ТУПИК, Вера Михайловна


Judge at the Leninski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk. She was directly involved in the judicial repression of the peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Natallia Vasilievich to 15 days in jail, and Katsiaryna Parfilieva, Alyaksandr Piatnitski and Sviatlana Rasliakova to 10 days in jail. In July 2011, she sentenced other activists to 10 days in jail. The way she conducted the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Tushynski, Ihar Heraninavich

Tushinski, Igor Geroninovich

ТУШЫНСКИЙ, Irap Геранiнавiч

ТУШИНСКИЙ, Игорь Геронинович


Deputy Minister of Justice in charge of legal support to the institutions that draft legislative and regulatory acts on economic issues and in charge of the registration of legal entities.

Responsible for the role and the action of the Belarusian Ministry of Justice and of the judiciary, which are major instruments of repression of the population, by imposing state propaganda in the judiciary, which provokes, and justifies the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society, by denying or depriving registration for NGOs and political parties.


Unukevich, Tamara Vasileuna

Vnukevich, Tamara Vasilievna

УНУКЕВIЧ, Тамара Васiльеўна

ВНУКЕВИЧ, Тамара Васильевна


Judge of the City Court of Minsk. As associate judge, she dismissed the appeals against the sentences of political and civil society activists Irina Khalip, Sergei Martselev, Pavel Severinets. These trials were a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Utsiuryn, Andrei Aliaksandravich

(Utsiuryn, Andrey Aliaksandravich; Utsyuryn, Andrei Aliaksandravich)

Vtiurin, Andrei Aleksandrovich

(Vtiurin, Andrey Aleksandrovich; Vtyurin, Andrei Aleksandrovich)

УЦЮРЫН, Андрэй Аляксандравiч

ВТЮРИН, Андрей Александрович

DOB: 1971, Penza (Russia)

Head of the Security Detachment of the President.

Under his supervision, several members of his service took part in interrogations of political activists after the demonstrations on 19 December 2010.


Vakulchyk, Valery Paulavich

Vakulchik, Valeri Pavlovich

ВАКУЛЬЧЫК, Валерый Паўлавiч

ВАКУЛЬЧИК, Валерий Павлович

DOB: 19.06.1964, Brest region

Head of the Investigation Committee, former Chief of the Operational and Analytical Centre of the President's Administration, responsible for telecommunications, including monitoring, filtering, controlling and intervening different communication channels, for example the internet.


Valchkova, Maryiana Leanidauna

(Valchkova, Maryana Leanidauna)

Volchkova, Marianna Leonidovna

ВАЛЧКОВА, Марыяна Леанiдаўна

ВОЛЧКОВА, Марианна Леонидовна


Judge at Partizanski District Court of Minsk. In 2010-2011 she fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2011.07.07, Lelikaw Andrey, 7 days in prison; b) 2011.07.07, Lapatsik Yawhen, punishment unknown; c) 2011.07.07, Syarheyew Uladzimir, 11 days in prison; d) 2011.07.04, Stsepanenka Alyaksandr, 5 days in prison; e) 2011.07.04, Plyuto Tatsyana, 20 daily base units (700 000 BLR); f) 2011.06.23, Kanaplyannik Syarhey, 20 daily base units (700 000 BLR); g) 2010.12.20, Furman Viktar, 11 days in prison; h) 2010.12.20, Astashow Anton, 11 days in prison; i) 2010.12.20, Navumava Valyantsina, 11 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Varapaev, Ihar Ryhoravich

(Varapayev, Ihar Ryhoravich)

Voropaev, Igor Grigorievich

(Voropayev, Igor Grigoryevich)

ВАРАПАЕЎ, Irap Pыгopaвiч

ВОРОПАЕВ, Игорь Григорьевич


Deputy General Manager for Scientific work of the company "Research Institute on electronic computers" under the control of the State military-industrial committee and former Head of the KGB Board on State Communications. Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Varenik, Natallia Siamionauna

Varenik, Natalia Semenovna

(Varenik, Natalya Semyonovna)

ВАРЭНIК, Наталля Сяменаўна

ВАРЕНИК, Наталья Семеновна


Judge at the Frunzenski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Valiantsina Furman and Vadzim Klysheika to 10 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trial was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Vasilevich, Ryhor Aliakseevich

Vasilevich, Grigori Alekseevich

(Vasilevich, Grigoriy Alekseyevich)

ВАСIЛЕВIЧ, Рыгор Аляксеевiч

ВАСИЛЕВИЧ, Григорий Алексеевич

DOB: 13.02.1955

ID: 3130255A011PB5

Prosecutor General. He supervised the prosecution of all the persons who were detained after the repression of the peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010.


Vasilieu, Aliaksei Aliaksandravich

(Vasilyeu, Aliaksey Aliaksandravich)

Vasiliev, Aleksei Aleksandrovich

(Vasilyev, Alexey Alexandrovich)

ВАСIЛЬЕЎ, Аляксей Аляксандравiч

ВАСИЛЬЕВ, Алексей Александрович


Head of Regional Election Commissionin the Minsk region. As Chairman of a Regional Electoral Commission, he was responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the Presidential elections on 19 December 2010 in the Minsk region.


Vehera, Viktar Paulavich

Vegera, Viktor Pavlovich

BEREPA, Biктap Паўлавiч

ВЕГЕРА, Виктор Павлович


First Deputy Head of the KGB.

Responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition. He was the initiator of the case of the political prisoner Ales Byaliatski, one of the most prominent human rights defenders, Chief of the Belarusian Human Rights Centre ‧Vyasna‧, Vice President of FIDH. A. Byalyatski was active in defending and providing assistance to those who suffered from repression in relation to the 19 December 2010 elections and the crackdown on civil society and on the democratic opposition.


Volkau, Siarhei Mikhailavich

Volkov, Sergei Mikhailovich

(Volkov, Sergey Mikhailovich)

ВОЛКАЎ, Сяргей Мiхайлавiч

ВОЛКОВ, Сергей Михайлович


Has been actively involved in the repression of civil society in Belarus. As a former Head of the KGB Board of Intelligence, he was responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and democratic opposition.


Yakunchykhin, Aliaksandr Anatolyevich

(Iakunchykhin, Aliaksandr Anatolievich)

Yakunchikhin, Aleksandr Anatolyevich

(Iakunchikhin, Alexandr Anatolievich)

ЯКУНЧЫХIН, Аляксандр Анатольевiч

ЯКУНЧИХИН, Александр Анатольевич


Judge at Central District Court of Minsk. In 2010-2011 he fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2011. 11. 17, Makayew Alyaksandr, 5 days in prison; b) 2011.07.07, Tukay Illya, 12 days in prison; c) 2011.07.07, Shapchyts Yawhen, 12 days in prison; d) 2011.01.31, Kulakow Lyeanid, 30 daily base units (1 050 000 BLR); e) 2010.12.21, Yaromyenak Uladzimir, 15 days in prison; f) 2010.12.20, Daroshka Alyaksey,12 days in prison; g) 2010.12.20, Kakhno Herman, 12 days in prison; h) 2010.12.20, Palyakow Vital, 15 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, he was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Yarmalitski, Siarhei Uladzimiravich

Ermolitski, Sergei Vladimirovich

(Yermolitski, Sergei Vladimirovich)

ЯРМАЛIЦКI, Сяргей Уладзiмiравiч

ЕРМОЛИЦКИЙ, Сергей Владимирович


Director of the prison camp in Shklov. He was responsible for the inhuman treatment of the detainees and persecution of former presidential candidate Nikolai Statkevich, who was imprisoned in relation to the 19 December 2010 events, and other inmates.


Yuferytsyn, Dzmitry Viktaravich

(Iuferytsyn, Dzmitry Viktaravich)

Yuferitsyn, Dmitri (Dmitry) Viktorovich

(Yuferitsin, Dmitri Viktorovich; Iuferitsyn, Dmitry Viktorovich)

ЮФЕРЫЦЫН, Дзмiтрый Вiктаравiч

ЮФЕРИЦЫН, Дмитрий Викторович


Judge at Leninski District Court of Minsk. In 2010 he fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2010.12.20, Charukhin Kanstantsin, 30 daily base units (1 050 000 BLR); b) 2010.12.20, Yarmola Mikalay, 15 days in prison; c) 2010.12.20, Halka Dzmitry, 10 days in prison; d) 2010.12.20, Navumaw Viktar, 12 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Haldzenka Anatol, 10 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms and large fines against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, he was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Zaharouski, Anton

Zagorovski, Anton




Prosecutor of the Frunzenski District of Minsk, dealing with the case of protestor, Vasili Parfenkov. Responsible for implementing the politically-motivated administrative and criminal sanctions against representatives of civil society.


Zaitsau, Vadzim Iurievich

Zaitsev, Vadim Iurievich

ЗАЙЦАЎ, Вадзiм Юр'евiч

ЗАЙЦЕВ, Вадим Юрьевич

DOB: 1964

Head of the KGB.

Responsible for transforming the KGB into the main organ of repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition. Responsible for the dissemination, through the media, of false information about the demonstrators on 19 December 2010, alleging that they had brought materials to be used as weapons. He personally threatened the lives and health of the wife and child of former presidential candidate, Andrei Sannikov. He is the main initiator of orders for unlawful harassment of democratic opposition, the torture of political opponents and the mistreatment of prisoners.


Zaitsava, Viktoryia Henadzeuna

Zaitseva, Viktoria Gennadievna

ЗАЙЦАВА, Вiкторiя Генадзеўна

ЗАЙЦЕВА, Виктория Геннадьевна


Judge of the City Court of Minsk. As associate judge, she dismissed the appeals against the sentences of former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, political and civil society activists Ilia Vasilevich, Fiodor Mirzayanov, Oleg Gnedchik and Vladimir Yeriomenok. These trials were a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Zakharau, Aliaksei Ivanavich

Zakharov, Aleksei Ivanovich

(Zakharov, Alexey Ivanovich)

ЗАХАРАЎ, Аляксей Iванавiч

ЗАХАРОВ, Алексей Иванович


Has been actively involved in the repression of civil society in Belarus. As a former Head of Military Counter-intelligence Board of the KGB, he was responsible for the repressive work of the KGB against civil society and the democratic opposition. Under his supervision, KGB staff took part in interrogations of political activists following the demonstration on 19 December 2010.


Zapasnik, Maryna Sviataslavauna

Zapasnik, Marina Sviatoslavovna

ЗАПАСНIК, Марына Святаславаўна

ЗАПАСНИК, Марина Святославовна


Judge at Leninski District Court of Minsk. In 2011 she fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2011.07.18, Palyakow Vital, 12 days in prison; b) 2011.07.07, Marozaw S., 10 days in prison, c) 2011.07.07, Badrahin Alyaksandr, 10 days in prison, d) 2011.07.07, Marozova S., 10 days in prison, e) 2011.07.07, Varabey Alyaksandr, 15 days in prison; f) 2011.07.04, Mazurenka Mikita, 10 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Zhadobin, Iury Viktaravich

(Zhadobin, Yury Viktaravich)

Zhadobin, Iuri Viktorovich

(Zhadobin, Yuri Viktorovich)

ЖАДОБIН, Юрый Biктapaвiч

ЖАДОБИН, Юрий Викторович

DOB: 14.11.1954

ID: 3141154A021PB0

Minister of Defence.

As a member of the Security Council, he approves the repressive decisions agreed at ministerial level, including the decision to repress the peaceful demonstrations on 19 December 2010. After December 2010, he praised the "total defeat of destructive forces", when referring to the democratic opposition.


Zhuk, Alena Siamionauna

(Zhuk, Alena Syamionauna)

Zhuk, Elena Semenovna

(Zhuk, Yelena Semyonovna)

ЖУК, Алена Сямёнаўна

ЖУК, Елена Семеновна


Judge of Pervomayskij district court in Vitsebsk. On 24 February 2012, she sentenced Syarhei Kavalenka, who has been considered as a political prisoner since the beginning of February 2012, to two years and one month in prison for violation of probation. Alena Zhuk was directly responsible for violations of the human rights of a person because she denied Syarhei Kavalenka the right to a fair trial. Syarhei Kavalenka was previously given a suspended sentence for hanging out a banned historical white-red-white flag, a symbol of the opposition movement, in Vitsebsk. The subsequent sentence given by Alena Zhuk was disproportionately harsh given the nature of the crime and not in line with the criminal code of Belarus. The actions of Alena Zhuk constituted a direct violation of the international commitments of Belarus in the field of human rights.


Zhuk, Dzmitry Aliaksandravich

Zhuk, Dmitri Aleksandrovich

ЖУК, Дзмiтрый Аляксандравiч

ЖУК, Дмитрий Александрович

DOB: 07.07.1970

ID: 3070770A081PB7

Director General (CEO) State News Agency BELTA.

Responsible for relaying state propaganda in the media, which has supported and justified the repression of the democratic opposition and of civil society on 19 December 2010 using falsified information.


Zhukouskaia, Zhanna Aliakseeuna

(Zhukouskaya, Zhanna Aliakseyeuna)

Zhukovskaia, Zhanna Alekseevna

(Zhukovskaya, Zhanna Alekseyevna)

ЖУКОЎСКАЯ, Жанна Аляксееўна

ЖУКОВСКАЯ, Жанна Алексеевна


Judge at the Frunzenski Rayon Court of the city of Minsk.

She was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 December 2010. On 20 December 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Iryna Yarashevich and Mikhail Yakavenka respectively to 15 and 10 days in jail. On 7 July 2011, she sentenced civil society activist Barys Sidareika to 10 days in jail for taking part in a silent protest. Her way of conducting the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.


Zhukouski, Siarhei Kanstantsinavich

Zhukovski, Sergei Konstantinovich

ЖУКОЎСКI, Сяргей Канстанцiнавiч

ЖУКОВСКИЙ, Сергей Константинович


Public Prosecutor of the Zavodskoi District Court of Minsk dealing with the case of Khalip Irina, Martselev Sergei, Severinets Pavel, outstanding civil society representatives. The accusation presented by him had a clear and imminent political motivation and was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. It was based on an incorrect classification of the events of 19 December 2010, and not sustained by evidence, proof or testimonies of witnesses.


Ziankevich, Valiantsina Mikalaeuna

(Zyankevich, Valyantsina Mikalayeuna)

Zenkevich, Valentina Nikolaevna

ЗЯНЬКЕВIЧ, Валянцiна Мiкалаеўна

ЗЕНЬКЕВИЧ, Валентина Николаевна


Judge of Leninski District Court of Minsk. In 2010 she fined or sentenced the following representatives of civil society for their peaceful protests: a) 2010.12.20, Yarmolaw Yahor, 12 days in prison; b) 2010.12.20, Palubok Alyaksandr, 15 days in prison; c) 2010.12.20, Mikhalkin Zakhar, 10 days in prison; d) 2010.10.20, Smalak Syarhey, 15 days in prison; e) 2010.12.20, Vassilewski Alyaksandr, 15 days in prison. Repeatedly imposed prison terms against those involved in peaceful protests and, as a result, she was responsible for the repression of civil society and of the democratic opposition in Belarus.


Zimouski, Aliaksandr Leanidavich

Zimovski, Aleksandr Leonidovich

ЎЗIМOЎCКI, Аляксандр Леанiдавiч

ЗИМОВСКИЙ, Александр Леонидович

DOB: 10.1.1961

POB: Germany (GDR)

ID: 3100161A078PB5

Media adviser and former President of the State Radio-television company. He was the main actor of the regime's propaganda until December 2010, by systematically denigrating the opposition and justifying gross violations of human rights and recurrent crackdowns on the opposition and on civil society in Belarus.

B.   Legal persons, entities and bodies referred to in Article 2(1)



Transcription of Belarusian spelling

Transcription of Russian spelling


(Belarusian spelling)


(Russian spelling)

Identifying information

Reasons for listing




‧ЗАО Белтехзкспорт‧

Republic of Belarus, 220012, Minsk, Nezavisimost ave., 86-B

Tel: (+375 17) 263-63-83,

Fax: (+375 17) 263-90-12

Entity formerly owned by Vladimir Peftiyev. Its majority shareholder is Dmitry Gurinovich, Mr Peftiyev's former advisor in Velcom. Beltechexport benefits from the regime as the main exporter of arms and military equipment owned by the state or produced by state-owned companies. It supports and provides revenue to the Lukashenka regime by its sale of arms.




‧ЗАО Спорт-пари‧ (оператор республиканской лотереи)


Entity controlled by Vladimir Peftiyev, through his entities Business Network and BT Telecommunications. Sport-Pari is controlled by Peftiyev in conjunction with Dzmitry Aliaksandravich Lukashenka, through the latter's control of the President's Sports Club, which holds a mandatory, state-owned majority share in Sport-Pari.


Private Unitary Enterprise (PUE) BT Telecommunications


частное унитарное предприятие ЧУП ‧БТ Телекоммуникации‧


Entity controlled by Vladimir Peftiyev.


LLC Delovaya Set

ООО Деловая сеть



Entity controlled by Vladimir Peftiyev.


CJSC Sistema investicii i inovacii

ЗАО Системы инвестиций и инноваций



Entity controlled by Vladimir Peftiyev.


PUC Sen-Ko

ЧУП Сен-Ко



Entity controlled by Vladimir Peftiyev.


PUC BT Invest

ЧУП БТ Инвест



Entity controlled by Vladimir Peftiyev.


The Spirit and Vodka Company Aquadiv

Малиновщизненский спиртоводочный завод Аквадив



Entity controlled by Vladimir Peftiyev.


Beltekh Holding

Белтех Холдинг



Entity controlled by Vladimir Peftiyev.






Entity controlled by Vladimir Peftiyev.






Entity controlled by Vladimir Peftiyev.


LLC Triple



Pobediteley Avenue 51/2, Room 15 220035 Minsk

Республика Беларусь, 220035 Минск, проспект Победителей, дом 51, корпус 2, помещение 15

Holding company of Iury Chyzh. Iury Chyzh provides financial support to the Lukashenka regime, notably through his holding company LLC Triple.


JLLC Neftekhimtrading

СООО НефтеХимТрейдинг


Registered 2002, Minsk

Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


CJSC Askargoterminal

ЗАО Аскарготерминал



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


LLC Triple Metal Trade

ООО Трайплметаллтрейд



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


JSC Berezovsky KSI

ОАО Березовский комбинат силикатных изделий



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


JV LLC Triple-Techno

СП ООО Трайпл- Техно



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


JLLC Variant

СООО Вариант



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


JLLC Triple-Dekor

СООО Трайпл- Декор



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


JCJSC QuartzMelProm

СЗАО Кварцмелпром



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


JCJSC Altersolutions

СЗАО Альтерсолюшнс



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


JCJSC Prostoremarket

СЗАО Простомаркет



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


JLLC AquaTriple

СП ООО Акватрайпл



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


LLC Rakowski browar

ООО Ракаўскi бровар



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


MSSFC Logoysk

ГСОК Логойск



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


Triple-Agro ACC




Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


CJSC Dinamo- Minsk

ЗАО ФК Динамо- Минск



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


JLLC Triplepharm

СООО Трайплфарм



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.


LLC Triple-Veles

ООО Трайпл-Велес



Subsidiary of LLC Triple.






Entity controlled by Anatoly Ternavsky.


FLLC Unis Oil

ИООО Юнис Ойл



Subsidiary of Univest-M.


JLLC UnivestStroyInvest

СООО ЮнивестСтройИнвест



Subsidiary of Univest-M.’