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Document 32007E0246

    Council Common Position 2007/246/CFSP of 23 April 2007 amending Common Position 2007/140/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Iran

    OJ L 106, 24.4.2007, p. 67–75 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)
    OJ L 4M, 8.1.2008, p. 397–405 (MT)

    This document has been published in a special edition(s) (HR)

    Legal status of the document No longer in force, Date of end of validity: 25/07/2010; Implicitly repealed by 32010D0413




    Official Journal of the European Union

    L 106/67


    of 23 April 2007

    amending Common Position 2007/140/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Iran


    Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article 15 thereof,



    On 27 February 2007 the Council of the European Union adopted Common Position 2007/140/CFSP (1) concerning restrictive measures against Iran which implemented the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1737 (2006) (‘UNSCR 1737 (2006)’).


    On 24 March 2007 the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1747 (2007) (‘UNSCR 1747 (2007)’) that widened the scope of the restrictive measures imposed by UNSCR 1737 (2006).


    UNSCR 1747 (2007) prohibits the procurement of arms and related materiel from Iran.


    UNSCR 1747 (2007) furthermore calls upon all States to exercise vigilance and restraint in the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer to Iran of conventional weapons as defined for the purpose of the United Nations Register on Conventional Arms as well as in the provision of technical assistance or training, financial assistance, investment, brokering or other services, and in the transfer of financial resources or services related to the supply, sale transfer, manufacture or use of such items in order to prevent a destabilising accumulation of arms. In line with these objectives of UNSCR 1747 (2007) as well as with the EU policy not to sell arms to Iran, the Council considers it appropriate to prohibit the supply, sale or transfer to Iran of all arms and related materiel, as well as the provision of related assistance, investment and services.


    UNSCR 1747 (2007) extends financial and travel sanctions imposed by UNSCR 1737 (2006) to additional persons and entities engaged in, directly associated with or providing support for Iran's proliferation sensitive nuclear activities or for the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.


    UNSCR 1747 (2007) furthermore calls upon all States and international financial institutions not to enter into new commitments for grants, financial assistance and concessional loans to the Government of Iran, except for humanitarian and developmental purposes.


    The Council has also identified persons and entities that fulfil the criteria set out in Articles 4(1)(b) and 5(1)(b) of Common Position 2007/140/CFSP. These persons and entities should therefore be listed in Annex II of that Common Position.


    Common Position 2007/140/CFSP should be amended accordingly.


    Action by the Community is needed in order to implement certain measures,


    Article 1

    Common Position 2007/140/CFSP is hereby amended as follows:


    in Article 1(1), the following subparagraph (c) shall be added:


    arms and related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment and spare parts for the aforementioned. This prohibition shall not apply to non-combat vehicles which have been manufactured or fitted with materials to provide ballistic protection, intended solely for protective use of personnel of the EU and its Member States in Iran.’;


    the following Article shall be inserted:

    ‘Article 3a

    Member States shall not enter into new commitments for grants, financial assistance and concessional loans to the Government of Iran, including through their participation in international financial institutions, except for humanitarian and developmental purposes.’;


    Annexes I and II shall be replaced by the text appearing in Annexes I and II to this Common Position.

    Article 2

    This Common Position shall take effect on the date of its adoption.

    Article 3

    This Common Position shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    Done at Luxembourg, 23 April 2007.

    For the Council

    The President


    (1)   OJ L 61, 28.2.2007, p. 49.


    ‘List of persons referred to in Article 4(1)(a) and of persons and entities referred to in Article 5(1)(a)



    Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG) (alias Ammunition Industries Group). Other information: AMIG controls 7th of Tir, which is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006) for its role in Iran's centrifuge programme. AMIG is in turn owned and controlled by the Defence Industries Organisation (DIO), which is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006).


    Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI). Other information: involved in Iran's nuclear programme.


    Bank Sepah and Bank Sepah International. Other information: Bank Sepah provides support for the Aerospace Industries Organisation (AIO) and subordinates, including Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG) and Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group (SBIG), both of which were designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006).


    Cruise Missile Industry Group (alias Naval Defence Missile Industry Group). Other information: production and development of cruise missiles. Responsible for naval missiles including cruise missiles.


    Defence Industries Organisation (DIO). Other information: (a) overarching MODAFL-controlled entity, some of whose subordinates have been involved in the centrifuge programme making components, and in the missile programme, (b) involved in Iran's nuclear programme.


    Esfahan Nuclear Fuel Research and Production Centre (NFRPC) and Esfahan Nuclear Technology Centre (ENTC). Other information: these are parts of AEOI's Nuclear Fuel Production and Procurement Company, which is involved in enrichment-related activities. AEOI is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006).


    Fajr Industrial Group. Other information: (a) formerly Instrumentation Factory Plant, (b) subordinate entity of AIO, (c) involved in Iran's ballistic missile programme.


    Farayand Technique. Other information: (a) involved in Iran's nuclear programme (centrifuge programme), (b) identified in reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).


    Kala-Electric (alias Kalaye Electric). Other information: (a) provider for PFEP — Natanz, (b) Involved in Iran's nuclear programme.


    Karaj Nuclear Research Centre. Other information: part of AEOI's research division.


    Kavoshyar Company. Other information: subsidiary company of AEOI, which has sought glass fibres, vacuum chamber furnaces and laboratory equipment for Iran's nuclear programme.


    Mesbah Energy Company. Other information: (a) provider for A40 research reactor — Arak, (b) involved in Iran's nuclear programme.


    Novin Energy Company (alias Pars Novin). Other information: it operates within AEOI and has transferred funds on behalf of AEOI to entities associated with Iran's nuclear programme.


    Parchin Chemical Industries. Other information: branch of DIO, which produces ammunition, explosives, as well as solid propellants for rockets and missiles.


    Pars Aviation Services Company. Other information: this company maintains various aircraft including MI-171, used by Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Air Force.


    Pars Trash Company. Other information: (a) involved in Iran's nuclear programme (centrifuge programme), (b) identified in IAEA reports.


    Qods Aeronautics Industries. Other information: it produces unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), parachutes, para-gliders, para-motors, etc. IRGC has boasted of using these products as part of its asymmetric warfare doctrine.


    Sanam Industrial Group. Other information: subordinate to AIO, which has purchased equipment on AIO's behalf for the missile programme.


    7th of Tir. Other information: (a) subordinate of DIO, widely recognised as being directly involved in Iran's nuclear programme, (b) involved in Iran's nuclear programme.


    Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group (SBIG). Other information: (a) subordinate entity of AIO, (b) involved in Iran's ballistic missile programme.


    Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG). Other information: (a) subordinate entity of AIO, (b) involved in Iran's ballistic missile programme.


    Sho'a' Aviation. Other information: it produces micro-lights which IRGC has claimed it is using as part of its asymmetric warfare doctrine.


    Ya Mahdi Industries Group. Other information: subordinate to AIO, which is involved in international purchases of missile equipment.



    Fereidoun Abbasi-Davani. Other information: Senior Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) scientist with links to the Institute of Applied Physics, working closely with Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi.


    Dawood Agha-Jani. Function: Head of the PFEP (Natanz). Other information: person involved in Iran's nuclear programme.


    Ali Akbar Ahmadian. Title: Vice Admiral. Function: Chief of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Joint Staff.


    Behman Asgarpour. Function: Operational Manager (Arak). Other information: person involved in Iran's nuclear programme.


    Bahmanyar Morteza Bahmanyar. Function: Head of Finance & Budget Dept, AIO. Other information: person involved in Iran's ballistic missile programme.


    Ahmad Vahid Dastjerdi. Function: Head of the AIO. Other information: person involved in Iran's ballistic missile programme.


    Ahmad Derakhshandeh. Function: Chairman and Managing Director of Bank Sepah. Other information: Bank Sepah provides support for the AIO and subordinates, including SHIG and SBIG, both of which were designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006).


    Reza-Gholi Esmaeli. Function: Head of Trade & International Affairs Dept, AIO. Other information: person involved in Iran's ballistic missile programme.


    Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi. Other information: Senior MODAFL scientist and former head of the Physics Research Centre (PHRC). IAEA has asked to interview him about the activities of the PHRC over the period he was head, but Iran has refused.


    Mohammad Hejazi. Title: Brigadier General. Function: Commander of Bassij resistance force.


    Mohsen Hojati. Function: Head of Fajr Industrial Group. Other information: Fajr Industrial Group is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006) for its role in the ballistic missile programme.


    Mehrdada Akhlaghi Ketabachi. Function: Head of SBIG. Other information: SBIG is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006) for its role in the ballistic missile programme.


    Ali Hajinia Leilabadi. Function: Director General of Mesbah Energy Company. Other information: person involved in Iran's nuclear programme.


    Naser Maleki. Function: Head of SHIG. Other information: SHIG is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006) for its role in Iran's ballistic missile programme. Naser Maleki is also a MODAFL official overseeing work on the Shahab-3 ballistic missile programme. The Shahab-3 is Iran's long-range ballistic missile currently in service.


    Jafar Mohammadi. Function: Technical Adviser to the AEOI (in charge of managing the production of valves for centrifuges). Other information: person involved in Iran's nuclear programme.


    Ehsan Monajemi. Function: Construction Project Manager, Natanz. Other information: person involved in Iran's nuclear programme.


    Mohammad Mehdi Nejad Nouri. Title: Lt Gen. Function: Rector of Malek Ashtar University of Defence Technology. Other information: The chemistry department of Ashtar University of Defence Technology is affiliated to MODALF and has conducted experiments on beryllium. Person involved in Iran's nuclear programme.


    Mohammad Qannadi. Function: AEOI Vice President for Research & Development. Other information: Person involved in Iran's nuclear programme.


    Amir Rahimi. Function: Head of Esfahan Nuclear Fuel Research and Production Centre. Other information: Esfahan Nuclear Fuel Research and Production Centre is part of the AEOI's Nuclear Fuel Production and Procurement Company, which is involved in enrichment-related activities.


    Morteza Rezaie. Title: Brigadier General. Function: Deputy Commander of IRGC.


    Morteza Safari. Title: Rear Admiral. Function: Commander of IRGC Navy.


    Yahya Rahim Safavi. Title: Maj. Gen. Function: Commander, IRGC (Pasdaran). Other information: person involved in both Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programmes.


    Seyed Jaber Safdari. Other information: Manager of the Natanz Enrichment Facilities.


    Hosein Salimi. Title: General. Function: Commander of the Air Force, IRGC (Pasdaran). Other information: person involved in Iran's ballistic missile programme.


    Qasem Soleimani. Title: Brigadier General. Function: Commander of Qods force.


    Mohammad Reza Zahedi. Title: Brigadier General. Function: Commander of IRGC Ground Forces.


    General Zolqadr. Function: Deputy Interior Minister for Security Affairs, IRGC officer.’


    ‘A.   Natural persons



    Identifying information




    DoB: 15.3.1949 Passport number: S4409483 valid 26.4.2000-27.4.2010 Issued: Tehran Place of birth: Khoy

    Head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI). The AEOI oversees Iran’s nuclear programme and is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006).


    Amir Moayyed ALAI


    Involved in managing the assembly and engineering of centrifuges. Iran is required by the IAEA Board and Security Council to suspend all enrichment-related activities. This includes all centrifuge-related work. On 27 August 2006, Alai received a special award from President Ahmadinejad for his role in managing the assembly and engineering of centrifuges.


    Mohammed Fedai ASHIANI


    Involved in the production of ammonium uranyl carbonate (AUC) and the management of the Natanz enrichment complex. Iran is required to suspend all enrichment-related activities. On 27 August 2006, Ashiani received a special award from President Ahmadinejad for his role in the AUC production process and for his role in the management and engineering design for the enrichment complex at Natanz (Kashan) site.


    Haleh BAKHTIAR


    Involved in the production of magnesium at a concentration of 99,9 %. On 27 August 2006, Bakhtiar received a special award from President Ahmadinejad for her role in producing magnesium at a concentration of 99,9 %. Magnesium of this purity is used to produce uranium metal, which can be cast into material for a nuclear weapon. Iran has refused to provide the IAEA access to a document on the production of uranium metal hemispheres, only applicable for nuclear weapons use.


    Morteza BEHZAD


    Involved in making centrifuge components. Iran is required to suspend all enrichment-related activities. This includes all centrifuge-related work. On 27 August 2006, Behzad received a special award from President Ahmadinejad for his role making complex and sensitive centrifuge components.


    Dr Hoseyn (Hossein) FAQIHIAN

    Address of NFPC: AEOI-NFPD, PO Box: 11365-8486, Tehran/Iran

    Deputy and Director-General of the Nuclear Fuel Production and Procurement Company (NFPC), part of the AEOI. The AEOI oversees Iran's nuclear programme and is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006). The NFPC involved in enrichment-related activities that Iran is required by the IAEA Board and Security Council to suspend.


    Seyyed Hussein (Hossein) HUSSEINI (HOSSEINI)


    AEOI official involved in the heavy water research reactor (IR40) project at Arak. UNSCR 1737 (2006) required Iran to suspend all work on heavy-water-related projects.




    Head of the Novin Energy Company. In August 2006 Karimi Sabet received an award from President Ahmadinejad for his role in designing, producing, installing and commissioning nuclear equipment at the Natanz site.


    Said Esmail KHALILIPOUR


    Deputy Head of AEOI. The AEOI oversees Iran's nuclear programme and is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006).


    Ali Reza KHANCHI

    Address of NRC: AEOI-NRC PO Box: 11365-8486 Tehran/Iran Fax: (+9821) 8021412

    Head of AEOI's Tehran Nuclear Research Centre. The IAEA is continuing to seek clarification from Iran about plutonium separation experiments carried out at the TNRC, including about the presence of HEU particles in environmental samples taken at the Karaj Waste Storage Facility where containers used to store depleted uranium targets used in those experiments are located. The AEOI oversees Iran's nuclear programme and is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006).


    Hamid-Reza MOHAJERANI


    Involved in production management at the Uranium Conversion Facility (UCF) at Esfahan. On 27 August 2006, Mohajerani received a special award from President Ahmadinejad for his role in production management at the UCF and in planning, building and installing the UF6 unit (UF6 is the feed material for enrichment).


    Houshang NOBARI


    Involved in the management of the Natanz enrichment complex. Iran is required by the IAEA Board and Security Council to suspend all enrichment-related activities. These include activities at the enrichment complex at Natanz (Kashan). On 27 August 2006, Nobari received a special award from President Ahmadinejad for his role in the successful management and execution of the Natanz (Kashan) site plan.


    Dr Javad RAHIQI


    Head of AEOI's Esfahan Nuclear Technology Centre. This oversees the uranium conversion plant at Esfahan. Iran is required by the IAEA Board and the Security Council to suspend all enrichment-related activities. This includes all uranium conversion work. AEOI oversees Iran’s nuclear programme and is designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006).


    Abbas RASHIDI


    Involved in enrichment work at Natanz. Iran is required by the IAEA Board and Security Council to suspend all enrichment-related activities. On 27 August 2006, Rashidi received a special award from President Ahmadinejad for his management and notable role in the successful operation of the 164-centrifuge enrichment cascade at Natanz.


    Abdollah SOLAT SANA


    Managing Director of the Uranium Conversion Facility (UCF) in Esfahan. This is the facility that produces the feed material (UF6) for the enrichment facilities at Natanz. On 27 August 2006, Solat Sana received a special award from President Ahmadinejad for his role.

    B.   Entities



    Identifying information



    Aerospace Industries Organisation, AIO

    AIO, 28 Shian 5, Lavizan, Tehran

    AIO oversees Iran’s production of missiles, including Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group, Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group and Fajr Industrial Group, which were all designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006). The head of AIO and two other senior officials were also designated under UNSCR 1737 (2006).


    Armament Industries

    Pasdaran Av., PO Box 19585/777, Tehran

    A subsidiary of the DIO (Defence Industries Organisation).


    Defence Technology and Science Research Centre (DTSRC) — also known as the Educational Research Institute/Moassese Amozeh Va Tahgiaghati (ERI/MAVT Co.)

    Pasdaran Av., PO Box 19585/777, Tehran

    Responsible for R&D. A subsidiary of the DIO. The DTSRC handles much of the procurement for the DIO.


    Jaber Ibn Hayan

    AEOI-JIHRD PO Box: 11365-8486; Tehran; 84, 20th Av. Entehaye Karegar Shomali Street; Tehran

    Jaber Ibn Hayan is an AEOI (Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran) laboratory involved in fuel-cycle activities. Located within the Tehran Nuclear Research Centre (TNRC), it was not declared by Iran under its safeguards agreement prior to 2003, although conversion work was being carried out there.


    Marine Industries

    Pasdaran Av., PO Box 19585/777, Tehran

    A subsidiary of the DIO.


    Nuclear Fuel Production and Procurement Company (NFPC)

    AEOI-NFPD, PO Box: 11365-8486, Tehran/Iran

    Nuclear Fuel Production Division (NFPD) of AEOI is research and development in the field of nuclear fuel cycle including: uranium exploration, mining, milling, conversion and nuclear waste management. The NFPC is the successor to the NFPD, the subsidiary company under the AEOI that runs research and development in the nuclear fuel cycle including conversion and enrichment.


    Special Industries Group

    Pasdaran Av., PO Box 19585/777, Tehran

    A subsidiary of the DIO.


    TAMAS Company


    TAMAS is involved in enrichment-related activities, which Iran is required by the IAEA Board and Security Council to suspend. TAMAS is the overarching body, under which four subsidiaries have been established, including one doing uranium extraction to concentration and another in charge of uranium processing, enrichment and waste.’
