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Document 32021R0016

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/16 of 8 January 2021 laying down the necessary measures and practical arrangements for the Union database on veterinary medicinal products (Union product database)


    OJ L 7, 11.1.2021, p. 1–21 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, GA, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)

    Legal status of the document In force




    Official Journal of the European Union

    L 7/1


    of 8 January 2021

    laying down the necessary measures and practical arrangements for the Union database on veterinary medicinal products (Union product database)


    Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

    Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2019/6 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on veterinary medicinal products and repealing Directive 2001/82/EC (1), and in particular Article 55(3) thereof,



    Article 55(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 requires the European Medicines Agency (‘the Agency’) to establish and, in cooperation with the Member States, maintain a Union database on veterinary medicinal products (‘Union product database’).


    The Commission is required under Article 55(3) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 to adopt, by means of implementing acts, necessary measures and practical arrangements for the establishment and maintenance of the Union product database.


    The Union product database is aimed at enhancing the single market by providing information on veterinary medicinal products available in Member States and allowing health professionals to obtain information on veterinary medicinal products which might be considered for elaboration of potential treatment alternatives where no suitable veterinary medicinal product is authorised in their Member State.


    The Union product database should increase overall transparency by providing the general public with the widest possible access to the information it contains after the deletion of commercially confidential information and personal data by the competent authorities.


    The Union product database should contain harmonised and consistent data of quality, provide capabilities that offer interoperability with other national and Union IT systems which utilise veterinary medicinal product data and allow integration in the activities of the regulatory network.


    Regulation (EU) 2019/6 provides also for the establishment of other databases. To ensure interoperability and to enable the Union product database to interface with those databases, the structure of data should be harmonised between the different systems using the same reference data.


    The Union product database should be functional and operational from the date of application of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 (28 January 2022) to enable the regulatory processes provided for therein. It should also be able to adapt to any changes which occur within the regulatory network, to meet the needs of the regulatory operating models as they develop and to keep up to speed with technical and scientific progress. This necessitates an incremental approach to its establishment and maintenance. By the date of application of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, the Agency should ensure that the Union product database meets at least all functional requirements stemming from that Regulation. Thereafter, the Agency should continue developing additional functionalities, including such that could further reduce administrative burden and contribute to the harmonisation of processes across the regulatory network.


    In order to alleviate the administrative burden of the competent authorities, the initial input of information by the competent authorities to the Agency on all veterinary medicinal products should be permitted on a phased basis.


    The Union product database should be composed of interrelated components which will allow a comprehensive and uniform management of the information which will be stored. It should also be able to receive up-to-date information from existing catalogues of terms maintained by the Agency. Therefore, it is to be understood as a database system, rather than a standalone IT solution.


    The Union product database should be developed with the aim of avoiding the duplicate input of data in different Union systems. This should ensure that there is a single source for each type of information provided and that data is entered only once to reduce excessive administrative burden and to mitigate the risk of inconsistency. The datasets contained in the Union product database should be the most recent and correct ones. To this end, the Union product database should make available the latest datasets to enable the competent authorities to keep their respective national systems aligned and synchronised with the Union product database. It should also be possible for the competent authorities, the Commission and marketing authorisation holders to use their own systems to update the Union product database as needed.


    To the highest extent possible, the data and documents contained in the Union product database should be in a format which allows machine readability. However, not all documents required under Regulation (EU) 2019/6, especially those to be submitted by the competent authorities for initial input into the Union product database, may be available in such a format. Therefore, specific arrangements should be in place as regards documents to be provided by the competent authorities at the time of initial input of data from the Member States on veterinary medicinal products.


    In accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/17 (2), certain variations that do not require assessment would result in changes to the datasets in the Union product database while others would not. Both types could also necessitate supporting documentation. All such variations should be recorded by marketing authorisation holders and logged by the Union product database for approval or rejection by the competent authorities as provided for in Article 61 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6. The Union product database should also allow marketing authorisation holders to record subsequent changes before the ones recorded previously have been processed by the competent authorities. Furthermore, the regulatory process allows for concurrent applications for and processing of variations requiring assessment, as well as their grouping and work-sharing. Therefore, the Union product database should support the competent authorities in receiving variations in parallel.


    Different actors should have different access levels to the Union product database as provided for in Article 56 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6. A detailed access policy should therefore be drawn up and applied by the Agency, in collaboration with the competent authorities and the Commission and in consultation with marketing authorisation holders, before the Union product database becomes operational. It should enable actors to perform their obligations as set down in Regulation (EU) 2019/6, while protecting commercially confidential information and personal data, and should therefore provide different levels of access to the Union product database processes.


    Continuity must be safeguarded should the Union product database, or any of its components, become unavailable. Adequate contingency arrangements should therefore be drawn up and applied by the Agency before the Union product database becomes operational.


    The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Veterinary Medicinal Products referred to in Article 145 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6,




    Article 1


    For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:


    ‘user’ means any person which interacts with the Union product database via its functions;


    ‘super user’ means one user who is designated by each marketing authorisation holder, competent authority, the Agency or the Commission and is authorised by the Agency to perform actions in the Union product database in accordance with the access rights assigned to their user profiles;


    ‘controlled user’ means any user authorised by a super user to perform actions in the Union product database on that super user’s behalf in accordance with the access rights assigned to that super user’s profile;


    ‘open format’ means open format as defined in Article 2(14) of Directive (EU) 2019/1024 of the European Parliament and of the Council (3);


    ‘machine-readable format’ means machine-readable format as defined in Article 2(13) of Directive (EU) 2019/1024;


    ‘structured data’ means data in predefined and standardised format which can be parsed, organised and processed by computers;


    ‘Union systems’ means European Union IT systems under the control of the Agency, the Commission or the Member States;


    ‘restricted data’ means any data not classified as public, as set out in the access policy referred to in Article 13 of this Regulation.

    Article 2

    Development, maintaining and upgrading of the Union product database

    1.   At the latest by 28 January 2022, the Agency shall develop and put into use a database which meets at least the requirements laid down in this Regulation.

    2.   After 28 January 2022, the Agency shall upgrade existing functionalities of the database and develop whatever other functionalities are considered appropriate and are agreed upon by the competent authorities and the Commission.

    At the latest, by 28 January 2022, the Agency shall, in consultation with the Member States, the Commission and marketing authorisation holders, develop a plan for the further development and upgrading of the Union product database. The Agency shall update this plan every two years in light of the progress made and the needs identified by the regulatory network referred to in Chapter X of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 and the feedback provided by the users of the Union product database.

    3.   When establishing the Union product database, the Agency shall, as much as possible, use solutions which already exist, are under development across the regulatory network or are commercially available provided that they meet the objectives of the Union product database.

    Article 3

    Submission of information on veterinary medicinal products by the competent authorities for the initial input to the Union product database

    1.   The competent authorities shall submit, in electronic form, the information required under Article 155 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 in the format for the initial input to the Union product database prescribed by the Agency.

    Not later than 21 January 2021, the Agency shall prescribe the format of the data and documents (‘dataset’) which together form the information to be provided.

    2.   Before submitting their data on veterinary medicinal products to the Agency, the competent authorities shall map them against the detailed specifications laid down in Annexes II and III of this Regulation.

    The Agency shall ensure that the required controlled terms, including substance terms and organisation data, with unique term and data identifiers and whose values can only be selected from a predefined set of values specified or maintained by the Agency are available for the mapping of the data.

    3.   Where a dataset for a specific veterinary medicinal product is incomplete for historical reasons (as a result of data or documents not being required from competent authorities or from marketing authorisation holders prior to the application of Regulation (EU) 2019/6), the competent authorities shall clearly indicate in the datasets they provide any fields for which no value is available at time of initial input.

    4.   The competent authorities shall submit the available documents in an open and, for as many documents as possible, machine-readable format which supports long term archiving.

    5.   The competent authorities shall submit the information in at least one official language of the Union.

    6.   Not later than 28 July 2021, the Agency shall make available the necessary environment and IT support to be used by the competent authorities for the testing of the bulk upload of the information for the initial input to the Union product database.

    Article 4

    Timelines for the submission for the initial input of data on various types of veterinary medicinal products

    1.   In addition to the requirement laid down in Article 155 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6:


    at the latest by 28 January 2022, the competent authorities shall submit to the Agency, in electronic form, information on:


    all homeopathic veterinary medicinal products registered in their Member State at that time;


    all veterinary medicinal products parallel-traded in their Member State at that time;


    at the latest by 28 January 2024, the competent authorities shall submit to the Agency, in electronic form, information on all veterinary medicinal products that had been exempted in their Member State from the provisions for marketing authorisation at that time.

    2.   The competent authorities shall use the format referred to in Article 3(1) and the detailed specifications of the information to be provided laid down in Annexes II and III to this Regulation.

    Article 5

    Order of precedence

    In case of discrepancies between the datasets already existing in the Member States’ systems and the Union product database, the latter shall prevail in respect of the information contained therein.

    This shall not preclude the Member States from synchronising the Union product database with the most up-to-date information on veterinary medicinal products which results from the ongoing regulatory process and is contained in their national systems.



    Article 6

    User interface

    1.   The Union product database shall include graphical user interfaces providing access to users in accordance with their access rights established in Articles 12 and 13.

    2.   The Agency shall ensure that the development, operation and maintenance of the Union product database is done in a manner that conforms to Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council (4).

    3.   The graphical user interface of the Union product database shall support responsive web design.

    4.   The graphical user interface of the Union product database for the general public shall be available in all official languages of the Union.

    5.   The graphical user interface of the Union product database for super users and controlled users shall be available at least in the English language.

    Article 7


    The Union product database shall consist of at least the following components:


    an access management component which, with the use of authentication and authorisation processes, manages the control of access to data or functionalities and ensures that super users and controlled users have the appropriate access to the resources provided by the Union product database and the proper permissions to perform actions in the Union product database;


    a data and document submission component which allows submission to the Union product database of data and documents relating to new veterinary medicinal products, variations and other post-authorisation changes to the datasets already existing in the Union product database for veterinary medicinal products;


    a data and document repository component which manages all data and documents that enter into the Union product database and uses at least the following functionalities:


    a data recording functionality which manages the capability of recording data, including versioning;


    a data quality validation functionality which automatically manages the technical validation and quality check on data prior to their recording in the Union product database;


    a data history functionality which manages the audit trail and traceability of data changes;


    a document management functionality which manages the storage, versioning of the stored documents to distinguish between the latest approved versions, versions which have been approved previously but replaced by newer versions, as well as any versions rejected as a result of rejections of variations that do not require assessment, and access to documents.


    a Union product database portal which, with the use of data publishing, data searching, viewing and exporting, as well as data analytics, presents information to users and makes certain features available to them in accordance with their access rights;


    a component for managing variations that do not require assessment which allows the relevant competent authority or the Commission, as applicable, to be notified and to approve or reject variations that do not require assessment prior to the update in the Union product database, to update the datasets accordingly and to store and update related documentation;


    a general public module which is accessed via the Union product database portal and allows the general public to view and perform searches on all publicly available data and documents on veterinary medicinal products referred to in Article 56 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6.

    Article 8

    Functionalities of the Union product database

    The Union product database shall have at least the functionalities listed in Annex I.

    Article 9

    Electronic data and document exchange mechanism for exchanging with other systems

    The Agency shall ensure that:


    the electronic data and document exchange mechanism follows, to the extent that optimal operability of the Union product database does not adversely impact other Union systems, current recognised international standards for the identification of medicinal products and exchange of medicinal product information or relevant subsets thereof;


    the structure of data is consistent between the Union product database and other Union systems using the same reference data;


    the Union product database functions as the Union master data repository where information about veterinary medicinal products is registered;


    the Union product database provides a functionality to enable other systems to interoperate with it;


    the Union product database consumes reference data from other existing databases or IT tools to avoid duplication of data input at Union level and ensure data quality;


    the Union product database is able to consume structured data provided in the course of the regulatory process, as relevant;


    the Union product database provides the necessary data to the Union pharmacovigilance database;


    the Union product database is linked to the Union database of manufacturing, import and wholesale distribution;


    the Union product database has a service-oriented Application Programming Interface (‘API’) for the exchange of data and documents with the systems used by marketing authorisation holders, competent authorities, the Agency and the Commission.

    Article 10

    Format for electronic submission to the Union product database

    The Agency shall ensure that:


    the format for electronic submission consists of documents and structured data on veterinary medicinal products, as applicable;


    the data format:


    follows, to the extent that optimal operability of the Union product database does not adversely impact other Union systems, current recognised international standards for the identification of medicinal products and exchange of medicinal product information or relevant subsets thereof;


    uses, as much as possible, structured data and controlled terms, including substance terms and organisation data, to ensure data quality;


    documents are provided in an open and machine-readable document format which supports long term archiving.



    Article 11

    Protection of commercially confidential information

    Data on the annual volume of sales of veterinary medicinal products shall be visible in the Union product database only to the relevant competent authorities, the Commission and the Agency, as well as to the marketing authorisation holders to whose veterinary medicinal products those data refer.

    Article 12

    Security of exchange of information

    1.   The Agency, in collaboration with the competent authorities and the Commission and in consultation with marketing authorisation holders, shall submit the Union product database to security testing procedures prior to putting it into operation.

    2.   The Agency shall ensure that the Union product database components accessible over the internet are sufficiently protected against risks of cybercrime throughout the database’s lifetime.

    3.   The Agency shall make it mandatory for super users and controlled users to undergo authentication and authorisation procedures each time they use the Union product database.

    4.   The Agency shall ensure the secure storage and exchange of all data stored in the Union product database using security protocols and connectivity rules from non-proprietary open standards established by international standards bodies or organisations.

    5.   The Agency shall limit access to the types of information that only super users and controlled users are permitted to access and to the functions only they are permitted to exercise. The access policy provided for in Article 13 shall conform to the security classification of the data exposed and follow the Agency’s security requirements, ensuring the segregation of responsibilities and restricting access to data.

    6.   The Agency shall ensure that the Union product database provides audit trail and traceability of:


    regulatory actions performed therein by super users or controlled users; and


    changes to the datasets contained therein made by super users or controlled users.

    Article 13

    Access policy for super users and controlled users

    1.   The Agency shall, in collaboration with the competent authorities and the Commission and in consultation with marketing authorisation holders, develop and maintain an access policy.

    2.   The access policy shall establish the access levels permitted for super users in a manner that ensures the proper functioning of the Union product database while also safeguarding commercially confidential information and personal data and ensuring that the specifications of the Union product database laid down in this Regulation are respected.

    3.   The Agency shall be responsible for the management of access rights of super users for the Union product database as laid down in the access policy.

    4.   Super users shall be responsible for managing the access rights of controlled users in respect of the datasets for veterinary medicinal products under their responsibility. That shall not relieve super users of their legal responsibility.

    Article 14

    Access for the general public

    1.   The general public shall be able to view and perform advanced searches by one or more criteria based on the data fields contained in the Union product database on the publicly available information contained therein with the possibility to export the search results.

    2.   No registration, authorisation or authentication shall be required for access to publicly available information by the general public. That access shall also be free of charge.



    Article 15

    Detailed specifications of the information to be included, updated and shared

    1.   The Union product database shall contain the relevant information based on the data and documents submitted in accordance with Articles 8, 58, 61, 62, 87 and 102 and Annex III of Regulation (EU) 2019/6.

    2.   The Union product database shall identify each veterinary medicinal product permanently and uniquely. That identification shall be detailed to pack size level.

    Marketing authorisation holders shall refer to this unique identification in any subsequent submission relating to that veterinary medicinal product.

    3.   The Union product database shall identify veterinary medicinal products authorised in several Member States under the same marketing authorisation procedure.

    4.   Appropriate references shall be maintained to link together related data and documents held in the Union product database.

    5.   The Agency shall ensure that references to veterinary medicinal products and documents remain stable over the lifetime of products.

    Article 16

    Information referred to in Article 55(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6

    The Agency shall ensure that the Union product database contains the data fields specified in Annex II with their descriptions and the format of data therein to record the information referred to in Article 55(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6.

    Article 17

    Data to be included in the Union product database in addition to the information referred to in Article 55(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6

    The Agency shall ensure that, in addition to the information referred to in Article 55(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 recorded by means of the data fields provided for in Article 16, the Union product database also contains at least the data fields specified in Annex III with their descriptions and the format of data therein.

    Article 18

    Responsibilities for including, updating and sharing information

    1.   As of 28 January 2022, competent authorities or the Commission, as applicable, shall, within 30 days of a positive outcome of the procedure for marketing authorisation in accordance with Chapter III of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, registration in accordance with Chapter V of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, permission to use in accordance with Article 5(6) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 or approval for parallel trade in accordance with Article 102 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, create new or provisional entries, as relevant, in the Union product database for products under their responsibility by providing to it data and documents submitted in electronic form to them by applicants.

    The relevant competent authority or the Commission, as applicable, shall update those entries with the assessment report, after deleting any commercially confidential information contained therein, as soon as it becomes available.

    2.   The Agency, in collaboration with the Member States and the Commission, shall ensure that business rules are defined and guidance is provided to facilitate data consistency between national systems and the Union product database.

    3.   Competent authorities, the Commission and the Agency shall ensure that the data entered into the Union product database conform to the format and specifications laid down in this Regulation.

    4.   The updates to the Union product database referred to in Article 67(4) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 shall be made within 30 days of the completion of the procedure provided for in Article 67(1) of the same Regulation.

    5.   Marketing authorisation holders shall record any changes in the availability of each veterinary medicinal product in each relevant Member State as soon as they become aware of them.

    6.   Marketing authorisation holders shall record the dates of any suspension or revocation of the marketing authorisations concerned as soon as those changes occur.

    Where the marketing authorisation holder fails to fulfil this obligation within 30 days, the competent authorities or the Commission, as applicable, shall record and update this information.

    In case of disagreement, the competent authorities’ entries in the Union product database shall take precedence.

    7.   Competent authorities of the destination Member State shall be responsible for recording the necessary information on parallel-traded veterinary medicinal products under their responsibility.

    8.   Marketing authorisation holders shall be responsible for ensuring that the data and documents they record in datasets existing in the Union product database for their veterinary medicinal products are correct and up to date.

    9.   Where holders of a marketing authorisation granted in accordance with Chapter III of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, of a registration for homeopathic veterinary medicinal products granted in accordance with Chapter V of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, of veterinary medicinal products referred to in Article 5(6) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 or of an approval to parallel trade veterinary medicinal products in accordance with Article 102 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 identify data or document quality issues in the entries created for their veterinary medicinal products in accordance with paragraph (1), or updated in accordance paragraph (4), they shall immediately notify the relevant competent authorities or the Commission, as applicable, which shall correct the data without delay upon verification that the requests are justified.

    10.   The Agency shall ensure that the responsibilities laid down in this Article may be performed either by super users or controlled users or by systems external to the Union product database. The access of those systems to the Union product database shall be handled as if they were super users or controlled users.

    Article 19

    Union Product Database Functionalities Enabling Post-Authorisation Changes to Product Data

    1.   The Agency shall ensure that the Union product database:


    allows competent authorities, the Commission and marketing authorisation holders to make changes to datasets in at least the following cases, which shall also be possible to be introduced in parallel:


    variations that do not require assessment;


    variations requiring assessment;


    all other changes provided for in Regulation (EU) 2019/6, in particular annual volume of sales, information on availability, placing on the market, marketing authorisation status;


    allows competent authorities and the Commission to make any other changes to update or maintain the quality of the datasets contained in the Union product database;


    allows marketing authorisation holders to group changes to veterinary medicinal product datasets, such as to introduce the same change for several veterinary medicinal products or to introduce several changes to one product dataset;


    keeps a log of the recorded variations that do not require assessment and their respective outcomes linked to the relevant veterinary medicinal products, as well as a log of the super users or controlled users who recorded those variations, who approved or rejected them and when those actions were performed;


    allows marketing authorisation holders to record, in the data and document submission component, the necessary procedural information for variations that do not require assessment as described by the relevant fields included in Annex III to this Regulation, as well as to enter draft changes to the data contained in the Union product database or upload updated versions of the documents stored in the Union product database at the time variations are recorded in the Union product database;


    allows draft changes to the data to be confirmed or the most recent document versions to be displayed and the previously approved document versions to be marked and stored as outdated upon the approval of variations that do not require assessment which result in changes to the datasets already existing in the Union product database;


    allows recording rejections for variations that do not require assessment, which otherwise would have resulted in changes to the datasets already existing in the Union product database, by recording the draft data changes or the updated document versions uploaded as rejected;


    allows updating the relevant data or documents stored in the Union product database in the case of approval of variations requiring assessment which result in changes to the datasets already existing in the Union product database and keeps a log of the super users or controlled users who recorded those variations and when those actions were performed;


    sends the necessary automatic notifications in accordance with Functionalities 4.1 and 4.2 provided for in Annex I.

    2.   The Agency, in collaboration with the competent authorities and the Commission and in consultation with marketing authorisation holders, shall establish the principles and approach for managing the regulatory process in case of parallel variations.



    Article 20

    Contingency arrangements in case of failure or unavailability of the Union product database

    1.   The Agency shall ensure that in cases within its control the Union product database is not unavailable for periods longer than 3 working days.

    2.   In case of unavailability of the Union product database, the Agency shall ensure that a clear message to that effect is displayed to all users.

    3.   The Agency shall ensure that the data and documents stored in the Union product database are recoverable.

    4.   The Agency, in collaboration with the competent authorities and the Commission and in consultation with marketing authorisation holders, shall develop detailed contingency arrangements to be applied in cases of prolonged failure or unavailability of the Union product database or any of its components or functionalities for reasons outside the Agency’s control.

    5.   The detailed contingency arrangements shall describe the procedures to be followed to ensure continuity of the regulatory processes supported by the Union product database using appropriate alternative electronic means.

    Article 21

    This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

    This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

    Done at Brussels, 8 January 2021.

    For the Commission

    The President

    Ursula VON DER LEYEN

    (1)   OJ L 4, 7.1.2019, p. 43.

    (2)  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/17 of 8 January 2021 establishing a list of variations not requiring assessment in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/6 of the European Parliament and of the Council (see page 22 of this Official Journal).

    (3)  Directive (EU) 2019/1024 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on open data and the re-use of public sector information (OJ L 172, 26.6.2019, p. 56).

    (4)  Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (OJ L 327, 2.12.2016, p. 1).


    Functionalities of the Union product database

    Functionality ID


    Functionality Description


    New Product Data


    Create new veterinary medicinal product entry

    The relevant competent authority or the Commission, as applicable, shall be able to create new entries for veterinary medicinal products upon a positive outcome of the procedure for marketing authorisation in accordance with Chapter III of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, registration in accordance with Chapter V of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, permission to use in accordance with Article 5(6) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 or approval for parallel trade in accordance with Article 102 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6.

    These entries shall contain the fields laid down in this Regulation. It shall be possible to upload the information from a dataset in the format referred to in Article 10 of this Regulation via the user interface provided for in Article 6 or via the API referred to in Article 9(i) of this Regulation.


    Create provisional veterinary medicinal product entry

    The reference Member State shall be able to create, for all Member States concerned, provisional entries with version control for veterinary medicinal products in the case of a positive outcome of the procedures for decentralised marketing authorisation, for mutual recognition of national marketing authorisations or for subsequent recognition in the mutual recognition and decentralised marketing authorisation procedures laid down in Sections 3, 4 and 5 of Chapter III of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, respectively, pending the issuing of a marketing authorisation in certain Member States. This shall support variation procedures prior to the issuing of a marketing authorisation in certain Member States and ensure data quality. These entries shall contain the fields laid down in this Regulation. It shall be possible to upload the information from a dataset in the format referred to in Article 10 of this Regulation via the user interface provided for in Article 6 or via the API referred to in Article 9(i) of this Regulation.


    Submit veterinary medicinal product data and documents for the initial input of data

    The competent authorities or the Commission, as applicable, shall be able to submit, in electronic form, data and documents for the initial input to the Union product database in accordance with the requirements laid down in this Regulation. This shall be possible in the form of a bulk upload through a user interface or file transfer.


    Submit information on parallel-traded veterinary medicinal products

    In the case of parallel trade as addressed in Article 102 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, the competent authority of the destination Member State shall be able to submit, in electronic form, information on the parallel-traded veterinary medicinal products in the Union product database in accordance with the requirements laid down in this Regulation.


    Use controlled terms, substance terms and organisation data

    The Union product database shall use controlled terms, including substance terms and organisation data.


    Use consistent product data in the case of a positive outcome of the procedure for decentralised marketing authorisation, for mutual recognition of national marketing authorisations or for subsequent recognition in the mutual recognition and decentralised marketing authorisation procedures

    The Union product database shall provide the means to ensure the consistency of data that are common to multiple product entries in the case of a positive outcome in the procedure for decentralised marketing authorisation, for mutual recognition of national marketing authorisations or for subsequent recognition in the mutual recognition and decentralised marketing authorisation procedures laid down in Sections 3, 4 and 5 of Chapter III of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, respectively. This shall support the submission of variations. This shall exclude data and documents provided for the initial input.


    Data validation

    The Union product database shall validate new veterinary medicinal product data against a set of values and rules agreed upon by the competent authorities, the Commission and the Agency.


    Provide datasets for updates to competent authority databases

    It shall be possible for competent authorities to obtain the updated datasets from the Union product database in a format that enables them to apply the update to their own databases.


    Assign unique product identifier

    The Union product database shall assign unique identifiers to veterinary medicinal products to enable automatised data exchange between the Union product database and other Union or competent authorities’ databases.


    Provide data to the Union pharmacovigilance database

    The Union product database shall allow the Union pharmacovigilance database to obtain the relevant veterinary medicinal product data (including the volumes of sales).


    Post-Authorisation Changes to Veterinary Medicinal Product Data


    Record variation that does not require assessment

    Where a variation is included in the list established in accordance with Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/17 the marketing authorisation holder shall be able to record it in the Union product database.


    Provide product data for creating variation procedures

    Marketing authorisation holders shall be able to select from their authorised veterinary medicinal products and export the relevant master data that are to be changed, if applicable.


    Approve or reject variations that do not require assessment

    Approvals or rejections of variations that do not require assessment shall be possible at least via the user interface provided for in Article 6.


    Report on changes to dataset

    Competent authorities shall be able to obtain a report on the history of changes to the datasets already existing in the Union product database. Marketing authorisation holders shall be able to obtain a report on the history of changes to the datasets already existing in the Union product database for their veterinary medicinal products.


    Update the Union product database following variations requiring assessment or transfers of marketing authorisations

    The relevant competent authorities shall be able to update the Union product database following variations requiring assessment where this affects the datasets already existing in that database for veterinary medicinal products under their responsibility. This shall include the transfer of marketing authorisations.


    Collect volumes of sales

    Holders of a marketing authorisation granted in accordance with Chapter III of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, of a registration for homeopathic veterinary medicinal products granted in accordance with Chapter V of Regulation (EU) 2019/6, of veterinary medicinal products referred to in Article 5(6) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 shall be able to record in the Union product database the annual volume of sales at the appropriate level for each of their veterinary medicinal products.


    Provide volumes of sales for analysis

    The Union product database shall enable obtaining information on the data on the volume of sales of veterinary medicinal products for analysis.


    Record availability information

    Marketing authorisation holders shall be able to record and update information on the availability of each of their authorised veterinary medicinal products at the appropriate level in each relevant Member State. Competent authorities shall also be able to record and update this information for veterinary medicinal products under their responsibility in their respective Member States.


    Record marketing authorisation status

    Competent authorities shall be able to record and update the marketing authorisation status of veterinary medicinal products under their responsibility. Marketing authorisation holders shall be able to update the marketing authorisation status of their veterinary medicinal products in case of suspension or revocation of the marketing authorisations concerned.


    Process post-authorisation changes in parallel

    The Union product database shall support the processing of post-authorisation changes in parallel.


    Link variations to multiple marketing authorisations

    The Union product database shall allow for the linking of a single variation to an unlimited number of different marketing authorisations.


    Enter draft data changes

    Marketing authorisation holders shall be able to enter draft changes to the datasets already existing in the Union product database for their veterinary medicinal products when recording variations that do not require assessment.


    Access Management


    Public access

    The general public shall be able to search and view publicly available data.


    Marketing authorisation holder access

    Marketing authorisation holders shall be able to access (read) all information about their veterinary medicinal products following secure authentication and authorisation. They shall also be able to access (write) selected information about their veterinary medicinal product in order to fulfil any post-marketing obligations provided for in Regulation (EU) 2019/6 following secure authentication and authorisation.


    Competent authorities read access

    Super users or controlled users from the competent authorities shall be able to access (read) all information contained in the Union product database following secure authentication and authorisation.


    Competent authorities write access

    Super users or controlled users from the competent authorities shall be able to access (write) the data for the veterinary medicinal products under their responsibility following secure authentication and authorisation.


    Controlled users access right management

    Super users shall be able to manage the access of controlled users to manage veterinary medicinal product data on their behalf.


    Provide Data to Super Users and Controlled Users


    Notification of changes to competent authorities

    Competent authorities shall be automatically notified of:

    any changes made by marketing authorisation holders to the datasets existing in the Union product database for veterinary medicinal products under their responsibility;

    variations that do not require assessment which have been recorded in the Union product database in respect of veterinary medicinal products under their responsibility;

    the outcomes of variations that do not require assessment recorded by reference Member States in respect of veterinary medicinal products under their responsibility;

    any updates made by other competent authorities or the Agency as part of the measures to close procedures for variations requiring assessment to the datasets existing in the Union product database for veterinary medicinal products under their responsibility; and

    all changes concerning centrally authorised products.


    Notification of changes to marketing authorisation holders

    Marketing authorisation holders shall be automatically notified of any change made by the relevant competent authorities, the Agency or the Commission, as applicable, to the datasets existing in the Union product database for their veterinary medicinal products. Marketing authorisation holders shall also be automatically notified of the outcomes of variations that do not require assessment recorded by the relevant competent authority or the Commission, as applicable, in respect of their veterinary medicinal products.


    Search restricted data

    Super users and controlled users shall be able to search the restricted data in the Union product database according to their access rights and export the search results.


    Data fields to record the information referred to in Article 55(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6

    Data Field ID

    Data Field




    For all veterinary medicinal products


    Product Domain

    A statement that the entry is a veterinary medicinal product to distinguish between veterinary medicinal products and medicinal products for human use.

    Controlled terms


    Product Type

    Distinction between authorised veterinary medicinal products, registered homeopathic veterinary medicinal products, veterinary medicinal products allowed to be used in a Member State in accordance with Article 5(6) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 or exempted from the provisions in Articles 5 to 8 of Directive 2001/82/EC in accordance with Article 4(2) of the same Directive, as applicable, and parallel-traded veterinary medicinal products.

    Controlled terms


    Product Name

    The name of the veterinary medicinal product as approved in the Union or in a Member State.

    Free text


    Active Substance(s)

    Name of the active substance or substances.

    Controlled substance terms



    The content of active substances in a veterinary medicinal product, expressed quantitatively per dosage unit, per unit of volume or per unit of weight according to the pharmaceutical form.

    Structured data

    Biological activity, potency or titre in case of immunological veterinary medicinal products.

    Structured data or, where not possible for justifiable reasons, free text.


    Manufacturing Sites

    List of the sites where the veterinary medicinal product is manufactured.

    Controlled organisation data



    Documents to be attached to veterinary medicinal product record, including selection of type (summary of product characteristics, package leaflet, labelling and assessment report).

    Controlled terms for document types plus documents uploaded in the format laid down in this Regulation


    Only for authorised veterinary medicinal products


    Dates of Placing on the Market

    The dates of the placing of the veterinary medicinal product on the market in each Member State.



    Annual Volume of Sales

    Annual volume of sales of veterinary medicinal products.

    Structured data


    Date of Availability Status

    Date of the marketing status.



    Availability Status

    Marketing status: product available on the market per Member State.

    Controlled terms


    Data fields to be included in the Union product database in addition to the information referred to in Article 55(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6

    Data Field ID

    Data Field




    For all veterinary medicinal products


    Permanent Identifier

    Unique identifier of the veterinary medicinal product in the Union product database.

    Structured data


    Product Identifier

    Unique identifier for the same veterinary medicinal products across Member States to enable grouping of veterinary medicinal products authorised under the decentralised, mutual recognition, or subsequent recognition procedures or which underwent harmonisation of their summaries of product characteristics.

    Structured data


    Product Owner

    Holder of the marketing authorisation for a veterinary medicinal product, of the registration for a homeopathic veterinary medicinal product, of a veterinary medicinal product referred to in Article 5(6) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 or exempted from the provisions in Articles 5 to 8 of Directive 2001/82/EC in accordance with Article 4(2) of the same Directive, as applicable.

    Controlled organisation data


    Authorisation Status

    Marketing authorisation status of the veterinary medicinal product.

    Controlled terms


    Date of Authorisation Status Change

    Date when the status of the marketing authorisation changed.



    Route of Administration

    Routes of administration.

    Controlled terms


    Pharmaceutical Form

    Pharmaceutical dose form.

    Controlled terms


    Target Species

    Target species.

    Controlled terms


    ATCvet Code

    Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Veterinary Code.

    Controlled terms


    Withdrawal Period

    Withdrawal period per species, per route of administration and per food commodity. Only for veterinary medicinal products intended to be used in food-producing animals.

    Structured data or, where not possible for justifiable reasons, free text.


    PSMF  (1) Number

    The reference number of the pharmacovigilance system master file. It shall be stored in the Union product database and communicated to the Union pharmacovigilance database by means of the interconnection as foreseen in Article 74(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6.

    Free text


    PSMF Location

    Where the pharmacovigilance system master file is located. It shall be stored in the Union product database and communicated to the Union pharmacovigilance database by means of the interconnection as foreseen in Article 74(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6.

    Controlled organisation data


    QPPV (2) Name

    Name of the qualified person responsible for pharmacovigilance. It shall be stored in the Union product database and communicated to the Union pharmacovigilance database by means of the interconnection provided for in Article 74(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6.

    Free text


    QPPV Location

    Where the qualified person responsible for pharmacovigilance is located. It shall be stored in the Union product database and communicated to the Union pharmacovigilance database by means of the interconnection as foreseen in Article 74(2) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6.

    Controlled organisation data


    Package Description

    Pack sizes.

    Free text for description and structured data for pack sizes


    Legal Status for Supply

    Classification of veterinary medicinal products: subject to prescription or not.

    Controlled terms


    Procedural information for initial authorisation


    Authorisation Procedure Type

    Type of the procedure for marketing authorisation.

    Controlled terms


    Authorisation Procedure Number

    Number of the initial procedure for marketing authorisation.

    Structured data or, where not possible for justifiable reasons, free text.


    Marketing Authorisation Date

    Date on which the first marketing authorisation was granted.



    Authorisation Country

    Country in which the marketing authorisation was granted, including, as applicable, European Union.

    Controlled terms


    Reference Member State

    Name of the reference Member State. Only in the case of decentralised marketing authorisation, mutual recognition of national marketing authorisations or subsequent recognition in the mutual recognition and decentralised marketing authorisation procedures.

    Controlled terms


    Member States Concerned

    Names of the Member States concerned. Only in the case of decentralised marketing authorisation, mutual recognition of national marketing authorisations or subsequent recognition in the mutual recognition and decentralised marketing authorisation procedures.

    Controlled terms


    Legal Basis

    Legal basis for the marketing authorisation, including for example generic, hybrid or combination veterinary medicinal products, applications based on informed consent or on bibliographic data, as well as marketing authorisations for limited market and in exceptional circumstances.

    Controlled terms


    Authorisation Number

    Marketing authorisation number for authorised veterinary medicinal products.

    Registration number for registered homeopathic veterinary medicinal products.

    Declaration number for veterinary medicinal products allowed to be used in a Member State in accordance with Article 5(6) of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 or exempted from the provisions in Articles 5 to 8 of Directive 2001/82/EC in accordance with Article 4(2) of the same Directive, as applicable.

    Approval number for parallel-traded veterinary medicinal products.

    Free text


    Reference Product Identifier

    Identifier of the authorised reference product, if the Legal Basis field refers to generic, hybrid or combination veterinary medicinal products, as well as to applications based on informed consent. In the case of parallel-traded veterinary medicinal products, identifier of the veterinary medicinal product sharing a common origin in the destination Member State.



    Source Product Identifier

    In the case of parallel-traded veterinary medicinal products, identifier of the veterinary medicinal product sharing a common origin in the source Member State.



    Procedural information for post-authorisation changes (multiples, for at least every variation that does not require assessment)


    Submission Identifier

    Identifier generated by the submission system.

    Structured data


    Authorisation Procedure Number

    Number of the procedure for centralised, decentralised, national marketing authorisation, mutual recognition of national marketing authorisations or for subsequent recognition in the mutual recognition and decentralised marketing authorisation procedures.

    Structured data, or free text where that is not possible


    Responsible Authority

    Member State and competent authority.

    Controlled terms


    Variation Classification Code

    Variation classification code.

    Controlled terms


    Submission Comment

    Comment from Product Owner as part of the submission.

    Free text


    Date of Implementation

    Date when the variation that does not require assessment was implemented.



    Date of Submission

    Date of submission generated by the submission system.




    Approval or rejection.

    Controlled terms


    Date of Decision

    Date when the decision was made.



    Author of Decision

    The competent authority or the Commission making the decision.

    Controlled terms


    Only for parallel-traded veterinary medicinal products


    Source Wholesale Distributor

    Wholesale distributor who is providing the parallel-traded veterinary medicinal product in the source Member State.

    Controlled organisation data


    Destination Wholesale Distributor

    Wholesale distributor who is parallel trading the veterinary medicinal product in the destination Member State.

    Controlled organisation data

    (1)  PSMF = Pharmacovigilance System Master File

    (2)  QPPV = Qualified Person Responsible for Pharmacovigilance
