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Document 32023R1041

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1041 of 24 May 2023 granting a Union authorisation for the biocidal product ‘TWP 094’ in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)


    OJ L 140, 30.5.2023, p. 22–36 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)

    Legal status of the document In force




    Official Journal of the European Union

    L 140/22


    of 24 May 2023

    granting a Union authorisation for the biocidal product ‘TWP 094’ in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council

    (Text with EEA relevance)


    Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

    Having regard to Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2012 concerning the making available on the market and use of biocidal products (1), and in particular Article 44(5), first subparagraph, thereof,



    On 12 November 2018, TROY CHEMICAL COMPANY BV submitted to the European Chemicals Agency (‘the Agency’) an application in accordance with Article 43(1) of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 for a Union authorisation of a biocidal product named TWP 094 of product-type 8, as described in Annex V to that Regulation, providing written confirmation that the competent authority of Denmark had agreed to evaluate the application. The application was recorded under case number BC-QN044827-14 in the Register for Biocidal Products.


    TWP 094 contains 3-Iodo-2-propynyl butylcarbamate (IPBC) as the active substance, included in the Union list of approved active substances referred to in Article 9(2) of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 for product-type 8.


    On 7 January 2022, the evaluating competent authority submitted, in accordance with Article 44(1) of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012, an assessment report and the conclusions of its evaluation to the Agency.


    On 5 July 2022, the Agency submitted to the Commission its opinion (2), the draft summary of the biocidal product characteristics (‘SPC’) of TWP 094 and the final assessment report on the biocidal product, in accordance with Article 44(3) of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012.


    The opinion concludes that TWP 094 is a biocidal product within the meaning of Article 3(1), point (a), of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012, that it is eligible for Union authorisation in accordance with Article 42(1) of that Regulation and that, subject to compliance with the draft SPC, it meets the conditions laid down in Article 19(1) of that Regulation.


    On 18 August 2022, the Agency transmitted to the Commission the draft SPC in all the official languages of the Union in accordance with Article 44(4) of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012.


    The Commission concurs with the opinion of the Agency and considers it therefore appropriate to grant a Union authorisation for TWP 094.


    In its opinion, the Agency states that the authorisation holder is to complete a long-term storage test at ambient temperature for TWP 094 and provide a test on persistent foaming and a test on the degree of dissolution and dilution stability for the soluble concentrate formulation type of the product as a condition in the authorisation. The results of the long-term storage test should confirm the shelf life of the biocidal product of one year granted based on an accelerated storage stability test and the submitted interim results of a long-term storage stability test at ambient temperature. The information to be provided on persistent foaming and degree of dissolution and dilution stability should confirm the technical properties of the product for the formulation type soluble concentrate of the product.


    The Commission agrees with the opinion of the Agency and considers that the submission of the results of the test and the information for the soluble concentrate formulation type should be a condition relating to the making available on the market and use of the biocidal product TWP 094 pursuant to Article 22(1) of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012. The Commission also considers that the fact that data is to be provided after the authorisation is granted does not affect the conclusion on the fulfilment of the condition under Article 19(1), point (d), of that Regulation based on existing data.


    The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Biocidal Products,


    Article 1

    A Union authorisation with authorisation number EU-0028968-0000 is hereby granted to TROY CHEMICAL COMPANY BV for the making available on the market and use of the biocidal product TWP 094 subject to compliance with the terms and conditions set out in Annex I and in accordance with the summary of the biocidal product characteristics set out in Annex II.

    The Union authorisation is valid from 19 June 2023 to 31 May 2033.

    Article 2

    This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

    Done at Brussels, 24 May 2023.

    For the Commission

    The President

    Ursula VON DER LEYEN

    (1)   OJ L 167, 27.6.2012, p. 1.

    (2)  ECHA opinion of 16 June 2022 on the Union authorisation of TWP 094 (ECHA/BPC/348/2022),


    TERMS AND CONDITIONS (EU-0028968-0000)

    The authorisation holder shall conduct a long-term storage test at ambient temperature for the product TWP 094 to confirm the shelf life of the biocidal product of 12 months. The study must include a test of degree of dissolution and dilution stability after storage for 12 months at ambient temperature. If the degradation exceeds 10%, efficacy data and information on the degradation products and their impact on risk assessment is required and shall be included.

    The authorisation holder shall provide a test of persistent foaming and a test on degree of dissolution and dilution stability to confirm the soluble concentrate formulation type of the product TWP 094.

    By 19 June 2024 the authorisation holder shall submit the results of the test and the information to the Agency.


    Summary of product characteristics for a biocidal product

    TWP 094

    Product type 8 - Wood preservatives (Preservatives)

    Authorisation number: EU-0028968-0000

    R4BP asset number: EU-0028968-0000


    1.1.   Trade name(s) of the product

    Trade name(s)

    TWP 094

    StoPrim Protect W 22

    Aqua Holz-Imprägnier-Grund

    Gjøco Impregnering Aqua

    Omnia Preservative

    Voima Aqua Base

    Aqua IG-16

    Aqua Holz-Imprägnierung

    Induline SW-906

    Sadolin QD Wood Preserver WB

    Holz-Öl Imprägniergrund WX

    Imprägniergrund W21000

    Imprägniergrund W219

    Protox Woodprotect

    B3 Grundingsolie WP

    GVK-Pohjuste Plus

    Pinja Base


    Villa Protect

    Primex Olja plus

    Primex Olja

    Valtti Plus Primer

    Gori Professional Træimprægnering Vandig

    Sigmalife WB Primer

    GORI Transparent grunder træværk 11


    profilan-prevent pro

    impralan-Grund I100 pro

    impralan-Grund G300 pro

    impralan-Grund G400 pro

    Rhenocryl pro-TL 30 EU

    Rhenocryl pro-TL 45 EU

    Holzschutzgrund / sous-couche de protection du bois

    Impregnační základ

    Impregnačný základ


    Grund pentru protecția lemnului


    Osmo Træimprægnering WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Träimpregnering WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Treimpregnering WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Puunsuojapohjuste WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Color Träimpregnering WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Imprégnation pour le bois WR aqua 4019

    Osmo Holz-Imprägnierung WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Impregnace dřeva WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Impregnácia dreva WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Impregnazione per legno WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Impregnálás WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Impregnat do drewna WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Houtimpregneer WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Imprégnation pour le bois WR aqua 4019

    Osmo Holz-Imprägnierung WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Houtimpregneer WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Impregnarea lemnului WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo WR Base Coat Aqua 4019

    Osmo Color Puiduimmutus WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Impregnēšana kokam WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Impregnavimas WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo WR Base Coat Aqua 4019

    Osmo Impregnación para madera WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Impregnação para madeira WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Impregnacija lesa WR Aqua 4019

    Osmo Impregnacija drva WR Aqua 4019

    Flügger 01 Wood Tex Grund-olie

    Flügger 01 Wood Tex Grund-olja

    Flügger 01 Wood Tex Grunn-olje

    Flügger 01 Wood Tex Grundieröl

    Flügger 01 Wood Tex Primaire Bois Hydrofuge

    Flügger 01 Wood Tex Olej-gruntujacy

    Flügger 01 Wood Tex

    Flügger 01 Wood Tex Grundolie



    AM0572/00 Hydroplus protettivo per legno

    458-0004/2 Idro Ceopren protettivo per legno

    HI2550 Linea Blu protettivo per Legno

    AM0572/00 Hydroplus Wood protection

    458-0004/2 IDRO CEOPREN Wood protection

    HI2550 Linea Blu Wood Protection

    AA1960 Laqvin Seal

    37647 Ronseal Multi-Purpose Wood Treatment

    37648 Ronseal Multi-Purpose Wood Treatment

    MasqueWoodPro 10

    CETOL WP 5000-02

    BAUFIX Holz-Imprägnierung



    Grundolja V

    Ronseal Wood Preserver

    Ronseal Trade Wood Preserver

    Screwfix Wood Preserver

    B&Q Wood Preserver

    Good Home Wood Preserver

    Sherwin Williams Wood Preserver

    Ronseal Fence Life Wood Preserver

    Ronseal Shed & Fence Preserver

    Castorama Traitement Bois Extérieur

    Brico Depot Traitement Bois Extérieur

    Good Home Traitement Bois Extérieur

    Altax Traitement Bois Extérieur

    Ronseal Traitement Bois Extérieur

    Valspar Traitement Bois Extérieur

    Valspar Pro Traitement Bois Extérieur

    Sherwin Williams Traitement Bois Extérieur

    Luxens Traitement Bois Extérieur

    Castorama Impregnat do drewna

    Good Home Impregnat do drewna

    Altax Impregnat do drewna

    Valspar Impregnat do drewna

    Valspar Pro Impregnat do drewna

    Sherwin Williams Impregnat do drewna

    Luxens Impregnat do drewna

    Castorama Conservant pentru lemn

    Good Home Conservant pentru lemn

    Altax pentru lemn

    Valspar pentru lemn

    Valspar Pro pentru lemn

    Sherwin Williams pentru lemn

    1.2.   Authorisation holder

    Name and address of the authorisation holder




    Poortweg 4C, 2612PA Delft Netherlands

    Authorisation number


    R4BP asset number


    Date of the authorisation

    19 June 2023

    Expiry date of the authorisation

    31 May 2033

    1.3.   Manufacturer(s) of the product

    Name of manufacturer

    Troy Chemical Company BV

    Address of manufacturer

    Poortweg 4C, 2612 PA Delft Netherlands

    Location of manufacturing sites

    Westelijke Randweg 9, 4791 RT Klundert Netherlands

    Industriepark 23, 56593 Horhausen Germany

    Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 127, 39218 Schönebeck/Elbe Germany

    Mecklenburger Str. 229, 23568 Lübeck Germany

    Halchtersche Str. 33, 38304 Wolfenbüttel Germany

    Am Nordturm 5, 46562 Voerde Germany

    Am Alten Galgen 14, 56410 Montabaur Germany

    Name of manufacturer

    Tikkurila Oyj

    Address of manufacturer

    Kuninkaalantie 1, FI-01301 Vantaa Finland

    Location of manufacturing sites

    Kuninkaalantie 1, FI-01301 Vantaa Finland

    uL.Mościckiego 23, 39-200 DĘBICA Poland

    Name of manufacturer

    Akzo Nobel Industrial Coatings AB

    Address of manufacturer

    Staffanstorpsvägen 50, 20517 Malmö Sweden

    Location of manufacturing sites

    Staffanstorpsvägen 50, 20517 Malmö Sweden

    Name of manufacturer

    Schulz Farben- und Lackfabrik GmbH

    Address of manufacturer

    An der Altnah 10, 55450 Langenlonsheim Germany

    Location of manufacturing sites

    An der Altnah 10, 55450 Langenlonsheim Germany

    Name of manufacturer

    Remmers GmbH

    Address of manufacturer

    Bernhard-Remmers-Straße 13, 49624 Löningen Germany

    Location of manufacturing sites

    Bernhard-Remmers-Straße 13, 49624 Löningen Germany

    Füllenbruchstr. 13, 32120 Hiddenhausen Germany

    Name of manufacturer

    Remmers Industrielacke GmbH

    Address of manufacturer

    Füllenbruchstr. 13, 32120 Hiddenhausen Germany

    Location of manufacturing sites

    Füllenbruchstr. 13, 32120 Hiddenhausen Germany

    Name of manufacturer

    Teknos A/S

    Address of manufacturer

    Industrivej 16, DK-6580 Vamdrup Denmark

    Location of manufacturing sites

    Industrivej 16, DK-6580 Vamdrup Denmark

    Name of manufacturer

    Sherwin Williams

    Address of manufacturer

    Thorncliffe Park Estate, Thorncliffe Rd, Chapeltown, S35 2YP Sheffield United Kingdom

    Location of manufacturing sites

    Thorncliffe Park Estate, Thorncliffe Rd, Chapeltown,, S35 2YP Sheffield United Kingdom

    Kopanińska 7, 60-119 Brodziszewo Poland

    Name of manufacturer

    Sherwin-Williams Italy S.r.l.

    Address of manufacturer

    Via Del Fiffo 12, 40065 Pianoro (BO) Italy

    Location of manufacturing sites

    Via Del Fiffo 12, 40065 Pianoro (BO) Italy

    Name of manufacturer

    Sherwin-Williams Sweden AB

    Address of manufacturer

    Bellö, 570 32 Hjältevad Sweden

    Location of manufacturing sites

    Bellö, 570 32 Hjältevad Sweden

    Name of manufacturer

    PPG Industries (Dyrup A/S)

    Address of manufacturer

    Gladsaxevej 300, 2860 Gladsaxe Denmark

    Location of manufacturing sites

    Gladsaxevej 300, 2860 Gladsaxe Denmark

    1.4.   Manufacturer(s) of the active substance(s)

    Active substance

    3-iodo-2-propynylbutylcarbamate (IPBC)

    Name of manufacturer

    Troy Corporation

    Address of manufacturer

    8 Vreeland Road, Florham Park, NJ 07105 New Jersey United States

    Location of manufacturing sites

    One Avenue L, NJ 07105 Newark United States

    Active substance

    3-iodo-2-propynylbutylcarbamate (IPBC)

    Name of manufacturer

    Troy Chemical Company BV

    Address of manufacturer

    Poortweg 4C, 2612 PA Delft Netherlands

    Location of manufacturing sites

    Industriepark 23, 56593 Horhausen Germany


    2.1.   Qualitative and quantitative information on the composition of the product

    Common name

    IUPAC name


    CAS number

    EC number

    Content (%)

    3-iodo-2-propynylbutylcarbamate (IPBC)


    Active Substance




    2.2.   Type of formulation

    Any other liquid (AL) and Soluble concentrate (SL)


    Hazard statements

    Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

    Contains 3-iodo-2-propynyl butylcarbamate (IPBC). May produce an allergic reaction.

    Precautionary statements

    Avoid release to the environment.

    Dispose of contents in accordance with local / national regulations.

    Dispose of container in accordance with local / national regulations.


    4.1.   Use description

    Table 1. Use # 1 – Brushing and rolling (general public, professional)

    Product type

    PT08 - Wood preservatives (Preservatives)

    Where relevant, an exact description of the authorised use


    Target organism(s) (including development stage)

    Common name: Blue stain fungi

    Development stage:

    Scientific name: Basidiomycetes:

    Common name: Brown rot fungi

    Development stage:

    Field(s) of use




    Preventative treatment

    Use class 2 as described in EN standard 335:2013 (situation in which the wood or wood-based product is under cover and not exposed to the weather (particularly rain and wind-driven rain) but where occasional, but not persistent, wetting can occur.

    Use class 3 as described in EN standard 335:2013 (situation in which the wood or wood-based product is above ground and exposed to the weather (particularly rain)

    See section 6 for the full titles of the EN standards.

    Application method(s)

    Method: brushing and rolling

    Detailed description:

    Superficial treatment

    Application rate(s) and frequency

    Application Rate: 100 ml/m2 (against blue stain fungi); 150 - 160 ml/m2 (against wood-rotting fungi)

    Dilution (%): - Ready-to-use product

    Number and timing of application:

    1 application

    Category(ies) of users


    General public (non-professional)

    Pack sizes and packaging material

    Can (high-density polyethylene) HDPE: 0,375 l, 0,75 l, 1,0 l, 2,5 l, 5,0 l

    For professional use only:

    Can HDPE: 10 l, 20 l, 25 l

    4.1.1.   Use-specific instructions for use

    Do not dilute (ready-to-use).

    Apply the product to the wood with a brush or roller and let dry for approximately 24 hours. Cleaning of the tools can be performed using mild soap and water.

    Use of a topcoat is required. The topcoat cannot contain a film- or wood preservative. The topcoat should be maintained.

    The product protects the wood surface against blue stain fungi on wood that is minimum ‘moderately to slightly durable to fungi’ according to EN 350:2016: Durability Class (DC) 3-4. See section 6 for the full title of the EN standards.

    4.1.2.   Use-specific risk mitigation measures

    Do not use/apply directly on or near food, feed or drinks, or on surfaces or utensils likely to be in direct contact with food, feed, drinks and livestock/pets.

    Do not apply near bodies of surface water.

    During product application (to timbers) and whilst surfaces are drying, do not contaminate the environment. All losses of the product have to be contained by covering the ground (e.g. by tarpaulin) and disposed of in a safe way.

    4.1.3.   Where specific to the use, the particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

    See general direction for use.

    4.1.4.   Where specific to the use, the instructions for safe disposal of the product and its packaging

    See general direction for use.

    4.1.5.   Where specific to the use, the conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage

    See general direction for use.

    4.2.   Use description

    Table 2. Use # 2 – Manual dipping (professional)

    Product type

    PT08 - Wood preservatives (Preservatives)

    Where relevant, an exact description of the authorised use


    Target organism(s) (including development stage)

    Common name: Blue stain fungi

    Development stage:

    Scientific name: Basidiomycetes:

    Common name: Brown rot fungi

    Development stage:

    Field(s) of use



    Preventative treatment

    Use class 2

    Use class 3

    Application method(s)

    Method: manual dipping

    Detailed description:

    Superficial treatment

    Application rate(s) and frequency

    Application Rate: 100 ml/m2 (against blue stain fungi); 150 - 160 ml/m2 (against wood-rotting fungi)

    Dilution (%): - Ready-to-use product

    Number and timing of application:

    1 application

    Category(ies) of users


    Pack sizes and packaging material

    Can HDPE: 0,375 l, 0,75 l, 1,0 l, 2,5 l, 5,0 l, 10 l, 20 l, 25 l

    4.2.1.   Use-specific instructions for use

    Do not dilute (ready-to-use).

    Drying time: Dry to handle and ready for topcoat: approximately 24 hours.

    Cleaning of tools: Use water and mild soap.

    Use of a topcoat is required. The topcoat cannot contain a film- or wood preservative. The topcoat should be maintained.

    The product protects the wood surface against blue stain fungi on wood that is minimum ‘moderately to slightly durable to fungi’ according to EN 350:2016: Durability Class (DC) 3-4. See section 6 for the full title of the EN standards.

    4.2.2.   Use-specific risk mitigation measures

    Wear protective chemical resistant gloves during product handling phase classified under the European Standard EN 374 or equivalent. Glove material to be specified by the authorisation holder within product information.

    Wear a protective coverall (type 6, EN 13034 or equivalent).

    This is without prejudice to the application of Council Directive 98/24/EC and other Union legislation in the area of health and safety at work.

    See section 6 for the full titles of the EN standards and legislation.

    Application by manual dipping shall be performed for a maximum of 30 minutes per day.

    Do not use/apply directly on or near food, feed or drinks, or on surfaces or utensils likely to be in direct contact with food, feed, drinks and livestock/pets.

    During product application (to timbers) and whilst surfaces are drying, do not contaminate the environment. All losses of the product have to be contained by covering the ground (e.g. by tarpaulin) and disposed of in a safe way.

    Freshly treated timber must be stored after treatment under shelter or on a hard, impermeable surface to prevent direct losses to soil and water.

    Any losses should be collected for reuse or disposal.

    4.2.3.   Where specific to the use, the particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

    See general direction for use.

    4.2.4.   Where specific to the use, the instructions for safe disposal of the product and its packaging

    See general direction for use.

    4.2.5.   Where specific to the use, the conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage

    See general direction for use.

    4.3.   Use description

    Table 3. Use # 3 – Automated dipping, automated spraying, flow coating/deluging (industrial)

    Product type

    PT08 - Wood preservatives (Preservatives)

    Where relevant, an exact description of the authorised use


    Target organism(s) (including development stage)

    Common name: Blue stain fungi

    Development stage:

    Scientific name: Basidiomycetes:

    Common name: Brown rot fungi

    Development stage:

    Field(s) of use



    Preventative treatment

    Use class 2

    Use class 3

    Application method(s)

    Method: automated dipping, automated spraying, flow coating/deluging

    Detailed description:

    Superficial treatment.

    Similar to flow coating/deluging, automated spraying is assumed to be an essentially fully enclosed process, whereby operator exposure occurs mainly by handling wet treated wood.

    Application rate(s) and frequency

    Application Rate: 100 ml/m2 (against blue stain fungi); 150 - 160 ml/m2 (against wood-rotting fungi)

    Dilution (%): - Ready-to-use product

    Number and timing of application:

    1 application

    Category(ies) of users


    Pack sizes and packaging material

    Can/ intermediate bulk container (IBC) HDPE: 120 l, 220 l, 1 000 l

    4.3.1.   Use-specific instructions for use

    Do not dilute (ready-to-use).

    Drying time:until dry to touch.

    Use of a topcoat is required. The topcoat cannot contain a film- or wood preservative. The topcoat shall be maintained.

    The product protects the wood surface against blue stain fungi on wood that is minimum ‘moderately to slightly durable to fungi’ according to EN 350:2016: Durability Class (DC) 3-4. See section 6 for the full title of the EN standards.

    4.3.2.   Use-specific risk mitigation measures

    The product must only be loaded into industrial application equipment via a fully-automated pumping/transfer system.

    Wear protective chemical resistant gloves during product handling phase classified under the European Standard EN 374 or equivalent. Glove material to be specified by the authorisation holder within product information.

    Wear a protective coverall (type 6, EN 13034 or equivalent).

    This is without prejudice to the application of Council Directive 98/24/EC and other Union legislation in the area of health and safety at work.

    See section 6 for the full titles of EN standards and legislation.

    The product must only be used in fully automated dipping processes where all steps in the treatment and drying process are mechanised and no manual handling takes place, including when the treated articles are transported through the dip tank to draining/drying and storage (if not already surface dry before moving to storage). Where appropriate, the wooden articles to be treated must be fully secured (e.g. via tension belts or clamping devices) prior to treatment and during the dipping process, and must not be manually handled until after the treated articles are surface dry.

    Freshly treated timber shall be stored after treatment under shelter or on impermeable hard standing, or both, to prevent direct losses to soil, sewer and water.

    Any losses of the product shall be collected for reuse or disposal.

    4.3.3.   Where specific to the use, the particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

    See general direction for use.

    4.3.4.   Where specific to the use, the instructions for safe disposal of the product and its packaging

    See general direction for use.

    4.3.5.   Where specific to the use, the conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage

    See general direction for use.

    4.4.   Use description

    Table 4. Use # 4 – Double vacuum/low pressure process (industrial)

    Product type

    PT08 - Wood preservatives (Preservatives)

    Where relevant, an exact description of the authorised use


    Target organism(s) (including development stage)

    Scientific name: Basidiomycetes:

    Common name: Brown rot fungi

    Development stage:

    Field(s) of use



    Preventative treatment

    Use class 2

    Use class 3

    Application method(s)

    Method: Double vacuum/low pressure process

    Detailed description:

    Penetrative treatment.

    Application rate(s) and frequency

    Application Rate: 74.6 - 79.5 kg/m3

    Dilution (%): 10% in-use solution (1 part product: 9 parts water)

    Number and timing of application:

    1 application

    Category(ies) of users


    Pack sizes and packaging material

    Can/IBC HDPE: 120 l, 220 l, 1 000 l

    4.4.1.   Use-specific instructions for use

    Drying time: until dry to touch.

    4.4.2.   Use-specific risk mitigation measures

    The product must only be loaded into industrial application equipment via a fully-automated pumping/transfer system.

    Wear protective chemical resistant gloves during product handling phase classified under the European Standard EN 374 or equivalent. Glove material to be specified by the authorisation holder within product information.

    Wear a protective coverall (type 6, EN 13034 or equivalent).

    This is without prejudice to the application of Council Directive 98/24/EC and other Union legislation in the area of health and safety at work.

    See section 6 for full titles of the EN standards and legislation.

    Freshly treated timber shall be stored after treatment under shelter or on impermeable hard standing, or both, to prevent direct losses to soil, sewer or water.

    Any losses of the product shall be collected for reuse or disposal.

    4.4.3.   Where specific to the use, the particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

    See general direction for use.

    4.4.4.   Where specific to the use, the instructions for safe disposal of the product and its packaging

    See general direction for use.

    4.4.5.   Where specific to the use, the conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage

    See general direction for use.


    5.1.   Instructions for use

    Comply with the instructions for use.

    Do not use product on wood or wooden structures intended for use indoors, except for internal surfaces of external window frames and of external doors/door frames.

    The temperature must be above 5°C and relative humidity below 80% during application and drying.

    Stir product before use.

    Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

    Wash hands and face after application and use of the product, and before eating, drinking or smoking.

    5.2.   Risk mitigation measures

    Do not use on wood which may come in direct contact with food, feed and livestock.

    5.3.   Particulars of likely direct or indirect effects, first aid instructions and emergency measures to protect the environment

    IF SWALLOWED: If symptoms occur call a POISON CENTRE or a doctor.

    IF ON SKIN: Wash skin with water. If symptoms occur call a POISON CENTRE or a doctor.

    IF IN EYES: If symptoms occur rinse with water. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Call a POISON CENTRE or a doctor.

    IF INHALED: If symptoms occur call a POISON CENTRE or a doctor.

    When seeking medical advice, have the product container or label at hand.

    5.4.   Instructions for safe disposal of the product and its packaging

    This product and its container must be disposed of safely as hazardous waste.

    Any product collected during application that is not reused must be disposed of safely as hazardous waste.

    Dispose of packaging and of unused product in accordance with local regulations. If required, consult a professional waste operator or local authority.

    5.5.   Conditions of storage and shelf-life of the product under normal conditions of storage

    Keep out of reach of children and non-target animals/pets.

    Do not store near food, drink and animal feeding stuff.

    Shelf life: 12 months.

    Store below 35°C.

    Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place.

    Protect from frost.

    Protect from light.

    Opened containers must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage.


    Regarding Use 1 and Use 2: Professionals and/or trained professionals if required by national legislation.

    Full titles of EN standards and legislation mentioned in section 4.1.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1, 4.2.2, 4.3.2 and 4.4.2:

    EN 335:2013 - Durability of wood and wood-based products - Use classes: definitions, application to solid wood and wood-based products

    EN 350:2016, Durability of wood and wood-based products - Testing and classification of the durability to biological agents of wood and wood-based materials

    EN 374 – Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms. Part 1: terminology and performance requirements for chemical risks.

    EN 13034 - Protective clothing against liquid chemicals. Performance requirements for chemical protective clothing offering limited protective performance against liquid chemicals (Type 6 and Type PB [6] equipment).

    Council Directive 98/24/EC of 7 April 1998 on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical agents at work (fourteenth individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC) (OJ L 131, 5.5.1998, p. 11).

    (1)  Instructions for use, risk mitigation measures and other directions for use under this section are valid for any authorised uses.
