
Treaty establishing the European Community (Nice consolidated version) - Part Five: Institutions of the Community - Title I: Provisions governing the institutions - Chapter 1: The institutions - Section 4: The Court of Justice - Article 234 - Article 177 - EC Treaty (Maastricht consolidated version) - Article 177 - EEC Treaty

Official Journal C 325 , 24/12/2002 P. 0127 - 0128
Official Journal C 340 , 10/11/1997 P. 0273 - Consolidated version
Official Journal C 224 , 31/08/1992 P. 0063 - Consolidated version
(EEC Treaty - no official publication available)

Treaty establishing the European Community (Nice consolidated version)

Part Five: Institutions of the Community

Title I: Provisions governing the institutions

Chapter 1: The institutions

Section 4: The Court of Justice

Article 234

Article 177 - EC Treaty (Maastricht consolidated version)

Article 177 - EEC Treaty

Article 234

The Court of Justice shall have jurisdiction to give preliminary rulings concerning:

(a) the interpretation of this Treaty;

(b) the validity and interpretation of acts of the institutions of the Community and of the ECB;

(c) the interpretation of the statutes of bodies established by an act of the Council, where those statutes so provide.

Where such a question is raised before any court or tribunal of a Member State, that court or tribunal may, if it considers that a decision on the question is necessary to enable it to give judgment, request the Court of Justice to give a ruling thereon.

Where any such question is raised in a case pending before a court or tribunal of a Member State against whose decisions there is no judicial remedy under national law, that court or tribunal shall bring the matter before the Court of Justice.