
Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the European Union is founded - Annex II: List referred to in Article 20 of the Act of Accession - 18. Cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs - C. External borders

Official Journal L 236 , 23/09/2003 P. 0725 - 0761


1. 41998 D 0059: Decision of the Executive Committee of 16 December 1998 on coordinated deployment of document advisers (SCH/Com-ex (98) 59 rev.) (OJ L 239, 22.9.2000, p. 308),

In the annexed document SCH/I-front (98) 184 rev 3, the list "I-Choice of locations currently considered suitable for document adviser assignments" is replaced by the following:

"On the basis of an evaluation of the current situation, consular representations and/or overseas offices of airlines and shipping companies at the following locations are considered suitable in principle for document adviser assignments (the list will be updated where the need arises):

- Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)


Representations: France, Portugal

- Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates)

Important transit airport for flights to Europe, so advice and training should be particularly for the benefit of the airlines

- Accra (Ghana)


- Ankara (Turkey)


- Bamako (Mali)


Representations: France

- Bangkok (Thailand)


- Beirut (Lebanon):


Shipping Lines

Representations: Cyprus

- Bissau (Guinea Bissau)


Representations: Portugal

- Brazzaville (Congo)


Representations: France

- Cairo (Egypt):


Shipping Lines

Representations: Cyprus

- Casablanca (Morocco)


Representations: Spain

- Colombo (Sri Lanka)


Representations: France

- Dacca (Bangladesh)


Representations: France

- Dakar (Senegal)


Representations: France, Portugal, Spain

- Damascus (Syria):


Representations: Cyprus

- Douala (Cameroon)


Representations: France

- Dubai (United Arab Emirates)

Important transit airport for flights to Europe, which means that advice and training should be of particular benefit to airlines

- Haiti


Representations: France

- Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)


Representations: France

- Hong Kong


Representations: France

- Islamabad (Pakistan)


Representations: Spain

- Istanbul (Turkey)


Representations: Spain

- Karachi (Pakistan)


Representations: Germany (intensive advice and training desirable).

- Kiev (Ukraine)

Representations: Portugal

- Kuwait


- Lagos (Nigeria)


Representations: Germany, France, Spain.

- Lima (Peru)


Representations: Spain

- Luanda (Angola)


Representations: Portugal

- Macao


Representations: Portugal

- Malabo (Equatorial Guinea)


Representations: Spain

- Maputo (Mozambique)


Representations: Portugal

- Moscow (Russia)


- Nador (Morocco)

Representations: Spain

- Nairobi (Kenya)


Representations: Germany, France

- Peking (China)


Representations: France, Spain

- Praia (Cape Verde)


Representations: Portugal

- Rabat (Morocco)


Representations: Spain

- Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)


Representations: Portugal

- S. Tomé (S. Tomé e Príncipe)


Representations: Portugal

- Sal (Cape Verde)


Representations: Portugal

- Sanaa (Yemen)


- Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)


Representations: Spain

- Shanghai (China)


Representations: France

- Skopje (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)


- Tangiers (Morocco)


Shipping companies

Representations: Spain

- Tetuan (Morocco)

Representations: Spain

- Tirana (Albania)


- Tunis (Tunisia)


- Yaounde (Cameroon)


Representations: France"


2. 41999 D 0013: The definitive versions of the Common Manual and the Common Consular Instructions (SCH/Com-ex (99)) 13 (OJ L 239, 22.9.2000, p. 317), as adopted by Decision of the Executive Committee of 28 April 1999, have since been amended by the acts listed below. Revised versions of the Common Consular Instructions and Common Manual containing those amendments and including other amendments made pursuant to the provisions of Council Regulations (EC) Nos 789/2001 and 790/2001 of 24 April 2001 (OJ L 116, 26.4.2001, pp. 2 and 5), have been published in OJ C 313, 16.12.2002, pp. 1 and 97.

- 32001 D 0329: Council Decision 2001/329/EC of 24.4.2001 (OJ L 116, 26.4.2001, p. 32),

- 32001 D 0420: Council Decision 2001/420/EC of 28.5.2001 (OJ L 150, 6.6.2001, p. 47),

- 32001 R 0539: Council Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 of 15.3.2001 (OJ L 81, 21.3.2001, p. 1),

- 32001 R 1091: Council Regulation (EC) No 1091/2001 of 28.5.2001 (OJ L 150, 6.6.2001, p. 4),

- 32001 R 2414: Council Regulation (EC) No 2414/2001 of 7.12.2001 (OJ L 327, 12.12.2001, p. 1),

- 32002 D 0044: Council Decision 2002/44/EC of 20.12.2001 (OJ L 20, 23.1.2002, p. 5),

- 32002 R 0334: Council Regulation (EC) No 334/2002 of 18.2.2002 (OJ L 53, 23.2.2002, p. 7),

- 32002 D 0352: Council Decision 2002/352/EC of 25.4.2002 (OJ L 123, 9.5.2002, p. 47),

- 32002 D 0354: Council Decision 2002/354/EC of 25.4.2002 (OJ L 123, 9.5.2002, p. 50),

- 32002 D 0585: Council Decision 2002/585/EC of 12.7.2002 (OJ L 187, 16.7.2002, p. 44),

- 32002 D 0586: Council Decision 2002/586/EC of 12.7.2002 (OJ L 187, 16.7.2002, p. 48),

- 32002 D 0587: Council Decision 2002/587/EC of 12.7.2002 (OJ L 187, 16.7.2002, p. 50).

The following adaptations are made to the Common Manual:

(a) In Point 1.1.1 of Part II, the following is inserted between the entries for the Kingdom of Belgium and Denmark:

"— for the Czech Republic: The departments of the Alien and Border Police Service are in charge of executing controls of persons at border crossing points, the "green" border and international airports. Corresponding border customs offices are in charge of the control of goods"


and, between the entries for the Federal Republic of Germany and the Hellenic Republic:

"— for the the Republic of Estonia: the Board of Border Guard (Piirivalveamet) and the Customs Board (Tolliamet)"


and, between the entries for the Italian Republic and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg:

"— for the Republic of Cyprus: Αστυνομία Κύπρου (Cyprus Police), Τμήμα Τελωνείων (Customs and Excise Department);

— for the Republic of Latvia: Valsts robežsardze (State Border Guard), Muita (Customs), Sanitārā robežinspekcija (Sanitary Border Inspection);

— for the Republic of Lithuania: the State Border Guard Service under the Ministry of the Interior"


and, between the entries for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands:

"— for the Republic of Hungary: the Border Guard;

— for the Republic of Malta: the Immigration Police and the Customs Department"


and, between the entries for the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Portuguese Republic:

"— for the Republic of Poland: The Border Guard"


and, between the entries for the Portuguese Republic and Finland:

"— for the Republic of Slovenia: Police and Customs, the latter only at border crossing points with the Republic of Italy and the Republic of Austria.

— for the Slovak Republic: Border Police and Customs"


(b) In the second indent of Point 2.1.5 of Part II, the following is deleted: "Malta".

(c) In Point 6.3.1 of Part II, the second indent of the second subparagraph is replaced by the following:

"— the holders of a travel document for refugees issued by Denmark, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Malta, Norway, Sweden or Switzerland are exempt from the visa requirement for entering the territory of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Czech Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, the Kingdom of Spain, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Republic of Hungary,the Republic of Malta, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic.

The holders of such travel documents shall be subject to the requirement for a visa to enter the territory of the Hellenic Republic and the French Republic.

— in addition, entering the Czech Republic, the holders of a travel document for refugees issued by Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Romania are exempt from the visa requirement."

(d) In Annex 1, the following is inserted between the entries for Belgium and Denmark:



Land borders

1. Bartultovice - Trzebina

2. Bílý Potok - Paczków

3. Bohumín - Chałupki

4. Bohumín - Chałupki (railway)

5. Bukovec - Jasnowice

6. Český Těšín - Cieszyn

7. Český Těšín - Cieszyn (railway)

8. Chotěbuz - Cieszyn

9. Dolní Lipka - Boboszów

10. Dolní Marklovice - Marklowice Górne

11. Frýdlant v Čechách - Zawidów (railway)

12. Habartice - Zawidów

13. Harrachov - Jakuszyce

14. Horní Lištná - Leszna Górna

15. Hrádek nad Nisou - Porajów

16. Královec - Lubawka

17. Královec - Lubawka (railway)

18. Krnov - Pietrowice

19. Kunratice - Bogatynia

20. Lichkov - Międzylesie (railway)

21. Meziměstí - Mieroszów (railway)

22. Mikulovice - Głuchołazy

23. Mikulovice - Głuchołazy (railway)

24. Náchod - Kudowa Słone

25. Nové Město p. Smrkem - Czerniawa Zdrój

26. Osoblaha - Pomorzowiczki

27. Otovice - Tłumaczów

28. Petrovice u Karviné - Zebrzydowice (railway)

29. Pomezní Boudy - Przełęcz Okraj

30. Srbská - Miloszów

31. Starostín - Golińsk

32. Sudice - Pietraszyn

33. Závada - Golkowice

34. Zlaté Hory - Konradów

Local border traffic (*) and tourist crossing points (**)

1. Andělka - Lutogniewice (**)

2. Bartošovice v Orlických horách - Niemojów (*) (**)

3. Bernartice - Dziewiętlice (*)

4. Beskydek - Beskidek (*)

5. Bílá Voda - Złoty Stok (*)

6. Božanov - Radków (**)

7. Česká Čermná - Brzozowice (**)

8. Chomýž - Chomiąża (*)

9. Chuchelná - Borucin (*)

10. Chuchelná - Krzanowice (*)

11. Harrachov - Polana Jakuszycka (**)

12. Hať - Rudyszwałd (*)

13. Hať - Tworków (*)

14. Hněvošice - Ściborzyce Wielkie (*)

15. Horní Morava - Jodłów (**)

16. Hrčava - Jaworzynka (*) (**)

17. Janovičky - Głuszyca Górna (**)

18. Karviná Ráj II - Kaczyce Górne (*)

19. Kojkovice - Puńców (*)

20. Kopytov - Olza (*)

21. Linhartovy - Lenarcice (*)

22. Luční bouda - Równia pod Śnieżką (**)

23. Luční bouda - Śląski Dom (**)

24. Machovská Lhota - Ostra Góra (**)

25. Malá Čermná - Czermna (*)

26. Malý Stožek - Stożek (*)

27. Masarykova chata - Zieleniec (**)

28. Mladkov (Petrovičky) - Kamieńczyk (**)

29. Nýdek - Wielka Czantorja (**)

30. Olešnice v Orlických horách (Čihalka) - Duszniki Zdrój (**)

31. Opava - Pilszcz (*)

32. Orlické Záhoří - Mostowice (*)

33. Petříkovice - Okreszyn (**)

34. Píšť - Bolesław (*)

35. Píšť - Owsiszcze (*)

36. Rohov - Ściborzyce Wielkie (*)

37. Šilheřovice - Chałupki (*)

38. Smrk - Stóg Izerski (**)

39. Soví sedlo (Jelenka) - Sowia Przełęcz (**)

40. Špindlerův Mlýn - Przesieka (**)

41. Staré Město - Nowa Morawa (*) (**)

42. Strahovice - Krzanowice (*)

43. Travná - Lutynia (*) (**)

44. Třebom - Gródczanki (*)

45. Třebom - Kietrz (*)

46. Úvalno - Branice (*)

47. Vávrovice - Wiechowice (*)

48. Velké Kunetice -Sławniowice (*)

49. Velký Stožec - Stożek (**)

50. Věřňovice - Gorzyczki (*)

51. Věřňovice - Łaziska (*)

52. Vidnava - Kałków (*)

53. Vosecká bouda (Tvarožník) - Szrenica (**)

54. Vrchol Kralického Sněžníku - Snieznik (**)

55. Žacléř - Niedomirów (**)

56. Zdoňov - Łączna (**)

57. Zlaté Hory - Jarnołtówek (**)


Land borders

1. Bílá - Klokočov

2. Bílá-Bumbálka - Makov

3. Břeclav (Autobahn) - Brodské (motorway)

4. Březová - Nová Bošáca

5. Brumov-Bylnice - Horné Srnie

6. Hodonín - Holíč

7. Hodonín - Holíč (railway)

8. Horní Lideč - Lúky pod Makytou (railway)

9. Lanžhot - Brodské

10. Lanžhot - Kúty (railway)

11. Mosty u Jablunkova - Čadca (railway)

12. Mosty u Jablunkova - Svrčinovec

13. Nedašova Lhota - Červený Kameň

14. Šance - Čadca-Milošová

15. Starý Hrozenkov - Drietoma

16. Strání - Moravské Lieskové

17. Střelná - Lysá pod Makytou

18. Sudoměřice - Skalica

19. Sudoměřice - Skalica (railway)

20. Velká nad Veličkou - Vrbovce (railway)

21. Velká nad Veličkou - Vrbovce

22. Velké Karlovice - Makov

23. Vlárský průsmyk - Horné Srnie (railway)


Land borders

1. Břeclav - Hohenau (railway)

2. České Velenice - Gmünd

3. České Velenice - Gmünd (railway)

4. České Velenice - Gmünd 2

5. Chlum u Třeboně - Schlag

6. Čížov - Hardegg

7. Dolní Dvořiště - Wullowitz

8. Halámky - Gmünd-Neu-Nagelberg

9. Hatě - Kleinhaugsdorf

10. Hevlín - Laa an der Thaaya

11. Hnanice - Mitterretzbach

12. Horní Dvořiště - Summerau (railway)

13. Ježová - Iglbach

14. Koranda - St. Oswald

15. Mikulov - Drasenhofen

16. Nová Bystřice - Grametten

17. Nové Hrady - Pyhrabruck

18. Plešné jezero - Plöckensteinersee

19. Poštorná - Reinthal

20. Přední Výtoň - Guglwald

21. Šatov - Retz (railway)

22. Slavonice - Fratres

23. Studánky - Weigetschlag

24. Valtice - Schrattenberg

25. Vratěnín - Oberthürnau

26. Zadní Zvonková - Schöneben


Land borders

1. Aš - Selb

2. Aš - Selb-Plössberg (railway)

3. Boží Dar - Oberwiesenthal

4. Broumov - Mähring

5. Česká Kubice - Furth im Wald (railway)

6. Cheb - Schirnding (railway)

7. Cínovec - Altenberg

8. Cínovec - Zinnwald

9. Děčín - Bad Schandau (railway)

10. Dolní Poustevna - Sebnitz

11. Doubrava - Bad Elster

12. Folmava - Furth im Wald

13. Hora sv. Šebestiána - Reitzenhain

14. Hrádek nad Nisou - Zittau (railway)

15. Hřensko - Schmilka

16. Hřensko - Schöna (river)

17. Jiříkov - Neugersdorf

18. Kraslice - Klingenthal

19. Kraslice / Hraničná - Klingenthal (railway)

20. Lísková - Waldmünchen

21. Mníšek - Deutscheinsiedel

22. Moldava - Neurehefeld

23. Pavlův Studenec - Bärnau

24. Pomezí nad Ohří - Schirnding

25. Potůčky - Johanngeorgenstadt (railway)

26. Potůčky - Johanngeorgenstadt

27. Petrovice - Bahratal

28. Rozvadov - Waidhaus

29. Rozvadov - Waidhaus (highway)

30. Rumburk - Ebersbach - Habrachtice (railway)

31. Rumburk - Neugersdorf

32. Rumburk - Seifhennersdorf

33. Stožec - Haidmühle

34. Strážný - Philippsreuth

35. Svatá Kateřina - Neukirchen b. Hl. Blut

36. Svatý Kříž - Waldsassen

37. Varnsdorf - Seifhennersdorf

38. Vejprty - Bärenstein

39. Vejprty - Bärenstein (railway)

40. Vojtanov - Bad Brambach (railway)

41. Vojtanov - Schönberg

42. Všeruby - Eschlkam

43. Železná - Eslarn

44. Železná Ruda - Bayerisch Eisenstein

45. Železná Ruda - Bayerisch Eisenstein (railway)

Tourist crossing points

1. Brandov - Olbernhau (Grünthal)

2. Branka - Hermannsreuth

3. Bublava - Klingenthal/Aschberg

4. Bučina - Finsterau

5. Čerchov - Lehmgrubenweg

6. Černý Potok - Jöhstadt

7. České Žleby - Bischofsreut (Marchhäuser)

8. Český Jiřetín - Deutschgeorgenthal

9. Debrník - Ferdinandsthal

10. Dolní Podluží - Waltersdorf (Herrenwalde)

11. Dolní Světlá - Jonsdorf

12. Dolní Světlá - Waltersdorf

13. Dolní Žleb - Elbradweg Schöna

14. Fleky - Hofberg

15. Fojtovice - Fürstenau

16. Hora sv. Kateřiny - Deutschenkatharinenberg

17. Horní Paseky - Bad Brambach

18. Hrádek nad Nisou - Hartau

19. Hranice - Bad Elster/Bärenloh

20. Hranice - Ebmath

21. Hřebečná (Boží Dar/Hubertky) - Oberwiesenthal

22. Hřebečná/Korce - Henneberg (Oberjugel)

23. Hřensko - Schöna

24. Jelení - Wildenthal

25. Jílové/Sněžník - Rosenthal

26. Jiříkov - Ebersbach (Bahnhofstr.)

27. Křížový Kámen - Kreuzstein

28. Krompach - Jonsdorf

29. Krompach - Oybin/Hain

30. Kryštofovy Hamry - Jöhstadt (Schmalzgrube)

31. Libá/Dubina - Hammermühle

32. Lipová - Sohland

33. Lobendava - Langburkersdorf

34. Lobendava/Severní - Steinigtwolmsdorf

35. Loučná - Oberwiesenthal

36. Luby - Wernitzgrün

37. Mikulášovice - Hinterhermsdorf

38. Mikulášovice (Tomášov) - Sebnitz OT/Hertigswalde (Waldhaus)

39. Mikulášovice/Tanečnice - Sebnitz (Forellenschänke)

40. Moldava - Holzhau

41. Mýtina - Neualbenreuth

42. Nemanice/Lučina - Untergrafenried

43. Nová Ves v Horách - Deutschneudorf

44. Nové Údolí /Trojstoličník/ - Dreisessel

45. Ostrý - Großer Osser

46. Ovčí Vrch - Hochstraße

47. Petrovice - Lückendorf

48. Pleš - Friedrichshäng

49. Plesná - Bad Brambach

50. Pod Třemi znaky - Brombeerregel

51. Potůčky - Breitenbrunn (Himmelswiese)

52. Prášily - Scheuereck

53. Přední Zahájí - Waldheim

54. Rybník - Stadlern

55. Šluknov/Rožany - Sohland (Hohberg)

56. Starý Hrozňatov - Hatzenreuth

57. Tři znaky - Drei Wappen

58. Zadní Doubice - Hinterheermsdorf

59. Ždár - Griesbach

60. Železná Ruda - Bayerisch Eisenstein

Air borders

1. public [58]

1. Brno - Tuřany

2. České Budějovice - Hosín

3. Holešov

4. Karlovy Vary

5. Holešov

6. Liberec

7. Mnichovo Hradiště

8. Olomouc

9. Ostrava - Mošnov

10. Pardubice

11. Praha - Ruzyně

12. Uherské Hradiště - Kunovice

2. non public [59]

1. Benešov

2. Hradec Králové

3. Líně'

4. Otrokovice

5. Přerov

6. Vodochody

7. Vysoké Mýto

and, between the entries for Germany and Greece:



Land borders

1. Holdre - Omuļi

2. Ikla - Ainaži

3. Jäärja - Ramata

4. Lilli - Unguriņi

5. Mõisaküla - Ipiķi

6. Murati - Veclaicene

7. Valga - Lugaži (railway)

8. Valga 1 - Valka 2

9. Valga 2 - Valka 3

10. Valga 3 - Valka 1

11. Vana-Ikla - Ainaži (Ikla)

12. Vastse-Roosa - Ape


Land borders

1. Koidula - Kunitšina-Gora

2. Luhamaa - Šumilkino

3. Narva - Jaanilinn (Ivangorod) (railway)

4. Narva-1 - Jaanilinn (Ivangorod)

5. Narva-2 - Jaanilinn (Ivangorod)

6. Orava - Petseri (railway)

7. Saatse - Krupa

Sea borders

1. Dirhami

2. Haapsalu

3. Heltermaa

4. Kuivastu

5. Kunda

6. Lehtma

7. Lohusalu

8. Loksa

9. Miiduranna

10. Mõntu

11. Muuga

12. Narva-Jõesuu

13. Nasva

14. Paldiski-1

15. Paldiski-2

16. Pärnu-2

17. Pärnu-3

18. Rohuküla

19. Roomassaare

20. Ruhnu

21. Sõru

22. Tallinna-2

23. Tallinna-3

24. Tallinna-4

25. Tallinna-5

26. Tallinna-6

27. Tallinna-7

28. Tallinna-8

29. Tallinna-9

30. Tallinna-10

31. Tallinna-11

32. Tallinna-12

33. Veere

34. Vergi

35. Virtsu

Air borders

1. Ämari (non-public military airport, not open to civil aircraft)

2. Kärdla

3. Kuressaare

4. Pärnu-1

5. Tallinna-1

6. Tallinna-13

7. Tartu-1"

and, between the entries for Italy and Luxembourg:


Sea borders

1. Larnaka marina (Μαρίνα Λάρνακας)

2. Larnaka port (Λιμάνι Λάρνακας)

3. Lemesos old port (Παλαιό Λιμάνι Λεμεσού)

4. Lemesos port (Λιμάνι Λεμεσού)

5. Pafos port (Λιμάνι Πάφου)

6. Agios Rafail marina (Μαρίνα Αγίου Ραφαήλ)

7. Zygi port (Λιμάνι Ζυγίου)

Air borders

1. Larnaka international airport (Διεθνές αεροδρόμιο Λάρνακας)

2. Pafos international airport (Διεθνές αεροδρόμιο Πάφου)



Land borders

1. Aizgārša - Ļamoni (Лямоны)

2. Bērziņi - Manuhnova (Манухново)

3. Grebņeva - Ubiļinka (Убылика)

4. Kārsava - Skangaļi (Скангали) (railway)

5. Pededze - Bruniševa (Брунищево)

6. Punduri - Punduri (Пундури)

7. Terehova - Burački (Бурачки)

8. Vientuļi - Ludonka (Лудонка)

9. Zilupe - Posiņi (Посинь) (railway)


Land borders

1. Indra - Bigosova (Бигосово) (railway)

2. Pāternieki - Grigorovščina (Григоровщина)

3. Silene - Urbani (Урбаны)

Local border traffic

1. Piedruja - Druja (Друя)

2. Meikšāni - Gavriļino (Гаврилино)

3. Vorzova - Ļipovka (Липовка)

4. Kaplava - Pļusi (Плюсы)


Land borders

1. Ainaži (Ikla) - Vana-Ikla

2. Ainaži - Ikla

3. Ape - Vastse-Roosa

4. Ipiķi - Mõisaküla

5. Lugaži - Valga (railway)

6. Omuļi - Holdre

7. Ramata - Jäärja

8. Unguriņi - Lilli

9. Valka 1 - Valga 3

10. Valka 2 - Valga 1

11. Valka 3 - Valga 2

12. Veclaicene - Murati


Land borders

1. Adžūni - Žeimelis

2. Aizvīķi - Gėsalai

3. Aknīste - Juodupis

4. Brunava - Joneliai

5. Demene - Tilžė

6. Eglaine - Obeliai (railway)

7. Ezere - Buknaičai

8. Grenctāle - Saločiai

9. Krievgali - Puodžiūnai

10. Kurcums - Turmantas (railway)

11. Laižuva - Laižuva

12. Lankuti - Lenkimai

13. Lukne - Luknė

14. Medumi - Smėlynė

15. Meitene - Joniškis (railway)

16. Meitene - Kalviai

17. Nereta - Suvainiškis

18. Piķeļmuiža — Pikeliai

19. Pilskalne — Kvetkai

20. Plūdoņi - Skuodas

21. Priedula - Klykoliai

22. Priekule - Skuodas (railway)

23. Rauda - Stelmužė

24. Reņģe - Mažeikiai (railway)

25. Rucava - Būtingė

26. Skaistkalne - Germaniškis

27. Subate - Obeliai

28. Vaiņode - Bugeniai (railway)

29. Vaiņode - Strėliškiai

30. Vītiņi - Vegeriai

31. Žagare - Žagarė

32. Zemgale - Turmantas

Sea borders

1. Lielupe

2. Liepāja

3. Mērsrags

4. Pāvilosta

5. Rīga

6. Roja

7. Salacgrīva

8. Skulte

9. Ventspils

Air borders

1. Daugavpils

2. Liepāja

3. Rīga

4. Ventspils



Land borders

1. Bugeniai - Vaiņode (railway)

2. Buknaičiai - Ezere

3. Būtingė - Rucava

4. Germaniškis - Skaistkalne

5. Gėsalai - Aizvīķi

6. Joneliai - Brunava

7. Joniškis - Meitene (railway)

8. Juodupis - Aknīste

9. Kalviai - Meitene

10. Klykoliai - Priedula

11. Kvetkai - Pilskalne

12. Laižuva - Laižuva

13. Lenkimai - Lankuti

14. Luknė - Lukne

15. Mažeikiai - Reņģe (railway)

16. Obeliai - Eglaine (railway)

17. Obeliai - Subate

18. Pikeliai - Piķeļmuiža

19. Puodžiūnai - Krievgali

20. Saločiai - Grenctāle

21. Skuodas - Plūdoņi

22. Skuodas - Priekule (railway)

23. Smėlynė - Medumi

24. Stelmužė - Rauda

25. Strėliškiai - Vaiņode

26. Suvainiškis - Nereta

27. Tilžė - Demene

28. Turmantas - Kurcums (railway)

29. Turmantas - Zemgale

30. Vegeriai - Vītiņi

31. Žagarė - Žagare

32. Žeimelis - Adžūni


Land borders

1. Adutiškis - Lentupis (railway)

2. Adutiškis - Moldevičiai

3. Adutiškis - Pastovys (railway)

4. Druskininkai - Pariečė (railway)

5. Eišiškės - Dotiškės

6. Gelednė - Lentupis (railway)

7. Kabeliai - Pariečė (railway)

8. Kapčiamiestis - Kadyš

9. Kena - Gudagojis (railway)

10. Krakūnai - Geranainys

11. Latežeris - Pariečė

12. Lavoriškės - Kotlovka

13. Medininkai - Kamenyj Log

14. Papelekis - Lentupis

15. Raigardas - Privalka

16. Šalčininkai - Benekainys

17. Stasylos - Benekainys (railway)

18. Šumskas - Loša

19. Tverečius - Vidžiai

20. Ureliai - Klevyčia


Land borders

1. Kalvarija - Budzisko

2. Lazdijai - Ogrodniki (Aradninkai)

3. Mockava (Šeštokai) - Trakiszki (Trakiškės) (railway)


Land borders

1. Jurbarkas - Sovetsk (river)

2. Kybartai - Černyševskoje

3. Kybartai - Nesterov (railway)

4. Nida - Morskoje

5. Nida - Rybačyj (river)

6. Pagėgiai - Sovetsk (railway)

7. Panemunė - Sovetsk

8. Ramoniškiai - Pograničnyj

9. Rusnė - Sovetsk (river)

Sea borders

Klaipėda National Port, (Kuršių, Molo and Malkų border crossing points) and Būtingės Oil Terminal border crossing point.

Air borders

1. Kaunas Airport

2. Palangos Airport

3. Vilnius Airport

4. Zoknių Airport"

and, between the entries for Luxembourg and the Netherlands:



Land borders

1. Bozsok - Rechnitz

2. Bucsu - Schachendorf

3. Fertőd - Pamhagen

4. Fertőrákos - Mörbisch (port)

5. Fertőrákos - Mörbisch

6. Fertőújlak - Pamhagen (railway)

7. Hegyeshalom - Nickelsdorf

8. Hegyeshalom - Nickelsdorf (motorway)

9. Hegyeshalom (railway)

10. Jánossomorja - Andau

11. Kópháza - Deutschkreutz

12. Kőszeg - Rattensdorf

13. Rábafüzes - Heiligenkreutz

14. Sopron - Klingenbach

15. Sopron (railway)

16. Szentgotthárd - Jennersdorf (railway)

17. Szentpéterfa - Eberau

18. Zsira - Lutzmannsburg


Land borders

1. Bajánsenye - Hodoš

2. Bajánsenye - Hodoš (railway)

3. Felsőszölnök - Martinje

4. Kétvölgy - Čepinci

5. Magyarszombatfa - Prosenjakovci

6. Nemesnép - Kobilje

7. Rédics - Dolga Vas

8. Tornyiszentmiklós - Pince


Land borders

1. Barcs - Terezino Polje

2. Beremend - Baranjsko Petrovo Selo

3. Berzence - Gola

4. Drávaszabolcs - Donji Miholjac

5. Gyékényes - Koprivnica (railway)

6. Letenye - Goričan

7. Magyarboly - Beli Manastir

8. Mohács (port)

9. Murakeresztúr - Kotoriba (railway)

10. Udvar - Dubosevica


Land borders

1. Bácsalmás - Bajmok

2. Baja (river)

3. Hercegszántó - Bački Breg

4. Kelebia - Subotica (railway)

5. Röszke II - Horgoš

6. Röszke III - Horgoš (railway)

7. Szeged (river)

8. Szeged-Röszke I - Horgoš (motorway)

9. Tiszasziget - Đala

10. Tompa - Kelebija


Land borders

1. Ágerdőmajor (Tiborszállás) - Carei (railway)

2. Ártánd - Borş

3. Battonya - Turnu

4. Biharkeresztes - Episcopia (railway)

5. Csengersima - Petea

6. Gyula - Vărşand

7. Kiszombor - Cenad

8. Kötegyán - Salonta (railway)

9. Lőkösháza - Curtici (railway)

10. Méhkerék - Salonta

11. Nagylak - Nădlac

12. Nyírábrány - Valea Lui Mihai (railway)

13. Nyírábrány - Valea Lui Mihai/Barantău


Land borders

1. Barabás - Kosyny

2. Beregsurány - Luzhanka

3. Eperjeske - Salovka (railway)

4. Lónya - Dzvinkove

5. Tiszabecs - Vylok

6. Záhony - Čop (railway)

7. Záhony - Čop (land)


Land borders

1. Aggtelek - Domica

2. Balassagyarmat - Slovenské Ďarmoty

3. Bánréve - Kráľ

4. Bánréve - Lenártovce (railway)

5. Esztergom - Štúrovo

6. Győr - Gönyű (river - no corresponding point on Slovak side)

7. Győr-Vámosszabadi - Medveďov

8. Hidasnémeti - Čaňa (railway)

9. Ipolytarnóc - Kalonda

10. Komárom - Komárno

11. Komárom - Komárno (railway)

12. Komárom - Komárno (river)

13. Letkés - Salka

14. Pácin - Veľký Kamenec

15. Parassapuszta - Šahy

16. Rajka - Čunovo

17. Rajka - Rusovce

18. Rajka - Rusovce (railway)

19. Salgótarján - Šiatorská Bukovinka

20. Sátoraljaújhely - Slovenské Nové Mesto

21. Sátoraljaújhely - Slovenské Nové Mesto (railway)

22. Somoskőújfalu - Fiľakovo (railway)

23. Szob - Štúrovo (railway)

24. Tornanádaska - Hosťovce

25. Tornyosnémeti - Milhosť

Air borders

1. Debrecen

2. Ferihegy International Airport, Budapest

3. Sármellék'


Sea borders

1. Mġarr Yacht Marina

2. Ta' Xbiex Yacht Marina

3. Valletta' Seaport

Air border

1. Malta International Airport, Luqa"

and, between the entries for Austria and Portugal:



Land borders

1. Bezledy - Bagrationowsk

2. Braniewo - Mamonowo (railway)

3. Głomno - Bagrationowsk (railway)

4. Gołdap - Gusiew

5. Gronowo - Mamonowo

6. Skandawa - Żeleznodorożnyj (railway)


Land borders

1. Budzisko - Kalvarija

2. Ogrodniki - Lazdijai

3. Trakiszki - Mockava (Šeštokai) (railway)


Land borders

1. Bobrowniki - Bierestowica

2. Czeremcha - Wysokolitowsk (railway)

3. Kukuryki - Kozłowiczy

4. Kuźnica - Bruzgi

5. Kuźnica - Grodno (railway)

6. Połowce - Pieszczatka

7. Siemianówka - Swisłocz (railway)

8. Sławatycze - Domaczewo

9. Terespol - Brześć

10. Terespol - Brześć (railway)

11. Zubki - Bierestowica (railway)


Land borders

1. Dorohusk - Jagodzin

2. Dorohusk - Jagodzin (railway)

3. Hrebenne - Rawa Ruska

4. Hrebenne - Rawa Ruska (railway)

5. Hrubieszów - Włodzimierz Wołyński (railway)

6. Korczowa - Krakowiec

7. Krościenko - Chyrow (railway)

8. Krościenko - Smolnica

9. Medyka - Szeginie

10. Przemyśl - Mościska (railway)

11. Werchrata - Rawa Ruska (railway)

12. Zosin - Ustiług


Land borders

1. Barwinek - Vyšný Komárnik

2. Chochołów - Suchá Hora

3. Chyżne - Trstená

4. Konieczna - Becherov

5. Korbielów - Oravská Polhora

6. Łupków - Palota (railway)

7. Łysa Polana - Tatranská Javorina

8. Muszyna - Plaveč (railway)

9. Niedzica - Lysá nad Dunajcom

10. Piwniczna - Mníšek nad Popradom

11. Ujsoły - Novoť

12. Winiarczykówka - Bobrov

13. Zwardoń - Skalité (railway)

14. Zwardoń-Myto - Skalité

Local border traffic (*) and tourist crossing points (**)

1. Babia Góra - Babia Hora (**)

2. Balnica - Osadné (**)

3. Blechnarka - Stebnická Huta (**)

4. Bor - Oščadnica-Vreščovka (**)

5. Czeremcha - Čertižné (**)

6. Głuchaczki - Przełęcz Jałowiecka (**)

7. Góra Magura - Oravice (**)

8. Górka Gomółka - Skalité Serafínov (**)

9. Jaśliska - Čertižné (*)

10. Jaworki - Litmanová (**)

11. Jaworki - Stráňany (**)

12. Jaworzynka - Cerne (**)

13. Jurgów - Podspády (*)

14. Kacwin - Veľká Franková (*) (**)

15. Leluchów - Čirč (*) (**)

16. Milik - Legnava (*)

17. Muszynka - Kurov (*)

18. Ożenna - Nižná Polianka (*) (**)

19. Pilsko - Pilsko (**)

20. Piwowarówka - Pil'hov (*)

21. Przegibek - Vychylovka (*)

22. Przełęcz Przysłop - Stará Bystrica (**)

23. Przywarówka - Oravská Polhora (**)

24. Radoszyce - Palota (*) (**)

25. Roztoki Górne - Ruske Sedlo (**)

26. Rycerka - Nova Bystrica (*)

27. Rysy - Rysy (**)

28. Sromowce Niżne - Červený Kláštor (**)

29. Sromowce Wyżne - Lysá nad Dunajcom (*)

30. Szczawnica - Lesnica znak graniczny II/91 (**)

31. Szczawnica - Lesnica znak graniczny II/94 (**)

32. Szlachtowa - Veľký Lipník (**)

33. Wielka Racza - Veľká Rača (**)

34. Wierchomla Wielka - Kače (*)

35. Wysowa Zdrój - Cigeľka (**)

36. Wysowa Zdrój - Regetowka (**)

37. Zawoja-Czatoża - Oravská Polhora (**)

38. Zwardoń - Skalité (**)


Land borders

1. Boboszów - Dolní Lipka

2. Bogatynia - Kunratice

3. Chałupki - Bohumín

4. Chałupki - Bohumín (railway)

5. Cieszyn - Český Těšín

6. Cieszyn - Český Těšín (railway)

7. Cieszyn - Chotěbuz

8. Czerniawa Zdrój - Nové Město p. Smrkem

9. Głuchołazy - Mikulovice

10. Głuchołazy - Mikulovice (railway)

11. Golińsk - Starostín

12. Golkowice - Závada

13. Jakuszyce - Harrachov

14. Jasnowice - Bukovec

15. Konradów - Zlaté Hory

16. Kudowa Słone - Náchod

17. Leszna Górna - Horní Lištná

18. Lubawka - Královec

19. Lubawka - Královec (railway)

20. Marklowice Górne - Dolní Marklovice

21. Międzylesie -Lichkov (railway)

22. Mieroszów - Meziměstí (railway)

23. Miloszów - Srbská

24. Paczków - Bílý Potok

25. Pietraszyn - Sudice

26. Pietrowice - Krnov

27. Pomorzowiczki - Osoblaha

28. Porajów - Hrádek nad Nisou

29. Przełęcz Okraj - Pomezní Boudy

30. Tłumaczów - Otovice

31. Trzebina - Bartultovice

32. Zawidów - Frýdlant v Čechách (railway)

33. Zawidów - Habartice

34. Zebrzydowice - Petrovice u Karviné (railway)

Local border traffic (*) and tourist crossing points (**)

1. Beskidek - Beskydek (*)

2. Bolesław - Píšť (*)

3. Borucin - Chuchelná (*)

4. Branice - Úvalno (*)

5. Brzozowie - Česká Čermná (**)

6. Chałupki - Šilheřovice (*)

7. Chomiąża - Chomýž (*)

8. Czermna - Malá Čermná (*)

9. Duszniki Zdrój - Olešnice v Orlických horách (Čihalka) (**)

10. Dziewiętlice - Bernartice (*)

11. Głuszyca Górna - Janovičky (**)

12. Gorzyczki - Věřňovice (*)

13. Gródczanki - Třebom (*)

14. Jarnołtówek (Biskupia Kopa) - Zlaté Hory (Biskupská kupa) (**)

15. Jaworzynka - Hrčava (*) (**)

16. Jodłów - Horní Morava (**)

17. Kaczyce Górne - Karviná Ráj II (*)

18. Kałków - Vidnava (*)

19. Kamieńczyk - Mladkov (Petrovičky) (**)

20. Kietrz - Třebom (*)

21. Krzanowice - Chuchelná (*)

22. Krzanowice - Strahovice (*)

23. Łączna - Zdoňov (**)

24. Łaziska - Věřňovice (*)

25. Lenarcice - Linhartovy (*)

26. Lutogniewice - Andělka (**)

27. Lutynia - Travná (*) (**)

28. Mostowice - Orlické Záhoří (*)

29. Niedamirów - Žacléř (**)

30. Niemojów - Bartošovice v Orlických horách (*) (**)

31. Nowa Morawa - Staré Město (*) (**)

32. Okrzeszyn - Petříkovice (**)

33. Olza - Kopytov (*)

34. Ostra Góra - Machovská Lhota (**)

35. Owsiszcze - Píšť (*)

36. Pilszcz - Opava (*)

37. Polana Jakuszycka - Harrachov (**)

38. Przesieka - Špindlerův Mlýn (**)

39. Puńców - Kojkovice (*)

40. Radków - Božanov (**)

41. Równia pod Śnieżką - Luční bouda (**)

42. Rudyszwałd - Hať (*)

43. Ściborzyce Wielkie - Hněvošice (*)

44. Ściborzyce Wielkie - Rohov (*)

45. Śląski Dom - Luční bouda (**)

46. Sławniowice - Velké Kunětice (*)

47. Śnieżnik - vrchol Kralického Sněžníku (**)

48. Sowia Przełęcz - Soví sedlo (Jelenka) (**)

49. Stóg Izerski - Smrk (**)

50. Stożek - Malý Stožek (*)

51. Stożek - Velký Stožek (**)

52. Szrenica - Vosecká bouda (Tvarožník) (**)

53. Tworków - Hať (*)

54. Wiechowice - Vávrovice (*)

55. Wielka Czantorja - Nýdek (**)

56. Zieleniec - Masarykova chata (**)

57. Złoty Stok - Bílá Voda (*)


Land borders

1. Gryfino - Mescherin (river)

2. Gryfino - Mescherin

3. Gubin - Guben

4. Gubin - Guben (railway)

5. Gubinek- Guben

6. Jędrzychowice - Ludwigsdorf

7. Kołbaskowo - Pomellen

8. Kostrzyn - Kietz

9. Kostrzyn - Kietz (railway)

10. Krajnik Dolny - Schwedt

11. Krzewina Zgorzelecka - Ostritz

12. Kunowice - Frankfurt (railway)

13. Łęknica - Bad Muskau

14. Lubieszyn - Linken

15. Miłów - Eisenhüttenstadt (river)

16. Olszyna - Forst

17. Osinów Dolny - Hohensaaten (river)

18. Osinów Dolny - Hohenwutzen

19. Porajów - Zittau

20. Przewóz - Podrosche

21. Rosówek - Rosow

22. Sieniawka - Zittau

23. Słubice - Frankfurt

24. Słubice - Frankfurt (river)

25. Świecko - Frankfurt (motorway)

26. Świnoujście - Ahlbeck

27. Szczecin-Gumieńce - Grambow,Tantow (railway)

28. Węgliniec - Horka (railway)

29. Widuchowa - Gartz (river)

30. Zasieki - Forst

31. Zasieki - Forst (railway)

32. Zgorzelec - Görlitz

33. Zgorzelec - Görlitz (railway)

Local border traffic

1. Bobolin - Schwennenz

2. Buk - Blankensee

Sea borders

1. Darłowo

2. Dziwnów

3. Elbląg

4. Frombork

5. Gdańsk - Górki Zachodnie

6. Gdańsk - Nowy Port

7. Gdańsk - Port Północny

8. Gdynia

9. Hel

10. Jastarnia

11. Kołobrzeg

12. Łeba

13. Mrzeżyno

14. Nowe Warpno

15. Świnoujście

16. Szczecin-Port

17. Trzebież

18. Ustka

19. Władysławowo

Air borders

1. Biała Podlaska

2. Bydgoszcz

3. Gdańsk - Rębiechowo

4. Jelenia Góra

5. Katowice - Pyrzowice

6. Kielce - Masłów

7. Kraków - Balice

8. Lubin

9. Łódź - Lublinek

10. Mielec

11. Poznań - Ławica

12. Rzeszów - Jasionka

13. Świdnik

14. Szczecin - Goleniów

15. Szymanyk - Szczytna

16. Warszawa - Babice

17. Warszawa - Okęcie

18. Wrocław - Strachowice

19. Zielona Góra - Babimost

20. Zielona Góra - Przylep"

and, between the entries for Portugal and Finland:



Land borders

1. Fernetiči - Fernetti

2. Kozina - Pesse

3. Lazaret - S. Bartolomeo

4. Lipica - Lipizza

5. Neblo - Venco

6. Nova Gorica - Casa Rossa

7. Nova Gorica - Gorizia (railway)

8. Predel - Passo del Predil

9. Rateče - Fusine Laghi

10. Robič - Stupizza

11. Sežana - Villa Opicina (railway)

12. Škofije - Rabuiese

13. Učeja - Uccea

14. Vrtojba - S. Andrea Vertoiba

Local border traffic

1. Britof - Mulino Vechio

2. Čampore - Chiampore

3. Golo Brdo - Mernico

4. Gorjansko - S. Pelagio

5. Hum - S. Floriano

6. Kaštelir - S. Barbara

7. Klariči - Iamiano

8. Livek - Polava di Cepletischis

9. Log pod Mangrtom - Cave del Predil

10. Lokvica - Devetacchi

11. Miren - Merna

12. Most na Nadiži - Ponte Vittorio

13. Nova Gorica I - S. Gabriele

14. Osp - Prebenico Caresana

15. Plavje - Noghera

16. Plešivo - Plessiva

17. Pristava - Rafut

18. Repentabor - Monrupino

19. Robidišče - Robedischis

20. Šempeter - Gorizia/S.Pietro

21. Socerb - S. Servolo

22. Solarji - Solarie di Drenchia

23. Solkan - Salcano I

24. Vipolže - Castelleto Versa

Agricultural border crossing points

1. Botač - Botazzo

2. Cerej - Muggia

3. Draga - S. Elia

4. Gročana - Grozzana

5. Gropada - Gropada

6. Jevšček - Monte Cau

7. Mavhinje - Malchina

8. Medana - Castelleto Zeglo

9. Mišček - Misceco

10. Opatje selo - Palichisce Micoli

11. Orlek - Orle

12. Podklanec - Ponte di Clinaz

13. Podsabotin - S. Valentino

14. Pri bajtarju - Scale di Grimacco

15. Šentmaver - Castel S.Mauro

16. Škrljevo - Scrio

17. Solkan Polje - Salcano II

18. Šturmi - Bocchetta di topolo

19. Valerišče - Uclanzi

20. Voglje - Vogliano

21. Zavarjan-Klobučarji - Zavarian di Clabuzzaro

Border crossing points according to special agreements

1. Kanin free access to the top of Kanin

2. Mangart free access to the top of Mangart


Land borders

1. Duh na Ostrem vrhu - Grosswalz

2. Gederovci - Sicheldorf

3. Gornja Radgona - Radkersburg

4. Holmec - Grablach

5. Jesenice - Rosenbach (railway)

6. Jezersko - Seebergsattel

7. Jurij - Langegg

8. Karavanke - Karawankentunnel

9. Korensko sedlo - Wurzenpass

10. Kuzma - Bonisdorf

11. Libeliče - Leifling

12. Ljubelj - Loiblpass

13. Maribor - Spielfeld (railway)

14. Mežica - Raunjak

15. Pavličevo sedlo - Paulitschsattel

16. Prevalje - Bleiburg (railway)

17. Radlje - Radlpass

18. Šentilj - Spielfeld

19. Šentilj - Spielfeld (motorway)

20. Trate - Mureck

21. Vič/Dravograd - Lavamünd

Local border traffic

1. Cankova - Zelting

2. Fikšinci - Gruisla

3. Gerlinci - Pölten

4. Gradišče - Schlossberg

5. Kapla - Arnfels

6. Korovci - Goritz

7. Kramarovci - Sankt Anna

8. Matjaševci - Tauka

9. Muta - Soboth

10. Pernice - Laaken

11. Plač - Ehrenhausen

12. Remšnik - Oberhaag

13. Sladki Vrh - Weitersfeld

14. Sotina - Kalch

15. Špičnik - Sulztal

16. Svečina - Berghausen

Mountain crossing points

1. Duh na Ostrem vrhu - Grosswalz: whole year

2. Golica - Kahlkogel: from April 15 until November 15

3. Gradišče - Schlossberg: from March 1 until November 30

4. Kamniške Alpe - Steiner Alpen: from April 15 until November 15

5. Kepa - Mittagskogel: from April 15 until November 15

6. Koprivna - Luscha: from April 15 until November 15

7. Košenjak - Huehnerkogel: from April 15 until November 15

8. Košuta - Koschuta: from April 15 until November 15

9. Olševa - Ushowa: from April 15 until November 15

10. Peč - Ofen: only during the traditional annual meeting of mountaineers

11. Peca - Petzen: from April 15 until November 15

12. Prelaz Ljubelj - Loiblpass: from April 15 until November 15

13. Radlje - Radlberg: from March 1 until November 30

14. Radlje - Radlpass: from March 1 until November 30

15. Remšnik - Remschnigg: from March 1 until November 30

16. Stol - Hochstuhl: from April 15 until November 15

17. Sv. Jernej - St. Bartholomäus: from March 1 until November 30

18. Tromeja - Dreiländereck: April 15 until November 15

Border crossing points according to special agreements

1. Boundary stone X/331 - Schmirnberg - Langegg - transit of border is permitted for overnight stay in the mountain cottage "Dom škorpion"

2. Boundary stone XIV/266 - transit of border is permitted for religious ceremonies in the Church of St. Urban (every second Sunday in July and first Sunday in October from 9 am to 6 pm)

3. Boundary stone XXII/32 - transit of border is permitted for religious ceremonies in the Church of St. Leonhard (every second Sunday in August from 9 am to 6 pm)

4. Boundary stone XXIII/141 - transit of border is permitted for religious ceremonies in parishes Ebriach-Trögern and Jezersko (every second and penultimate Sunday in May from 9 am to 6 pm)

5. Boundary stone XXVII/277 - transit of border is permitted in the area Peč for the annual traditional meeting of mountaineers

6. Mountain border crossing points - (according to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Austria on tourist traffic in the border area (INTERREG/PHARE - CBC - border area panorama path) - Uradni list RS MP.št. 11/2000):

1. Pernice - Laaken,

2. Radelca - Radlberg,

3. Špičnik - Šentilj,

4. Šentilj - Sladki vrh - Mureck,

5. Mureck - Bad Radkersburg,

6. River navigation on the Mur:

- Trate - Gornja Radgona - Radenci,

- Mureck - Bad Radkersburg.


Land borders

1. Čepinci - Kétvölgy

2. Dolga vas - Rédics

3. Hodoš - Bajánsenye

4. Hodoš - Bajánsenye (railway)

5. Kobilje - Nemesnép

6. Martinje - Felsőszölnök

7. Pince - Tornyiszentmiklós

8. Prosenjakovci - Magyarszombatfa


Land borders

1. Babno Polje - Prezid

2. Bistrica ob Sotli - Razvor

3. Božakovo - Obrež

4. Brezovica pri Gradinu - Lucija

5. Brezovica - Brezovica

6. Dobova - Savski Marof (railway)

7. Dobovec - Lupinjak

8. Dragonja - Kaštel

9. Drenovec - Gornja Voća

10. Gibina - Bukovje

11. Gruškovje - Macelj

12. Hotiza - Sveti Martin na Muri

13. Ilirska Bistrica - Šapjane (railway)

14. Imeno - Kumrovec (railway)

15. Imeno - Miljana

16. Krasinec - Pravutina

17. Krmačina - Vivodina

18. Jelšane - Rupa

19. Lendava - Čakovec (railway)

20. Meje - Zlogonje

21. Metlika - Jurovski brod

22. Metlika - Kamanje (railway)

23. Nova vas ob Sotli - Draše

24. Novi Kot - Prezid I

25. Novokračine - Lipa

26. Obrežje - Bregana

27. Orešje - Mihanović Dol

28. Osilnica - Zamost

29. Ormož - Otok Virje

30. Petišovci - Mursko središče

31. Petrina - Brod na Kupi

32. Planina v Podboču - Novo Selo Žumberačko

33. Podčetrtek - Luke Poljanske

34. Podgorje - Vodice

35. Podplanina - Čabar

36. Radovica - Kašt

37. Rajnkovec - Mali Tabor

38. Rakitovec - Buzet (railway)

39. Rakitovec - Slum

40. Rakovec - Kraj Donji

41. Razkrižje - Banfi

42. Rigonce - Harmica

43. Rogatec - Đurmanec (railway)

44. Rogatec - Hum na Sotli

45. Rogatec I - Klenovec Humski

46. Sečovlje - Plovanija

47. Sedlarjevo - Plavić

48. Slovenska vas - Bregana naselje

49. Sočerga - Požane

50. Sodevci - Blaževci

51. Središče ob Dravi - Čakovec (railway)

52. Središče ob Dravi - Trnovec

53. Središče ob Dravi I — Preseka

54. Stara vas/Bizeljsko - Donji Čemehovec

55. Starod - Pasjak

56. Starod I - Vele Mune

57. Vinica - Pribanjci

58. Zavrč - Dubrava Križovljanska

59. Zg. Leskovec - Cvetlin

60. Žuniči - Prilišće

Sea borders:

1. Izola - Isola - (seasonal)

2. Koper - Capodistria

3. Piran - Pirano

Air borders:

1. Ljubljana - Brnik

2. Maribor - Slivnica

3. Portorož - Portorose



Land borders

1. Bratislava - Devínska Nová Ves - Marchegg (railway)

2. Bratislava port (river)

3. Bratislava, Jarovce - Kittsee

4. Bratislava, Jarovce - Kittsee (motorway)

5. Bratislava, Petržalka - Berg

6. Bratislava, Petržalka - Kittsee (railway)

7. Moravský Svätý Ján - Hohenau

8. Záhorská Ves - Angern (river)


Land borders

1. Brodské (motorway) - Břeclav (motorway)

2. Brodské - Lanžhot

3. Čadca - Milošová -Šance

4. Čadca - Mosty u Jablunkova (railway)

5. Červený Kameň - Nedašova Lhota

6. Drietoma - Starý Hrozenkov

7. Holíč - Hodonín

8. Holíč - Hodonín (railway)

9. Horné Srnie - Brumov-Bylnice

10. Horné Srnie - Vlárský průsmyk (railway)

11. Klokočov - Bílá

12. Kúty - Lanžhot (railway)

13. Lúky pod Makytou - Horní Lideč (railway)

14. Lysá pod Makytou - Střelná

15. Makov - Bílá-Bumbálka

16. Makov - Velké Karlovice

17. Moravské Lieskové - Strání

18. Nová Bošáca - Březová

19. Skalica - Sudoměřice

20. Skalica - Sudoměřice (railway)

21. Svrčinovec - Mosty u Jablunkova

22. Vrbovce - Velká nad Veličkou

23. Vrbovce - Velká nad Veličkou (railway)


Land borders

1. Becherov - Konieczna

2. Bobrov - Winiarczykówka

3. Lysá nad Dunajcom - Niedzica

4. Mníšek nad Popradom - Piwniczna

5. Novoť - Ujsoły

6. Oravská Polhora - Korbielów

7. Palota - Łupków (railway)

8. Plaveč - Muszyna (railway)

9. Skalité - Zwardoń (railway)

10. Skalité - Zwardoń-Myto

11. Suchá Hora - Chochołów

12. Tatranská Javorina - Łysa Polana

13. Trstená - Chyżne

14. Vyšný Komárnik - Barwinek

Local border traffic (*) and tourist crossing points (**)

1. Babia hora - Babia Góra (**)

2. Čertižné - Jaśliska (*)

3. Čertižné -Czeremcha (**)

4. Červený Kláštor - Sromowce Niżne (**)

5. Čierne - Jaworzynka (**)

6. Cigeľka - Wysowa Zdrój (**)

7. Čirč - Leluchów (*) (**)

8. Gluchačky - Przełęcz Jałowiecka (**)

9. Kače - Wierchomla Wielka (*)

10. Kurov - Muszynka (*)

11. Legnava - Milik (*)

12. Lesnica znak graniczny II/91 - Szczawnica (**)

13. Lesnica znak graniczny II/94 - Szczawnica (**)

14. Litmanová - Jaworki (**)

15. Lysá nad Dunajcom - Sromowce Wyżne (*)

16. Nižná Polianka - Ożenna (*) (**)

17. Nová Bystrica - Rycerka (*)

18. Oravice - Góra Magura (**)

19. Oravská Polhora - Przywarówka (**)

20. Oravská Polhora - Zawoja-Czatoża (**)

21. Osadné - Balnica (**)

22. Oščadnica-Vrečšovka - Bor (*)

23. Palota - Radoszyce (*) (**)

24. Piľhov - Piwowarówka (*)

25. Pilsko - Pilsko (**)

26. Podspády - Jurgów (*)

27. Regetovka - Wysowa Zdrój (**)

28. Ruské Sedlo - Roztoki Górne (**)

29. Rysy - Rysy (**)

30. Skalité - Zwardoń (**)

31. Skalité Serafínov - Górka Gomółka (**)

32. Stará Bystrica - Przełęcz Przysłop (**)

33. Stebnická Huta - Blechnarka (**)

34. Stráňany - Jaworki (**)

35. Veľká Franková - Kacwin (*) (**)

36. Veľká Rača - Wielka Racza (**)

37. Veľký Lipník - Szlachtowa (**)

38. Vychylovka - Przegibek (*)


Land borders

1. Čierna nad Tisou - Čop (railway)

2. Ubľa - Malyj Bereznyj

3. Vyšné Nemecké - Užhorod


Land borders

1. Čaňa - Hidasnémeti (railway)

2. Čunovo (motorway) - Rajka

3. Domica - Aggtelek

4. Fiľakovo - Somoskőújfalu (railway)

5. Hosťovce - Tornanádaska

6. Kalonda - Ipolytarnóc

7. Komárno - Komárom

8. Komárno - Komárom (railway)

9. Komárno - Komárom (river)

10. Kráľ - Bánréve

11. Lenartovce - Bánréve (railway)

12. Medveďov - Győr-Vámosszabadi

13. Milhosť - Tornyosnémeti

14. Rusovce - Rajka

15. Rusovce - Rajka (railway)

16. Šahy - Parassapuszta

17. Salka - Letkés

18. Šiatorská Bukovinka - Salgótarján

19. Slovenské Ďarmoty - Balassagyarmat

20. Slovenské Nové Mesto - Sátoraljaújhely

21. Slovenské Nové Mesto - Sátoraljaújhely (railway)

22. Štúrovo - Esztergom

23. Štúrovo - Szob (railway)

24. Veľký Kamenec - Pácin


Bratislava — prístav /port (river) (no corresponding border crossing point)

Air borders

1. Bratislava Airport

2. Košice Airport

3. Poprad Airport"

(e) In part II of Annex 5, the following entries are deleted:











(f) In part III of Annex 5, Schedule A is replaced by the following:

"Schedule A

Countries whose nationals are NOT subject to a visa requirement in one or more Schengen States when they are holders of diplomatic, official or service passports, but who ARE subject to this requirement when they are holders of ordinary passports

DS : Holders of diplomatic and service passports are exempt from visa requirements.

D : Only holders of diplomatic passports are exempt from a visa requirement


| BNL | CZ | DK | D | EE | EL | E | F | I | CY | LV | LT | HU | MT | A | PL | P | SI | SK | FIN | S | ISL | N |

Albania | | | | | | DS | | | D | | | | DS | D | | DS | | DS | DS | | | | |

Algeria | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | D [60] | | | | | | DS | | | | |

Angola | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | |

Antigua and Barbuda | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Armenia | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | D | | | | | | | |

Azerbaijan | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | |

Bahamas | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | |

Barbados | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | |

Belarus | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | |

Benin | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | |

Bosnia and Herzegovina | | | | | | | D | | | | | | DS | | D | D | | DS | | | | | |

Bolivia | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Botswana | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Burkina Faso | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Cambodia | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | |

Cape Verde | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | |

Chad | D | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

People's Republic of China | | | | | | | | | | DS | | DS | DS | | | DS | | DS | | | | | |

Colombia | | DS | | | | | | | DS | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | |

Côte d'Ivoire | DS | | | | | | | DS | DS | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | |

Cuba | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | DS | | | | | DS | | | | | |

Dominica | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Dominican Republic | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Egypt | | DS | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | |

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia | | | | | | DS | | | DS | | | | | | | | | D | DS | | | | |

Fiji | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | | | | D | | | | D | DS | | | | DS | | D | | | DS | DS | | | | DS |

Gabon | | | | | | | | D | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Gambia | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Ghana | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Guyana | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Georgia | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | |

India | | | DS | D | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Iran | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | D | | | D | | | | | | | |

Jamaica | DS | | | D | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Kazakhstan | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | |

Kenya | | | | D | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Kuwait | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Kyrgyzstan | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | |

Laos | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | DS | | | | | | | |

Lesotho | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Malawi | DS | | | D | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Maldives | DS | | | D | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Morocco | DS | DS | | D | | DS | D | D | DS | | | | DS | | DS | DS | DS | | DS | | | | DS |

Mauritania | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Moldova | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | |

Mongolia | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | |

Mozambique | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | |

Namibia | | | | D | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Niger | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | |

Pakistan | DS | DS | DS | DS | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | DS | DS | | DS | DS |

Peru | | DS | | D | | DS | DS | DS | DS | | | | DS | | DS | DS | | | D | DS | | | |

Philippines | | DS | DS | DS | | DS | DS | | DS | | | | DS | | DS | DS | | DS | | DS | DS | | DS |

Russian Federation | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | |

São Tomé and Príncipe | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | |

Senegal | D | | | DS | | | | D | DS | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | |

Seychelles | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | D | | | | | | | | |

South Africa | | DS | | D | | DS | | | | | | | DS | | DS | DS | DS | DS | | | | DS | DS |

Swaziland | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | D | | | | | | | | | | |

Tajikistan | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | |

Thailand | DS | DS | DS | DS | | DS | | | DS | | | | DS | | DS | DS | | | | DS | DS | | DS |

Togo | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Trinidad and Tobago | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | |

Tunisia | DS | DS | | D | | DS | D | D | DS | | | | DS | | DS | DS | DS | | | | | | |

Turkey | DS | DS | DS | DS | D | DS | DS | DS | DS | | D | DS | DS | | DS | DS | D | DS | DS | DS | DS | DS | DS |

Turkmenistan | | | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | |

Uganda | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Ukraine | | | | | D | | | | | | D | DS | | | | | | | | | | | |

Uzbekistan | | | | | | | | | | | | | D | | | | | | | | | | |

Vietnam | | D | | | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | |

Western Samoa | | | | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Yemen | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | D | | | | | | | | | | |

Zimbabwe | | | | | | DS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


(g) In Part III of Annex 5, Schedule B is replaced by the following:

"Schedule B

Countries whose nationals are subject to a visa requirement in one or more Schengen States when they are holders of diplomatic, official or service passports, but who are NOT subject to this requirement when they are holders of ordinary passports

| BNL | DK | D | EE | EL | E | F | I | A | P | PL | SK | FIN | S | ISL | N |

Australia | | | | | | | | | | | | X [] | | | | |

Chile | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Israel | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | | |

Mexico | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | |

United States of America | | | | | X | X [] | X [] | | | | | | | | | |


(h) In Part I of Annex 5a, footnote 2 is replaced by the following:

"For the Benelux countries, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Spain, France, Hungary and Slovakia

The following persons shall be exempt from the ATV requirement:

- holders of diplomatic and service passports

For Slovenia

The following persons shall be exempt from the ATV requirement:

- holders of diplomatic and service passports

- flight crew who are nationals of a Contracting Party to the ICAO Chicago Convention"


(i) In Part I of Annex 5a, footnote 3 is replaced by the following:

"For Germany and Cyprus

The following persons shall be exempt from the ATV requirement:

- holders of diplomatic and service passports.

For Poland

The following persons shall be exempt from the ATV requirement:

- holders of diplomatic passports."


(j) In Part II of Annex 5a, the list is replaced by the following:


Joint list of third countries whose nationals are subject to an airport transit visa requirement by some Schengen States only, with holders of travel documents issued by these third countries also being subject to this requirement.

| BNL [63] | CZ | DK | D | EE [65] | EL | E [64] | F [65] | I [66] | CY | LT | HU | A [62] | PL | P | FIN | S | ISL | N |

Albania | | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | |

Angola | X | | | X | X | X | X | X | | | | | | | | | | | |

Cameroon | | | | | | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | |

Congo | | | | | | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | |

Cuba | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Egypt | | | | | | | | X [68] | | | | | | | | | | | |

Gambia | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Guinea | X | | | | | | | X | | | | X | | | | | | | |

Guinea Bissau | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Haiti | | | | | X | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | |

India | X | | X [69] | X [67] | | X | X | X [67] | | | | | | X | | | | | |

Indonesia | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | | | | |

Ivory Coast | | | | | X | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Jordan | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Lebanon | | | | X | X | | | X [68] | | | | X | | | | | | | |

Liberia | | | | | X | | X | X | | | | X | X | | X | | | | |

Libya | | | | | X | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | |

Mali | | | | | X | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Northern Marianas | | | | | | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | |

Philippines | | | | | | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | |

Rwanda | | | | | | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | |

Senegal | | | | | X | | | | X | | | X | | | X | | | | |

Sierre Leone | | | | | X | | X | X | | | | X | | | | | | | |

Sudan | X | | | X | X | X | X | | | | | X | | X | | | | | |

Syria | X | X [65] | | X | X | X | | X [70] | | | | X | | | | | | | |

Togo | | | | | X | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Turkey | | | | X [67] | | X | | | | X | | | | X | | | | | |

Vietnam | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | | | | | |


(k) In the Annex to Annex 6, point 3 is replaced by the following:

"3. The logo consisting of a letter or letters indicating the issuing Member State (or "BNL" in the case of the Benelux countries, namely Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) with a latent image effect shall appear in this space. This logo shall appear light when held flat and dark when turned by 90°. The following logos shall be used: A for Austria, BNL for Benelux, CY for Cyprus, CZE for the Czech Republic, D for Germany, DK for Denmark, E for Spain, EST for Estonia, F for France, FIN for Finland, GR for Greece, H for Hungary, I for Italy, IRL for Ireland, LT for Lithuania, LVA for Latvia, M for Malta, P for Portugal, PL for Poland, S for Sweden, SK for Slovakia, SVN for Slovenia, UK for the United Kingdom."


(l) In Annex 10, the following is inserted between the entries for Belgium and Denmark:


Reference amounts are fixed by Act No. 326/1999 Sb. on Residence of Aliens in the Territory of the Czech Republic and Amendments of Some Acts.

According to Section 5 of the Act on Residence of Aliens in the Territory of the Czech Republic on the request of the Police, an alien shall be obliged to submit a document confirming that funds are available for his/her stay in the Territory (Section 13) or a certified invitation not older than 90 days from the date of its certification by the Police (Sections 15 and 180),

Section 13 provides the following:

"Funds to Cover the Stay in the Territory

(1) Unless provided otherwise below, the following shall be submitted to prove the availability of funds for the stay in the Territory:

(a) funds amounting at least to the following:

- 0,5 times the subsistence minimum set out under a special legal regulation as required to cover maintenance and other basic personal needs (hereinafter the "Subsistence Minimum for Personal Needs") per day of stay if the total period of stay is not to exceed 30 days,

- 15 times the Subsistence Minimum for Personal Needs if the period of stay in the Territory is to exceed 30 days while this sum shall be increased to double the subsistence minimum for each whole month of expected stay in the Territory,

- 50 times the Subsistence Minimum for Personal Needs in case of stay for the purposes of business activity the total period of which is to exceed 90 days, or

- a document confirming the payment of services connected with the stay of the alien in the Territory or a document confirming that services will be provided free of charge.

(2) Instead of funds as referred to in sub-section 1, the following may be used to prove the availability of funds for the stay in the Territory:

(a) a bank account statement in the name of the alien confirming that the alien is free to use funds in the amount as referred to in sub-section 1 during his stay in the Czech Republic, or

(b) another document to certify that funds are available, such as a valid internationally recognised credit card.

(3) An alien who will study in the Territory may submit, as proof of availability of funds for his stay, a commitment by a state authority or a legal entity to cover the stay of the alien by providing funds equivalent to the Subsistence Minimum for Personal Needs for 1 month of expected stay, or a document confirming that all costs related to his studies and stay shall be covered by the receiving organisation (school). If the sum referred to in the undertaking does not reach this amount, the alien shall be obliged to submit a document proving the ownership of funds equivalent to the difference between the Subsistence Minimum for Personal Needs and the amount of the commitment for the period of his expected stay, however, not more than 6 times the Subsistence Minimum for Personal Needs. Document on the provision of means for one's residence may be replaced by a decision or an agreement on the allocation of a grant acquired pursuant to an international treaty by which the Czech Republic is bound.

(4) An alien who has not attained 18 years shall be obliged to prove the availability of funds for his stay pursuant to sub-section 1 equivalent to a half of the amount."

and Section 15 provides the following:


In an invitation, the person inviting an alien shall undertake to cover the costs

(a) related to the maintenance of the alien throughout his stay in the Territory until he leaves the Territory,

(b) related to the accommodation of the alien throughout his stay in the Territory until he leaves the Territory,

(c) related to the provision of healthcare to the alien throughout his stay in the Territory until he leaves the Territory, and the transfer of the alien when ill or of the remains of the deceased,

(d) arising to the Police in connection with the alien staying in the Territory and leaving the Territory in case of administrative expulsion.""

and, between the entries for Germany and Greece:


Under Estonian law, aliens arriving into Estonia without a letter of invitation, shall upon request by a border guard official upon entry into the country provide proof of sufficient monetary means to cover the costs of his/her stay in and departure from Estonia. Sufficient monetary means for each allowed day is considered to be 0,2 times the monthly minimum salary implemented by the Government of the Republic.

Otherwise the inviter shall assume responsibility for the costs of the alien's stay in and departure from Estonia."

and, between the entries for Italy and Luxembourg:


According to the Aliens and Immigration Regulations (Regulation (9(2)(B)) the entry of aliens for temporary stay in the Republic depends on the discretionary power of the immigration officers at the borders, which is exercised according to the general or specific instructions of the Minister of Interior or to the provisions of the above mentioned Regulations. The immigration officers at the borders decide on the entry on a case by case basis, taking into consideration the purpose and length of stay, possible hotel reservations or hospitality by persons normally residing in Cyprus.


Article 81 of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No 131 of 6 April 1999 as amended by the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No 124 of 19 March 2002, stipulates that upon the request of an official of the State Border Guard, an alien or a stateless person shall present the documents referred to in sub-paragraphs 67.2.2 and 67.2.8 of these Regulations:

67.2.2. a health resort or travel voucher confirmed in accordance with the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia, or a tourist carnet prepared pursuant to a specified pattern and issued by the Alliance of International Tourism (AIT);

67.2.8. for the receipt of a single entry visa: traveller's cheques in the convertible currency or cash in LVL or in convertible currency corresponding to LVL 60 for each day; if the person presents the documents proving the payment already made for acertified place of accommodation for the whole duration of his/her stay - traveller's cheques in the convertible currency or cash in LVL or in convertible currency corresponding to LVL 25 for each day; a document which certifies the reservation of a certified place of accommodation; a round trip ticket with fixed dates.


Pursuant to Article 7(1) of the Lithuanian Law on the Legal Status of Aliens, an alien shall be refused admission to the Republic of Lithuania where he is unable to prove that he has sufficient funds for the stay in the Republic of Lithuania, a return trip to his country or for proceeding to another country which he has the right to enter.

However, there are no reference amounts for the above. Decisions are made on case-by-case basis depending on the purpose, type and duration of the stay."

and, between the entries for Luxembourg and the Netherlands:


A reference amount is specified in the aliens policing legislation: under Decree No 25/2001 (XI. 21.) of the Minister of Interior, currently at least HUF 1000 is required upon each entry.

Under Article 5 of the Aliens Act (Act XXXIX of 2001 on the Entry and Stay of Foreigners), the means of subsistence required for entry and stay may be certified by the presentation of

- Hungarian currency or foreign currency or non-cash means of payment (e.g. cheque, credit card, etc.),

- a valid letter of invitation issued by a Hungarian national, a foreigner holding a residence permit or settlement permit or a legal entity if the person inviting the foreigner declares to cover the costs of the accommodation, lodging, health care and return (repatriation). The official consent of the aliens policing authority shall be attached to the letter of invitation,

- confirmation of board and lodging reserved and paid in advance by means of a travel agency (voucher),

- any other credible proof.


It is the practice to ensure that persons entering Malta would have a minimum amount of MTL 20 (EUR 48) per day for the duration of their visit."

and, between the entries for Austria and Portugal:


Amounts required for crossing borders are determined in the Ordinance of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 20 June 2002 on the amount of means to cover expenses concerning to entry, transit, stay and departure of aliens crossing the border of the Republic of Poland and detailed rules of documentation evidencing possession of these means - Dz.U. 2002, Nr 91, poz. 815).

Amounts indicated in above regulation are as follows:

- PLN 100 per day of stay for persons over 16 years old, but not less then 500 PLN,

- PLN 50 per day of stay for persons under 16 years old, but not less then 300 PLN,

- PLN 20 per day of stay, but not less then 100 PLN, for persons participating in tourist trips, youth camps, sport competitions or having costs of stay in Poland covered or arriving to Poland for health treatment in a sanatorium,

- PLN 300 for persons over 16 years old, whose stay in Poland does not exceed 3 days (including transit),

- PLN 150 for persons under 16 years old, whose stay in Poland does not exceed 3 days (including transit),"

and, between the entries for Portugal and Finland:


EUR 70 per person for each day of the planned stay.


Pursuant to Article 4(2)(c) of Act No 48/2002 Z. z.on the Stay of Aliens, an alien is obliged, upon request, to prove he or she has a financial amount for the stay, in convertible currency, amounting to at least half the minimum wage determined by provided for in Act No 90/1996 Z. z. on minimum wage as amended, for each day of the stay; an alien younger than 16 years old is obliged to prove he or she has the financial means for the stay amounting to half of this."

(m) in Annex 13, the following is inserted between the entries for Belgium and Denmark:


+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

Additional information:

Basic colours:

- obverse - offset printing 4 colours (iridescent printing in 2 colours), intaglio printing 3 colours + blindblocking,

- reverse - offset printing 4 colours (iridescent printing in 2 colours).


4 colours on obverse and reverse (iridescent printing in 2 colours), all offset colours IR (infrared)

Intaglio printing:

3 colours on obverse, 2nd+3rd colours of identical shade with different properties in IR spectrum.

Size: 99 x 68 mm"


and, between the entries for Germany and Greece:



1) to diplomats and consular officers and their family members - BLUE:

- Cat A - Head of Mission,

- Cat. B - Members of the diplomatic staff,

+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

2) to members of the administrative and technical staff and their family members - RED:

- Cat. C - Members of the administrative and technical staff

+++++ TIFF +++++

3) to members of the service staff, private servants and their family members and to local employees - GREEN:

- Cat. D - Members of service staff; Cat. E - Private servants; Cat. F - Local employees (Estonian citizens or residents)

+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

4) to honorary consular officers of foreign countries in the Republic of Estonia - GREY:

- Cat. HC - Honorary consular officers.

+++++ TIFF +++++

The data on the front side of the diplomatic and service card is the following:

- title of the card (diplomatic or service card)

- name of the bearer

- date of birth

- photo

- signature

- stamp of the Protocol Department.

The reverse side contains the following data:

- issuing authority (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

- name of the embassy

- position of the bearer

- extent of the immunity

- date of issue

- valid until

- serial no.

General features of all cards issued by Estonia:

The card is laminated in plastic foil. The photo and the signature are scanned onto the front side. Watermark of the national coat of arms is on the reverse side.

Family members are the following dependants of a diplomat and sharing a common household with him/her:

1. spouse;

2. an unmarried child of up to 21 years of age;

3. an unmarried child of up to 23 years of age, studying in a higher educational institution;

4. another family member in special cases.

A diplomatic and service card shall not be issued if the assignment period is shorter than six (6) months."

and, between the entries for Italy and Luxembourg:


+++++ TIFF +++++

The Identity Card for Members of the Diplomatic Corps of Cyprus is issued to diplomats and their family members, it is folded in the middle (letters on the inside), its colour is dark blue and the size is 11 cm x 14,5 cm. The reverse side of the document is a dark blue cover.

+++++ TIFF +++++

The Identity Card for Members of Other Foreign Missions in Cyprus is issued to United Nations personnel in Cyprus and their family members, it is folded in the middle (the front side appears in the upper part of the graphic displayed above and the reverse side appears in the lower part), its colour is light green and its size is 20,5 cm x 8 cm.

+++++ TIFF +++++

The Identity Card for Non-Diplomatic Personnel of Foreign Missions in Cyprus is issued to technical and administrative personnel of foreign diplomatic missions in Cyprus and their family members, it is folded in the middle (the front side appears in the upper part of the graphic displayed above and the reverse side appears in the lower part), its colour is light blue and its size is 20,5 cm x 8 cm.


Applications for identity cards are submitted to the State Protocol Office accompanied by two photographs of the person concerned. The photographs (30 x 40 mm) should not be more than than six months old. The name of the applicant should be indicated on the back of both photographs as well as the name of the Embassy. Application forms can be obtained at the State Protocol Office. Identity cards should be returned to the Ministry at the termination of the tour of duty.

Features of the identity cards

Red, orange, yellow, blue, green and brown identity cards are issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the categories of personnel listed below, provided they are not Latvian nationals or permanently resident in Latvia.

The following persons are included in the term "members of the family … forming part of the household":

- wife/husband;

- unmarried children under 18 who reside exclusively in the principal household or join the household during visits to Latvia;

- unmarried children under 21 years of age who are attending an institution of higher education in Latvia on a full-time basis but continue to form part of the household.

1. Diplomats

Red cards are issued to diplomatic agents stationed in Latvia, as well as to their spouses and to their children up to 18 years of age. Nevertheless, unmarried children under 21 years of age who are attending an institution of higher education in Latvia on a full time basis can also be accorded diplomatic identity cards upon presenting an authorisation from the institution of higher education to the State Protocol Office.

+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

2. Career consular officers

Orange cards are issued to career consular officers and to their spouses and children.

+++++ TIFF +++++

3. Administrative and technical staff

Yellow cards are issued to administrative and technical staff, and family members and children who form part of their household.

+++++ TIFF +++++

4. Service staff

Blue cards are issued to members of the service staff who are not Latvian citizens or residents.

+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

5. Staff of International organisations

Green cards are issued to staff of international organisations and the family members and children who form part of their households provided they are not Latvian nationals or residents.

+++++ TIFF +++++

6. Honorary consuls

Brown cards are issued to honorary consuls.

+++++ TIFF +++++


+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

and, between the entries for Luxembourg and the Netherlands:


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues the following ID cards to members of the staff of foreign representations. The coloured stripe at the middle of the ID card indicates the different categories:

(a) Blue stripe

These ID cards are issued to diplomats and their family members and to officials of international organisations holding diplomatic rank and to their family members

+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

(b) Green stripe

These ID cards are issued to technical and administrative staff of the diplomatic missions and to their family members and to officials of international organisations holding a technical and administrative rank and to their family members

+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

(c) Pink stripe

These ID cards are issued to members of consular representations and to their family members

+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

(d) Yellow stripe

These ID cards are issued to members of the service staff of diplomatic or consular missions or representations of international organisations and to their family members

+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

(e) Light green stripe

These ID cards are issued to members of representations of foreign countries and international organisations and to their family members, certifying limited diplomatic privileges and immunities

+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

The data on the front side of the ID cards is the following:




Serial Number



The reverse side contains the following data:

Identity Card

Date of birth



1. Note regarding immunity

2. Date of entry into service

Space for BAR code (No BAR code used yet)

Data registry identification number

General features of the cards:

The document is laminated in foil (the image of the foil can be seen below). It is waterproof, cannot be altered without causing damage and it has the following security elements: uv content, micro-letter protection, metallised paper.

+++++ TIFF +++++


+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

Applications for the identity cards should be submitted by Note Verbale to the Protocol Office, Consular and Information Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs accompanied by two recent photos of the person concerned. The Note Verbale should include the designation of the applicant, clearly indicating whether the applicant is a diplomat or technical staff. Identity cards should be returned to the Protocol Office, Consular and Information Directorate on termination of the tour of duty of the person concerned.

Five different identity cards are used by the Protocol Office, Consular and Information Directorate to indicate whether the bearer is a diplomat, technical staff member, Honorary Consul of Malta, Honorary Consul of another country represented in Malta or a staff member of an International Organisation. Each identity card is valid for a period of four years.

1. Diplomats

Black identity cards indicate that the bearer is a Diplomat. This identity card is issued to the diplomatic staff of a foreign mission and their spouses as well as to their children over 18 years of age still forming part of the same household.

2. Consular

There are two kinds of consular identity cards, one green and one brown. The Green identity card is issued to Honorary Consuls of Malta abroad whilst the Brown identity card is issued to Honorary Consuls representing foreign countries in Malta.

3. Administrative and technical staff

A Blue identity card is issued to the technical and administrative staff and family members of a mission accredited to Malta.

4. Staff of International Organisations

A Maroon card is issued to staff of International Organisations and their family members who form part of the same household.

The technical features of the identity cards issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are:

(a) Identity card numbers which are registered;

(b) Signature of the authorised Protocol officer; and

(c) Lamination of the identity cards so as to reduce the possibility of forgery."

and, between the entries for Austria and Portugal:


+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++



SIZE: 100 mm x 71 mm




the safeguards are not disclosed; the photograph is to be attached in the left bottom corner of the front side of the document.


- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs initials, MSZ, are displayed in outline against the background of horizontal lines drawn within a circle, 29 mm across.

- The outline of the "M" is devoid of the guilloche pattern. The spaces within the contours of the "S" and the "Z" are lined, the lines within the "S" slanting leftwards, and those within the "Z" slanting rightwards.


All titles of the fields and information on the back of the document are offset-printed in black ink."

and, between the entries for Portugal and Finland:



+++++ TIFF +++++

+++++ TIFF +++++

Identity cards for authorised persons accredited in the Slovak Republic are issued by the Diplomatic Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic.

Types of identity cards:

1. Type "D" - (red) identity cards issued for diplomats and their family members.

2. Type "ATP" - (blue) identity cards issued for administrative and technical staff and their family members.

3. Type "SP" - (green) identity cards issued for service staff and their family members and for private staff.

4. Type "MO" - (violet) identity cards issued for employees of international organisations and their family members.

5. Type "HK" - (grey) identity cards issued for honorary consular officers.

The front side of the identity card contains:

(a) name, type, number and validity of the identity card,

(b) first name, surname, date of birth, citizenship, sex and position of the identity card holder,

(c) bar code readable by a machine ( similar to citizenship cards and passports used by police authorities for identification purposes ).

The reverse side of the identity card contains:

(a) explanatory text,

(b) address of the identity card holder,

(c) date of issue,

(d) signature of the card holder,

(e) signature of the director of the diplomatic protocol,

(f) stamp of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic.

The size of its printed form is 99 x 68 mm and it is printed on white security paper with a precisely located multitone watermark as well as an incorporated protective plastic strip and protective fibres. The card is protected by protective thermoplastic foil of 105 x 74 mm, by hot-process lamination.

The following protective elements are incorporated in the card:

(a) watermark,

(b) plastic strip,

(c) protective fibres,

(d) protective under-prints,

(e) protection in infra-red sphere,

(f) optically variable element,

(g) numbering."

[58] According to the category of users the international airports are divided to public and non public airports. Public airports accept, within the limits of their technical and operating capacity, all aircraft.

[59] Users of non public airports are defined by the Office for civil aviation on the proposal of the airport operator."

[60] Holders of diplomatic passports; who are posted in Hungary, shall be subject to visa requirements during their first entry, but shall be exempt from these requirements during the rest of their assignment.

[] If travelling on official business.

[62] Aliens subject to transit visa obligations do not require an airport transit visa (ATV) for transit via an Austrian airport provided they hold one of the following documents that is valid for the length of the stay necessary for the transit:

- a residence permit issued by Andorra, Japan, Canada, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, the Holy See or the USA which guarantees the right to return;

- a visa or residence permit issued by a Schengen State for which the Accession Agreement has been brought into force;

- a residence permit issued by a Member State of the EEA.

[63] Only when nationals are not in possession of a valid residence permit for the Member States of the EEA, the United States or Canada. Holders of diplomatic, service or special passports are also exempt.

[64] Holders of diplomatic, official and service passports are not subject to the ATV requirement. The same applies to holders of ordinary passports residing in a Member State of the EEA, the United States or Canada, or in possession of an entry visa valid for one of these countries.

[65] The following persons shall be exempt from the ATV requirement:

- holders of diplomatic and service passports;

- holders of one of the residence permits listed in Part III;

- flight crew who are nationals of a Contracting Party to the Chicago Convention.

[66] Only when nationals are not in possession of a valid residence permit for the Member States of the EEA, Canada or the United States.

[67] Only when nationals are not in possession of a valid visa or residence permit for a Member State of the EU or a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area of 2 May 1992, Canada, Switzerland or the United States.

[68] Only for holders of the travel document for Palestinian refugees.

[69] Indian nationals are not subject to the ATV requirement if they are holders of a diplomatic or service passport.Indian nationals are also not subject to the ATV requirement if they are in possession of a valid visa or residence permit for a country of the EU or the EEA or for Canada, Switzerland or the United States. In addition, Indian nationals are not subject to the ATV requirement if they are in possession of a valid residence permit for Andorra, Japan, Monaco or San Marino and a re-entry permit for their country of residence valid for three months following their airport transit.It should be noted that the exception concerning Indian nationals in possession of a valid residence permit for Andorra, Japan, Monaco or San Marino enters into force on the date of Denmark's integration into Schengen cooperation, i.e. on 25 March 2001.

[70] Also for holders of the travel document for Palestinian refugees.
