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Document 52013SC0074
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures to reduce the cost of deploying high speed electronic communications networks
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures to reduce the cost of deploying high speed electronic communications networks
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures to reduce the cost of deploying high speed electronic communications networks
/* SWD/2013/074 final */
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures to reduce the cost of deploying high speed electronic communications networks /* SWD/2013/074 final */
European Parliament and of the Council on measures to reduce the cost of
deploying high speed electronic communications networks 1. Problem
Definition Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth as
envisaged in the Europe 2020 Strategy will very much depend on the availability
and widespread use of the high-speed Internet. A high quality digital
infrastructure underpins virtually all sectors of a modern and innovative
economy. It is the backbone of the Single Market, a major and still to a large
extent untapped source of growth, and a key factor for the EU's
competitiveness. The Digital Agenda for Europe, one of the
flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 Strategy, sets ambitious broadband
coverage and speed targets. Yet, while significant investments in the telecom
sector are already undertaken by companies, it appears that the efforts to
stimulate broadband rollout need to be reinforced. This impact assessment accompanies a
legislative proposal that would, if adopted by the European Parliament and the
Council, make the deployment of high-speed broadband networks cheaper and
easier. It would do so by ensuring an improved access to passive infrastructure
suitable for broadband rollout, more opportunities for cooperation in civil
engineering works, streamlined permit granting procedures, and more buildings
high-speed ready. The proposal has been prepared following a call from the 2012
Spring Council for steps to be taken at EU level to achieve costs savings as
part of efforts to complete the Digital Single Market by 2015. It forms part of
the Single Market Act II. The problem addressed by this initiative
derives from the various inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the process of
rolling out broadband networks. These inefficiencies and bottlenecks lead to
high costs and heavy administrative burdens for undertakings wishing to deploy
networks. It should also be noted that the dominant cost (up to 80%) in
deploying new networks is linked to civil engineering. Based on studies and
extensive feedback from stakeholders, four areas of action have been
identified: (1) inefficiencies or bottlenecks concerning the use of existing
passive infrastructure (such as for example ducts, conduits, manholes,
cabinets, poles, masts, antennae installations, towers and other supporting
constructions), (2) bottlenecks related to co-deployment, (3) inefficiencies
regarding administrative permit granting, and, (4) bottlenecks concerning
in-building deployment in view of connecting customers. It is believed that savings between 20 and
30% could be achieved by adopting a set of coherent
and mutually reinforcing measures throughout these areas. 2. Analysis of subsidiarity These measures are necessary at the level
of the Union to improve the conditions for the establishment and functioning of
the internal market, as a complement to the regulatory framework for electronic
communications, in order to: –
remove barriers to the functioning of the Single
Market caused by the patchwork of rules at national and sub-national levels,
which impedes the further development and growth of European companies, has a
negative impact on European competitiveness, and creates barriers to invest and
operate cross-border, and thus obstructs the freedom to provide electronic
communications services and networks as guaranteed under existing Union
legislation; –
stimulate ubiquitous broadband coverage, which
is a pre-condition for the development of the Digital Single Market, thus
contributing to the removal of an important obstacle to the completion of the
Single Market; –
realise the significant untapped potential of
cost-reduction and facilitation of broadband rollout. 3. Objectives The specific objective of this initiative
is to reduce costs and increase efficiency in the
deployment of high-speed broadband. More precisely, the costs of high-speed
broadband rollout should be reduced by 25%. At the same
time, acting in this area at EU level will also consolidate the Single Market. This twofold specific objective must be
seen within the general context of stimulating broadband rollout throughout the
EU, in line with the Digital Agenda targets. The operational objectives of this
initiative are as follows: (1) Increasing the use of existing passive
infrastructure suitable for broadband rollout, by achieving more transparency
concerning this infrastructure, as well as a more consistent and effective
regulatory regime concerning access to it, regardless of the owner; (2) Increasing cooperation in civil
engineering projects relevant for broadband rollout through the EU, in
particular by ensuring transparency and by increasing legal certainty for
cross-sector / cross-utility cooperation; (3) Streamlining the administrative
procedures related to network rollout throughout the EU, mainly by increasing
the transparency and coordination of the permit granting processes, while
ensuring the enforcement of deadlines as well as minimum standards as regards
"reasonable conditions"; and (4) Increasing the provision of buildings
with open high-speed ready infrastructure throughout the EU, so as to reduce
the costs and burdens associated with retro-fitting 4. Policy Options Four broad policy options were chosen for
further analysis, based upon their potential to reduce the costs of broadband
rollout and facilitate it, upon their overall coherence and completeness, and
finally upon the technologically neutral character. Under Option 1, the Commission would proceed
doing business as usual, as such measures are not entirely new and best
practices are already emerging. Action would include providing monitoring,
enforcement of existing rules and further guidance on certain articles. Option 2 promotes a more intensive,
coherent and harmonised application of the existing provisions and tools of the
regulatory framework for electronic communications. Concretely, the Commission
would issue a Recommendation clarifying the application of these provisions. Under Option 3, the Commission would
propose more holistic and more ambitious cost reduction measures throughout the
EU, applicable to non-telecom players, too. Concretely, the following measures
are proposed: (1) a general right to offer and to use the
existing physical infrastructures suitable for the deployment of broadband
under fair terms and conditions, regardless of whether they are owned or used
by electronic communications network providers. The terms of use would be left
to commercial negotiation, with the possibility for intervention by a dispute
settlement mechanism only where commercial negotiation fails without any
reasonable justification; (2) a right to access transparent
information regarding existing physical infrastructures suitable for broadband
rollout, regardless of their owner (telecom or non-telecom operators, private
or public parties); (3) specific rights and obligations aiming
at enabling an increased coordination of civil engineering works (a general
right to negotiate co-ordination of civil engineering works coupled with a
general right to access information on planned civil works; additional
obligations are foreseen in case of works financed with public money); (4) increased transparency and timeliness
as regards permit granting procedures, coupled with safeguards aimed to ensure
non-discriminatory, transparent, objectively justified, and proportionate
requirements and/or conditions; (5) an obligation to provide new buildings
as well as old buildings that undergo major renovation works with high-speed-ready
in-building physical infrastructure (e.g. sufficient space in mini ducts),
while ensuring technological neutrality, and an obligation to provide new or
majorly renovated multi-dwelling buildings with a concentration point located
in or outside the building. Option 3 further breaks down into two
sub-options, 3a and 3b, which differ in function of the instrument proposed to
implemented the measures described above. Under Option 4, the Commission would
propose a new binding instrument, establishing infrastructure atlases following
EU standards, mandated access to all infrastructures suitable for broadband
rollout at cost-oriented prices, further obligations to cooperate in civil
engineering works, the creation of a full one-stop-shop concentrating all the
permits needed for the deployment of new infrastructure, and mandatory
provision of all buildings with high-speed ready infrastructure by 2020. 5. Assessment of Impacts As this initiative is mainly of an economic
nature, the most important impacts are the economic ones. The social and
environmental impacts have mostly indirect character as they depend on the
resulting network investment and on the rest of the indirect economic impacts.
The impact on fundamental rights of the proposed measures has been analysed. The “business as usual” scenario (Option 1)
can be expected neither to significantly reduce the costs of broadband roll-out
all over Europe, nor to have a strong effect on investment. As only a very
limited impact on investment is anticipated throughout the EU, its spill-over
effects would also be limited. In addition, it is very likely that the current
fragmentation of rules in the EU will increase. Given the limited impact on
investment, the social and environmental effects would be marginal, too. Given the costs and benefits for the main
stakeholders involved and the stronger effects of a Recommendation as compared
to guidance and exchange of best practice, an overall moderate positive impact
on investment in networks is expected under Option 2. In consequence, a
somewhat higher broadband coverage and competition can be expected. However,
under this option, the full cost-saving potential of cross utility
infrastructure cooperation (as regards mapping and sharing infrastructure and
coordination of civil works) would remain underexploited, affecting the
cost-benefit ratio of the entire exercise. Moderate positive macro effects on
the economy are to be expected too. As far as the Single Market is concerned, a
Recommendation is likely to increase only to a certain extent, consistency
across the EU since the implementation of the provisions of the regulatory
framework would be further promoted. As far as social impacts are concerned,
the moderate positive effect on investment in networks is expected to translate
into a small positive effect on job creation. The increased transparency and
coordination of works within the telecom sector would also lead to a modest
positive impact on the environment (mainly due to avoiding duplication of
works). Option 3 ("enabling efficiency
gains") would create high net benefits for all EU undertakings wishing to
deploy broadband, mainly due to significant capital expenditure savings on
network investments resulting from increased transparency, opportunities to use
much more existing passive infrastructure, opportunities to co-deploy across
sectors, faster, easier and cheaper deployment including through streamlined
permits and high-speed ready buildings. For owners of passive infrastructure,
the option would entail an obligation to provide information and to grant
access on their infrastructures, which as such produces certain costs. Yet
benefits would be higher than the costs, in particular given that access would
be granted following commercial negotiations, allowing for additional revenues.
As concerns public authorities, although the costs of these measures seem high,
there are many synergies between these measures and
other measures required by national policy (e.g. disaster prevention) or EU law
(e.g. INSPIRE Directive) which would reduce the overall costs. An overall significant positive impact on
investment in high-speed networks can therefore be expected under Option 3,
and, in consequence, a higher broadband coverage and higher competition.
Broadband networks would reach areas which would otherwise be thought of as
being commercially unattractive. Due to the increased network investment,
positive macro-effects on the economy would become visible, both in terms of
spillovers to related industries (equipment manufacturers, civil works
companies), and increased innovation and productivity for all undertakings
including SMEs. This could have a positive overall effect on the EU
competitiveness through faster smart grid and intelligent transportation
systems deployment and related energy efficiency gains. Such harmonisation measures would also
lower barriers to entry especially for smaller operators and would
significantly reduce fragmentation in the Digital Single Market. As far as social impacts are concerned, Option
3 ensures significant positive impacts on investment and thus also on the
labour market. The increased infrastructure sharing and coordination of civil
works would also guarantee a reduction of public nuisance. Given the cross-sector character of the
measure, increased synergies could lead furthermore to a significant
environmental impact, through faster deployment of smart grids and intelligent
transportation systems and therefore to energy efficiency gains. With respect to the impacts of Option 4, mandating
access to passive infrastructures across utilities at cost oriented prices
would maximise sharing, but would also bring a significant risk to
dis-incentivise investment in physical infrastructures. Additionally, some of
the measures seem too difficult to implement and risk duplicating costs and
administrative efforts. As a result the economic impacts are estimated to be
lower than under the previous policy option. On the other hand, this option
presents clear benefits from a Single Market perspective. Positive social and environmental impacts
are also expected under Option 4. 6. Comparison of Options The options were compared taking into
account their effectiveness, their efficiency (including the costs and benefits
described above), and their coherence (balance among economic, social and
environmental effects, coherence with overarching EU policy objectives). In view of this lack of effectiveness,
therefore, Option 1 falls short to achieve the desired objectives and therefore
does not appear proportionate. Option 2, promoting a more intensive,
coherent, and harmonised application of the existing provisions and tools under
the current telecoms regulatory framework would have some positive effects
compared to the baseline scenario but would however not deliver the expected
efficiency gains, in particular as it would leave untapped the cost reduction
potential linked to cross-sector cooperation and to the coordination of the
permit granting procedures. In contrast, Option 3 truly exploits the
cost reduction potential by extending the scope of the binding measures across
sectors and throughout the broadband deployment steps. At the same time, Option
3 would preserve commercial negotiations, an incentive on its own, and would
respect the organisational autonomy of Member States. The implementation costs
would depend very much on the structures and systems in place in Member States,
therefore savings can be achieved. More importantly, these costs appear to be
offset by the significant benefits expected in inscreasingly efficient
broadband deployment by operators and better broadband coverage for the society
as a whole. Overall, option 3 ensures effectiveness in the view of identified
objectives with a very good ratio of costs and benefits and coherence with
general objectives of the EU policy (such as the Guidelines for Broadband State
Aid and the INSPIRE Directive). Option 4 appears to maximise the benefits
for undertakings seeking to deploy broadband networks. However, it would entail
a number of obligations and constraints which may be unnecessary or
disproportionate to the achievement of the desired objectives. Option 4 would
add significant institutional complexity including transfers of competences,
too. Moreover, business choices might be seriously impaired, with the risk of
associated disincentives to invest, leading to fewer social benefits and for
the environnement, thus impeding the general objectives of the EU and the
overall coherence of this option. In view of the above, it appears that Option
3 is the best option available, given its effectiveness towards the identified
objectives, its efficiency and its coherence in exploiting the cost reduction
potential within the general EU policy objectives. 7. Monitoring and Evaluation A series of indicators corresponding to the
general and specific objectives of this initiative will be monitored in the
framework of the Digital Agenda Scoreboard exercise. In particular, the general
objective (stimulate broadband rollout) and the specific objective (increase efficiency and decrease the costs of broadband rollout) will be monitored by analysing annual
network investments. An evaluation exercise concerning the
impact of the instrument is foreseen every three years, based on the
information obtained through monitoring and on in-depth studies, with a view to
proposing necessary adjustments, if necessary.