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Document 52022PC0536

    Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Regional Steering Committee of the Transport Community as regards the revision of the Regional Steering Committee rules of procedure, of the Staff Regulations, and on the introduction of the rules of procedure of the Conciliation Committee and of the rules on dispute settlement for the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat

    COM/2022/536 final

    Brussels, 21.10.2022

    COM(2022) 536 final


    Proposal for a


    on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Regional Steering Committee of the Transport Community as regards the revision of the Regional Steering Committee rules of procedure, of the Staff Regulations, and on the introduction of the rules of procedure of the Conciliation Committee and of the rules on dispute settlement for the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat



    This proposal concerns a decision establishing the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Regional Steering Committee set up under the Treaty establishing the Transport Community (‘the TCT’) as regards the revision of the Regional Steering Committee rules of procedure, the introduction of rules of procedure of the Conciliation Committee and of rules on dispute settlement for the Transport Community Secretariat.


    2.1The Treaty establishing the Transport Community

    On 1 May 2019, the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of North Macedonia, Kosovo 1* (hereinafter referred to as Kosovo), Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia have ratified the TCT. The European Union is a party to the TCT, having adopted on 4 March 2019 a Council Decision on the conclusion of the Treaty establishing the Transport Community. 2 The TCT entered into force on 1 May 2019.

    2.2The Regional Steering Committee

    The Regional Steering Committee is established by Article 24 of the TCT to be responsible for the administration of the TCT and to ensure its proper implementation. For this purpose, it makes recommendations and takes decisions in the cases provided for in the TCT. Notably, the Regional Steering Committee:

    (a) prepares the work of the Ministerial Council,

    (b) decides on the establishment of technical committees,

    (c) makes recommendations and takes decisions in accordance with the TCT,

    (d) as regards newly adopted EU acts, takes appropriate action, notably through the revision of Annex I to the TCT,

    (e) appoints the Director of the Permanent Secretariat after consulting the Ministerial Council,

    (f) may appoint one or more Deputy Directors of the Permanent Secretariat,

    (g) lays down rules of the Permanent Secretariat,

    (h) may review, by way of a decision, the level of budget contributions,

    (i) adopts the annual budget of the TCT,

    (j) adopts a decision specifying the procedure for the implementation of the budget, for presenting and auditing accounts and for inspection,

    (k) takes decisions on disputes brought by the Contracting Parties,

    (l) adopts general principles in the area of access to documents, in respect of documents held by bodies established by, or under, the TCT,

    (m) adopts annual reports to the attention of the Ministerial Council on the implementation of the Comprehensive Network;

    (n) in respect of certain Union acts, establishes time limits and ways for the transposition by the South East European Parties.

    The Regional Steering Committee consists of one representative and one alternate representative of each Contracting Party. Participation as observer is open to all EU Member States. The Regional Steering Committee acts by unanimity.

    2.3The envisaged acts of the Regional Steering Committee

    The draft Council decision relates to the adoption of decisions by the Regional Steering Committee on the revision of its rules of procedure, on the revision of the Staff Regulations, and on the introduction of detailed rules of procedure of the Conciliation Committee and of rules on dispute settlement for the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat.

    Articles 14 and 15 of the Staff Regulations of the Transport Community (adopted pursuant to Decision 03/2019 of the Regional Steering Committee of 5 June 2019) set out the introduction of a conciliation committee and envisage the establishment of its rules of procedure and of dispute settlement rules (arbitration), to govern disputes between the Permanent Secretariat and its staff members. These rules on conciliation and dispute settlement will establish the detailed modalities to put this into practice. Certain amendments to the Staff Regulations of the Transport Community are also required in this regard.

    In addition, the proposal for the Council decision also concerns the modification of the Regional Steering Committee rules of procedure. At present, the Permanent Secretariat is required to send all documents six weeks in advance of an RSC meeting. This period should be shortened to four weeks, to take into account challenges identified while delivering on the present six-week period.


    The adoption of these decisions by the Regional Steering Committee is necessary for the continued smooth functioning of the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat, and for delivering on the objectives of the TCT. As the Union is a party to the TCT, it is necessary to establish a Union position.

    In this respect, it shall be recalled that the TCT is one element liable to strengthen regional cooperation within the Western Balkans, as further explained in the Commission's proposal for a Council decision on the signing of the TCT [COM(2017)324 final, sub "General Context"].


    4.1Procedural legal basis

    4.1.1 Principles

    Article 218(9) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) provides for Council decisions establishing "the positions to be adopted on the Union’s behalf in a body set up by an agreement, when that body is called upon to adopt acts having legal effects, with the exception of acts supplementing or amending the institutional framework of the agreement".

    The concept of ‘acts having legal effects’ includes acts that have legal effects by virtue of the rules of international law governing the body in question. It also includes instruments that do not have a binding effect under international law, but that are ‘capable of decisively influencing the content of the legislation adopted by the EU legislature 3 .

    4.1.2 Application to the present case

    The Regional Steering Committee is a body set up by an agreement, namely the TCT.

    The acts which the Regional Steering Committee is called upon to adopt constitute acts having legal effects. As regards the rules on conciliation and dispute settlement, the Regional Steering Committee is empowered to lay down rules of the Permanent Secretariat in accordance with Article 30 of the TCT. Moreover, under Article 24(1) of the TCT, the Regional Steering Committee is tasked with the administration of this Treaty and with ensuring its proper implementation. As regards the intended changes to the rules of procedure of the Regional Steering Committee, this body is empowered to adopt its rules of procedure in accordance with Article 24(5) of the TCT.

    By their nature, and as a matter of international law governing the Regional Steering Committee, the envisaged rules contain elements that affect the legal position of the parties to the TCT and therefore also of the Union. Consequently, they must be considered as having legal effects.

    The envisaged acts do not supplement or amend the institutional framework of the TCT.

    Therefore, the procedural legal basis for the proposed decision is Article 218(9) TFEU.

    4.2Substantive legal basis


    The substantive legal basis for a decision under Article 218(9) TFEU depends primarily on the objective and content of the envisaged act in respect of which a position is taken on the Union's behalf. If the envisaged act pursues two aims or has two components and if one of those aims or components is identifiable as the main one, whereas the other is merely incidental, the decision under Article 218(9) TFEU must be founded on a single substantive legal basis, namely that required by the main or predominant aim or component.

    With regard to an envisaged act that simultaneously pursues a number of objectives, or that has several components, which are inseparably linked without one being incidental to the other, the substantive legal basis of a decision under Article 218(9) TFEU will have to include, exceptionally, the various corresponding legal bases.

    4.2.2.Application to the present case

    The TCT pursues objectives and has components in the areas of road, rail and inland waterways transport, which are modes covered by Article 91 TFEU as well as in the area of sea transport, a mode covered by Article 100(2) TFEU. Because of its horizontal nature, the envisaged act pertains to all these elements. All these elements are inseparably linked without one being incidental to the other.

    Therefore, the substantive legal basis of the proposed decision comprises the following provisions: Articles 91 and 100(2) TFEU.


    The legal basis of the proposed decision should be Articles 91 and 100(2) TFEU, in conjunction with Article 218(9) TFEU.

    2022/0329 (NLE)

    Proposal for a


    on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Regional Steering Committee of the Transport Community as regards the revision of the Regional Steering Committee rules of procedure, of the Staff Regulations, and on the introduction of the rules of procedure of the Conciliation Committee and of the rules on dispute settlement for the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat


    Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 91 and Article 100(2), in conjunction with Article 218(9) thereof,

    Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,


    (1)The Treaty establishing the Transport Community ('the TCT') was signed by the Union in accordance with Council Decision (EU) 2017/1937 4 . 

    (2)The TCT has been approved on behalf of the Union on 4 March 2019 5 and entered into force on 1 May 2019.

    (3)The Regional Steering Committee was established by the TCT for the administration and the proper implementation of the TCT.

    (4)For this purpose, the Regional Steering Committee shall, under Article 24(5) of the TCT, adopt its rules of procedure. Moreover, it shall, in accordance with Article 30 of the TCT, lay down rules of the Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community.

    (5)It is envisaged that the Regional Steering Committee will adopt a decision on the amendment of its rules of procedure, to provide for a shorter time limit for the distribution of the draft agenda and any related documents prior to a Committee meeting, a decision on the adoption of rules of procedure of the Conciliation Committee and of dispute settlement rules applicable to the Permanent Secretariat, to govern disputes between the Permanent Secretariat and members of its staff, and a decision on the amendments of the Staff Regulations of the Transport Community required by the adoption of the aforementioned rules.

    (6)It is appropriate to establish the position to be taken on behalf of the Union in the Regional Steering Committee regarding the adoption of the above mentioned decisions, as such decisions are necessary for the smooth functioning of the Permanent Secretariat. 


    Article 1

    The position to be taken on behalf of the Union in the Regional Steering Committee of the Transport Community regarding the amendment of its rules of procedure, the rules of procedure of the Conciliation Committee and the rules on dispute settlement for the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat, and the amendments of the Staff Regulations of the Transport Community shall be based on the draft decisions of the Regional Steering Committee attached to this Decision.

    Minor changes to the draft decisions may be agreed to by the representatives of the Union in the Regional Steering Committee without further decision by the Council.

    Article 2

    This Decision is addressed to the Commission.

    Done at Brussels,

       For the Council

       The President


    *    This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 (1999) and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

    (2)    Council Decision (EU) 2019/392 of 4 March 2019 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Treaty establishing the Transport Community (OJ L 71, 13.3.2019, p. 1).
    (3)    Judgment of the Court of Justice of 7 October 2014, Germany v Council, Case C-399/12, ECLI:EU:C:2014:2258, paragraphs 61to 64.
    (4)    Council Decision (EU) 2017/1937 of 11 July 2017 on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, and provisional application of the Treaty establishing the Transport Community, OJ L 278, 27.10.2017, p. 1
    (5)    Council Decision (EU) 2019/392 of 4 March 2019 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Treaty establishing the Transport Community, OJ L 71, 13.3.2019, p. 1–4

    Brussels, 21.10.2022

    COM(2022) 536 final


    to the

    Proposal for a Council Decision

    on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Regional Steering Committee of the Transport Community as regards the revision of the Regional Steering Committee rules of procedure, of the Staff Regulations, and on the introduction of the rules of procedure of the Conciliation Committee and of the rules on dispute settlement for the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat

    Annex I


    DECISION No 2022/


    of …

    on the amendment of the Staff Regulations of the Transport Community


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the Transport Community, and in particular Article 24(1) and Article 30 thereof,


    Sole Article

    The Staff Regulations of the Transport Community, adopted as set out in Annex II to Decision No. 2019/3 of the Regional Steering Committee of the Transport Community of 5 June 2019, are amended as follows:

    (a) Article 14 is amended as follows:

    (i) Point b, subparagraph (iii) is replaced by the following:

    (iii) a representative of the preceding Presidency of the Regional Steering Committee.

    (ii) Point (c) is replaced by the following:

    (c) The Conciliation Committee shall decide by unanimity.

    (b) Article 15 is amended as follows:

    (i) Point (a) is replaced by the following:

    (a) Any dispute between the Secretariat and a staff member concerning these Staff Regulations, the rules on recruitment, working conditions and geographical equilibrium or other relevant rules shall, in the second instance, be settled by the European Commission acting as the arbitrator.

    (ii) Point (c) is replaced by the following:

    (c) All dispute settlement proceedings shall take place in Belgrade or online, and the language of these proceedings shall be English. The Steering Committee shall lay down the rules on dispute settlement with a view to facilitating a timely procedure with reasonable costs to the parties.

    For the Regional Steering Committee

                           The President

    Annex II


    DECISION No 2022/


    of …

    on the adoption of rules of procedure of the Conciliation Committee and of dispute settlement rules applicable to the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the Transport Community, and in particular Article 24(1) and Article 30 thereof,


    Sole Article

    The detailed rules of procedure of the Conciliation Committee and the rules on dispute settlement for the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat, attached to this decision, are hereby adopted.

    For the Regional Steering Committee

                           The President

    Rules of procedure

    of the

    Conciliation Committee

    I. General

    1. These Rules of Procedure establish the internal procedures for operation of the Conciliation Committee as referred to it in Article 14 of the Staff Regulations of the Transport community, adopted pursuant to Decision No 03/2019 of the Regional Steering Committee of the Transport Community.

    2. In case of any contradiction between these Rules of procedure and the Staff Regulations, the Rules on recruitment, working conditions and geographical equilibrium or other relevant rules adopted by the Regional Steering Committee, the provisions of the latter shall apply.

    3. For the purpose of the present Rules of procedure, the expression “staff members” shall mean all officials of the Secretariat, namely the Director, Deputy Directors and all other staff from the Contracting Parties, working permanently at the Secretariat in accordance with the Staff Regulations, excluding local staff, seconded experts and locally contracted experts.

    4. Any dispute between the Secretariat and a staff member concerning the Staff Regulations, the rules on recruitment, working conditions and geographical equilibrium or other relevant rules shall, in the first instance, be submitted to a Conciliation Committee (further on referred as “Committee”).

    5. The staff members may submit an appeal to a Conciliation Committee in relation to article 2.1 (12) of the Staff regulations of the Transport community or when they have been subject to unjustifiable or unfair treatment by a superior.

    II. Conciliation Committee

    1. The Conciliation Committee shall have authority to propose decisions on appeals filed by staff members against administrative decisions affecting them.

    2. The Conciliation Committee shall be composed of:

    a representative of the current Presidency of the Regional Steering Committee;

    a representative of the Presidency of the Regional Steering Committee for the next term;

    a representative of the preceding Presidency of the Regional Steering Committee.

    The Committee shall be chaired by the current Presidency of the Regional Steering Committee.

    3. In discharge of their duties, the Committee members shall be completely independent and guided solely by their independent judgement. They shall neither seek nor receive any instructions from the Secretariat, should carry out their tasks in full independence and should avoid conflicts of interest. The deliberations of the Committee shall be confidential. The Committee members shall ensure confidentiality of personal data processed in the context of a staff appeal.

    4. The Conciliation committee shall be set up within 30 calendar days from the date an appeal is lodged with the Director or the Presidency of the Steering Committee. The Director shall forward the appeal within 10 calendar days, from the date of receiving, to the Chair of the Conciliation Committee.

    5. Once an appeal to the Conciliation Committee is received by the Chair of the Committee, the Chair shall bring together the Committee members to examine the appeal. In the event of a dispute as to whether the Committee has competence, the matter shall be decided by the Committee.

    6. To the extent possible, the Committee shall have the same composition for the entire period needed to settle the case.

    7. The Committee shall determine:

    a)the receivability of the appeal

    b)The time limits for the presentation of the response to the appeal by the Secretariat and the submission of evidence and other relevant procedural matters;

    c)Other matters relating to the conciliation, including whether oral hearings shall be held or whether the appeal shall be decided on the basis of the documents submitted only; 

    d)The procedure to be followed with regard to hearings of the Committee. 

    The procedure should be conducted in such a way as to give the parties concerned the opportunity to put forward facts and circumstances relevant to the appeal.

    8. The Conciliation committee shall decide on the appeal in accordance with the Staff Regulations, the rules on recruitment, working conditions and geographical equilibrium or other relevant rules. Matters concerning the interpretation of the Treaty establishing the Transport Community shall not be within the competence of the Conciliation committee.

    9. The Chairperson shall inform the Director, the Deputy-Director of the Secretariat and staff member concerned of all procedural steps relating to the case.

    10. Conciliation committee sessions shall be held either in Belgrade or online, and the language of the proceedings shall be English. Administrative support to the Committee shall be provided by the Human Resources and Administration of the Secretariat.

    11. If concurrent appeals filed with the Conciliation committee relate to the same problem, the Committee may decide to handle the appeals together and formulate a single decision.

    12. The appeal proceeding shall be immediately put to an end if the staff concerned withdraws his/her appeal or if a settlement by mutual agreement is reached. The staff member concerned should inform the Chair of the Committee on the latter in writing. The appeal proceeding shall be immediately put to an end in case of violation of part III, point 5.

    III. Appeal procedure

    1. Both the staff member and the Secretariat may initiate informal resolution of the issues involved, at any time before or after the staff member chooses to pursue the matter formally.

    2. An appeal shall not be receivable by the Conciliation Committee if the dispute arising from a contested decision has been resolved by an agreement reached through informal resolution.

    3. However, a staff member may submit an appeal directly with the Conciliation Committee to enforce the implementation of an agreement reached through informal resolution within 90 calendar days of the deadline for implementation as specified in the informal resolution agreement or, when the informal resolution agreement is silent on the matter, within 90 calendar days of the thirtieth calendar day from the date on which the agreement was signed.

    4. A staff member wishing to formally contest an administrative decision, shall, as a first step, submit in writing to the Director – or the Presidency of the Steering Committee, when the complaint concerns the Director - an appeal for a Conciliation Committee evaluation of the administrative decision.

    5. The staff member concerned or any representative of the Secretariat are not allowed to discuss with or approach on the issue of appeal, in any form, the Committee members during the appeal procedure aside of what is defined in part II, point 7.

    5. An appeal for Conciliation Committee evaluation of the administrative decision shall not be receivable by the Director or the Presidency of the Steering Committee unless it is sent within 30 calendar days from the date on which the staff member received notification of the administrative decision to be contested. This deadline may be extended by the Secretariat pending efforts for informal resolution of the dispute.

    6. At the end of the assessment, the Conciliation committee shall draw up a report. The report shall set out the procedural steps followed, the facts and circumstances relevant to the appeal and its final proposal for decision.

    IV. Decision making

    1. The Conciliation Committee shall decide by unanimity.

    2. The proposal for a decision on the contested administrative decision shall be made within 120 calendar days of the day the appeal was submitted to the Director or the Presidency of the Steering Committee.

    3. The proposal for a decision should be communicated in writing to the staff member concerned, to the Director and Deputy- Director. This decision may be inserted in the staff member’s personal file.

    4. The Secretariat’s response, reflecting the outcome of the Conciliation Committee evaluation, shall be communicated in writing to the staff member within 30 calendar days of receipt of the proposal for a decision from the Conciliation Committee.

    V. Suspension of action

    1. Neither the submission of an appeal for a Conciliation Committee evaluation nor the filing of an appeal with the Arbitrator shall have the effect of suspending the implementation of the contested administrative decision.

    2. However, where a Conciliation Committee evaluation of an administrative decision is required:

    a)A staff member may submit request to the Secretariat to suspend the implementation of the contested administrative decision until the Conciliation Committee evaluation has been completed and the staff member has received notification of the outcome. The Secretariat may suspend the implementation of a decision in cases of particular urgency and where its implementation would cause irreparable damage. The Secretariat decision on such request is not subject to appeal.

    b)In cases involving separation from service, a staff member may opt to first request the Secretariat to suspend the implementation of the decision until the Conciliation Committee evaluation has been completed and the staff member has received notification of the outcome. The Secretariat may suspend the implementation of a decision where it determines that the contested decision has not yet been implemented, in cases of particular urgency and where its implementation would cause irreparable damage to the staff member’s rights. If the Secretariat rejects the request, the staff member may then submit a request for suspension of action to the Conciliation Committee.

    VI. Final provisions

    1. Any amendments to these Rules of procedure shall be adopted by a decision of the Steering Committee.

    2. Following one year from the entry into force of these Rules, based on practical experience with their application, the Secretariat may propose amendments to these Rules as it deems useful or necessary. Where a member of the Steering Committee wishes to propose such an amendment, it shall consult first with the Secretariat.

    3. These Rules shall enter into force on the day of their adoption by the Steering Committee.

    Rules on

    Dispute Settlement

    I. General

    1. These Rules on dispute settlement refer to article 15 of the Staff Regulations of the Transport Community, adopted pursuant to Decision No 03/2019 of the Regional Steering Committee of the Transport Community, in order to facilitate a timely procedure with reasonable costs to the parties.

    2. In case of any contradiction between these Rules and the Staff Regulations, the Rules on recruitment, working conditions and geographical equilibrium or other relevant rules adopted by the Regional steering committee, the provisions of the latter shall apply.

    3. Staff members or the Secretariat can submit an appeal to an Arbitrator only for contesting the proposal for decision done in the first instance by the Conciliation Committee.

    4. Any remaining dispute between the Secretariat and the staff member concerning the Staff Regulations, the rules on recruitment, working conditions and geographical equilibrium or other relevant rules shall, in the second instance, be submitted to an Arbitrator.

    II. Arbitrator

    1. The European Commission shall act as Arbitrator in the second instance.

    2. The Arbitrator shall be completely independent and guided solely by its independent judgement. It shall neither seek nor receive any instructions from the Secretariat, should carry out its tasks in full independence and should avoid conflicts of interest. The proceedings of the Arbitration shall be confidential. The Arbitrator shall ensure confidentiality of personal data processed in the context of a staff appeal.

    3. The Arbitrator shall be appointed within 30 calendar days from the date of receiving an appeal is lodged with the Presidency of the Regional Steering Committee.

    4. The Arbitrator shall have mandate for the entire period needed to settle the case.

    5. The Arbitrator shall determine:

    a) The time limits for the presentation of the response to the dispute appeal by the Secretariat and the staff member concerned on submission of evidence and,

    b) Other matters relating to the proceedings, including whether oral hearings shall be held or whether the appeal shall be decided on the basis of the documents submitted only.

    The procedure shall be conducted in such a way as to give parties concerned the opportunity to put forward facts and circumstances relevant to the appeal.

    6. The Arbitrator shall decide on the dispute in accordance with the Staff Regulations, the rules on recruitment, working conditions and geographical equilibrium or other relevant rules. Matters concerning the interpretation of the Treaty establishing the Transport Community shall not be within the competence of the Arbitrator.

    7. The competence of the Arbitrator includes authority to order, at any time during the proceedings, an interim measure, which is not subject to appeal, to provide temporary relief to either party where the contested decision appears prima facie to be unlawful, in cases of particular urgency, and where its implementation would cause irreparable damage. Such temporary relief may include suspension of the implementation of the contested administrative decision, except in cases of appointment or termination.

    8. Dispute proceedings shall be held in Belgrade or online and the language of the proceedings shall be English. Administrative support to the Arbitrator shall be provided by the Human Resources and Administration of the Secretariat.

    9. The Arbitrator shall inform the staff member concerned and the Secretariat of all procedural steps relating to the case.

    10. If appeals filed with the Arbitrator relate to the same problem, the Arbitrator may decide to handle the appeals together and formulate a single decision.

    11. The dispute proceeding shall be immediately put to an end if the staff concerned withdraws his/her appeal or if a settlement by mutual agreement is reached. The staff member concerned should inform the Arbitrator on the latter in writing. The appeal proceeding shall be immediately put to an end in case of violation of part III, point 3.

    III. Appeal procedure

    1. An appeal may be filed by either party against a contested administrative decision. It is lodged with the Presidency of the Regional Steering Committee within 30 calendar days following receipt of the Committee’s proposal for decision. An appeal shall not be receivable by the Presidency of the Regional Steering Committee unless the deadline has been met.

    2. The filing of an appeal with the Presidency of the Regional Steering Committee in second instance shall have the effect of suspending the execution of a decision, that is contested, and which is based upon proposal of the Conciliation Committee.

    3. The staff member concerned, or any representative of the Secretariat are not allowed to discuss with or approach on the issue of appeal, in any form, the Arbitrator during the proceeding, aside of what is defined in part II, point 5.

    4. At the dispute settlement, the Arbitrator shall draw up a report. The report shall set out the procedural steps followed, the facts and circumstances relevant to the appeal and its final resolution.

    IV. Decision making

    1. The decision by the Arbitrator on the contested administrative decision shall be made within 90 calendar days of the day appeal was submitted to the Presidency of the Steering Committee.

    2. The decision should be communicated in writing to the staff member concerned and the Secretariat and this decision may be inserted in the staff member’s personal file.

    3. The decision by Arbitrator is final and binding for all parties.

    V. Final provisions

    1. Any amendments to these Rules on dispute settlements shall be adopted by a decision of the Steering Committee.

    2. Following one year from the entry into force of these Rules, based on practical experience with their application, the Secretariat may propose amendments to these Rules as it deems useful or necessary. Where a member of the Steering Committee wishes to propose such an amendment, it shall consult first with the Secretariat.

    3. These Rules shall enter into force on the day of their adoption by the Steering Committee.

    Annex III


    DECISION No 2022/


    of …

    on the amendment of the rules of procedure of the Regional Steering Committee of the Transport Community


    Having regard to the Treaty establishing the Transport Community, and in particular Article 24(5) thereof,


    Sole Article

    Heading IV, point 4 of the rules of procedures of the Regional Steering Committee of the Transport Community is replaced by the following:

    The draft agenda of the meeting shall be agreed by the Presidency and the Vice-Presidency. The draft agenda and any documents related to it shall be distributed to the members and the observers at least four weeks prior to the relevant meeting. The members may make comments and propose that new items be added. Material of interest to other states, international organisations or other bodies invited in accordance with paragraph 3 of Section II shall also be distributed to them.

    For the Regional Steering Committee

                           The President
