Brussels, 1.10.2019
COM(2019) 448 final
Proposal for a
on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania concerning the extension of the Protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, expiring on 15 November 2019
•Reasons for and objectives of the proposal
On 8 July 2019 the Council adopted the mandate authorising the European Commission to open negotiations for the renewal of the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the EU and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (IRM) and the protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in the Partnership Agreement, which expires on 15 November 2019.
This mandate stipulates that in the event that the negotiations on a new Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA) and a Protocol between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania take longer than expected, and in order to avoid a long period of interruption of fishing activities, the Commission should have the possibility to agree with the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on an extension of the current Agreement and Protocol for a maximum period of one year, while continuing to try to reach an agreement on a new SFPA in line with the objectives identified in the mandate.
In the first round of negotiations (2-4 September 2019), the negotiators of the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania agreed that, in the case of complex negotiations, several rounds are needed in order to finalise the negotiations. Therefore, the two parties agreed on an extension of the current protocol for a period of one year, in line with the option envisaged in the mandate of the Council. This extension is defined by an agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters, initialled on 4 September 2019 in Brussels.
In order to avoid the interruption of fishing activities for the European fleet operating in Mauritanian waters, it is necessary that the Council Decision endorsing this Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters is adopted in due time to allow for signature by both parties before 15 November 2019, when the current Protocol expires.
The purpose of this proposal is to authorise the conclusion of the Protocol.
As a reminder, the main aim of the Protocol is to grant fishing opportunities to European Union vessels in Mauritanian waters taking into account available scientific assessments, in particular those of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF), and in accordance with scientific advice and the recommendations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), within the limits of the available surplus. The objective is to also enhance cooperation between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, thereby creating a partnership framework within which to develop a sustainable fisheries policy and sound exploitation of fishery resources in the fishing zone of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, in the interests of both parties.
The Protocol provides for fishing opportunities in the following categories:
–Category 1 – Vessels fishing for crustaceans other than spiny lobster and crab: 5 000 tonnes and 25 vessels;
–Category 2 - Black hake (non-freezer) trawlers and bottom longliners: 6 000 tonnes and 6 vessels;
–Category 2a - Pelagic freezer trawlers targeting black hake: 3 500 tonnes of hake, 1 450 tonnes of squid, 600 tonnes of cuttlefish for 6 vessels;
–Category 3 - Vessels fishing for demersal species other than black hake with gear other than trawls: 3 000 tonnes and 6 vessels;
–Category 4 - Tuna seiners: 12 500 tonnes (reference tonnage) and 25 vessels;
–Category 5 - Pole-and-line tuna vessels and longliners: 7 500 tonnes (reference tonnage) and 15 vessels;
–Category 6 - Pelagic freezer trawlers: 225 000 tonnes and 19 vessels;
–Category 7 - Non-freezer pelagic vessels: 15 000 tonnes (deducted from volume under category 6 if used) and 2 vessels.
•Consistency with existing provisions in the policy area
In accordance with the priorities of the Fisheries Policy reform, the Protocol provides fishing opportunities for Union vessels in Mauritanian waters, on the basis of the best available scientific advice and following the recommendations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The Protocol will also enable the European Union and Mauritania to work more closely on promoting sound exploitation of fisheries resources in Mauritanian waters and support Mauritania’s efforts to develop its blue economy, in the interests of both parties.
The economic activity generated in the fishing sector in Mauritania, while at local level, would contribute to addressing the root causes of irregular migration.
•Consistency with other Union policies
The negotiation of a new protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement with the Islamic Republic of Mauritania forms part of the EU’s external action in relation to ACP countries and takes into account, in particular, Union objectives on respecting democratic principles and human rights.
•Legal basis
The legal basis chosen is the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Article 43(2) of which establishes the Common Fisheries Policy, Article 218(6)(a)(v) the stage concerned for the procedure for the negotiation and conclusion of agreements between the Union and third countries, and Article 218(7) the provisions concerning the authorisation of amendments to the Protocol.
•Subsidiarity (for non-exclusive competence)
The proposal falls under the exclusive competence of the European Union.
The proposal is proportionate to the objective of establishing a legal, environmental, economic and social governance framework for fishing activities carried out by Union vessels in third-country waters, as set out in Article 31 of the Regulation establishing the Common Fisheries Policy. It complies with those provisions as well as with those on financial assistance to third countries laid down in Article 32 of that Regulation.
The extension of the framework set by the Protocol expiring on 15 November 2019 by one year is in line with the mandate received by the Council with the objective of ensuring the continuity of the fishing activities of the European fleet operating in Mauritanian waters.
•Ex post evaluations/fitness checks of existing legislation
The interested parties were consulted during the evaluation of the Protocol for the period 2015-2019. Experts from the Member States were also consulted in technical meetings. These consultations led to the conclusion that it would be beneficial to renew the fishing protocol with the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.
•Consultation of interested parties
Member States, industry representatives, international civil society organisations, as well as Mauritania's fisheries administration and civil society representatives were consulted as part of the evaluation. Consultations also took place in the framework of the Long Distance Advisory Council.
•Collection and use of expertise
The Commission used an independent consultant for the ex post and ex ante evaluations, in accordance with the provisions of Article 31(10) of the Regulation establishing the Common Fisheries Policy.
The annual financial contribution from the European Union is EUR 61 625 000, based on:
(a) an annual amount for access to fishery resources for the categories provided for in the Protocol, set at EUR 57 500 000 for the duration of the extension of the Protocol;
(b) support for the development of Mauritania’s sectoral fisheries policy amounting to EUR 4 125 000 per year for the duration of the extension of the Protocol. This support meets the objectives of Mauritania’s national policy on the sustainable management of its continental and maritime fishery resources for the entire duration of the Protocol.
The annual amount for commitment and payment appropriations is established during the annual budgetary procedure, including for the reserve line for protocols not having entered into force at the beginning of the year.
The exchange of letters for the extension also sets out a pro rata reduction in the case the negotiations for the renewal of the Partnership Agreement and its Protocol result in the signature leading to their application before the expiry of the annual extension covered by the exchange of letters.
•Implementation plans and monitoring, evaluation and reporting arrangements
The monitoring arrangements are provided for in the Protocol, the extension of which is covered by the exchange of letters.
2019/0210 (NLE)
Proposal for a
on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania concerning the extension of the Protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, expiring on 15 November 2019
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 43(2) in conjunction with Article 218(6) (a) thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,
Having regard to the consent of the European Parliament,
(1)In accordance with Council Decision 2019/ … /UE[, the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters concerning the extension of the Protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, expiring on 15 November 2019 (‘the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters’), was signed on [insert date], subject to its conclusion at a later date.
(2)The objective of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters is to enable the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to continue to work together on promoting a sustainable fisheries policy and the sound exploitation of fisheries resources in Mauritanian waters and to allow Union vessels to carry out their fishing activities in those waters.
(3)The exchange of letters should be approved on behalf of the European Union,
Article 1
The Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania concerning the extension of the Protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, expiring on 15 November 2019, is hereby approved on behalf of the Union.
The text of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters is annexed to this Decision.
Article 2
The President of the Council shall designate the person empowered to proceed, on behalf of the European Union, with the notification provided for in paragraph 6 of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters, in order to express the consent of the European Union to be bound by the Agreement.
Article 3
This Decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Done at Brussels,
For the Council
The President
Title of the proposal/initiative
Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters concerning the extension of the Protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Community and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, expiring on 15 November 2019.
Policy area(s) concerned
11 – Maritime affairs and fisheries
11.03 – Compulsory contributions to regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs) and other international organisations and sustainable fisheries agreements (SFAs)
11.03.01 – Establishing a governance framework for fishing activities carried out by Union fishing vessels in third-country waters.
The proposal/initiative relates to:
◻ a new action
◻ a new action following a pilot project/preparatory action
X the extension of an existing action
◻ a merger or redirection of one or more actions towards another/a new action
General objective(s)
The negotiation and conclusion of Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (SFPAs) with third countries meet the general objective of giving EU fishing vessels access to the fishing zones of third countries and developing a partnership with those countries with a view to strengthening the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources outside EU waters.
SFPAs also ensure consistency between the principles governing the Common Fisheries Policy and the commitments made under other European policies (sustainable use of third-country resources, combating illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, integration of partner countries into the global economy and better political and financial governance of fisheries).
Specific objective(s)
Specific objective
To contribute to sustainable fishing in non-EU waters, maintain a European presence in distant-water fisheries and protect the interests of the European fisheries sector and consumers by negotiating and concluding SFPAs with coastal states, consistent with other European policies.
ABM/ABB activity(ies) concerned:
Maritime affairs and fisheries, to establish a governance framework for fishing activities carried out by European Union fishing vessels in third-country waters (SFAs) (budget line 11.03.01).
Expected result(s) and impact
Specify the effects which the proposal/initiative should have on the beneficiaries/groups targeted.
The extension of the existing Protocol to the FPA will prevent the fishing activities of European vessels from being interrupted when the Protocol expires on 15 November 2019. It is effective for a maximum period of one year, pending the finalisation of negotiations for the renewal of the FPA.
The Protocol enables the establishment of a strategic fisheries partnership between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. The Protocol will also contribute to better management and conservation of fishery resources, through financial support (sectoral support) for the implementation of programmes adopted at national level by the partner country, in particular as regards monitoring and combating illegal fishing, and support for the small-scale fisheries sector.
Performance indicators
Specify the indicators for monitoring progress and achievements.
Rates of utilisation of fishing opportunities (annual uptake of fishing authorisations as a percentage of availability under the Protocol).
Catch data (gathering and analysis) and the commercial value of the Agreement.
Contribution to employment and to added value in the EU and to stabilising the EU market (in aggregate with other SFPAs).
Contribution to improving research, surveillance and control of fishing activity by the partner country and the development of its fisheries sector, in particular its small-scale fisheries sector.
Grounds for the proposal/initiative
Requirement(s) to be met in the short or long term, including a detailed timeline for implementing the initiative
It is intended that the exchange of letters extending the Protocol will apply provisionally from the date of its signature, 16 November 2019, so as to prevent any interruption of fishing operations which are ongoing under the current Protocol.
Added value of Union involvement (it may result from different factors, e.g. coordination gains, legal certainty, greater effectiveness or complementarity). For the purposes of this point, ‘added value of Union involvement’ is the value resulting from Union intervention which is additional to the value that would have been otherwise created by Member States alone.
If the Union did not conclude a new Protocol, this would impede the fishing activity of Union vessels as the Agreement contains a clause excluding fishing activities not taking place in the framework defined by a protocol to the Agreement. Consequently, the added value for the EU’s long-distance fleet is very clear. The Protocol also offers a framework for enhanced cooperation between the Union and Mauritania.
Lessons learned from similar experiences in the past
The analysis of past catches in the Mauritanian fishing zone and of recent catches under similar protocols in the region, as well as the available assessments and scientific advice, have led the parties to set fishing opportunities expressed in terms of catch limit (TAC) or reference tonnage for the categories referred to in the above explanatory memorandum. Sectoral support takes into account needs with respect to building the capacity of Mauritania’s fisheries authorities and the priorities of the national fisheries strategy, including, in particular, scientific research and activities for the monitoring of fishing activities.
Compatibility with the multiannual financial framework and possible synergies with other appropriate instruments
Funds provided as financial compensation for access under the FPA constitute fungible revenue in the national budget of Mauritania. However, funds intended for sectoral support are allocated (generally by introduction in the annual budget law) to the Ministry responsible for fisheries, as a condition for the conclusion and monitoring of FPAs. These financial resources are compatible with other sources of funding from other providers of international funding for carrying out projects and/or programmes at national level in the fisheries sector.
Assessment of the different available financing options, including scope for redeployment
Duration and financial impact of the proposal/initiative
X limited duration
In force from 2019 to 2024
Financial impact in 2020 for commitment appropriations and from 2019 to 2021 for payment appropriations.
◻ unlimited duration
Implementation with a start-up period from YYYY to YYYY,
followed by full-scale operation.
Management mode(s) planned
X Direct management by the Commission
X by its departments, including by its staff in the Union delegations;
by the executive agencies
◻ Shared management with the Member States
◻ Indirect management by entrusting budget implementation tasks to:
◻ third countries or the bodies they have designated;
◻ international organisations and their agencies (to be specified);
◻ the EIB and the European Investment Fund;
◻ bodies referred to in Articles 70 and 71 of the Financial Regulation;
◻ public law bodies;
◻ bodies governed by private law with a public service mission to the extent that they provide adequate financial guarantees;
◻ bodies governed by the private law of a Member State that are entrusted with the implementation of a public-private partnership and that provide adequate financial guarantees;
◻ persons entrusted with the implementation of specific actions in the CFSP pursuant to Title V of the TEU, and identified in the relevant basic act.
If more than one management mode is indicated, please provide details in the ‘Comments’ section.
Monitoring and reporting rules
Specify frequency and conditions.
The Commission (DG MARE), in collaboration with its fisheries attaché based in the country (Nouakchott) will ensure regular monitoring of the implementation of the Protocol, as regards the use by operators of fishing opportunities and catch data and the respect of sectoral support conditionalities.
The FPA provides for at least one annual meeting of the Joint Committee, at which the Commission and Mauritania will review the implementation of the Agreement and Protocol and, if necessary, adjust the programming and, if applicable, the financial contribution.
Management and control system(s)
Justification of the management mode(s), the funding implementation mechanism(s), the payment modalities and the control strategy proposed
The identified risk is the under-use of fishing opportunities by EU vessel owners and the under-use or delayed use by Mauritania of funds intended to finance the sectoral fisheries policy.
Information concerning the risks identified and the internal control system(s) set up to mitigate them
Extensive dialogue is planned on the programming and implementation of the sectoral policy laid down in the Agreement and the Protocol. Joint analysis of results also forms part of these control methods.
In addition, the Agreement and the Protocol contain specific clauses for their suspension, under certain conditions and in given circumstances.
Estimation and justification of the cost-effectiveness of the controls (ratio of ‘control costs ÷ value of the related funds managed’), and assessment of the expected levels of risk of error (at payment and at closure)
Measures to prevent fraud and irregularities
Specify existing or envisaged prevention and protection measures, e.g. from the Anti-Fraud Strategy.
The Commission undertakes to establish political dialogue and regular coordination with the Islamic Republic of Mauritania with a view to improving the management of the Agreement and the Protocol and strengthening the Union’s contribution to the sustainable management of resources. Any payment which the Commission makes under an FPA is subject to the Commission’s standard rules and budgetary and financial procedures. In particular, the bank accounts of the third countries into which the financial contribution is paid are fully identified. The Protocol provides that the financial contribution is to be paid into a Public Treasury account opened at Mauritania’s Central Bank.
Heading(s) of the multiannual financial framework and expenditure budget line(s) affected
Existing budget lines
In the order of multiannual financial framework headings and budget lines.
Heading of multiannual financial framework
Budget line
Nature of expenditure
from EFTA countries
from candidate countries
from third countries
within the meaning of Article 21(2)(b) of the Financial Regulation
Establishing a governance framework for fishing activities carried out by European Union fishing vessels in third-country waters (SFAs)
New budget lines requested
In the order of multiannual financial framework headings and budget lines.
Heading of multiannual financial framework
Budget line
Nature of expenditure
from EFTA countries
from candidate countries
from third countries
within the meaning of Article 21(2)(b) of the Financial Regulation
Estimated financial impact of the proposal on appropriations
Summary of estimated impact on operational appropriations
The proposal/initiative does not require the use of operational appropriations
The proposal/initiative requires the use of operational appropriations, as explained below:
EUR million (to three decimal places)
Heading of multiannual financial
Sustainable growth: natural resources
Year 2019
Year 2020
Year 2021
• Operational appropriations
Budget line11.0301
61 625
61 625
(2 a)
57 500
4 125
61 625
Budget line
Appropriations of an administrative nature financed from the envelope of specific programmes
Budget line
TOTAL appropriations
=1a+1b +3
61 625
61 625
57 500
4 125
61 625
• TOTAL operational appropriations
61 625
61 625
57 500
4 125
61 625
•TOTAL appropriations of an administrative nature financed from the envelope for specific programmes
TOTAL appropriations
for HEADING <2.>
of the multiannual financial framework
=4+ 6
61 625
61 625
=5+ 6
57 500
4 125
61 625
If more than one operational heading is affected by the proposal/initiative, repeat the section above:
•TOTAL operational appropriations (all operational headings)
TOTAL appropriations of an administrative nature financed from the envelope for specific programmes (all operational headings)
TOTAL appropriations
for HEADINGS 1 to 4
of the multiannual financial framework
(Reference amount)
=4+ 6
=5+ 6
Heading of multiannual financial
‘Administrative expenditure’
This section should be filled in using the ‘budget data of an administrative nature’ to be introduced first in the
Annex to the Legislative Financial Statement
(Annex V to the internal rules), which is uploaded to DECIDE for inter-service consultation purposes.
EUR million (to three decimal places)
Year 2019
Year 2020
Year 2021
• Human resources
• Other administrative expenditure
TOTAL appropriations
under HEADING 5
of the multiannual financial framework
(Total commitments = Total payments)
EUR million (to three decimal places)
Year 2019
Year 2020
Year 2021
TOTAL appropriations
for HEADINGS 1 to 5
of the multiannual financial framework
61 625
61 625
57 500
4 125
61 625
Estimated output funded with operational appropriations
Appropriations in EUR million (to three decimal places)
Indicate objectives and outputs
Year 2019
Year 2020
Year 2021
Average cost
Total number
Total cost
- Access
- Sectoral
- Output
Subtotal for specific objective No 1
- Output
Subtotal for specific objective No 2
Summary of estimated impact on administrative appropriations
The proposal/initiative does not require the use of appropriations of an administrative nature.
The proposal/initiative requires the use of appropriations of an administrative nature, as explained below:
EUR million (to three decimal places)
Year N
Year N+1
Year N+2
Year N+3
Enter as many years as necessary to show the duration of the impact (see point 1.6)
HEADING 5 of the multiannual financial framework
Human resources
Other administrative expenditure
Subtotal HEADING 5 of the multiannual financial framework
Outside HEADING 5
of the multiannual financial framework
Human resources
Other expenditure of an administrative nature
Outside HEADING 5 of the multiannual financial framework
The appropriations required for human resources and other expenditure of an administrative nature will be met by appropriations from the DG that are already assigned to management of the action and/or have been redeployed within the DG, together if necessary with any additional allocation which may be granted to the managing DG under the annual allocation procedure and in the light of budgetary constraints.
Estimated requirements of human resources
The proposal/initiative does not require the use of human resources.
The proposal/initiative requires the use of human resources, as explained below:
Estimate to be expressed in full-time equivalent units
Year N
Year N+1
Year N+2
Year N+3
Enter as many years as necessary to show the duration of the impact (see point 1.6)
• Establishment plan posts (officials and temporary staff)
XX 01 01 01 (Headquarters and Commission’s Representation Offices)
XX 01 01 02 (Delegations)
XX 01 05 01/11/21 (Indirect research)
10 01 05 01/11 (Direct research)
• External staff (in Full-Time Equivalent units: FTE)
XX 01 02 01 (AC, END, INT from the ‘global envelope’)
XX 01 02 02 (AC, AL, END, INT and JPD in the delegations)
XX 01 04 yy
- at Headquarters
- in Delegations
XX 01 05 02/12/22 (AC, END, INT - Indirect research)
10 01 05 02/12 (AC, END, INT - Direct research)
Other budget lines (specify)
XX is the policy area or budget title concerned.
Human resources requirements will be met by staff from the DG who are already assigned to management of the action and/or have been redeployed within the DG, together if necessary with any additional allocation which may be granted to the managing DG under the annual allocation procedure and in the light of budgetary constraints.
Description of tasks to be carried out:
Officials and temporary staff
Implementation of the Protocol (payments, access to Mauritania’s waters by EU vessels, processing of fishing authorisations), preparation and follow-up of Joint Committees, preparation for the renewal of the Protocol, external evaluation, legislative procedures, negotiations.
External staff
Implementation of the Protocol: contact with the authorities of Mauritania for access by Union vessels to Mauritanian waters, processing of fishing authorisations, preparation and follow-up of Joint Committees, in particular sectoral support implementation.
Compatibility with the current multiannual financial framework
The proposal/initiative:
can be fully financed through redeployment within the relevant heading of the multiannual financial framework (MFF).
This concerns the use of the reserve line (Chapter 40).
requires use of the unallocated margin under the relevant heading of the MFF and/or use of the special instruments as defined in the MFF Regulation.
Explain what is required, specifying the headings and budget lines concerned, the corresponding amounts, and the instruments proposed to be used.
requires a revision of the MFF.
Explain what is required, specifying the headings and budget lines concerned and the corresponding amounts.
Third-party contributions
The proposal/initiative:
does not provide for co-financing by third parties
provides for the co-financing by third parties estimated below:
Appropriations in EUR million (to three decimal places)
Year N
Year N+1
Year N+2
Year N+3
Enter as many years as necessary to show the duration of the impact (see point 1.6)
Specify the co-financing body
TOTAL appropriations co-financed
Estimated impact on revenue
The proposal/initiative has no financial impact on revenue.
The proposal/initiative has the following financial impact:
on own resources
on other revenue
please indicate if the revenue is assigned to expenditure lines ◻
EUR million (to three decimal places)
Budget revenue line:
Appropriations available for the current financial year
Impact of the proposal/initiative
Year N
Year N+1
Year N+2
Year N+3
Enter as many years as necessary to show the duration of the impact (see point 1.6)
Article ………….
For assigned revenue, specify the budget expenditure line(s) affected.
Other remarks (e.g. method/formula used for calculating the impact on revenue or any other information).