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Document 02012R0267-20230426
Council Regulation (EU) No 267/2012 of 23 March 2012 concerning restrictive measures against Iran and repealing Regulation (EU) No 961/2010
Consolidated text: Council Regulation (EU) No 267/2012 of 23 March 2012 concerning restrictive measures against Iran and repealing Regulation (EU) No 961/2010
Council Regulation (EU) No 267/2012 of 23 March 2012 concerning restrictive measures against Iran and repealing Regulation (EU) No 961/2010
02012R0267 — EN — 26.04.2023 — 033.001
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COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) No 267/2012 of 23 March 2012 concerning restrictive measures against Iran and repealing Regulation (EU) No 961/2010 (OJ L 088 24.3.2012, p. 1) |
Amended by:
Corrected by:
The presentation of this consolidated text takes into account judgments of the EU Courts concerning entries in the list of designated persons and entities.
of 23 March 2012
concerning restrictive measures against Iran and repealing Regulation (EU) No 961/2010
Article 1
For the purposes of this Regulation the following definitions shall apply:
'branch' of a financial or credit institution means a place of business which forms a legally dependent part of a financial or credit institution and which carries out directly all or some of the transactions inherent in the business of financial or credit institutions;
'brokering services' means:
the negotiation or arrangement of transactions for the purchase, sale or supply of goods and technology or of financial and technical services, including from a third country to any other third country, or
the selling or buying of goods and technology or of financial and technical services, including where they are located in third countries for their transfer to another third country;
'claim' means any claim, whether asserted by legal proceedings or not, made before or after the date of entry into force of this Regulation, under or in connection with a contract or transaction, and includes in particular:
a claim for performance of any obligation arising under or in connection with a contract or transaction;
a claim for extension or payment of a bond, financial guarantee or indemnity of whatever form;
a claim for compensation in respect of a contract or transaction;
a counterclaim;
a claim for the recognition or enforcement, including by the procedure of exequatur, of a judgment, an arbitration award or an equivalent decision, wherever made or given;
'contract or transaction' means any transaction of whatever form and whatever the applicable law, whether comprising one or more contracts or similar obligations made between the same or different parties; for this purpose 'contract' includes a bond, guarantee or indemnity, particularly a financial guarantee or financial indemnity, and credit, whether legally independent or not, as well as any related provision arising under, or in connection with, the transaction;
'competent authorities' refers to the competent authorities of the Member States as identified on the websites listed in Annex X;
'credit institution' means a credit institution as defined in Article 4(1) of Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions ( 1 ), including its branches inside or outside the Union;
'customs territory of the Union' means the territory as defined in Article 3 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code ( 2 ) and in Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 ( 3 );
'economic resources' means assets of every kind, whether tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, which are not funds, but which may be used to obtain funds, goods or services;
'financial institution' means
an undertaking, other than a credit institution, which carries out one or more of the operations included in points 2 to 12 and points 14 and 15 of Annex I to Directive 2006/48/EC, including the activities of currency exchange offices (bureaux de change);
an insurance company duly authorised in accordance with Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II) ( 4 ), in so far as it carries out activities covered by that Directive;
an investment firm as defined in point 1 of Article 4(1) of Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on markets in financial instruments ( 5 );
a collective investment undertaking marketing its units or shares; or
an insurance intermediary as defined in Article 2(5) of Directive 2002/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 December 2002 on insurance mediation ( 6 ), with the exception of intermediaries referred to in Article 2(7) of that Directive, when they act in respect of life insurance and other investment related services;
including its branches inside or outside the Union;
'freezing of economic resources' means preventing the use of economic resources to obtain funds, goods or services in any way, including, but not limited to, by selling, hiring or mortgaging them;
'freezing of funds' means preventing any move, transfer, alteration, use of, access to, or dealing with funds in any way that would result in any change in their volume, amount, location, ownership, possession, character, destination or other change that would enable the funds to be used, including portfolio management;
'funds' means financial assets and benefits of every kind, including, but not limited to:
cash, cheques, claims on money, drafts, money orders and other payment instruments;
deposits with financial institutions or other entities, balances on accounts, debts and debt obligations;
publicly-and privately-traded securities and debt instruments, including stocks and shares, certificates representing securities, bonds, notes, warrants, debentures and derivatives contracts;
interest, dividends or other income on or value accruing from or generated by assets;
credit, right of set-off, guarantees, performance bonds or other financial commitments;
letters of credit, bills of lading, bills of sale; and
documents showing evidence of an interest in funds or financial resources;
'goods' includes items, materials and equipment;
'insurance' means an undertaking or commitment whereby one or more natural or legal persons is or are obliged, in return for a payment, to provide one or more other persons, in the event of materialisation of a risk, with an indemnity or a benefit as determined by the undertaking or commitment;
'Iranian person, entity or body' means:
the State of Iran or any public authority thereof;
any natural person in, or resident in, Iran;
any legal person, entity or body having its registered office in Iran;
any legal person, entity or body, inside or outside Iran, owned or controlled directly or indirectly by one or more of the above mentioned persons or bodies;
'reinsurance' means the activity consisting in accepting risks ceded by an insurance undertaking or by another reinsurance undertaking or, in the case of the association of underwriters known as Lloyd's, the activity consisting in accepting risks, ceded by any member of Lloyd's, by an insurance or reinsurance undertaking other than the association of underwriters known as Lloyd's;
'Sanctions Committee' means the Committee of the United Nations Security Council which was established pursuant to paragraph 18 of United Nations Security Council Resolution ("UNSCR") 1737 (2006);
'technical assistance' means any technical support related to repairs, development, manufacture, assembly, testing, maintenance, or any other technical service, and may take forms such as instruction, advice, training, transmission of working knowledge or skills or consulting services; including verbal forms of assistance;
'territory of the Union' means the territories of the Member States to which the Treaty is applicable, under the conditions laid down in the Treaty, including their airspace;
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'Joint Commission' means a joint commission consisting of representatives of Iran and of China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (‘High Representative’), that will be established to monitor the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action of 14 July 2015 (‘JCPOA’) and will carry out the functions provided for in the JCPOA, in accordance with point ix of the JCPOA's ‘Preamble and General Provisions’ and Annex IV to the JCPOA.
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Article 2a
A prior authorisation shall be required:
for the sale, supply, transfer or export, directly or indirectly, of the goods and technology listed in Annex I, whether or not originating in the Union, to any Iranian person, entity or body or for use in Iran;
for the provision of technical assistance or brokering services related to goods and technology listed in Annex I or related to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of goods and technology included in Annex I, directly or indirectly, to any Iranian person, entity or body, or for use in Iran;
for the provision of financing or financial assistance related to goods and technology listed Annex I, including in particular grants, loans and export credit insurance for any sale, supply, transfer or export of such items, or for any provision of related technical assistance or brokering services, directly or indirectly, to any Iranian person, entity or body, or for use in Iran;
before entering into any arrangement with an Iranian person, entity or body, or any person or entity acting on their behalf or at their direction, including the acceptance of loans or credit made by such person, entity or body, that would enable such person, entity or body to participate in or increase its participation, be that independently or as part of a joint venture or other partnership, in commercial activities involving the following:
uranium mining,
production or use of nuclear materials as listed in Part 1 of the Nuclear Suppliers Group list.
This shall include the making of loans or credit to such a person, entity or body;
for the purchase, import or transport from Iran of goods and technology listed in Annex I, whether or not originating in Iran.
Article 2b
Article 2c
The competent authorities granting an authorisation in accordance with Article 2a(1)(a) and Article 2b shall ensure the following:
the requirements, as appropriate, of the Guidelines as set out in the Nuclear Suppliers Group list have been met;
the rights to verify the end-use and end-use location of any supplied item have been obtained from Iran and can be exercised effectively;
the notification of the UN Security Council within ten days of the supply, sale or transfer; and
in the case of supplied goods and technology referred to in Annex I, the notification of the IAEA within ten days of the supply, sale or transfer.
Article 2d
Article 2a(3) and (4) do not apply in relation to proposed authorisations for the supply, sale, or transfer of items, materials, equipment, goods and technology, and the provision of any related technical assistance, training, financial assistance, investment, brokering or other services where the competent authorities consider them to be directly related to the following:
the necessary modification of two cascades at the Fordow facility for stable isotope production;
the export of Iran's enriched uranium in excess of 300 kilograms in return for natural uranium; or
the modernisation of the Arak reactor based on the agreed conceptual design and, subsequently, on the agreed final design of such reactor.
The competent authority granting an authorisation in accordance with paragraph 1 shall ensure the following:
all activities are undertaken strictly in accordance with the JCPOA;
the requirements, as appropriate, of the Guidelines as set out in the Nuclear Suppliers Group list have been met;
rights to verify the end-use and end-use location of any supplied item have been obtained from Iran and can be exercised effectively.
The Member State concerned shall notify:
the UN Security Council and the Joint Commission ten days in advance of such activities;
the IAEA within ten days of the supply, sale or transfer, in case of supplied items, materials, equipment, goods and technology included in the Nuclear Suppliers Group list.
Article 3a
A prior authorisation shall be required, on a case-by-case basis:
for the sale, supply, transfer or export, directly or indirectly, of the goods and technology listed in Annex II, whether or not originating in the Union, to any Iranian person, entity or body or for use in Iran;
for the provision of technical assistance or brokering services related to goods and technology listed in Annex II or related to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of goods included in Annex II, directly or indirectly, to any Iranian person, entity or body, or for use in Iran;
for the provision of financing or financial assistance related to goods and technology listed Annex II, including in particular grants, loans and export credit insurance for any sale, supply, transfer or export of such items, or for any provision of related technical assistance or brokering services, directly or indirectly, to any Iranian person, entity or body, or for use in Iran;
before entering into any arrangement with an Iranian person, entity or body, or any person or entity acting on their behalf or at their direction, including the acceptance of loans or credit made by such person, entity or body, that would enable such person, entity or body to participate in or increase its participation, be that independently or as part of a joint venture or other partnership, in commercial activities involving technologies listed in Annex II.;
for the purchase, import or transport from Iran of goods and technology listed in Annex II, whether or not originating in Iran.
Article 3b
Article 3c
Article 3d
Article 3a does not apply in relation to proposed authorisations for the supply, sale, or transfer of items, materials, equipment, goods and technology, and the provision of any related technical assistance, training, financial assistance, investment, brokering or other services where the competent authorities consider them to be directly related to the following:
the necessary modification of two cascades at the Fordow facility for stable isotope production;
the export of Iran's enriched uranium in excess of 300 kilograms in return for natural uranium; or
the modernisation of the Arak reactor based on the agreed conceptual design and, subsequently, on the agreed final design of such reactor.
The competent authority granting an authorisation in accordance with paragraph 1 shall ensure that:
all activities are undertaken strictly in accordance with the JCPOA; and
except for temporary exports, the applicant has submitted the end-use statement set out in Annex IIa or an end-use statement in an equivalent document containing information on the end-use and, as a basic principle, end-use location of any supplied item.
Article 4a
Article 4b
It shall be prohibited:
to provide, directly or indirectly, technical assistance or brokering services related to the goods and technology listed in Annex III, or related to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of goods listed in Annex III, to any Iranian person, entity or body or for use in Iran;
to provide financing or financial assistance related to the goods and technology listed in Annex III, including in particular grants, loans and export credit insurance for any sale, supply, transfer or export of such items, or for any provision of related technical assistance or brokering services, directly or indirectly, to any Iranian person, entity or body, or for use in Iran;
to enter into any arrangement with an Iranian person, entity or body, or any person or entity acting on their behalf or at their direction, including the acceptance of loans or credit made by such person, entity or body, that would enable such person, entity or body to participate in or increase its participation, be that independently or as part of a joint venture or other partnership, in commercial activities involving technologies listed in Annex III.
Article 4c
It shall be prohibited to purchase, import or transport from Iran, directly or indirectly, the goods and technology listed in Annex III whether the item concerned originates in Iran or not.
Article 5
It shall be prohibited:
to provide technical assistance, brokering services and other services related to the goods and technology listed in the Common Military List of the European Union (‘Common Military List’), and to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of goods and technology on that list, directly or indirectly to any Iranian person, entity or body or for use in Iran;
to provide financing or financial assistance related to the goods and technology listed in the Common Military List, including in particular grants, loans and export credit insurance for any sale, supply, transfer or export of such items, or for any provision of related technical assistance or brokering services, directly or indirectly, to any Iranian person, entity or body, or for use in Iran.
to enter into any arrangement for the participation or increase in participation in any Iranian person, entity or body engaged in the manufacture of goods or technology listed in the Common Military List, be that independently or as part of a joint venture or other partnership. This shall include the making of loans or credit to such a person, entity or body.
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Article 10d
A prior authorisation shall be required for:
the sale, supply, transfer or export of the software listed in Annex VIIA, to any Iranian person, entity or body or for use in Iran.
the provision of technical assistance or brokering services related to the software listed in Annex VIIA or related to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of such items, to any Iranian person, entity or body, or for use in Iran;
the provision of financing or financial assistance related to the software listed in Annex VIIA, including in particular grants, loans and export credit insurance for any sale, supply, transfer or export of such items, or for any provision of related technical assistance or brokering services to any Iranian person, entity or body, or for use in Iran.
The competent authorities shall not grant any authorisation under this Article if:
they have reasonable grounds to determine that the sale, supply, transfer or export of the software is or may be intended for use in connection with the following:
reprocessing- or enrichment-related, heavy water-related, or other nuclear-related activities inconsistent with the JCPOA;
Iran's military or ballistic missile programme; or
the direct or indirect benefit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps;
contracts for delivery of such items or assistance do not include appropriate end-user guarantees.
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Article 15a
A prior authorisation shall be required for:
the sale, supply, transfer or export of graphite and raw or semi-finished metals as listed in Annex VIIB, to any Iranian person, entity or body or for use in Iran;
the provision of technical assistance or brokering services related to graphite and raw or semi-finished metals listed in Annex VIIB or related to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of such items, to any Iranian person, entity or body, or for use in Iran;
the provision of financing or financial assistance related to graphite and raw or semi-finished metals listed in Annex VIIB, including in particular grants, loans and export credit insurance for any sale, supply, transfer or export of such items, or for any provision of related technical assistance or brokering services to any Iranian person, entity or body, or for use in Iran.
The competent authorities shall not grant any authorisation under this Article if:
they have reasonable grounds to determine that the sale, supply, transfer or export of the graphite and raw or semi-finished metals is or may be intended for use in connection with the following:
reprocessing- or enrichment-related, heavy water-related, or other nuclear related activities inconsistent with the JCPOA;
Iran's military or ballistic missile programme; or
the direct or indirect benefit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps;
contracts for delivery of such items or assistance do not include appropriate end-user guarantees.
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Article 23
All funds and economic resources belonging to, owned, held or controlled by the persons, entities and bodies listed in Annex IX shall be frozen. Annex IX shall include the natural and legal persons, entities and bodies who, in accordance with Article 20(1)(b) and (c) of Council Decision 2010/413/CFSP, have been identified as:
being engaged in, directly associated with, or providing support for Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems by Iran, including through involvement in the procurement of prohibited goods and technology, or being owned or controlled by such a person, entity or body, including through illicit means, or acting on their behalf or at their direction;
being a natural or legal person, entity or body that has evaded or violated, or assisted a listed person, entity or body to evade or violate, the provisions of this Regulation, Council Decision 2010/413/CFSP or UNSCR 1737 (2006), UNSCR 1747 (2007), UNSCR 1803 (2008) and UNSCR 1929 (2010);
being a member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) or a legal person, entity or body owned or controlled by the IRGC or by one or more of its members, or a natural or legal person, entity or body acting on their behalf, or a natural or legal person, entity or body providing insurance or other essential services to IRGC, or to entities owned or controlled by them or acting on their behalf;
being other persons, entities or bodies that provide support, such as material, logistical or financial support, to the Government of Iran and entities owned or controlled by them, or persons and entities associated with them;
being a legal person, entity or body owned or controlled by the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL), or a natural or legal person, entity or body acting on its behalf, or a natural or legal person, entity or body providing insurance or other essential services to IRISL, or to entities owned or controlled by it or acting on its behalf.
Pursuant to the obligation to freeze the funds and economic resources of IRISL and of designated entities owned or controlled by IRISL, it shall be prohibited to load and unload cargoes on and from vessels owned or chartered by IRISL or by such entities in ports of Member States.
The obligation to freeze the funds and economic resources of IRISL and of designated entities owned or controlled by IRISL shall not require the impounding or detention of vessels owned by such entities or the cargoes carried by them insofar as such cargoes belong to third parties, nor does it require the detention of the crew contracted by them.
Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply to the making available of funds or economic resources necessary to ensure the timely delivery of humanitarian assistance or to support other activities that support basic human needs where such assistance and other activities are carried out by:
the United Nations, including its programmes, funds and other entities and bodies, as well as its specialised agencies and related organisations;
international organisations;
humanitarian organisations having observer status with the United Nations General Assembly and members of those humanitarian organisations;
bilaterally or multilaterally funded non-governmental organisations participating in the United Nations Humanitarian Response Plans, Refugee Response Plans, other United Nations appeals or humanitarian clusters coordinated by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA);
the employees, grantees, subsidiaries, or implementing partners of the entities mentioned in points (a) to (d) while and to the extent that they are acting in those capacities; or by,
appropriate other actors as determined by the Sanctions Committee as regards Annex VIII, and by the Council as regards Annex IX.
Article 23a
All funds and economic resources belonging to, owned, held or controlled by the persons, entities and bodies listed in Annex XIV shall be frozen. Annex XIV shall include the natural and legal persons, entities and bodies who, in accordance with Article 20(1)(e) of Council Decision 2010/413/CFSP, have been identified as:
being engaged in, directly associated with, or provided support for, Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities undertaken contrary to Iran's commitments in the JCPOA or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems by Iran, including through the involvement in procurement of prohibited items, goods, equipment, materials and technology specified in the statement set out in Annex B to UNSCR 2231 (2015), Decision 2010/413/CFSP or the Annexes to this Regulation;
assisting designated persons or entities in evading or acting inconsistently with the JCPOA, UNSCR 2231 (2015), Decision 2010/413/CFSP or this Regulation;
acting on behalf or at the direction of designated persons or entities; or
being a legal person, entity or body owned or controlled by designated persons or entities.
Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply to the making available of funds or economic resources necessary to ensure the timely delivery of humanitarian assistance or to support other activities that support basic human needs where such assistance and other activities are carried out by:
the United Nations, including its programmes, funds and other entities and bodies, as well as its specialised agencies and related organisations;
international organisations;
humanitarian organisations having observer status with the United Nations General Assembly and members of those humanitarian organisations;
bilaterally or multilaterally funded non-governmental organisations participating in the United Nations Humanitarian Response Plans, Refugee Response Plans, other United Nations appeals or humanitarian clusters coordinated by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA);
the employees, grantees, subsidiaries, or implementing partners of the entities mentioned in points (a) to (d) while and to the extent that they are acting in those capacities; or by,
appropriate other actors as determined by the Sanctions Committee as regards Annex XIII, and by the Council as regards Annex XIV.
Article 24
By way of derogation from Article 23 or Article 23a, the competent authorities may authorise the release of certain frozen funds or economic resources, provided that the following conditions are met:
the funds or economic resources are the subject of a judicial, administrative or arbitral lien established before the date on which the person, entity or body referred to in Article 23 or Article 23a has been designated by the Sanctions Committee, the UN Security Council or the Council or of a judicial, administrative or arbitral judgment rendered prior to that date;
the funds or economic resources will be used exclusively to satisfy claims secured by such a lien or recognised as valid in such a judgment, within the limits set by applicable laws and regulations governing the rights of persons having such claims;
the lien or judgment is not for the benefit of a person, entity or body listed in Annexes VIII, IX, XIII or XIV;
recognising the lien or judgment is not contrary to public policy in the Member State concerned; and
where Article 23(1) or Article 23a(1) applies, the UN Security Council has been notified by the Member State of the lien or judgment.
Article 25
By way of derogation from Article 23 or Article 23a and provided that a payment by a person, entity or body listed in Annexes VIII, IX, XIII or XIV is due under a contract or agreement that was concluded by, or an obligation that arose for the person, entity or body concerned, before the date on which that person, entity or body had been designated by the Sanctions Committee, the UN Security Council or by the Council, the competent authorities may authorise, under such conditions as they deem appropriate, the release of certain frozen funds or economic resources, provided that the following conditions are met:
the competent authority concerned has determined that:
the funds or economic resources shall be used for a payment by a person, entity or body listed in Annexes VIII, IX, XIII or XIV;
the payment will not contribute to an activity prohibited under this Regulation. If the payment serves as consideration for a trade activity that has already been performed and the competent authority of another Member State had given prior confirmation that the activity was not prohibited at the time it was performed, it shall be deemed, prima facie, that the payment will not contribute to a prohibited activity; and
the payment is not in breach of Article 23(3) or Article 23a(3); and
where Article 23(1) or Article 23a(1) applies, the Member State concerned has notified the UN Security Council of that determination and its intention to grant an authorisation, and the UN Security Council has not objected to that course of action within ten working days of notification.
Article 26
By way of derogation from Article 23 or Article 23a, the competent authorities may authorise the release of certain frozen funds or economic resources, or the making available of certain funds or economic resources, under such conditions as they deem appropriate, provided that the following conditions are met:
the competent authority concerned has determined that the funds or economic resources concerned are:
necessary to satisfy the basic needs of natural or legal persons, entities or bodies listed in Annexes VIII, IX, XIII or XIV and their dependent family members of such natural persons, including payments for foodstuffs, rent or mortgage, medicines and medical treatment, taxes, insurance premiums, and public utility charges;
intended exclusively for payment of reasonable professional fees and reimbursement of incurred expenses associated with the provision of legal services; or
intended exclusively for payment of fees or service charges for routine holding or maintenance of frozen funds or economic resources.
where the authorisation concerns a person, entity or body listed in Annex XIII, the Member State concerned has notified the UN Security Council of the determination referred to in point (a) and its intention to grant an authorisation, and the UN Security Council has not objected to that course of action within five working days of notification.
Article 27
By way of derogation from Article 23(2) and (3) or Article 23a(2) and (3), the competent authorities may authorise the release of certain frozen funds or economic resources or the making available of certain funds or economic resources, under such conditions as they deem appropriate, after having determined that the funds or economic resources concerned are to be paid into or from an account of a diplomatic mission or consular post or an international organisation enjoying immunities in accordance with international law, insofar as such payments are intended to be used for official purposes of the diplomatic mission or consular post or international organisation.
Article 28
By way of derogation from Article 23 or Article 23a, the competent authorities may authorise the release of certain frozen funds or economic resources or the making available of certain funds or economic resources, after having determined that the funds or economic resources concerned are necessary for extraordinary expenses provided that, where the authorisation concerns a person, entity or body listed in Annex XIII, the UN Security Council has been notified of that determination by the Member State concerned and the determination has been approved by the UN Security Council.
Article 28a
By way of derogation from Article 23(2) and (3) or Article 23a(2) and (3), the competent authorities may authorise, under such conditions as they deem appropriate, the release of certain frozen funds or economic resources or the making available of certain funds or economic resources, after having determined that the funds or economic resources concerned are necessary for activities directly related to equipment referred to in paragraph 2(c), subparagraph 1 of Annex B to UNSCR 2231 (2015) for light water reactors.
Article 28b
By way of derogation from Article 23 or Article 23a, the competent authorities may authorise the release of certain frozen funds or economic resources or the making available of certain funds or economic resources, under such conditions as they deem appropriate, provided that the following conditions are met:
the competent authority concerned has determined that the funds or economic resources concerned are:
necessary for the civil nuclear cooperation projects described in Annex III of the JCPOA;
necessary for activities directly related to the items specified in Articles 2a and 3a, or to any other activity required for the implementation of the JCPOA; and
where the authorisation concerns a person, entity or body listed in Annex XIII, the UN Security Council has been notified of that determination by the Member State concerned and the determination has been approved by the UN Security Council.
Article 29
Provided that any such interest or other earnings and payments are frozen in accordance with Article 23(1) or (2) or Article 23a(1) or (2), Article 23(3) or Article 23a(3) shall not apply to the addition to frozen accounts of:
interest or other earnings on those accounts; or
payments due under contracts, agreements or obligations that were concluded or arose before the date on which the person, entity or body referred to in Article 23 or Article 23a has been designated by the Sanctions Committee, the UN Security Council or by the Council.
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Article 36
The person providing advance information as determined in the relevant provisions concerning summary declarations as well as customs declarations in Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 and in Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 shall also present any authorisations if required by this Regulation.
Article 37
Any seizure and disposal may, in accordance with national legislation or the decision of a competent authority, be carried out at the expense of the importer or be recovered from any other person or entity responsible for the attempted illicit supply, sale, transfer or export.
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Article 38
No claims in connection with any contract or transaction the performance of which has been affected, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by the measures imposed under this Regulation, including claims for indemnity or any other claim of this type, such as a claim for compensation or a claim under a guarantee, notably a claim for extension or payment of a bond, guarantee or indemnity, particularly a financial guarantee or financial indemnity, of whatever form, shall be satisfied, if they are made by:
designated persons, entities or bodies listed in Annexes VIII, IX, XIII and XIV;
any other Iranian person, entity or body, including the Iranian government;
any person, entity or body acting through or on behalf of one of the persons, entities or bodies referred to in points (a) and (b).
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Article 40
Without prejudice to the applicable rules concerning reporting, confidentiality and professional secrecy, natural and legal persons, entities and bodies shall:
supply immediately any information which would facilitate compliance with this Regulation, such as information on accounts and amounts frozen in accordance with Article 23 or 23a, to the competent authorities of the Member States where they are resident or located, and shall transmit such information, directly or through the Member States, to the Commission;
cooperate with the competent authorities in any verification of this information.
Article 41
It shall be prohibited to participate, knowingly and intentionally, in activities the object or effect of which is to circumvent the measures referred to in Articles 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 4a, 4b, 5, 10d, 15a, 23(1), 23(2), 23(3), 23(4), 23a(1), 23a(2),23a(3) and 23a(4).
Article 42
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Article 44
The Commission and Member States shall inform each other of the measures taken under this Regulation and share any other relevant information at their disposal in connection with this Regulation at three-monthly intervals, in particular information
in respect of funds frozen under Articles 23 and 23a and authorisations granted under Articles 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 28a and 28b;
in respect of violations and enforcement problems and judgments issued by national courts.
Article 45
The Commission shall amend Annexes I, II, III, VIIA, VIIB and X on the basis of information supplied by Member States.
Article 46
Article 47
Article 48
Article 49
This Regulation shall apply:
within the territory of the Union, including its airspace;
on board any aircraft or any vessel under the jurisdiction of a Member State;
to any person inside or outside the territory of the Union who is a national of a Member State;
to any legal person, entity or body, inside or outside the territory of the Union, which is incorporated or constituted under the law of a Member State;
to any legal person, entity or body in respect of any business done in whole or in part within the Union.
Article 50
Regulation (EU) No 961/2010 is hereby repealed. References to the repealed regulation shall be construed as references to this Regulation.
Article 51
This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
0A Systems, Equipment and Components
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.12/Part 1 (1) |
0A001 |
“Nuclear reactors” and specially designed or prepared equipment and components therefor, as follows: |
TLB1.1 |
Complete nuclear reactors |
0A001.a |
“Nuclear reactors”; |
TLB1.1 |
Nuclear reactors capable of operation so as to maintain a controlled self-sustaining fission chain reaction. EXPLANATORY NOTE A “nuclear reactor” basically includes the items within or attached directly to the reactor vessel, the equipment which controls the level of power in the core, and the components which normally contain or come in direct contact with or control the primary coolant of the reactor core. EXPORTS The export of the whole set of major items within this boundary will take place only in accordance with the procedures of the Guidelines. Those individual items within this functionally defined boundary which will be exported only in accordance with the procedures of the Guidelines are listed in paragraphs 1.2. to 1.11. The Government reserves to itself the right to apply the procedures of the Guidelines to other items within the functionally defined boundary |
0A001.b |
Metal vessels, or major shop-fabricated parts therefor, including the reactor vessel head for a reactor pressure vessel, specially designed or prepared to contain the core of a “nuclear reactor”; |
TLB1.2 |
Nuclear reactor vessels Metal vessels, or major shop-fabricated parts therefor, especially designed or prepared to contain the core of a nuclear reactor as defined in paragraph 1.1. above, as well as relevant reactor internals as defined in paragraph 1.8. below. EXPLANATORY NOTE Item 1.2 covers nuclear reactor vessels regardless of pressure rating and includes reactor pressure vessels and calandrias. The reactor vessel head is covered by item 1.2. as a major shop-fabricated part of a reactor vessel. |
0A001.c |
Manipulative equipment specially designed or prepared for inserting or removing fuel in a “nuclear reactor”; |
TLB1.3 |
Nuclear reactor fuel charging and discharging machines Manipulative equipment especially designed or prepared for inserting or removing fuel in a nuclear reactor as defined in paragraph 1.1. above. EXPLANATORY NOTE The items noted above are capable of on-load operation or at employing technically sophisticated positioning or alignment features to allow complex off-load fueling operations such as those in which direct viewing of or access to the fuel is not normally available. |
0A001.d |
Control rods specially designed or prepared for the control of the fission process in a “nuclear reactor”, support or suspension structures therefor, rod drive mechanisms and rod guide tubes; |
TLB1.4 |
Nuclear reactor control rods and equipment Especially designed or prepared rods, support or suspension structures therefor, rod drive mechanisms or rod guide tubes to control the fission process in a nuclear reactor as defined in paragraph 1.1. above. |
0A001.e |
Pressure tubes specially designed or prepared to contain both fuel elements and the primary coolant in a “nuclear reactor”; |
TLB1.5 |
Nuclear reactor pressure tubes Tubes which are especially designed or prepared to contain both fuel elements and the primary coolant in a reactor as defined in paragraph 1.1. above. EXPLANATORY NOTE Pressure tubes are parts of fuel channels designed to operate at elevated pressure, sometimes in excess of 5 MPa. |
0A001.f |
Zirconium metal tubes or zirconium alloy tubes (or assembles of tubes) specially designed or prepared for use as fuel cladding in a “nuclear reactor”, and in quantities exceeding 10 kg; N.B.: For zirconium pressure tubes see 0A001.e. and for calandria tubes see 0A001.h. |
TLB1.6 |
Nuclear fuel cladding Zirconium metal tubes or zirconium alloy tubes (or assemblies of tubes) especially designed or prepared for use as fuel cladding in a reactor as defined in paragraph 1.1. above, and in quantities exceeding 10 kg. N.B.: For zirconium pressure tubes see 1.5. For calandria tubes see 1.8. EXPLANATORY NOTE Zirconium metal tubes or zirconium alloy tubes for use in a nuclear reactor consist of zirconium in which the relation of hafnium to zirconium is typically less than 1:500 parts by weight |
0A001.g |
Coolant pumps or circulators specially designed or prepared for circulating the primary coolant of “nuclear reactors”; |
TLB1.7 |
Primary coolant pumps or circulators Pumps or circulators especially designed or prepared for circulating the primary coolant for nuclear reactors as defined in paragraph 1.1. above. EXPLANATORY NOTE: Especially designed or prepared pumps or circulators include pumps for water-cooled reactors, circulators for gas-cooled reactors, and electromagnetic and mechanical pumps for liquid-metal-cooled reactors. This equipment may include pumps with elaborate sealed or multi-sealed systems to prevent leakage of primary coolant, canned-driven pumps, and pumps with inertial mass systems. This definition encompasses pumps certified to Section III, Division I, Subsection NB (Class 1 components) of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code, or equivalent standards. |
0A001.h |
‘Nuclear reactor internals’ specially designed or prepared for use in a “nuclear reactor”, including support columns for the core, fuel channels, calandria tubes, thermal shields, baffles, core grid plates, and diffuser plates; Technical Note: In 0A001.h. ‘nuclear reactor internals’ means any major structure within a reactor vessel which has one or more functions such as supporting the core, maintaining fuel alignment, directing primary coolant flow, providing radiation shields for the reactor vessel, and guiding in-core instrumentation. |
TLB1.8 |
Nuclear reactor internals “Nuclear reactor internals” especially designed or prepared for use in a nuclear reactor as defined in paragraph 1.1 above. This includes, for example, support columns for the core, fuel channels, calandria tubes, thermal shields, baffles, core grid plates, and diffuser plates. EXPLANATORY NOTE “Nuclear reactor internals” are major structures within a reactor vessel which have one or more functions such as supporting the core, maintaining fuel alignment, directing primary coolant flow, providing radiation shields for the reactor vessel, and guiding in-core instrumentation. |
0A001.i |
Heat exchangers as follows: 1. Steam generators specially designed or prepared for the primary, or intermediate, coolant circuit of a “nuclear reactor”; 2. Other heat exchangers specially designed or prepared for use in the primary coolant circuit of a “nuclear reactor”; Note: 0A001.i. does not control heat exchangers for the supporting systems of the reactor, e.g., the emergency cooling system or the decay heat cooling system. |
TLB1.9 |
Heat exchangers (a) Steam generators especially designed or prepared for the primary, or intermediate, coolant circuit of a nuclear reactor as defined in paragraph 1.1 above. (b) Other heat exchangers especially designed or prepared for use in the primary coolant circuit of a nuclear reactor as defined in paragraph 1.1 above. EXPLANATORY NOTE Steam generators are especially designed or prepared to transfer the heat generated in the reactor to the feed water for steam generation. In the case of a fast reactor for which an intermediate coolant loop is also present, the steam generator is in the intermediate circuit. In a gas-cooled reactor, a heat exchanger may be utilized to transfer heat to a secondary gas loop that drives a gas turbine. The scope of control for this entry does not include heat exchangers for the supporting systems of the reactor, e.g., the emergency cooling system or the decay heat cooling system. |
0A001.j |
Neutron detectors specially designed or prepared for determining neutron flux levels within the core of a “nuclear reactor”; |
TLB1.10 |
Neutron detectors Especially designed or prepared neutron detectors for determining neutron flux levels within the core of a reactor as defined in paragraph 1.1. above. EXPLANATORY NOTE The scope of this entry encompasses in-core and ex-core detectors which measure flux levels in a large range, typically from 104 neutrons per cm2 per second to 1010 neutrons per cm2 per second or more. Ex-core refers to those instruments outside the core of a reactor as defined in paragraph 1.1. above, but located within the biological shielding. |
0A001.k |
‘External thermal shields’ specially designed or prepared for use in a “nuclear reactor” for the reduction of heat loss and also for the containment vessel protection. Technical Note: In 0A001.k. ‘external thermal shields’ means major structures placed over the reactor vessel which reduce heat loss from the reactor and reduce temperature within the containment vessel. |
TLB1.11 |
External thermal shields “External thermal shields” especially designed or prepared for use in a nuclear reactor as defined in paragraph 1.1 for reduction of heat loss and also for containment vessel protection. EXPLANATORY NOTE “External thermal shields” are major structures placed over the reactor vessel which reduce heat loss from the reactor and reduce temperature within the containment vessel. |
0B001 |
Plant for the separation of isotopes of “natural uranium”, “depleted uranium” or “special fissile materials”, and specially designed or prepared equipment and components therefor, as follows: |
TLB5 |
Plants for the separation of isotopes of natural uranium, depleted uranium or special fissionable material and equipment, other than analytical instruments, especially designed or prepared therefor |
0B001.a |
Plant specially designed for separating isotopes of “natural uranium”, “depleted uranium”, or “special fissile materials”, as follows: 1. Gas centrifuge separation plant; 2. Gaseous diffusion separation plant; 3. Aerodynamic separation plant; 4. Chemical exchange separation plant; 5. Ion-exchange separation plant; 6. Atomic vapour “laser” isotope separation plant; 7. Molecular “laser” isotope separation plant; 8. Plasma separation plant; 9. Electro magnetic separation plant; |
TLB5 |
0B001.b |
Gas centrifuges and assemblies and components, specially designed or prepared for gas centrifuge separation process, as follows: Technical Note: In 0B001.b. ‘high strength-to-density ratio material’ means any of the following: 1. Maraging steel capable of an ultimate tensile strength of 1,95 GPa or more; 2. Aluminium alloys capable of an ultimate tensile strength of 0,46 GPa or more; or 3. “Fibrous or filamentary materials” with a “specific modulus” of more than 3,18 × 106 m and a “specific tensile strength” greater than 7,62 × 104 m; 1. Gas centrifuges; |
TLB5.1 |
5.1. Gas centrifuges and assemblies and components especially designed or prepared for use in gas centrifuges INTRODUCTORY NOTE The gas centrifuge normally consists of a thin-walled cylinder(s) of between 75 mm and 650 mm diameter contained in a vacuum environment and spun at high peripheral speed of the order of 300 m/s or more with its central axis vertical. In order to achieve high speed the materials of construction for the rotating components have to be of a high strength to density ratio and the rotor assembly, and hence its individual components, have to be manufactured to very close tolerances in order to minimize the unbalance. In contrast to other centrifuges, the gas centrifuge for uranium enrichment is characterized by having within the rotor chamber a rotating disc-shaped baffle(s) and a stationary tube arrangement for feeding and extracting the UF6 gas and featuring at least three separate channels, of which two are connected to scoops extending from the rotor axis towards the periphery of the rotor chamber. Also contained within the vacuum environment are a number of critical items which do not rotate and which although they are especially designed are not difficult to fabricate nor are they fabricated out of unique materials. A centrifuge facility however requires a large number of these components, so that quantities can provide an important indication of end use. |
0B001.b |
TLB5.1.1 |
Rotating components |
0B001.b. |
2. Complete rotor assemblies; |
TLB5.1.1a |
(a) Complete rotor assemblies: Thin-walled cylinders, or a number of interconnected thin-walled cylinders, manufactured from one or more of the high strength to density ratio materials described in the EXPLANATORY NOTE to this Section. If interconnected, the cylinders are joined together by flexible bellows or rings as described in section 5.1.1.(c) following. The rotor is fitted with an internal baffle(s) and end caps, as described in section 5.1.1.(d) and (e) following, if in final form. However the complete assembly may be delivered only partly assembled. |
0B001.b. |
3. Rotor tube cylinders with a wall thickness of 12 mm or less, a diameter of between 75 mm and 650 mm, made from ‘high strength-to-density ratio materials’; |
TLB5.1.1b |
(b) Rotor tubes: Especially designed or prepared thin-walled cylinders with thickness of 12 mm or less, a diameter of between 75 mm and 650 mm, and manufactured from one or more of the high strength to density ratio materials described in the EXPLANATORY NOTE to this Section. |
0B001.b. |
4. Rings or bellows with a wall thickness of 3 mm or less and a diameter of between 75 mm and 650 mm and designed to give local support to a rotor tube or to join a number together, made from ‘high strength-to-density ratio materials’; |
TLB5.1.1c |
(c) Rings or Bellows: Components especially designed or prepared to give localized support to the rotor tube or to join together a number of rotor tubes. The bellows is a short cylinder of wall thickness 3 mm or less, a diameter of between 75 mm and 650 mm, having a convolute, and manufactured from one of the high strength to density ratio materials described in the EXPLANATORY NOTE to this Section. |
0B001.b. |
5. Baffles of between 75 mm and 650 mm diameter for mounting inside a rotor tube, made from ‘high strength-to-density ratio materials’. |
TLB5.1.1d |
(d) Baffles: Disc-shaped components of between 75 mm and 650 mm diameter especially designed or prepared to be mounted inside the centrifuge rotor tube, in order to isolate the take-off chamber from the main separation chamber and, in some cases, to assist the UF6 gas circulation within the main separation chamber of the rotor tube, and manufactured from one of the high strength to density ratio materials described in the EXPLANATORY NOTE to this Section. |
0B001.b. |
6. Top or bottom caps of between 75 mm and 650 mm diameter to fit the ends of a rotor tube, made from ‘high strength-to-density ratio materials’; |
TLB5.1.1e |
(e) Top caps/Bottom caps: Disc-shaped components of between 75 mm and 650 mm diameter especially designed or prepared to fit to the ends of the rotor tube, and so contain the UF6 within the rotor tube, and in some cases to support, retain or contain as an integrated part an element of the upper bearing (top cap) or to carry the rotating elements of the motor and lower bearing (bottom cap), and manufactured from one of the high strength to density ratio materials described in the EXPLANATORY NOTE to this Section. |
TLB5.1.1 |
EXPLANATORY NOTE The materials used for centrifuge rotating components include the following: (a) Maraging steel capable of an ultimate tensile strength of 1,95 GPa or more; (b) Aluminium alloys capable of an ultimate tensile strength of 0,46 GPa or more; (c) Filamentary materials suitable for use in composite structures and having a specific modulus of 3,18 × 106 m or greater and a specific ultimate tensile strength of 7,62 × 104 m or greater (‘Specific Modulus’ is the Young's Modulus in N/m2 divided by the specific weight in N/m3; ‘Specific Ultimate Tensile Strength’ is the ultimate tensile strength in N/m2 divided by the specific weight in N/m3). |
0B001.b |
TLB5.1.2 |
Static components |
0B001.b. |
7. Magnetic suspension bearings as follows: a. Bearing assemblies consisting of an annular magnet suspended within a housing made of or protected by “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6” containing a damping medium and having the magnet coupling with a pole piece or second magnet fitted to the top cap of the rotor; b. Active magnetic bearings specially designed or prepared for use with gas centrifuges. |
TLB5.1.2A.1 |
(a) Magnetic suspension bearings: 1. Especially designed or prepared bearing assemblies consisting of an annular magnet suspended within a housing containing a damping medium. The housing will be manufactured from a UF6-resistant material (see EXPLANATORY NOTE to Section 5.2.). The magnet couples with a pole piece or a second magnet fitted to the top cap described in Section 5.1.1.(e). The magnet may be ring-shaped with a relation between outer and inner diameter smaller or equal to 1,6:1. The magnet may be in a form having an initial permeability of 0,15 H/m or more, or a remanence of 98,5 % or more, or an energy product of greater than 80 kJ/m3. In addition to the usual material properties, it is a prerequisite that the deviation of the magnetic axes from the geometrical axes is limited to very small tolerances (lower than 0,1 mm) or that homogeneity of the material of the magnet is specially called for. |
0B001.b. |
TLB5.1.2a2 |
2. Active magnetic bearings especially designed or prepared for use with gas centrifuges. EXPLANATORY NOTE These bearings usually have the following characteristics: — Designed to keep centred a rotor spinning at 600 Hz or more, and — Associated to a reliable electrical power supply and/or to an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) unit in order to function for more than one hour. |
0B001.b. |
8. Specially prepared bearings comprising a pivot-cup assembly mounted on a damper; |
TLB5.1.2b |
(b) Bearings/Dampers: Especially designed or prepared bearings comprising a pivot/cup assembly mounted on a damper. The pivot is normally a hardened steel shaft with a hemisphere at one end with a means of attachment to the bottom cap described in section 5.1.1.(e) at the other. The shaft may however have a hydrodynamic bearing attached. The cup is pellet-shaped with a hemispherical indentation in one surface. These components are often supplied separately to the damper. |
0B001.b. |
9. Molecular pumps comprised of cylinders having internally machined or extruded helical grooves and internally machined bores; |
TLB5.1.2c |
(c) Molecular pumps: Especially designed or prepared cylinders having internally machined or extruded helical grooves and internally machined bores. Typical dimensions are as follows: 75 mm to 650 mm internal diameter, 10 mm or more wall thickness, with the length equal to or greater than the diameter. The grooves are typically rectangular in cross-section and 2 mm or more in depth. |
0B001.b. |
10. Ring-shaped motor stators for multiphase AC hysteresis (or reluctance) motors for synchronous operation within a vacuum at a frequency of 600 Hz or more and a power of 40 VA or more; |
TLB5.1.2d |
(d) Motor stators: Especially designed or prepared ring-shaped stators for high speed multiphase AC hysteresis (or reluctance) motors for synchronous operation within a vacuum at a frequency of 600 Hz or greater and a power of 40 VA or greater. The stators may consist of multi-phase windings on a laminated low loss iron core comprised of thin layers typically 2,0 mm thick or less. |
0B001.b. |
11. Centrifuge housing/recipients to contain the rotor tube assembly of a gas centrifuge, consisting of a rigid cylinder of wall thickness up to 30 mm with precision machined ends that are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the cylinder's longitudinal axis to within 0,05 degrees or less; |
TLB5.1.2e |
(e) Centrifuge housing/recipients: Components especially designed or prepared to contain the rotor tube assembly of a gas centrifuge. The housing consists of a rigid cylinder of wall thickness up to 30 mm with precision machined ends to locate the bearings and with one or more flanges for mounting. The machined ends are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the cylinder's longitudinal axis to within 0,05 degrees or less. The housing may also be a honeycomb type structure to accommodate several rotor assemblies. |
0B001.b. |
12. Scoops consisting of specially designed or prepared tubes for the extraction of UF6 gas from within the rotor tube by a Pitot tube action and capable of being fixed to the central gas extraction system; |
TLB5.1.2f |
(f) Scoops: Especially designed or prepared tubes for the extraction of UF6 gas from within the rotor tube by a Pitot tube action (that is, with an aperture facing into the circumferential gas flow within the rotor tube, for example by bending the end of a radially disposed tube) and capable of being fixed to the central gas extraction system. |
0B001.b. |
13. Frequency changers (converters or inverters) specially designed or prepared to supply motor stators for gas centrifuge enrichment, having all of the following characteristics, and specially designed components therefor: a. A multiphase frequency output of 600 Hz or greater; and b. High stability (with frequency control better than 0,2 %); |
TLB5.2.5 |
5.2.5. Frequency changers Frequency changers (also known as converters or inverters) especially designed or prepared to supply motor stators as defined under 5.1.2.(d), or parts, components and sub-assemblies of such frequency changers having all of the following characteristics: 1. A multiphase frequency output of 600 Hz or greater; and 2. High stability (with frequency control better than 0,2 %). |
0B001.b. |
14. Shut-off and control valves as follows: a. Shut-off valves specially designed or prepared to act on the feed, product or tails UF6 gaseous streams of an individual gas centrifuge; b. Bellows-sealed valves, shut-off or control, made of or protected by “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6”, with an inside diameter of 10 mm to 160 mm, specially designed or prepared for use in main or auxiliary systems of gas centrifuge enrichment plants; |
TLB5.2.3 |
5.2.3 Special shut-off and control valves (a) Shut-off valves especially designed or prepared to act on the feed, product or tails UF6 gaseous streams of an individual gas centrifuge. (b) Bellows-sealed valves, manual or automated, shut-off or control, made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, with an inside diameter of 10 to 160 mm, especially designed or prepared for use in main or auxiliary systems of gas centrifuge enrichment plants. EXPLANATORY NOTE Typical especially designed or prepared valves include bellow-sealed valves, fast acting closure-types, fast acting valves and others. |
0B001.c |
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for gaseous diffusion separation process, as follows: 1. Gaseous diffusion barriers made of porous metallic, polymer or ceramic “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6” with a pore size of 10 to 100 nm, a thickness of 5 mm or less, and, for tubular forms, a diameter of 25 mm or less; |
TLB5.3.1a |
Gaseous diffusion barriers and barrier materials (a) Especially designed or prepared thin, porous filters, with a pore size of 10 — 100 nm, a thickness of 5 mm or less, and for tubular forms, a diameter of 25 mm or less, made of metallic, polymer or ceramic materials resistant to corrosion by UF6 (see EXPLANATORY NOTE to section 5.4), and |
0B001.c |
2. Gaseous diffuser housings made of or protected by “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6”; |
TLB5.3.2 |
Diffuser housings Especially designed or prepared hermetically sealed vessels for containing the gaseous diffusion barrier, made of or protected by UF6-resistant materials (see EXPLANATORY NOTE to section 5.4). |
0B001.c |
3. Compressors or gas blowers with a suction volume capacity of 1 m3/min or more of UF6, discharge pressure up to 500 kPa and having a pressure ratio of 10:1 or less, and made of or protected by “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6”; |
TLB5.3.3 |
Compressors and gas blowers Especially designed or prepared compressors or gas blowers with a suction volume capacity of 1 m3 per minute or more of UF6, and with a discharge pressure of up to 500 kPa, designed for long-term operation in the UF6 environment, as well as separate assemblies of such compressors and gas blowers. These compressors and gas blowers have a pressure ratio of 10:1 or less and are made of, or protected by, materials resistant to UF6 (see EXPLANATORY NOTE to section 5.4). |
0B001.c |
4. Rotary shaft seals for compressors or blowers specified in 0B001.c.3. and designed for a buffer gas in-leakage rate of less than 1 000 cm3/min.; |
TLB5.3.4 |
Rotary shaft seals Especially designed or prepared vacuum seals, with seal feed and seal exhaust connections, for sealing the shaft connecting the compressor or the gas blower rotor with the driver motor so as to ensure a reliable seal against in-leaking of air into the inner chamber of the compressor or gas blower which is filled with UF6. Such seals are normally designed for a buffer gas in-leakage rate of less than 1 000 cm3 per minute. |
0B001.c |
5. Heat exchangers made of or protected by “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6”, and designed for a leakage pressure rate of less than 10 Pa per hour under a pressure differential of 100 kPa |
TLB5.3.5 |
Heat exchangers for cooling UF6 Especially designed or prepared heat exchangers made of or protected by UF6-resistant materials (see EXPLANATORY NOTE to section 5.4), and intended for a leakage pressure change rate of less than 10 Pa per hour under a pressure difference of 100 kPa. |
0B001.c |
6. Bellows-sealed valves, manual or automated, shut-off or control, made of or protected by “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6”; |
TLB5.4.4 |
Special shut-off and control valves Especially designed or prepared bellows-sealed valves, manual or automated, shut-off or control, made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, for installation in main and auxiliary systems of gaseous diffusion enrichment plants. |
0B001.d |
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for aerodynamic separation process, as follows: 1. Separation nozzles consisting of slit-shaped, curved channels having a radius of curvature less than 1 mm, resistant to corrosion by UF6, and having a knife-edge contained within the nozzle which separates the gas flowing through the nozzle into two streams; |
TLB5.5.1 |
Separation nozzles Especially designed or prepared separation nozzles and assemblies thereof. The separation nozzles consist of slit-shaped, curved channels having a radius of curvature less than 1 mm, resistant to corrosion by UF6 and having a knife-edge within the nozzle that separates the gas flowing through the nozzle into two fractions. |
0B001.d |
2. Cylindrical or conical tubes, (vortex tubes), made of or protected by “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6” and with one or more tangential inlets; |
TLB5.5.2 |
Vortex tubes Especially designed or prepared vortex tubes and assemblies thereof. The vortex tubes are cylindrical or tapered, made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, and with one or more tangential inlets. The tubes may be equipped with nozzletype appendages at either or both ends. EXPLANATORY NOTE The feed gas enters the vortex tube tangentially at one end or through swirl vanes or at numerous tangential positions along the periphery of the tube. |
0B001.d |
3. Compressors or gas blowers made of or protected by “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6”, and rotary shaft seals therefor; |
TLB5.5.3 TLB5.5.4 |
Compressors and gas blowers Especially designed or prepared compressors or gas blowers made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by the UF6/carrier gas (hydrogen or helium) mixture. Rotary shaft seals Especially designed or prepared rotary shaft seals, with seal feed and seal exhaust connections, for sealing the shaft connecting the compressor rotor or the gas blower rotor with the driver motor so as to ensure a reliable seal against out-leakage of process gas or in-leakage of air or seal gas into the inner chamber of the compressor or gas blower which is filled with a UF6/carrier gas mixture. |
0B001.d |
4. Heat exchangers made of or protected by “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6”; |
TLB5.5.5 |
Heat exchangers for gas cooling Especially designed or prepared heat exchangers made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6. |
0B001.d |
5. Separation element housings, made of or protected by “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6” to contain vortex tubes or separation nozzles; |
TLB5.5.6 |
Separation element housings Especially designed or prepared separation element housings, made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, for containing vortex tubes or separation nozzles. |
0B001.d |
6. Bellows-sealed valves, manual or automated, shut-off or control, made of or protected by “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6”, with a diameter of 40 mm or more; |
TLB5.5.10 |
UF6 mass spectrometers/Ion sources Especially designed or prepared mass spectrometers capable of taking on-line samples from UF6 gas streams and having all of the following: 1. Capable of measuring ions of 320 atomic mass units or greater and having a resolution of better than 1 part in 320; 2. Ion sources constructed of or protected by nickel, nickel-copper alloys with a nickel content of 60 % or more by weight, or nickel-chrome alloys; 3. Electron bombardment ionization sources; 4. Having a collector system suitable for isotopic analysis. |
0B001.d |
7. Process systems for separating UF6 from carrier gas (hydrogen or helium) to 1 ppm UF6 content or less, including: a. Cryogenic heat exchangers and cryoseparators capable of temperatures of 153K (–120 °C) or less; b. Cryogenic refrigeration units capable of temperatures of 153 K (–120 °C) or less; c. Separation nozzle or vortex tube units for the separation of UF6 from carrier gas; d. UF6 cold traps capable of freezing out UF6; |
TLB5.5.12 |
UF6/carrier gas separation systems Especially designed or prepared process systems for separating UF6 from carrier gas (hydrogen or helium). EXPLANATORY NOTE These systems are designed to reduce the UF6 content in the carrier gas to 1 ppm or less and may incorporate equipment such as: (a) Cryogenic heat exchangers and cryoseparators capable of temperatures of 153 K (–120 °C) or less, or (b) Cryogenic refrigeration units capable of temperatures of 153 K (–120 °C) or less, or (c) Separation nozzle or vortex tube units for the separation of UF6 from carrier gas, or (d) UF6 cold traps capable of freezing out UF6. |
0B001.e |
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for chemical exchange separation process, as follows: 1. Fast-exchange liquid-liquid pulse columns with stage residence time of 30 seconds or less and resistant to concentrated hydrochloric acid (e.g. made of or protected by suitable plastic materials such as fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers or glass) |
TLB5.6.1 |
Liquid-liquid exchange columns (Chemical exchange) Countercurrent liquid-liquid exchange columns having mechanical power input, especially designed or prepared for uranium enrichment using the chemical exchange process. For corrosion resistance to concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions, these columns and their internals are normally made of or protected by suitable plastic materials (such as fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers) or glass. The stage residence time of the columns is normally designed to be 30 seconds or less. |
0B001.e |
2. Fast-exchange liquid-liquid centrifugal contactors with stage residence time of 30 seconds or less and resistant to concentrated hydrochloric acid (e.g. made of or protected by suitable plastic materials such as fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers or glass); |
TLB5.6.2 |
Liquid-liquid centrifugal contactors (Chemical exchange) Liquid-liquid centrifugal contactors especially designed or prepared for uranium enrichment using the chemical exchange process. Such contactors use rotation to achieve dispersion of the organic and aqueous streams and then centrifugal force to separate the phases. For corrosion resistance to concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions, the contactors are normally made of or protected by suitable plastic materials (such as fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers) or glass. The stage residence time of the centrifugal contactors is normally designed to be 30 seconds or less. |
0B001.e |
3. Electrochemical reduction cells resistant to concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions, for reduction of uranium from one valence state to another; |
TLB5.6.3a |
Uranium reduction systems and equipment (Chemical exchange) (a) Especially designed or prepared electrochemical reduction cells to reduce uranium from one valence state to another for uranium enrichment using the chemical exchange process. The cell materials in contact with process solutions must be corrosion resistant to concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions. EXPLANATORY NOTE The cell cathodic compartment must be designed to prevent re-oxidation of uranium to its higher valence state. To keep the uranium in the cathodic compartment, the cell may have an impervious diaphragm membrane constructed of special cation exchange material. The cathode consists of a suitable solid conductor such as graphite. |
0B001.e |
4. Electrochemical reduction cells feed equipment to take U+4 from the organic stream and, for those parts in contact with the process stream, made of or protected by suitable materials (e.g. glass, fluorocarbon polymers, polyphenyl sulphate, polyether sulfone and resin-impregnated graphite); |
TLB5.6.3b |
(b) Especially designed or prepared systems at the product end of the cascade for taking the U+4 out of the organic stream, adjusting the acid concentration and feeding to the electrochemical reduction cells. EXPLANATORY NOTE These systems consist of solvent extraction equipment for stripping the U+4 from the organic stream into an aqueous solution, evaporation and/or other equipment to accomplish solution pH adjustment and control, and pumps or other transfer devices for feeding to the electrochemical reduction cells. A major design concern is to avoid contamination of the aqueous stream with certain metal ions. Consequently, for those parts in contact with the process stream, the system is constructed of equipment made of or protected by suitable materials (such as glass, fluorocarbon polymers, polyphenyl sulfate, polyether sulfone, and resinimpregnated graphite). |
0B001.e |
5. Feed preparation systems for producing high purity uranium chloride solution consisting of dissolution, solvent extraction and/or ion exchange equipment for purification and electrolytic cells for reducing the uranium U+6 or U+4 to U+3; |
TLB5.6.4 |
Feed preparation systems (Chemical exchange) Especially designed or prepared systems for producing high-purity uranium chloride feed solutions for chemical exchange uranium isotope separation plants. EXPLANATORY NOTE These systems consist of dissolution, solvent extraction and/or ion exchange equipment for purification and electrolytic cells for reducing the uranium U+6 or U+4 to U+3. These systems produce uranium chloride solutions having only a few parts per million of metallic impurities such as chromium, iron, vanadium, molybdenum and other bivalent or higher multi-valent cations. Materials of construction for portions of the system processing high-purity U+3 include glass, fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers, polyphenyl sulfate or polyether sulfone plastic-lined and resin-impregnated graphite. NSG Part 1 June 2013 - 39 - 5.6.5. Uranium |
0B001.e |
6. Uranium oxidation systems for oxidation of U+3 to U+4; |
TLB5.6.5 |
Uranium oxidation systems (Chemical exchange) Especially designed or prepared systems for oxidation of U+3 to U+4 for return to the uranium isotope separation cascade in the chemical exchange enrichment process. EXPLANATORY NOTE These systems may incorporate equipment such as: (a) Equipment for contacting chlorine and oxygen with the aqueous effluent from the isotope separation equipment and extracting the resultant U+4 into the stripped organic stream returning from the product end of the cascade, (b) Equipment that separates water from hydrochloric acid so that the water and the concentrated hydrochloric acid may be reintroduced to the process at the proper locations. |
0B001.f |
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for ion-exchange separation process, as follows: 1. Fast reacting ion-exchange resins, pellicular or porous macro-reticulated resins in which the active chemical exchange groups are limited to a coating on the surface of an inactive porous support structure, and other composite structures in any suitable form, including particles or fibres, with diameters of 0,2 mm or less, resistant to concentrated hydrochloric acid and designed to have an exchange rate half-time of less than 10 seconds and capable of operating at temperatures in the range of 373 K (100 °C) to 473 K (200 °C); |
TLB5.6.6 |
Fast-reacting ion exchange resins/adsorbents (Ion exchange) Fast-reacting ion-exchange resins or adsorbents especially designed or prepared for uranium enrichment using the ion exchange process, including porous macroreticular resins, and/or pellicular structures in which the active chemical exchange groups are limited to a coating on the surface of an inactive porous support structure, and other composite structures in any suitable form including particles or fibres. These ion exchange resins/adsorbents have diameters of 0,2 mm or less and must be chemically resistant to concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions as well as physically strong enough so as not to degrade in the exchange columns. The resins/adsorbents are especially designed to achieve very fast uranium isotope exchange kinetics (exchange rate half-time of less than 10 seconds) and are capable of operating at a temperature in the range of 373 K (100 °C) to 473 K (200 °C). |
0B001.f |
2. Ion exchange columns (cylindrical) with a diameter greater than 1 000 mm, made of or protected by materials resistant to concentrated hydrochloric acid (e.g. titanium or fluorocarbon plastics) and capable of operating at temperatures in the range of 373 K (100 °C) to 473 K (200 °C) and pressures above 0,7 MPa; |
TLB5.6.7 |
Ion exchange columns (Ion exchange) Cylindrical columns greater than 1 000 mm in diameter for containing and supporting packed beds of ion exchange resin/adsorbent, especially designed or prepared for uranium enrichment using the ion exchange process. These columns are made of or protected by materials (such as titanium or fluorocarbon plastics) resistant to corrosion by concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions and are capable of operating at a temperature in the range of 373 K (100 °C) to 473 K (200 °C) and pressures above 0,7 MPa. |
0B001.f |
3. Ion exchange reflux systems (chemical or electrochemical oxidation or reduction systems) for regeneration of the chemical reducing or oxidizing agents used in ion exchange enrichment cascades; |
TLB5.6.8 |
Ion exchange reflux systems (Ion exchange) (a) Especially designed or prepared chemical or electrochemical reduction systems for regeneration of the chemical reducing agent(s) used in ion exchange uranium enrichment cascades. (b) Especially designed or prepared chemical or electrochemical oxidation systems for regeneration of the chemical oxidizing agent(s) used in ion exchange uranium enrichment cascades. |
0B001.g |
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for laser-based separation processes using atomic vapour laser isotope separation, as follows: 1. Uranium metal vaporization systems designed to achieve a delivered power of 1 kW or more on the target for use in laser enrichment; |
TLB5.7.1 |
Uranium vaporization systems (atomic vapour based methods) Especially designed or prepared uranium metal vaporization systems for use in laser enrichment. EXPLANATORY NOTE These systems may contain electron beam guns and are designed to achieve a delivered power (1 kW or greater) on the target sufficient to generate uranium metal vapour at a rate required for the laser enrichment function. |
0B001.g |
2. Liquid or vapour uranium metal handling systems specially designed or prepared for handling molten uranium, molten uranium alloys or uranium metal vapour for use in laser enrichment, and specially designed components therefor; N.B.: SEE ALSO 2A225. |
TLB5.7.2 |
Liquid or vapour uranium metal handling systems and components (atomic vapour based methods) Especially designed or prepared systems for handling molten uranium, molten uranium alloys or uranium metal vapour for use in laser enrichment or especially designed or prepared components therefore. EXPLANATORY NOTE The liquid uranium metal handling systems may consist of crucibles and cooling equipment for the crucibles. The crucibles and other parts of this system that come into contact with molten uranium, molten uranium alloys or uranium metal vapour are made of or protected by materials of suitable corrosion and heat resistance. Suitable materials may include tantalum, yttria-coated graphite, graphite coated with other rare earth oxides (see INFCIRC/254/Part 2 — (as amended)) or mixtures thereof. |
0B001.g |
3. Product and tails collector assemblies for uranium metal in liquid or solid form, made of or protected by materials resistant to the heat and corrosion of uranium metal vapour or liquid, such as yttria-coated graphite or tantalum; |
TLB5.7.3 |
Uranium metal ‘product’ and ‘tails’ collector assemblies (atomic vapour based methods) Especially designed or prepared ‘product’ and ‘tails’ collector assemblies for uranium metal in liquid or solid form. EXPLANATORY NOTE Components for these assemblies are made of or protected by materials resistant to the heat and corrosion of uranium metal vapour or liquid (such as yttria-coated graphite or tantalum) and may include pipes, valves, fittings, ‘gutters’, feed-throughs, heat exchangers and collector plates for magnetic, electrostatic or other separation methods. |
0B001.g |
4. Separator module housings (cylindrical or rectangular vessels) for containing the uranium metal vapour source, the electron beam gun and the product and tails collectors; |
TLB5.7.4 |
Separator module housings (atomic vapour based methods) Especially designed or prepared cylindrical or rectangular vessels for containing the uranium metal vapour source, the electron beam gun, and the ‘product’ and ‘tails’ collectors. EXPLANATORY NOTE These housings have multiplicity of ports for electrical and water feed-throughs, laser beam windows, vacuum pump connections and instrumentation diagnostics and monitoring. They have provisions for opening and closure to allow refurbishment of internal components. |
0B001.g |
5. “Lasers” or “laser” systems specially designed or prepared for the separation of uranium isotopes with a spectrum frequency stabilisation for operation over extended periods of time; N.B.: SEE ALSO 6A005 AND 6A205. |
TLB5.7.13 |
Laser systems Lasers or laser systems especially designed or prepared for the separation of uranium isotopes. EXPLANATORY NOTE The lasers and laser components of importance in laser-based enrichment processes include those identified in INFCIRC/254/Part 2 — (as amended). The laser system typically contains both optical and electronic components for the management of the laser beam (or beams) and the transmission to the isotope separation chamber. The laser system for atomic vapour based methods usually consists of tunable dye lasers pumped by another type of laser (e.g., copper vapour lasers or certain solid-state lasers). The laser system for molecular based methods may consist of CO2 lasers or excimer lasers and a multi-pass optical cell. Lasers or laser systems for both methods require spectrum frequency stabilization for operation over extended periods of time. |
0B001.h |
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for laser-based separation processes using molecular laser isotope separation, as follows: 1. Supersonic expansion nozzles for cooling mixtures of UF6 and carrier gas to 150 K (–123 °C) or less and made from “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6”; |
TLB5.7.5 |
Supersonic expansion nozzles (molecular based methods) Especially designed or prepared supersonic expansion nozzles for cooling mixtures of UF6 and carrier gas to 150 K (–123 °C) or less and which are corrosion resistant to UF6. |
0B001.h |
2. Product or tails collector components or devices specially designed or prepared for collecting uranium material or uranium tails material following illumination with laser light, made of “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6”; |
TLB5.7.6 |
‘Product’ or ‘tails’ collectors (molecular based methods) Especially designed or prepared components or devices for collecting uranium product material or uranium tails material following illumination with laser light. EXPLANATORY NOTE In one example of molecular laser isotope separation, the product collectors serve to collect enriched uranium pentafluoride (UF5) solid material. The product collectors may consist of filter, impact, or cyclone-type collectors, or combinations thereof, and must be corrosion resistant to the UF5/ UF6 environment. |
0B001.h |
3. Compressors made of or protected by “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6”, and rotary shaft seals therefor; |
TLB5.7.7 |
UF6/carrier gas compressors (molecular based methods) Especially designed or prepared compressors for UF6/carrier gas mixtures, designed for long term operation in a UF6 environment. The components of these compressors that come into contact with process gas are made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6. |
TLB5.7.8 |
Rotary shaft seals (molecular based methods) Especially designed or prepared rotary shaft seals, with seal feed and seal exhaust connections, for sealing the shaft connecting the compressor rotor with the driver motor so as to ensure a reliable seal against out-leakage of process gas or in-leakage of air or seal gas into the inner chamber of the compressor which is filled with a UF6/carrier gas mixture. |
0B001.h |
4. Equipment for fluorinating UF5 (solid) to UF6 (gas); |
TLB5.7.9 |
Fluorination systems (molecular based methods) Especially designed or prepared systems for fluorinating UF5 (solid) to UF6 (gas). EXPLANATORY NOTE These systems are designed to fluorinate the collected UF5 powder to UF6 for subsequent collection in product containers or for transfer as feed for additional enrichment. In one approach, the fluorination reaction may be accomplished within the isotope separation system to react and recover directly off the ‘product’ collectors. In another approach, the UF5 powder may be removed/transferred from the ‘product’ collectors into a suitable reaction vessel (e.g., fluidized-bed reactor, screw reactor or flame tower) for fluorination. In both approaches, equipment for storage and transfer of fluorine (or other suitable fluorinating agents) and for collection and transfer of UF6 are used. |
0B001.h |
5. Process systems for separating UF6 from carrier gas (e.g. nitrogen, argon or other gas) including: a. Cryogenic heat exchangers and cryoseparators capable of temperatures of 153 K (–120 °C) or less; b. Cryogenic refrigeration units capable of temperatures of 153 K (–120 °C) or less; c. UF6 cold traps capable of freezing out UF6; |
TLB5.7.12 |
UF6/carrier gas separation systems (molecular based methods) Especially designed or prepared process systems for separating UF6 from carrier gas. EXPLANATORY NOTE These systems may incorporate equipment such as: (a) Cryogenic heat exchangers or cryoseparators capable of temperatures of 153 K (– 120 °C) or less, or (b) Cryogenic refrigeration units capable of temperatures of 153 K (–120 °C) or less, or (c) UF6 cold traps capable of freezing out UF6. The carrier gas may be nitrogen, argon, or other gas. |
0B001.h |
6. “Lasers” or “laser” systems specially designed or prepared for the separation of uranium isotopes with a spectrum frequency stabilisation for operation over extended periods of time; N.B.: SEE ALSO 6A005 AND 6A205. |
TLB5.7.13 |
Laser systems Lasers or laser systems especially designed or prepared for the separation of uranium isotopes. EXPLANATORY NOTE The lasers and laser components of importance in laser-based enrichment processes include those identified in INFCIRC/254/Part 2 — (as amended). The laser system typically contains both optical and electronic components for the management of the laser beam (or beams) and the transmission to the isotope separation chamber. The laser system for atomic vapour based methods usually consists of tunable dye lasers pumped by another type of laser (e.g., copper vapour lasers or certain solid-state lasers). The laser system for molecular based methods may consist of CO2 lasers or excimer lasers and a multi-pass optical cell. Lasers or laser systems for both methods require spectrum frequency stabilization for operation over extended periods of time. |
0B001.i |
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for plasma separation process, as follows: 1. Microwave power sources and antennae for producing or accelerating ions, with an output frequency greater than 30 GHz and mean power output greater than 50 kW; |
TLB5.8.1 |
Microwave power sources and antennae Especially designed or prepared microwave power sources and antennae for producing or accelerating ions and having the following characteristics: greater than 30 GHz frequency and greater than 50 kW mean power output for ion production. |
0B001.i |
2. Radio frequency ion excitation coils for frequencies of more than 100 kHz and capable of handling more than 40 kW mean power; |
TLB5.8.2 |
Ion excitation coils Especially designed or prepared radio frequency ion excitation coils for frequencies of more than 100 kHz and capable of handling more than 40 kW mean power. |
0B001.i |
3. Uranium plasma generation systems; |
TLB5.8.3 |
Uranium plasma generation systems Especially designed or prepared systems for the generation of uranium plasma for use in plasma separation plants. |
0B001.i |
4. Not used; |
TLB5.8.4 |
No longer used — since 14 June 2013 |
0B001.i |
5. Product and tails collector assemblies for uranium metal in solid form, made of or protected by materials resistant to the heat and corrosion of uranium vapour such as yttria-coated graphite or tantalum; |
TLB5.8.5 |
Uranium metal ‘product’ and ‘tails’ collector assemblies Especially designed or prepared ‘product’ and ‘tails’ collector assemblies for uranium metal in solid form. These collector assemblies are made of or protected by materials resistant to the heat and corrosion of uranium metal vapor, such as yttria-coated graphite or tantalum. |
0B001.i |
6. Separator module housings (cylindrical) for containing the uranium plasma source, radio-frequency drive coil and the product and tails collectors and made of a suitable non-magnetic material (e.g. stainless steel); |
TLB.5.8.6 |
Separator module housings Cylindrical vessels especially designed or prepared for use in plasma separation enrichment plants for containing the uranium plasma source, radio-frequency drive coil and the “product” and “tails” collectors. EXPLANATORY NOTE These housings have a multiplicity of ports for electrical feed-throughs, diffusion pump connections and instrumentation diagnostics and monitoring. They have provisions for opening and closure to allow for refurbishment of internal components and are constructed of a suitable non-magnetic material such as stainless steel. |
0B001.j |
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for electromagnetic separation process, as follows: 1. Ion sources, single or multiple, consisting of a vapour source, ioniser, and beam accelerator made of suitable non-magnetic materials (e.g. graphite, stainless steel, or copper) and capable of providing a total ion beam current of 50 mA or greater; |
TLB5.9.1a |
Electromagnetic isotope separators Electromagnetic isotope separators especially designed or prepared for the separation of uranium isotopes, and equipment and components therefor, including: (a) Ion sources Especially designed or prepared single or multiple uranium ion sources consisting of a vapour source, ionizer, and beam accelerator, constructed of suitable materials such as graphite, stainless steel, or copper, and capable of providing a total ion beam current of 50 mA or greater. |
0B001.j |
2. Ion collector plates for collection of enriched or depleted uranium ion beams, consisting of two or more slits and pockets and made of suitable non-magnetic materials (e.g. graphite or stainless steel); |
TLB5.9.1b |
Ion collectors Collector plates consisting of two or more slits and pockets especially designed or prepared for collection of enriched and depleted uranium ion beams and constructed of suitable materials such as graphite or stainless steel. |
0B001.j |
3. Vacuum housings for uranium electromagnetic separators made of non-magnetic materials (e.g. stainless steel) and designed to operate at pressures of 0,1 Pa or lower; |
TLB5.9.1c |
Vacuum housings Especially designed or prepared vacuum housings for uranium electromagnetic separators, constructed of suitable non-magnetic materials such as stainless steel and designed for operation at pressures of 0,1 Pa or lower. EXPLANATORY NOTE The housings are specially designed to contain the ion sources, collector plates and water-cooled liners and have provision for diffusion pump connections and opening and closure for removal and reinstallation of these components. |
0B001.j |
4. Magnet pole pieces with a diameter greater than 2 m; |
TLB5.9.1d |
Magnet pole pieces Especially designed or prepared magnet pole pieces having a diameter greater than 2 m used to maintain a constant magnetic field within an electromagnetic isotope separator and to transfer the magnetic field between adjoining separators. |
0B001.j |
5. High voltage power supplies for ion sources, having all of the following characteristics: a. Capable of continuous operation; b. Output voltage of 20 000 V or greater; c. Output current of 1 A or greater; and d. Voltage regulation of better than 0,01 % over a period of 8 hours; N.B.: SEE ALSO 3A227. |
TLB5.9.2 |
High voltage power supplies Especially designed or prepared high-voltage power supplies for ion sources, having all of the following characteristics: capable of continuous operation, output voltage of 20 000 V or greater, output current of 1 A or greater, and voltage regulation of better than 0,01 % over a time period of 8 hours. |
0B001.j |
6. Magnet power supplies (high power, direct current) having all of the following characteristics: a. Capable of continuous operation with a current output of 500 A or greater at a voltage of 100 V or greater; and b. Current or voltage regulation better than 0,01 % over a period of 8 hours. N.B.: SEE ALSO 3A226. |
TLB5.9.3 |
Magnet power supplies Especially designed or prepared high-power, direct current magnet power supplies having all of the following characteristics: capable of continuously producing a current output of 500 A or greater at a voltage of 100 V or greater and with a current or voltage regulation better than 0,01 % over a period of 8 hours. |
0B002 |
Specially designed or prepared auxiliary systems, equipment and components, as follows, for isotope separation plant specified in 0B001, made of or protected by “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6”: |
0B002.a |
Feed autoclaves, ovens or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; |
TLB5.2.1 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers, cold traps or pumps used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
TLB5.4.1 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers, cold traps or pumps used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
TLB5.5.7 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers (or cold traps) used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers |
TLB5.7.11 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems (molecular based methods) Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers (or cold traps) used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
0B002.b |
Desublimers or cold traps, used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; |
TLB5.2.1 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers, cold traps or pumps used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
TLB5.4.1 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers, cold traps or pumps used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
TLB5.5.7 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers (or cold traps) used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
TLB5.7.11 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems (molecular based methods) Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers (or cold traps) used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
0B002.c |
Product and tails stations for transferring UF6 into containers; |
TLB5.2.1 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers, cold traps or pumps used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
TLB5.4.1 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers, cold traps or pumps used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
TLB5.5.7 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers (or cold traps) used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
TLB5.7.11 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems (molecular based methods) Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers (or cold traps) used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
0B002.d |
Liquefaction or solidification stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing, cooling and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; |
TLB5.2.1 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers, cold traps or pumps used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
TLB5.4.1 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers, cold traps or pumps used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
TLB5.5.7 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers (or cold traps) used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
TLB5.7.11 |
Feed systems/product and tails withdrawal systems (molecular based methods) Especially designed or prepared process systems or equipment for enrichment plants made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, including: (a) Feed autoclaves, ovens, or systems used for passing UF6 to the enrichment process; (b) Desublimers (or cold traps) used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process for subsequent transfer upon heating; (c) Solidification or liquefaction stations used to remove UF6 from the enrichment process by compressing and converting UF6 to a liquid or solid form; (d) ‘Product’ or ‘tails’ stations used for transferring UF6 into containers. |
0B002.e |
Piping systems and header systems specially designed or prepared for handling UF6 within gaseous diffusion, centrifuge or aerodynamic cascades; |
TLB5.2.2 |
Machine header piping systems Especially designed or prepared piping systems and header systems for handling UF6 within the centrifuge cascades. The piping network is normally of the ‘triple’ header system with each centrifuge connected to each of the headers. There is thus a substantial amount of repetition in its form. It is wholly made of or protected by UF6-resistant materials (see EXPLANATORY NOTE to this section) and is fabricated to very high vacuum and cleanliness standards. |
TLB5.4.2 |
Header piping systems Especially designed or prepared piping systems and header systems for handling UF6 within the gaseous diffusion cascades. EXPLANATORY NOTE This piping network is normally of the “double” header system with each cell connected to each of the headers. |
TLB5.5.8 |
Header piping systems Especially designed or prepared header piping systems, made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, for handling UF6 within the aerodynamic cascades. This piping network is normally of the ‘double’ header design with each stage or group of stages connected to each of the headers. |
0B002.f |
Vacuum systems and pumps as follows: 1. Vacuum manifolds, vacuum headers or vacuum pumps having a suction capacity of 5 m3/minute or more; 2. Vacuum pumps specially designed for use in UF6 bearing atmospheres made of, or protected by, “materials resistant to corrosion by UF6”; or 3. Vacuum systems consisting of vacuum manifolds, vacuum headers and vacuum pumps, and designed for service in UF6-bearing atmospheres; |
TLB5.4.3a |
Vacuum systems (a) Especially designed or prepared vacuum manifolds, vacuum headers and vacuum pumps having a suction capacity of 5 m3 per minute or more. |
TLB5.4.3b |
(b) Vacuum pumps especially designed for service in UF6-bearing atmospheres made of, or protected by, materials resistant to corrosion by UF6 (see EXPLANATORY NOTE to this section). These pumps may be either rotary or positive, may have displacement and fluorocarbon seals, and may have special working fluids present. |
TLB5.5.9b |
Vacuum systems and pumps Vacuum pumps especially designed or prepared for service in UF6-bearing atmospheres and made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6. These pumps may use fluorocarbon seals and special working fluids. |
TLB5.5.9a |
Especially designed or prepared vacuum systems consisting of vacuum manifolds, vacuum headers and vacuum pumps, and designed for service in UF6-bearing atmospheres |
0B002.g |
UF6 mass spectrometers/ion sources capable of taking on-line samples from UF6 gas streams and having all of the following: 1. Capable of measuring ions of 320 atomic mass units or greater and having a resolution of better than 1 part in 320; 2. Ion sources constructed of or protected by nickel, nickel-copper alloys with a nickel content of 60 % or more by weight, or nickel-chrome alloys; 3. Electron bombardment ionisation sources; and 4. Having a collector system suitable for isotopic analysis. |
TLB5.2.4 |
UF6 mass spectrometers/ion sources Especially designed or prepared mass spectrometers capable of taking on-line samples from UF6 gas streams and having all of the following: 1. Capable of measuring ions of 320 atomic mass units or greater and having a resolution of better than 1 part in 320; 2. Ion sources constructed of or protected by nickel, nickel-copper alloys with a nickel content of 60 % or more by weight, or nickel-chrome alloys; 3. Electron bombardment ionization sources; 4. Having a collector system suitable for isotopic analysis. |
TLB5.4.5 |
UF6 mass spectrometers/ion sources Especially designed or prepared mass spectrometers capable of taking on-line samples from UF6 gas streams and having all of the following: 1. Capable of measuring ions of 320 atomic mass units or greater and having a resolution of better than 1 part in 320; 2. Ion sources constructed of or protected by nickel, nickel-copper alloys with a nickel content of 60 % or more by weight, or nickel-chrome alloys; 3. Electron bombardment ionization sources; 4. Having a collector system suitable for isotopic analysis. |
TLB5.5.11 |
UF6 mass spectrometers/Ion sources Especially designed or prepared mass spectrometers capable of taking on-line samples from UF6 gas streams and having all of the following: 1. Capable of measuring ions of 320 atomic mass units or greater and having a resolution of better than 1 part in 320; 2. Ion sources constructed of or protected by nickel, nickel-copper alloys with a nickel content of 60 % or more by weight, or nickel-chrome alloys; 3. Electron bombardment ionization sources; 4. Having a collector system suitable for isotopic analysis. |
TLB5.7.10 |
Special shut-off and control valves Especially designed or prepared bellows-sealed valves, manual or automated, shut-off or control, made of or protected by materials resistant to corrosion by UF6, with a diameter of 40 mm or greater, for installation in main and auxiliary systems of aerodynamic enrichment plants. |
0B003 |
Plant for the conversion of uranium and equipment specially designed or prepared therefor, as follows: |
TLB7.1 |
Especially designed or prepared systems for the conversion of uranium ore concentrates to UO3 |
0B003.a |
Systems for the conversion of uranium ore concentrates to UO3; |
TLB7.1.1 |
EXPLANATORY NOTE Conversion of uranium ore concentrates to UO3 can be performed by first dissolving the ore in nitric acid and extracting purified uranyl nitrate using a solvent such as tributyl phosphate. Next, the uranyl nitrate is converted to UO3 either by concentration and denitration or by neutralization with gaseous ammonia to produce ammonium diuranate with subsequent filtering, drying, and calcining |
0B003.b |
Systems for the conversion of UO3 to UF6; |
TLB7.1.2 |
Especially designed or prepared systems for the conversion of UO3 to UF6 EXPLANATORY NOTE EXPLANATORY NOTE Conversion of UO3 to UO2 can be performed through reduction of UO3 with cracked ammonia gas or hydrogen. |
0B003.c |
Systems for the conversion of UO3 to UO2; |
TLB7.1.3 |
Especially designed or prepared systems for the conversion of UO3 to UO2 EXPLANATORY NOTE Conversion of UO3 to UO2 can be performed through reduction of UO3 with cracked ammonia gas or hydrogen. |
0B003.d |
Systems for the conversion of UO2 to UF4; |
TLB7.1.4 |
Especially designed or prepared systems for the conversion of UO2 to UF4 EXPLANATORY NOTE Conversion of UO2 to UF4 can be performed by reacting UO2 with hydrogen fluoride gas (HF) at 300-500 °C. |
0B003.e |
Systems for the conversion of UF4 to UF6; |
TLB7.1.5 |
Especially designed or prepared systems for the conversion of UF4 to UF6 EXPLANATORY NOTE Conversion of UF4 to UF6 is performed by exothermic reaction with fluorine in a tower reactor. UF6 is condensed from the hot effluent gases by passing the effluent stream through a cold trap cooled to –10 °C. The process requires a source of fluorine gas |
0B003.f |
Systems for the conversion of UF4 to uranium metal; |
TLB7.1.6 |
Especially designed or prepared systems for the conversion of UF4 to U metal EXPLANATORY NOTE Conversion of UF4 to U metal is performed by reduction with magnesium (large batches) or calcium (small batches). The reaction is carried out at temperatures above the melting point of uranium (1 130 °C). |
0B003.g |
Systems for the conversion of UF6 to UO2; |
TLB7.1.7 |
Especially designed or prepared systems for the conversion of UF6 to UO2 EXPLANATORY NOTE Conversion of UF6 to UO2 can be performed by one of three processes. In the first, UF6 is reduced and hydrolyzed to UO2 using hydrogen and steam. In the second, UF6 is hydrolyzed by solution in water, ammonia is added to precipitate ammonium diuranate, and the diuranate is reduced to UO2 with hydrogen at 820 °C. In the third process, gaseous UF6, CO2, and NH3 are combined in water, precipitating ammonium uranyl carbonate. The ammonium uranyl carbonate is combined with steam and hydrogen at 500-600 °C to yield UO2. UF6 to UO2 conversion is often performed as the first stage of a fuel fabrication plant. |
0B003.h |
Systems for the conversion of UF6 to UF4; |
TLB7.1.8 |
Especially designed or prepared systems for the conversion of UF6 to UF4 EXPLANATORY NOTE Conversion of UF6 to UF4 is performed by reduction with hydrogen. |
0B003.i |
Systems for the conversion of UO2 to UCl4. |
TLB7.1.9 |
Especially designed or prepared systems for the conversion of UO2 to UCl4 EXPLANATORY NOTE Conversion of UO2 to UCl4 can be performed by one of two processes. In the first, UO2 is reacted with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) at approximately 400 °C. In the second, UO2 is reacted at approximately 700 °C in the presence of carbon black (CAS 1333-86-4), carbon monoxide, and chlorine to yield UCl4. |
0B004 |
Plant for the production or concentration of heavy water, deuterium and deuterium compounds and specially designed or prepared equipment and components therefor, as follows: |
TLB6 |
Plants for the production or concentration of heavy water, deuterium and deuterium compounds and equipment especially designed or prepared therefor: |
0B004.a |
Plant for the production of heavy water, deuterium or deuterium compounds, as follows: 1. Water-hydrogen sulphide exchange plants; 2. Ammonia-hydrogen exchange plants; |
0B004.b |
Equipment and components, as follows: |
1. Water-hydrogen sulphide exchange towers with diameters of 1,5 m or more, capable of operating at pressures greater than or equal to 2 MPa; |
TLB6.1 |
Water — Hydrogen Sulphide Exchange Towers Exchange towers with diameters of 1,5 m or greater and capable of operating at pressures greater than or equal to 2 MPa (300 psi), especially designed or prepared for heavy water production utilizing the water-hydrogen sulphide exchange process. |
2. Single stage, low head (i.e. 0,2 MPa) centrifugal blowers or compressors for hydrogen sulphide gas circulation (i.e. gas containing more than 70 % H2S) with a throughput capacity greater than or equal to 56 m3/second when operating at pressures greater than or equal to 1,8 MPa suction and having seals designed for wet H2S service; |
TLB6.2 |
Blowers and Compressors Single stage, low head (i.e., 0,2 MPa or 30 psi) centrifugal blowers or compressors for hydrogen-sulphide gas circulation (i.e., gas containing more than 70 % H2S) especially designed or prepared for heavy water production utilizing the water-hydrogen sulphide exchange process. These blowers or compressors have a throughput capacity greater than or equal to 56 m3/second (120 000 SCFM) while operating at pressures greater than or equal to 1,8 MPa (260 psi) suction and have seals designed for wet H2S service. |
3. Ammonia-hydrogen exchange towers greater than or equal to 35 m in height with diameters of 1,5 m to 2,5 m capable of operating at pressures greater than 15 MPa; |
TLB6.3 |
Ammonia-Hydrogen Exchange Towers Ammonia-hydrogen exchange towers greater than or equal to 35 m (114,3 ft) in height with diameters of 1,5 m (4,9 ft) to 2,5 m (8,2 ft) capable of operating at pressures greater than 15 MPa (2 225 psi) especially designed or prepared for heavy water production utilizing the ammonia-hydrogen exchange process. These towers also have at least one flanged, axial opening of the same diameter as the cylindrical part through which the tower internals can be inserted or withdrawn. |
4. Tower internals, including stage contactors, and stage pumps, including those which are submersible, for heavy water production utilizing the ammonia-hydrogen exchange process; |
TLB6.4 |
Tower Internals and Stage Pumps Tower internals and stage pumps especially designed or prepared for towers for heavy water production utilizing the ammonia-hydrogen exchange process. Tower internals include especially designed stage contactors which promote intimate gas/liquid contact. Stage pumps include especially designed submersible pumps for circulation of liquid ammonia within a contacting stage internal to the stage towers. |
5. Ammonia crackers with operating pressures greater than or equal to 3 MPa for heavy water production utilizing the ammonia-hydrogen exchange process; |
TLB6.5 |
Ammonia Crackers Ammonia crackers with operating pressures greater than or equal to 3 MPa (450 psi) especially designed or prepared for heavy water production utilizing the ammoniahydrogen exchange process. |
6. Infrared absorption analysers capable of on-line hydrogen/deuterium ratio analysis where deuterium concentrations are equal to or greater than 90 %; |
TLB6.6 |
Infrared Absorption Analyzers Infrared absorption analyzers capable of “on-line” hydrogen/deuterium ratio analysis where deuterium concentrations are equal to or greater than 90 %. |
7. Catalytic burners for the conversion of enriched deuterium gas into heavy water utilizing the ammonia-hydrogen exchange process; |
TLB6.7 |
Catalytic Burners Catalytic burners for the conversion of enriched deuterium gas into heavy water especially designed or prepared for heavy water production utilizing the ammoniahydrogen exchange process. |
8. Complete heavy water upgrade systems, or columns therefor, for the upgrade of heavy water to reactor-grade deuterium concentration; |
TLB6.8 |
Complete heavy water upgrade systems or columns therefor Complete heavy water upgrade systems, or columns therefor, especially designed or prepared for the upgrade of heavy water to reactor-grade deuterium concentration. EXPLANATORY NOTE These systems, which usually employ water distillation to separate heavy water from light water, are especially designed or prepared to produce reactor-grade heavy water (i.e., typically 99,75 % deuterium oxide) from heavy water feedstock of lesser concentration. |
9. Ammonia synthesis converters or synthesis units specially designed or prepared for heavy water production utilizing the ammonia-hydrogen exchange process |
TLB6.9 |
Ammonia synthesis converters or synthesis units Ammonia synthesis converters or synthesis units especially designed or prepared for heavy water production utilizing the ammonia-hydrogen exchange process. EXPLANATORY NOTE These converters or units take synthesis gas (nitrogen and hydrogen) from an ammonia/hydrogen high-pressure exchange column (or columns), and the synthesized ammonia is returned to the exchange column (or columns). |
0B005 |
Plant specially designed for the fabrication of “nuclear reactor” fuel elements and specially designed or prepared equipment therefor. Technical Note: Specially designed or prepared equipment for the fabrication of “nuclear reactor” fuel elements includes equipment which: 1. Normally comes into direct contact with or directly processes or controls the production flow of nuclear materials; 2. Seals the nuclear materials within the cladding; 3. Checks the integrity of the cladding or the seal; 4. Checks the finish treatment of the sealed fuel; or 5. Is used for assembling reactor elements. |
Plants for the fabrication of nuclear reactor fuel elements, and equipment especially designed or prepared therefor INTRODUCTORY NOTE Nuclear fuel elements are manufactured from one or more of the source or special fissionable materials mentioned in MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT of this annex. For oxide fuels, the most common type of fuel, equipment for pressing pellets, sintering, grinding and grading will be present. Mixed oxide fuels are handled in glove boxes (or equivalent containment) until they are sealed in the cladding. In all cases, the fuel is hermetically sealed inside a suitable cladding which is designed to be the primary envelope encasing the fuel so as to provide suitable performance and safety during reactor operation. Also, in all cases, precise control of processes, procedures and equipment to extremely high standards is necessary in order to ensure predictable and safe fuel performance. EXPLANATORY NOTE Items of equipment that are considered to fall within the meaning of the phrase “and equipment especially designed or prepared” for the fabrication of fuel elements include equipment which: (a) normally comes in direct contact with, or directly processes, or controls, the production flow of nuclear material; (b) seals the nuclear material within the cladding; (c) checks the integrity of the cladding or the seal; (d) checks the finish treatment of the sealed fuel; or (e) is used for assembling reactor fuel elements. Such equipment or systems of equipment may include, for example: 1) fully automatic pellet inspection stations especially designed or prepared for checking final dimensions and surface defects of the fuel pellets; 2) automatic welding machines especially designed or prepared for welding end caps onto the fuel pins (or rods); 3) automatic test and inspection stations especially designed or prepared for checking the integrity of completed fuel pins (or rods); 4) systems especially designed or prepared to manufacture nuclear fuel cladding. Item 3 typically includes equipment for: a) x-ray examination of pin (or rod) end cap welds, b) helium leak detection from pressurized pins (or rods), and c) gamma-ray scanning of the pins (or rods) to check for correct loading of the fuel pellets inside. |
0B006 |
Plant for the reprocessing of irradiated “nuclear reactor” fuel elements, and specially designed or prepared equipment and components therefor. Note: 0B006 includes: a. Plant for the reprocessing of irradiated “nuclear reactor” fuel elements including equipment and components which normally come into direct contact with and directly control the irradiated fuel and the major nuclear material and fission product processing streams; |
TLB3 |
Plants for the reprocessing of irradiated fuel elements, and equipment especially designed or prepared therefor INTRODUCTORY NOTE Reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuel separates plutonium and uranium from intensely radioactive fission products and other transuranic elements. Different technical processes can accomplish this separation. However, over the years Purex has become the most commonly used and accepted process. Purex involves the dissolution of irradiated nuclear fuel in nitric acid, followed by separation of the uranium, plutonium, and fission products by solvent extraction using a mixture of tributyl phosphate in an organic diluent. Purex facilities have process functions similar to each other, including: irradiated fuel element chopping, fuel dissolution, solvent extraction, and process liquor storage. There may also be equipment for thermal denitration of uranium nitrate, conversion of plutonium nitrate to oxide or metal, and treatment of fission product waste liquor to a form suitable for long term storage or disposal. However, the specific type and configuration of the equipment performing these functions may differ between Purex facilities for several reasons, including the type and quantity of irradiated nuclear fuel to be reprocessed and the intended disposition of the recovered materials, and the safety and maintenance philosophy incorporated into the design of the facility. A “plant for the reprocessing of irradiated fuel elements”, includes the equipment and components which normally come in direct contact with and directly control the irradiated fuel and the major nuclear material and fission product processing streams. These processes, including the complete systems for plutonium conversion and plutonium metal production, may be identified by the measures taken to avoid criticality (e.g. by geometry), radiation exposure (e.g. by shielding), and toxicity hazards (e.g. by containment). |
b. Fuel element chopping or shredding machines, i.e. remotely operated equipment to cut, chop or shear irradiated “nuclear reactor” fuel assemblies, bundles or rods; |
TLB3.1 |
Irradiated fuel element chopping machines Remotely operated equipment especially designed or prepared for use in a reprocessing plant as identified above and intended to cut, chop or shear irradiated nuclear fuel assemblies, bundles or rods. EXPLANATORY NOTE This equipment breaches the cladding of the fuel to expose the irradiated nuclear material to dissolution. Especially designed metal cutting shears are the most commonly employed, although advanced equipment, such as lasers, may be used. |
c. Dissolvers, critically safe tanks (e.g. small diameter, annular or slab tanks) specially designed or prepared for the dissolution of irradiated “nuclear reactor” fuel, which are capable of withstanding hot, highly corrosive liquids, and which can be remotely loaded and maintained; |
TLB3.2 |
Dissolvers Critically safe tanks (e.g. small diameter, annular or slab tanks) especially designed or prepared for use in a reprocessing plant as identified above, intended for dissolution of irradiated nuclear fuel and which are capable of withstanding hot, highly corrosive liquid, and which can be remotely loaded and maintained. EXPLANATORY NOTE Dissolvers normally receive the chopped-up spent fuel. In these critically safe vessels, the irradiated nuclear material is dissolved in nitric acid and the remaining hulls removed from the process stream. |
d. Solvent extractors, such as packed or pulsed columns, mixer settlers or centrifugal contractors, resistant to the corrosive effects of nitric acid and specially designed or prepared for use in a plant for the reprocessing of irradiated “natural uranium”, “depleted uranium” or “special fissile materials”; |
TLB3.3 |
Solvent extractors and solvent extraction equipment Especially designed or prepared solvent extractors such as packed or pulse columns, mixer settlers or centrifugal contactors for use in a plant for the reprocessing of irradiated fuel. Solvent extractors must be resistant to the corrosive effect of nitric acid. Solvent extractors are normally fabricated to extremely high standards (including special welding and inspection and quality assurance and quality control techniques) out of low carbon stainless steels, titanium, zirconium, or other high quality materials. EXPLANATORY NOTE Solvent extractors both receive the solution of irradiated fuel from the dissolvers and the organic solution which separates the uranium, plutonium, and fission products. Solvent extraction equipment is normally designed to meet strict operating parameters, such as long operating lifetimes with no maintenance requirements or adaptability to easy replacement, simplicity of operation and control, and flexibility for variations in process conditions. |
e. Holding or storage vessels specially designed to be critically safe and resistant to the corrosive effects of nitric acid; Technical Note: Holding or storage vessels may have the following features: 1. Walls or internal structures with a boron equivalent (calculated for all constituent elements as defined in the note to 0C004) of at least two per cent; 2. A maximum diameter of 175 mm for cylindrical vessels; or 3. A maximum width of 75 mm for either a slab or annular vessel. |
TLB3.4 |
Chemical holding or storage vessels Especially designed or prepared holding or storage vessels for use in a plant for the reprocessing of irradiated fuel. The holding or storage vessels must be resistant to the corrosive effect of nitric acid. The holding or storage vessels are normally fabricated of materials such as low carbon stainless steels, titanium or zirconium, or other high quality materials. Holding or storage vessels may be designed for remote operation and maintenance and may have the following features for control of nuclear criticality: (1) walls or internal structures with a boron equivalent of at least two per cent, or (2) a maximum diameter of 175 mm (7 in) for cylindrical vessels, or (3) a maximum width of 75 mm (3 in) for either a slab or annular vessel. EXPLANATORY NOTE Three main process liquor streams result from the solvent extraction step. Holding or storage vessels are used in the further processing of all three streams, as follows: (a) The pure uranium nitrate solution is concentrated by evaporation and passed to a denitration process where it is converted to uranium oxide. This oxide is re-used in the nuclear fuel cycle. (b) The intensely radioactive fission products solution is normally concentrated by evaporation and stored as a liquor concentrate. This concentrate may be subsequently evaporated and converted to a form suitable for storage or disposal. (c) The pure plutonium nitrate solution is concentrated and stored pending its transfer to further process steps. In particular, holding or storage vessels for plutonium solutions are designed to avoid criticality problems resulting from changes in concentration and form of this stream. |
f. Neutron measurement systems specially designed or prepared for integration and use with automated process control systems in a plant for the reprocessing of irradiated “natural uranium”, “depleted uranium” or “special fissile materials”. |
TLB3.5 |
Neutron measurement systems for process control Neutron measurement systems especially designed or prepared for integration and use with automated process control systems in a plant for the reprocessing of irradiated fuel elements. EXPLANATORY NOTE These systems involve the capability of active and passive neutron measurement and discrimination in order to determine the fissile material quantity and composition. The complete system is composed of a neutron generator, a neutron detector, amplifiers, and signal processing electronics. The scope of this entry does not include neutron detection and measurement instruments that are designed for nuclear material accountancy and safeguarding or any other application not related to integration and use with automated process control systems in a plant for the reprocessing of irradiated fuel elements. |
0B007 |
Plant for the conversion of plutonium and equipment specially designed or prepared therefor, as follows: |
TLB7.2.1 |
Especially designed or prepared systems for the conversion of plutonium nitrate to oxide |
0B007.a |
a. Systems for the conversion of plutonium nitrate to oxide; |
EXPLANATORY NOTE The main functions involved in this process are: process feed storage and adjustment, precipitation and solid/liquor separation, calcination, product handling, ventilation, waste management, and process control. The process systems are particularly adapted so as to avoid criticality and radiation effects and to minimize toxicity hazards. In most reprocessing facilities, this process involves the conversion of plutonium nitrate to plutonium dioxide. Other processes can involve the precipitation of plutonium oxalate or plutonium peroxide. |
0B007.b |
b. Systems for plutonium metal production. |
TLB7.2.2 |
Especially designed or prepared systems for plutonium metal production EXPLANATORY NOTE This process usually involves the fluorination of plutonium dioxide, normally with highly corrosive hydrogen fluoride, to produce plutonium fluoride which is subsequently reduced using high purity calcium metal to produce metallic plutonium and a calcium fluoride slag. The main functions involved in this process are fluorination (e.g. involving equipment fabricated or lined with a precious metal), metal reduction (e.g. employing ceramic crucibles), slag recovery, product handling, ventilation, waste management and process control. The process systems are particularly adapted so as to avoid criticality and radiation effects and to minimize toxicity hazards. Other processes include the fluorination of plutonium oxalate or plutonium peroxide followed by a reduction to metal. |
0C001 |
“Natural uranium” or “depleted uranium” or thorium in the form of metal, alloy, chemical compound or concentrate and any other material containing one or more of the foregoing; Note: 0C001 does not control the following: a. Four grammes or less of “natural uranium” or “depleted uranium” when contained in a sensing component in instruments; b. “Depleted uranium” specially fabricated for the following civil non-nuclear applications: 1. Shielding; 2. Packaging; 3. Ballasts having a mass not greater than 100 kg; 4. Counter-weights having a mass not greater than 100 kg; c. Alloys containing less than 5 % thorium; d. Ceramic products containing thorium, which have been manufactured for non-nuclear use. |
TLA.1.1 |
1.1. “Source material” The term “source material” means uranium containing the mixture of isotopes occurring in nature; uranium depleted in the isotope 235; thorium; any of the foregoing in the form of metal, alloy, chemical compound, or concentrate; any other material containing one or more of the foregoing in such concentration as the Board of Governors shall from time to time determine; and such other material as the Board of Governors shall from time to time determine. |
0C002 |
“Special fissile materials” Note: 0C002 does not control four “effective grammes” or less when contained in a sensing component in instruments. |
TLA.1.2 |
1.2. “Special fissionable material” i) The term “special fissionable material” means plutonium-239; uranium-233; “uranium enriched in the isotopes 235 or 233”; any material containing one or more of the foregoing; and such other fissionable material as the Board of Governors shall from time to time determine; but the term “special fissionable material” does not include source material. ii) The term “uranium enriched in the isotopes 235 or 233” means uranium containing the isotopes 235 or 233 or both in an amount such that the abundance ratio of the sum of these isotopes to the isotope 238 is greater than the ratio of the isotope 235 to the isotope 238 occurring in nature. However, for the purposes of the Guidelines, items specified in subparagraph (a) below, and exports of source or special fissionable material to a given recipient country, within a period of 12 months, below the limits specified in subparagraph (b) below, shall not be included: (a) Plutonium with an isotopic concentration of plutonium-238 exceeding 80 %. Special fissionable material when used in gram quantities or less as a sensing component in instruments; and Source material which the Government is satisfied is to be used only in non-nuclear activities, such as the production of alloys or ceramics; (b)Special fissionable material 50 effective grams; Natural uranium 500 kilograms; Depleted uranium 1 000 kilograms; and Thorium 1 000 kilograms. |
0C003 |
Deuterium, heavy water (deuterium oxide) and other compounds of deuterium, and mixtures and solutions containing deuterium, in which the isotopic ratio of deuterium to hydrogen exceeds 1:5 000 . |
TLB2.1 |
2.1. Deuterium and heavy water Deuterium, heavy water (deuterium oxide) and any other deuterium compound in which the ratio of deuterium to hydrogen atoms exceeds 1:5 000 for use in a nuclear reactor as defined in paragraph 1.1. above in quantities exceeding 200 kg of deuterium atoms for any one recipient country in any period of 12 months. |
0C004 |
Graphite having a purity level better than 5 parts per million ‘boron equivalent’ and with a density greater than 1,50 g/cm3 for use in a “nuclear reactor”, in quantities exceeding 1 kg. N.B.: SEE ALSO 1C107 Note 1: For the purpose of export control, the competent authorities of the Member State in which the exporter is established will determine whether or not the exports of graphite meeting the above specifications are for “nuclear reactor” use. Note 2: In 0C004, ‘boron equivalent’ (BE) is defined as the sum of BEz for impurities (excluding BEcarbon since carbon is not considered an impurity) including boron, where: BEZ (ppm) = CF × concentration of element Z in ppm;
and σB and σZ are the thermal neutron capture cross sections (in barns) for naturally occurring boron and element Z respectively; and AB and AZ are the atomic masses of naturally occurring boron and element Z respectively. |
TLB2.2 |
2.2. Nuclear grade graphite Graphite having a purity level better than 5 parts per million boron equivalent and with a density greater than 1,50 g/cm3 for use in a nuclear reactor as defined in paragraph 1.1 above, in quantities exceeding 1 kilogram. EXPLANATORY NOTE For the purpose of export control, the Government will determine whether or not the exports of graphite meeting the above specifications are for nuclear reactor use. Boron equivalent (BE) may be determined xperimentally or is calculated as the sum of BEz for impurities (excluding BEcarbon since carbon is not considered an impurity) including boron, where: BEZ (ppm) = CF × concentration of element Z (in ppm); CF is the conversion factor: (σZ × AB) divided by (σB × Az); σB and σZ are the thermal neutron capture cross sections (in barns) for naturally occurring boron and element Z respectively; and AB and Az are the atomic masses of naturally occurring boron and element Z respectively. |
0C005 |
Specially prepared compounds or powders for the manufacture of gaseous diffusion barriers, resistant to corrosion by UF6 (e.g. nickel or alloy containing 60 weight per cent or more nickel, aluminium oxide and fully fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers), having a purity of 99,9 % by weight or more and a particle size less than 10 μm measured by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) B330 standard and a high degree of particle size uniformity. |
TLB5.3.1b |
Gaseous diffusion barriers and barrier materials (b) especially prepared compounds or powders for the manufacture of such filters. Such compounds and powders include nickel or alloys containing 60 % or more nickel, aluminium oxide, or UF6-resistant fully fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers having a purity of 99,9 % by weight or more, a particle size less than 10 μm, and a high degree of particle size uniformity, which are especially prepared for the manufacture of gaseous diffusion barriers. |
OD001 |
T*“Software” specially designed or modified for the “development”, “production” or “use” of goods specified in this Category. II* IV* |
TLB* |
“software” means a collection of one or more “programs” or “microprograms” fixed in any tangible medium of expression. “technical assistance” may take forms such as: instruction, skills, training, working knowledge, consulting services. |
0E001 |
T* “Technology” according to the Nuclear Technology Note for the “development”, “production” or “use” of goods specified in this Category. II* IV |
TLB* |
“technology” means specific information required for the “development”, “production”, or “use” of any item contained in the List. This information may take the form of “technical data”, or “technical assistance”. |
Item codes marked with a “TLB” refer to items listed in Annex B of the NSG Part 1 Trigger List. Item codes marked with “TLA” refer to items listed in Annex A of NSG Part 1 Trigger List. Item codes marked with neither “TLB” nor “TLA” refer to items listed in the NSG Dual Use List, referenced in the Categories 1, 2 and 6. |
1A Systems, Equipment and Components
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
1A007 |
b. Electrically driven explosive detonators as follows: 1. Exploding bridge (EB); 2. Exploding bridge wire (EBW); 3. Slapper; 4. Exploding foil initiators (EFI). Technical Notes: 1. The word initiator or igniter is sometimes used in place of the word detonator. 2. For the purpose of 1A007.b. the detonators of concern all utilise a small electrical conductor (bridge, bridge wire, or foil) that explosively vaporises when a fast, high-current electrical pulse is passed through it. In non-slapper types, the exploding conductor starts a chemical detonation in a contacting high explosive material such as PETN (pentaerythritoltetranitrate). In 3. slapper detonators, the explosive vaporization of the electrical conductor drives a flyer or slapper across a gap, and the impact of the slapper on an explosive starts a chemical detonation. The slapper in some designs is driven by magnetic force. The term exploding foil detonator may refer to either an EB or a slapper-type detonator. |
6.A.1. |
Detonators and multipoint initiation systems, as follows: a. Electrically driven explosive detonators, as follows: 1. Exploding bridge (EB); 2. Exploding bridge wire (EBW); 3. Slapper; 4. Exploding foil initiators (EFI); |
1A007 |
Equipment and devices, specially designed to initiate charges and devices containing “energetic materials”, by electrical means, as follows: N.B.: SEE ALSO MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS, 3A229 AND 3A232. a. Explosive detonator firing sets designed to drive explosive detonators specified in 1A007.b.; |
6.A.2. |
Firing sets and equivalent high-current pulse generators, as follows: a. Detonator firing sets (initiation systems, firesets), including electronically-charged, explosively-driven and optically-driven firing sets designed to drive multiple controlled detonators specified by Item 6.A.1. above; |
1A202 |
Composite structures, other than those specified in 1A002, in the form of tubes and having both of the following characteristics: N.B.: SEE ALSO 9A010 AND 9A110. a. An inside diameter of between 75 mm and 400 mm; and b. Made with any of the “fibrous or filamentary materials” specified in 1C010.a. or b. or 1C210.a. or with carbon prepreg materials specified in 1C210.c. |
2.A.3. |
Composite structures in the form of tubes having both of the following characteristics: a. An inside diameter of between 75 and 400 mm; and b. Made with any of the “fibrous or filamentary materials” specified in Item 2.C.7.a. or carbon prepreg materials specified in Item 2.C.7.c. |
1A225 |
Platinized catalysts specially designed or prepared for promoting the hydrogen isotope exchange reaction between hydrogen and water for the recovery of tritium from heavy water or for the production of heavy water. |
2.A.2. |
Platinized catalysts specially designed or prepared for promoting the hydrogen isotope exchange reaction between hydrogen and water for the recovery of tritium from heavy water or for the production of heavy water. |
1A226 |
Specialized packings which may be used in separating heavy water from ordinary water, having both of the following characteristics: a. Made of phosphor bronze mesh chemically treated to improve wettability; and b. Designed to be used in vacuum distillation towers. |
4.A.1. |
Specialized packings which may be used in separating heavy water from ordinary water, having both of the following characteristics: a. Made of phosphor bronze mesh chemically treated to improve wettability; and b. Designed to be used in vacuum distillation towers. |
1A227 |
High-density (lead glass or other) radiation shielding windows, having all of the following characteristics, and specially designed frames therefor: a. A ‘cold area’ greater than 0,09 m2; b. A density greater than 3 g/cm3; and c. A thickness of 100 mm or greater. Technical Note: In 1A227 the term ‘cold area’ means the viewing area of the window exposed to the lowest level of radiation in the design application. |
1.A.1. |
High-density (lead glass or other) radiation shielding windows, having all of the following characteristics, and specially designed frames therefor: a. A ‘cold area’ greater than 0,09 m2; b. A density greater than 3 g/cm3; and c. A thickness of 100 mm or greater. Technical Note: In Item 1.A.1.a. the term ‘cold area’ means the viewing area of the window exposed to the lowest level of radiation in the design application. |
1B Test, Inspection and Production Equipment
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
1B201 |
Filament winding machines, other than those specified in 1B001 or 1B101, and related equipment, as follows: a. Filament winding machines having all of the following characteristics: 1. Having motions for positioning, wrapping, and winding fibres coordinated and programmed in two or more axes; 2. Specially designed to fabricate composite structures or laminates from “fibrous or filamentary materials”; and 3. Capable of winding cylindrical tubes with an internal diameter between 75 and 650 mm and lengths of 300 mm or greater; b. Coordinating and programming controls for the filament winding machines specified in 1B201.a.; c. Precision mandrels for the filament winding machines specified in 1B201.a. |
3.B.4. |
Filament winding machines and related equipment, as follows: a. Filament winding machines having all of the following characteristics: 1. Having motions for positioning, wrapping, and winding fibers coordinated and programmed in two or more axes; 2. Specially designed to fabricate composite structures or laminates from “fibrous or filamentary materials”; and 3. Capable of winding cylindrical tubes with an internal diameter between 75 and 650 mm and lengths of 300 mm or greater; b. Coordinating and programming controls for the filament winding machines specified in Item 3.B.4.a.; c. Precision mandrels for the filament winding machines specified in Item 3.B.4.a. |
1B225 |
Electrolytic cells for fluorine production with an output capacity greater than 250 g of fluorine per hour. |
3.B.1. |
Electrolytic cells for fluorine production with an output capacity greater than 250 g of fluorine per hour. |
1B226 |
Electromagnetic isotope separators designed for, or equipped with, single or multiple ion sources capable of providing a total ion beam current of 50 mA or greater. Note: 1B226 includes separators: a. Capable of enriching stable isotopes; b. With the ion sources and collectors both in the magnetic field and those configurations in which they are external to the field. |
3.B.5. |
Electromagnetic isotope separators designed for, or equipped with, single or multiple ion sources capable of providing a total ion beam current of 50 mA or greater. Notes: 1. Item 3.B.5. includes separators capable of enriching stable isotopes as well as those for uranium. N.B.: A separator capable of separating the isotopes of lead with a one-mass unit difference is inherently capable of enriching the isotopes of uranium with a three-unit mass difference. 2. Item 3.B.5. includes separators with the ion sources and collectors both in the magnetic field and those configurations in which they are external to the field. Technical Note: A single 50 mA ion source cannot produce more than 3 g of separated highly enriched uranium (HEU) per year from natural abundance feed. |
1B228 |
Hydrogen-cryogenic distillation columns having all of the following characteristics: a. Designed for operation with internal temperatures of 35 K (–238 °C) or less; b. Designed for operation at an internal pressure of 0,5 to 5 MPa; c. Constructed of either: 1. Stainless steel of the 300 series with low sulphur content and with an austenitic ASTM (or equivalent standard) grain size number of 5 or greater; or 2. Equivalent materials which are both cryogenic and H2-compatible; and d. With internal diameters of 30 cm or greater and ‘effective lengths’ of 4 m or greater. Technical Note: In 1B228 ‘effective length’ means the active height of packing material in a packed-type column, or the active height of internal contactor plates in a plate-type column. |
4.B.2. |
Hydrogen-cryogenic distillation columns having all of the following characteristics: a. Designed for operation at internal temperatures of 35 K (–238 °C) or less; b. Designed for operation at internal pressures of 0,5 to 5 MPa; c. Constructed of either: 1. Stainless steel of the 300 series with low sulfur content and with an austenitic ASTM (or equivalent standard) grain size number of 5 or greater; or 2. Equivalent materials which are both cryogenic and H2-compatible; and d. With internal diameters of 30 cm or greater and ‘effective lengths’ of 4 m or greater. Technical Note: The term ‘effective length’ means the active height of packing material in a packed-type column, or the active height of internal contactor plates in a plate-type column. |
1B229 |
Water-hydrogen sulphide exchange tray columns and ‘internal contactors’, as follows: N.B.: For columns which are specially designed or prepared for the production of heavy water see 0B004. a. Water-hydrogen sulphide exchange tray columns, having all of the following characteristics: 1. Can operate at pressures of 2 MPa or greater; 2. Constructed of carbon steel having an austenitic ASTM (or equivalent standard) grain size number of 5 or greater; and 3. With a diameter of 1,8 m or greater; b. ‘Internal contactors’ for the water-hydrogen sulphide exchange tray columns specified in 1B229.a. Technical Note: ‘Internal contactors’ of the columns are segmented trays which have an effective assembled diameter of 1,8 m or greater, are designed to facilitate countercurrent contacting and are constructed of stainless steels with a carbon content of 0,03 % or less. These may be sieve trays, valve trays, bubble cap trays, or turbogrid trays. |
4.B.1. |
Water-hydrogen sulfide exchange tray columns and internal contactors, as follows: N.B.: For columns which are especially designed or prepared for the production of heavy water, see INFCIRC/254/Part 1 (as amended). a. Water-hydrogen sulfide exchange tray columns, having all of the following characteristics: 1. Can operate at pressures of 2 MPa or greater; 2. Constructed of carbon steel having an austenitic ASTM (or equivalent standard) grain size number of 5 or greater; and 3. With a diameter of 1,8 m or greater; b. Internal contactors for the water-hydrogen sulfide exchange tray columns specified in Item 4.B.1.a. Technical Note: Internal contactors of the columns are segmented trays which have an effective assembled diameter of 1,8 m or greater; are designed to facilitate countercurrent contacting and are constructed of stainless steels with a carbon content of 0,03 % or less. These may be sieve trays, valve trays, bubble cap trays or turbogrid trays. |
1B230 |
Pumps capable of circulating solutions of concentrated or dilute potassium amide catalyst in liquid ammonia (KNH2/NH3), having all of the following characteristics: a. Airtight (i.e., hermetically sealed); b. A capacity greater than 8,5 m3/h; and c. Either of the following characteristics: 1. For concentrated potassium amide solutions (1 % or greater), an operating pressure of 1,5 to 60 MPa; or 2. For dilute potassium amide solutions (less than 1 %), an operating pressure of 20 to 60 MPa. |
4.A.2. |
Pumps capable of circulating solutions of concentrated or dilute potassium amide catalyst in liquid ammonia (KNH2/NH3), having all of the following characteristics: a. Airtight (i.e., hermetically sealed); b. A capacity greater than 8,5 m3/h; and c. Either of the following characteristics: 1. For concentrated potassium amide solutions (1 % or greater), an operating pressure of 1,5 to 60 MPa; or 2. For dilute potassium amide solutions (less than 1 %), an operating pressure of 20 to 60 MPa. |
1B231 |
Tritium facilities or plants, and equipment therefor, as follows: a. Facilities or plants for the production, recovery, extraction, concentration, or handling of tritium; b. Equipment for tritium facilities or plants, as follows: 1. Hydrogen or helium refrigeration units capable of cooling to 23 K (–250 °C) or less, with heat removal capacity greater than 150 W; 2. Hydrogen isotope storage or purification systems using metal hydrides as the storage or purification medium. |
2.B.1. |
Tritium facilities or plants, and equipment therefor, as follows: a. Facilities or plants for the production, recovery, extraction, concentration or handling of tritium; b. Equipment for tritium facilities or plants, as follows: 1. Hydrogen or helium refrigeration units capable of cooling to 23 K (–250 °C) or less, with heat removal capacity greater than 150 W; 2. Hydrogen isotope storage or purification systems using metal hydrides as the storage or purification medium. |
1B232 |
Turboexpanders or turboexpander-compressor sets having both of the following characteristics: a. Designed for operation with an outlet temperature of 35 K (–238 °C) or less; and b. Designed for a throughput of hydrogen gas of 1 000 kg/h or greater. |
4.A.3. |
Turboexpanders or turboexpander-compressor sets having both of the following characteristics: a. Designed for operation with an outlet temperature of 35 K (– 238 °C) or less; and b. Designed for a throughput of hydrogen gas of 1 000 kg/h or greater. |
1B233 |
Lithium isotope separation facilities or plants, and systems and equipment therefor, as follows: a. Facilities or plants for the separation of lithium isotopes; b. Equipment for the separation of lithium isotopes based on the lithium-mercury amalgam process, as follows: 1. Packed liquid-liquid exchange columns specially designed for lithium amalgams; 2. Mercury or lithium amalgam pumps; 3. Lithium amalgam electrolysis cells; 4. Evaporators for concentrated lithium hydroxide solution; c. Ion exchange systems specially designed for lithium isotope separation, and specially designed components therefor; d. Chemical exchange systems (employing crown ethers, cryptands, or lariat ethers), specially designed for lithium isotope separation, and specially designed components therefor. |
2.B.2. |
Lithium isotope separation facilities or plants, and systems and equipment therefor, as follows: N.B.: Certain lithium isotope separation equipment and components for the plasma separation process (PSP) are also directly applicable to uranium isotope separation and are controlled under INFCIRC/254 Part 1 (as amended). a. Facilities or plants for the separation of lithium isotopes; b. Equipment for the separation of lithium isotopes based on the lithium-mercury amalgam process, as follows: 1. Packed liquid-liquid exchange columns specially designed for lithium amalgams; 2. Mercury or lithium amalgam pumps; 3. Lithium amalgam electrolysis cells; 4. Evaporators for concentrated lithium hydroxide solution; c. Ion exchange systems specially designed for lithium isotope separation, and specially designed component parts therefor; d. Chemical exchange systems (employing crown ethers, cryptands, or lariat ethers) specially designed for lithium isotope separation, and specially designed component parts therefor. |
1B234 |
High explosive containment vessels, chambers, containers and other similar containment devices designed for the testing of high explosives or explosive devices and having both of the following characteristics: N.B.: SEE ALSO MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS. a. Designed to fully contain an explosion equivalent to 2 kg of TNT or greater; and b. Having design elements or features enabling real time or delayed transfer of diagnostic or measurement information. |
5.B.7. |
High explosive containment vessels, chambers, containers and other similar containment devices designed for the testing of high explosives or explosive devices and having both of the following characteristics: a. Designed to fully contain an explosion equivalent to 2 kg of TNT or greater; and b. Having design elements or features enabling real time or delayed transfer of diagnostic or measurement information. |
1C Materials
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
1C202 |
Alloys, other than those specified in 1C002.b.3. or .b.4., as follows: a. Aluminium alloys having both of the following characteristics: 1. ‘Capable of’ an ultimate tensile strength of 460 MPa or more at 293 K (20 °C); and 2. In the form of tubes or cylindrical solid forms (including forgings) with an outside diameter of more than 75 mm; |
2.C.1. |
Aluminium alloys having both of the following characteristics: a. ‘Capable of’ an ultimate tensile strength of 460 MPa or more at 293 K (20 °C); b. and b. In the form of tubes or cylindrical solid forms (including forgings) with an outside diameter of more than 75 mm Technical Note: In Item 2.C.1. the phrase ‘capable of’ encompasses aluminium alloys before or after heat treatment. |
1C202 |
b. Titanium alloys having both of the following characteristics: 1. ‘Capable of’ an ultimate tensile strength of 900 MPa or more at 293 K (20 °C); and 2. In the form of tubes or cylindrical solid forms (including forgings) with an outside diameter of more than 75 mm. Technical Note: The phrase alloys ‘capable of’ encompasses alloys before or after heat treatment. |
2.C.13. |
Titanium alloys having both of the following characteristics: a. ‘Capable of’ an ultimate tensile strength of 900 MPa or more at 293 K (20 °C); In the form of tubes or cylindrical solid forms (including forgings) with an outside diameter of more than 75 mm. Technical Note: In Item 2.C.13. the phrase ‘capable of’ encompasses titanium alloys before or after heat treatment |
1C210 |
‘Fibrous or filamentary materials’ or prepregs, other than those specified in 1C010.a., b. or e., as follows: a. Carbon or aramid ‘fibrous or filamentary materials’ having either of the following characteristics: 1. A “specific modulus” of 12,7 × 106 m or greater; or 2. A “specific tensile strength” of 23,5 × 104 m or greater; Note: 1C210.a. does not control aramid ‘fibrous or filamentary materials’ having 0,25 % by weight or more of an ester based fibre surface modifier; |
2.C.7.a |
“Fibrous or filamentary materials”, and prepregs, as follows: a. Carbon or aramid “fibrous or filamentary materials” having either of the following characteristics: 1. A “specific modulus” of 12,7 × 106 m or greater; or 2. A “specific tensile strength” of 23,5 × 104 m or greater; Note: Item 2.C.7.a. does not control aramid “fibrous or filamentary materials” having 0,25 % or more by weight of an ester based fiber surface modifier. |
b. Glass ‘fibrous or filamentary materials’ having both of the following characteristics: 1. A “specific modulus” of 3,18 × 106 m or greater; and 2. A “specific tensile strength” of 7,62 × 104 m or greater; |
2.C.7.b |
Glass “fibrous or filamentary materials” having both of the following characteristics: 1. A “specific modulus” of 3,18 × 106 m or greater; and 2. A “specific tensile strength” of 7,62 × 104 m or greater; |
c. Thermoset resin impregnated continuous “yarns”, “rovings”, “tows” or “tapes” with a width of 15 mm or less (prepregs), made from carbon or glass ‘fibrous or filamentary materials’ specified in 1C210.a. or b. Technical Note: The resin forms the matrix of the composite. Note: In 1C210, ‘fibrous or filamentary materials’ is restricted to continuous “monofilaments”, “yarns”, “rovings”, “tows” or “tapes”. |
2.C.7.c |
c. Thermoset resin impregnated continuous “yarns”, “rovings”, “tows” or “tapes” with a width of 15 mm or less (prepregs), made from carbon or glass “fibrous or filamentary materials” specified in Item 2.C.7.a. or Item 2.C.7.b. Technical Note: The resin forms the matrix of the composite. Technical Notes: 1. In Item 2.C.7. “Specific modulus” is the Young's modulus in N/m2 divided by the specific weight in N/m3 when measured at a temperature of 296 ± 2 K (23 ± 2 °C) and a relative humidity of 50 ± 5 %. 2. In Item 2.C.7. “Specific tensile strength” is the ultimate tensile strength in N/m2 divided by the specific weight in N/m3 when measured at a temperature of 296 ± 2 K (23 ± 2 °C) and a relative humidity of 50 ± 5 %. |
1C216 |
Maraging steel, other than that specified in 1C116, ‘capable of’ an ultimate tensile strength of 1 950 MPa or more, at 293 K (20 °C). Note: 1C216 does not control forms in which all linear dimensions are 75 mm or less. Technical Note: The phrase maraging steel ‘capable of’ encompasses maraging steel before or after heat treatment. |
2.C.11. |
Maraging steel ‘capable of’ an ultimate tensile strength of 1 950 MPa or more at 293 K (20 °C). Note: Item 2.C.11. does not control forms in which all linear dimensions are 75 mm or less. Technical Note: In Item 2.C.11. the phrase ‘capable of’ encompasses maraging steel before or after heat treatment. |
1C225 |
Boron enriched in the boron-10 (10B) isotope to greater than its natural isotopic abundance, as follows: elemental boron, compounds, mixtures containing boron, manufactures thereof, waste or scrap of any of the foregoing. Note: In 1C225 mixtures containing boron include boron loaded materials. Technical Note: The natural isotopic abundance of boron-10 is approximately 18,5 weight per cent (20 atom per cent). |
2.C.4. |
Boron enriched in the boron-10 (10B) isotope to greater than its natural isotopic abundance, as follows: elemental boron, compounds, mixtures containing boron, manufactures thereof, waste or scrap of any of the foregoing. Note: In Item 2.C.4. mixtures containing boron include boron loaded materials. Technical Note: The natural isotopic abundance of boron-10 is approximately 18,5 weight percent (20 atom percent). |
1C226 |
Tungsten, tungsten carbide, and alloys containing more than 90 % tungsten by weight, other than that specified by 1C117, having both of the following characteristics: a. In forms with a hollow cylindrical symmetry (including cylinder segments) with an inside diameter between 100 mm and 300 mm; and b. A mass greater than 20 kg. Note: 1C226 does not control manufactures specially designed as weights or gamma-ray collimators. |
2.C.14. |
Tungsten, tungsten carbide, and alloys containing more than 90 % tungsten by weight, having both of the following characteristics: a. In forms with a hollow cylindrical symmetry (including cylinder segments) with an inside diameter between 100 and 300 mm; and b. A mass greater than 20 kg. Note: Item 2.C.14. does not control manufactures specially designed as weights or gamma-ray collimators. |
1C227 |
Calcium having both of the following characteristics: a. Containing less than 1 000 parts per million by weight of metallic impurities other than magnesium; and b. Containing less than 10 parts per million by weight of boron. |
2.C.5. |
Calcium having both of the following characteristics: a. Containing less than 1 000 parts per million by weight of metallic impurities other than magnesium; and b. Containing less than 10 parts per million by weight of boron. |
1C228 |
Magnesium having both of the following characteristics: a. Containing less than 200 parts per million by weight of metallic impurities other than calcium; and b. Containing less than 10 parts per million by weight of boron. |
2.C.10. |
Magnesium having both of the following characteristics: a. Containing less than 200 parts per million by weight of metallic impurities other than calcium; and b. Containing less than 10 parts per million by weight of boron. |
1C229 |
Bismuth having both of the following characteristics: a. A purity of 99,99 % or greater by weight; and b. Containing less than 10 ppm (parts per million) by weight of silver. |
2.C.3. |
Bismuth having both of the following characteristics: a. A purity of 99,99 % or greater by weight; and b. Containing less than 10 ppm (parts per million) by weight of silver. |
1C230 |
Beryllium metal, alloys containing more than 50 % beryllium by weight, beryllium compounds, manufactures thereof, and waste or scrap of any of the foregoing, other than that specified in the Military Goods Controls. N.B.: SEE ALSO MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS. Note: 1C230 does not control the following: a. Metal windows for X-ray machines, or for bore-hole logging devices; b. Oxide shapes in fabricated or semi-fabricated forms specially designed for electronic component parts or as substrates for electronic circuits; c. Beryl (silicate of beryllium and aluminium) in the form of emeralds or aquamarines. |
2.C.2. |
Beryllium metal, alloys containing more than 50 % beryllium by weight, beryllium compounds, manufactures thereof, and waste or scrap of any of the foregoing. Note: Item 2.C.2. does not control the following: a. Metal windows for X-ray machines or for bore-hole logging devices; b. Oxide shapes in fabricated or semi-fabricated forms specially designed for electronic component parts or as substrates for electronic circuits; c. Beryl (silicate of beryllium and aluminium) in the form of emeralds or aquamarines. |
1C231 |
Hafnium metal, alloys containing more than 60 % hafnium by weight, hafnium compounds containing more than 60 % hafnium by weight, manufactures thereof, and waste or scrap of any of the foregoing. |
2.C.8. |
Hafnium metal, alloys containing more than 60 % hafnium by weight, hafnium compounds containing more than 60 % hafnium by weight, manufactures thereof, and waste or scrap of any of the foregoing. |
1C232 |
Helium-3 (3He), mixtures containing helium-3, and products or devices containing any of the foregoing. Note: 1C232 does not control a product or device containing less than 1 g of helium-3. |
2.C.18. |
Helium-3 (3He), mixtures containing helium-3, and products or devices containing any of the foregoing. Note: Item 2.C.18. does not control a product or device containing less than 1 g of helium-3. |
1C233 |
Lithium enriched in the lithium-6 (6Li) isotope to greater than its natural isotopic abundance, and products or devices containing enriched lithium, as follows: elemental lithium, alloys, compounds, mixtures containing lithium, manufactures thereof, waste or scrap of any of the foregoing. Note: 1C233 does not control thermoluminescent dosimeters. Technical Note: The natural isotopic abundance of lithium-6 is approximately 6,5 weight per cent (7,5 atom per cent). |
2.C.9. |
Lithium enriched in the lithium-6 (6Li) isotope to greater than its natural isotopic abundance and products or devices containing enriched lithium, as follows: elemental lithium, alloys, compounds, mixtures containing lithium, manufactures thereof, waste or scrap of any of the foregoing. Note: Item 2.C.9. does not control thermoluminescent dosimeters. Technical Note: The natural isotopic abundance of lithium-6 is approximately 6,5 weight percent (7,5 atom percent). |
1C234 |
Zirconium with a hafnium content of less than 1 part hafnium to 500 parts zirconium by weight, as follows: metal, alloys containing more than 50 % zirconium by weight, compounds, manufactures thereof, waste or scrap of any of the foregoing, other than those specified in 0A001.f. Note: 1C234 does not control zirconium in the form of foil having a thickness of 0,10 mm or less. |
2.C.15. |
Zirconium with a hafnium content of less than 1 part hafnium to 500 parts zirconium by weight, as follows: metal, alloys containing more than 50 % zirconium by weight, compounds, manufactures thereof, waste or scrap of any of the foregoing. Note: Item 2.C.15. does not control zirconium in the form of foil having a thickness of 0,10 mm or less. |
1C235 |
Tritium, tritium compounds, mixtures containing tritium in which the ratio of tritium to hydrogen atoms exceeds 1 part in 1 000 , and products or devices containing any of the foregoing. Note: 1C235 does not control a product or device containing less than 1,48 × 103 GBq (40 Ci) of tritium. |
2.C.17. |
Tritium, tritium compounds, mixtures containing tritium in which the ratio of tritium to hydrogen atoms exceeds 1 part in 1 000 , and products or devices containing any of the foregoing. Note: Item 2.C.17. does not control a product or device containing less than 1,48 × 103 GBq of tritium. |
1C236 |
‘Radionuclides’ appropriate for making neutron sources based on alpha-n reaction, other than those specified in 0C001 and 1C012.a., in the following forms: a. Elemental; b. Compounds having a total activity of 37 GBq/kg (1 Ci/kg) or greater; c. Mixtures having a total activity of 37 GBq/kg (1 Ci/kg) or greater; d. Products or devices containing any of the foregoing. Note: 1C236 does not control a product or device containing less than 3,7 GBq (100 millicuries) of activity. Technical Note: In 1C236 ‘radionuclides’ are any of the following: — Actinium-225 (Ac-225) — Actinium-227 (Ac-227) — Californium-253 (Cf-253) — Curium-240 (Cm-240) — Curium-241 (Cm-241) — Curium-242 (Cm-242) — Curium-243 (Cm-243) — Curium-244 (Cm-244) — Einsteinium-253 (Es-253) — Einsteinium-254 (Es-254) — Gadolinium-148 (Gd-148) — Plutonium-236 (Pu-236) — Plutonium-238 (Pu-238) — Polonium-208 (Po-208) — Polonium-209 (Po-209) — Polonium-210 (Po-210) — Radium-223 (Ra-223) — Thorium-227 (Th-227) — Thorium-228 (Th-228) — Uranium-230 (U-230) — Uranium-232 (U-232) |
2.C.19. |
Radionuclides appropriate for making neutron sources based on alpha-n reaction: Actinium 225 Curium 244 Polonium 209 Actinium 227 Einsteinium 253 Polonium 210 Californium 253 Einsteinium 254 Radium 223 Curium 240 Gadolinium 148 Thorium 227 Curium 241 Plutonium 236 Thorium 228 Curium 242 Plutonium 238 Uranium 230 Curium 243 Polonium 208 Uranium 232 In the following forms: a. Elemental; b. Compounds having a total activity of 37 GBq per kg or greater; c. Mixtures having a total activity of 37 GBq per kg or greater; d. Products or devices containing any of the foregoing. Note: Item 2.C.19. does not control a product or device containing less than 3,7 GBq of activity. |
1C237 |
Radium 226 (226Ra), radium-226 alloys, radium-226 compounds, mixtures containing radium 226, manufactures thereof, and products or devices containing any of the foregoing. Note: 1C237 does not control the following: a. Medical applicators; b. A product or device containing less than 0,37 GBq (10 millicuries) of radium 226. |
2.C.12. |
Radium-226 (226Ra), radium-226 alloys, radium-226 compounds, mixtures containing radium-226, manufactures thereof, and products or devices containing any of the foregoing. Note: Item 2.C.12. does not control the following: a. Medical applicators; b. A product or device containing less than 0,37 GBq of radium-226. |
1C238 |
Chlorine trifluoride (ClF3). |
2.C.6. |
Chlorine trifluoride (ClF3). |
1C239 |
High explosives, other than those specified in the Military Goods Controls, or substances or mixtures containing more than 2 % by weight thereof, with a crystal density greater than 1,8 g/cm3 and having a detonation velocity greater than 8 000 m/s. |
6.C.1.o |
Any explosive with a crystal density greater than 1,8 g/cm3 and having a detonation velocity greater than 8 000 m/s. |
1C240 |
Nickel powder and porous nickel metal, other than those specified in 0C005, as follows: a. Nickel powder having both of the following characteristics: 1. A nickel purity content of 99,0 % or greater by weight; and 2. A mean particle size of less than 10 μm measured by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) B330 standard; b. Porous nickel metal produced from materials specified in 1C240.a. Note: 1C240 does not control the following: a. Filamentary nickel powders; b. Single porous nickel sheets with an area of 1 000 cm2 per sheet or less. Technical Note: 1C240.b. refers to porous metal formed by compacting and sintering the materials in 1C240.a. to form a metal material with fine pores interconnected throughout the structure. |
2.C.16. |
Nickel powder and porous nickel metal, as follows: N.B.: For nickel powders which are especially prepared for the manufacture of gaseous diffusion barriers see INFCIRC/254/Part 1 (as amended). a. Nickel powder having both of the following characteristics: 1. A nickel purity content of 99,0 % or greater by weight; and 2. A mean particle size of less than 10 μm measured by the ASTM B 330 standard; b. Porous nickel metal produced from materials specified in Item 2.C.16.a. Note: Item 2.C.16. does not control the following: a. Filamentary nickel powders; b. Single porous nickel metal sheets with an area of 1 000 cm2 per sheet or less. Technical Note: Item 2.C.16.b. refers to porous metal formed by compacting and sintering the material in Item 2.C.16.a. to form a metal material with fine pores interconnected throughout the structure. |
1C241 |
Rhenium, and alloys containing 90 % by weight or more rhenium; and alloys of rhenium and tungsten containing 90 % by weight or more of any combination of rhenium and tungsten, other than those specified in 1C226, having both of the following characteristics: a. In forms with a hollow cylindrical symmetry (including cylinder segments) with an inside diameter between 100 and 300 mm; and b. A mass greater than 20 kg. |
2.C.20. |
Rhenium, and alloys containing 90 % by weight or more rhenium; and alloys of rhenium and tungsten containing 90 % by weight or more of any combination of rhenium and tungsten, having both of the following characteristics: a. In forms with a hollow cylindrical symmetry (including cylinder segments) with an inside diameter between 100 and 300 mm; and b. A mass greater than 20 kg. |
1D Software
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
1D001 |
“Software” specially designed or modified for the “development”, “production” or “use” of equipment specified in 1B001 to 1B003. |
1.D.2. |
“software” means a collection of one or more “programs” or “microprograms” fixed in any tangible medium of expression |
1D201 |
“Software” specially designed for the “use” of goods specified in 1B201. |
1.D.3. |
“software” means a collection of one or more “programs” or “microprograms” fixed in any tangible medium of expression |
1E Technology
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
1E201 |
“Technology” according to the General Technology Note for the “use” of goods specified in 1A002, 1A007, 1A202, 1A225 to 1A227, 1B201, 1B225 to 1B234, 1C002.b.3. or .b.4., 1C010.b., 1C202, 1C210, 1C216, 1C225 to 1C241 or 1D201. |
1.E.1. |
“Technology” -- means specific information required for the “development”, “production”, or “use” of any item contained in the List. This information may take the form of “technical data” or “technical assistance”. |
1E202 |
“Technology” according to the General Technology Note for the “development” or “production” of goods specified in 1A007, 1A202 or 1A225 to 1A227. |
1.E.1. |
“Technology” -- means specific information required for the “development”, “production”, or “use” of any item contained in the List. This information may take the form of “technical data” or “technical assistance”. |
1E203 |
“Technology” according to the General Technology Note for the “development” or “production” of goods specified in 1A007, 1A202 or 1A225 to 1A227. |
1.E.1. |
“Technology” -- means specific information required for the “development”, “production”, or “use” of any item contained in the List. This information may take the form of “technical data” or “technical assistance”. |
2A Systems, Equipment and Components
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
2A225 |
Crucibles made of materials resistant to liquid actinide metals, as follows: a. Crucibles having both of the following characteristics: 1. A volume of between 150 cm3 and 8 000 cm3; and 2. Made of or coated with any of the following materials, or combination of the following materials, having an overall impurity level of 2 % or less by weight: a. Calcium fluoride (CaF2); b. Calcium zirconate (metazirconate) (CaZrO3); c. Cerium sulphide (Ce2S3); d. Erbium oxide (erbia) (Er2O3); e. Hafnium oxide (hafnia) (HfO2); f. Magnesium oxide (MgO); g. Nitrided niobium-titanium-tungsten alloy (approximately 50 % Nb, 30 % Ti, 20 % W); h. Yttrium oxide (yttria) (Y2O3); or i. Zirconium oxide (zirconia) (ZrO2); b. Crucibles having both of the following characteristics: 1. A volume of between 50 cm3 and 2 000 cm3; and 2. Made of or lined with tantalum, having a purity of 99,9 % or greater by weight; c. Crucibles having all of the following characteristics: 1. A volume of between 50 cm3 and 2 000 cm3; 2. Made of or lined with tantalum, having a purity of 98 % or greater by weight; and 3. Coated with tantalum carbide, nitride, boride, or any combination thereof. |
2.A.1 |
Crucibles made of materials resistant to liquid actinide metals, as follows: a. Crucibles having both of the following characteristics: 1. A volume of between 150 cm3 (150 ml) and 8 000 cm3 (8 l (litres)); and 2. Made of or coated with any of the following materials, or combination of the following materials, having an overall impurity level of 2 % or less by weight: a. Calcium fluoride (CaF2); b. Calcium zirconate (metazirconate) (CaZrO3); c. Cerium sulfide (Ce2S3); d. Erbium oxide (erbia) (Er2O3); e. Hafnium oxide (hafnia) (HfO2); f. Magnesium oxide (MgO); g. Nitrided niobium-titanium-tungsten alloy (approximately 50 % Nb, 30 % Ti, 20 % W); h. Yttrium oxide (yttria) (Y2O3); or i. Zirconium oxide (zirconia) (ZrO2); b. Crucibles having both of the following characteristics: 1. A volume of between 50 cm3 (50 ml) and 2 000 cm3 (2 liters); and 2. Made of or lined with tantalum, having a purity of 99,9 % or greater by weight; c. Crucibles having all of the following characteristics: 1. A volume of between 50 cm3 (50 ml) and 2 000 cm3 (2 liters); 2. Made of or lined with tantalum, having a purity of 98 % or greater by weight; and 3. Coated with tantalum carbide, nitride, boride, or any combination thereof. |
2A226 |
Valves having all of the following characteristics: a. A ‘nominal size’ of 5 mm or greater; b. Having a bellows seal; and c. Wholly made of or lined with aluminium, aluminium alloy, nickel, or nickel alloy containing more than 60 % nickel by weight. Technical Note: For valves with different inlet and outlet diameters, the ‘nominal size’ in 2A226 refers to the smallest diameter. |
3.A.3. |
Valves having all of the following characteristics: a. A nominal size of 5 mm or greater; b. Having a bellows seal; and c. Wholly made of or lined with aluminium, aluminium alloy, nickel, or nickel alloy containing more than 60 % nickel by weight. Technical Note: For valves with different inlet and outlet diameter, the nominal size parameter in Item 3.A.3.a. refers to the smallest diameter. |
2B Test, Inspection and Production Equipment
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
2B001 |
Machine tools and any combination thereof, for removing (or cutting) metals, ceramics or “composites”, which, according to the manufacturer's technical specification, can be equipped with electronic devices for “numerical control”, as follows: N.B.: SEE ALSO 2B201. Note 1: 2B001 does not control special purpose machine tools limited to the manufacture of gears. For such machines see 2B003. Note 2: 2B001 does not control special purpose machine tools limited to the manufacture of any of the following: a. Crankshafts or camshafts; b. Tools or cutters; c. Extruder worms; d. Engraved or facetted jewellery parts; or e. Dental prostheses. Note 3: A machine tool having at least two of the three turning, milling or grinding capabilities (e.g., a turning machine with milling capability), must be evaluated against each applicable entry 2B001.a., b. or c. N.B.: For optical finishing machines, see 2B002. |
1.B.2. |
Machine tools, as follows, and any combination thereof, for removing or cutting metals, ceramics, or composites, which, according to the manufacturer's technical specifications, can be equipped with electronic devices for simultaneous “contouring control” in two or more axes: N.B.: For “numerical control” units controlled by their associated “software”, see Item 1.D.3. |
a. Machine tools for turning having all of the following: 1. “Unidirectional positioning repeatability” equal to or less (better) than 1,1 μm along one or more linear axis; and 2. Two or more axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control”; Note: 2B001.a. does not control turning machines specially designed for producing contact lenses, having all of the following: a. Machine controller limited to using ophthalmic based software for part programming data input; and b. No vacuum chucking. b. Machine tools for milling having any of the following: 1. Having all of the following: a. “Unidirectional positioning repeatability” equal to or less (better) than 1,1 μm along one or more linear axis; and b. Three linear axes plus one rotary axis which can be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control”; 2. Five or more axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control” having any of the following; N.B.: ‘Parallel mechanism machine tools’ are specified in 2B001.b.2.d. a. “Unidirectional positioning repeatability” equal to or less (better) than 1,1 μm along one or more linear axis with a travel length less than 1 m; b. “Unidirectional positioning repeatability” equal to or less (better) than 1,4 μm along one or more linear axis with a travel length equal to or greater than 1 m and less than 4 m; c. “Unidirectional positioning repeatability” equal to or less (better) than 6,0 μm (along one or more linear axis with a travel length equal to or greater than 4 m; or d. Being a ‘parallel mechanism machine tool’; Technical Note: A ‘parallel mechanism machine tool’ is a machine tool having multiple rods which are linked with a platform and actuators; each of the actuators operates the respective rod simultaneously and independently. 3. A “unidirectional positioning repeatability” for jig boring machines, equal to or less (better) than 1,1 μm along one or more linear axis; or 4. Fly cutting machines having all of the following: a. Spindle “run-out” and “camming” less (better) than 0,0004 mm TIR; and b. Angular deviation of slide movement (yaw, pitch and roll) less (better) than 2 seconds of arc, TIR over 300 mm of travel; c. Machine tools for grinding having any of the following: 1. Having all of the following: a. “Unidirectional positioning repeatability” equal to or less (better) than 1,1 μm along one or more linear axis; and b. Three or more axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control”; or 2. Five or more axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control” having any of the following: a. “Unidirectional positioning repeatability” equal to or less (better) than 1,1 μm along one or more linear axis with a travel length less than 1 m; b. “Unidirectional positioning repeatability” equal to or less (better) than 1,4 μm along one or more linear axis with a travel length equal to or greater than 1 m and less than 4 m; or c. “Unidirectional positioning repeatability” equal to or less (better) than 6,0 μm along one or more linear axis with a travel length equal to or greater than 4 m. Note: 2B001.c. does not control grinding machine as follows: a. Cylindrical external, internal, and external-internal grinding machines, having all of the following: 1. Limited to cylindrical grinding; and 2. Limited to a maximum workpiece capacity of 150 mm outside diameter or length. b. Machines designed specifically as jig grinders that do not have a z-axis or a waxis, with a “unidirectional positioning repeatability” less (better) than 1,1 μm c. Surface grinders. d. Electrical discharge machines (EDM) of the non-wire type which have two or more rotary axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control”; e. Machine tools for removing metals, ceramics or “composites”, having all of the following: 1. Removing material by means of any of the following: a. Water or other liquid jets, including those employing abrasive additives; b. Electron beam; or c. “Laser” beam; and 2. At least two rotary axes having all of the following: a. Can be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control”; and b. A positioning “accuracy” of less (better) than 0,003°; f. Deep-hole-drilling machines and turning machines modified for deep-hole-drilling, having a maximum depth-of-bore capability exceeding 5 m. |
a. Machine tools for turning, that have “positioning accuracies” with all compensations available better (less) than 6 μm according to ISO 230/2 (1988) along any linear axis (overall positioning) for machines capable of machining diameters greater than 35 mm; Note: Item 1.B.2.a. does not control bar machines (Swissturn), limited to machining only bar feed thru, if maximum bar diameter is equal to or less than 42 mm and there is no capability of mounting chucks. Machines may have drilling and/or milling capabilities for machining parts with diameters less than 42 mm. |
2B006 |
Dimensional inspection or measuring systems, equipment and “electronic assemblies”, as follows: |
1.B.3. |
2B006.b. |
Linear and angular displacement measuring instruments, as follows: |
1.B.3. |
1.B.3. Dimensional inspection machines, instruments, or systems, as follows: |
2B006.b. |
1. ‘Linear displacement’ measuring instruments having any of the following: Note: Displacement measuring “laser” interferometers are only controlled in 2B006.b.1.c. Technical Note: For the purpose of 2B006.b.1. ‘linear displacement’ means the change of distance between the measuring probe and the measured object. a. Non-contact type measuring systems with a “resolution” equal to or less (better) than 0,2 μm within a measuring range up to 0,2 mm; b. Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) systems having all of the following: 1. Having any of the following: a. “Linearity” equal to or less (better) than 0,1 % measured from 0 to the ‘full operating range’, for LVDTs with a ‘full operating range’ up to and including ± 5 mm; or b. “Linearity” equal to or less (better) than 0,1 % measured from 0 to 5 mm for LVDTs with a ‘full operating range’ greater than ± 5 mm; and 2. Drift equal to or less (better) than 0,1 % per day at a standard ambient test room temperature ± 1 K; Technical Note: For the purposes of 2B006.b.1.b., ‘full operating range’ is half of the total possible linear displacement of the LVDT. For example, LVDTs with a ‘full operating range’ up to and including ± 5 mm can measure a total possible linear displacement of 10 mm. c. Measuring systems having all of the following: 1. Containing a “laser”; and 2. Maintaining, for at least 12 hours, at a temperature of 20 ± 1 °C, all of the following: a. A “resolution” over their full scale of 0,1 μm or less (better); and b. Capable of achieving a “measurement uncertainty” equal to or less (better) than (0,2 + L/2 000 ) μm (L is the measured length in mm) at any point within a measuring range, when compensated for the refractive index of air; or |
1.B.3.b. |
b. Linear displacement measuring instruments, as follows: 1. Non-contact type measuring systems with a “resolution” equal to or better (less) than 0,2 μm within a measuring range up to 0,2 mm; 2. Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) systems having both of the following characteristics: a.1. “Linearity” equal to or less (better) than 0,1 % measured from 0 to the full operating range, for LVDTs with an operating range up to 5 mm; or 2. “Linearity” equal to or less (better) than 0,1 % measured from 0 to 5 mm for LVDTs with an operating range greater than 5 mm; and b. Drift equal to or better (less) than 0,1 % per day at a standard ambient test room temperature ± 1 K; 3. Measuring systems having both of the following characteristics: a. Contain a laser; and b. Maintain for at least 12 hours, over a temperature range of ± 1 K around a standard temperature and a standard pressure: 1. A “resolution” over their full scale of 0,1 μm or better; and 2. With a “measurement uncertainty” equal to or better (less) than (0,2 + L/2 000 ) μm (L is the measured length in millimeters); Note: Item 1.B.3.b.3. does not control measuring interferometer systems, without closed or open loop feedback, containing a laser to measure slide movement errors of machine tools, dimensional inspection machines, or similar equipment. Technical Note: In Item 1.B.3.b. ‘linear displacement’ means the change of distance between the measuring probe and the measured object. |
2B006.b. |
2. Angular displacement measuring instruments having an angular position “accuracy” equal to or less (better) than 0,00025°; Note: 2B006.b.2. does not control optical instruments, such as autocollimators, using collimated light (e.g., laser light) to detect angular displacement of a mirror. |
1.B.3.c |
c. Angular displacement measuring instruments having an “angular position deviation” equal to or better (less) than 0,00025°; Note: Item 1.B.3.c. does not control optical instruments, such as autocollimators, using collimated light (e.g., laser light) to detect angular displacement of a mirror. |
2B116 |
Vibration test systems, equipment and components therefor, as follows: a. Vibration test systems employing feedback or closed loop techniques and incorporating a digital controller, capable of vibrating a system at an acceleration equal to or greater than 10 g rms between 20 Hz and 2 kHz while imparting forces equal to or greater than 50 kN, measured ‘bare table’; b. Digital controllers, combined with specially designed vibration test software, with a ‘real-time control bandwidth’ greater than 5 kHz designed for use with vibration test systems specified in 2B116.a.; Technical Note: In 2B116.b., ‘real-time control bandwidth’ means the maximum rate at which a controller can execute complete cycles of sampling, processing data and transmitting control signals. c. Vibration thrusters (shaker units), with or without associated amplifiers, capable of imparting a force equal to or greater than 50 kN, measured ‘bare table’, and usable in vibration test systems specified in 2B116.a.; d. Test piece support structures and electronic units designed to combine multiple shaker units in a system capable of providing an effective combined force equal to or greater than 50 kN, measured ‘bare table’, and usable in vibration systems specified in 2B116.a. Technical Note: In 2B116, ‘bare table’ means a flat table, or surface, with no fixture or fittings. |
1.B.6. |
Vibration test systems, equipment, and components as follows: a. Electrodynamic vibration test systems, having all of the following characteristics: 1. Employing feedback or closed loop control techniques and incorporating a digital control 2. unit; 3. Capable of vibrating at 10 g RMS or more between 20 and 2 000 Hz; and 4. Capable of imparting forces of 50 kN or greater measured “bare table”; b. b. Digital control units, combined with “software” specially designed for vibration testing, with a real-time bandwidth greater than 5 kHz and being designed for a system specified in Item 1.B.6.a.; c. c. Vibration thrusters (shaker units), with or without associated amplifiers, capable of imparting d. a force of 50 kN or greater measured “bare table”, which are usable for the systems specified in Item 1.B.6.a.; e. d. Test piece support structures and electronic units designed to combine multiple shaker units into a complete shaker system capable of providing an effective combined force of 50 kN or greater, measured “bare table”, which are usable for the systems specified in Item 1.B.6.a. Technical Note: In Item 1.B.6. “bare table” means a flat table, or surface, with no fixtures or fittings. |
2B201 |
Machine tools and any combination thereof, other than those specified in 2B001, as follows, for removing or cutting metals, ceramics or “composites”, which, according to the manufacturer's technical specification, can be equipped with electronic devices for simultaneous “contouring control” in two or more axes: Technical Notes: Stated ‘positioning accuracy’ levels derived under the following procedures from measurements made according to ISO 230/2 (1988) (1) or national equivalents may be used for each machine tool model if provided to, and accepted by, national authorities instead of individual machine tests. Stated ‘positioning accuracy’ are to be derived as follows: 1. Select five machines of a model to be evaluated; 2. Measure the linear axis accuracies according to ISO 230/2 (1988) (1) ; 3. Determine the accuracy values (A) for each axis of each machine. The method of calculating the accuracy value is described in the ISO 230/2 (1988) (1) standard; 4. Determine the average accuracy value of each axis. This average value becomes the stated ‘positioning accuracy’ of each axis for the model (Âx Ây...); 5. Since Item 2B201 refers to each linear axis, there will be as many stated ‘positioning accuracy’ values as there are linear axes; 6. If any axis of a machine tool not controlled by 2B201.a., 2B201.b. or 2B201.c.. has a stated ‘positioning accuracy’ of 6 μm or better (less) for grinding machines, and 8 μm or better (less) for milling and turning machines, both according to ISO 230/2 (1988) (1) , then the builder should be required to reaffirm the accuracy level once every eighteen months. Note 1: 2B201 does not control special purpose machine tools limited to the manufacture of any of the following parts: a. Gears; b. Crankshafts or camshafts; c. Tools or cutters; d. Extruder worms. Note 2: A machine tool having at least two of the three turning, milling or grinding capabilities (e.g., a turning machine with milling capability), must be evaluated against each applicable entry 2B201.a., b. or c. |
1.B.2. |
1.B.2. Machine tools, as follows, and any combination thereof, for removing or cutting metals, ceramics, or composites, which, according to the manufacturer's technical specifications, can be equipped with electronic devices for simultaneous “contouring control” in two or more axes: N.B.: For “numerical control” units controlled by their associated “software”, see Item 1.D.3. |
2B201. |
a. Machine tools for milling, having any of the following characteristics: 1. ‘Positioning accuracies’ with “all compensations available” equal to or less (better) than 6 μm according to ISO 230/2 (1988) (1) or national equivalents along any linear axis; 2. Two or more contouring rotary axes; or 3. Five or more axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control”; Note: 2B201.a. does not control milling machines having the following characteristics: a. X-axis travel greater than 2 m; and b. Overall ‘positioning accuracy’ on the x-axis more (worse) than 30 μm. |
1.B.2.b |
b. Machine tools for milling, having any of the following characteristics: 1. “Positioning accuracies” with all compensations available better (less) than 6 μm according to ISO 230/2 (1988) along any linear axis (overall positioning); 2. Two or more contouring rotary axes; or 3. Five or more axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control”. Note: Item 1.B.2.b. does not control milling machines having both of the following characteristics: 1. X-axis travel greater than 2 m; and 2. Overall “positioning accuracy” on the x-axis worse (more) than 30 μm according to ISO 230/2 (1988) |
2B201 |
b. Machine tools for grinding, having any of the following characteristics: 1. ‘Positioning accuracies’ with “all compensations available” equal to or less (better) than 4 μm according to ISO 230/2 (1988) (1) or national equivalents along any linear axis; 2. Two or more contouring rotary axes; or 3. Five or more axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control”; Note: 2B201.b. does not control grinding machines as follows: a. Cylindrical external, internal, and external-internal grinding machines having all of the following characteristics: 1. Limited to a maximum workpiece capacity of 150 mm outside diameter or length; and 2. Axes limited to x, z and c; b. Jig grinders that do not have a z-axis or a w-axis with an overall ‘positioning accuracy’ less (better) than 4 μm according to ISO 230/2 (1988) (1) or national equivalents. c. Machine tools for turning, that have ‘positioning accuracies’ with “all compensations available” better (less) than 6 μm according to ISO 230/2 (1988) (1) along any linear axis (overall positioning) for machines capable of machining diameters greater than 35 mm; Note: 2B201.c. does not control bar machines (Swissturn), limited to machining only bar feed thru, if maximum bar diameter is equal to or less than 42 mm and there is no capability of mounting chucks. Machines may have drilling and/or milling capabilities for machining parts with diameters less than 42 mm. |
1.B.2.c |
c. Machine tools for grinding, having any of the following characteristics: 1. “Positioning accuracies” with all compensations available better (less) than 4 μm according to ISO 230/2 (1988) along any linear axis (overall positioning); 2. Two or more contouring rotary axes; or 3 Five or more axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control”. Note: Item 1.B.2.c. does not control grinding machines as follows: 1. Cylindrical external, internal, and external-internal grinding machines having all the following characteristics: a. Limited to a maximum workpiece capacity of 150 mm outside diameter or length; and b. Axes limited to x, z and c. 2. Jig grinders that do not have a z-axis or a w-axis with an overall positioning accuracy less (better) than 4 microns. Positioning accuracy is according to ISO 230/2 (1988). |
2B204 |
“Isostatic presses”, other than those specified in 2B004 or 2B104, and related equipment, as follows: a. “Isostatic presses” having both of the following characteristics: 1. Capable of achieving a maximum working pressure of 69 MPa or greater; and 2. A chamber cavity with an inside diameter in excess of 152 mm; b. Dies, moulds and controls, specially designed for “isostatic presses” specified in 2B204.a. Technical Note: In 2B204 the inside chamber dimension is that of the chamber in which both the working temperature and the working pressure are achieved and does not include fixtures. That dimension will be the smaller of either the inside diameter of the pressure chamber or the inside diameter of the insulated furnace chamber, depending on which of the two chambers is located inside the other. |
1.B.5. |
1.B.5. “Isostatic presses”, and related equipment, as follows: a. “Isostatic presses” having both of the following characteristics: 1. Capable of achieving a maximum working pressure of 69 MPa or greater; and 2. A chamber cavity with an inside diameter in excess of 152 mm; b. Dies, molds, and controls specially designed for the “isostatic presses” specified in Item 1.B.5.a. Technical Notes: 1. In Item 1.B.5. “Isostatic presses” means equipment capable of pressurizing a closed cavity through various media (gas, liquid, solid particles, etc.) to create equal pressure in all directions within the cavity upon a workpiece or material. 2. In Item 1.B.5. the inside chamber dimension is that of the chamber in which both the working temperature and the working pressure are achieved and does not include fixtures. That dimension will be the smaller of either the inside diameter of the pressure chamber or the inside diameter of the insulated furnace chamber, depending on which of the two chambers is located inside the other. |
2B206 |
Dimensional inspection machines, instruments or systems, other than those specified in 2B006, as follows: |
1.B.3. |
1.B.3. Dimensional inspection machines, instruments, or systems, as follows: |
2B206. |
a. Computer controlled or numerically controlled coordinate measuring machines (CMM) having either of the following characteristics: 1. Having only two axes and having a maximum permissible error of length measurement along any axis (one dimensional), identified as any combination of E0x,MPE, E0y,MPE, or E0z,MPE, equal to or less (better) than (1,25 + L/1 000 ) μm (where L is the measured length in mm) at any point within the operating range of the machine (i.e., within the length of the axis), according to ISO 10360-2(2009); or 2. Three or more axes and having a three dimensional (volumetric) maximum permissible error of length measurement (E0,MPE) equal to or less (better) than (1,7 + L/800) μm (where L is the measured length in mm) at any point within the operating range of the machine (i.e., within the length of the axis), according to ISO 10360-2(2009); Technical Note: The E0,MPE of the most accurate configuration of the CMM specified according to ISO 10360-2(2009) by the manufacturer (e.g., best of the following: probe, stylus, length, motion parameters, environments) and with all compensations available shall be compared to the 1,7 + L/800 μm threshold. |
1.B.3.a |
a. Computer controlled or numerically controlled coordinate measuring machines (CMM) having either of the following characteristics: 1. Having only two axes and having a maximum permissible error of length measurement along any axis (one dimensional), identified as any combination of E0x MPE, E0y MPE or E0zMPE, equal to or less(better) than (1,25 + L/1 000 ) μm (where L is the measured length in mm) at any point within the operating range of the machine (i.e., within the length of the axis), according to ISO 10360-2(2009); or 2. Three or more axes and having a three dimensional (volumetric) maximum permissible error of length measurement (E0, MPE equal to or less (better) than (1,7 + L/800) μm (where L is the measured length in mm) at any point within the operating range of the machine (i.e., within the length of the axis), according to ISO 10360-2(2009). Technical Note: The E0, MPE of the most accurate configuration of the CMM specified according to ISO 10360-2(2009) by the manufacturer (e.g., best of the following: probe, stylus length, motion parameters, environment) and with all compensations available shall be compared to the 1,7 + L/ 800 μm threshold. |
2B206. |
b. Systems for simultaneous linear-angular inspection of hemishells, having both of the following characteristics: 1. “Measurement uncertainty” along any linear axis equal to or less (better) than 3,5 μm per 5 mm; and 2. “Angular position deviation” equal to or less than 0,02°. Note 1: Machine tools that can be used as measuring machines are controlled if they meet or exceed the criteria specified for the machine tool function or the measuring machine function. Note 2: A machine specified in 2B206 is controlled if it exceeds the control threshold anywhere within its operating range. Technical Notes: All parameters of measurement values in 2B206 represent plus/minus i.e., not total band. |
1.B.3.d |
d. Systems for simultaneous linear-angular inspection of hemishells, having both of the following characteristics: 1. “Measurement uncertainty” along any linear axis equal to or better (less) than 3,5 μm per 5 mm; and 2. “Angular position deviation” equal to or less than 0,02°. |
2B207 |
“Robots”, “end-effectors” and control units, other than those specified in 2B007, as follows: a. “Robots” or “end-effectors” specially designed to comply with national safety standards applicable to handling high explosives (for example, meeting electrical code ratings for high explosives); |
1.A.3.a1 |
‘Robots’, ‘end-effectors’ and control units as follows: a. ‘Robots’ or ‘end-effectors’ having either of the following characteristics: 1. Specially designed to comply with national safety standards applicable to handling high explosives (for example, meeting electrical code ratings for high explosives); |
b. Control units specially designed for any of the “robots” or “end-effectors” specified in 2B207.a. |
1.A.3.b |
Control units specially designed for any of the ‘robots’ or ‘end-effectors’ specified in Item 1.A.3.a. Note: Item 1.A.3. does not control ‘robots’ specially designed for non-nuclear industrial applications such as automobile paint-spraying booths. Technical Notes: 1. ‘Robots’ In Item 1.A.3. ‘robot’ means a manipulation mechanism, which may be of the continuous path or of the point-to-point variety, may use “sensors”, and has all of the following characteristics: (a) is multifunctional; (b) is capable of positioning or orienting material, parts, tools, or special devices through variable movements in three-dimensional space; (c) incorporates three or more closed or open loop servo-devices which may include stepping motors; and (d) has “user-accessible programmability” by means of teach/playback method or by means of an electronic computer which may be a programmable logic controller, i.e., without mechanical intervention. N.B.1: In the above definition “sensors” means detectors of a physical phenomenon, the output of which (after conversion into a signal that can be interpreted by a control unit) is able to generate “programs” or modify programmed instructions or numerical “program” data. This includes “sensors” with machine vision, infrared imaging, acoustical imaging, tactile feel, inertial position measuring, optical or acoustic ranging or force or torque measuring capabilities. N.B.2: In the above definition “user-accessible programmability” means the facility allowing a user to insert, modify or replace “programs” by means other than: (a) a physical change in wiring or interconnections; or (b) the setting of function controls including entry of parameters. N.B.3: The above definition does not include the following devices: (a) Manipulation mechanisms which are only manually/teleoperator controllable; (b) Fixed sequence manipulation mechanisms which are automated moving devices operating according to mechanically fixed programmed motions. The “program” is mechanically limited by fixed stops, such as pins or cams. The sequence of motions and the selection of paths or angles are not variable or changeable by mechanical, electronic, or electrical means; (c) Mechanically controlled variable sequence manipulation mechanisms which are automated moving devices operating according to mechanically fixed programmed motions. The “program” is mechanically limited by fixed, but adjustable, stops such as pins or cams. The sequence of motions and the selection of paths or angles are variable within the fixed “program” pattern. Variations or modifications of the “program” pattern (e.g., changes of pins or exchanges of cams) in one or more motion axes are accomplished only through mechanical operations; (d) Non-servo-controlled variable sequence manipulation mechanisms which are automated moving devices, operating according to mechanically fixed programmed motions. The “program” is variable but the sequence proceeds only by the binary signal from mechanically fixed electrical binary devices or adjustable stops; (e) Stacker cranes defined as Cartesian coordinate manipulator systems manufactured as an integral part of a vertical array of storage bins and designed to access the contents of those bins for storage or retrieval. 2. ‘End-effectors’ In Item 1.A.3. ‘end-effectors’ are grippers, ‘active tooling units’, and any other tooling that is attached to the baseplate on the end of a ‘robot’ manipulator arm. N.B.: In the above definition ‘active tooling units’ is a device for applying motive power, process energy or sensing to the workpiece. |
2B209 |
Flow forming machines, spin forming machines capable of flow forming functions, other than those specified in 2B009 or 2B109, and mandrels, as follows: a. Machines having both of the following characteristics: 1. Three or more rollers (active or guiding); and 2. Which, according to the manufacturer's technical specification, can be equipped with “numerical control” units or a computer control; b. Rotor-forming mandrels designed to form cylindrical rotors of inside diameter between 75 mm and 400 mm. Note: 2B209.a. includes machines which have only a single roller designed to deform metal plus two auxiliary rollers which support the mandrel, but do not participate directly in the deformation process. |
1.B.1. |
Flow-forming machines, spin-forming machines capable of flow-forming functions, and mandrels, as follows: 1. Machines having both of the following characteristics: a. Three or more rollers (active or guiding); and b. Which, according to the manufacturer's technical specification, can be equipped with “numerical control” units or a computer control; 2. Rotor-forming mandrels designed to form cylindrical rotors of inside diameter between 75 and 400 mm. Note: Item 1.B.1.a. includes machines which have only a single roller designed to deform metal plus two auxiliary rollers which support the mandrel, but do not participate directly in the deformation process. |
2B219 |
Centrifugal multiplane balancing machines, fixed or portable, horizontal or vertical, as follows: a. Centrifugal balancing machines designed for balancing flexible rotors having a length of 600 mm or more and having all of the following characteristics: 1. Swing or journal diameter greater than 75 mm; 2. Mass capability of from 0,9 to 23 kg; and 3. Capable of balancing speed of revolution greater than 5 000 r.p.m.; b. Centrifugal balancing machines designed for balancing hollow cylindrical rotor components and having all of the following characteristics: 1. Journal diameter greater than 75 mm; 2. Mass capability of from 0,9 to 23 kg; 3. Capable of balancing to a residual imbalance equal to or less than 0,01 kg × mm/kg per plane; and 4. Belt drive type. |
3.B.3. |
Centrifugal multiplane balancing machines, fixed or portable, horizontal or vertical, as follows: a. Centrifugal balancing machines designed for balancing flexible rotors having a length of 600 mm or more and having all of the following characteristics: 1. Swing or journal diameter greater than 75 mm; 2. Mass capability of from 0,9 to 23 kg; and 3. Capable of balancing speed of revolution greater than 5 000 rpm; b. Centrifugal balancing machines designed for balancing hollow cylindrical rotor components and having all of the following characteristics: 1. Journal diameter greater than 75 mm; 2. Mass capability of from 0,9 to 23 kg; 3. Capable of balancing to a residual imbalance equal to or less than 0,010 kg × mm/kg per plane; and 4. Belt drive type. |
2B225 |
Remote manipulators that can be used to provide remote actions in radiochemical separation operations or hot cells, having either of the following characteristics: a. A capability of penetrating 0,6 m or more of hot cell wall (through-the-wall operation); or b. A capability of bridging over the top of a hot cell wall with a thickness of 0,6 m or more (over-the-wall operation). Technical Note: Remote manipulators provide translation of human operator actions to a remote operating arm and terminal fixture. They may be of ‘master/slave’ type or operated by joystick or keypad. |
1.A.4. |
Remote manipulators that can be used to provide remote actions in radiochemical separation operations or hot cells, having either of the following characteristics: a. A capability of penetrating 0,6 m or more of hot cell wall (through-the-wall operation); or b. A capability of bridging over the top of a hot cell wall with a thickness of 0,6 m or more (over-the-wall operation). Technical Note: Remote manipulators provide translation of human operator actions to a remote operating arm and terminal fixture. They may be of a master/slave type or operated by joystick or keypad. |
2B226 |
Controlled atmosphere (vacuum or inert gas) induction furnaces, and power supplies therefor, as follows: N.B: SEE ALSO 3B. a. Furnaces having all of the following characteristics: 1. Capable of operation above 1 123 K (850 °C); 2. Induction coils 600 mm or less in diameter; and 3. Designed for power inputs of 5 kW or more; b. Power supplies, with a specified power output of 5 kW or more, specially designed for furnaces specified in 2B226.a. Note: 2B226.a. does not control furnaces designed for the processing of semiconductor wafers. |
1.B.4. |
Controlled atmosphere (vacuum or inert gas) induction furnaces, and power supplies therefor, as follows: a. Furnaces having all of the following characteristics: 1. Capable of operation at temperatures above 1 123 K (850 °C); 2. Induction coils 600 mm or less in diameter; and 3. Designed for power inputs of 5 kW or more; Note: Item 1.B.4.a. does not control furnaces designed for the processing of semiconductor wafers. b. Power supplies, with a specified output power of 5 kW or more, specially designed for furnaces specified in Item 1.B.4.a. |
2B227 |
Vacuum or other controlled atmosphere metallurgical melting and casting furnaces and related equipment as follows: a. Arc remelt and casting furnaces having both of the following characteristics: 1. Consumable electrode capacities between 1 000 cm3 and 20 000 cm3; and 2. Capable of operating with melting temperatures above 1 973 K (1 700 °C); b. Electron beam melting furnaces and plasma atomization and melting furnaces, having both of the following characteristics: 1. A power of 50 kW or greater; and 2. Capable of operating with melting temperatures above 1 473 K (1 200 °C). c. Computer control and monitoring systems specially configured for any of the furnaces specified in 2B227.a. or b. |
1.B.7. |
Vacuum or other controlled atmosphere metallurgical melting and casting furnaces and related equipment, as follows: a. Arc remelt and casting furnaces having both of the following characteristics: 1. Consumable electrode capacities between 1 000 and 20 000 cm3; and 2. Capable of operating with melting temperatures above 1 973 K (1 700 °C); b. Electron beam melting furnaces and plasma atomization and melting furnaces, having both of the following characteristics: 1. A power of 50 kW or greater; and 2. Capable of operating with melting temperatures above 1 473 K (1 200 °C); c. Computer control and monitoring systems specially configured for any of the furnaces specified in Item 1.B.7.a. or 1.B.7.b. |
2B228 |
Rotor fabrication or assembly equipment, rotor straightening equipment, bellows-forming mandrels and dies, as follows: a. Rotor assembly equipment for assembly of gas centrifuge rotor tube sections, baffles, and end caps; Note: 2B228.a. includes precision mandrels, clamps, and shrink fit machines. b. Rotor straightening equipment for alignment of gas centrifuge rotor tube sections to a common axis; Technical Note: In 2B228.b. such equipment normally consists of precision measuring probes linked to a computer that subsequently controls the action of, for example, pneumatic rams used for aligning the rotor tube sections. c. Bellows-forming mandrels and dies for producing single-convolution bellows. Technical Note: In 2B228.c. the bellows have all of the following characteristics: 1. Inside diameter between 75 mm and 400 mm; 2. Length equal to or greater than 12,7 mm; 3. Single convolution depth greater than 2 mm; and 4. Made of high-strength aluminium alloys, maraging steel or high strength “fibrous or filamentary materials”. |
3.B.2. |
Rotor fabrication or assembly equipment, rotor straightening equipment, bellows-forming mandrels and dies, as follows: a. Rotor assembly equipment for assembly of gas centrifuge rotor tube sections, baffles, and end caps; Note: Item 3.B.2.a. includes precision mandrels, clamps, and shrink fit machines. b. Rotor straightening equipment for alignment of gas centrifuge rotor tube sections to a common axis; Technical Note: In Item 3.B.2.b. such equipment normally consists of precision measuring probes linked to a computer that subsequently controls the action of, for example, pneumatic rams used for aligning the rotor tube sections. c. Bellows-forming mandrels and dies for producing single-convolution bellows. Technical Note: The bellows referred to in Item 3.B.2.c. have all of the following characteristics: 1. Inside diameter between 75 and 400 mm; 2. Length equal to or greater than 12,7 mm; 3. Single convolution depth greater than 2 mm; and 4. Made of high-strength aluminium alloys, maraging steel, or high strength “fibrous or filamentary materials”. |
2B230 |
All types of ‘pressure transducers’ capable of measuring absolute pressures and having all of the following: a. Pressure sensing elements made of or protected by aluminium, aluminium alloy, aluminum oxide (alumina or sapphire), nickel, nickel alloy with more than 60 % nickel by weight, or fully fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers; b. Seals, if any, essential for sealing the pressure sensing element, and in direct contact with the process medium, made of or protected by aluminium, aluminium alloy, aluminum oxide (alumina or sapphire), nickel, nickel alloy with more than 60 % nickel by weight, or fully fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers; and c. Having either of the following characteristics: 1. A full scale of less than 13 kPa and an ‘accuracy’ of better than ± 1 % of full-scale; or 2. A full scale of 13 kPa or greater and an ‘accuracy’ of better than ± 130 Pa when measured at 13 kPa. Technical Notes: 1. In 2B230 ‘pressure transducer’ means a device that converts a pressure measurement into a signal. 2. For the purposes of 2B230, ‘accuracy’ includes non-linearity, hysteresis and repeatability at ambient temperature. |
3.A.7. |
All types of pressure transducers capable of measuring absolute pressures and having all of the following characteristics: a. Pressure sensing elements made of or protected by aluminium, aluminium alloy, aluminium oxide (alumina or sapphire), nickel, nickel alloy with more than 60 % nickel by weight, or fully fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers; b. Seals, if any, essential for sealing the pressure sensing element, and in direct contact with the process medium, made of or protected by aluminium, aluminium alloy, aluminium oxide (alumina or sapphire), nickel, nickel alloy with more than 60 % nickel by weight, or fully fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers; and c. Having either of the following characteristics: 1. A full scale of less than 13 kPa and an “accuracy” of better than ± 1 % of full scale; or 2. A full scale of 13 kPa or greater and an “accuracy” of better than ± 130 Pa when measuring at 13 kPa. Technical Notes: 1. In Item 3.A.7. pressure transducers are devices that convert pressure measurements into a signal. 2. In Item 3.A.7. “accuracy” includes non-linearity, hysteresis and repeatability at ambient temperature. |
2B231 |
Vacuum pumps having all of the following characteristics: a. Input throat size equal to or greater than 380 mm; b. Pumping speed equal to or greater than 15 m3/s; and c. Capable of producing an ultimate vacuum better than 13 mPa. Technical Notes: 1. The pumping speed is determined at the measurement point with nitrogen gas or air. 2. The ultimate vacuum is determined at the input of the pump with the input of the pump blocked off. |
3.A.8. |
Vacuum pumps having all of the following characteristics: a. Input throat size equal to or greater than 380 mm; b. Pumping speed equal to or greater than 15 m3/s; and c. Capable of producing an ultimate vacuum better than 13,3 mPa. Technical Notes: 1. The pumping speed is determined at the measurement point with nitrogen gas or air. 2. The ultimate vacuum is determined at the input of the pump with the input of the pump blocked off. |
2B232 |
High-velocity gun systems (propellant, gas, coil, electromagnetic, and electrothermal types, and other advanced systems) capable of accelerating projectiles to 1,5 km/s or greater. N.B.: SEE ALSO MILTARY GOODS CONTROLS. |
5.B.2. |
High-velocity gun systems (propellant, gas, coil, electromagnetic, and electrothermal types, and other advanced systems) capable of accelerating projectiles to 1,5 km/s or greater. Note: This item does not control guns specially designed for high velocity weapon systems. |
2B233 |
Bellows-sealed scroll-type compressors and bellows-sealed scroll-type vacuum pumps having all of the following: N.B.: SEE ALSO 2B350.i. a. Capable of an inlet volume flow rate of 50 m3/h or greater; b. Capable of a pressure ratio of 2:1 or greater; and c. Having all surfaces that come in contact with the process gas made from any of the following materials: 1. Aluminium or aluminium alloy; 2. Aluminium oxide; 3. Stainless steel; 4. Nickel or nickel alloy; 5. Phosphor bronze; or 6. Fluoropolymers. |
3.A.9. |
Bellows-sealed scroll-type compressors and bellows-sealed scroll-type vacuum pumps having all of the following characteristics: a. Capable of an inlet volume flow rate of 50 m3/h or greater; b. Capable of a pressure ratio of 2:1 or greater; and c. Having all surfaces that come in contact with the process gas made from any of the following materials: 1. Aluminium or aluminium alloy; 2. Aluminium oxide; 3. Stainless steel; 4. Nickel or nickel alloy; 5. Phosphor bronze; or 6. Fluoropolymers. Technical Notes: 1. In a scroll compressor or vacuum pump, crescent-shaped pockets of gas are trapped between one or more pairs of intermeshed spiral vanes, or scrolls, one of which moves while the other remains stationary. The moving scroll orbits the stationary scroll; it does not rotate. As the moving scroll orbits the stationary scroll, the gas pockets diminish in size (i.e., they are compressed) as they move toward the outlet port of the machine. 2. In a bellows-sealed scroll compressor or vacuum pump, the process gas is totally isolated from the lubricated parts of the pump and from the external atmosphere by a metal bellows. One end of the bellows is attached to the moving scroll and the other end is attached to the stationary housing of the pump. 3. Fluoropolymers include, but are not limited to, the following materials: a. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), b. Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP), c. Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA), d. Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE); and e. Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene copolymer. |
Manufacturers calculating positioning accuracy in accordance with ISO 230/2 (1997) or (2006) should consult the competent authorities of the Member State in which they are established. |
2D Software
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
2D001 |
“Software”, other than that specified in 2D002, as follows: a. “Software” specially designed or modified for the “development” or “production” of equipment specified in 2A001 or 2B001 b. “Software” specially designed or modified for the “use” of equipment specified in 2A001.c., 2B001 or 2B003 to 2B009. Note: 2D001 does not control part programming “software” that generates “numerical control” codes for machining various parts. |
1.D.2. |
“Software” specially designed or modified for the “use” of equipment specified in Item 1.A.3., 1.B.1., 1.B.3., 1.B.5., 1.B.6.a., 1.B.6.b., 1.B.6.d. or 1.B.7. Note: “Software” specially designed or modified for systems specified in Item 1.B.3.d. includes “software” for simultaneous measurements of wall thickness and contour. |
2D002 |
“Software” for electronic devices, even when residing in an electronic device or system, enabling such devices or systems to function as a “numerical control” unit, capable of co-ordinating simultaneously more than four axes for “contouring control”. Note 1: 2D002 does not control “software” specially designed or modified for the operation of items not specified in Category 2. Note 2: 2D002 does not control “software” for items specified in 2B002. See 2D001 and 2D003 for “software” for items specified in 2B002. Note 3: 2D002 does not control “software” that is exported with, and the minimum necessary for the operation of, items not specified by Category 2. |
1.D.3. |
“Software” for any combination of electronic devices or system enabling such device(s) to function as a “numerical control” unit for machine tools, that is capable of controlling five or more interpolating axes that can be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control”. Notes: 1. “Software” is controlled whether exported separately or residing in a “numerical control” unit or any electronic device or system. 2. Item 1.D.3. does not control “software” specially designed or modified by the manufacturers of the control unit or machine tool to operate a machine tool that is not specified in Item 1.B.2. |
2D101 |
“Software” specially designed or modified for the “use” of equipment specified in 2B104, 2B105, 2B109, 2B116, 2B117 or 2B119 to 2B122. N.B.: SEE ALSO 9D004. |
1.D.1. |
“Software” specially designed or modified for the “use” of equipment specified in Item 1.A.3., 1.B.1., 1.B.3., 1.B.5., 1.B.6.a., 1.B.6.b., 1.B.6.d. or 1.B.7. Note: “Software” specially designed or modified for systems specified in Item 1.B.3.d. includes “software” for simultaneous measurements of wall thickness and contour. |
2D201 |
“Software” specially designed for the “use” of equipment specified in 2B204, 2B206, 2B207, 2B209, 2B219 or 2B227. |
1.D.1. |
“Software” specially designed or modified for the “use” of equipment specified in Item 1.A.3., 1.B.1., 1.B.3., 1.B.5., 1.B.6.a., 1.B.6.b., 1.B.6.d. or 1.B.7. Note: “Software” specially designed or modified for systems specified in Item 1.B.3.d. includes “software” for simultaneous measurements of wall thickness and contour. |
2D202 |
“Software” specially designed or modified for the “development”, “production” or “use” of equipment specified in 2B201. Note: 2D202 does not control part programming “software” that generates “numerical control” command codes but does not allow direct use of equipment for machining various parts. |
1.D.2. |
“Software” specially designed or modified for the “development”, “production”, or “use” of equipment specified in Item 1.B.2. Note: Item 1.D.2. does not control part programming “software” that generates “numerical control” command codes but does not allow direct use of equipment for machining various parts. |
2E Technology
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
2E001 |
“Technology” according to the General Technology Note for the “development” of equipment or “software” specified in 2A, 2B or 2D. Note: 2E001 includes “technology” for the integration of probe systems into coordinate measurement machines specified in 2B006.a. |
1.E.1 |
“Technology” according to the Technology Controls for the “development”, “production” or “use” of equipment, material or “software” specified in 1.A. through 1.D. |
2E002 |
“Technology” according to the General Technology Note for the “production” of equipment specified in 2A or 2B |
1.E.1 |
“Technology” according to the Technology Controls for the “development”, “production” or “use” of equipment, material or “software” specified in 1.A. through 1.D. |
2E101 |
“Technology” according to the General Technology Note for the “use” of equipment or “software” specified in 2B004, 2B009, 2B104, 2B109, 2B116, 2B119 to 2B122 or 2D101. |
1.E.1 |
“Technology” according to the Technology Controls for the “development”, “production” or “use” of equipment, material or “software” specified in 1.A. through 1.D. |
2E201 |
“Technology” according to the General Technology Note for the “use” of equipment or “software” specified in 2A225, 2A226, 2B001, 2B006, 2B007.b., 2B007.c., 2B008, 2B009, 2B201, 2B204, 2B206, 2B207, 2B209, 2B225 to 2B233, 2D201 or 2D202. |
1.E.1 |
“Technology” according to the Technology Controls for the “development”, “production” or “use” of equipment, material or “software” specified in 1.A. through 1.D. |
3A Systems, Equipment and Components
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
3A201 |
Electronic components, other than those specified in 3A001, as follows; a. Capacitors having either of the following sets of characteristics: 1.a. Voltage rating greater than 1,4 kV; b. Energy storage greater than 10 J; c. Capacitance greater than 0,5 μF; and d. Series inductance less than 50 nH; or 2.a. Voltage rating greater than 750 V; b. Capacitance greater than 0,25 μF; and c. Series inductance less than 10 nH; |
6.A.4. |
Pulse discharge capacitors having either of the following sets of characteristics: a.1. Voltage rating greater than 1,4 kV; 2. Energy storage greater than 10 J; 3. Capacitance greater than 0,5 μF; and 4. Series inductance less than 50 nH; or b.1. Voltage rating greater than 750 V; 2. Capacitance greater than 0,25 μF; and 3. Series inductance less than 10 nH. |
3A201 |
b. Superconducting solenoidal electromagnets having all of the following characteristics: 1. Capable of creating magnetic fields greater than 2 T; 2. A ratio of length to inner diameter greater than 2; 3. Inner diameter greater than 300 mm; and 4. Magnetic field uniform to better than 1 % over the central 50 % of the inner volume; Note: 3A201.b. does not control magnets specially designed for and exported ‘as parts of’ medical nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging systems. The phrase ‘as part of’ does not necessarily mean physical part in the same shipment; separate shipments from different sources are allowed, provided the related export documents clearly specify that the shipments are dispatched ‘as part of’ the imaging systems. |
3.A.4. |
Superconducting solenoidal electromagnets having all of the following characteristics: a. Capable of creating magnetic fields greater than 2 T; b. A ratio of length to inner diameter greater than 2; c. Inner diameter greater than 300 mm; and d. Magnetic field uniform to better than 1 % over the central 50 % of the inner volume. Note: Item 3.A.4. does not control magnets specially designed for and exported as part of medical nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging systems. N.B.: As part of, does not necessarily mean physical part in the same shipment. Separate shipments from different sources are allowed, provided the related export documents clearly specify the as part of relationship. |
3A201 |
c. Flash X-ray generators or pulsed electron accelerators having either of the following sets of characteristics: 1.a. An accelerator peak electron energy of 500 keV or greater but less than 25 MeV; and b. With a ‘figure of merit’ (K) of 0,25 or greater; or 2.a. An accelerator peak electron energy of 25 MeV or greater; and b. A ‘peak power’ greater than 50 MW. Note: 3A201.c. does not control accelerators that are component parts of devices designed for purposes other than electron beam or X-ray radiation (electron microscopy, for example) nor those designed for medical purposes: Technical Notes: 1. The ‘figure of merit’ K is defined as: K = 1,7 × 103V2,65Q V is the peak electron energy in million electron volts. If the accelerator beam pulse duration is less than or equal to 1 μs, then Q is the total accelerated charge in Coulombs. If the accelerator beam pulse duration is greater than 1 μs, then Q is the maximum accelerated charge in 1 μs. Q equals the integral of i with respect to t, over the lesser of 1 μs or the time duration of the beam pulse (Q = ∫ idt), where i is beam current in amperes and t is time in seconds. 2. ‘Peak power’ = (peak potential in volts) × (peak beam current in amperes). 3. In machines based on microwave accelerating cavities, the time duration of the beam pulse is the lesser of 1 μs or the duration of the bunched beam packet resulting from one microwave modulator pulse. 4. In machines based on microwave accelerating cavities, the peak beam current is the average current in the time duration of a bunched beam packet. |
5.B.1. |
Flash X-ray generators or pulsed electron accelerators having either of the following sets of characteristics: a.1. An accelerator peak electron energy of 500 keV or greater but less than 25 MeV; and 2. With a figure of merit (K) of 0,25 or greater; or b.1. An accelerator peak electron energy of 25 MeV or greater; and 2. A peak power greater than 50 MW. Note: Item 5.B.1. does not control accelerators that are component parts of devices designed for purposes other than electron beam or X-ray radiation (electron microscopy, for example) nor those designed for medical purposes. Technical Notes: 1. The figure of merit K is defined as: K = 1,7 × 103 V2,65Q. V is the peak electron energy in million electron volts. If the accelerator beam pulse duration is less than or equal to 1 μs, then Q is the total accelerated charge in Coulombs. If the accelerator beam pulse duration is greater than 1 ms, then Q is the maximum accelerated charge in 1 μs. Q equals the integral of i with respect to t, over the lesser of 1 ms or the time duration of the beam pulse (Q = ∫ idt ) where i is beam current in amperes and t is the time in seconds. 2. Peak power = (peak potential in volts) × (peak beam current in amperes). 3. In machines based on microwave accelerating cavities, the time duration of the beam pulse is the lesser of 1 ms or the duration of the bunched beam packet resulting from one microwave modulator pulse. 4. In machines based on microwave accelerating cavities, the peak beam current is the average current in the time duration of a bunched beam packet. |
3A225 |
Frequency changers or generators, other than those specified in 0B001.b.13., usable as a variable or fixed frequency motor drive, having all of the following characteristics: N.B. 1: “Software” specially designed to enhance or release the performance of a frequency changer or generator to meet the characteristics of 3A225 is specified in 3D225. N.B. 2: “Technology” in the form of codes or keys to enhance or release the performance of a frequency changer or generator to meet the characteristics of 3A225 is specified in 3E225. a. Multiphase output providing a power of 40 VA or greater; b. Operating at a frequency of 600 Hz or more; and c. Frequency control better (less) than 0,2 %. Note: 3A225 does not control frequency changers or generators if they have hardware, “software” or “technology” constraints that limit the performance to less than that specified above, provided they meet any of the following: 1. They need to be returned to the original manufacturer to make the enhancements or release the constraints; 2. They require “software” as specified in 3D225 to enhance or release the performance to meet the characteristics of 3A225; or 3. They require “technology” in the form of keys or codes as specified in 3E225 to enhance or release the performance to meet the characteristics of 3A225. Technical Notes: 1. Frequency changers in 3A225 are also known as converters or inverters. 2. Frequency changers in 3A225 may be marketed as Generators, Electronic Test Equipment, AC Power Supplies, Variable Speed Motors Drives, Variable Speed Drives (VSDs), Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs), Adjustable Frequency Drives (AFDs), or Adjustable Speed Drives (ASDs). |
3.A.1. |
Frequency changers or generators, usable as a variable frequency or fixed frequency motor drive, having all of the following characteristics: N.B.1: Frequency changers and generators especially designed or prepared for the gas centrifuge process are controlled under INFCIRC/254/Part 1 (as amended). N.B.2: “Software” specially designed to enhance or release the performance of frequency changers or generators to meet the characteristics below is controlled in 3.D.2 and 3.D.3. a. Multiphase output providing a power of 40 VA or greater; b. Operating at a frequency of 600 Hz or more; and c. Frequency control better (less) than 0,2 %. Notes: 1. Item 3.A.1. only controls frequency changers intended for specific industrial machinery and/or consumer goods (machine tools, vehicles, etc.) if the frequency changers can meet the characteristics above when removed, and subject to General Note 3. 2. For the purpose of export control, the Government will determine whether or not a particular frequency changer meets the characteristics above, taking into account hardware and software constraints. Technical Notes: 1. Frequency changers in Item 3.A.1. are also known as converters or inverters. 2. The characteristics specified in item 3.A.1. may be met by certain equipment marketed such as: Generators, Electronic Test Equipment, AC Power Supplies, Variable Speed Motor Drives, Variable Speed Drives (VSDs), Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs), Adjustable Frequency Drives (AFDs), or Adjustable Speed Drives (ASDs). |
3A226 |
High-power direct current power supplies, other than those specified in 0B001.j.6., having both of the following characteristics: a. Capable of continuously producing, over a time period of 8 hours, 100 V or greater with current output of 500 A or greater; and b. Current or voltage stability better than 0,1 % over a time period of 8 hours. |
3.A.5. |
High-power direct current power supplies having both of the following characteristics: a. Capable of continuously producing, over a time period of 8 hours, 100 V or greater with current output of 500 A or greater; and b. Current or voltage stability better than 0,1 % over a time period of 8 hours. |
3A227 |
High-voltage direct current power supplies, other than those specified in 0B001.j.5., having both of the following characteristics: a. Capable of continuously producing, over a time period of 8 hours, 20 kV or greater with current output of 1 A or greater; and b. Current or voltage stability better than 0,1 % over a time period of 8 hours. |
3.A.6. |
High-voltage direct current power supplies having both of the following characteristics: a. Capable of continuously producing, over a time period of 8 hours, 20 kV or greater with current output of 1 A or greater; and b. Current or voltage stability better than 0,1 % over a time period of 8 hours. |
3A228 |
Switching devices, as follows: a. Cold-cathode tubes, whether gas filled or not, operating similarly to a spark gap, having all of the following characteristics: 1. Containing three or more electrodes; 2. Anode peak voltage rating of 2,5 kV or more; 3. Anode peak current rating of 100 A or more; and 4. Anode delay time of 10 μs or less; Note: 3A228 includes gas krytron tubes and vacuum sprytron tubes. b. Triggered spark-gaps having both of the following characteristics: 1. An anode delay time of 15 μs or less; and 2. Rated for a peak current of 500 A or more; c. Modules or assemblies with a fast switching function, other than those specified in 3A001.g. or 3A001.h., having all of the following characteristics: 1. Anode peak voltage rating greater than 2 kV; 2. Anode peak current rating of 500 A or more; and 3. Turn-on time of 1 μs or less. |
6.A.3. |
Switching devices as follows: a. Cold-cathode tubes, whether gas filled or not, operating similarly to a spark gap, having all of the following characteristics: 1. Containing three or more electrodes; 2. Anode peak voltage rating of 2,5 kV or more; 3. Anode peak current rating of 100 A or more; and 4. Anode delay time of 10 μs or less; Note: Item 6.A.3.a. includes gas krytron tubes and vacuum sprytron tubes. b. Triggered spark-gaps having both of the following characteristics: 1. Anode delay time of 15 μs or less; and 2. Rated for a peak current of 500 A or more; c. Modules or assemblies with a fast switching function having all of the following characteristics: 1. Anode peak voltage rating greater than 2 kV; 2. Anode peak current rating of 500 A or more; and 3. Turn-on time of 1 μs or less. |
3A229 |
High-current pulse generators as follows: N.B.: SEE ALSO MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS. a. Detonator firing sets (initiator systems, firesets), including electronically-charged, explosively-driven and optically-driven firing sets, other than those specified in 1A007.a., designed to drive multiple controlled detonators specified in 1A007.b.; b. Modular electrical pulse generators (pulsers) having all of the following characteristics: 1. Designed for portable, mobile, or ruggedized-use; 2. Capable of delivering their energy in less than 15 μs into loads of less than 40 ohms; 3. Having an output greater than 100 A; 4. No dimension greater than 30 cm; 5. Weight less than 30 kg; and 6. Specified for use over an extended temperature range 223 K (–50 °C) to 373 K (100 °C) or specified as suitable for aerospace applications. Note: 3A229.b. includes xenon flash-lamp drivers. c. Micro-firing units having all of the following characteristics: 1. No dimension greater than 35 mm; 2. Voltage rating of equal to or greater than 1 kV; and 3. Capacitance of equal to or greater than 100 nF. |
6.A.2. |
Firing sets and equivalent high-current pulse generators, as follows: a. Detonator firing sets (initiation systems, firesets), including electronically-charged, explosively-driven and optically-driven firing sets designed to drive multiple controlled detonators specified by Item 6.A.1. above; b. Modular electrical pulse generators (pulsers) having all of the following characteristics: 1. Designed for portable, mobile, or ruggedized-use; 2. Capable of delivering their energy in less than 15 μs into loads of less than 40 ohms; 3. Having an output greater than 100 A; 4. No dimension greater than 30 cm; 5. Weight less than 30 kg; and 6. Specified to operate over an extended temperature range of 223 to 373 K (–50 °C to 100 °C) or specified as suitable for aerospace applications. c. Micro-firing units having all of the following characteristics: 1. No dimension greater than 35 mm; 2. Voltage rating of equal to or greater than 1 kV; and 3. Capacitance of equal to or greater than 100 nF. Note: Optically driven firing sets include both those employing laser initiation and laser charging. Explosively-driven firing sets include both explosive ferroelectric and explosive ferromagnetic firing set types. Item 6.A.2.b. includes xenon flashlamp drivers. |
3A230 |
High-speed pulse generators, and ‘pulse heads’ therefor, having both of the following characteristics: a. Output voltage greater than 6 V into a resistive load of less than 55 ohms, and b. ‘Pulse transition time’ less than 500 ps. Technical Notes: 1. In 3A230, ‘pulse transition time’ is defined as the time interval between 10 % and 90 % voltage amplitude. 2. ‘Pulse heads’ are impulse forming networks designed to accept a voltage step function and shape it into a variety of pulse forms that can include rectangular, triangular, step, impulse, exponential, or monocycle types. ‘Pulse heads’ can be an integral part of the pulse generator, they can be a plug-in module to the device or they can be an externally connected device. |
5.B.6. |
High-speed pulse generators, and pulse heads therefor, having both of the following characteristics: a. Output voltage greater than 6 V into a resistive load of less than 55 ohms; and b. ‘Pulse transition time’ less than 500 ps. Technical Notes: 1. In Item 5.B.6.b. ‘pulse transition time’ is defined as the time interval between 10 % and 90 % voltage amplitude. 2. Pulse heads are impulse forming networks designed to accept a voltage step function and shape it into a variety of pulse forms that can include rectangular, triangular, step, impulse, exponential, or monocycle types. Pulse heads can be an integral part of the pulse generator, they can be a plug-in module to the device or they can be an externally connected device. |
3A231 |
Neutron generator systems, including tubes, having both of the following characteristics: a. Designed for operation without an external vacuum system; and b. Utilizing any of the following: 1. Electrostatic acceleration to induce a tritium-deuterium nuclear reaction; or 2. Electrostatic acceleration to induce a deuterium-deuterium nuclear reaction and capable of an output of 3 × 109 neutrons/s or greater. |
6.A.5. |
Neutron generator systems, including tubes, having both of the following characteristics: a. Designed for operation without an external vacuum system; and b.1. Utilizing electrostatic acceleration to induce a tritium-deuterium nuclear reaction; or 2. Utilizing electrostatic acceleration to induce a deuterium-deuterium nuclear reaction and capable of an output of 3 × 109 neutrons/s or greater. |
3A232 |
Multipoint initiation systems, other than those specified in 1A007, as follows: N.B.: SEE ALSO MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS. N.B.: See 1A007.b. for detonators. a. Not used; b. Arrangements using single or multiple detonators designed to nearly simultaneously initiate an explosive surface over greater than 5 000 mm2 from a single firing signal with an initiation timing spread over the surface of less than 2,5 μs. Note: 3A232 does not control detonators using only primary explosives, such as lead azide. |
6.A.1. |
Detonators and multipoint initiation systems, as follows: a. Electrically driven explosive detonators, as follows: 1. Exploding bridge (EB); 2. Exploding bridge wire (EBW); 3. Slapper; 4. Exploding foil initiators (EFI); (see 3A232) b. Arrangements using single or multiple detonators designed to nearly simultaneously initiate an explosive surface over an area greater than 5 000 mm2 from a single firing signal with an initiation timing spread over the surface of less than 2,5 μs. Note: Item 6.A.1. does not control detonators using only primary explosives, such as lead azide. Technical Note: In Item 6.A.1. the detonators of concern all utilize a small electrical conductor (bridge, bridge wire, or foil) that explosively vaporizes when a fast, high-current electrical pulse is passed through it. In nonslapper types, the exploding conductor starts a chemical detonation in a contacting highexplosive material such as PETN (pentaerythritoltetranitrate). In slapper detonators, the explosive vaporization of the electrical conductor drives a flyer or slapper across a gap, and the impact of the slapper on an explosive starts a chemical detonation. The slapper in some designs is driven by magnetic force. The term exploding foil detonator may refer to either an EB or a slapper-type detonator. Also, the word initiator is sometimes used in place of the word detonator. |
3A233 |
Mass spectrometers, other than those specified in 0B002.g., capable of measuring ions of 230 atomic mass units or greater and having a resolution of better than 2 parts in 230, as follows, and ion sources therefor: a. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers (ICP/MS); b. Glow discharge mass spectrometers (GDMS); c. Thermal ionization mass spectrometers (TIMS); d. Electron bombardment mass spectrometers having both of the following features: 1. A molecular beam inlet system that injects a collimated beam of analyte molecules into a region of the ion source where the molecules are ionized by an electron beam; and 2. One or more ‘cold traps’ that can be cooled to a temperature of 193 K (–80 °C); e. Not used; f. Mass spectrometers equipped with a microfluorination ion source designed for actinides or actinide fluorides. Technical Notes: 1. Electron bombardment mass spectrometers in 3A233.d. are also known as electron impact mass spectrometers or electron ionization mass spectrometers. 2. In 3A233.d.2., a ‘cold trap’ is a device that traps gas molecules by condensing or freezing them on cold surfaces. For the purposes of 3A233.d.2., a closed-loop gaseous helium cryogenic vacuum pump is not a ‘cold trap’. |
3.B.6. |
Mass spectrometers capable of measuring ions of 230 atomic mass units or greater and having a resolution of better than 2 parts in 230, as follows, and ion sources therefor: N.B.: Mass spectrometers especially designed or prepared for analyzing on-line samples of uranium hexafluoride are controlled under INFCIRC/254/Part 1 (as amended). a. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers (ICP/MS); b. Glow discharge mass spectrometers (GDMS); c. Thermal ionization mass spectrometers (TIMS); d. Electron bombardment mass spectrometers having both of the following features: 1. A molecular beam inlet system that injects a collimated beam of analyte molecules into a region of the ion source where the molecules are ionized by an electron beam; and 2. One or more cold traps that can be cooled to a temperature of 193 K (–80 °C) or less in order to trap analyte molecules that are not ionized by the electron beam; e. Mass spectrometers equipped with a microfluorination ion source designed for actinides or actinide fluorides. |
3A234 |
Striplines to provide low inductance path to detonators with the following characteristics: a. Voltage rating greater than 2 kV; and b Inductance of less than 20 nH. |
6.A.6. |
Striplines to provide low inductance path to detonators with the following characteristics: a. Voltage rating greater than 2 kV; and b. Inductance of less than 20 nH. |
3D Software
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
3D002 |
“Software” specially designed for the “use” of equipment specified in 3B001.a. to f., 3B002 or 3A225 |
3.D.1. |
“Software” specially designed for the “use” of equipment specified in Items 3.A.1., 3.B.3. or 3.B.4. |
3D225 |
“Software” specially designed to enhance or release the performance of frequency changers or generators to meet the characteristics of 3A225. |
3.D.3. |
“Software” specially designed to enhance or release the performance characteristics of equipment controlled in Item 3.A.1. |
3E Technology
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
3E001 |
“Technology” according to the General Technology Note for the “development” or “production” of equipment or materials specified in 3A, 3B or 3C; Note 1: 3E001 does not control “technology” for the “production” of equipment or components controlled by 3A003. Note 2: 3E001 does not control “technology” for the “development” or “production” of integrated circuits specified in 3A001.a.3. to 3A001.a.12., having all of the following: a. Using “technology” at or above 0,130 μm; and b. Incorporating multi-layer structures with three or fewer metal layers. |
3.E.1 |
“Technology” according to the Technology Controls for the “development”, “production” or “use” of equipment, material or “software” specified in 3.A. through 3.D. |
3E201 |
“Technology” according to the General Technology Note for the “use” of equipment specified in 3A001.e.2., 3A001.e.3., 3A001.g., 3A201, 3A225 to 3A234. |
3.E.1 |
“Technology” according to the Technology Controls for the “development”, “production” or “use” of equipment, material or “software” specified in 3.A. through 3.D. |
3E225 |
“Technology”, in the form of codes or keys, to enhance or release the performance of frequency changers or generators to meet the characteristics of 3A225. |
3.E.1 |
“Technology” according to the Technology Controls for the “development”, “production” or “use” of equipment, material or “software” specified in 3.A. through 3.D. |
6A Systems, Equipment and Components
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
6A005 |
“Lasers”, other than those specified in 0B001.g.5. or 0B001.h.6., components and optical equipment, as follows: N.B.: SEE ALSO 6A205. Note 1: Pulsed “lasers” include those that run in a continuous wave (CW) mode with pulses superimposed. Note 2: Excimer, semiconductor, chemical, CO, CO2, and ‘non-repetitive pulsed’ Nd:glass “lasers” are only specified in 6A005.d. Technical Note: ‘Non-repetitive pulsed’ refers to “lasers” that produce either a single output pulse or that have a time interval between pulses exceeding one minute. Note 3: 6A005 includes fibre “lasers”. Note 4: The control status of “lasers” incorporating frequency conversion (i.e., wavelength change) by means other than one “laser” pumping another “laser” is determined by applying the control parameters for both the output of the source “laser” and the frequency-converted optical output. Note 5: 6A005 does not control “lasers” as follows: a. Ruby with output energy below 20 J; b. Nitrogen; c. Krypton. Technical Note: In 6A005 ‘Wall-plug efficiency’ is defined as the ratio of “laser” output power (or “average output power”) to total electrical input power required to operate the “laser”, including the power supply/conditioning and thermal conditioning/heat exchanger. a. Non-“tunable” continuous wave “(CW) lasers” having any of the following: 1. Output wavelength less than 150 nm and output power exceeding 1 W; 2. Output wavelength of 150 nm or more but not exceeding 510 nm and output power exceeding 30 W; Note: 6A005.a.2. does not control Argon “lasers” having an output power equal to or less than 50 W. 3. Output wavelength exceeding 510 nm but not exceeding 540 nm and any of the following: a. Single transverse mode output and output power exceeding 50 W; or b. Multiple transverse mode output and output power exceeding 150 W; 4. Output wavelength exceeding 540 nm but not exceeding 800 nm and output power exceeding 30 W; 5. Output wavelength exceeding 800 nm but not exceeding 975 nm and any of the following: a. Single transverse mode output and output power exceeding 50 W; or b. Multiple transverse mode output and output power exceeding 80 W; 6. Output wavelength exceeding 975 nm but not exceeding 1 150 nm and any of the following: a. Single transverse mode and output power exceeding 200 W; or b. Multiple transverse mode output and any of the following: 1. ‘Wall-plug efficiency’ exceeding 18 % and output power exceeding 500 W; or 2. Output power exceeding 2 kW; Note 1: 6A005.a.6.b. does not control multiple transverse mode, industrial “lasers” with output power exceeding 2 kW and not exceeding 6 kW with a total mass greater than 1 200 kg. For the purpose of this note, total mass includes all components required to operate the “laser”, e.g., “laser”, power supply, heat exchanger, but excludes external optics for beam conditioning and/or delivery. Note 2: 6A005.a.6.b. does not control multiple transverse mode, industrial “lasers” having any of the following: a. Output power exceeding 500 W but not exceeding 1 kW and having all of the following: 1. Beam Parameter Product (BPP) exceeding 0,7 mm•mrad; and 2. ‘Brightness’ not exceeding 1 024 W/( mm•mrad)2; b. Output power exceeding 1 kW but not exceeding 1,6 kW and having a BPP exceeding 1,25 mm•mrad c. Output power exceeding 1,6 kW but not exceeding 2,5 kW and having a BPP exceeding 1,7 mm•mrad; d. Output power exceeding 2,5 kW but not exceeding 3,3 kW and having a BPP exceeding 2,5 mm•mrad; e. Output power exceeding 3,3 kW but not exceeding 4 kW and having a BPP exceeding 3,5 mm•mrad; f. Output power exceeding 4 kW but not exceeding 5 kW and having a BPP exceeding 5 mm•mrad; g. Output power exceeding 5 kW but not exceeding 6 kW and having a BPP exceeding 7,2 mm•mrad; h. Output power exceeding 6 kW but not exceeding 8 kW and having a BPP exceeding 12 mm•mrad; or i. Output power exceeding 8 kW but not exceeding 10 kW and having a BPP exceeding 24 mm•mrad. Technical Note: For the purpose of 6A005.a.6.b. Note 2.a., ‘brightness’ is defined as the output power of the “laser” divided by the squared Beam Parameter Product (BPP), i.e., (output power)/BPP2. 7. Output wavelength exceeding 1 150 nm but not exceeding 1 555 nm and of the following: a. Single transverse mode and output power exceeding 50 W; or b. Multiple transverse mode and output power exceeding 80 W; or 8. Output wavelength exceeding 1 555 nm and output power exceeding 1 W; |
3.A.2 |
N. B. See also in correspondence to 6A205 |
b. Non-“tunable”“pulsed lasers” having any of the following: 1. Output wavelength less than 150 nm and any of the following: a. Output energy exceeding 50 mJ per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 1 W; or b. “Average output power” exceeding 1 W; 2. Output wavelength of 150 nm or more but not exceeding 510 nm and any of the following: a. Output energy exceeding 1,5 J per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 30 W; or b. “Average output power” exceeding 30 W; Note: 6A005.b.2.b. does not control Argon “lasers” having an “average output power” equal to or less than 50 W. 3. Output wavelength exceeding 510 nm but not exceeding 540 nm and any of the following: a. Single transverse mode output and any of the following: 1. Output energy exceeding 1,5 J per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 50 W; or 2. “Average output power” exceeding 50 W; or b. Multiple transverse mode output and any of the following: 1. Output energy exceeding 1,5 J per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 150 W; or 2. “Average output power” exceeding 150 W; 4. Output wavelength exceeding 540 nm but not exceeding 800 nm and any of the following: a. “Pulse duration” less than 1 ps and any of the following: 1. Output energy exceeding 0,005 J per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 5 GW; or 2. “Average output power” exceeding 20 W; or b. “Pulse duration” equal to or exceeding 1 ps and any of the following: 1. Output energy exceeding 1,5 J per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 30 W; or 2. “Average output power” exceeding 30 W; 5. Output wavelength exceeding 800 nm but not exceeding 975 nm and any of the following: a. “Pulse duration” less than 1 ps and any of the following: 1. Output energy exceeding 0,005 J per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 5 GW; or 2. Single transverse mode output and “average output power” exceeding 20 W; b. “Pulse duration” equal to or exceeding 1 ps and not exceeding 1 μs and any of the following: 1. Output energy exceeding 0,5 J per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 50 W; 2. Single transverse mode output and “average output power” exceeding 20 W; or 3. Multiple transverse mode output and “average output power” exceeding 50 W; or c. “Pulse duration” exceeding 1 μs and any of the following: 1. Output energy exceeding 2 J per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 50 W; 2. Single transverse mode output and “average output power” exceeding 50 W; or 3. Multiple transverse mode output and “average output power” exceeding 80 W; 6. Output wavelength exceeding 975 nm but not exceeding 1 150 nm and any of the following: a. “Pulse duration” of less than 1 ps, and any of following: 1. Output “peak power” exceeding 2 GW per pulse; 2. “Average output power” exceeding 10 W; or 3. Output energy exceeding 0,002 J per pulse; b. “Pulse duration” equal to or exceeding 1 ps and less than 1 ns and any of the following: 1. Output “peak power” exceeding 5 GW per pulse; 2. “Average output power” exceeding 10 W; or 3. Output energy exceeding 0,1 J per pulse; c. “Pulse duration” equal to or exceeding 1 ns but not exceeding 1 μs, and any of the following: 1. Single transverse mode output and any of the following: a. “Peak power” exceeding 100 MW; b. “Average output power” exceeding 20 W limited by design to a maximum pulse repetition frequency less than or equal to 1 kHz; c. ‘Wall-plug efficiency’ exceeding 12 %, “average output power” exceeding 100 W and capable of operating at a pulse repetition frequency greater than 1 kHz; d. “Average output power” exceeding 150 W and capable of operating at a pulse repetition frequency greater than 1 kHz; or e. Output energy exceeding 2 J per pulse; or 2. Multiple transverse mode output and any of the following: a. “Peak power” exceeding 400 MW; b. ‘Wall-plug efficiency’ exceeding 18 % and “average output power” exceeding 500 W; c. “Average output power” exceeding 2 kW; or d. Output energy exceeding 4 J per pulse; or d. “Pulse duration” exceeding 1 μs and any of the following: 1. Single transverse mode output and any of the following: a. “Peak power” exceeding 500 kW; b. ‘Wall-plug efficiency’ exceeding 12 % and “average output power” exceeding 100 W; or c. “Average output power” exceeding 150 W; or 2. Multiple transverse mode output and any of the following: a. “Peak power” exceeding 1 MW; b. ‘Wall-plug efficiency’ exceeding 18 % and “average output power” exceeding 500 W; or c. “Average output power” exceeding 2 kW; 7. Output wavelength exceeding 1 150 nm but not exceeding 1 555 nm, and any of the following: a. “Pulse duration” not exceeding 1 μs and any of the following: 1. Output energy exceeding 0,5 J per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 50 W; 2. Single transverse mode output and “average output power” exceeding 20 W; or 3. Multiple transverse mode output and “average output power” exceeding 50 W; or b. “Pulse duration” exceeding 1 μs and any of the following: 1. Output energy exceeding 2 J per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 50 W; 2. Single transverse mode output and “average output power” exceeding 50 W; or 3. Multiple transverse mode output and “average output power” exceeding 80 W; or 8. Output wavelength exceeding 1 555 nm and any of the following: a. Output energy exceeding 100 mJ per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 1 W; or b. “Average output power” exceeding 1 W; c. “Tunable”“lasers” having any of the following: 1. Output wavelength less than 600 nm and any of the following: a. Output energy exceeding 50 mJ per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 1 W; or b. Average or CW output power exceeding 1 W; Note: 6A005.c.1. does not control dye lasers or other liquid lasers, having a multimode output and a wavelength of 150 nm or more but not exceeding 600 nm and all of the following: 1. Output energy less than 1,5 J per pulse or a “peak power” less than 20 W; and 2. Average or CW output power less than 20 W. 2. Output wavelength of 600 nm or more but not exceeding 1 400 nm, and any of the following: a. Output energy exceeding 1 J per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 20 W; or b. Average or CW output power exceeding 20 W; or 3. Output wavelength exceeding 1 400 nm and any of the following: a. Output energy exceeding 50 mJ per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 1 W; or b. Average or CW output power exceeding 1 W; d. Other “lasers”, not specified in 6A005.a., 6A005.b. or 6A005.c. as follows: 1. Semiconductor “lasers” as follows: Note 1: 6A005.d.1. includes semiconductor “lasers” having optical output connectors (e.g., fibre optic pigtails). Note 2: The control status of semiconductor “lasers” specially designed for other equipment is determined by the control status of the other equipment. a. Individual single-transverse mode semiconductor “lasers” having any of the following: 1. Wavelength equal to or less than 1 510 nm and average or CW output power, exceeding 1,5 W; or 2. Wavelength greater than 1 510 nm and average or CW output power, exceeding 500 mW; b. Individual, multiple-transverse mode semiconductor “lasers” having any of the following: 1. Wavelength of less than 1 400 nm and average or CW output power, exceeding 15W; 2. Wavelength equal to or greater than 1 400 nm and less than 1 900 nm and average or CW output power, exceeding 2,5 W; or 3. Wavelength equal to or greater than 1 900 nm and average or CW output power, exceeding 1 W; c. Individual semiconductor “laser”‘bars’, having any of the following: 1. Wavelength of less than 1 400 nm and average or CW output power, exceeding 100 W; 2. Wavelength equal to or greater than 1 400 nm and less than 1 900 nm and average or CW output power, exceeding 25 W; or 3. Wavelength equal to or greater than 1 900 nm and average or CW output power, exceeding 10 W; d. Semiconductor “laser”‘stacked arrays’ (two-dimensional arrays) having any of the following: 1. Wavelength less than 1 400 nm and having any of the following: a. Average or CW total output power less than 3 kW and having average or CW output ‘power density’ greater than 500 W/cm2; b. Average or CW total output power equal to or exceeding 3 kW but less than or equal to 5 kW, and having average or CW output ‘power density’ greater than 350 W/cm2; c. Average or CW total output power exceeding 5 kW; d. Peak pulsed ‘power density’ exceeding 2 500 W/cm2; or e. Spatially coherent average or CW total output power, greater than 150 W; 2. Wavelength greater than or equal to 1 400 nm but less than 1 900 nm, and having any of the following: a. Average or CW total output power less than 250 W and average or CW output ‘power density’ greater than 150 W/cm2; b. Average or CW total output power equal to or exceeding 250 W but less than or equal to 500 W, and having average or CW output ‘power density’ greater than 50 W/cm2; c. Average or CW total output power exceeding 500 W; d. Peak pulsed ‘power density’ exceeding 500 W/cm2; or e. Spatially coherent average or CW total output power, exceeding 15 W; 3. Wavelength greater than or equal to 1 900 nm and having any of the following: a. Average or CW output ‘power density’ greater than 50 W/cm2; b. Average or CW output power greater than 10 W; or c. Spatially coherent average or CW total output power, exceeding 1,5 W; or 4. At least one “laser”‘bar’ specified in 6A005.d.1.c.; Technical Note: For the purposes of 6A005.d.1.d., ‘power density’ means the total “laser” output power divided by the emitter surface area of the ‘stacked array’. e. Semiconductor “laser”‘stacked arrays’, other than those specified in 6A005.d.1.d., having all of the following: 1. Specially designed or modified to be combined with other ‘stacked arrays’ to form a larger ‘stacked array’; and 2. Integrated connections, common for both electronics and cooling; Note 1: ‘Stacked arrays’, formed by combining semiconductor “laser”‘stacked arrays’ specified by 6A005.d.1.e., that are not designed to be further combined or modified are specified by 6A005.d.1.d. Note 2: ‘Stacked arrays’, formed by combining semiconductor “laser”‘stacked arrays’ specified by 6A005.d.1.e., that are designed to be further combined or modified are specified by 6A005.d.1.e. Note 3: 6A005.d.1.e. does not control modular assemblies of single ‘bars’ designed to be fabricated into end-to-end stacked linear arrays. Technical Notes: 1. Semiconductor “lasers” are commonly called “laser” diodes. 2. A ‘bar’ (also called a semiconductor “laser”‘bar’, a “laser” diode ‘bar’ or diode ‘bar’) consists of multiple semiconductor “lasers” in a one-dimensional array. 3. A ‘stacked array’ consists of multiple ‘bars’ forming a two-dimensional array of semiconductor “lasers”. 2. Carbon monoxide (CO) “lasers” having any of the following: a. Output energy exceeding 2 J per pulse and “peak power” exceeding 5 kW; or b. Average or CW output power exceeding 5 kW; 3. Carbon dioxide (CO2) “lasers” having any of the following: a. CW output power exceeding 15 kW; b. Pulsed output with a “pulse duration” exceeding 10 μs and any of the following: 1. “Average output power” exceeding 10 kW; or 2. “Peak power” exceeding 100 kW; or c. Pulsed output with a “pulse duration” equal to or less than 10 μs and any of the following: 1. Pulse energy exceeding 5 J per pulse; or 2. “Average output power” exceeding 2,5 kW; |
3.A.2 |
a. Copper vapor lasers having both of the following characteristics: 1. Operating at wavelengths between 500 and 600 nm; and 2. An average output power equal to or greater than 30 W; |
4. Excimer “lasers” having any of the following: a. Output wavelength not exceeding 150 nm and any of the following: 1. Output energy exceeding 50 mJ per pulse; or 2. “Average output power” exceeding 1 W; b. Output wavelength exceeding 150 nm but not exceeding 190 nm and any of the following: 1. Output energy exceeding 1,5 J per pulse; or 2. “Average output power” exceeding 120 W; c. Output wavelength exceeding 190 nm but not exceeding 360 nm and any of the following: 1. Output energy exceeding 10 J per pulse; or 2. “Average output power” exceeding 500 W; or d. Output wavelength exceeding 360 nm and any of the following: 1. Output energy exceeding 1,5 J per pulse; or 2. “Average output power” exceeding 30 W; N.B.: For excimer “lasers” specially designed for lithography equipment, see 3B001. 5. “Chemical lasers” as follows: a. Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) “lasers”; b. Deuterium Fluoride (DF) “lasers”; c. “Transfer lasers” as follows: 1. Oxygen Iodine (O2-I) “lasers”; 2. Deuterium Fluoride-Carbon dioxide (DF-CO2) “lasers”; 6. ‘Non-repetitive pulsed’ Nd: glass “lasers” having any of the following: a. “Pulse duration” not exceeding 1 μs and output energy exceeding 50 J per pulse; or b. “Pulse duration” exceeding 1 μs and output energy exceeding 100 J per pulse; Note: ‘Non-repetitive pulsed’ refers to “lasers” that produce either a single output pulse or that have a time interval between pulses exceeding one minute. e. Components as follows: 1. Mirrors cooled either by ‘active cooling’ or by heat pipe cooling; Technical Note: ‘Active cooling’ is a cooling technique for optical components using flowing fluids within the subsurface (nominally less than 1 mm below the optical surface) of the optical component to remove heat from the optic. 2. Optical mirrors or transmissive or partially transmissive optical or electro-optical components, other than fused tapered fibre combiners and Multi-Layer Dielectric gratings (MLDs), specially designed for use with specified “lasers”; Note: Fibre combiners and MLDs are specified in 6A005.e.3. 3. Fibre laser components as follows: a. Multimode to multimode fused tapered fibre combiners having all of the following: 1. An insertion loss better (less) than or equal to 0,3 dB maintained at a rated total average or CW output power (excluding output power transmitted through the single mode core if present) exceeding 1 000 W; and 2. Number of input fibres equal to or greater than 3; b. Single mode to multimode fused tapered fibre combiners having all of the following: 1. An insertion loss better (less) than 0,5 dB maintained at a rated total average or CW output power exceeding 4 600 W; 2. Number of input fibres equal to or greater than 3; and 3. Having any of the following: a. A Beam Parameter Product (BPP) measured at the output not exceeding 1,5 mm mrad for a number of input fibres less than or equal to 5; or b. A BPP measured at the output not exceeding 2,5 mm mrad for a number of input fibres greater than 5; c. MLDs having all of the following: 1. Designed for spectral or coherent beam combination of 5 or more fibre lasers; and 2. CW Laser Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) greater than or equal to 10 kW/cm2. f. Optical equipment as follows: N.B.: For shared aperture optical elements, capable of operating in “Super-High Power Laser” (“SHPL”) applications, see the Military Goods Controls. 1. Dynamic wavefront (phase) measuring equipment capable of mapping at least 50 positions on a beam wavefront and any of the following: a. Frame rates equal to or more than 100 Hz and phase discrimination of at least 5 % of the beam's wavelength; or b. Frame rates equal to or more than 1 000 Hz and phase discrimination of at least 20 % of the beam's wavelength; 2. “Laser” diagnostic equipment capable of measuring “SHPL” system angular beam steering errors of equal to or less than 10 μrad; 3. Optical equipment and components, specially designed for a phased-array “SHPL” system for coherent beam combination to an accuracy of λ/10 at the designed wavelength, or 0,1 μm, whichever is the smaller; 4. Projection telescopes specially designed for use with “SHPL” systems; g. ‘Laser acoustic detection equipment’ having all of the following: 1. CW laser output power equal to or exceeding 20 mW; 2. Laser frequency stability equal to or better (less) than 10 MHz; 3. Laser wavelengths equal to or exceeding 1 000 nm but not exceeding 2 000 nm; 4. Optical system resolution better (less) than 1 nm; and 5. Optical Signal to Noise ratio equal to or exceeding 103. Technical Note: ‘Laser acoustic detection equipment’ is sometimes referred to as a Laser Microphone or Particle Flow Detection Microphone. |
3.A.2 |
h. Pulsed excimer lasers (XeF, XeCl, KrF) having all of the following characteristics: 1. Operating at wavelengths between 240 and 360 nm; 2. A repetition rate greater than 250 Hz; and 3. An average output power greater than 500 W; |
6A202 |
Photomultiplier tubes having both of the following characteristics: a. Photocathode area of greater than 20 cm2; and b. Anode pulse rise time of less than 1 ns. |
5.A.1. |
Photomultiplier tubes having both of the following characteristics: a. Photocathode area of greater than 20 cm2; and b. Anode pulse rise time of less than 1 ns. |
6A203 |
Cameras and components, other than those specified in 6A003, as follows: N.B. 1: “Software” specially designed to enhance or release the performance of a camera or imaging device to meet the characteristics of 6A203.a., 6A203.b. or 6A203.c. is specified in 6D203. N.B. 2: “Technology” in the form of codes or keys to enhance or release the performance of a camera or imaging device to meet the characteristics of 6A203.a., 6A203.b. or 6A203.c is specified in 6E203. Note: 6A203.a. to 6A203.c. does not control cameras or imaging devices if they have hardware, “software” or “technology” constraints that limit the performance to less than that specified above, provided they meet any of the following: 1. They need to be returned to the original manufacturer to make the enhancements or release the constraints; 2. They require “software” as specified in 6D203 to enhance or release the performance to meet the characteristics of 6A203; or 3. They require “technology” in the form of keys or codes as specified in 6E203 to enhance or release the performance to meet the characteristics of 6A203. |
5.B.3. |
High-speed cameras and imaging devices and components therefor, as follows: N.B.: “Software” specially designed to enhance or release the performance of cameras or imaging devices to meet the characteristics below is controlled in 5.D.1 and 5.D.2. |
6A203 |
a. Streak cameras, and specially designed components therefor, as follows: 1. Streak cameras with writing speeds greater than 0,5 mm/μs; 2. Electronic streak cameras capable of 50 ns or less time resolution; 3. Streak tubes for cameras specified in 6A203.a.2.; 4. Plug-ins specially designed for use with streak cameras which have modular structures and that enable the performance specifications in 6A203.a.1. or 6A203.a.2.; 5. Synchronizing electronics units, rotor assemblies consisting of turbines, mirrors and bearings specially designed for cameras specified in 6A203.a.1.; |
5.B.3.a |
a. Streak cameras, and specially designed components therefor, as follows: 1. Streak cameras with writing speeds greater than 0,5 mm/μs; 2. Electronic streak cameras capable of 50 ns or less time resolution; 3. Streak tubes for cameras specified in 5.B.3.a.2.; 4. Plug-ins specially designed for use with streak cameras which have modular structures and that enable the performance specifications in 5.B.3.a.1 or 5.B.3.a.2.; 5. Synchronizing electronics units, rotor assemblies consisting of turbines, mirrors and bearings specially designed for cameras specified in 5.B.3.a.1. |
6A203 |
b. Framing cameras, and specially designed components therefor, as follows: 1. Framing cameras with recording rates greater than 225 000 frames per second; 2. Framing cameras capable of 50 ns or less frame exposure time; 3. Framing tubes and solid-state imaging devices having a fast image gating (shutter) time of 50ns or less specially designed for cameras specified in 6A203.b.1 or 6A203.b.2.; 4. Plug-ins specially designed for use with framing cameras which have modular structures and that enable the performance specifications in 6A203.b.1 or 6A203.b.2.; 5. Synchronizing electronics units, rotor assemblies consisting of turbines, mirrors and bearings specially designed for cameras specified in 6A203.b.1 or 6A203.b.2.; Technical Note: In 6A203.b., high speed single frame cameras can be used alone to produce a single image of a dynamic event, or several such cameras can be combined in a sequentially-triggered system to produce multiple images of an event. |
5.B.3.b |
b. Framing cameras and specially designed components therefor as follows: 1. Framing cameras with recording rates greater than 225 000 frames per second; 2. Framing cameras capable of 50 ns or less frame exposure time; 3. Framing tubes and solid-state imaging devices having a fast image gating (shutter) time of 50ns or less specially designed for cameras specified in 5.B.3.b.1 or 5.B.3.b.2.; 4. Plug-ins specially designed for use with framing cameras which have modular structures and that enable the performance specifications in 5.B.3.b.1 or 5.B.3.b.2.; 5. Synchronizing electronics units, rotor assemblies consisting of turbines, mirrors and bearings specially designed for cameras specified in 5.B.3.b.1 or 5.B.3.b.2. |
6A203 |
c. Solid state or electron tube cameras, and specially designed components therefor, as follows: 1. Solid-state cameras or electron tube cameras with a fast image gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less; 2. Solid-state imaging devices and image intensifiers tubes having a fast image gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less specially designed for cameras specified in 6A203.c.1.; 3. Electro-optical shuttering devices (Kerr or Pockels cells) with a fast image gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less; 4. Plug-ins specially designed for use with cameras which have modular structures and that enable the performance specifications in 6A203.c.1. |
5.B.3.c |
c. Solid state or electron tube cameras and specially designed components therefor as follows: 1. Solid-state cameras or electron tube cameras with a fast image gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less; 2. Solid-state imaging devices and image intensifiers tubes having a fast image gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less specially designed for cameras specified in 5.B.3.c.1.; 3. Electro-optical shuttering devices (Kerr or Pockels cells) with a fast image gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less; 4. Plug-ins specially designed for use with cameras which have modular structures and that enable the performance specifications in 5.B.3.c.1. Technical Note: High speed single frame cameras can be used alone to produce a single image of a dynamic event, or several such cameras can be combined in a sequentially-triggered system to produce multiple images of an event. |
6A203 |
d. Radiation-hardened TV cameras, or lenses therefor, specially designed or rated as radiation hardened to withstand a total radiation dose greater than 50 × 103 Gy(silicon) (5 × 106 rad (silicon)) without operational degradation. Technical Note: The term Gy(silicon) refers to the energy in Joules per kilogram absorbed by an unshielded silicon sample when exposed to ionising radiation. |
1.A.2. |
Radiation-hardened TV cameras, or lenses therefor, specially designed or rated as radiation hardened to withstand a total radiation dose greater than 5 × 104 Gy (silicon) without operational degradation. Technical Note: The term Gy (silicon) refers to the energy in Joules per kilogram absorbed by an unshielded silicon sample when exposed to ionizing radiation. |
6A205 |
“Lasers”, “laser” amplifiers and oscillators, other than those specified in 0B001.g.5., 0B001.h.6. and 6A005; as follows: N.B.: For copper vapour lasers, see 6A005.b. |
3.A.2. |
Lasers, laser amplifiers and oscillators as follows: N.B. See also in correspondence to 6A005 |
6A205 |
a. Argon ion “lasers” having both of the following characteristics: 1. Operating at wavelengths between 400 nm and 515 nm; and 2. An average output power greater than 40 W; |
3.A.2.b |
Argon ion lasers having both of the following characteristics: 1. Operating at wavelengths between 400 and 515 nm; and 2. An average output power greater than 40 W; |
6A205 |
b. Tunable pulsed single-mode dye laser oscillators having all of the following characteristics: 1. Operating at wavelengths between 300 nm and 800 nm; 2. An average output power greater than 1 W; 3. A repetition rate greater than 1 kHz; and 4. Pulse width less than 100 ns; |
3.A.2.d |
Tunable pulsed single-mode dye laser oscillators having all of the following characteristics: 1. Operating at wavelengths between 300 and 800 nm; 2. An average output power greater than 1 W; 3. A repetition rate greater than 1 kHz; and 4. Pulse width less than 100 ns; |
6A205 |
c. Tunable pulsed dye laser amplifiers and oscillators, having all of the following characteristics: 1. Operating at wavelengths between 300 nm and 800 nm; 2. An average output power greater than 30 W; 3. A repetition rate greater than 1 kHz; and 4. Pulse width less than 100 ns; Note: 6A205.c. does not control single mode oscillators; |
3.A.2.e |
Tunable pulsed dye laser amplifiers and oscillators having all of the following characteristics: 1. Operating at wavelengths between 300 and 800 nm; 2. An average output power greater than 30 W; 3. A repetition rate greater than 1 kHz; and 4. Pulse width less than 100 ns; Note: Item 3.A.2.e. does not control single mode oscillators. |
6A205 |
d. Pulsed carbon dioxide “lasers” having all of the following characteristics: 1. Operating at wavelengths between 9 000 nm and 11 000 nm; 2. A repetition rate greater than 250 Hz; 3. An average output power greater than 500 W; and 4. Pulse width of less than 200 ns; |
3.A.2.g |
Pulsed carbon dioxide lasers having all of the following characteristics: 1. Operating at wavelengths between 9 000 and 11 000 nm; 2. A repetition rate greater than 250 Hz; 3. An average output power greater than 500 W; and 4. Pulse width of less than 200 ns; Note: Item 3.A.2.g. does not control the higher power (typically 1 to 5 kW) industrial CO2 lasers used in applications such as cutting and welding, as these latter lasers are either continuous wave or are pulsed with a pulse width greater than 200 ns. |
6A205 |
e. Para-hydrogen Raman shifters designed to operate at 16 μm output wavelength and at a repetition rate greater than 250 Hz; |
3.A.2.i. |
Para-hydrogen Raman shifters designed to operate at 16 mm output wavelength and at a repetition rate greater than 250 Hz. |
6A205 |
f. Neodymium-doped (other than glass) “lasers” with an output wavelength between 1 000 and 1 100 nm having either of the following 1. Pulse-excited and Q-switched with a pulse duration equal to or more than 1 ns, and having either of the following: a. A single–transverse mode output with an average output power greater than 40 W; or b. A multiple-transverse mode output having an average power greater than 50 W; or 2. Incorporating frequency doubling to give an output wavelength between 500 and 550 nm with an average output power of more than 40 W; |
3.A.2.c. |
Neodymium-doped (other than glass) lasers with an output wavelength between 1 000 and 1 100 nm having either of the following: 1. Pulse-excited and Q-switched with a pulse duration equal to or greater than 1 ns, and having either of the following: a. A single-transverse mode output with an average output power greater than 40 W; or b. A multiple-transverse mode output with an average output power greater than 50 W; or 2. Incorporating frequency doubling to give an output wavelength between 500 and 550 nm with an average output power of greater than 40 W; |
6A205 |
g. Pulsed carbon monoxide lasers, other than those specified in 6A005.d.2., having all of the following: 1. Operating at wavelengths between 5 000 and 6 000 nm; 2. A repetition rate greater than 250 Hz; 3. An average output power greater than 200 W; and 4. Pulse width of less than 200 ns. |
3.A.2.j |
Pulsed carbon monoxide lasers having all of the following characteristics: 1. Operating at wavelengths between 5 000 and 6 000 nm; 2. A repetition rate greater than 250 Hz; 3. An average output power greater than 200 W; and 4. Pulse width of less than 200 ns; Note: Item 3.A.2.j. does not control the higher power (typically 1 to 5 kW) industrial CO lasers used in applications such as cutting and welding, as these latter lasers are either continuous wave or are pulsed with a pulse width greater than 200 ns |
6A225 |
Velocity interferometers for measuring velocities exceeding 1 km/s during time intervals of less than 10 microseconds. Note: 6A225 includes velocity interferometers such as VISARs (Velocity Interferometer Systems for Any Reflector), DLIs (Doppler Laser Interferometers) and PDV (Photonic Doppler Velocimeters) also known as Het-V (Heterodyne Velocimeters). |
5.B.5.a |
Specialized instrumentation for hydrodynamic experiments, as follows: a. Velocity interferometers for measuring velocities exceeding 1 km/s during time intervals of less than 10 ms; |
6A226 |
Pressure sensors, as follows: a. Shock pressure gauges capable of measuring pressures greater than 10 GPa, including gauges made with manganin, ytterbium, and polyvinylidene bifluoride (PVBF, PVF2); b. Quartz pressure transducers for pressures greater than 10 GPa. |
5.B.5.b. |
b. Shock pressure gauges capable of measuring pressures greater than 10 GPa, including gauges made with manganin, ytterbium, and polyvinylidene bifluoride (PVBF, PVF2); |
5.B.5.c. |
c. Quartz pressure transducers for pressures greater than 10 GPa. Note: Item 5.B.5.a. includes velocity interferometers such as VISARs (Velocity Interferometer Systems for Any Reflector), DLIs (Doppler Laser Interferometers) and PDV (Photonic Doppler Velocimeters) also known as Het-V (Heterodyne Velocimeters). |
6D Software
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
6D203 |
“Software” specially designed to enhance or release the performance of cameras or imaging devices to meet the characteristics of 6A203.a. to 6A203.c. |
5.D.2. |
“Software” or encryption keys/codes specially designed to enhance or release the performance characteristics of equipment controlled in Item 5.B.3. |
6E Technology
The corresponding systems, equipment and components as identified in Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items |
Nuclear Suppliers Group's control list as in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 2 |
6E201 |
“Technology” according to the General Technology Note for the “use” of equipment specified in 6A003, 6A005.a.2., 6A005.b.2., 6A005.b.3., 6A005.b.4., 6A005.b.6., 6A005.c.2., 6A005.d.3.c., 6A005.d.4.c., 6A202, 6A203, 6A205, 6A225 or 6A226. |
5.D.1. |
“Technology” according to the Technology Controls for the “development”, “production” or “use” of equipment, material or “software” specified in 5.A. through 5.D. |
6E203 |
“Technology”, in the form of codes or keys, to enhance or release the performance of cameras or imaging devices to meet the characteristics of 6A203a. to 6A203.c. |
5.D.1. |
“Technology” according to the Technology Controls for the “development”, “production” or “use” of equipment, material or “software” specified in 5.A. through 5.D. |
List of other goods and technology, including software, referred to in Article 3a
1. Unless otherwise stated, reference numbers used in the column entitled “Description” refer to the descriptions of dual-use items set out in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 428/2009.
2. A reference number in the column entitled “Related item from Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 428/2009” means that the characteristics of the item described in the column “Description” lie outside the parameters set out in the description of the dual-use entry referred to.
3. Definitions of terms between ‘single quotation marks’ are given in a technical note to the relevant item.
4. Definitions of terms between “double quotation marks” can be found in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 428/2009.
1. The object of the controls contained in this Annex should not be defeated by the export of any non-controlled goods (including plant) containing one or more controlled components when the controlled component or components are the principal element of the goods and can feasibly be removed or used for other purposes.
N.B.: In judging whether the controlled component or components are to be considered the principal element, it is necessary to weigh the factors of quantity, value and technological know-how involved and other special circumstances which might establish the controlled component or components as the principal element of the goods being procured.
2. The goods specified in this Annex include both new and used goods.
(To be read in conjunction with section II.B.)
1. The sale, supply, transfer or export of “technology” which is “required” for the “development”, “production” or “use” of goods the sale, supply, transfer or export of which is controlled in Part A (Goods) below, is controlled in accordance with the provisions of Section II.B.
2. The “technology”“required” for the “development”, “production” or “use” of goods under control remains under control even when applicable to non-controlled goods.
3. Controls do not apply to that “technology” which is the minimum necessary for the installation, operation, maintenance (checking) and repair of those goods which are not controlled or the export of which has been authorised in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 423/2007 or this Regulation.
4. Controls on “technology” transfer do not apply to information “in the public domain”, to “basic scientific research” or to the minimum necessary information for patent applications.
A0. Nuclear Materials, Facilities, and Equipment |
No |
Description |
Related item from Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 |
II.A0.001 |
Hollow cathode lamps as follows: a. Iodine hollow cathode lamps with windows in pure silicon or quartz b. Uranium hollow cathode lamps |
— |
II.A0.002 |
Faraday isolators in the wavelength range 500 nm – 650 nm |
— |
II.A0.003 |
Optical gratings in the wavelength range 500 nm – 650 nm |
— |
II.A0.004 |
Optical fibres in the wavelength range 500 nm – 650 nm coated with anti-reflecting layers in the wavelength range 500 nm – 650 nm and having a core diameter greater than 0,4 mm but not exceeding 2 mm |
— |
II.A0.005 |
Nuclear reactor vessel components and testing equipment, other than those specified in 0A001, as follows: 1. Seals 2. Internal components 3. Sealing, testing and measurement equipment |
0A001 |
II.A0.006 |
Nuclear detection systems for detection, identification or quantification of radioactive materials and radiation of nuclear origin and specially designed components thereof other than those specified in 0A001.j. or 1A004.c. |
0A001.j 1A004.c |
II.A0.007 |
Bellows-sealed valves made of aluminium alloy or stainless steel type 304, 304L or 316L. Note: This item does not cover bellow valves defined in 0B001.c.6 and 2A226. |
0B001.c.6 2A226 |
II.A0.008 |
Laser mirrors, other than those specified in 6A005.e, consisting of substrates having a thermal expansion coefficient of 10– 6 K– 1 or less at 20 °C (e.g. fused silica or sapphire). Note: This item does not cover optical systems specially designed for astronomical applications, except if the mirrors contain fused silica. |
0B001.g.5, 6A005.e |
II.A0.009 |
Laser lenses, other than those specified in 6A005.e.2, consisting of substrates having a thermal expansion coefficient of 10– 6 K– 1 or less at 20 °C (e.g. fused silica). |
0B001.g, 6A005.e.2 |
II.A0.010 |
Pipes, piping, flanges, fittings made of, or lined with, nickel or nickel alloy containing more than 40 % nickel by weight, other than those specified in 2B350.h.1. |
2B350 |
II.A0.011 |
Vacuum pumps other than those specified in 0B002.f.2 or 2B231, as follows: Turbomolecular pumps having a flowrate equal to or greater than 400 l/s, Roots type vacuum roughing pumps having a volumetric aspiration flowrate greater than 200 m3/h. Bellows-sealed, scroll, dry compressor, and bellows-sealed, scroll, dry vacuum pumps. |
0B002.f.2, 2B231 |
II.A0.012 |
Shielded enclosures for the manipulation, storage and handling of radioactive substances (Hot cells). |
0B006 |
II.A0.013 |
‘Natural uranium’ or ‘depleted uranium’ or thorium in the form of metal, alloy, chemical compound or concentrate and any other material containing one or more of the foregoing, other than those specified in 0C001. |
0C001 |
II.A0.014 |
Detonation chambers having a capacity of explosion absorption of more than 2.5 kg TNT equivalent. |
— |
II.A0.015 |
‘Glove Boxes’, specially designed for radioactive isotopes, radioactive sources or radionuclides. Technical Note: ‘Glove Boxes’ means equipment providing protection to the user, from hazardous vapour, particles or radiation, from materials inside the equipment being handled or processed by a person outside the equipment, by means of manipulators or gloves integrated into the equipment. |
0B006 |
II.A0.016 |