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Document 32018D0229
Commission Decision (EU) 2018/229 of 12 February 2018 establishing, pursuant to Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, the values of the Member State monitoring system classifications as a result of the intercalibration exercise and repealing Commission Decision 2013/480/EU (notified under document C(2018) 696)Text with EEA relevance.
Commission Decision (EU) 2018/229 of 12 February 2018 establishing, pursuant to Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, the values of the Member State monitoring system classifications as a result of the intercalibration exercise and repealing Commission Decision 2013/480/EU (notified under document C(2018) 696)Text with EEA relevance.
Commission Decision (EU) 2018/229 of 12 February 2018 establishing, pursuant to Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, the values of the Member State monitoring system classifications as a result of the intercalibration exercise and repealing Commission Decision 2013/480/EU (notified under document C(2018) 696)Text with EEA relevance.
OJ L 47, 20.2.2018, p. 1–91
(BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)
No longer in force, Date of end of validity: 07/03/2024; Repealed by 32024D0721 The end of validity date is based on the date of publication of the repealing act taking effect on the date of its notification. The repealing act was notified but the date of notification is not available on EUR-Lex – the date of publication is used instead.
20.2.2018 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
L 47/1 |
of 12 February 2018
establishing, pursuant to Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, the values of the Member State monitoring system classifications as a result of the intercalibration exercise and repealing Commission Decision 2013/480/EU
(notified under document C(2018) 696)
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (1), and in particular Section 1.4.1(ix) of Annex V thereto,
(1) |
Directive 2000/60/EC requires the Member States to protect enhance and restore all bodies of surface waters with the aim of achieving good ecological and chemical status. It furthermore requires Member States to protect and enhance all artificial and heavily modified bodies of water, with the aim of achieving good ecological potential and good chemical status. |
(2) |
In order to define one of the main environmental objectives of Directive 2000/60/EC, namely good ecological status, that Directive provides for a process to ensure the comparability between the biological monitoring results of Member States and their monitoring system classifications. Member States’ biological monitoring results and their monitoring system classifications are to be compared through an intercalibration network comprised of monitoring sites in each Member State and in each ecoregion of the Union. Directive 2000/60/EC requires the Member States to collect, as appropriate, the necessary information for the sites included in the intercalibration network, in order to enable the assessment of the consistency of the national monitoring system classifications with the normative definitions of Section 1.2 of Annex V to Directive 2000/60/EC. In order to carry out the intercalibration exercise Member States are organised in Geographical Intercalibration Groups, consisting of Member States sharing particular surface water body types, as defined in Section 2 of the Annex to Commission Decision 2005/646/EC (2). |
(3) |
In accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC the intercalibration exercise is to be carried out at biological element level, comparing the classification results of the national monitoring system for each biological element and for each common surface water body type among Member States and ensuring the consistency of the results with the normative definitions set out in Section 1.2 of Annex V to that Directive. |
(4) |
The Commission has facilitated three phases of the intercalibration exercise through the Joint Research Centre. Under the Water Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy four guidance documents (No 6 (3), 14 (two versions (4)) and 30 (5)) were prepared to facilitate the intercalibration process. They provide an overview of the key principles of the intercalibration process and the options for carrying out the exercise including timescales, and reporting requirements. They also provide a procedure to fit new or revised national classification methods to the harmonised definition of good ecological status. |
(5) |
By 2007 the Commission had received intercalibration results for a number of biological quality elements. They were included in Commission Decision 2008/915/EC (6), which sets out the values of the boundaries between classes that Member States were to use in their national monitoring system classifications. The results of the first phase of the intercalibration exercise were incomplete, in so far as not all biological quality elements were covered. It was necessary however to adopt the available results of the intercalibration exercise to inform the development of the first river basin programme of measures and the first river basin management plans in accordance with Articles 11 and 13 of Directive 2000/60/EC. |
(6) |
In order to close the gaps and improve the comparability of the intercalibration results in time for the second river basin management plans due in 2015, the Commission initiated a second phase of the intercalibration exercise. The results of this exercise were included in Commission Decision 2013/480/EU (7). The results revealed that in some cases intercalibration was only partially achieved. There were also Geographical Intercalibration Groups and biological quality elements for which there were no intercalibration results for inclusion in that Decision. |
(7) |
A third phase of the intercalibration exercise was therefore necessary in order to close these gaps and improve the comparability of the intercalibration results in time for the third river basin management plans due in 2021. The results of this third phase of the intercalibration exercise are included in the Annex to this Decision. |
(8) |
The Annex to this Decision sets out the results of the intercalibration exercise. For the results in Part 1 of the Annex all steps of the intercalibration process set out in the guidance documents have been fully completed. Part 2 of the Annex contains the national classification methods and their respective boundary values for which it has not been technically feasible to complete the comparability assessment due to a lack of common types, different pressures addressed or different assessment concepts. Since the results set out in Part 1 and Part 2 of the Annex are consistent with the normative definitions set out in Section 1.2 of Annex V to Directive 2000/60/EC, the respective boundary values should be used in Member States monitoring systems classifications. |
(9) |
Where water bodies corresponding to the intercalibrated types are designated as artificial or heavily modified water bodies in accordance with Article 4(3) of Directive 2000/60/EC, Member States should be allowed to use the results presented in the Annex to this Decision to derive their good ecological potential, taking into account their physical modifications and their associated water use in accordance with the normative definitions in point 1.2.5 of Annex V to Directive 2000/60/EC. |
(10) |
Member States should apply the results of the intercalibration exercise to their national classification systems in order to set the boundaries between high and good status and between good and moderate status for all their national types. |
(11) |
The information that is made available through the establishment of the monitoring programmes provided for in Article 8 of Directive 2000/60/EC and the review and update of the characteristics of river basin districts provided for in Article 5 of that Directive could bring new evidence that may lead to the adaptation to scientific and technical progress of the Member States’ monitoring and classification systems. Member States may also develop new national classification methods covering biological quality elements or sub biological quality elements and respective boundary values for which the consistency with the normative definitions set out in Section 1.2 of Annex V to Directive 2000/60/EC should be assessed. These matters may lead to a review of the results of the intercalibration exercise to close gaps and improve the quality and comparability of the intercalibration results which in turn may warrant an update of the results contained in the Annex to this Decision. |
(12) |
Decision 2013/480/EU should therefore be repealed and replaced accordingly. |
(13) |
The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee referred to in Article 21(1) of Directive 2000/60/EC, |
Article 1
1. For the purposes of Section 1.4.1(iii) of Annex V to Directive 2000/60/EC, Member States shall use in their monitoring systems classification the values of the boundaries between classes that are set out in Part 1 of the Annex to this Decision.
2. Where a comparability assessment for a biological quality element has not been completed within a Geographical Intercalibration Group, Member States shall, for the purpose of Section 1.4.1(iii) of Annex V to Directive 2000/60/EC, use in their monitoring systems classification the methods and the values of the boundaries between classes that are set out in Part 2 of the Annex to this Decision.
3. Member States may use the methods and the values of the boundaries between classes set out in the Annex to this Decision to establish the good ecological potential of water bodies designated as artificial or heavily modified water bodies in accordance with Article 4(3) of Directive 2000/60/EC.
Article 2
Decision 2013/480/EU is repealed.
Article 3
This Decision is addressed to the Member States.
Done at Brussels, 12 February 2018.
For the Commission
Karmenu VELLA
Member of the Commission
(1) OJ L 327, 22.12.2000, p. 1.
(2) Commission Decision 2005/646/EC of 17 August 2005 on the establishment of a register of sites to form the intercalibration network in accordance with Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 243, 19.9.2005, p. 1).
(3) Common implementation strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), Guidance Document No 6, Towards a Guidance on Establishment of the Intercalibration Network and the Process on the Intercalibration Exercise, European Communities, 2003. ISBN 92-894-5126-2.
(4) Common implementation strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), Guidance document No 14. Guidance document on the Intercalibration Process 2004-2006, ISBN 92-894-9471-9;
Common implementation strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), Guidance document No 14. Guidance document on the Intercalibration Process 2008-2011, ISBN: 978-92-79-18997-5.
(5) Procedure to fit new or updated classification methods to the results of a completed intercalibration exercise, Guidance document No 30. Technical Report 2015-085, ISBN: 978-92-79-38434-9.
(6) Commission Decision 2008/915/EC of 30 October 2008 establishing, pursuant to Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, the values of the Member State monitoring system classifications as a result of the intercalibration exercise (OJ L 332, 10.12.2008, p. 20).
(7) Commission Decision 2013/480/EU of 20 September 2013 establishing, pursuant to Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, the values of the Member State monitoring system classifications as a result of the intercalibration exercise and repealing Decision 2008/915/EC (OJ L 266, 8.10.2013, p. 1).
Part 1 of this annex includes the results of the intercalibration exercise for which all steps of the intercalibration process have been fully completed, including their respective boundary values.
Part 2 includes national methods and their boundary values which are consistent with the normative definition set out in Section 1.2 of Annex V to Directive 2000/60/EC but where it has not been technically feasible to complete the comparability assessment within a Geographical Intercalibration Group due to lack of common types, different pressures addressed or different assessment concepts.
-- PART 1 --
Water category |
Rivers |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
Alpine rivers |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
River characterisation |
Catchment (km2) |
Altitude (m a.s.l.) and geomorphology |
Alkalinity |
Flow regime |
R-A1 |
Pre-Alpine, small to medium, high altitude calcareous |
10 — 1 000 |
800 — 2 500 m (catchment), boulders/cobble |
High (but not extremely high) alkalinity |
R-A2 |
Small to medium, high altitude, siliceous |
10 — 1 000 |
500 — 1 000 m (max altitude of catchment 3 000 m, mean 1 500 m), boulders |
Non-calcareous (granite, metamorphic) medium to low alkalinity |
Nival-glacial flow regime |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated:
Type R-A1: |
Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Slovenia |
Type R-A2: |
Austria, France, Italy, Spain |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrate fauna |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country and Type |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Type R-A1 |
Austria |
Assessment of the biological quality elements — part benthic invertebrates [Erhebung der biologischen Qualitätselemente — Teil Makrozoobenthos (Detaillierte MZB-Methode)] |
0,80 |
0,60 |
France |
Classification française DCE Indice Biologique Global Normalisé (IBGN). AFNOR NF-T-90-350 and arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
0,93 |
0,79 |
Germany |
PERLODES — Bewertungsverfahren von Fließgewässern auf Basis des Makrozoobenthos |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Italy |
MacrOper, based on STAR Intercalibration Common Metric Index (STAR_ICMi) |
0,97 |
0,73 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi bentoških nevretenčarjev |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Type R-A2 |
Austria |
Assessment of the biological quality elements — part benthic invertebrates [Erhebung der biologischen Qualitätselemente — Teil Makrozoobenthos (Detaillierte MZB-Methode)] |
0,80 |
0,60 |
France (Alps) |
Classification française DCE Indice Biologique Global Normalisé (IBGN). AFNOR NF-T-90-350 and arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
0,93 |
0,71 |
France (Pyrenees) |
Classification française DCE Indice Biologique Global Normalisé (IBGN). AFNOR NF-T-90-350 and arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
0,94 |
0,81 |
Italy |
MacrOper, based on STAR Intercalibration Common Metric Index (STAR_ICMi) |
0,95 |
0,71 |
Spain |
Iberian BMWP (IBMWP) |
0,83 |
0,53 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Phytobenthos |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Type and country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Type R-A1 |
Austria |
Assessment of the biological quality elements — part phytobenthos [Leitfaden zur Erhebung der biologischen Qualitätselemente, Teil A3 — Fließgewässer/Phytobenthos] |
0,88 |
0,56 |
France |
IBD 2007 (Coste et al, Ecol. Ind. 2009). AFNOR NF-T-90-354, December 2007. Arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
0,94 |
0,78 |
Germany |
Verfahrensanleitung für die ökologische Bewertung von Fließgewässern zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie: Makrophyten und Phytobenthos (PHYLIB), Modul Diatomeen |
0,735 |
0,54 |
Italy |
Intercalibration Common Metric Index (ICMi) (Mancini & Sollazzo, 2009) |
0,87 |
0,7 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi fitobentosa in makrofitov, fitobentos |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Type R-A2 |
Austria |
Assessment of the biological quality elements — part phytobenthos [Leitfaden zur Erhebung der biologischen Qualitätselemente, Teil A3 — Fließgewässer/Phytobenthos] |
0,88 |
0,56 |
France |
IBD 2007 (Coste et al, Ecol. Ind. 2009). AFNOR NF-T-90-354, December 2007. Arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
0,94 |
0,78 |
Spain |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982) |
0,94 |
0,74 |
Italy |
Intercalibration Common Metric Index (ICMi) (Mancini & Sollazzo, 2009) |
0,85 |
0,64 |
Water category |
Rivers |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
Central-Baltic rivers |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
River characterisation |
Catchment (km2) |
Altitude and geomorphology |
Alkalinity (meq/l) |
R-C1 |
Small lowland siliceous sand |
10 — 100 |
Lowland, dominated by sandy substrate (small particle size), 3 — 8 m width (bankfull size) |
> 0,4 |
R-C2 |
Small lowland siliceous — rock |
10 — 100 |
Lowland, rock material 3 — 8m width (bankfull size) |
< 0,4 |
R-C3 |
Small mid-altitude siliceous |
10 — 100 |
Mid-altitude, rock (granite) — gravel substrate, 2 — 10 m width (bankfull size) |
< 0,4 |
R-C4 |
Medium lowland mixed |
100 — 1 000 |
Lowland, sandy to gravel substrate, 8 — 25 m width (bankfull size) |
> 0,4 |
R-C5 |
Large lowland mixed |
1 000 — 10 000 |
Lowland, barbel zone, variation in velocity, max. altitude in catchment: 800 m a.s.l., > 25 m width (bankfull size) |
> 0,4 |
R-C6 |
Small, lowland, calcareous |
10 — 300 |
Lowland, gravel substrate (limestone), width 3 — 10 m (bankfull size) |
> 2 |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated:
Type R-C1: |
Belgium (Flanders), Belgium (Wallonia), Germany, Denmark, France, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom |
Type R-C2: |
Spain, France, Ireland, Sweden, United Kingdom |
Type R-C3: |
Austria, Belgium (Wallonia), Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden, France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom |
Type R-C4: |
Belgium (Flanders), Belgium (Wallonia), Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom |
Type R-C5: |
Belgium (Wallonia), Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Spain, Ireland. Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom |
Type R-C6: |
Belgium (Wallonia), Denmark, Estonia, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Sweden, United Kingdom |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrate fauna |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Austria |
Assessment of the biological quality elements — part benthic invertebrates |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Belgium (Flanders) |
Multimetric Macroinvertebrate Index Flanders (MMIF) |
0,90 |
0,70 |
Belgium (Wallonia) |
Indice Biologique Global Normalisé (IBGN) (Norme AFNOR NF T 90 350, 1992) and Arrêté du Gouvernement wallon du 13 septembre 2012 relatif à l’identification, à la caractérisation et à la fixation des seuils d’état écologique applicables aux masses d’eau de surface et modifiant le Livre II du Code de l’Environnement, contenant le Code de l’Eau. Moniteur belge 12.10.2012 |
0,94 (type R-C1) 0,97 (types R-C3, R-C5, R-C6) |
0,75 (type R-C1) 0,74 (types R-C3, R-C5, R-C6) |
Czech Republic |
Czech system for ecological status assessment of rivers using benthic macroinvertebrates |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Denmark |
Danish Stream Fauna Index (DSFI) |
1,00 |
0,71 |
Estonia |
Estonian surface water ecological quality assessment — river macroinvertebrates |
0,90 |
0,70 |
Germany |
PERLODES — Bewertungsverfahren von Fließgewässern auf Basis des Makrozoobenthos |
0,80 |
0,60 |
France |
Classification française DCE Indice Biologique Global Normalisé (IBGN). AFNOR NF T90-350 et arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
0,94 |
0,80 |
Ireland |
Quality Rating System (Q-value) |
0,85 |
0,75 |
Italy |
MacrOper, based on STAR_ICM index calculation |
0,96 |
0,72 |
Latvia |
Latvian Macroinvertebrate Index (LMI) |
0,92 |
0,72 |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian River Macroinvertebrate Index (LRMI) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Luxembourg |
Classification luxembourgeoise DCE Indice Biologique Global Normalisé (IBGN). AFNOR NF-T-90-350, AFNOR XP T 90-333 and XP T 90-388 |
0,96 |
0,72 |
Netherlands |
KRW-maatlat |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Poland |
RIVECOmacro — MMI_PL |
0,91 (type R-C1) |
0,72 (type R-C1) |
Spain |
0,93 |
0,70 |
Sweden |
DJ-index (Dahl & Johnson 2004) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
United Kingdom |
River Invertebrate Classification Tool (RICT)- WHPT |
0,97 |
0,86 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Type |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Austria |
AIM for Rivers (Austrian Index Macrophytes for rivers) |
RC-3 |
0,875 |
0,625 |
Belgium (Flanders) |
MAFWAT — Flemish macrophyte assessment system |
R-C1 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Belgium (Wallonia) |
IBMR-WL — Biological Macrophyte Index for Rivers (Arrêté du Gouvernement wallon du 13 septembre 2012 relatif à l’identification, à la caractérisation et à la fixation des seuils d’état écologique applicables aux masses d’eau de surface et modifiant le Livre II du Code de l’Environnement, contenant le Code de l’Eau. Moniteur belge 12.10.2012) |
R-C3 |
0,925 |
0,607 |
Czech Republic |
Assessment method of surface running water bodies in the Czech Republic using biological quality element macrophytes |
R-C3 (national type 1) |
0,83 |
0,67 |
R-C3 (national type 4) |
0,82 |
0,64 |
R-C4 |
0,86 |
0,62 |
Denmark |
DSPI — Danish Stream Plant Index |
R-C1, R-C4 |
0,70 |
0,50 |
Germany |
Verfahrensanleitung für die ökologische Bewertung von Fließgewässern zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie: Makrophyten und Phytobenthos (PHYLIB), Modul Makrophyten |
R-C1 |
0,745 |
0,495 |
R-C3 |
0,80 |
0,55 |
R-C4 |
0,575 |
0,395 |
Germany |
NRW-Verfahren zur Bewertung von Fließgewässern mit Makrophyten |
R-C1, R-C3, R-C4 |
0,995 |
0,695 |
France |
IBMR — Indice Biologique Macrophytique en Rivière French standard NF T90-395 (2003-10-01) |
R-C3 |
0,93 |
0,79 |
R-C4 |
0,905 |
0,79 |
Ireland |
MTR — IE — Mean Trophic Ranking |
R-C4 |
0,74 |
0,62 |
Italy |
IBMR — IT — Biological Macrophyte Index for Rivers |
R-C1 |
0,90 |
0,80 |
R-C4 |
0,90 |
0,80 |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian River Macrophyte Index |
R-C4 |
0,61 |
0,41 |
Latvia |
Latvian assessment method using macrophytes |
R-C4 |
0,75 |
0,55 |
Luxembourg |
IBMR — LU — Biological Macrophyte Index for Rivers |
R-C3, R-C4, R-C5 and R-C6 |
0,89 |
0,79 |
Netherlands |
Revised assessment method for rivers in The Netherlands using macrophytes |
R-C1 and R-C |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Poland |
MIR — Macrophyte Index for Rivers |
R-C1 |
0,90 |
0,65 |
R-C3 |
0,910 |
0,684 |
R-C4 |
0,90 |
0,65 |
United Kingdom |
River LEAFPACS 2 |
R-C1, R-C3 and R-C4 (*1) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Phytobenthos |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Type |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Austria |
Assessment of the biological quality elements — part Phytobenthos [Leitfaden zur Erhebung der biologischen Qualitätselemente, Teil A3 -Fließgewässer/Phytobenthos] |
All types, altitude < 500 m |
0,70 |
0,42 |
All types, altitude > 500 m |
0,71 |
0,43 |
Belgium (Flanders) |
Proportions of Impact-Sensitive and Impact-Associated Diatoms (PISIAD) |
All types |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Belgium (Wallonia) |
IPS (Coste, in CEMAGREF, 1982; Lenoir & Coste, 1996 and Arrêté du Gouvernement wallon du 13 septembre 2012 relatif à l’identification, à la caractérisation et à la fixation des seuils d’état écologique applicables aux masses d’eau de surface et modifiant le Livre II du Code de l’Environnement, contenant le Code de l’Eau. Moniteur belge 12.10.2012) |
All types |
0,98 |
0,73 |
Czech Republic |
Czech assessment method for rivers using phytobenthos |
R-C3, R-C4, R-C5 |
0,80 |
0,63 |
Estonia |
Indice de Polluosensibilité Spécifique (IPS) |
All types |
0,85 |
0,70 |
France |
IBD 2007 (Coste et al, Ecol. Ind. 2009). AFNOR NF-T-90-354, December 2007. Arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
All types |
0,94 |
0,78 |
Germany |
Verfahrensanleitung für die ökologische Bewertung von Fließgewässern zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie: Makrophyten und Phytobenthos (PHYLIB), Modul Diatomeen |
R-C1 |
0,67 |
0,43 |
R-C3 |
0,67 |
0,43 |
R-C4 |
0,61 |
0,43 |
R-C5 |
0,73 |
0,55 |
Ireland |
Revised form of Trophic Diatom Index (TDI) |
All types |
0,93 |
0,78 |
Italy |
Intercalibration Common Metric Index (ICMi) (Mancini & Sollazzo, 2009) |
All types |
0,89 |
0,70 |
Ireland |
Revised form of Trophic Diatom Index (TDI) |
All types |
0,93 |
0,78 |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian Phytobenthos Index |
R-C1, R-C4, R-C5, R-C6 |
0,73 |
0,55 |
Luxembourg |
Indice de Polluosensibilité Spécifique (IPS) |
R-C3, R-C4 (low alkalinity) |
0,98 |
0,78 |
R-C4 (high alkalinity), R-C5 and R-C6 |
0,99 |
0,78 |
Netherlands |
KRW Maatlat |
All types |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Poland |
Indeks Okrzemkowy IO dla rzek (Diatom Index for rivers) |
All types |
0,80 |
0,58 |
Spain |
Diatom multimetric (MDIAT) |
R-C2, R-C3, R-C4 |
0,93 |
0,70 |
Sweden |
Swedish assessment methods, Swedish EPA regulations (NFS 2008:1) based on Indice de Polluosensibilité Spécifique (IPS) |
All types |
0,89 |
0,74 |
United Kingdom |
Diatom Assessment for River Ecological Status (DARLEQ2) |
All types |
1,00 |
0,75 |
Water category |
Rivers |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
Eastern Continental rivers |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
River characterisation |
Ecoregion |
Catchment (km2) |
Altitude (m a.s.l.) |
Geology |
Substrate |
R-E1a |
Carpathians: small to medium, mid-altitude |
10 |
10 — 1 000 |
500 — 800 |
Mixed |
R-E1b |
Carpathians: small to medium, mid-altitude |
10 |
10 — 1 000 |
200 — 500 |
Mixed |
R-E2 |
Plains: medium-sized, lowland |
11 and 12 |
100 — 1 000 |
< 200 |
Mixed |
Sand and silt |
R-E3 |
Plains: large, lowland |
11 and 12 |
> 1 000 |
< 200 |
Mixed |
Sand, silt and gravel |
R-E4 |
Plains: medium-sized, mid-altitude |
11 and 12 |
100 — 1 000 |
200 — 500 |
Mixed |
Sand and gravel |
R-EX4 |
Large, mid-altitude |
10, 11 and 12 |
> 1 000 |
200 — 500 |
Mixed |
Gravel and boulder |
R-EX5 |
Plains: small lowland |
11 and 12 |
10 — 100 |
< 200 |
Mixed |
Sand and silt |
R-EX6 |
Plains: small, mid-altitude |
11 and 12 |
10 — 100 |
200 — 500 |
Mixed |
Gravel |
R-EX7 |
Balkan: small, calcareous, mid-altitude |
5 |
10 — 100 |
200 — 500 |
Calcareous |
Gravel |
R-EX8 |
Balkan: small to medium-sized, calcareous karst spring |
5 |
10 — 1 000 |
Calcareous |
Gravel, sand and silt |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated:
R-E1a: |
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia |
R-E1b: |
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia |
R-E2: |
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia |
R-E3: |
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia |
R-E4: |
Austria, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia |
R-EX4: |
Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia |
R-EX5: |
Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia |
R-EX6: |
Hungary, Romania, Slovenia |
R-EX7: |
Slovenia |
R-EX8: |
Slovenia |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrate fauna |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Type |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Austria |
Assessment of the biological quality elements — part benthic invertebrates |
R-E4 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Bulgaria |
IBI (BG) (Irish Biotic Index (BG)) |
R-E1a, R-E1b |
0,86 |
0,67 |
R-E2, R-E3 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Czech Republic |
Czech system for ecological status assessment of rivers using benthic macroinvertebrates |
R-E1a, R-E1b, R-E2, R-E3 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Hungary |
Hungarian Multimetric Macroinvertebrate Index |
R-E1b, R-E3, R-E4, R-EX5, R-EX6 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Romania |
Assessment method for ecological status of water bodies based on macroinvertebrates |
R-E1a, R-E1b, R-E3, R-EX4 |
0,74 |
0,58 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi bentoških nevretenčarjev |
R-E4, R-EX5, R-EX6 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Slovakia |
Slovak assessment of benthic invertebrates in rivers |
R-E1a, R-E1b, R-E2, R-E3, R-E4, R-EX4 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Type |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Austria |
AIM for Rivers (Austrian Index Macrophytes for rivers) |
R-E4 |
0,875 |
0,625 |
Bulgaria |
Reference Index |
R-E2, R-E3 |
0,570 |
0,370 |
R-E4 |
0,510 |
0,270 |
Czech Republic |
Assessment method of surface running water bodies in the Czech Republic using biological quality element macrophytes |
R-E2, R-E3 |
0,750 |
0,500 |
Czech Republic |
Assessment method of surface running water bodies in the Czech Republic using biological quality element macrophytes |
R-E4 |
0,770 |
0,560 |
Hungary |
Reference Index |
R-E2, R-E3 |
0,700 |
0,370 |
Romania |
Romanian Macrophyte-based assessment system for rivers (Macrophyte River Index (MARI)) |
R-E2, R-E3, R-E4 |
R-E2 and R-E3: 0,875 , R-E4: 0,783 |
all types: 0,625 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi fitobentosa in makrofitov, makrofiti |
R-E2, R-E3, R-E4 |
0,800 |
0,600 |
Slovakia |
Macrophyte Biological Index for Rivers (IBMR-SK) |
R-E2, R-E3, R-E4 |
0,800 |
0,600 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Phytobenthos |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Type |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Austria |
Assessment of the biological quality elements — part phytobenthos |
R-E4 |
0,70 |
0,42 |
Bulgaria |
Ecological status assessment of rivers in Bulgaria based on IPS diatom index |
R-E1a, R-E1b, R-E3 |
0,87 (national type R2, R4) 0,85 (national type R7, R8) |
0,66 (national type R2, R4) 0,64 (national type R7, R8) |
Czech Republic |
Assessment system for rivers using phytobenthos |
R-E1a, R-E1b, R-E2, R-E3, R-EX4 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Hungary |
Ecological status assessment for rivers based on diatoms |
R-E2, R-E3, R-EX5 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Romania |
National (Romanian) Assessment Method for Rivers Ecological Status based on Phytobenthos (Diatoms) RO-AMRP |
R-E1a, R-E1b, R-E3 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi fitobentosa in makrofitov, fitobentos |
R-E4, R-EX5, R-EX6, R-EX7, R-EX8 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Slovakia |
Ecological status assessment system for rivers using phytobenthos |
R-E1a, R-E1b, R-E2, R-E3, R-E4, R-EX4 |
0,90 |
0,70 |
Water category |
Rivers |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
Mediterranean rivers |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
River characterisation |
Catchment (km2) |
Geology |
Flow regime |
R-M1 |
Small Mediterranean streams |
< 100 |
Mixed (except silicious) |
Highly seasonal |
R-M2 |
Medium Mediterranean streams |
100 — 1 000 |
Mixed (except silicious) |
Highly seasonal |
R-M4 |
Mediterranean mountain streams |
Non-silicious |
Highly seasonal |
R-M5 |
Temporary streams |
Temporary |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated:
R-M1: |
Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain |
R-M2: |
Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain |
R-M4: |
Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Spain |
R-M5: |
Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrate fauna |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Type and Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
R-M1 |
France |
Classification française DCE Indice Biologique Global Normalisé (IBGN). AFNOR NF T90-350 et arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
0,940 |
0,700 |
Greece |
Hellenic Evaluation System-2 (HESY-2) |
0,943 |
0,750 |
Italy |
MacrOper (based on STAR Intercalibration Common Metric Index ICMi) |
0,970 |
0,720 |
Portugal |
Rivers Biological Quality Assessment Method-Benthic Invertebrates (IPtIN, IPtIS) |
0,870 (type 1) |
0,678 (type 1) |
0,850 (type 3) |
0,686 (type 3) |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi bentoških nevretenčarjev |
0,800 |
0,600 |
Spain |
Iberian Biological Monitoring Working Party (IBMWP) |
0,845 |
0,698 |
Spain |
Iberian Mediterranean Multimetric Index—using quantitative data (IMMi-T) |
0,811 |
0,707 |
R-M2 |
Bulgaria |
IBI (BG) (Irish Biotic Index (BG)) |
0,800 |
0,600 |
France |
Classification française DCE Indice Biologique Global Normalisé (IBGN). AFNOR NF T90-350 et arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
0,940 |
0,700 |
Greece |
Hellenic Evaluation System-2 (HESY-2) |
0,944 |
0,708 |
Italy |
MacrOper (based on STAR Intercalibration Common Metric Index ICMi) |
0,940 |
0,700 |
Portugal |
Rivers Biological Quality Assessment Method-Benthic Invertebrates (IPtIN, IPtIS) |
0,830 (type 2) |
0,693 (type 2) |
0,880 (type 4) |
0,676 (type 4) |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi bentoških nevretenčarjev |
0,800 |
0,600 |
Spain |
Iberian Biological Monitoring Working Party (IBMWP) |
0,845 |
0,698 |
Spain |
Iberian Mediterranean Multimetric Index—using quantitative data (IMMi-T) |
0,811 |
0,707 |
R-M4 |
Cyprus |
STAR Intercalibration Common Metric Index (STAR_ICMi) |
0,972 |
0,729 |
France |
Classification française DCE Indice Biologique Global Normalisé (IBGN). AFNOR NF T90-350 et arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
0,940 |
0,700 |
Greece |
Hellenic Evaluation System-2 (HESY-2) |
0,850 |
0,637 |
Italy |
MacrOper (based on STAR Intercalibration Common Metric Index ICMi) |
0,940 |
0,700 |
Spain |
Iberian Biological Monitoring Working Party (IBMWP) |
0,840 |
0,700 |
Spain |
Iberian Mediterranean Multimetric Index—using quantitative data (IMMi-T) |
0,850 |
0,694 |
R-M5 |
Cyprus |
STAR Intercalibration Common Metric Index (STAR_ICMi) |
0,982 |
0,737 |
Greece |
Hellenic Evaluation System-2 (HESY-2) |
0,963 |
0,673 |
Italy |
MacrOper (based on STAR Intercalibration Common Metric Index ICMi) |
0,970 |
0,730 |
Portugal |
Rivers Biological Quality Assessment Method-Benthic Invertebrates (IPtIN, IPtIS) |
0,973 (type 5) |
0,705 (type 5) |
0,961 (type 6) |
0,708 (type 6) |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi bentoških nevretenčarjev |
0,800 |
0,600 |
Spain |
Iberian Biological Monitoring Working Party (IBMWP) |
0,830 |
0,630 |
Spain |
Iberian Mediterranean Multimetric Index—using quantitative data (IMMi-T) |
0,830 |
0,620 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Type and Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
R-M1, M2, M4 |
Bulgaria (R-M1 and R-M2) |
RI (BG) (Reference Index (BG)) |
0,640 |
0,350 |
Cyprus |
IBMR — Biological Macrophyte Index for Rivers |
0,795 |
0,596 |
France |
IBMR — Indice Biologique Macrophytique en Rivière French standard NF T90-395 (2003-10-01) |
0,930 |
0,745 |
Greece |
IBMR — Biological Macrophyte Index for Rivers |
0,750 |
0,560 |
Italy |
IBMR — Biological Macrophyte Index for Rivers |
0,900 |
0,800 |
Portugal |
IBMR — Biological Macrophyte Index for Rivers |
0,920 |
0,690 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi fitobentosa in makrofitov, makrofiti |
0,800 |
0,600 |
Spain |
IBMR — Biological Macrophyte Index for Rivers |
0,950 |
0,740 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Phytobenthos |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Type and Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
R-M1 |
Bulgaria |
IPS (Indice de polluo-sensibilité) |
0,820 |
0,630 |
France |
IBD 2007 (Coste et al, Ecol. Ind. 2009). AFNOR NF-T-90-354, December 2007. Arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
0,940 |
0,780 |
Greece |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982) Intercalibrated (EQR IPS) |
0,956 |
0,717 |
Italy |
Intercalibration Common Metric Index (ICMi) (Mancini & Sollazzo, 2009) |
0,800 |
0,610 |
Portugal |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982) |
0,970 (type 1) |
0,730 (type 1) |
0,910 (type 3) |
0,680 (type 3) |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi fitobentosa in makrofitov, fitobentos |
0,800 |
0,600 |
Spain |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982) |
0,937 |
0,727 |
R-M2 |
Bulgaria |
IPDS (Indice de polluo-sensibilité) |
0,820 |
0,630 |
France |
IBD 2007 (Coste et al, Ecol. Ind. 2009). AFNOR NF-T-90-354, December 2007. Arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
0,940 |
0,780 |
Greece |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982) Intercalibrated (EQR IPS) |
0,953 |
0,732 |
Italy |
Intercalibration Common Metric Index (ICMi) (Mancini & Sollazzo, 2009) |
0,800 |
0,610 |
Portugal |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982)) |
0,910 (type 2) |
0,680 (type 2) |
0,970 (type 4) |
0,730 (type 4) |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi fitobentosa in makrofitov, fitobentos |
0,800 |
0,600 |
Spain |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982) |
0,938 |
0,727 |
R-M4 |
Cyprus |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982) |
0,910 |
0,683 |
France |
IBD 2007 (Coste et al, Ecol. Ind. 2009). AFNOR NF-T-90-354, December 2007. Arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
0,940 |
0,780 |
Greece |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982) Intercalibrated (EQR IPS) |
0,932 |
0,716 |
Italy |
Intercalibration Common Metric Index (ICMi) (Mancini & Sollazzo, 2009) |
0,800 |
0,610 |
Spain |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982) |
0,935 |
0,727 |
R-M5 |
Cyprus |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982) |
0,958 |
0,718 |
Italy |
Intercalibration Common Metric Index (ICMi) (Mancini & Sollazzo, 2009) |
0,880 |
0,650 |
Portugal |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982) |
0,800 (Type 5) |
0,651 (Type 5) |
0,940 (Type 6) |
0,700 (Type 6) |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi fitobentosa in makrofitov, fitobentos |
0,800 |
0,600 |
Spain |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982) |
0,935 |
0,700 |
Water category |
Rivers |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
Northern rivers |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
River characterisation |
Catchment area of stretch (km2) |
Altitude and geomorphology |
Alkalinity (meq/l) |
Organic material (mg Pt/l) |
R-N1 |
Small lowland siliceous moderate alkalinity |
10 — 100 |
< 200 m a.s.l. or below the highest coastline |
0,2 — 1 |
< 30 (< 150 in Ireland) |
R-N3 |
Small/medium lowland organic low alkalinity |
10 — 1 000 |
< 0,2 |
> 30 |
R-N4 |
Medium lowland siliceous moderate alkalinity |
100 — 1 000 |
0,2 — 1 |
< 30 |
R-N5 |
Small mid-altitude siliceous low alkalinity |
10 — 100 |
Between lowland and highland |
< 0,2 |
< 30 |
R-N9 |
Small/medium mid-altitude siliceous low alkalinity organic (humic) |
10 — 1 000 |
Between lowland and highland |
< 0,2 |
> 30 |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated:
R-N1: |
Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom |
R-N3: |
Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom |
R-N4: |
Finland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom |
R-N5: |
Finland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom |
R-N9: |
Finland, Norway, Sweden |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrate fauna (methods sensitive for organic enrichment and general degradation) |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Finland |
Revised Finnish river invertebrate fauna assessment method |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Ireland |
Quality Rating System (Q-value) |
0,85 |
0,75 |
Norway |
0,99 |
0,87 |
Sweden |
DJ-index (Dahl & Johnson 2004) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
United Kingdom |
River Invertebrate Classification Tool (RICT)- WHPT |
0,97 |
0,86 |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrate fauna (methods sensitive for acidification) |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
The following results apply to clear, low alkalinity river types
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Norway |
AcidIndex2 (Modified Raddum index2) (river acidification) |
0,675 |
0,515 |
United Kingdom — Scotland |
0,910 |
0,830 |
United Kingdom — England and Wales |
0,980 |
0,890 |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
The following results apply to humic, low alkalinity river types
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Sweden |
MISA: Multimetric Invertebrate Stream Acidification index |
0,550 |
0,400 |
United Kingdom |
0,930 |
0,830 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Type and Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
R-N3 and R-N9 |
Finland |
Trophic index TIc |
0,889 |
0,610 |
Sweden |
Trophic index TIc |
0,889 |
0,610 |
Norway |
Trophic index TIc |
0,889 |
0,610 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Phytobenthos |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Finland |
Finnish river phytobenthos method |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Sweden |
Indice de Polluosensibilité Spécifique (IPS) |
0,89 |
0,74 |
Ireland |
Revised form of Trophic Diatom Index (TDI) |
0,93 |
0,78 |
United Kingdom |
1,00 |
0,75 |
Norway |
Periphyton Index of Trophic Status (PIT) |
0,99 (Ca ≤ 1 mg/l) |
0,83 |
0,95 (Ca > 1 mg/l) |
Water category |
Rivers |
Geographical Intercalibration Groups |
All |
Biological Quality Element |
Fish fauna |
Overview of regional groups that have been established for the river fish intercalibration:
Lowland-Midland group — Belgium (Flanders), Belgium (Wallonia), France, Germany, Netherlands, Lithuania, Luxembourg, United Kingdom (England and Wales), Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark, Hungary
Nordic group — Finland, Ireland, Sweden, United Kingdom (Scotland and Northern Ireland), Norway
Alpine-type Mountains group — Austria, France, Germany, Slovenia, Italy
Mediterranean South Atlantic group — Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria
Danubian group — Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Lowland-Midland group
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Belgium Flanders |
Upstream and Lowland IBI |
0,850 |
0,650 |
Belgium Wallonia |
IBIP (Arrêté du Gouvernement wallon du 13 septembre 2012 relatif à l’identification, à la caractérisation et à la fixation des seuils d’état écologique applicables aux masses d’eau de surface et modifiant le Livre II du Code de l’Environnement, contenant le Code de l’Eau. Moniteur belge 12.10.2012) |
0,958 |
0,792 |
France |
FBI (Fish-Based Index): Indice Poissons Rivière (IPR). AFNOR NF-T-90-344. |
1,131 |
0,835 |
Germany |
FIBS — fischbasiertes Bewertungssystem für Fließgewässer zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Deutschland |
1,086 |
0,592 |
Latvia |
Latvian Fish Index |
0,880 |
0,660 |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian River Fish Index |
0,940 |
0,720 |
Luxembourg |
Classification française DCE Indice Poissons Rivière (IPR). AFNOR NF-T-90-344 |
1,131 |
0,835 |
Netherlands |
0,800 |
0,600 |
Poland |
EFI+PL index |
0,800 |
0,600 |
Nordic group
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Finland |
Finnish Fish Index (FiFi) — type L2 |
0,665 |
0,499 |
Finland |
Finnish Fish Index (FiFi) — type L3 |
0,658 |
0,493 |
Finland |
Finnish Fish Index (FiFi) — type M1 |
0,709 |
0,532 |
Finland |
Finnish Fish Index (FiFi) — type M2 |
0,734 |
0,550 |
Finland |
Finnish Fish Index (FiFi) — type M3 |
0,723 |
0,542 |
Ireland |
Fish Classification Scheme 2 Ireland (FCS2) |
0,845 |
0,540 |
Sweden |
Swedish method VIX |
0,739 |
0,467 |
United Kingdom — Northern Ireland |
0,845 |
0,540 |
United Kingdom — Scotland |
FCS2 Scotland |
0,850 |
0,600 |
Mediterranean group
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Greece |
Hellenic Fish Index (HeFI) |
0,800 |
0,600 |
Portugal |
F-IBIP — Fish-based Index of Biotic Integrity for Portuguese Wadeable Streams |
0,850 |
0,675 |
Spain |
IBIMED — type T2 |
0,816 |
0,705 |
Spain |
IBIMED — type T3 |
0,929 |
0,733 |
Spain |
IBIMED — type T4 |
0,864 |
0,758 |
Spain |
IBIMED — type T5 |
0,866 |
0,650 |
Spain |
IBIMED — type T6 |
0,916 |
0,764 |
Alpine group
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Austria |
0,875 |
0,625 |
France |
FBI (Fish-Based Index): Indice Poissons Rivière (IPR). AFNOR NF-T90-344 |
1,131 |
0,876 |
Germany |
FIBS — fischbasiertes Bewertungssystem für Fließgewässer zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Deutschland |
1,086 |
0,592 |
Italy |
NISECI index (New Index of Ecological Status of Fish Communities) |
0,800 |
0,520 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi rib |
0,800 |
0,600 |
Danubian group
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Bulgaria |
TsBRI (Type Specific Bulgarian Fish Index) |
0,860 |
0,650 |
Czech Republic |
Czech multimetric method CZI |
0,780 |
0,585 |
Romania |
EFI+ European Fish index (cyprinid wading type) |
0,939 |
0,700 |
Romania |
EFI+ European Fish index (salmonid type) |
0,911 |
0,755 |
Slovakia |
Fish Index of Slovakia FIS |
0,710 |
0,570 |
Water Category |
Rivers |
Geographical Intercalibration Groups |
All — Very Large Rivers |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
River characterisation |
Catchment area of stretch (km2) |
Alkalinity (meq/l) |
R-L1 |
Very large low alkalinity rivers |
> 10 000 |
< 0,5 |
R-L2 |
Very large medium to high alkalinity rivers |
> 10 000 |
> 0,5 |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated:
R-L1: |
Finland, Norway, Sweden |
R-L2: |
Austria, Belgium (Flanders), Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrate fauna |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Austria |
Assessment of the Biological Quality Elements — part benthic invertebrates (for large alpine rivers) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Austria |
Slovak assessment of benthic invertebrates in large rivers (for large lowland rivers) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Belgium (Flanders) |
Multimetric Macroinvertebrate Index Flanders (MMIF) |
0,90 |
0,70 |
Bulgaria |
mRBA — Modified Rapid Biological Assessment |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Croatia |
Ecological status assessment system based on benthic invertebrates in very large rivers |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Czech Republic |
Czech system for ecological status assessment of large non-wadeable rivers using benthic macroinvertebrates |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Germany |
Germany PTI — Potamon-Typie-Index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Estonia |
Estonian surface water ecological quality assessment _ large river macroinvertebrates |
0,90 |
0,70 |
Spain |
IBMWP — Iberian Biological Monitoring Working Party |
0,79 |
0,48 |
Finland |
Revised Finnish river invertebrate fauna assessment method |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Hungary |
Hungary HMMI_II — Hungarian Multimetric Macroinvertebrate Index for large and very large rivers |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Italy |
ISA (Indice per la classificazione sulla base dei Substrati Artificiali) — mediterranean rivers |
0,94 |
0,70 |
Italy |
ISA (Indice per la classificazione sulla base dei Substrati Artificiali) — non-mediterranean rivers |
0,96 |
0,72 |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian River Macroinvertebrate Index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Latvia |
LRMI — Latvian large River Macroinvertebrate Index |
0,88 |
0,63 |
Netherlands |
WFD metrics for natural water types |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Norway |
Norway ASPT — Average Score Per Taxon |
0,99 |
0,87 |
Poland |
RIVECOmacro — MMI_PL |
0,91 |
0,71 |
Romania |
ECO-BENT — Assessment method for ecological status of water bodies based on macroinvertebrates |
0,79 |
0,53 |
Sweden |
Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) and DJ-index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi bentoških nevretenčarjev |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Slovakia |
Slovak assessment of benthic invertebrates in large rivers |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Phytoplankton |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
Austria |
German PhytoFluss-Index 4.0 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Belgium (Flanders) |
German PhytoFluss-Index 2.0 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Bulgaria |
German PhytoFluss-Index 4.0 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Croatia |
HRPI — Hungarian River Phytoplankton Index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Czech Republic |
CZ — Assessment method for ecological status of rivers based on phytoplankton |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Germany |
German PhytoFluss-Index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Estonia |
EST_PHYPLA_R — Estonian Large River Phytoplankton Index |
0,85 |
0,65 |
Hungary |
HRPI — Hungarian River Phytoplankton Index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Lithuania |
German PhytoFluss-Index for lowland rivers of type 15.2 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Latvia |
Latvian Large River Phytoplankton Index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Poland |
IFPL metric — Method for large rivers assessment using phytoplankton |
1,08 |
0,92 |
Romania |
ECO-FITO — Assessment Method for Ecological Status of the Water Bodies based on Phytoplankton |
0,92 |
0,76 |
Slovakia |
Phytoplankton-SK — Slovak assessment of phytoplankton in large rivers |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Phytobenthos |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country and Type |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-Good boundary |
Good-Moderate boundary |
R-L1 |
Finland |
Finnish river phytobenthos method |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Sweden |
Benthic algae in running water — diatom analysis |
0,89 |
0,74 |
R-L2 |
Austria |
Assessment of the Biological Quality Elements — part phytobenthos |
0,85 |
0,57 |
Bulgaria |
IPS (Indice de Polluo-Sensibilité) |
0,76 |
0,58 |
Czech Republic |
Assessment system for rivers using phytobenthos |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Estonia |
Estonian surface water ecological quality assessment — river phytobenthos |
0,83 |
0,64 |
France |
IBD 2007 (Coste et al, Ecol. Ind. 2009). AFNOR NF T90-354, April 2016. Arrêté ministériel du 25 janvier 2010 modifié relatif aux méthodes et critères d’évaluation de l’état écologique {…} des eaux de surface |
0,92 |
0,76 |
Spain |
IPS (Coste in Cemagref, 1982) |
0,68 |
0,48 |
Germany |
Verfahrensanleitung für die ökologische Bewertung von Fließgewässern zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie: Makrophyten und Phytobenthos (PHYLIB), Modul Diatomeen |
0,725 |
0,55 |
Croatia |
Ecological status assessment system for phytobenthos in rivers based on diatoms |
0,8 |
0,61 |
Hungary |
Ecological status assessment for rivers based on diatoms |
0,762 |
0,60 |
Italy |
Intercalibration Common Metric Index (ICMi) (Mancini &Sollazzo 2009) |
0,89 (national type C) |
0,70 (national type C) |
0,82 (national type M3) |
0,62 (national type M3) |
Netherlands |
WFD-metrics for natural water types |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Portugal |
IPS — Specific Pollution Sensitivity Index |
0,90 (national type R_GRS/Guadiana river) |
0,67 (national type R_GRS/Guadiana river) |
Slovakia |
Ecological status assessment system for rivers using phytobenthos |
0,90 |
0,70 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja vodotokov na podlagi fitobentosa in makrofitov, fitobentos |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Water category |
Lakes |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
Alpine lakes |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
Lake characterisation |
Altitude (m above sea level) |
Mean depth (m) |
Alkalinity (meq/l) |
Lake size (km2) |
L-AL3 |
Lowland or mid-altitude, deep, moderate to high alkalinity (alpine influence), large |
50 — 800 |
> 15 |
> 1 |
> 0,5 |
L-AL4 |
Mid-altitude, shallow, moderate to high alkalinity (alpine influence), large |
200 — 800 |
3 — 15 |
> 1 |
> 0,5 |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated:
Types L-AL3: |
Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia |
Types L-AL4: |
Austria, France, Germany, Italy |
Biological Quality Element |
Phytoplankton |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Austria |
Evaluation of the biological quality elements, Part B2 — phytoplankton |
0,80 |
0,60 |
France |
Phytoplankton Index for Lakes (IPLAC): Indice Phytoplancton Lacustre |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Germany |
PSI (Phyto-Seen-Index) — Bewertungsverfahren für Seen mittels Phytoplankton zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Deutschland |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Italy |
Italian Phytoplankton Assessment Method (IPAM) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja jezer na podlagi fitoplanktona |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
IC type |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Austria |
AIM for Lakes (Austrian Index Macrophytes for lakes) |
L-AL3+ L-AL4 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
France |
French Macrophyte Index for Lakes (IBML): Indice Biologique Macrophytique en Lacs |
L-AL3+ L-AL4 |
0,92 |
0,72 |
Germany |
Verfahrensanleitung für die ökologische Bewertung von Seen zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie: Makrophyten und Phytobenthos (PHYLIB), Modul Makrophyten |
L-AL3+ L-AL4 |
0,76 |
0,51 |
Germany |
Verfahrensanleitung für die ökologische Bewertung von Seen zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie: Makrophyten und Phytobenthos (PHYLIB), Modul Makrophyten und Phytobenthos |
LAL4 |
0,74 |
0,47 |
Italy |
MacroIMMI (Macrophytic index for the evaluation of the ecological quality of the Italian lakes) |
L-AL3+ L-AL4 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja jezer na podlagi fitobentosa in makrofitov, makrofiti |
L-AL3 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrate fauna |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja jezer na podlagi bentoških nevretenčarjev |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Germany |
AESHNA — Bewertungsverfahren für das eulitorale Makrozoobenthos in Seen zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Deutschland |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Fish fauna |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Austria |
ALFI (Austrian lake fish index): A multimetric index to assess the ecological status of alpine lakes based on fish fauna |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Germany |
DeLFI_SITE — Deutsches probennahmestandort-spezifisches Bewertungsverfahren für Fische in Seen zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie |
0,85 |
0,69 |
Italy |
Lake Fish Index (LFI) |
0,82 |
0,64 |
Water category |
Lakes |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
Central/Baltic lakes |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
Lake characterisation |
Altitude (m above sea level) |
Mean depth (m) |
Alkalinity (meq/l) |
Residence time (years) |
L-CB1 |
Lowland, shallow, calcareous |
< 200 |
3 — 15 |
> 1 |
1 — 10 |
L-CB2 |
Lowland, very shallow, calcareous |
< 200 |
< 3 |
> 1 |
0,1 — 1 |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated
Types L-CB1: |
Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom |
Types L-CB2: |
Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom |
Biological Quality Element |
Phytoplankton |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Belgium (Flanders) |
Flemish phytoplankton assessment method for lakes |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Denmark |
Danish Lake Phytoplankton Index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Estonia |
Estonian surface water ecological quality assessment — lake phytoplankton |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Germany |
PSI (Phyto-Seen-Index) — Bewertungsverfahren für Seen mittels Phytoplankton zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Deutschland — German Phyto-Lake-Index (Phyto-See-Index) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Ireland |
IE Lake Phytoplankton Index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Latvia |
Latvian Lake Phytoplankton Index |
0,81 |
0,61 |
Lithuania |
German Phytoplankton Index (PSI) |
0,81 |
0,61 |
Netherlands |
WFD — metrics for natural water types |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Poland |
Phytoplankton method for Polish Lakes (PMPL) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
UK |
Phytoplankton Lake Assessment Tool with Uncertainty Module (PLUTO) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
IC type |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Belgium (Flanders) |
Flemish macrophyte assessment system |
All types |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Denmark |
Danish Lake Macrophytes Index |
All types |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Estonia |
Estonian surface water ecological quality assessment — lake macrophytes |
LCB1 |
0,78 |
0,52 |
LCB2 |
0,76 |
0,50 |
Germany |
Verfahrensanleitung für die ökologische Bewertung von Seen zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie: Makrophyten und Phytobenthos (PHYLIB), Modul Makrophyten |
All types |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Latvia |
Latvian macrophyte assessment method |
All types |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian Lake Macrophyte Index |
All types |
0,75 |
0,50 |
Netherlands |
WFD-metrics for natural water types |
All types |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Poland |
Macrophyte based indication method for lakes — Ecological Status Macrophyte Index ESMI (multimetric) |
All types |
0,68 |
0,41 |
UK |
Lake LEAFPACS 2 (*2) |
All types |
0,80 |
0,66 |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrate fauna |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate |
Belgium (Flanders) |
Multimetric Macroinvertebrate Index Flanders (MMIF) |
0,90 |
0,70 |
Estonia |
Estonian surface water ecological quality assessment — lake macroinvertebrates |
0,86 |
0,70 |
Germany |
AESHNA — Bewertungsverfahren für das eulitorale Makrozoobenthos in Seen zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Deutschland |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Latvia |
Latvian Lake Macroinvertebrate Multimetric Index (LLMMI) |
0,85 |
0,52 |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian Lake Macroinvertebrate Index |
0,74 |
0,50 |
Netherlands |
WFDi — Metric for Natural Watertypes |
0,80 |
0,60 |
UK |
Chironomid Pupal Exuvial Technique (CPET) |
0,77 |
0,64 |
Biological Quality Element |
Fish fauna |
Description of common intercalibration types
Type |
Lake characterisation |
Altitude (m above sea level) |
Mean depth (m) |
Alkalinity (meq/l) |
Residence time (years) |
L-CB1 |
Lowland, shallow, calcareous |
< 200 |
3 — 15 |
> 1 |
1 — 10 |
L-CB2 |
Lowland, very shallow, calcareous |
< 200 |
< 3 |
> 1 |
0,1 — 1 |
L-CB3 |
Lowland, shallow, small, siliceous (moderate alkalinity) |
< 200 |
3 — 15 |
0,2 — 1 |
1 — 10 |
L-CB4 |
Heavily modified water bodies |
200 — 700 |
3 — 30 |
> 0,2 |
0,1 — 5 |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated
Types L-CB1: |
Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom |
Types L-CB2: |
Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom |
Types L-CB3: |
Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Latvia, Poland |
Types L-CB4: |
Czech Republic |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate |
Czech Republic |
0,870 |
0,619 |
Denmark |
Danish Lake Fish Index |
0,75 |
0,54 |
EE |
0,80 |
0,61 |
Germany |
DeLFI_SITE — Deutsches probennahmestandort-spezifisches Bewertungsverfahren für Fische in Seen zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie |
0,95 |
0,80 |
France |
ELFI (European Lake Fish Index): Indice Ichtyofaune Lacustre (IIL) |
0,73 |
0,49 |
Latvia |
Latvian Lake Fish Index |
0,76 |
0,57 |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian Lake Fish Index |
0,865 |
0,605 |
Netherlands |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Poland |
LFI+ |
0,866 |
0,595 |
Poland |
0,804 |
0,557 |
Water category |
Lakes |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
Eastern Continental lakes |
Description of common intercalibration types
Type |
Lake characterisation |
Altitude (m above sea level) |
Mean depth (m) |
Alkalinity (meq/l) |
Conductivity (μS/cm) |
L-EC1 |
Lowland very shallow hard-water |
< 200 |
< 6 |
1 — 4 |
300 — 1 000 |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated
Types L-EC1: |
Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania |
Biological Quality Element |
Phytoplankton |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Bulgaria |
HLPI-Hungarian lake phytoplankton index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Hungary |
HLPI-Hungarian lake phytoplankton index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Romania |
HLPI-Hungarian lake phytoplankton index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Bulgaria |
RI-BG — Adapted Reference Index |
0,83 |
0,58 |
Hungary |
HU-RI — Adapted Reference Index |
0,89 |
0,67 |
Romania |
MIRO — Macrophyte Index for Romanian Lakes (Adapted Reference Index) |
0,86 |
0,66 |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrate fauna |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification methods intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Bulgaria |
HMMI_lakes (Hungarian Macrozoobenton Multimetric Index for Lakes |
0,85 |
0,65 |
Hungary |
HMMI_lakes (Hungarian Macrozoobenton Multimetric Index for Lakes |
0,85 |
0,65 |
Romania |
ECO-NL-BENT Romanian ecological status assessment system for natural lakes using benthic invertebrates |
0,93 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Fish fauna |
Water category |
Lakes |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
Mediterranean lakes |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
Lake characterization |
Altitude (m) |
Annual mean precipitation (mm) and T ( oC) |
Mean depth (m) |
Area (km2) |
Catchment (km2) |
Alkalinity (meq/l) |
L-M5/7 |
Reservoirs, deep, large, siliceous, ‘wet’ areas |
< 1 000 |
> 800 and/or < 15 |
> 15 |
0,5 — 50 |
< 20 000 |
< 1 |
L-M8 |
Reservoirs, deep, large, calcareous |
< 1 000 |
— |
> 15 |
0,5 — 50 |
< 20 000 |
> 1 |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated
Types L-M5/7: |
France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain |
Types L-M8: |
Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Spain |
Biological Quality Element |
Phytoplankton |
Country and Type |
National classification methods intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
LM 5/7 |
France |
Phytoplankton Index for Lakes (IPLAC): Indice Phytoplancton Lacustre |
n.d. (*3) |
0,60 |
Greece |
New Mediterranean Assessment System for Reservoirs (NMASRP) |
n.d. (*3) |
0,60 |
Italy |
New Italian Method (NITMET) |
n.d. (*3) |
0,60 |
Portugal |
Reservoirs Biological Quality Assessment Method — Phytoplankton (New Mediterranean Assessment System for Reservoirs Phytoplankton: NMASRP). |
n.d. (*3) |
0,60 |
Spain |
Mediterranean Assessment System for Reservoirs Phytoplankton (MASRP). |
n.d. (*3) |
0,58 |
L-M8 |
Cyprus |
New Mediterranean Assessment System for Reservoirs Phytoplankton (NMASRP). |
n.d. (*3) |
0,60 |
France |
Phytoplankton Index for Lakes (IPLAC): Indice Phytoplancton Lacustre |
n.d. (*3) |
0,60 |
Greece |
New Mediterranean Assessment System for Reservoirs (NMASRP) |
n.d. (*3) |
0,60 |
Italy |
New Italian Method (NITMET) |
n.d. (*3) |
0,60 |
Spain |
Mediterranean Assessment System for Reservoirs Phytoplankton (MASRP). |
n.d. (*3) |
0,60 |
Water category |
Lakes |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
Northern lakes |
Biological Quality Element |
Phytoplankton |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
Lake characterisation |
Altitude (m above sea level) |
Mean depth (m) |
Alkalinity (meq/l) |
Colour (mg Pt/l) |
L-N1 |
Lowland, shallow, moderate alkalinity, clear |
< 200 |
3 — 15 |
0,2 — 1 |
< 30 |
L-N2a |
Lowland, shallow, low alkalinity, clear |
< 200 |
3 — 15 |
< 0,2 |
< 30 |
L-N2b |
Lowland, deep, low alkalinity, clear |
< 200 |
> 15 |
< 0,2 |
< 30 |
L-N3a |
Lowland, shallow, low alkalinity, meso-humic |
< 200 |
3 — 15 |
< 0,2 |
30 — 90 |
L-N5 |
Mid-altitude, shallow, low alkalinity, clear |
200 — 800 |
3 — 15 |
< 0,2 |
< 30 |
L-N6a |
Mid-altitude, shallow, low alkalinity, meso-humic |
200 — 800 |
3 — 15 |
< 0,2 |
30 — 90 |
L-N8a |
Lowland, shallow, moderate alkalinity, meso-humic |
< 200 |
3 — 15 |
0,2 — 1 |
30 — 90 |
Types L-N1, L-N2a, L-N3a, LN-8a: |
Ireland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom. |
Types L-N2b: |
Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom |
Types L-N5, L-N6a: |
Norway, Sweden |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification methods intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Finland |
Finnish phytoplankton assessment method for lakes |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Ireland |
IE Lake Phytoplankton Index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Norway |
Lake phytoplankton ecological status classification method |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Sweden |
Ecological assessment methods for lakes. quality factor phytoplankton |
0,80 |
0,60 |
UK |
Phytoplankton Lake Assessment Tool with Uncertainty Module (PLUTO) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes and Phytobenthos |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Macrophytes |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
Lake characterisation |
Alkalinity (meq/l) |
Color(mg Pt/l) |
L-N-M 101 |
Low alkalinity, clear |
0,05 — 0,2 |
< 30 |
L-N-M 102 |
Low alkalinity, humic |
0,05 — 0,2 |
> 30 |
L-N-M 201 |
Moderate alkalinity, clear |
0,2 — 1,0 |
< 30 |
L-N-M 202 |
Moderate alkalinity, humic |
0,2 — 1,0 |
> 30 |
L-N-M 301a |
High alkalinity, clear, atlantic subtype |
> 1,0 |
< 30 |
L-N-M 302a |
High alkalinity, humic, atlantic subtype |
> 1,0 |
> 30 |
Types 101, 102, 201 and 202: |
Ireland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom. |
Type 301a: |
Ireland, United Kingdom. |
Type 302a: |
Ireland, United Kingdom |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification methods intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate |
Finland |
Finnish macrophyte classification system (Finnmac) |
0,8 (all types) |
0,6 (all types) |
Ireland |
Free Macrophyte Index |
0,9 (all types) |
0,68 (all types) |
Norway |
National macrophyte index (Trophic Index — TIc) |
Type 101: 0,98 Type 102: 0,96 Type 201: 0,95 Type 202: 0,99 |
Type 101: 0,87 Type 102: 0,87 Type 201: 0,75 Type 202: 0,77 |
Sweden |
Trophic Macrophyte Index (TMI) |
Type 101: 0,93 Type 102: 0,93 Type 201: 0,89 Type 202: 0,91 |
Type 101: 0,80 Type 102: 0,83 Type 201: 0,78 Type 202: 0,78 |
UK |
Lake LEAFPACS 2 (*4) |
0,8 (all types) |
0,66 (all types) |
UK |
Free Macrophyte Index (*5) |
0,9 (all types) |
0,68 (all types) |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrates Fauna |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
Lake characterisation |
Ecoregion |
Altitude (m absl) |
Alkalinity (meq/l) |
Colour (mg Pt/l) |
Lake littoral acidification |
L-N-BF1 |
Lowland/mid-altitude, low alkalinity, clear |
n.d. |
< 800 |
0,05 — 0,2 |
< 30 |
Lake profundal eutrophication |
L-N-BF2 |
Ecoregion 22, low alkalinity, clear and humic |
22 |
Area > 1 km2, max depth > 6 m |
< 0,2 |
n.d. |
Types L-N-BF1: |
Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland |
Types L-N-BF2: |
Finland, Sweden |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification methods intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good |
Good-moderate |
Lake littoral acidification |
Norway |
MultiClear: Multimetric Invertebrate Index for Clear Lakes |
0,95 |
0,74 |
Sweden |
MILA: Multimetric Invertebrate Lake Acidification index |
0,85 |
0,60 |
UK |
LAMM (Lake Acidification Macroinvertebrate Metric) |
0,86 |
0,70 |
Lake profundal eutrophication |
Finland |
Revised Finnish lake invertebrate fauna assessment method (PICM) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Sweden |
BQI (Benthic Quality Index) |
0,84 |
0,67 |
Biological Quality Element |
Fish fauna |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
Lake characterisation |
Lake area km2 |
Alkalinity (meq/l) |
Colour (mg Pt/l) |
L-N-F1 |
Dimictic clear water lakes |
< 40 |
< 0,2 |
< 30 |
L-N-F2 |
Dimictic humic lakes |
< 5 |
< 0,2 |
30 — 90 |
Types L-N-F1: |
Ireland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom |
Types L-N-F2: |
Ireland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification methods intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Eutrophication |
Finland |
EQR4 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Ireland |
FIL2 |
0,76 |
0,53 |
UK (Northern Ireland) |
FIL2 |
0,76 |
0,53 |
Norway |
EindexW3 |
0,75 |
0,56 |
Sweden |
EindexW3 |
0,75 |
0,56 |
Acidification |
Norway |
AindexW5 |
0,74 |
0,55 |
Sweden |
AindexW5 |
0,74 |
0,55 |
Water category |
Lakes |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
Cross-GIG Phytobenthos |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
Lake characterisation |
Alkalinity (meq/l) |
Ecoregions |
HA |
High alkalinity lakes |
> 1 |
Alpine, Central-Baltic, Eastern Continental, Mediterranean |
MA |
Moderate alkalinity lakes |
0,2 — 1 |
Alpine, Central-Baltic, Eastern Continental, Mediterranean, Northern |
LA |
Low alkalinity lakes |
< 0,2 |
Northern |
Types HA: |
Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Slovenia, United Kingdom |
Types MA: |
Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Sweden, United Kingdom |
Types LA: |
Finland, Ireland, Sweden, United Kingdom |
Country a and Type |
National classification methods intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
HA type |
Belgium (Flanders) |
Proportions of Impact-Sensitive and Impact-Associated Diatoms (PISIAD) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Germany |
Verfahrensanleitung für die ökologische Bewertung von Seen zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie: Makrophyten und Phytobenthos (PHYLIB), Modul Phytobenthos |
0,80 |
0,55 |
Hungary |
MIL — Multimetric Index for Lakes |
0,80 |
0,69 |
Ireland |
Lake Trophic Diatom Index (IE) |
0,90 |
0,63 |
Italy |
Italian national method for the evaluation of the ecological quality of lake waterbodies using benthic diatoms (EPI-L) |
0,75 |
0,5 |
Lithuania |
Lithuanian Lake Phytobenthos Index |
0,63 |
0,47 |
Poland |
PL IOJ (Multimetryczny Indeks Okrzemkowy dla Jezior = Multimetric Diatom Index for Lakes) |
0,91 |
0,76 |
Sweden |
0,89 |
0,74 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja jezer na podlagi fitobentosa in makrofitov, fitobentos |
0,80 |
0,60 |
UK |
0,92 |
0,70 |
MA type |
Belgium (Flanders) |
Proportions of Impact-Sensitive and Impact-Associated Diatoms (PISIAD) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Finland |
Finnish lake phytobenthos method |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Ireland |
Lake Trophic Diatom Index (IE) |
0,90 |
0,63 |
Italy |
Italian national method for the evaluation of the ecological quality of lake waterbodies using benthic diatoms (EPI-L) |
0,75 |
0,5 |
Romania |
National (Romanian) Assessment Method for Natural Lakes Ecological Status based on Phytobenthos (Diatoms) RO-AMLP |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Sweden |
0,89 |
0,74 |
UK |
0,93 |
0,66 |
LA type |
Ireland |
Lake Trophic Diatom Index (IE) |
0,90 |
0,66 |
UK |
0,92 |
0,70 |
Water category |
Coastal waters |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
Baltic Sea |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
Surface salinity (psu) |
Bottom salinity (psu) |
Exposure |
Ice days |
Other Characteristics |
BC1 |
0,5 — 6 Oligohaline |
1 — 6 |
Exposed |
90 — 150 |
Sites in the Quark and the Bothnian Sea, extending to the Archipelago Sea (for phytoplankton the latter is excluded and integrated in type BC9). Influence of humic substances |
BC2 |
6 — 22 Mesohaline |
2 — 6 |
Very Sheltered |
Lagoons |
BC3 |
3 — 6 Oligohaline |
3 — 6 |
Sheltered |
90 — 150 |
Finnish and Estonian coasts of Gulf of Finland |
BC4 |
5 — 8 Lower mesohaline |
5 — 8 |
Sheltered |
< 90 |
Sites of Estonia and Latvia in the Gulf of Riga |
BC5 |
6 — 8 Lower mesohaline |
6 — 12 |
Exposed |
< 90 |
Sites in the southeastern Baltic Sea along the coast of Latvia, Lithuania and Poland |
BC6 |
8 — 12 Mid mesohaline |
8 — 12 |
Sheltered |
< 90 |
Sites along the Western Baltic Sea at the southern Swedish coast and the southeastern Danish coast |
BC7 |
6 — 8 Mid mesohaline |
8 — 11 |
Exposed |
< 90 |
Western Polish coast and eastern German coast |
BC8 |
13 — 18 Upper mesohaline |
18 — 23 |
Sheltered |
< 90 |
Danish and German coasts in the Western Baltic Sea |
BC9 |
3 — 6 Lower mesohaline |
3 — 6 |
Moderately exposed to exposed |
90 — 150 |
Sites in the western Gulf of Finland, Archipelago Sea and Asko archipelago (only for phytoplankton) |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated:
Type BC1: |
Finland Sweden |
Type BC2: |
Germany |
Type BC3: |
Estonia, Finland |
Type BC4: |
Estonia, Latvia |
Type BC5: |
Latvia, Lithuania |
Type BC6: |
Sweden, Denmark |
Type BC7: |
Germany, Poland |
Type BC8: |
Germany, Denmark |
Type BC9: |
Finland, Sweden, Estonia (type only relevant for phytoplankton) |
Biological Quality Element |
Phytoplankton |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country and Type |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
BC7 |
Germany |
German coastal phytoplankton method |
0,8 |
0,6 |
Poland |
Polish coastal phytoplankton method |
0,8 |
0,6 |
BC8 |
Denmark |
Danish coastal phytoplankton method |
0,8 |
0,6 |
Germany |
German coastal phytoplankton method |
0,8 |
0,6 |
Results for parameter indicative of biomass (Chlorophyll-a)
Country and Type |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
Values (μg/l) |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
BC1 |
Finland (Quark outer) |
0,76 |
0,59 |
1,7 |
2,2 |
Finland (Bothnian Sea outer) |
0,78 |
0,60 |
1,6 |
2,1 |
Sweden (Quark outer) |
0,75 |
0,58 |
1,6 |
2,1 |
Sweden (Bothnian Sea outer) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
1,5 |
2,0 |
BC4 |
Estonia |
0,830 |
0,670 |
2,4 |
3,0 |
Latvia |
0,82 |
0,67 |
2,2 |
2,7 |
BC5 |
Latvia |
0,650 |
0,390 |
1,85 |
3,1 |
Lithuania |
0,880 |
0,600 |
2,5 |
4,9 |
BC6 |
Denmark |
0,78 |
0,62 |
1,36 |
1,72 |
Sweden |
0,79 |
0,64 |
1,44 |
1,78 |
BC9 |
Estonia |
0,82 |
0,67 |
2,20 |
2,70 |
Finland |
0,79 |
0,65 |
1,90 |
2,30 |
Sweden |
0,80 |
0,67 |
1,50 |
1,80 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macroalgae and Angiosperms |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country and Type |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
BC3 |
Estonia |
EPI — Estonian coastal water phytobenthos Index (macroalgae and angiosperms) |
0,98 |
0,86 |
Finland |
Fucus depth limit (macroalgae) |
0,92 |
0,79 |
BC4 |
Estonia |
EPI — Estonian Phytobenthos Index (macroalgae and angiosperms) |
0,91 |
0,70 |
Latvia |
PEQI — Phytobenthos Ecological Quality Index |
0,90 |
0,75 |
BC5 |
Latvia |
MDFLD — Maximum depth of the red alga Furcellaria lumbricalis distribution (macroalgae) |
0,90 |
0,75 |
Lithuania |
MDFLD — Lithuanian maximum depth of the red alga Furcellaria lumbricalis distribution (macroalgae) |
0,84 |
0,68 |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrate fauna |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country and Type |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
BC1 |
Finland |
BBI — Finnish Brackish water Benthic Index |
0,96 |
0,56 |
Sweden |
BQI — Swedish multimetric biological quality index (soft sediment infauna) |
0,77 |
0,31 |
BC3 |
Estonia |
ZKI — Estonian coastal water macrozoobenthos community index |
0,39 |
0,24 |
Finland |
BBI — Finnish Brackish water Benthic Index |
0,94 |
0,56 |
BC5 |
Latvia |
BQI — Benthic quality index |
0,87 |
0,61 |
Lithuania |
BQI — Lithuanian benthic quality index |
0,94 |
0,81 |
BC6 |
Denmark |
Danish Quality Index version 2 (DKI ver2) |
0,84 |
0,68 |
Sweden |
BQI — Swedish multimetric biological quality index (soft sediment infauna) |
0,76 |
0,27 |
BC7 |
Germany |
MarBIT- Marine Biotic Index Tool |
— |
0,60 |
Poland |
B — Macrozoobenthos BQE assessment by multimetric index |
— |
0,58 |
BC8 |
Denmark |
Danish Quality Index version 2 (DKI ver2) |
0,86 |
0,72 |
Germany |
MarBIT — Marine Biotic Index Tool |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Water category |
Coastal waters |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
North East Atlantic |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated
Type |
Characterisation |
Salinity (psu) Tidal range (m) Depth (m) |
Current Velocity (knots) Exposure |
Mixing Residence Time |
Type for opportunistic blooming macroalgae, seagrasses, saltmarshes and benthic invertebrate fauna |
NEA 1/26 |
Open oceanic or enclosed seas, exposed or sheltered, euhaline, shallow |
< 30 Mesotidal 1-5 < 30 |
Medium 1 — 3 Exposed or sheltered |
Fully mixed Days (to weeks in the Wadden Sea) |
Subtypes for intertidal macroalgae |
NEA 1/26 A2 |
Open oceanic, exposed or sheltered, euhaline, shallow, Temperate waters (mainly, > 13 oC) and high irradiance (mainly, PAR > 29 Mol/m2 day) |
> 30 Mesotidal 1 — 5 < 30 |
Medium 1 — 3 Exposed or sheltered |
Fully mixed Days |
NEA 1/26 B21 |
Open oceanic or enclosed seas, exposed or sheltered, euhaline, shallow Cool waters (mainly, < 13 oC) and medium irradiance (mainly, PAR < 29 Mol/m2 day) |
> 30 Mainly mesotidal 1 — 5 < 30 |
Medium 1 — 3 Exposed or sheltered |
Fully mixed Days |
Subtypes for phytoplankton |
NEA 1/26a |
Open oceanic, exposed or sheltered, euhaline, shallow |
> 30 Mesotidal 1 — 5 < 30 |
Medium 1 -3 Exposed or sheltered |
Fully mixed Days |
NEA 1/26b |
Enclosed seas, exposed or sheltered, euhaline, shallow |
> 30 Mesotidal 1 — 5 < 30 |
Medium 1 — 3 Exposed or sheltered |
Fully mixed Days |
NEA 1/26c |
Enclosed seas, enclosed or sheltered, partly stratified |
> 30 Microtidal/Mesotidal < 1 — 5 < 30 |
Medium 1 — 3 Exposed or sheltered |
Partly stratified Days to weeks |
NEA 1/26d |
Scandinavian coast, exposed or sheltered, shallow |
> 30 Microtidal < 1 < 30 |
Low < 1 Exposed or moderately exposed |
Partly stratified Days to weeks |
NEA 1/26e |
Areas of upwelling, exposed or sheltered, euhaline, shallow |
> 30 Mesotidal < 1 < 30 |
Medium 1 — 3 Exposed or sheltered |
Fully mixed Days |
Types for phytoplankton, macroalgae, seagrasses, saltmarshes, benthic invertebrate fauna |
NEA 5 |
Helgoland (German Bight), rocky, exposed and partly stratified |
> 30 Mesotidal < 30 |
Medium 1 — 3 Exposed |
Partly stratified Days |
NEA 3/4 |
Polyhaline, Exposed or moderately exposed (Wadden Sea type) |
Polyhaline 18 — 30 Mesotidal 1 — 5 < 30 |
Medium 1 — 3 Exposed or moderately exposed |
Fully mixed Days |
NEA 7 |
Deep fjordic and sea loch systems |
> 30 Mesotidal 1 -5 > 30 |
Low < 1 Sheltered |
Fully mixed Days |
NEA 8a |
Skagerrak Inner Arc Type, polyhaline, microtidal, moderately exposed, shallow |
Polyhaline 25 — 30 Microtidal < 1 > 30 |
Low < 1 Moderately exposed |
Fully mixed Days to weeks |
NEA 8b |
Skagerrak Inner Arc Type, polyhaline, microtidal, moderately sheltered, shallow |
Polyhaline 10 — 30 Microtidal < 1 < 30 |
Low < 1 Sheltered to moderately exposed |
Partly stratified Days to weeks |
NEA 9 |
Fjord with a shallow sill at the mouth with a very deep maximum depth in the central basin with poor deepwater exchange |
Polyhaline 25 — 30 Microtidal < 1 > 30 |
Low < 1 Sheltered |
Partly stratified Weeks |
NEA 10 |
Skagerrak Outer Arc Type, polyhaline, microtidal, exposed, deep |
Polyhaline 25 — 30 Microtidal < 1 > 30 |
Low < 1 Exposed |
Partly stratified Days |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated:
Type NEA1/26 opportunistic blooming macroalgae, seagrasses, saltmarshes, benthic invertebrate fauna: Belgium, France, Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom
Type NEA1/26 A2: intertidal macroalgae: France, Spain, Portugal
Type NEA1/26 B21: intertidal macroalgae: France, Ireland, Norway, United Kingdom
Type NEA1/26a phytoplankton: Spain, France, Ireland, Norway, United Kingdom
Type NEA1/26b phytoplankton: Belgium, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom
Type NEA1/26c phytoplankton: Germany, Denmark
Type NEA1/26d phytoplankton: Denmark
Type NEA1/26e phytoplankton: Portugal, Spain
Type NEA 5: Germany
Type NEA3/4: Germany, Netherlands
Type NEA7: Norway, United Kingdom
Type NEA8a: Norway, Sweden
Type NEA8b: Denmark, Sweden
Type NEA9: Norway, Sweden
Type NEA10: Norway, Sweden
Biological Quality Element |
Phytoplankton |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios and parameter values |
Parameter values are expressed in μg/l as the 90 %ile value calculated over the defined growing season in a six year period.
Country and Type |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
Values (μg/l) |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
NEA 1/26a |
France |
0,76 |
0,33 |
4,40 |
10,00 |
Ireland |
0,82 |
0,60 |
9,90 |
15,00 |
Norway |
0,67 |
0,33 |
2,50 |
5,00 |
Spain (Eastern Cantabrian coast) |
0,67 |
0,33 |
1,50 |
3,00 |
Spain (Western-Central Cantabrian Coast) |
0,67 |
0,33 |
3,00 |
6,00 |
Spain (Gulf of Cadiz coast) |
0,67 |
0,33 |
5,00 |
10,00 |
United Kingdom |
0,80 |
0,60 |
5,00 |
10,00 |
NEA 1/26b |
Belgium |
0,80 |
0,67 |
12,50 |
15,00 |
France |
0,67 |
0,44 |
10,00 |
15,00 |
Netherlands |
0,67 |
0,44 |
10,00 |
15,00 |
United Kingdom (south) |
0,82 |
0,63 |
9,80 |
14,30 |
United Kingdom (north) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
10,00 |
15,00 |
NEA 1/26c |
Germany |
0,67 |
0,44 |
5,0 |
7,5 |
Denmark |
0,67 |
0,44 |
5,0 |
7,5 |
NEA 1/26e |
Portugal (Iberian strong upwelling-A5) |
0,670 |
0,440 |
8,000 |
12,000 |
Portugal (upwelling-A6,A7) |
0,880 |
0,490 |
4,500 |
8,200 |
Spain (Western Iberian upwelling coast) |
0,67 |
0,44 |
6,00 |
9,00 |
Spain (Western Iberian upwelling coast — rías) |
0,67 |
0,44 |
8,00 |
12,00 |
NEA 3/4 |
Germany (Eems Dollard) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
7,00 |
11,00 |
Germany (Wadden Sea) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
7,00 |
11,00 |
Netherlands (Eems Dollard) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
6,75 |
10,13 |
Netherlands (Wadden Sea) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
9,60 |
14,40 |
Netherlands (North Sea) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
11,25 |
16,88 |
NEA 8a |
Norway |
0,79 |
0,57 |
3,95 |
5,53 |
Sweden |
0,75 |
0,49 |
1,54 |
2,35 |
NEA 8b (The Sound) |
Denmark |
0,79 |
0,59 |
1,22 |
1,63 |
Sweden |
0,80 |
0,60 |
1,18 |
1,56 |
NEA 8b (The Kattegat and Great Belt) |
Denmark |
0,83 |
0,64 |
1,22 |
1,58 |
Sweden |
0,84 |
0,65 |
1,18 |
1,52 |
NEA 9 |
Norway |
0,76 |
0,43 |
3,92 |
6,90 |
Sweden |
0,73 |
0,38 |
1,89 |
3,60 |
NEA 10 |
Norway |
0,73 |
0,49 |
3,53 |
5,26 |
Sweden |
0,71 |
0,46 |
1,39 |
2,14 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macroalgae and Angiosperms |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Macroalgae |
Intertidal or subtidal macroalgae rocky bottom
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country and Type |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Type NEA1/26 A2 intertidal macroalgae |
France |
CCO — Cover, Characteristic species, Opportunistic species on intertidal rocky bottoms |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Portugal |
PMarMAT — Marine Macroalgae Assessment Tool |
0,80 |
0,61 |
Spain |
CFR — Quality of Rocky Bottoms |
0,81 |
0,60 |
Spain |
RICQI — Rocky Intertidal Community Quality Index |
0,82 |
0,60 |
Spain |
RSL — Reduced Species List |
0,75 |
0,48 |
Type NEA1/26 B21 intertidal macroalgae |
Ireland |
RSL — Rocky Shore Reduced Species List |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Norway |
RSLA — Rocky Shore Reduced Species List with Abundance |
0,80 |
0,60 |
United Kingdom |
RSL — Rocky Shore Reduced Species List |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Type NEA 7 intertidal macroalgae |
Norway |
RSLA — Rocky Shore Reduced Species List with Abundance |
0,80 |
0,60 |
United Kingdom |
RSL — Rocky Shore Reduced Species List |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Type NEA8a/9/10 subtidal macroalgae |
Norway |
MSMDI — Multi Species Maximum Depth Index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Sweden |
MSMDI — Multi Species Maximum Depth Index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macroalgae and Angiosperms |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Macroalgae |
Intertidal blooming macroalgae soft bottom, indicative of abundance
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country and Type |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Type NEA 1/26 |
Germany |
OMAI — Opportunistic Macroalgae-cover/acreage on soft sediment intertidal in coastal waters |
0,78 |
0,59 |
France |
CWOGA — Macroalgal Bloom Assessment |
0,825 |
0,617 |
Ireland |
OGA tool — Opportunistic Green Macroalgal Abundance |
0,80 |
0,60 |
United Kingdom |
OMBT — Opportunistic macroalgal blooming tool |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macroalgae and Angiosperms |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Angiosperms |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country and Type |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Type NEA 1/26 |
Germany |
SG — Assessment tool for intertidal seagrass in coastal and transitional waters |
0,80 |
0,60 |
France |
SBQ — Seagrass beds quality in coastal and transitional water bodies |
0,80 |
0,645 |
Ireland |
Intertidal Seagrass tool |
0,80 |
0,61 |
Netherlands |
SG — Monitoring beds of SG per waterbody using aerial photographs, ground truth and specifying surface & density per species |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Portugal |
SQI — Seagrass quality index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
United Kingdom |
Intertidal Seagrass tool |
0,80 |
0,61 |
Type NEA 3/4 |
Germany |
SG — Bewertungssystem für Makroalgen und Seegräser der Küsten- und Übergangsgewässer zur Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Deutschland |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Netherlands |
Monitoring beds of SG per waterbody using aerial photographs, ground truth and specifying surface and density per species |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrate fauna |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country and Type |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Type NEA 1/26 |
Belgium |
BEQI — Benthic Ecosystem Quality Index |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Denmark |
Danish Quality Index (DKI) |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Germany |
M-AMBI — Multivariate AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index |
0,85 |
0,70 |
France |
M-AMBI — Multivariate AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index |
0,77 |
0,53 |
Ireland |
IQI — Infaunal Quality Index |
0,75 |
0,64 |
Netherlands |
BEQI2 -Benthic Ecosystem Quality Index 2 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Norway |
NQI — Norwegian Quality Index |
0,72 |
0,63 |
Portugal |
BAT — Benthic Assessment Tool |
0,79 |
0,58 |
Spain |
M-AMBI — Multivariate AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index |
0,77 |
0,63 |
United Kingdom |
IQI — Infaunal Quality Index |
0,75 |
0,64 |
Type NEA 3/4 |
Germany |
M-AMBI — Multivariate AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index |
0,85 |
0,70 |
Netherlands |
BEQI2 — Benthic Ecosystem Quality Index 2 |
0,80 |
0,60 |
Type NEA 7 |
Norway |
NQI — Norwegian Quality Index |
0,72 |
0,63 |
United Kingdom |
IQI — Infaunal Quality Index |
0,75 |
0,64 |
Type NEA 8b |
Denmark |
Danish Quality Index (DKI) |
0,84 |
0,68 |
Sweden |
BQI — Swedish multimetric biological quality index (soft sediment infauna) |
0,71 |
0,54 |
Type NEA 8a/9/10 |
Norway |
NQI — Norwegian Quality Index |
0,82 |
0,63 |
Sweden |
BQI — Swedish multimetric biological quality index (soft sediment infauna) |
0,71 |
0,54 |
Water category |
Coastal waters |
Geographical Intercalibration Group |
Mediterranean Sea |
Description of types that have been intercalibrated (for phytoplankton only)
For benthic invertebrate fauna, macroalgae and seagrasses the intercalibration results apply to the entire Mediterranean Sea covered by the Country
Type |
Description |
Density (kg/m3) |
Annual mean salinity (psu) |
Type I |
Highly influenced by freshwater input |
< 25 |
< 34,5 |
Type IIA, IIA Adriatic |
Moderately influenced by freshwater input (continent influence) |
25 — 27 |
34,5 — 37,5 |
Type IIIW |
Continental coast, not influenced by freshwater input (Western Basin). |
> 27 |
> 37,5 |
Type IIIE |
Not influenced by freshwater input (Eastern Basin) |
> 27 |
> 37,5 |
Type Island-W* |
Island coast (Western Basin) |
All range |
All range |
Countries sharing types that have been intercalibrated:
Type I: |
France, Italy |
Type IIA: |
France, Spain, Italy |
Type IIA Adriatic: |
Italy, Slovenia |
Type Island-W* (no boundaries for this type and no possible the intercalibration due to justified reasons): |
France, Spain, Italy |
Type IIIW: |
France, Spain, Italy |
Type IIIE: |
Greece, Cyprus |
Biological Quality Element |
Phytoplankton |
Phytoplankton: |
parameter indicative of biomass parameter (Chlorophyll a) |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios and parameter values |
Parameter values are expressed in μg/l of Chlorophyll a, for the 90th percentile calculated over the year in at least a five year period.
Country and Type |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
Values (μg/l) |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Type II A |
France |
0,67 |
0,37 |
1,92 |
3,50 |
Spain |
0,67 |
0,37 |
1,92 |
3,50 |
Type II A Adriatic |
Croatia |
0,82 |
0,61 |
1,70 |
4,00 |
Italy |
0,82 |
0,61 |
1,70 |
4,00 |
Slovenia |
0,82 |
0,61 |
1,70 |
4,00 |
Type IIIW |
France |
0,67 |
0,42 |
1,18 |
1,89 |
Spain |
0,67 |
0,42 |
1,18 |
1,89 |
Type IIIE |
Cyprus |
0,66 |
0,37 |
0,29 |
0,53 |
Greece |
0,66 |
0,37 |
0,29 |
0,53 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macroalgae and Angiosperms |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Macroalgae |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
The following results apply to the upper infralittoral zone (3,5-0,2 m depth) in a rocky coasts:
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Cyprus |
EEI-c — Ecological Evaluation Index |
0,76 |
0,48 |
France |
CARLIT — Cartography of Littoral and upper-sublittoral rocky-shore communities |
0,75 |
0,60 |
Greece |
EEI-c — Ecological Evaluation Index |
0,76 |
0,48 |
Croatia |
CARLIT — Cartography of Littoral and upper-sublittoral rocky-shore communities |
0,75 |
0,60 |
Italy |
CARLIT — Cartography of Littoral and upper-sublittoral rocky-shore communities |
0,75 |
0,60 |
Malta |
CARLIT — Cartography of Littoral and upper-sublittoral rocky-shore communities |
0,75 |
0,60 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja obalnega morja na podlagi makroalg |
0,76 |
0,48 |
Spain |
CARLIT — Cartography of Littoral and upper-sublittoral rocky-shore communities |
0,75 |
0,60 |
Biological Quality Element |
Macroalgae and Angiosperms |
Sub-Biological Quality Element |
Angiosperms |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Croatia |
POMI — Posidonia oceanica Multivariate Index |
0,775 |
0,55 |
Cyprus |
PREI — Posidonia oceanica Rapid Easy Index |
0,775 |
0,55 |
France |
PREI — Posidonia oceanica Rapid Easy Index |
0,775 |
0,55 |
Italy |
PREI — Posidonia oceanica Rapid Easy Index |
0,775 |
0,55 |
Malta |
PREI — Posidonia oceanica Rapid Easy Index |
0,775 |
0,55 |
Spain |
POMI — Posidonia oceanica Multivariate Index |
0,775 |
0,55 |
Spain |
Valencian-CS |
0,775 |
0,55 |
Biological Quality Element |
Benthic invertebrate fauna |
Biological Quality Element |
Results: |
Ecological quality ratios of national classification systems intercalibrated |
Country |
National classification systems intercalibrated |
Ecological Quality Ratios |
High-good boundary |
Good-moderate boundary |
Italy |
M-AMBI — Multivariate AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index |
0,81 |
0,61 |
Slovenia |
Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja obalnega morja na podlagi bentoških nevretenčarjev |
0,83 |
0,62 |
Cyprus |
Bentix |
0,75 |
0,58 |
France |
0,83 |
0,58 |
Greece |
Bentix |
0,75 |
0,58 |
Spain |
0,95 |
0,54 |
Spain |
0,73 |
0,47 |