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Document C:2012:039:TOC

    Official Journal of the European Union, C 39, 11 February 2012

    Display all documents published in this Official Journal

    ISSN 1977-091X


    Official Journal

    of the European Union

    C 39

    European flag  

    English edition

    Information and Notices

    Volume 55
    11 February 2012




    IV   Notices




    Court of Justice of the European Union

    2012/C 39/01

    Last publication of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Official Journal of the European Union OJ C 32, 4.2.2012



    V   Announcements




    Court of Justice

    2012/C 39/02

    Case C-560/08: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 15 December 2011 — European Commission v Kingdom of Spain (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 85/337/EEC — Assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment — Directive 92/43/EEC — Conservation of natural habitats — Projects for the widening and/or upgrading of the M-501 road in Spain — ZEP ES 0000056 ‘Encinares del río Alberche y río Cofio’ ZEP ES0000056 — Proposed SCI ES310005 ‘Cuenca del río Guadarrama’ and proposed SCI ES3110007 ‘Cuenca de los ríos Alberche y Cofio’)


    2012/C 39/03

    Case C-119/10: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 15 December 2011 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden — Netherlands) — Frisdranken Industrie Winters BV v Red Bull GmbH (Trade marks — Directive 89/104/EEC — Article 5(1)(b) — Filling of cans already bearing a sign similar to a trade mark — Service provided under an order from and on the instructions of another person — Action taken by trade-mark proprietor against the service provider)


    2012/C 39/04

    Case C-191/10: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 15 December 2011 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour de cassation — France) — Rastelli Davide e C. Snc v Jean-Charles Hidoux, in his capacity as liquidator appointed by the court for the company Médiasucre international (Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 — Insolvency proceedings — International jurisdiction — Extension of insolvency proceedings opened in respect of a company established in one Member State to a company whose registered office is in another Member State because the property of the two companies has been intermixed)


    2012/C 39/05

    Case C-257/10: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 15 December 2011 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen (formerly Regeringsrätten) — Sweden) — Försäkringskassan v Elisabeth Bergström (Migrant workers — Social security — Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Swiss Confederation, of the other, on the free movement of persons — Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 — National of a Member State who has been pursuing a professional activity in Switzerland — Return to country of origin)


    2012/C 39/06

    Case C-384/10: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 15 December 2011 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Hof van Cassatie van België (Belgium)) — Jan Voogsgeerd v Navimer SA (Rome Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations — Contract of employment — Choice made by the parties — Mandatory rules of the law applicable in the absence of choice — Determination of that law — Employee carrying out his work in more than one Contracting State)


    2012/C 39/07

    Case C-409/10: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 15 December 2011 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof — Germany) — Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Hafen v Afasia Knits Deutschland GmbH (Common commercial policy — Preferential regime for the importation of products originating in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States — Irregularities detected during an investigation carried out by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) in the exporting ACP State — Post-clearance recovery of the import duties)


    2012/C 39/08

    Case C-427/10: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 15 December 2011 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Corte suprema di cassazione — Italy) — Banca Antoniana Popolare Veneta SpA, incorporating Banca Nazionale dell’Agricoltura SpA v Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, Agenzia delle Entrate (VAT — Recovery of VAT paid but not due — National legislation under which actions may be brought for the recovery of sums paid but not due, before different courts and subject to different time-limits, depending on whether the claimant is the recipient of the services or their supplier — Possibility for the recipient to claim a VAT refund from the supplier after the expiry of the time-limits within which the supplier is able to bring an action against the tax authority — Principle of effectiveness)


    2012/C 39/09

    Case C-585/10: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 15 December 2011 (reference for a preliminary ruling from the Vestre Landsret — Denmark) — Niels Møller v Haderslev Kommune (Integrated pollution prevention and control — Directive 96/61/EC — Annex I, subheading 6.6(c) — Installations for the intensive rearing of pigs with more than 750 places for sows — Inclusion or non-inclusion of places for gilts)


    2012/C 39/10

    Case C-624/10: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 15 December 2011 — European Commission v French Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Taxation — Directive 2006/112/EC — Articles 168, 171, 193, 194, 204 and 214 — Legislation of a Member State obliging a seller or provider established outside the national territory to designate a tax representative and to identify him or herself for VAT purposes in that Member State — Legislation allowing deductible VAT paid by the seller or provider established outside the national territory to be offset against the VAT collected by him or her in the name and on behalf of his or her customers)


    2012/C 39/11

    Case C-530/11: Action brought on 18 October 2011 — European Commission v United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


    2012/C 39/12

    Case C-562/11: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof (Germany) lodged on 9 November 2011 — Société d’Exportation de Produits Agricoles SA (SEPA) v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas


    2012/C 39/13

    Case C-566/11: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo (Spain) lodged on 14 November 2011 — Iberdrola, S.A. and Gas Natural SDG, S.A. v Spanish State, Hidroeléctrica del Cantábrico, S.A. and Endesa, S.A.


    2012/C 39/14

    Case C-567/11: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo (Spain) lodged on 14 November 2011 — Gas Natural SDG, S.A. v Endesa, S.A., Iberdrola, S.A., Hidroeléctrica del Cantábrico, S.A. and Spanish State


    2012/C 39/15

    Case C-573/11 P: Appeal brought on 15 November 2011 by ClientEarth against the order of the General Court (Sixth Chamber) delivered on 6 September 2011 in Case T-452/10: ClientEarth, supported by Kingdom of Denmark, Republic of Finland and Kingdom of Sweden, v Council of the European Union


    2012/C 39/16

    Case C-576/11: Action brought on 18 November 2011 — European Commission v Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


    2012/C 39/17

    Case C-580/11: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo (Spain) lodged on 21 November 2011 — Tarragona Power S.L. v Gas Natural SDG, S.A., Spanish State, Hidroeléctrica del Cantábrico, S.A. and Endesa, S.A.


    2012/C 39/18

    Case C-591/11: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo (Spain) lodged on 25 November 2011 — Gas Natural SDG, S.A., Bizcaia Energia, SL v Spanish State, Endesa, S.A., Hidroeléctrica del Cantábrico, S.A. and Iberdrola, S.A.


    2012/C 39/19

    Case C-603/11: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Juridiction de Proximité de Chartres (France) lodged on 25 November 2011 — Hervé Fontaine v Mutuelle Générale de l’Education Nationale


    2012/C 39/20

    Case C-620/11: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo (Spain) lodged on 2 December 2011 — Bahía de Bizcaia Electricidad, S.L. v Gas Natural SDG, S.A., Endesa, S.A., Hidroeléctrica del Cantábrico, S.A. and Spanish State


    2012/C 39/21

    Case C-623/11: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d’Etat (France) lodged on 5 December 2011 — Société Geodis Calberson GE v FranceAgriMer


    2012/C 39/22

    Case C-626/11 P: Summary for the Appeal brought on 6 December 2011 by Polyelectrolyte Producers Group, SNF SAS against the order of the General Court (Seventh Chamber, Extended Composition) delivered on 21 September 2011 in Case T-1/10: Polyelectrolyte Producers Group, SNF SAS v European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), European Commission, Kingdom of the Netherlands


    2012/C 39/23

    Case C-640/11: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Supremo (Spain) lodged on 14 December 2011 — E.ON Generación, S.L., Iberdrola, S.A., and Spanish State



    General Court

    2012/C 39/24

    Case T-365/07: Order of the General Court of 12 December 2011 — Traxdata France v OHIM — Ritrax (TRAXDATA, TEAM TRAXDATA) (Trade mark — Action for annulment — Applicant’s failure to proceed — No need to adjudicate)


    2012/C 39/25

    Case T-431/07: Order of the General Court of 15 December 2011 — Gebr. Heller Maschinenfabrik v OHIM (Community trade mark — Opposition — Withdrawal of the opposition — No need to adjudicate)


    2012/C 39/26

    Case T-138/11: Order of the General Court of 7 December 2011 — Ahouma v Council (Death of the applicant — No need to adjudicate)


    2012/C 39/27

    Case T-255/11: Order of the General Court of 7 December 2011 — Fellah v Council (Common foreign and security policy — Restrictive measures taken in view of the situation in Côte d’Ivoire — Withdrawal of the list of persons concerned — Action for annulment — No need to adjudicate)


    2012/C 39/28

    Case T-274/11 P: Order of the General Court of 7 December 2011 — VE (*1) v Commission (Appeal — Civil service — Contractual agents — Expatriation allowance — Conditions imposed by Article 4 of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations — Notion of habitual residence — Distortion of the facts — Appeal clearly inadmissible in part and clearly unfounded in part)


    2012/C 39/29

    Case T-365/11 P: Order of the General Court of 12 December 2011 — AO v Commission (Appeal — Civil service — Officials — Time-limit for appeal — Late submission — Signed original of the appeal lodged out of time — Unforeseeable circumstances — Article 43(6) of Rules of Procedure of the General Court — Appeal manifestly inadmissible)


    2012/C 39/30

    Case T-402/11 R: Order of the President of the General Court of 12 December 2011 — Preparados Alimenticios del Sur v Commission (Application for interim measures — Claim for remission of import duties of some food products — Decision to refer the documents in the case to the national authorities — Applications for interim measures — Inadmissibility — No urgency)


    2012/C 39/31

    Case T-579/11 R: Order of the President of the General Court of 12 December 2011 — Akhras v Council (Interim measures — Common foreign and security policy — Restrictive measures against Syria — Freezing of funds and economic resources — Application for suspension of operation and provisional measures — Lack of urgency — Lack of serious and irreparable harm)


    2012/C 39/32

    Case T-597/11 P: Appeal brought on 22 November 2011 by Christos Michail against the judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal of 13 September 2011 in Case F-100/09 Michail v Commission


    2012/C 39/33

    Case T-614/11: Action brought on 2 December 2011 — Garner CAD Technic and Others v Commission


    2012/C 39/34

    Case T-619/11: Action brought on 2 December 2011 — CB v Commission


    2012/C 39/35

    Case T-620/11: Action brought on 2 December 2011 — GFKL Financial Services v Commission


    2012/C 39/36

    Case T-621/11: Action brought on 5 December 2011 — SinnLeffers v Commission


    2012/C 39/37

    Case T-632/11: Action brought on 12 December 2011 — Hellenic Republic v Commission


    2012/C 39/38

    Case T-649/11: Action brought on 15 December 2011 — Cham v Council of the European Union


    2012/C 39/39

    Case T-651/11: Action brought on 16 December 2011 — Syriatel Mobile Telecom v Council


    2012/C 39/40

    Joined Cases T-528/10, T-69/11 and T-77/11: Order of the General Court of 12 December 2011 — Truvo Belgium v OHIM — AOL (TRUVO and Truvo)


    2012/C 39/41

    Case T-22/11: Order of the General Court of 15 December 2011 — Westfälisch-Lippischer Sparkassen- und Giroverband v Commission


    2012/C 39/42

    Case T-27/11: Order of the General Court of 15 December 2011 — Rheinischer Sparkassen- und Giroverband v Commission


    (*1)Information erased or replaced within the framework of protection of personal data and/or confidentiality.



