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Document C:2006:048:TOC

    Official Journal of the European Union, C 48, 25 February 2006

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    ISSN 1725-2423

    Official Journal

    of the European Union

    C 48

    European flag  

    English edition

    Information and Notices

    Volume 49
    25 February 2006

    Notice No




    I   Information


    Court of Justice



    2006/C 048/1

    Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 15 December 2005 in Case C-66/02: Italian Republic v Commission of the European Communities (Application for annulment — State aid — Decision 2002/581/EC — Tax advantages granted to banks — Statement of reasons for a decision — Categorisation as State aid — Conditions — Compatibility with the common market — Conditions — Important project of common European interest — Development of certain activities)


    2006/C 048/2

    Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 15 December 2005 in Case C-86/03: Hellenic Republic v Commission of the European Communities (Action for annulment — Commission's refusal to authorise the use of heavy fuel oils with a maximum sulphur content of 3 % by mass in part of Greek territory — Directive 1999/32/EC — Sulphur content of certain combustible liquids)


    2006/C 048/3

    Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 10 January 2006 in Case C-94/03: Commission of the European Communities v Council of the European Union (Action for annulment — Council Decision 2003/106/EC concerning the approval of the Rotterdam Convention — Prior Informed Consent Procedure — Hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade — Choice of legal basis — Articles 133 EC and 175 EC)


    2006/C 048/4

    Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 10 January 2006 in Case C-98/03: Commission of the European Communities v Federal Republic of Germany (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 92/43/EEC — Conservation of natural habitats — Wild fauna and flora — Assessment of the implications of certain projects on a protected site — Protection of species)


    2006/C 048/5

    Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 10 January 2006 in Case C-178/03: Commission of the European Communities v European Parliament and Council of the European Union (Action for annulment — Regulation (EC) No 304/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2003 concerning the export and import of dangerous chemicals — Choice of legal basis — Articles 133 EC and 175 EC)


    2006/C 048/6

    Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 15 December 2005 in Case C-344/03: Commission of the European Communities v Republic of Finland (Directive 79/409/EEC — Conservation of wild birds — Spring hunting of certain aquatic birds)


    2006/C 048/7

    Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 10 January 2006 in Case C-402/03: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Vestre Landsret in Skov Æg v Bilka Lavprisvarehus A/S and Bilka Lavprisvarehus A/S v Jette Mikkelsen, Michael Due Nielsen (Directive 85/374/EEC — Liability for defective products — Liability of the supplier of a defective product)


    2006/C 048/8

    Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 15 December 2005 in Case C-26/04: Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Spain (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 76/160/EEC — Quality of bathing waters — Designation as bathing areas — Directive 79/923/EEC — Quality of shellfish waters — Establishment of a pollution reduction programme)


    2006/C 048/9

    Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 10 January 2006 in Case C-147/04 (Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d'État) De Groot en Slot Allium BV, Bejo Zaden BV v Ministre de l'Economie, des Finances et de l'Industrie, Ministre de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation, de la Pêche et des Affaires rurales (Directive 70/458/EEC — Marketing of vegetable seed — Article 2 — Directive 92/33/EEC — Marketing of vegetable propagating and planting material, other than seed — Annex II — Common catalogue of vegetable species — National legislation permitting only varieties of shallots produced by vegetative propagation to be marketed as ‘shallots’ — Article 28 EC — Consumer protection)


    2006/C 048/10

    Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 15 December 2005 in Joined Cases C-151/04 and C-152/04; Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal de Police de Neufchâteau in the criminal proceedings against Claude Nadin, Nadin-Lux SA and Jean-Pascal Durré (Free movement of persons and services — Concept of 'worker' — Condition of a relationship of subordination — Motor vehicle — Made available to the worker by the employer — Vehicle registered abroad — Employer established in another Member State — Registration and taxation of the motor vehicle)


    2006/C 048/11

    Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 10 January 2006 in Case C-222/04: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Corte suprema di cassazione in Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze v Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze SpA, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di San Miniato, Cassa di Risparmio di San Miniato SpA (State aid — Articles 87 EC and 88 EC — Banks — Banking foundations — Meaning of ‘undertaking’ — Relief from direct tax on dividends received by banking foundations — Categorisation as State aid — Compatibility with the common market — Commission Decision 2003/146/EC — Determination of validity — Inadmissibility — Articles 12 EC, 43 EC and 56 EC — Principle of non-discrimination — Freedom of establishment — Free movement of capital)


    2006/C 048/12

    Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 15 December 2005 in Joined Cases C-232/04 and C-233/04, Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Arbeitsgericht Düsseldorf Nurten Güney-Görres, Gul Demir v Securicor Aviation (Germany) Ltd, Kötter Aviation Security GmbH & Co. KG (Directive 2001/23/CE — Article 1 — Transfer of undertaking or business — Safeguarding of employees' rights — Scope)


    2006/C 048/13

    Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 15 December 2005 in Case C-252/04: Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2002/22/EC — Electronic communications networks and services — Universal Service — Failure to transpose within the period prescribed)


    2006/C 048/14

    Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 10 January 2006 in Case C-302/04, Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Szombathelyi Városi Bíróság Ynos kft v János Varga (Article 234 EC — Directive 93/13/EEC — Consumers — Unfair terms — National legislation adapted to comply with the directive after conclusion by a non-member State of an association agreement with the European Communities and before that State acceded to the European Union — Lack of jurisdiction of the Court)


    2006/C 048/15

    Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 1 December 2005 in Case C-309/04 Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof Fleisch-Winter GmbH & Co. KG v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas (Export refunds — Condition for grant — Beef and veal — Regulation (EEC) No 3665/87 — Bovine spongiform encephalopathy — Export ban — Sound and fair marketable quality — Export declaration — National application for a payment — Sanction)


    2006/C 048/16

    Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 24 November 2005 in Case C-331/04 Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato: ATI EAC Srl e Viaggi di Maio Snc and Others v ACTV Venezia SpA and Others (Public service contracts — Directives 92/50/EEC and 93/38/EEC — Award criteria — The economically most advantageous tender — Observance of award criteria set out in the contract documents or the contract notice — Establishment of subheadings for one of the award criteria in the contract documents or the contract notice — Decision to apply weighting — Principles of equal treatment of tenderers and transparency)


    2006/C 048/17

    Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 10 January 2006 in Case C-373/04 P: Commission of the European Communities v Mercedes Alvarez Moreno (Appeal — Officials — Member of the auxiliary staff — Conference interpreter — Action — Request pursuant to Article 90(1) of the Staff Regulations — Measure adversely affecting a person — Definition)


    2006/C 048/18

    Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 15 December 2005 in Case C-33/05: Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Belgium (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2000/60/EC — Community action in the field of water policy — Failure to transpose within the period prescribed)


    2006/C 048/19

    Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 15 December 2005 in Case C-96/05: Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2001/65/EC — Annual and consolidated accounts of certain types of companies — Failure to transpose within the period prescribed)


    2006/C 048/20

    Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 15 December 2005 in Case C-144/05: Commission of the European Communities v Kingdom of Belgium (Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations — Directive 2002/59/EC — Failure to transpose within the period prescribed)


    2006/C 048/21

    Case C-367/05: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Court of Cassation, Belgium, by order of that court of 6 September 2005 in the criminal proceedings against Norma Kraaijenbrink


    2006/C 048/22

    Case C-405/05: Action brought on 18.11.2005 by Commission against the The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


    2006/C 048/23

    Case C-415/05 P: Appeal brought on 23 November 2005 by Ahmed Yusuf and Al Barakaat International Foundation against the judgment of the Court of First Instance (Second Chamber (Extended Composition)) of 21 September 2005 in Case T-306/01 Ahmed Yusuf and Al Barakaat International Foundation v the Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities


    2006/C 048/24

    Case C-418/05 P: Appeal brought on 25 November 2005 by Centro Provincial de Jóvenes Agricultores de Jaén (ASAJA), Salvador Contreras Gila, José Ramiro López, Antonio Ramiro López, Cristobal Gallego Martínez, Benito García Burgos and Antonio Parras Rosa against the judgment of the Court of First Instance (Third Chamber) of 8 September 2005 in Joined Cases T-295/04 to T-297/04: Centro Provincial de Jóvenes Agricultores de Jaén (ASAJA), Salvador Contreras Gila, José Ramiro López, Antonio Ramiro López, Cristobal Gallego Martínez, Benito García Burgos and Antonio Parras Rosa v Council of the European Union


    2006/C 048/25

    Case C-420/05 P: Appeal brought on 28 November 2005 by Ricosmos B.V. against the judgment delivered by the Court of First Instance of the European Communities (First Chamber) on 13 September 2005 in Case T-53/02 Ricosmos v Commission of the European Communities


    2006/C 048/26

    Case C-422/05: Action brought on 28 November 2005 by the Commission of the European Communities against the Kingdom of Belgium


    2006/C 048/27

    Case C-423/05: Action brought on 29 November 2005 by the Commission of the European Communities against the French Republic


    2006/C 048/28

    Case C-425/05: Action brought on 29 November 2005 by the Commission against Ireland


    2006/C 048/29

    Case C-439/05 P: Appeal brought on 7 December 2005 by Land Oberösterreich against the judgment delivered on 5 October 2005 by the Court of First Instance of the European Communities (Fourth Chamber) in Joined Cases T-366/03 and T-235/04


    2006/C 048/30

    Case C-446/05: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal de Première Instance de Bruxelles by judgment of that court of 7 December 2005 in Crown Prosecutor — Parties claiming damages: L'Union des Dentistes et Stomatologistes de Belgique U.P:R. and Jean Totolidis v Ioannis Doulamis


    2006/C 048/31

    Case C-447/05: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour d'appel de Paris by judgment of that court of 18 November 2005 in Thomson Multimedia Sales Europe SA v Administration des Douanes et Droits Indirects


    2006/C 048/32

    Case C-448/05: Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour d'appel de Paris by judgment of that court of 18 November 2005 in Vestel France SA v Administration des Douanes et Droits Indirects


    2006/C 048/33

    Case C-452/05: Action brought on 19 December 2005 by the Commission of the European Communities against the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


    2006/C 048/34

    Case C-459/05: Action brought on 23 December 2005 by the Commission of the European Communities against the Kingdom of Belgium


    2006/C 048/35

    Case C-461/05: Action brought on 23 December 2005 by the Commission of the European Communities against the Kingdom of Denmark


    2006/C 048/36

    Case C-463/05: Action brought on 22 December 2005 by the Commission of the European Communities against the Kingdom of the Netherlands


    2006/C 048/37

    Case C-3/06 P: Appeal brought on 4 January 2006 by Groupe Danone against the judgment of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities (Fifth Chamber) of 25 October 2005 in Case T-38/02: Groupe Danone v Commission of the European Communities


    2006/C 048/38

    Case C-4/06 P: Appeal brought on 4 January 2006 by J. Ouariachi against the order of the Court of First Instance (Fifth Chamber) of 26 October 2005 in Case T-124/04: J. Ouariachi v Commission of the European Communities


    2006/C 048/39

    Case C-13/06: Action brought on 11 January 2006 by the Commission of the European Communities against the Hellenic Republic




    2006/C 048/40

    Case T-69/00: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2005 — FIAMM and FIAMM Technologies v Council and Commission (Non-contractual liability of the Community — Incompatibility of the Community regime governing the import of bananas with the rules of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) — Imposition by the United States of America of retaliatory measures in the form of increased customs duty levied on imports from the Community, pursuant to a WTO authorisation — Decision of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body — Legal effects — Community liability in the absence of unlawful conduct of its institutions — Causal link — Unusual and special damage)


    2006/C 048/41

    Case T-151/00: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2005 —Laboratoire du Bain v Council and Commission (Non-contractual liability of the Community — Incompatibility of the Community regime governing the import of bananas with the rules of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) — Imposition by the United States of America of retaliatory measures in the form of increased customs duty levied on imports from the Community, pursuant to a WTO authorisation — Decision of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body — Legal effects — Community liability in the absence of unlawful conduct of its institutions — Causal link — Unusual and special damage)


    2006/C 048/42

    Case T-237/00: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 8 December 2005 — Patrick Reynolds v European Parliament (Officials — Secondment in the interests of the service — Article 38 of the Staff Regulations — Political group — Early termination of secondment — Rights of the defence — Obligation to state reasons — Legitimate expectation — Duty to have regard to the welfare of officials — Misuse of powers — Action for annulment — Action for damages — Setting aside in part of a judgment of the Court of First Instance — Res judicata)


    2006/C 048/43

    Case T-301/00: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2005 — Groupe Fremaux and Palais Royal v Council and Commission (Non-contractual liability of the Community — Incompatibility of the Community regime governing the import of bananas with the rules of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) — Imposition by the United States of America of retaliatory measures in the form of increased customs duty levied on imports from the Community, pursuant to a WTO authorisation — Decision of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body — Legal effects — Community liability in the absence of unlawful conduct of its institutions — Causal link — Unusual and special damage)


    2006/C 048/44

    Case T-320/00: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2005 — CD Cartondruck v Council and Commission (Non-contractual liability of the Community — Incompatibility of the Community regime governing the import of bananas with the rules of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) — Imposition by the United States of America of retaliatory measures in the form of increased customs duty levied on imports from the Community, pursuant to a WTO authorisation — Decision of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body — Legal effects — Community liability in the absence of unlawful conduct of its institutions — Causal link — Unusual and special damage)


    2006/C 048/45

    Case T-383/00: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2005 — Beamglow v Parliament and Others (Non-contractual liability of the Community — Incompatibility of the Community regime governing the import of bananas with the rules of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) — Imposition by the United States of America of retaliatory measures in the form of increased customs duty levied on imports from the Community, pursuant to a WTO authorisation — Decision of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body — Legal effects — Community liability in the absence of unlawful conduct of its institutions — Causal link — Unusual and special damage)


    2006/C 048/46

    Case T-33/01: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 15 December 2005 — Infront WM AG v Commission of the European Communities (Television broadcasting — Directive 89/552/EEC — Directive 97/36/EC — Article 3a — Events of major importance for society — Admissibility — Infringement of essential procedural requirements)


    2006/C 048/47

    Case T-135/01: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2005 — Fedon & Figli and Others v Council and Commission (Non-contractual liability of the Community — Incompatibility of the Community regime governing the import of bananas with the rules of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) — Imposition by the United States of America of retaliatory measures in the form of increased customs duty levied on imports from the Community, pursuant to a WTO authorisation — Decision of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body — Legal effects — Community liability in the absence of unlawful conduct on the part of its institutions — Causal link — Unusual and special damage)


    2006/C 048/48

    Case T-209/01: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2005 — Honeywell International Inc. v Commission of the European Communities (Action for annulment — Competition — Commission decision declaring a concentration to be incompatible with the common market — Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 — Ineffectiveness of a partial challenge to the decision — Aeronautical markets — Action that cannot lead to annulment of the decision)


    2006/C 048/49

    Case T-210/01: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2005 — General Electric v Commission (Action for annulment — Competition — Commission decision declaring a concentration to be incompatible with the common market — Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 — Aeronautical markets — Acquisition of Honeywell by General Electric — Vertical integration — Bundling — Foreclosure — Horizontal overlaps — Rights of the defence)


    2006/C 048/50

    Case T-135/02: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2005 — Greencore Group plc v Commission of the European Communities (Compliance with a judgment of the Court of First Instance — Reduction of the fine imposed on the applicant — Failure then refusal of the Commission to pay interest on the sum refunded — Action for annulment — Principle of legal certainty)


    2006/C 048/51

    Joined Cases T-155/03, T-157/03 and T-331/03: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 13 December 2005 — Cwik v Commission (Officials — Staff report — Promotion exercises 1995/1997, 1997/1999 and 1999/2001 — Actions for annulment — Drawing-up successive staff reports at the same time — Procedural irregularities — Lateness — Personal file — Manifest error of assessment — Misuse of powers — Inconsistency of the statement of reasons — Compensation for damage suffered — Material damage — Non-material damage)


    2006/C 048/52

    Case T-29/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 8 December 2005 — Castellblanch v OHIM (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for a figurative Community trade mark containing the word element ‘CRISTAL CASTELLBLANCH’ — Earlier national word mark CRISTAL — Genuine use of the earlier mark — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b), Article 15(2)(a) and Article 43(2) and (3) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94)


    2006/C 048/53

    Case T-146/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 22 December 2005 — Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso v Parliament (Rules governing the payment of expenses and allowances to Members of the European Parliament — Review of use of allowances — Justification of expenses — Recovery of a debt by offsetting)


    2006/C 048/54

    Case T-154/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 15 December 2005 — Bauwens v Commission (Officials — Career development report — 2001/2002 appraisal exercise — Article 7 of the General Implementing Provisions — Deadline for submission of an application to refer a matter to the Joint Evaluation Committee — Suspension)


    2006/C 048/55

    Case T-169/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2005 — Arysta Lifescience v OHIM (Community trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for the Community word mark CARPOVIRUSINE — Former national word mark CARPO — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94)


    2006/C 048/56

    Case T-198/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 8 December 2005 — Merladet v Commission (Officials — Career development report — 2001/2002 appraisal exercise — Proper conduct of the reporting procedure — Action for annulment)


    2006/C 048/57

    Case T-200/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 14 December 2005 — Regione autonoma della Sardegna v Commission (State aid — Measures on the part of the Italian authorities aimed at compensating for the damage caused by ovine catarrhal fever (blue tongue) — Guidelines concerning State aid in the agricultural sector)


    2006/C 048/58

    Case T-274/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 8 December 2005 — Rounis v Commission (Officials — Staff report — Action for annulment — No longer any legal interest in bringing proceedings — No need to adjudicate — Action for damages — Late drawing-up of the staff report)


    2006/C 048/59

    Case T-384/04: Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 15 December 2005 — RB Square Holdings Spain v OHIM (Community trade mark — Figurative mark containing the word element ‘clean x’ — Opposition by the proprietor of the earlier national word and figurative marks CLEN — Rejection of the opposition — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94)


    2006/C 048/60

    Case T-41/04: Order of the Court of First Instance of 25 November 2005 — Pérez-Díaz v Commission (Officials — Actions for annulment — Lis alibi pendens — Late submission of the prior complaint through official channels — Application for compensation closely linked to the claims for annulment — Manifest inadmissibility)


    2006/C 048/61

    Case T-91/04: Order of the Court of First Instance of 8 December 2005 — Just v Commission (Officials — Open competition — Multiple-choice questions — Accuracy of the answers on the correction form — Action manifestly unfounded in law)


    2006/C 048/62

    Case T-92/04: Order of the Court of First Instance of 8 December 2005 — Moren Abat v Commission (Officials — Open competition — Multiple-choice questions — Accuracy of the answers on the correction form — Action manifestly unfounded in law)


    2006/C 048/63

    Case T-94/04: Order of the Court of First Instance of 28 November 2005 — European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and Others v Commission of the European Communities (Action for annulment — Objection of inadmissibility — Directive 2003/112/EC — Standing to bring proceedings)


    2006/C 048/64

    Joined Cases T-236/04 and T-241/04: Order of the Court of First Instance of 28 November 2005 — European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and Stichting Natuur en Milieu v Commission of the European Communities (Action for annulment — Decisions 2004/247/EC and 2004/248/EC — Objection of inadmissibility — Standing to bring proceedings)


    2006/C 048/65

    Case T-299/04: Order of the Court of First Instance of 18 November 2005 — Selmani v Council and Commission (Common foreign and security policy — Council common positions — Specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities with a view to combating terrorism — Action for annulment — Manifest lack of jurisdiction — Time-limits — Admissibility)


    2006/C 048/66

    Case T-218/05: Order of the Court of First Instance of 23 November 2005 — Bustec Ireland v OHIM (Community trade mark — Opposition — Withdrawal of the opposition — No need to adjudicate)


    2006/C 048/67

    Case T-395/05: Action lodged on 31 October 2005 — Multikauf v OHIM


    2006/C 048/68

    Case T-410/05: Action brought on 14 November 2005 — Eerola v Commission


    2006/C 048/69

    Case T-412/05: Action brought on 18 November 2005 — ‘M’ v Ombudsman


    2006/C 048/70

    Case T-413/05: Action brought on 18 November 2005 — Sanchez Ferriz v Commission


    2006/C 048/71

    Case T-419/05: Action brought on 18 November 2005 — Bain and Others v Commission


    2006/C 048/72

    Case T-421/05: Action brought on 3 November 2005 — Kay v Commission


    2006/C 048/73

    Case T-425/05: Action brought on 5 December 2005 — Mediocurso — Estabelecimento de Ensino Particular SA v Commission of the European Communities


    2006/C 048/74

    Case T-429/05: Action brought on 7 December 2005 — Artegodan v Commission


    2006/C 048/75

    Case T-431/05: Action brought on 5 December 2005 — Cerafogli and Poloni v ECB


    2006/C 048/76

    Case T-437/05: Action brought on 15 December 2005 — Brink's Security Luxembourg v Commission


    2006/C 048/77

    Case T-444/05: Action brought on 21 December 2005 — Navigazione Libera del Golfo v Commission


    2006/C 048/78

    Case T-445/05: Action brought on 19 December 2005 — Associazione italiana del risparmio gestito and Fineco Asset Management v Commission of the European Communities


    2006/C 048/79

    Case T-448/05: Action brought on 16 December 2005 — Oxley Threads v Commission


    2006/C 048/80

    Case T-455/05: Action brought on 29 December 2005 — Componenta Oyj v Commission of the European Communities


    2006/C 048/81

    Case T-9/06: Action brought on 17 January 2006 — Equant Belgium v Commission


    2006/C 048/82

    Case T -338/05: Order of the Court of First Instance of 9 December 2005 — Raymond Claudel v Court of Auditors


    2006/C 048/83

    Case T -383/05 R: Order of the Court of First Instance of 11 January 2006 — GHK Consulting v Commission



    III   Notices

    2006/C 048/84

    Last publication of the Court of Justice in the Official Journal of the European Union OJ C 36, 11.2.2006




    2006/C 048/85

    Corrigendum to the Notice in the Official Journal in Case T-408/05 OJ C 22, 28.1.2006 p. 18 )


    2006/C 048/86

    Corrigendum to the Notice in the Official Journal in Joined Cases T-130/05, T-160/05 and T-183/05 ( OJ C 22, 28.1.2006 p. 26 )



