
Protocol adjusting the trade aspects of the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, acting within the framework of the European Union, of the one part, and the Republic of Slovenia, of the other part, to take account of the outcome of negotiations between the parties on new mutual agricultural concessions

Official Journal L 152 , 20/06/2003 P. 0027 - 0040


adjusting the trade aspects of the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, acting within the framework of the European Union, of the one part, and the Republic of Slovenia, of the other part, to take account of the outcome of negotiations between the parties on new mutual agricultural concessions

THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY, hereinafter referred to as "the Community",

of the one part, and


of the other part,


(1) The Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, acting within the framework of the European Union, of the one part, and the Republic of Slovenia, of the other part (hereinafter referred to as the Europe Agreement) was signed in Luxembourg on 10 June 1996 and entered into force on 1 February 1999(1).

(2) Article 21(5) of the Europe Agreement provides that the Community and the Republic of Slovenia shall examine in the Association Council, product by product and on an orderly and reciprocal basis, the possibility of granting each other additional agricultural concessions. On this basis negotiations have been undertaken and were concluded between the parties.

(3) Two further rounds of negotiations for improved agricultural trade concessions were concluded on 22 May 2000 and 25 July 2002.

(4) From the one side, the Council decided, by virtue of Regulation (EC) No 2475/2000(2), to apply on a provisional basis, as from 1 July 2000, the European Community concessions resulting from the 2000 round of negotiations and from the other side the Government of the Republic of Slovenia took legislative provisions to apply, as from the same date of 1 July 2000, the equivalent Slovenian concessions are published in Regulation (Ur. 1. RS. No 88/2000)(3), as modified.

(5) The abovementioned concessions will be supplemented and replaced on the date of entry into force of this Protocol by the concessions provided for herein,


Article 1

The arrangements for import into the Community applicable to certain agricultural products originating in the Republic of Slovenia as set out in Annex A(a) and A(b) and the arrangements for import into the Republic of Slovenia applicable to certain agricultural products originating in the Community as set out in Annex B(a) and B(b) to this Protocol shall replace those set out in Annexes VI and VII as referred to in Article 21(2) and (4), of the Europe Agreement.

Article 2

The Annexes to this Protocol shall form an integral part thereof. This Protocol shall form an integral part of the Europe Agreement.

Article 3

This Protocol shall be approved by the Community and the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with their own procedures. The Contracting Parties shall take the necessary measures to implement this Protocol.

The Contracting Parties shall notify each other of the accomplishment of the corresponding procedures according to the first paragraph hereof.

Article 4

Subject to completion of the procedures provided for in Article 3, this Protocol shall enter into force on 1 January 2003. Should these procedures not be completed in time, it shall enter into force on the first day of the first month following the Contracting Parties' notification of the accomplishment of the procedures.

Quantities of goods subject to tariff quotas and released for free circulation as from 1 January 2003 under the concessions provided for in Annex A(b) to Regulation (EC) No 2475/2000 and Annex B(b) to Regulation (Ur. 1. RS. No 88/2000), as modified, shall be fully counted against the quantities provided for Annex A(b) and B(b) to this Protocol, except for quantities for which import licences were issued before 1 January 2003.

Article 5

This Protocol shall be drawn up in duplicate in the Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Slovenian languages, each of these texts being equally authentic.

Hecho en Bruselas, el veintisiete de mayo de dos mil tres./Udfærdiget i Bruxelles den syvogtyvende maj to tusind og tre./Geschehen zu Brüssel am siebenundzwanzigsten Mai zweitausendunddrei./Έγινε στις Βρυξέλλες, στις είκοσι εφτά Μαΐου δύο χιλιάδες τρία./Done at Brussels on the twenty-seventh day of May in the year two thousand and three./Fait à Bruxelles, le vingt-sept mai deux mille trois./Fatto a Bruxelles, addì ventisette maggio duemilatre./Gedaan te Brussel, de zevenentwintigste mei tweeduizenddrie./Feito em Bruxelas, em vinte e sete de Maio de dois mil e três./Tehty Brysselissä kahdentenakymmenentenäseitsemäntenä päivänä toukokuuta vuonna kaksituhattakolme./Som skedde i Bryssel den tjugosjunde maj tjugohundratre./Podpisano v Bruslju, sedemindvajsetega maja dvatisoctri.

Por la Comunidad Europea/For Det Europæiske Fællesskab/Für die Europäische Gemeinschaft/Για την Ευρωπαϊκή Κοινότητα/For the European Community/Pour la Communauté européenne/Per la Comunità europea/Voor de Europese Gemeenschap/Pela Comunidade Europeia/Euroopan yhteisön puolesta/På Europeiska gemenskapens vägnar

>PIC FILE= "L_2003152EN.002801.TIF">

Za Republiko Slovenijo

>PIC FILE= "L_2003152EN.002802.TIF">

(1) OJ L 51, 26.2.1999, p. 3.

(2) OJ L 286, 11.11.2000, p. 15.

(3) Ur. 1. No 88 of 29.9.2000, p. 10120.


Customs duties on imports applicable in the Community to products originating in the Republic of Slovenia and listed below shall be abolished - CN codes(1)

0101 10 90

0101 90 19

0101 90 30

0101 90 90

0104 20 10

0106 19 10

0106 39 10

0205 00 11

0205 00 19

0205 00 90

0206 80 91

0206 90 91

0207 13 91

0207 14 91

0207 26 91

0207 27 91

0207 35 91

0207 36 89

0208 10 11

0208 10 19

0208 20 00

0208 30 00

0208 40 10

0208 40 90

0208 50 00

0208 90 10

0208 90 55

0208 90 60

0208 90 95

0210 91 00

0210 92 00

0210 93 00

0210 99 10

0210 99 31

0210 99 39

0210 99 59

0210 99 79

0210 99 80

0407 00 90

0410 00 00



0603 10 80

0603 90 00


0701 10 00

0701 90 50

0703 10 11

0704 20 00

0704 90 90

0708 10 00

0708 90 00

0709 30 00

0709 59 10

0709 59 30

0709 59 90

0709 90 20

0709 90 31

0709 90 40

0709 90 90

0710 29 00

0710 80 10

0710 80 61

0710 80 69

0710 80 80

0710 80 85

0711 20 10

0711 20 90

0711 30 00

0711 90 10

0711 90 50

0711 90 90

0712 20 00

0712 31 00

0712 32 00

0712 33 00

0712 39 00

0712 90 05

0712 90 30

0712 90 50

0712 90 90

0713 50 00

0713 90 10

0713 90 90

0714 20 10

0714 20 90

0714 90 90


0804 20

0806 20

0807 11 00

0807 19 00

0808 20 90

0809 40 90

0810 40

0810 50 00

0810 60 00

0810 90 95

0811 10 19

0811 10 90

0811 20 19

0811 20 90

0811 90 31

0811 90 39

0811 90 50

0811 90 70

0811 90 75

0811 90 80

0811 90 85

0811 90 95

0812 10 00

0812 90 10

0812 90 20

0812 90 40

0812 90 50

0812 90 60

0812 90 70

0812 90 99

0813 10 00

0813 30 00

0813 40 10

0813 40 95

0813 50 15

0813 50 19

0813 50 39

0813 50 91

0813 50 99

0814 00 00

0901 12 00

0901 90 90

0902 10 00

0904 12 00

0904 20 10

0904 20 90

0905 00 00

0907 00 00

0910 20 90

0910 40 13

0910 40 19

0910 40 90

0910 91 90

0910 99 99

1001 90 10

1006 10 10

1007 00 10

1102 30 00

1103 11 10 (2)

1103 19 50

1103 20 50

1105 10 00

1105 20 00

1106 10 00

1106 30 10

1106 30 90

1108 20 00

1208 10 00

1209 10 00

1209 21 00

1209 23 80

1209 29 50

1209 29 60

1209 29 80

1209 30 00

1209 91 10

1209 91 90

1209 99 91

1209 99 99

1210 10 00

1210 20 10

1210 20 90

1211 90 30

1212 10 10

1212 10 99

1214 90 10

1302 12 00

1302 13 00

1302 19 05

1501 00 90

1502 00 90

1503 00 19

1503 00 90

1504 10 10

1504 10 99

1504 20 10

1504 30 10

1507 10 10

1507 10 90

1507 90 10

1508 10 90

1508 90 10

1508 90 90

1510 00 10

1511 10 90

1511 90 11

1511 90 19

1511 90 91

1511 90 99

1512 11 10

1512 11 91

1512 11 99

1512 19 10

1512 21 10

1512 21 90

1512 29 10

1512 29 90

1513 11

1513 19

1513 21

1513 29

1514 11 10

1514 11 90

1514 19 10

1514 91 10

1514 91 90

1514 99 10

1515 11 00

1515 19 10

1515 19 90

1515 21 10

1515 21 90

1515 29 10

1515 29 90

1515 30 90

1515 50 11

1515 50 19

1515 50 91

1515 50 99

1515 90 29

1515 90 39

1515 90 40

1515 90 51

1515 90 59

1515 90 60

1515 90 91

1515 90 99

1516 10 10

1516 10 90

1516 20 91

1516 20 95

1516 20 96

1516 20 98

1517 10 90

1517 90 99

1518 00 31

1518 00 39

1518 00 91

1518 00 95

1518 00 99

1522 00 91

1602 41 90

1602 42 90

1602 49 90

1602 90 41

1603 00 10

2001 90 20

2001 90 91

2005 90 75

2006 00 91

2006 00 99

2007 10 91

2007 10 99

2007 91 90

2007 99 93

2007 99 98

2008 11 92

2008 11 94

2008 11 96

2008 11 98

2008 19

2008 20 19

2008 20 39

2008 20 51

2008 20 59

2008 20 71

2008 20 79

2008 20 91

2008 20 99

2008 30 11

2008 30 31

2008 30 39

2008 30 51

2008 30 55

2008 30 59

2008 30 71

2008 30 75

2008 30 79

2008 30 90

2008 92 12

2008 92 14

2008 92 32

2008 92 34

2008 92 36

2008 92 38

2008 92 51

2008 92 59

2008 92 72

2008 92 74

2008 92 76

2008 92 78

2008 92 92

2008 92 93

2008 92 94

2008 92 96

2008 92 97

2008 92 98

2008 99 11

2008 99 19

2008 99 23

2008 99 25

2008 99 26

2008 99 28

2008 99 36

2008 99 37

2008 99 38

2008 99 40

2008 99 43

2008 99 45

2008 99 46

2008 99 47

2008 99 49

2008 99 53

2008 99 55

2008 99 61

2008 99 62

2008 99 68

2008 99 72

2008 99 78

2008 99 99

2009 11 19

2009 11 99

2009 12 00

2009 19 19

2009 19 98

2009 21 00

2009 29 19

2009 29 99

2009 31

2009 39 19

2009 39 31

2009 39 99

2009 41

2009 49 19

2009 49 30

2009 49 93

2009 49 99

2009 50

2009 80 36

2009 80 71

2009 80 73

2009 80 79

2009 80 88

2009 80 89

2009 80 95

2009 80 96

2009 80 97

2009 80 99

2009 90 41

2009 90 49

2009 90 73

2009 90 79

2009 90 95

2009 90 96

2009 90 97

2009 90 98

2302 50 00

2306 90 19

2308 00 90

2309 10 51

2309 10 90

2309 90 10

2309 90 31

2309 90 41

2309 90 51

2309 90 91

2309 90 95

(1) As defined in Commission Regulation (EC) No 2031/2001 of 6 August 2001, amending Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff (OJ L 279, 23 October 2001).

(2) Customs duties on imports of these products shall be abolished provided they do not benefit from export refunds and are accompanied by an export licence (see Annex) indicating that no export refunds have been paid.


Imports into the Community of the following products originating in the Republic of Slovenia shall be subject to the concessions set out below

(MFN = Most favoured nation duty)



Customs duties on imports applicable in the Republic of Slovenia to products originating in the Community and listed below shall be abolished - Slovenian tariff codes(1)

0101 10 90

0101 90

0102 90 90

0103 91 90

0103 92 90


0203 11 90

0203 12 90

0203 19 90

0203 21 90

0203 22 90

0203 29 90

0205 00

0206 10 10

0206 10 91

0206 10 99

0206 21 00

0206 22 00

0206 29 10

0206 29 99

0206 30

0206 41

0206 49

0206 80

0206 90

0207 13 91

0207 14 91

0207 26 91

0207 27 91

0207 34

0207 35 91

0207 36 81

0207 36 85

0207 36 89


0210 99 10

0210 99 71

0210 99 79

0210 91 00

0210 92 00

0210 93 00

0210 99 31

0210 99 39

0210 99 59

0210 99 80

0407 00 90

0408 11 20

0408 19 20

0408 91 20

0408 99 20

0410 00 00

0501 00 00


0503 00 00

0504 00 00

0505 10 10



0508 00 00

0510 00 00

0511 91

0511 99


0602 10

0602 20

0602 30 00

0602 40

0602 90 10

0602 90 30

0602 90 41

0602 90 45

0602 90 49

0602 90 51

0602 90 59

0602 90 70

0602 90 91

0602 90 99

0603 10 80

0603 90 00

0604 10 90

0604 91

0604 99

0701 10 00

0701 90 50

0703 10 11

0704 20 00

0704 90 90

0708 10 00

0708 90 00

0709 30 00

0709 59

0709 60 91

0709 60 95

0709 90 20

0709 90 31

0709 90 40

0709 90 90

0710 29 00

0710 80 10

0710 80 61

0710 80 69

0710 80 80

0710 80 85

0711 20

0711 30 00

0711 90 10

0711 90 50

0711 90 90

0712 20 00

0712 31 00

0712 32 00

0712 33 00

0712 39 00

0712 90 05

0712 90 11

0712 90 30

0712 90 50

0712 90 90

0713 10

0713 20 00

0713 31 00

0713 32 00

0713 33 10

0713 39 00

0713 40 00

0713 50 00

0713 90

0714 20

0714 90 90



0803 00



0806 20


0808 20 90

0809 40 90

0810 40

0810 50 00

0810 90

0810 60 00

0811 10 19

0811 10 90

0811 20 19

0811 20 90

0811 90 31

0811 90 39

0811 90 50

0811 90 70

0811 90 75

0811 90 80

0811 90 85

0811 90 95


0813 10 00

0813 30 00

0813 40 10

0813 40 50

0813 40 60

0813 40 70

0813 40 95

0813 50

0814 00 00

0901 11 00

0901 12 00

0901 90


0903 00 00


0906 20 00

0907 00 00




1001 90 10

1005 10 11

1005 10 13

1005 10 15

1005 10 19

1007 00 10

1008 30 00

1102 30 00

1103 11 10(2)

1103 19 50

1103 20 50


1106 10 00

1106 30

1108 20 00




1212 10

1212 30 00

1212 99 80

1214 90

1302 12 00

1302 13 00

1302 14 00

1302 19 05

1302 19 98

1302 32 90

1302 39 00

1501 00 11

1501 00 90

1502 00

1503 00

1504 10

1504 20

1507 10

1507 90 10

1510 00 10

1512 11

1512 19 10

1512 21

1512 29


1514 11

1514 91

1514 19 10

1514 99 10

1515 11 00

1515 19

1515 21

1515 29

1515 30

1515 40 00

1515 50

1515 90 15

1515 90 21

1515 90 29

1515 90 31

1515 90 39

1515 90 40

1515 90 51

1515 90 59

1515 90 60

1515 90 91

1515 90 99

1516 10

1516 20 91

1516 20 95

1516 20 96

1516 20 98

1517 10 90

1517 90 99

1518 00 31

1518 00 39

1518 00 91

1518 00 95

1518 00 99

1522 00 91

1522 00 99

1602 41 90

1602 42 90

1602 49 90

1602 90 41

1603 00

2001 90 10

2001 90 91

2006 00 10

2006 00 91

2006 00 99

2007 10 91

2007 10 99

2007 91 90

2007 99 93

2007 99 98

2008 11 92

2008 11 94

2008 11 96

2008 11 98

2008 19

2008 20 19

2008 20 39

2008 20 51

2008 20 59

2008 20 71

2008 20 79

2008 20 91

2008 20 99

2008 30 11

2008 30 31

2008 30 39

2008 30 51

2008 30 55

2008 30 59

2008 30 71

2008 30 75

2008 30 79

2008 30 90

2008 92 12

2008 92 14

2008 92 32

2008 92 34

2008 92 36

2008 92 38

2008 92 51

2008 92 59

2008 92 72

2008 92 74

2008 92 76

2008 92 78

2008 92 92

2008 92 93

2008 92 94

2008 92 96

2008 92 97

2008 92 98

2008 99 11

2008 99 19

2008 99 23

2008 99 25

2008 99 26

2008 99 28

2008 99 36

2008 99 37

2008 99 38

2008 99 40

2008 99 41

2008 99 43

2008 99 45

2008 99 46

2008 99 47

2008 99 49

2008 99 51

2008 99 53

2008 99 55

2008 99 61

2008 99 62

2008 99 68

2008 99 72

2008 99 78

2008 99 99

2009 11 19

2009 11 99

2009 12 00

2009 19 19

2009 19 98

2009 21 00

2009 29 19

2009 29 99

2009 31

2009 39 19

2009 39 31

2009 39 99

2009 41

2009 49 19

2009 49 30

2009 49 93

2009 49 99

2009 50

2009 80 36

2009 80 71

2009 80 73

2009 80 79

2009 80 88

2009 80 89

2009 80 95

2009 80 96

2009 80 97

2009 80 99

2009 90 41

2009 90 49

2009 90 73

2009 90 79

2009 90 95

2009 90 96

2009 90 97

2009 90 98


2302 50 00

2303 10 19

2303 10 90

2303 20

2303 30 00

2304 00 00

2305 00 00


2307 00 11

2307 00 90

2308 00 40

2308 00 11

2308 00 90

2309 10 11

2309 10 31

2309 10 51

2309 10 90

2309 90 10

2309 90 20

2309 90 31

2309 90 41

2309 90 51

2309 90 91

2309 90 93

2309 90 95

(1) As defined in Decree of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia No 88 of 29 September 2000.

(2) Customs duties on imports of these products shall be abolished provided they do not benefit from export refunds and are accompanied by an export licence (see Annex) indicating that no export refunds have been paid.


Imports into the Republic of Slovenia of the following products originating in the Community shall be subject to the concessions set out below

(MFN= Most favoured nation duty)



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