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Document 52006XC0401(01)

    Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty — Cases where the Commission raises no objections (Text with EEA relevance)

    OJ C 79, 1.4.2006, p. 23–27 (ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, NL, PL, PT, SK, SL, FI, SV)



    Official Journal of the European Union

    C 79/23

    Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty

    Cases where the Commission raises no objections

    (2006/C 79/05)

    (Text with EEA relevance)

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Poland

    Number of the aid: N 61/2005

    Title: Program pomocy na restrukturyzację udzielanej w procesach prywatyzacji

    Objective: Restructuring of firms in difficulty (All sectors)

    Legal basis in original language: Ustawa o komercjalizacji i prywatyzacji (art. 52, Dz.U. z 2002 r. nr 171, poz. 1397 ze zm.), Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów w sprawie pomocy udzielanej w procesach prywatyzacji oraz Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów w sprawie warunków spłaty należności za korzystanie z przedsiębiorstwa (Dz.U. z 2004 r. nr 269, poz. 2667)

    Budget: Overall aid amount planned: PLN 40 000 000

    Duration: End date: 31.12.2010

    Other information: Aid scheme — Transactions not on market terms

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Germany (Schleswig-Holstein)

    Number of the aid: N 165/2004

    Title: Biomass and Energy — Prolongation of State aid No N 680/2000

    Objective: Environmental Protection

    Legal basis: Richtlinie zur Förderung der energetischen Nutzung von Biomasse im ländlichen Raum durch das Land Schleswig-Holstein

    Budget: Ca. EUR 1,5 million p.a. on average

    Intensity or amount: 40 % of eligible costs

    Duration: until 31 December 2006

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Germany

    Number of the aid: N 185/2004

    Title: Modification of the temporary tax exemption for certain combined cycle gas turbine power plants

    Objective: Environmental aid

    Legal basis: Gesetz zur Änderung des Mineralölsteuergesetzes

    Budget: No estimates available

    Duration: five years as of entry into operation of the installation

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Austria

    Number of the aid: N 192/2005

    Title in original language: Garantie der aws Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH für das Mittelstandsportfolio der Investkreditbank AG

    Objective: Innovation (All sectors)

    Legal basis: §§ 13 und 14 Garantiegesetz 1977 BGBl 296/1977 idf BGBl I 68/2004; Richtlinien für kapitalmarktbezogene und fondsgebundene Garantien (‘Kapitalgarantien’) der aws, Fassung November 1998

    Duration: 2006-2016

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption of the decision:

    Member State: The Netherlands

    Number of the aid: N 213/2005

    Title: Aid scheme for the replacement and retrofitting of diesel engines used by inland waterways vessels

    Objective: To achieve a substantial NOx reduction in the emissions of the existing inland waterways fleet

    Legal basis: Wet Milieubeheer, artikel 15.13 en de Subsidieregeling dieselmotoren voor binnenvaartschepen

    Budget: 20 000 000 EUR

    Duration: 2005-2010

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Poland (Śląskie)

    Number of the aid: N 242a/2005

    Title: Program pomocy regionalnej dla przesiebiorców inwestujących na terenie części jednostki strukturalnej imienia Mikołaja Kopernika (nieruchomości zabrzańskie)

    Objective: Regional development (All sectors)

    Legal basis: Ustawa o samorządzie gminnym z dnia 8 marca 1990 r.; Ustawa o podatkach i opłatach lokalnych z dnia 12 stycznia 1991 r.; Projekt Uchwały Rady Miejskiej w Zabrzu w sprawie określenia zwolnień z podatku od nieruchomości, nieruchomości zabrzańskich, położonych na obszarze części jednostki strukturalnej im. Mikołaja Kopernika

    Budget: Overall aid amount planned: PLN 75 million

    Duration: End date: 31.12.2006

    Maximum aid intensity: 50 %

    Other information: Aid scheme — Tax advantage

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Poland (Śląskie)

    Number of the aid: N 242b/2005

    Title: Program pomocy regionalnej dla przedsiębiorców inwestujących na terenie Katowickiej Specjalnej Strefy Ekonomicznej (nieruchomości zabrzańskie)

    Objective: Regional development (All sectors)

    Legal basis: Ustawa o samorządzie gminnym z dnia 8 marca 1990 r.; Ustawa o podatkach i opłatach lokalnych z dnia 12 stycznia 1991 r.; Projekt Uchwały Rady Miejskiej w Zabrzu w sprawie określenia zwolnień z podatku od nieruchomości, nieruchomości zabrzańskich położonych na terenie Katowickiej Specjalnej Strefy Ekonomicznej

    Budget: Overall aid amount planned: PLN 2,5 million

    Duration: End date: 31.12.2006

    Maximum aid intensity: 50 %

    Other information: Aid scheme — Tax advantage

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Poland (Wielkopolska)

    Number of the aid: N 243/2005

    Title: Program pomocy regionalnej dla przedsiębiorców inwestujących na terenie gminy i miasta Nowe Skalmierzyce

    Objective: Regional development (All sectors)

    Legal basis: Ustawa o podatkach i opłatach lokalnych z dnia 12 stycznia 1991 r.; Projekt Uchwały Rady Gminy i Miasta Nowe Skalmierzyce w sprawie tworzenia preferencji dla przedsiębiorców zwiększających zatrudnienie i inwestujących na obszarze Gminy i Miasta Nowe Skalmierzyce oraz zwolnień w podatku od nieruchomości; Projekt programu pomocy regionalnej na tworzenie nowych miejsc pracy związanych z nową inwestycją na obszarze Gminy i Miasta Nowe Skalmierzyce, stanowiący załącznik nr 3 do ww. projektu uchwały

    Budget: Overall aid amount planned: PLN 1,2 million

    Duration: End date: 31.12.2006

    Maximum aid intensity: 50 %

    Other information: Aid scheme — Tax advantage

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Germany (Brandenburg)

    Number of the aid: N 310/2004

    Title: ERDF Risk Capital Fund Brandenburg

    Objective: Risk capital for SMEs

    Legal basis: Beteiligungsgrundsätze der BC Fonds Brandenburg GmbH

    Budget: Up to EUR 50 million

    Intensity or amount: Investment tranches of up to EUR 1 million in Article 87(3)(a) EC areas and up to EUR 750 000 in Article 87(3)(c) EC areas


    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: United Kingdom

    Number of the aid: N 319/2005

    Title: Grant for Collaborative R&D. Revision of aid scheme N 761/2002

    Objective: Research and development (All sectors)

    Legal basis: Science and Technology Act 1965

    Budget: GBP 200 million per year

    Maximum aid intensity: 100 %

    Duration: 1.1.2006 — 31.12.2011

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption of the decision:

    Member State: Spain (Madrid)

    Number of the aid: N 342/2005

    Title: Prolongation of the aid scheme ‘Madrid Business Innovation Plan’

    Objective: Investment and consultancy aid for SMEs, aid for research and development

    Legal basis: Orden de la Consejería de Economía y Empleo por la que se regula el Plan de Innovación Empresarial de la Comunidad de Madrid

    Budget: EUR 18,03 million per year

    Aid intensity or amount: Unchanged

    Duration: 2006-2009

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: The Netherlands

    Number of the aid: N 358/2005

    Title: Microdruppels

    Objective: Research and development (All sectors)

    Legal basis: Wet van 29 februari 1996, houdende vaststelling van regels inzake de verstrekking van subsidies door de Minister van Economische Zaken (Kaderwet EZ-subsidies)

    Budget: EUR 1 390 000

    Maximum aid intensity: 60 %

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Spain (Murcia)

    Number of the aid: N 363/2005

    Title: Aid for the quality improvement in the provision of the electrical service in the Region of Murcia

    Objective: Regional development (Electricity)

    Legal basis: Ley 54/1997, de 27 de noviembre del sector eléctrico, Real Decreto 1955/2000, de 1 de diciembre, Real Decreto 1802/2003, de 26 de diciembre y borrador del Convenio específico de colaboración entre el Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio, la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia e Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica, S.A.

    Aid intensity or aid amount: EUR 1 149 000

    Duration: Until 31.12.2005

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Estonia

    Number of the aid: N 392/2005

    Title: Ettevõtluse infrastruktuuri arendamise toetamine

    Legal basis: Eesti riikliku arengukava Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondide kasutuselevõtuks — ühtne programmdokument aastateks 2004-2006; meetme 2.2 “Ettevõtluse infrastruktuuri arendamise toetamine”, RTL 2004, 43, 725

    Objective: Regional development (All sectors)

    Budget: Annual expenditure planned: 67,3 million EEK

    Overall aid amount granted: 201,9 million EEK

    Maximum aid intensity: 50 %

    Duration: End date: 31.12.2006

    Other information: Aid scheme — Direct grant

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Italy (Valle d'Aosta)

    Number of the aid: N 394/2005

    Title: Aiuto all'organizzazione della protezione civile — Proroga del regime N 433/2000

    Objective: Compensation for damage caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences (All sectors)

    Legal basis: Legge regionale 18 gennaio 2001, n. 5 «Organizzazione delle attività regionali di protezione civile»

    Maximum aid intensity: 70 %

    Duration: End date: 31.12.2011

    Other information: Aid scheme — Direct grant

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Germany

    Number of the aid: N 453/2005

    Title: Förderschwerpunkt „Wohnen“

    Objective: Research and development (All sectors)

    Legal basis: Bundeshaushalt, Kapitel 3006, Titel 68342

    Budget: EUR 5 000 000

    Maximum aid intensity: 75 %

    Duration: 1.1.2005 — 31.12.2008

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption of the decision:

    Member State: Italy

    Number of the aid: N 496/2003

    Title: Aid for the development of logistics chains and the upgrading of intermodality

    Objective: To encourage the development of intermodality by granting subsidies to road haulage companies which makes use of maritime transport instead of road transport

    Legal basis: Articolo 3, comma 2-ter della Legge n. 265 del 22 novembre 2002

    Budget: EUR 240 million

    Duration: 3 years

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption of the decision:

    Member State: Slovenia

    Number of the aid: N 536/A/04

    Title: Co-financing of the creation of media programmes

    Objective: Audiovisual and media

    Legal basis: ‘Uredba o izvedbi rednega letnega javnega razpisa za sofinanciranje ustvarjanja programskih vsebin in razvoja tehniÿne infrastrukture na podroÿju medijev’ published on 9.4.2004, came into force on 10.4.2004

    Budget: Max. 230 million Slovenian tolar (approximately EUR 960 954) per year for six years (making a total of approximately EUR 5,8 million)

    Aid intensity or amount: Variable; as a general rule, less than 50 %

    Duration: Until end-2010

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption of the decision:

    Member State: Slovak Republic

    Number of the aid: N 542/05

    Title: Vydavetel'stvo spolku slovenských spisovatel'ov s.r.o. (Individual aid in favour of weekly literature magazine)

    Objective: to support literacy magazine

    Legal basis: Zákon č. 523/2004 Z. z. o rozpočtových pravidlách verejnej správy v znení neskorších predpisov,

    Zákon č. 231/1999 Z. z. o štátnej pomoci v znení zákona č. 203/2004 – § 4 ods. 1, písm. d),

    Výnos MK SR – 480/2004 – 1 o poskytovaní dotácií v pôsobnosti MK SR

    Budget: SKK 2 500 000

    Aid intensity or amount: 38,8 %

    Duration: 2005

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Czech Republic

    Number of the aid: N 579/2005

    Title: Centra základního výzkumu (změna N 535/2004)

    Objective: Research and development (All sectors)

    Budget: EUR 94 000 000

    Maximum aid intensity: 100 %


    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Czech Republic

    Number of the aid: N 581/2005

    Title: Výzkumná centra (změna CZ 123/2004)

    Objective: Research and development (All sectors)

    Budget: EUR 141 000 000

    Maximum aid intensity: 100 %, 50 %, 25 %


    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

    Date of adoption:

    Member State: Denmark

    Number of the aid: N 652/2005

    Title: Prolongation of Aid for Research in Working Conditions

    Objective: To strengthen the work environment research in Denmark through the elaboration of a research strategy and by providing aid to R&D activities

    Legal basis: Finansloven, tekstanmærkning nr. 124 § 17 og Bekendtgørelse nr. 610 af 25. juni 2003

    Budget: In total for the period 2003-2008, DKK 207,8 million (ca EUR 27,7 million)

    Intensity or amount: 100 %

    Duration: 2 years

    Other information: Annual report

    The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:
