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Document 52013DC0645
REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 814/2000 on information measures relating to the common agricultural policy
REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 814/2000 on information measures relating to the common agricultural policy
REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 814/2000 on information measures relating to the common agricultural policy
/* COM/2013/0645 final */
REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 814/2000 on information measures relating to the common agricultural policy /* COM/2013/0645 final */
EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on the implementation of Council
Regulation (EC) No 814/2000 on information measures relating to the common
agricultural policy I. Introduction This report concerns the implementation of
Council Regulation (EC) 814/2000 (hereinafter "the Regulation") for
the years 2011 and 2012. The objectives of the information measures
as defined in the Regulation are –
helping to explain the CAP as well as to
implement and develop it –
promoting the European Model of agriculture and helping
people to understand it –
providing information for farmers and others
living in rural areas –
raising public awareness of the issues and
objectives of the CAP Actions fall into two main categories: –
Those submitted by third party organisations for
co-financing under the EAGF (grants) –
Those at the initiative of the Commission and
financed at a rate of 100% under the EAGF (direct actions) It was decided by the Council (under
Article 8 of Council Reg 814/2000) that a report on the implementation of the
regulation should be presented to the European Parliament and the Council every
two years. This is the fifth such report[1].
The annexes mentioned in the text are to be
found in the accompanying Commission Staff Working Document. II. BUDGET The budget made available for information
measures under budget line 05 08 06 was €8 million in 2011 and €8 million in 2012.
The provisional breakdown between actions to be taken at the initiative of the
Commission and actions to be co-financed (grants) was as follows:
2011: direct actions (€4.5 million) (56%) – Grants (€3.5 million) (44%) 2012: direct actions (€5.8 million ) (72%)
– Grants (€2.2 million ) (28%) Execution of the budget reached 100% for 2011
and 99% for 2012, in terms of commitments, and 80% in terms of payments for
2011. The final figures of the execution in terms of payments for 2012 cannot
be reported yet as payments relating to the 2012 budget are to be made until 31
FINANCED The common agricultural policy is due to be
reformed after 2013. After a wide-ranging public debate, the Commission
presented on 18 November 2010 a communication on "The CAP towards
2020", which outlines options for the future CAP and launched the debate
with the other institutions and with stakeholders. On 12 October 2011, the
Commission presented a set of legal proposals designed to make the CAP a more
effective policy for a more competitive and sustainable agriculture and vibrant
rural areas. Hence, there was a strong focus in the reporting period on
information actions which aimed to raise public understanding of the Commission
proposals to reform the common agricultural policy, and their contribution to
meeting the challenges identified in the Commission's Europe 2020 strategy. This
was the main element of the communication strategy defined by the Commission
under the Regulation which is implemented through annual action plans. This priority
reflects the findings of a number of Eurobarometer surveys on agriculture and
the CAP in recent years: the guiding principles and aims of the Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP) are supported by a majority of people but many are
unaware of the policy itself. Therefore the communication strategy aims to
raise awareness of the CAP and show that it addresses citizens' concerns. In addition, the fiftieth anniversary of
the entry into force of the common agricultural policy, and its role as a
pillar of European integration, was highlighted in both direct and indirect
actions in 2012. This anniversary was seen as an opportunity to raise public
awareness of the CAP, in relation both to its achievements and its scope for
future development through the proposed reform. Planning of information measures focussed
on meeting the needs of specific target groups, better defining appropriate
messages, and dissemination strategies in line with the Regulation, as well as
evaluation and feedback. Efforts were intensified to
further develop synergies with the different actors in the field of
communication on agriculture, including stakeholders, and the national
authorities. Cooperation was deepened with the other EU institutions, as well
as networks such as the Europe Direct Information Centres and European Network
for Rural Development. 1. Grants (communication
actions taken at the initiative of third party organisations) The Regulation envisages two kinds of
measures to be funded through grants, specific information measures and annual
work programmes. A specific information measure means information events
limited in time and space and implemented on the basis of a single budget. An
annual work programme means sets of two to five specific information measures. For
2011 and 2012, it was decided (as in the three previous years) to retain only
specific information measures for co-financing, with the aim of simplifying the
grants scheme and ensuring coherence between the different communication
actions. Efforts were reinforced to deepen dialogue with grants beneficiaries
so as to further improve effectiveness and synergy between the co-financed
actions carried out by third parties, and measures carried out at the
initiative of the Commission (direct actions). More specifically, calls for
proposals for co-financed actions in 2011 and 2012 encouraged information
measures to raise public awareness of the Commission's proposals for reform of
the CAP[2]. The maximum financing rate for the measures
referred to above is 50% of eligible costs. However, the rate may be increased up
to 75% in exceptional cases, as specified in the implementing Regulation[3] and defined in the call for proposals.
For 2011, it was decided to retain 50% as the maximum financing rate for the
co-financed actions. For 2012, the call for proposals provided for the maximum
rate of 75% for information measures of exceptional interest. However, as no
proposal met the criteria laid down for such exceptional measures, no action
was awarded a financing rate of 75% for 2012. Under the 2011 call for proposals, 44
specific actions were co-financed (two more actions were selected by the Commission but
abandoned during the implementation phase by the grant beneficiaries). The
amount of grants to be requested from the Commission was between €20,000 and €300,000. Under the 2012 call for proposals, 11specific
actions were co-financed (one more action was selected but abandoned during the
year). It is to be noted that the call for proposals for 2012 was designed to
give priority to innovative and creative measures likely to have a major impact
across several countries. Thus, for 2012, applicants were invited to apply for
grants between €100,000 and €500,000; consequently, a smaller number of bigger
actions were co-financed for that year. Overall therefore, in the reporting period,
a total of 55 actions were co-financed. Grants were awarded mainly for information
campaigns, audio-visual productions, conferences, seminars, and a number of
projects aimed at informing schoolchildren about the CAP. In the reporting
period, the important number of information campaigns reflected the continuous
emphasis in the calls for proposals on encouraging co-financed actions using a
mix of communication tools with the aim of achieving maximum impact and
reaching the widest possible audience. As mentioned previously, the fiftieth
anniversary of the CAP was highlighted in the calls for proposals as a means of
informing citizens about the contribution of the policy to EU integration and
its role in meeting further challenges. The types of grants beneficiaries were principally
as follows: professional farm organisations, other non-governmental
organisations/associations, public administrations (local, regional, and
national authorities), and media organisations. As in the past, socio-professional
organisations active in agriculture and rural development at national level
(often members of EU level bodies) figured prominently among the lists of
beneficiaries. In addition, inter alia, media organisations –especially the audio-visual
sector– increased their participation. In several co-financed actions,
beneficiaries made use of the possibility to involve further organisations as
partners in the execution of the projects, for example, in the actions
implemented by media organisations, frequently farm organisations or other types
of associations/NGO were partners or co-organisers. Annex 1 gives an overview of grants in the
reporting period. Details on individual grants are to be found on the Europa
website: Applications were assessed in the light of
rigorous eligibility, exclusion, selection and award criteria as laid down in
the call for proposals. This was in line with the Regulation and reflected the Commission's
aim to achieve equal treatment and fair competition between applicants. In the reporting period, the number of successful grant applications from the EU12 Member
States continued to increase; 37, 3% of the total number of grants awarded in 2011
and 2012 were allocated to organisations in those MS. There continued as in the past to be a strong level
of interest from the southern part of the EU. The table below indicates the number of
received and awarded applications by Member State, in the reporting period. Table I It is important to emphasise that, as in
the past, a considerable number of co-financed actions reached a wider audience
beyond the immediate participants, thanks to the multiplier effect of the
specialised press and audio-visual media, as well as increased use of the
internet and social networks as dissemination tools. 2. Communication actions
taken at the initiative of the Commission In the reporting period, as in previous
years, an important number of communication actions were carried out at the
initiative of the Commission. These were often implemented with external
technical assistance. Some 64% of the budget was allocated for these measures
in the 2011-2012 period. Annex II provides detail on the Commission
initiatives in this period, including the respective costs. Participation at fairs The Commission's emphasis on "going
local" and improving the awareness of citizens about the CAP and the EU in
general was central to the organisation of the Commission's stands in fairs in
2011-2012. Activity at fairs continued to target the general public and stakeholders,
and the fiftieth anniversary campaign was used inter alia to communicate to the
general public that the CAP and rural development are of relevance to the whole
of society. Participation at fairs continued to provide a forum for dialogue
with farmers, stakeholders and the general public on policy issues. Actions highlighted
successful rural development projects, the EU's quality policy, as well as
organising informative and educational activities designed to appeal to young audiences, and the general public. Conferences During this period, conferences provided an
important forum for dialogue and consultation with stakeholders on aspects of the
reform of the common agricultural policy. For example, the July 2012 conference
"The CAP towards 2020-taking stock with civil society" was organised
as a follow-up to the broad consultation on the challenges faced by European
agriculture which was launched in 2010; it provided an opportunity for the
non-governmental sector, representatives of the Member States and the EU
institutions to debate and discuss the CAP reform legislative proposals for
post-2013, adopted by the Commission on 12 October 2011. A number of events
were designed also to highlight the priority given to enhancing innovation and
the delivery of research in European agriculture. This included a
conference-debate organised in cooperation with the Presidency of the EU and
the European Parliament in December 2011; and a further high level conference in
March 2012. In another conference on 20 April 2012, some four hundred
stakeholders explored ways and means to mobilise and develop the potential of
local agriculture and short supply chains to promote jobs and growth in rural
areas. These events contributed to the process of communicating,
implementing and developing the agricultural policy, in line with the
Regulation. The use of web-streaming technology ensured broad dissemination of
conference proceedings. Publications In the reporting period, publications
continued to reflect the legislative programme. This included texts concerning
the CAP reform proposals and the quality policy. To coincide with the CAP 50th
anniversary campaign, a number of attractive pedagogical publications were
produced in 2012 to appeal to schoolchildren and the general public. These were
widely distributed in the Member States and in this way, the anniversary
campaign helped to raise awareness of the common agricultural policy and rural
development. Website The "Agriculture and Rural
Development" website continued to develop in the reporting period, notably
as an important source of specialist information on the CAP and rural
development. It also played a significant role in the process of consulting
stakeholders and the general public as to the future direction of agricultural
policy. Two on-line consultations were undertaken (one on information and promotion
for EU agricultural products, one on the review of the EU fruit and vegetable
regime). The views expressed have been or are being taken into consideration in
the development of the respective policy. Subscriptions to the "Monitoring
Agri-Trade Policy (MAP)" newsletter and briefs have risen to 5150, the
"Agricultural commodity price dashboard" updates have now 1320, and
the "Agricultural Policy Perspectives" briefs 1180 subscribers. The
migration to a completely new version of the website (new corporate design, web
content management technology, streamlined and updated content, in line with
the Commission's web rationalisation and optimisation initiative) is nearing
completion. Opinion polls In May 2011, a special Eurobarometer survey
was carried out on a limited number of issues in the context of the preparation
of the CAP reform legislative proposals, including the issue of transparency
concerning the beneficiaries of CAP payments. In March 2012, a further survey
was carried out on citizens' attitudes towards food security, food quality and
perceptions of the link between agriculture and the preservation of nature and
the countryside. Visits In the 2011-2012 period, groups of
visitors, comprising principally farmers, farmers' representatives, students,
regional and local representatives, journalists and academics were received.
The purpose of the visits was to explain and deepen understanding of the common
agricultural policy, including rural development, and the rationale for its
reform. Media actions There was a strong focus in the reporting
period on further developing and deepening links with the media, due to its
importance as a multiplier in the field of communication. The setting up in
September 2011 of an electronic platform ("") provides for
daily interaction between relevant Commission services and journalists interested
in agriculture across the EU. This European Ag-Press network for
agricultural journalists now has some 800 journalist members. The e-platform,
updated on a daily basis, facilitates access to news and information on farming
matters, mainly from the European Commission, but also from the other
institutions. It also enables the exchange of experience between the journalists
themselves. Through actions such as field trips and farm visits for journalists,
seminars and study trips in Brussels and in the Member States, representatives
of the media are informed about the CAP, and the diversity of EU agriculture. In this period also, activity concerning agriculture and rural development on social
media has been stepped up. IV. COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGNS ON
MAJOR ISSUES Reference has been made in earlier reports
to the broad public debate on the future of EU farm policy and subsequent
communication actions in order to generate an open dialogue where the CAP was
explained and discussed with the general public, stakeholders, and others. In
the period under review, efforts were continued to improve understanding of the
common agricultural policy and rural development by the stakeholders and the
general public, through specific communication campaigns. For example, the adoption by the Commission
of the legislative proposals on the reform of the CAP in October 2011 was
accompanied by press and stakeholder briefings in all EU 27 Members States.
These briefings attracted over 2,500 representatives of the media (specialised
and regional media, national TV and radio) and stakeholders (civil society
bodies, regional and national administrations). They generated considerable
media coverage (including over 500 press articles in the 24 hour period
following the event). This represented a major effort in communication at local
level, with all interested parties including the general public. Another important action was the media campaign organised in the aftermath of
the e-coli crisis in 2011 so as to demonstrate the Commission's support for
producers' efforts in resuming consumer confidence in, and consumption of,
fruit and vegetables. The EU wide press and TV campaign, consisting of press
advertisements in one publication in each Member State, and a video news
package for TV, is estimated to have reached some 37 million people. As mentioned above, the theme of the fiftieth
anniversary of the entry into force of the common agricultural policy figured
prominently in information actions in 2012. In the
reporting period, the preparation and implementation of the CAP@50
communication campaign was marked by a substantial degree of cooperation
between the Commission, other EU institutions, the Member States and stakeholders.
This campaign was a significant catalyst for information actions on CAP throughout
the EU; some 150 related events in the Member States took place throughout the
year, organised by national and regional authorities and civil society organisations,
thanks to the creation of a dedicated website and interactive platform which included
inter alia audio-visual and archival material, and publications and
promotional material on the historical contribution of the CAP to the building
of Europe, and its role in meeting current and future challenges. An important highlight of the anniversary events
was the EU-wide road show of a highly interactive exhibition targeting the
general public – the CAP Past Present and Future – which toured some 20
Member States, as well as other EU institutions between April and December 2012,
attracting more than 60,000 visitors over 24 stops. Other related CAP@50 actions included
participation in popular events such as A farm in the City organised in
Brussels in September 2012. 5000 people visited the Commission's pavilion and
20,000 were exposed to the main messages of the event (via media promotion). In 2012, the first edition of the CAP Communication Awards for best
practice examples in communicating the CAP was launched; the aim was to
identify particularly effective information measures and to foster exchange of
best practice among the different multipliers and networking partners. V. THE PROPORTION OF
OF THE COMMISSION || || || 2011 || 2012 || Grants || Direct actions || Total || Grants || Direct actions || Total Provisional split of budget || 3.500.000 || 4.500.000 || 8.000.000 || 2.200.000 || 5.800.000 || 8.000.000 Commitments in EUR || 3.507.228 || 4.480.063 || 7.987.291 || 2.197.904 || 5.707.754 || 7.905.658 % of commitment || 100% || 100% || 100% || 100% || 98% || 99% Payments (**) in EUR || 2.440.123 || 3.939.636 || 6.379.759 || (*) || (*) || (*) % of disbursement vs commitment || 70% || 88% || 80% || (*) || (*) || (*) (*) Figures not yet
available – most of the actions have not been paid yet (**) The payments
mentioned in the table do not represent the execution of the year N only but
regroup the payments made in years N and N+1on the commitments of year N. It is to be noted that there is an
improvement of the commitment and disbursement rates compared to the previous
reporting period where the average rate of commitment over the three years
reached 85% for the grants and 96% for the direct actions and the average rate
of payment respectively 65% and 86% for grants and direct actions. Payments are
always lower than the amounts originally committed. In the case of grants, this
can be explained by the fact that firstly, in many cases, final costs of the
actions are lower than initially foreseen by the beneficiary, and secondly,
because not all expenses declared by the beneficiaries can be considered as
eligible. In the case of actions taken at the initiative of the Commission, the
differences are smaller and due to the commitments, which take into account all
possible foreseeable expenditure and which are sometimes finally lower than
initially foreseen, as savings are being made and most cost-effective measures
taken during the projects' implementation. VI. CONCLUSION The communication actions relating to the
CAP in the reporting period aimed to inform and create awareness among the
general public and stakeholders concerning the achievements of the common
agricultural policy in delivering a modern, sustainable and efficient
agricultural sector in Europe; they emphasised also the importance of the
reform of the CAP in continuing this process to secure a fairer and greener
farm policy equipped to contribute actively to achieving the goals of the
Europe 2020 strategy. In carrying out these information actions, efforts were
reinforced to promote stronger synergies between the communication actions of the
Commission, other EU institutions, civil society, and Member States. [1] COM (2003)235 final of 8.5.2003; COM (2007)324 final
of 13.6.2007; COM (2009)237 final of 20.5.2009; (COM (2011) 294 final of
25.5.2011. [2] OJ C 231/8, 27.8.2010; OJ C 212/22, 19.7.2011. [3] Commission Regulation (EC) No 2208/2002 of 12
December 2002 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC)
No 814/2000 on information measures relating to the common agricultural policy
(OJ L 337/21, 13.12.2002)