ISSN 1977-0871 |
Den Europæiske Unions Tidende |
C 111 |
Dansk udgave |
Meddelelser og oplysninger |
64. årgang |
Indhold |
Side |
II Meddelelser |
Europa-Kommissionen |
2021/C 111/01 |
Fælles sortsliste over landbrugsplantearter — Tilføjelse 2021/4 ( 1 ) |
2021/C 111/02 |
Fælles sortsliste over grøntsagsarter — Tilføjelse 2021/4 ( 1 ) |
(1) EØS-relevant tekst. |
DA |
II Meddelelser
29.3.2021 |
DA |
Den Europæiske Unions Tidende |
C 111/1 |
Tilføjelse 2021/4
(EØS-relevant tekst)
(2021/C 111/01)
Forklaring | 3 |
Liste over landbrugsplantearter | 4 |
I. Roer
1. |
Beta vulgaris L. Sukkerroe | 4 |
2. |
Beta vulgaris L. Foderbede | 5 |
II. Foderplanter
5. |
Agrostis stolonifera L. Krybhvene | 6 |
6. |
Agrostis capillaris L. Almindelig hvene | 6 |
13. |
Festuca arundinacea Schreber Strandsvingel | 6 |
14. |
Festuca filiformis Pourr. Finbladet svingel | 6 |
17. |
Festuca rubra L. Rødsvingel | 6 |
18. |
Festuca trachyphylla (Hack.) Krajina Bakkesvingel | 6 |
19. |
×Festulolium Asch. et Graebn. Hybrider, der stammer fra en krydsning af en art af slægten Festuca med en art af slægten Lolium | 7 |
20. |
Lolium multiflorum Lam. Westerwoldisk/Italienisk rajgræs | 7 |
20.1. |
Ssp. alternativum | 7 |
20.2. |
Ssp. non alternativum | 7 |
21. |
Lolium perenne L. Almindelig rajgræs | 7 |
22. |
Lolium x hybridum Hausskn. Hybridrajgræs | 8 |
25. |
Phleum pratense L. Timote | 8 |
29. |
Poa pratensis L. Engrapgræs | 8 |
30. |
Poa trivialis L. Almindelig rapgræs | 8 |
37. |
Lupinus albus L. Hvid lupin | 8 |
38. |
Lupinus angustifolius L. Smalbladet lupin | 8 |
54. |
Pisum sativum L. (partim) Markært | 9 |
59. |
Trifolium hybridum L. Alsikekløver | 9 |
60. |
Trifolium incarnatum L. Blodkløver | 9 |
71. |
Vicia faba L. (partim) Hestebønne | 9 |
73. |
Vicia sativa L. Fodervikke | 10 |
75. |
Brassica napus L. var. napobrassica (L.) Rchb. Kålroe | 10 |
76. |
Brassica oleracea L. convar. acephala (DC.) Alef. var. medullosa Thell. + var. viridis L. Fodermarvkål | 10 |
79. |
Raphanus sativus L. var. oleiformis Pers. Olieræddike | 10 |
III. Olie- og spindplanter
82. |
Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. Brun sennep | 11 |
83. |
Brassica napus L. (partim) Raps | 11 |
88. |
Gossypium spp. Bomuld | 14 |
89. |
Helianthus annuus L. Solsikke | 14 |
92. |
Sinapis alba L. Gul sennep | 14 |
93. |
Glycine max (L.) Merr. Soja | 14 |
IV. Korn
95. |
Avena sativa L. (including A. Byzantina K. Koch) Almindelig havre | 15 |
97. |
Hordeum vulgare L. Byg | 15 |
97.1. |
Toradet byg | 15 |
97.2. |
Seksradet byg | 15 |
98. |
Oryza sativa L. Ris | 15 |
100. |
Secale cereale L. Rug | 16 |
101. |
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench Durra | 16 |
103. |
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench × Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf. Hybrider, der er fremkommet ved krydsning af Sorghum bicolor og Sorghum sudanense | 16 |
104. |
×Triticosecale Wittm. ex A. Camus Hybrider, der er fremkommet ved krydsning af en art af slægten Triticum med en art af slægten Secale | 16 |
105. |
Triticum aestivum L. Blød hvede | 16 |
107. |
Triticum spelta L. Spelt | 17 |
108. |
Zea mays L. (partim) Majs | 17 |
V. Kartofler
109. |
Solanum tuberosum L. Kartoffel | 22 |
1. |
Den foreliggende tilføjelse til den konsoliderede udgave af den fælles sortsliste over landbrugsplantearter fra 2020 (1) indeholder ændringer, som er påkrævet for at tage hensyn til oplysninger indgivet til Kommissionen af medlemsstaterne. |
2. |
Denne tilføjelse følger samme underinddeling som den konsoliderede udgave fra 2020. Der henvises til forklaringen i denne. |
3. |
Denne tilføjelse dækker de meddelelser, der er modtaget fra den 1. til den 31. januar 2021. |
4. |
De ændringer, der er foretaget i forhold til den konsoliderede udgave fra 2020, er anført i kolonne 4 som følger:
5. |
Denne tilføjelse vedrører de indberettede sorter, som bestemmelserne i artikel 16, stk. 1, i Rådets direktiv 2002/53/EF (2) finder anvendelse på. |
6. |
Hvis vedligeholderens kode ikke er anført i den konsoliderede udgave fra 2020, kan vedligeholderens navn og adresse fås ved henvendelse til den myndighed, der er anført i listen over berørte medlemsstater eller EFTA-lande. |
(1) Konsolideret udgave af 1. december 2020:
1. Beta vulgaris L. - Sugar beet
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Aloyzious |
*SE 70 |
(add.) |
Annatina KWS |
*SE 89 |
(add.) |
Annemartha KWS |
*BE 713, *NL 1085 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Arabesqua KWS |
*IT 183 |
D m (add.) |
Arribes |
*ES 6345 |
D m (2) (add.) |
Asturidia KWS |
*ES 6320 |
D m (2) (add.) |
Azelia KWS |
*BE 713, *FR S14995 |
m (2) (mod.) |
Azura KWS |
*BE 713 |
m (2) (add.) |
Benvenuta KWS |
*IT 183 |
D m (add.) |
Botticelli |
*IT 1762 |
D m (add.) |
BTS 1115 N |
*NL 1043 |
D m (2) (add.)(32) |
BTS 1740 |
*IT 189 |
D m (add.)(32) |
BTS 1820 N |
*IT 189 |
D m (add.)(32) |
BTS 2335 |
*BE 701, *NL 1043 |
D m (2) (add.)(32) |
BTS 6095 N |
*BE 701 |
m (2) (add.)(32) |
BTS Smart 9145 N |
*IT 189 |
D m (add.) |
BTS Smart 9230 |
*NL 1043 |
D m (2) (add.) |
BTS Smart 9360 N |
*NL 1043 |
D m (2) (add.) |
BTS Smart 9635 |
*IT 189, *PL 964 |
D m (add.) |
BTS Smart 9775 N |
*IT 189 |
D m (add.) |
Danka KWS |
(del.) |
Danube |
*FR 8444, *PL 57 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Eduarda KWS |
(*)DE 105, *HR 737 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Expedita KWS |
(del.) |
Farmer |
(del.) |
FD Celtis |
*BE 809 |
m (2) (add.) |
FD Kodeks |
*BE 809 |
m (2) (add.) |
FD Santacero |
*BE 809 |
m (2) (add.) |
Grandiosa KWS |
*HR 737, *HU 149293 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Helenika KWS |
(*)DE 105, *HR 737, *HU 149293 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Jewel |
*NL 1014 |
D m (2) (add.) |
Joaquina KWS |
*ES 6320 |
D m (2) (add.) |
Jocelinda KWS |
*ES 6320 |
D m (2) (add.) |
Kalimera KWS |
*HR 737, *HU 149293 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Kratos |
*NL 1053 |
D m (2) (add.) |
Leontina KWS |
*BE 713, *NL 1085 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Lightning |
(del.) |
Lynx |
*LT 130, *SE 86 |
T m (2) (mod.)(16) |
Marenka KWS |
*CZ 69, *HR 737, *HU 149293, *PL 52, *SK 221 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Melindia KWS |
*HR 737, *SK 221 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Michelangelo |
*IT 1762 |
D m (add.) |
Miguella KWS |
*ES 6320 |
D m (2) (add.) |
Ottavia KWS |
*IT 183 |
D m (add.) |
Raffaello |
*IT 1762 |
D m (add.) |
Romanella KWS |
*HR 737, *HU 149293 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Sandpiper Smart |
*LT 119, *NL 1014, *SE 143 |
D m (2) (add.) |
Satie |
*DK 255, *ES 6338, *FR S14771, *SE 70 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Smart Arosa KWS |
*ES 6320 |
D m (2) (add.) |
Smart Danuta KWS |
*LT 73, *SE 89 |
(add.) |
Smart Imma KWS |
*ES 6320, *NL 1085 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
Smart Sinja KWS |
*SE 89 |
(add.) |
SY Belana |
*PL 1117 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
SY Kultura |
(del.) |
Tattoo |
*LT 130, *SE 86 |
T m (2) (mod.)(16) |
Trelleborg |
*SE 143 |
(add.) |
Xanadu |
*AT 533 |
D m (2) (mod.) |
2. Beta vulgaris L. - Fodder beet
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Gitty KWS |
*BE 713 |
m (2) (add.) |
5. Agrostis stolonifera L. - Creeping bent
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Ardent |
*PL 1240 |
(mod.)(1) |
CY 2 |
*DE 283 |
(mod.)(1)(32) |
Focusing |
(del.) |
Ignite |
*PL 1240 |
(mod.)(1) |
6. Agrostis capillaris L. - Brown top
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Golf |
(del.) |
13. Festuca arundinacea Schreber - Tall fescue
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Golden Gate |
*PL 1240 |
(mod.)(1) |
Olympus |
*PL 1240 |
(mod.)(1) |
Seneca |
(del.) |
Sun Devil |
*PL 1240 |
(mod.)(1) |
14. Festuca filiformis Pourr. - Fine leaved sheep's fescue
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Pashmina |
*PL 1240 |
(mod.)(1) |
17. Festuca rubra L. - Red fescue
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Audubon |
*PL 1240 |
(mod.)(1)(8) |
Fulmar |
*DE 283 |
(mod.)(1)(7) |
Longfellow II |
*DE 283 |
(mod.)(1)(7) |
18. Festuca trachyphylla (Hack.) Krajina - Hard fescue
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Pebbles |
(del.) |
19. ×Festulolium Asch. et Graebn. - Hybrids resulting from the crossing of a species of the genus Festuca with a species of the genus Lolium
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Honor |
(del.) |
20. Lolium multiflorum Lam. - Italian ryegrass (including Westerwold ryegrass)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Ssp. alternativum - |
Adrenalin |
(*)FR 12452 |
*CH 116 |
(mod.) |
Caïd |
*DE 7352, *FR S13804 |
(mod.) |
Ssp. non alternativum - |
Boostyl |
*DE 7352 |
(add.) |
Lotos |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Temida |
f: 30.6.2024 |
21. Lolium perenne L. - Perennial ryegrass
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Aggression |
*PL 1240 |
D (mod.)(1) |
Amarant |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Barpractice |
*DE 7663 |
D (add.)(1) |
Ecologic |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Equate |
*PL 1240 |
D (mod.)(1) |
Eurogoal |
*DE 39 |
D (add.)(1) |
Europlay |
*DE 39 |
D (add.)(1) |
Expanse |
*PL 1240 |
D (mod.)(1) |
Gravity |
*PL 1240 |
D (mod.)(1) |
Hancock |
(del.) |
Hele |
(del.) |
Indy |
(del.) |
JS501 |
*PL 1240 |
D (mod.)(1)(32) |
Kennedy |
*PL 1240 |
D (mod.)(1) |
Mandalay |
*DE 283, *FR S14431 |
D (mod.)(1) |
Orbital |
*DE 39 |
D (add.)(1) |
Ragnaric II |
(del.) |
Replay |
*PL 1240 |
D (mod.)(1) |
Roadster |
(del.) |
Spyglass |
*PL 1240 |
D (mod.)(1) |
Tacita |
*DE 39 |
D (add.)(1) |
Web |
*PL 1240 |
D (mod.)(1) |
22. Lolium x hybridum Hausskn. - Hybrid ryegrass
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Transam |
(del.) |
25. Phleum pratense L. - Timothy
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Orlica |
f: 30.6.2024 |
29. Poa pratensis L. - Smooth-stalked meadowgrass
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Answer |
*PL 1240 |
(mod.)(1)(12) |
Blueprint |
*PL 1240 |
(mod.)(1)(12) |
Cocktail |
*NL 444, *SK 542 |
(mod.)(1)(12) |
Jackpot |
*PL 1240 |
(mod.)(1)(12) |
Kaitos |
(del.) |
Keeneland |
(del.) |
Professor |
*PL 1240 |
(mod.)(1)(12) |
Sunbeam |
*PL 1240 |
(mod.)(1)(12) |
Xiamara |
*DE 283 |
(add.)(1)(12) |
30. Poa trivialis L. - Rough-stalked meadowgrass
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Havana |
*CZ 226, *PL 1240 |
(mod.)(1) |
37. Lupinus albus L. - White lupin
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Angus |
*FR 4183 |
(add.) |
38. Lupinus angustifolius L. - Narrow leaved lupin
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Kadryl |
(del.) |
54. Pisum sativum L. (partim) - Field pea
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Batist |
*FR S8128 |
(add.) |
Caphorn |
*FR S13804 |
(add.) |
Carrington |
*FR S13804 |
(add.) |
Casini |
*FR S13804 |
(add.) |
Effecta |
*CZ 172 |
(add.)(16)(17) |
Enduro |
*ES 2048, *SI 84 |
(mod.)(15) |
Equinox |
*FR S8128 |
(add.) |
Equip |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Ezop |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Faquir |
*FR S9504 |
(add.) |
Geronimo |
f: 30.6.2023 |
LG Alpina |
*FR S13491 |
(add.) |
Paddle |
*FR S8444 |
(add.) |
Skol |
*FR S13804 |
(add.) |
Smiley |
*FR S13804 |
(add.) |
Symbios |
*DE 147, *FR S13804 |
(add.) |
59. Trifolium hybridum L. - Alsike clover
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Aurora |
*NL 162 |
(add.) |
60. Trifolium incarnatum L. - Crimson clover
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Plinio |
*IT 1328 |
(add.) |
71. Vicia faba L. (partim) - Field bean
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Allison |
*DE 147, *FR S13099 |
(mod.) |
Ashleigh |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Axel |
*FR S14353 |
(mod.) |
Casanova |
*FR S13099 |
(add.) |
Dosis |
*DE 147, *FR S13099 |
(add.) |
LG Raptor |
(del.) |
Maya |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Navara |
*FR S9504 |
(add.) |
Niagara |
*FR S9504 |
(add.) |
Oena |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Olan |
*FR S14353 |
(mod.)(15) |
73. Vicia sativa L. - Common vetch
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Kwarta |
f: 30.6.2024 |
75. Brassica napus L. var. napobrassica (L.) Rchb. - Swede
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Gowrie |
*NL 31 |
(add.) |
Invitation |
*NL 31 |
(add.) |
Magres |
*NL 31 |
(add.) |
76. Brassica oleracea L. convar. acephala (DC.) Alef. var. medullosa Thell. + var. viridis L. - Fodder kale
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Bombardier |
*NL 31 |
(add.) |
Caledonian |
*NL 31 |
(add.) |
Grampian |
*NL 31 |
(add.) |
Keeper |
*NL 31 |
(add.) |
Thousand Head |
*NL 1100 |
(add.) |
79. Raphanus sativus L. var. oleiformis Pers. - Fodder radish
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Jorba |
*DE 2418, *FR S14361, *NL 1045 |
(mod.) |
82. Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. - Brown mustard
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Absence |
*FR S13633 |
(add.)(15) |
83. Brassica napus L. (partim) - Swede rape
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Adis |
*HU 132938 |
H (mod.) |
Akilah |
*CZ 1517, *PL 159 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Ambassador |
*CZ 1405, *DK 223, *DE 1323, *FR 45125, *HU 132938, *AT 562, *PL 872, *SK 406 |
H (mod.)(15)(39) |
Angus |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Artemis |
*CZ 1405, *DK 223, *HU 132938, *AT 889, *PL 872, *SK 406 |
H (mod.)(15)(39) |
Artoga |
*DE 1323, *RO 2147, *SK 406 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Atenzo |
*HU 132938, *RO 2111 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Aurelia |
*CZ 1405, *DK 223, *HU 132938, *PL 849, *SK 406 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Belinda |
*LT 82 |
H (mod.)(16)(38) |
Berliozz |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Bonanza |
*HU x, *PL 716 |
H (mod.)(15)(39) |
Bonzzai |
(del.) |
Claudio KWS |
*BG 16, *HU 149293 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Clementis |
(*)FR S15169, *HU 132949 |
H (mod.)(15) |
Corida |
*CZ 172 |
(add.)(15)(38) |
Dalton |
*BG 91, *FR S15169, *HU 100452, *SK 224 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Dariot |
*CZ 25, *DK 16, *EE 11, *IE 27, *FR S15169, *LT 51, *LU 6007, *HU 100452, *SK 224 |
H (mod.)(15)(39) |
DK Exalte |
*FR S15169, *LU 12014, *PL 788 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Example |
f: 30.6.2021 |
DK Excellium |
*CZ 1114 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Exception |
*CZ 1114, *DK 178, *FR S15169, *AT 871, *RO 2081 |
H (mod.)(15)(39) |
DK Excity |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Exclamation |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Exentiel |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Exfile |
*PL 788, *SK 333 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Eximus |
f: 30.6.2023 |
DK Exkio |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(38) |
DK Exlevel |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Exlibris |
*CZ 1114, *DK 178, *FR S15169, *LU 12014 |
H (mod.)(15)(39) |
DK Expacito |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Expansion |
*IE 7, *FR S15169, *LU 12014, *HU 132949, *PL 788 |
(mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Expedio |
f: 30.6.2023 |
DK Expertise |
f: 30.6.2023 |
DK Explant |
(del.) |
DK Explicit |
*CZ 1114, *FR S15169, *AT 708 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Exploration |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Exposition |
*FR S15169, *HU 108843 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Expower |
*CZ 1114, *FR S15169, *HR 797 |
(mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Exprit |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(38) |
DK Exsor |
(*)FR S15169, *HU 132949, *PL 788 |
H (mod.)(15)(39) |
DK Exssence |
*CZ 1114, (*)FR S15169, *HU 132949, *PL 788 |
H (mod.)(15)(39) |
DK Exstorm |
*CZ 3, *FR S15169, *PL 788, *RO 2081 |
H (mod.)(15)(39) |
DK Extec |
f: 30.6.2023 |
DK Extenso |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Extranet |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Extremus |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Extrovert |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Plaster |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Platon |
*DE 7502, *FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Pleasure |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Pledge |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
DK Sensei |
*CZ 1114, *FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Dookie |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Douglas |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Duke |
*CZ 25, *EE 11, *FR S8233, *HU 100452, *AT 585, *PL 205 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Duplo |
*CZ 25, *FR S8233 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
English Giant |
*NL 1100 |
(add.) |
ES Alegria |
*DE 3501, *FR 12749, *SK 507 |
(mod.)(15)(38) |
Evolia |
*DK 178, *FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Exagone |
*HR 797 |
(mod.)(15)(38) |
Excalibur |
*HR 797 |
(mod.)(15)(39) |
Exotic |
*HR 797 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Gaelis |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Halexia |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Hallstar |
(*)FR S14472, *IT 441 |
H (mod.)(15)(30) |
Hardi |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Haventure |
(*)FR S14472, *IT 441 |
H (mod.)(15)(30) |
Haya |
(*)FR S14472, *IT 441 |
H (mod.)(15)(30) |
Helypse |
*FR S14472 |
H (add.)(15)(38) |
Herthos |
(*)FR S14472, *IT 441 |
H (mod.)(15)(30) |
Hobson |
*NL 31 |
*IS 1 |
(mod.)(16)(17)(38) |
Hodysse |
*FR S14472 |
H (add.)(15)(38) |
Hostine |
*FR S14472 |
H (add.)(15)(38) |
Hourra |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Hybrirock |
*FR S14472, *HR 737, *HU 149293, *SK 424 |
H (mod.)(15)(39) |
Hybrisurf |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Interval |
*NL 31 |
(add.)(15)(17)(38) |
INV1010 |
*BG 160, *HU 241463, *RO 2187 |
H (mod.)(15)(32)(38) |
INV1025 |
*HU 241463 |
H (mod.)(15)(32)(38) |
INV1030 |
*HU 241463 |
H (mod.)(15)(32) |
Kadji |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
KWS Gustos |
(*)FR S14472, *IT 441 |
H (mod.)(15)(30) |
Leonardo KWS |
(*)FR S14400, *HR 737 |
H (mod.)(15) |
LG Antigua |
*CZ 1405 |
H (add.)(15)(38) |
Lohana |
*CZ 1405, *PL 738 |
(mod.)(15)(39) |
Pantheon |
(*)FR S15169, *AT 871 |
H (mod.)(15)(38) |
Rampart |
*NL 31 |
(add.)(17) |
Riesling |
*IT 1639 |
H (add.)(15) |
Robbia |
*IT 1639 |
H (add.)(15) |
Sherlock |
*LT 73, *PL 52, *SK 221 |
(mod.)(15)(39) |
SY Carlo |
*DK 187, *HR 100, *PL 787 |
H (mod.)(15)(39) |
Tamarin |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Timothy |
*CZ 1052 |
(add.)(15)(38) |
Tuareg |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Unicorn |
*NL 31 |
(add.)(17) |
V 375 OL |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(32)(38) |
V331OL |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(30)(32) |
V351OL |
*FR S15169 |
H (mod.)(15)(32)(38) |
V353OL |
*DK 178, *FR S15169, *HU 132949 |
H (mod.)(15)(32)(39) |
Valerio |
*HU 132961 |
(mod.)(30) |
88. Gossypium spp. - Cotton
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
HA 1432 |
*ES 6313 |
(add.)(32) |
Novelia |
*ES x |
(add.) |
Totemia |
*ES x |
(add.) |
89. Helianthus annuus L. - Sunflower
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Almás |
= Kongo f: 30.06.2021 |
Belvedere |
*IT 1125 |
S (add.) ant. RGT Bellveder |
Camaro 2 |
*RO 2200 |
S (add.) |
Daytona |
*RO 2200 |
H T (add.) |
Kongo |
*SK 41 |
H S (mod.) |
KWS Sintra |
*HR 737, *PT 120, *RO 2032 |
H S (mod.) |
Oxana |
(del.) |
P64LE145 |
*ES 142 |
(add.)(32)(35) |
P64LP146 |
*ES 142 |
(add.)(32)(35) |
RGT Bellveder |
(del.) |
Sierra |
*RO 2200 |
H S (add.) |
SY Flavio CLP |
*ES 6306, *PT 586 |
(add.)(35) |
Torino |
*RO 2200 |
H S (add.) |
X4219 |
*RO 2200 |
H S (add.)(32) |
92. Sinapis alba L. - White mustard
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Sito |
*FR S14400, *HR 737 |
(mod.) |
93. Glycine max (L.) Merr. - Soya bean
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Fukui |
*FR 12161 |
(mod.) |
Laurentiana |
(del.) |
Zen |
(del.) |
95. Avena sativa L. (including A. byzantina K. Koch) - Oat and Red oat
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Max |
*DE 7289, (*)LU 6046, *AT 522 |
(mod.)(15)(16) |
RGT Motala |
*SE 142 |
(add.)(16) |
97. Hordeum vulgare L. - Barley
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
- 2-row barley |
Calcule |
*FR 8128, *HR 178, *SK 487 |
(mod.)(16) |
Grace |
*DE 8905, *EE 33, *SK 295 |
(mod.)(16) |
KWS Olof |
f: 30.6.2022 |
Lotus |
*HR 67 |
(add.)(15) |
Metaxa |
f: 30.6.2022 |
Natasia |
*NL 749 |
(mod.)(16) |
Olympic |
*CZ 1065, *FR S13804, *HU 104076, *PL 716, *SK 520 |
(mod.)(16) |
Prkos |
*HR 67 |
(add.)(16) |
Raskud |
(del.) |
SY Diamond |
*HR 772 |
(add.)(16) |
Tristan |
*HR 67 |
(add.)(15) |
- 6-row barley |
Abbeyroad |
*BE 816 |
(add.) |
Bażant |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Holmes |
f: 30.6.2024 |
KWS Meridian |
*DE 129, *EE 58, *LV 156, *LT 41, (*)LU 6044, *HU 148098, *AT 504, *PL 53 |
(mod.)(15) |
Pajdo |
*HR 67 |
(add.)(15) |
98. Oryza sativa L. - Rice
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Levante |
*IT 637 |
(add.) ant. RG101(32) |
Maestrale |
*IT 637 |
(add.) ant. RG203(32) |
Reperso |
*IT 1791 |
(mod.) |
RG101 |
(del.) |
RG203 |
(del.) |
100. Secale cereale L. - Rye
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Dankowskie Diament |
*DE 10480, *PL 153 |
*NO 186 |
(mod.)(15) |
Rostockie |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Stach |
f: 30.6.2024 |
SU Drive |
f: 30.6.2023 |
101. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench - Sorghum
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
319X120 |
*RO 2200 |
S (add.)(17)(32) |
419X124 |
*RO 2200 |
S (add.)(17)(32) |
KWS Tarzan |
*CZ 69, *DE 105, *HR 737, *IT x, *PT 120 |
H S (mod.) |
KWS Zerberus |
*HR 737, *IT x, *PT 120 |
H S (mod.) |
103. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench × Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf. - Hybrids resulting from the crossing of Sorghum bicolor and Sorghum sudanense
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
KWS Freya |
*CZ 69, *HR 737, *IT x |
H S (mod.) |
104. ×Triticosecale Wittm. ex A. Camus - Hybrids resulting from the crossing of a species of the genus Triticum and a species of the genus Secale
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Algoso |
(del.) |
Subito |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Torino |
f: 30.6.2024 |
105. Triticum aestivum L. - Wheat
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
AG Cleopatra |
*HR 5 |
(add.)(15) |
AG Mursa |
*HR 5 |
(add.)(15) |
Barba |
*HR 67 |
(add.)(15) |
Bećar |
*HR 67 |
(add.)(15) |
Bombona |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Brentano |
(del.) |
Brko |
*HR 67 |
(add.)(15) |
Broadway |
*BE 847 |
(add.) |
Fidelius |
*HU 106630, *AT 124, *SK 508 |
(mod.)(15) |
Florus |
*CZ 1364 |
(mod.)(15) |
Forum |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Graindor |
*FR S14288, *HR 105, *HU 107527 |
(mod.)(15) |
Henrik |
*NL 741 |
(mod.)(15) |
Indira |
*HR 67 |
(add.)(15) |
Jenga |
f: 30.6.2023 |
KWS Ozon |
*CZ 31 |
*NO 85 |
(mod.)(15) |
Lavantus |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Muszelka |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Negev |
*ES 200 |
(mod.)(16) |
RW Nadal |
(del.) |
Socade CS |
*BE 806 |
(add.) |
SY Exaltation |
*HR 772 |
(add.)(15) |
Torrild |
f: 30.6.2021 |
107. Triticum spelta L. - Spelt wheat
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
107. Triticum spelta L. - Spelt wheat - Conservation varieties
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Lignee 24 |
*BE 223 |
(add.) Region of origin:Belgium (Walloon region) |
108. Zea mays L. (partim) - Maize
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Index maturitas(25>) |
Forma H(26>) |
Agro Fides |
*BE 713, *DE 105, *LU 6044, *NL 1027, *PL 52 |
230 |
S |
(mod.) |
Agro Janus |
*DE 105, *PL 52 |
240 |
T |
(mod.) |
Amalfredo |
240 |
T |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Amanova |
*BE 713, *DE 105, *NL 1008, *AT 618 |
230 |
T |
(mod.) |
AS3300 |
*HR 743 |
300 |
S |
(add.)(32) |
AS4501 |
*HR 743 |
500 |
S |
(add.)(32) |
AS4502 |
*HR 743 |
500 |
S |
(add.)(32) |
Atletico |
*DE 105 |
200 to 300 |
T |
(mod.) |
Balasco |
*CZ 69, *HR 737, *IT 264 |
400 |
S |
(mod.) |
Barros |
(del.) |
Benco |
*NL 1009 |
S |
(add.) |
Benedictio KWS |
*BE 713, *DE 105, *NL 301, *PL 52 |
240 |
S |
(mod.) |
Blask |
250 |
S |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Carolinio KWS |
*DE 105, *SK 221 |
220 |
T |
(mod.) |
Ceben |
(del.) |
Cemiss |
(del.) |
Ceskor |
(del.) |
Cewinr |
*SK 164 |
270 |
S |
(mod.) |
Coradi CS |
*PT 555 |
200 |
T |
(mod.) |
DKC2787 |
(del.) |
DKC2961 YG |
(del.) |
DKC3477 YG |
(del.) |
DKC3511 |
*HR 797, *HU 108843, *AT 708 |
300 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC3705 |
*HR 797, *HU 132949 |
200 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC3795 |
(del.) |
DKC4082 |
*CZ 1114, *HR 797, *IT x, *HU 108843, *SK 438 |
290 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC4490 |
*HR 797, *HU 132949 |
390 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC4590 |
*ES x, *HR 797 |
360 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC4608 |
*FR 12161, *HR 797 |
400 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC4795 |
*ES x, *FR 12161, *HR 797 |
300 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC4888 |
*HR 797 |
400 |
T |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC4964 |
*HR 797, *HU 132949 |
400 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC4983 |
*HR 797 |
400 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC4995 |
*ES x, *HR 797 |
300 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC5007 |
*ES x, *HR 797, *HU 132949 |
400 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC5170 |
*ES x, *HR 797 |
300 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC5190 |
*ES x, *FR 12161, *HR 797 |
400 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC5276 |
*ES x, *HR 797 |
400 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC5401 |
*HR 797, *IT x, *HU 132949 |
400 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC5699 |
*HR 797 |
500 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC5707 |
*HR 797, *IT x |
500 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC5783 |
*FR 12161, *HR 797 |
500 |
S |
(mod.) ex: PL (8.5.2006)*(32) |
DKC6040 |
*HR 797, *IT x |
500 |
S |
(mod.) ex: PL (8.5.2006)*(32) |
DKC6089 |
*HR 797 |
500 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC6101 |
*ES x, *HR 797, *IT x |
500 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC6120 |
*HR 797 |
700 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
DKC6315 |
*HR 797 |
600 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
Donosor |
*FR S14995 |
S |
(mod.) |
ES Dalia YG |
(del.) |
ES Marco |
*NL 671 |
S |
(mod.) |
ES Newmilk |
(del.) |
Galeano |
*BE 713 |
(add.) |
Galicio |
*HR 737 |
460 |
S |
(mod.) |
Grosso |
*DE 105, *SK 221 |
260 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kaduras |
*SK 221 |
260 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kalideas |
*DE 105, *FR S14995, *NL 301 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kaligulas |
*HR 737 |
400 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kamparis |
*BG 16, *HR 737, *RO 2032, *SK 221 |
400 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kampius |
*ES x, *HR 737, *PT 120 |
500 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kapellas |
(del.) |
Kapitolis |
*BG 16, *HR 737, *RO 2032, *SK 221 |
300 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kaprilias |
*BE 713, *DE 105, *NL 1008 |
230 |
T |
(mod.) |
Karnevalis |
*HR 737, *HU 149293, *SI 282 |
290 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kartagos |
*DE 105, *SK 221 |
240 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kassandras |
*FR S14995, *HR 737 |
300-399 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kassius |
*BG 16, *HR 737 |
350 |
S |
(mod.) |
Katarsis |
*FR S14995 |
S |
(mod.) |
Keltikus |
*DE 105, *PL 52, *SK 221 |
250 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kenobis |
*FR S14995, *HR 737, *IT 264, *SI 282, *SK 221 |
300 |
S |
(mod.) |
Keops |
*BE 713, *DE 105, *PL 52 |
230 |
T |
(mod.) |
Kerbanis |
*HR 737 |
500 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kerberos |
*HR 737 |
300 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kinemas |
*BG 16, *HR 737, *HU 149293, *RO 2032, *SK 221 |
350 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kirghis |
*FR S14995, *HR 737, *IT 264 |
300 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kleopatras |
*HR 737 |
600 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kluni CS |
*IT 345 |
200 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kolossalis |
*FR S14995 |
T |
(mod.) |
Kolumbaris |
*HR 737 |
550 |
S |
(mod.) |
Konfirmas |
*HR 737, *RO 2032 |
350 |
S |
(mod.) |
Konfites |
*BG 16, *HR 737, *IT 264, *RO 2032 |
400 |
S |
(mod.) |
Konkretis |
*SK 221 |
270 |
S |
(mod.) |
Korimbos |
*ES x, *HR 737, *IT x |
500 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kovadis |
(del.) |
Krabas |
*HR 737, *HU 149293, *SI 282 |
290 |
S |
(mod.) |
Kreatos |
*HR 737, *SK 221 |
380 |
S |
(mod.) |
Krebs |
*HR 737 |
500 |
S |
(mod.) |
KWS Corazon |
*BE 713, *NL 1008 |
250 |
S |
(mod.) |
KWS Dyje |
(del.) |
KWS Exelon |
*DK 28, *NL 1085 |
T |
(mod.) |
KWS Magnet |
*BE 713, *LU 6013, *NL 1008, *AT 618 |
220 |
S |
(mod.) |
KWS Stefano |
*DE 105 |
230 |
S |
(mod.) |
KWS2376 |
*HU 149293 |
400 |
S |
(mod.) ex: PL (8.5.2006)*(32) |
KWS2482 |
*BG 16, *HR 737, *SK 221 |
400 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
KWS4484 |
*BG 16, *HR 737, *RO 2032, *SK 221 |
400 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
KWS5050 |
*HR 737 |
500 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
KWS 5133 ECO |
*DE 105 |
250 |
T |
(mod.)(32) |
KWS9361 |
*DE 105, *FR S14400 |
310 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
Lynxx |
*HR 797 |
600 |
S |
(mod.) |
Oscarro |
*SK 221 |
350 |
S |
(mod.) |
P8000 |
*DE 514, *FR 10858, *SI 481 |
240 |
S |
(mod.)(32) |
Pandoso |
370 |
S |
f: 30.6.2022 |
PR38Y34 |
260 |
S |
f: 30.6.2023 |
Ricardinio |
*BE 713, *DE 105, *NL 301, *AT 618, *PL 52 |
240 |
S |
(mod.) |
Ronaldinio |
*DE 105, *FR S14995, *AT 618, *PL 52 |
260 |
T |
(mod.) |
Silvinio |
*DE 105, *LT 73, *SK 221 |
220 |
T |
(mod.) |
Subianca |
340 |
S |
f: 30.6.2021 |
Susann |
*FR 13583 |
S |
(mod.) |
SY Nomad |
*BE 881, *NL 1029 |
(mod.) |
SY Silverbull |
*DK 187, *NL 1029 |
S |
(mod.) |
Tifenn |
(del.) |
Yogi YG |
(del.) |
109. Solanum tuberosum L. - Potato
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Camelia |
*NL 1065 |
(add.) |
Canberra |
*HR 32, *NL x |
(mod.) |
Cecile |
*CZ 1018, *FR 45295, *HR 32 |
(mod.) |
Empress |
*NL 1020 |
(add.) |
Federa |
*NL 1052 |
(add.) |
Fenna |
*NL 1019 |
(add.) |
Galina |
*NL 1068 |
(add.) |
Jolana |
(del.) |
Jolene |
*NL 1019 |
(add.) |
Lilia |
*NL 1068 |
(add.) |
Linda |
*DE x |
(mod.) |
Louna |
*NL 1068 |
(add.) |
Marjan |
*NL 1104 |
(add.) |
Oriana |
*HR 32 |
(mod.) |
Orienta |
*NL 1063 |
(add.) |
Pomi |
*NL 1044 |
(add.) |
Rashida |
*NL 1065 |
(add.) |
Ravel |
*NL 1019 |
(add.) |
Salvador |
*NL 1019 |
(add.) |
Shepherd |
*NL 1063 |
(add.) |
Sylvana |
*HR 32, *NL x |
(mod.) |
Telma |
*NL 1020 |
(add.) |
Vicenta |
*NL 1015 |
(add.) |
Waterloo |
*NL 1065 |
(add.) |
109. Solanum tuberosum L. - Potato - Conservation varieties
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Irish Peace |
*IE 4 |
(add.) Region of origin:Ireland |
Skerry Blue |
*IE 4 |
(add.) Region of origin:Ireland |
29.3.2021 |
DA |
Den Europæiske Unions Tidende |
C 111/23 |
Tilføjelse 2021/4
(EØS-relevant tekst)
(2021/C 111/02)
Forklaring | 25 |
Liste over grøntsagsarter | 26 |
1. |
Allium cepa L. | 26 |
1.1. |
Allium cepa L. Aggregatum Group - Skalotteløg | 26 |
1.2. |
Allium cepa L. Cepa Group - Kepaløg | 26 |
4. |
Allium sativum L. Hvidløg | 26 |
7. |
Apium graveolens L. Selleri | 26 |
7.1. |
Apium graveolens L. Gruppen Bladselleri | 26 |
7.2. |
Apium graveolens L. Gruppen Knoldselleri | 26 |
8. |
Asparagus officinalis L. Almindelig asparges | 26 |
9. |
Beta vulgaris L. | 26 |
9.1. |
Beta vulgaris L. Gruppen Rødbede | 26 |
9.2. |
Beta vulgaris L. Gruppen Bladbede | 27 |
10. |
Brassica oleracea L. | 27 |
10.1. |
Brassica oleracea L. Gruppen Grønkål | 27 |
10.2. |
Brassica oleracea L. Gruppen Blomkål | 27 |
10.3. |
Brassica oleracea L. Gruppen broccoli | 27 |
10.4. |
Brassica oleracea L. Gruppen Rosenkål | 27 |
10.5. |
Brassica oleracea L. Gruppen Savoykål | 27 |
10.6. |
Brassica oleracea L. Gruppen hovedkål (hvidkål/spidskål) | 27 |
10.7. |
Brassica oleracea L. Gruppen hovedkål (rødkål) | 27 |
10.8. |
Brassica oleracea L. Gruppen Knudekål | 27 |
10.9. |
Brassica oleracea L. Gruppen palmekål | 28 |
10.10. |
Brassica oleracea L. Gruppen ribbekål (portugisisk kål) | 28 |
11. |
Brassica rapa L. | 28 |
11.1. |
Brassica rapa L. Kinakål | 28 |
11.2. |
Brassica rapa L. Majroe/Høstroe | 28 |
12. |
Capsicum annuum L. Spansk peber/herunder chilipeber og/sød peber | 28 |
13. |
Cichorium endivia L. Endivie | 28 |
13.1. |
Cichorium endivia L. Kruset endivie | 28 |
13.2. |
Cichorium endivia L. Bredbladet endivie | 28 |
14. |
Cichorium intybus L. Almindelig cikorie | 29 |
14.1. |
Cichorium intybus L. Gruppen Julesalat | 29 |
14.2. |
Cichorium intybus L. Gruppen Cikorierod | 29 |
14.3. |
Cichorium intybus L. Gruppen Cikorierod | 29 |
15. |
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. et Nakai Vandmelon | 29 |
16. |
Cucumis melo L. Melon | 29 |
17. |
Cucumis sativus L. Almindelig agurk/Herunder drueagurk | 30 |
17.1. |
Cucumis sativus L. Gruppen Agurk | 30 |
17.2. |
Cucumis sativus L. Gruppen Drueagurk | 30 |
18. |
Cucurbita Maxima Duchesne Centnergræskar | 31 |
19. |
Cucurbita pepo L. Mandelgræskar/herunder courgette og squash | 31 |
21. |
Daucus carota L. Havegulerod | 31 |
21.1. |
Daucus carota L. Spisegulerod | 31 |
21.2. |
Daucus carota L. Fodergulerod | 31 |
23. |
Lactuca sativa L. Havesalat | 31 |
24. |
Solanum lycopersicum L. Tomat | 32 |
25. |
Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nyman ex A. W. Hill Almindelig persille | 34 |
27. |
Phaseolus vulgaris L. Bønne | 34 |
27.1. |
Phaseolus vulgaris L. Gruppen Havebønne | 34 |
27.2. |
Phaseolus vulgaris L. Gruppen Stangbønne | 34 |
28. |
Pisum sativum L. (partim) Ært | 34 |
28.1. |
Pisum sativum L. (partim) Gruppen Marvært | 34 |
28.2. |
Pisum sativum L. (partim) Gruppen Skalvært | 35 |
28.3. |
Pisum sativum L. (partim) Gruppen Sukkerært | 35 |
29. |
Raphanus sativus L. | 35 |
29.1. |
Raphanus sativus L. Gruppen Radise | 35 |
29.2. |
Raphanus sativus L. Gruppen Ræddike | 35 |
33. |
Spinacia oleracea L. Spinat | 36 |
36. |
Zea mays L. (partim) | 36 |
36.1. |
Zea mays L. Gruppen Sukkermajs | 36 |
36.2. |
Zea mays L. Gruppen Perlemajs | 36 |
1. |
Den foreliggende tilføjelse til den konsoliderede udgave af den fælles sortsliste over grøntsagsarter fra 2020 (1) indeholder ændringer, som er påkrævet for at tage hensyn til oplysninger indgivet til Kommissionen af medlemsstaterne. |
2. |
Denne tilføjelse følger samme underinddeling som den konsoliderede udgave fra 2020. Der henvises til forklaringen i denne. |
3. |
Denne tilføjelse dækker de meddelelser, der er modtaget fra den 1. til den 31. januar 2021. |
4. |
De ændringer, der er foretaget i forhold til den konsoliderede udgave fra 2020, er anført i kolonne 4 som følger:
5. |
Denne tilføjelse vedrører de indberettede sorter, som bestemmelserne i artikel 16, stk. 1, i Rådets direktiv 2002/55/EF (2) finder anvendelse på. |
6. |
Hvis vedligeholderens kode ikke er anført i den konsoliderede udgave fra 2020, kan vedligeholderens navn og adresse fås ved henvendelse til den myndighed, der er anført i listen over berørte medlemsstater eller EFTA-lande. |
(1) Konsolideret udgave af 12. november 2020:
1. Allium cepa L. -
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Allium cepa L. - Aggregatum Group - Shallot |
Koribel |
a NL 8 |
H (add.) |
Allium cepa L. - Cepa Group - Onion, Echalion |
Belva |
b PT 384 |
(add.) |
Bibi |
b PT 384 |
H (add.) |
Briana |
b PT 384 |
H (add.) |
Cedil |
b PT 34 |
H (add.) |
Dangan |
b PT 1103 |
(add.) |
Sangou |
b PT 1103 |
(add.) |
Uluru |
b PT 34 |
H (add.) |
4. Allium sativum L. - Garlic
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Mirka |
(del.) |
Narcyl Cardeno |
b ES 491 |
(add.) V |
7. Apium graveolens L. - Celery
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Apium graveolens L. - Celery Group |
Girisha |
b NL 108 |
H (add.) |
Apium graveolens L. - Celeriac Group |
8. Asparagus officinalis L. - Asparagus
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Maralim |
a NL 68 |
H (add.) |
9. Beta vulgaris L. -
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Beta vulgaris L. - Garden Beet Group (Beetroot, including Cheltenham beet) |
Beta vulgaris L. - Leaf Beet Group (Spinach beet or Chard) |
Fireworks |
a NL 10a |
(add.) |
Lucullus |
b NL 725 |
(mod.) |
10. Brassica oleracea L. -
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Brassica oleracea L. - Kale Group |
Brassica oleracea L. - Cauliflower Group |
Campoverde |
(del.) |
Padme |
a NL 79 |
H (add.) |
Paige |
b NL 108 |
H (add.) |
Spacedream |
a NL 79 |
H (add.) |
Spacestar Gold |
a NL 79 |
H (add.) |
Valmer |
a NL 108 |
H (add.) |
Whitex |
a NL 78a |
H (add.) |
Brassica oleracea L. - Broccoli Group (Calabrese type and sprouting type) |
Brassica oleracea L. - Brussels Sprouts Group |
Silvia |
a NL 8 |
H (add.) |
Brassica oleracea L. - Savoy Cabbage Group |
Brassica oleracea L. - Capitata Group - White cabbage |
Allegro |
a CZ 1275 |
H (add.) |
Austin |
a CZ 1275 |
H (add.) |
Candisa |
(del.) |
Daytona |
a CZ 1275 |
H (add.) |
Infinity |
a NL 134a |
H (add.) |
Palamut |
a NL 8 |
H (add.) |
Brassica oleracea L. - Capitata Group - Red cabbage |
Saluda |
a CZ 1275 |
H (add.) |
Brassica oleracea L. - Kohlrabi Group |
Express Forcer |
(del.) |
Brassica oleracea L. - Palm Kale Group |
Brassica oleracea L. - Tronchuda Group (Portuguese cabbage) |
11. Brassica rapa L. -
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Brassica rapa L. - Chinese Cabbage Group |
Brassica rapa L. - Vegetable Turnip Group |
Massif |
a NL 139 |
(add.) |
Tyfon |
a NL 139 |
(add.) |
12. Capsicum annuum L. - Chili, Pepper
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Doyum |
a NL 8 |
(add.) |
Geronimo |
b ES 6313 |
H (add.) |
Jaime |
(del.) |
Simeto |
(del.) |
SMK3 |
b ES 6348 |
H (add.)(1) |
Sunakku Ichigo |
a ES 6219 |
H (add.) |
Sunakku Mikan |
a ES 6219 |
H (add.) |
Tandara |
(del.) |
Xingu |
a NL 8 |
H (add.) |
13. Cichorium endivia L. - Endive
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Cichorium endivia L. - Curled-leaved endive |
President |
= Wallonne |
Wallonne |
b ES 5027, b FR x, b NL x |
(mod.) President NL |
Cichorium endivia L. - Plain-leaved endive |
14. Cichorium intybus L. - Chicory
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Cichorium intybus L. - Witloof Chicory Group |
Cichorium intybus L. - Leaf Chicory Group (Large-leaved chicory / Italian chicory) |
Cichorium intybus L. - Industrial (Root) Chicory Group |
Orchies |
a FR 8444, a NL 241 |
(mod.) |
14. Cichorium intybus L. - Chicory - Varieties developed for growing under particular conditions
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Cichorium intybus L. - Witloof Chicory Group |
Cichorium intybus L. - Leaf Chicory Group (Large-leaved chicory / Italian chicory) |
Cichorium intybus L. - Industrial (Root) Chicory Group |
15. Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. et Nakai - Watermelon
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
15. Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. et Nakai - Watermelon - Varieties developed for growing under particular conditions
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Little Darling |
b NL 728 |
H (add.) |
16. Cucumis melo L. - Melon
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Alcarez |
a NL 26 |
H (add.) |
Bernini |
a NL 60 |
H (add.) |
Exquiz |
a NL 26 |
H (add.) |
Friandiz |
a NL 26 |
H (add.) |
Gossip |
a NL 60 |
H (add.) |
Kalavon |
a NL 26 |
H (add.) |
Kumara |
a NL 60 |
H (add.) |
Tarquinio |
a NL 79 |
H (add.) |
Tiare 206 |
a NL 60 |
H (add.) |
Tiare 256 |
a NL 60 |
H (add.) |
Tiare 306 |
a NL 60 |
H (add.) |
Villa |
a ES 418 |
H (add.) |
Zanaka |
a NL 26 |
H (add.) |
16. Cucumis melo L. - Melon - Varieties developed for growing under particular conditions
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Mangomel |
a NL 728 |
H (add.) |
17. Cucumis sativus L. - Cucumber/Gherkin
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Cucumis sativus L. - Cucumber Group |
Bellissima |
(del.) |
Kydon |
a CZ 1565 |
H (add.) |
Rijana |
(del.) |
Cucumis sativus L. - Gherkin Group |
Boro |
a CZ 1612 |
H (add.) |
Cornichon de Paris |
= Vert petit de Paris |
Eagle |
a CZ 1612 |
H (add.) |
Monika |
a CZ x, a PL 1087 |
(mod.) |
National |
= Vert petit de Paris |
Piccolo verde di Parigi |
= Vert petit de Paris |
Rubin Medalista |
f: 30.6.2024 |
Vert petit de Paris |
a FR x |
(mod.) National FR Wisconsin IT |
- Cornichon de Paris |
a CZ 1187, b ES 31 |
- Piccolo verde di Parigi |
b IT x |
Warrior |
a CZ 1612 |
H (add.) |
Wisconsin |
= Vert petit de Paris |
18. Cucurbita Maxima Duchesne - Gourd
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
18. Cucurbita Maxima Duchesne - Gourd - Varieties developed for growing under particular conditions
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Rabea |
b DE 9684 |
(add.) |
19. Cucurbita pepo L. - Marrow or Courgette
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Amarador |
b ES 113 |
H (add.) |
Burpee hybrid zucchini |
= Diamant |
Caravaggio |
b ES 10 |
H (add.) |
Diamant |
b ES 5102 |
H (mod.) Burpee hybrid zucchini IT |
- Diamant hybrid |
b IT 469 |
Diamant hybrid |
= Diamant |
Leonardo |
b ES 10 |
H (add.) |
Mallueca |
a ES 9 |
(add.) |
Olivia |
a SI 726 |
(add.) |
Pascal |
b ES 10 |
H (add.) |
Sweety Queen |
b ES 526 |
(add.) |
21. Daucus carota L. - Carrot
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Daucus carota L. - Carrot |
Allyance |
a NL 60 |
H (add.) |
Invicta |
(del.) |
Daucus carota L. - Fodder carrot |
23. Lactuca sativa L. - Lettuce
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Alkimia |
a NL 26 |
(add.) |
Animix |
a NL 26 |
(add.) |
Barcia |
a NL 60 |
(add.) |
Bassari |
a NL 60 |
(add.) |
Boratal |
a NL 60 |
(add.) |
Carnelian |
a NL 108 |
(add.) |
Casemiro |
a NL 26 |
(add.) |
Coulthard |
a NL 108 |
(add.) |
Dicata |
a NL 26 |
(add.) |
Estiada |
a NL 60 |
(add.) |
Firstkin |
a NL 60 |
(add.) |
Galactita |
a NL 108 |
(add.) |
Guayabita |
a NL 108 |
(add.) |
Jadekin |
a NL 60 |
(add.) |
Kalat |
a NL 108 |
(add.) |
Katusa |
a NL 60 |
(add.) |
Lagustus |
a NL 60 |
(add.) |
Mencius |
a NL 108 |
(add.) |
Pamex |
a NL 108 |
(add.) |
Redouan |
a NL 26 |
(add.) |
Sprinkin |
a NL 60 |
(add.) |
Xemerius |
a NL 26 |
(add.) |
Xoana |
b NL 26 |
(add.) |
24. Solanum lycopersicum L. - Tomato
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Alexandros |
(del.) |
Atago |
(del.) |
Azovian |
a NL 60 |
H (add.) |
Bawole Serce |
a PL x |
(mod.) |
Bejo 3212 |
a NL 8 |
H (add.)(1) |
Dual Plus |
(del.) |
Duty |
(del.) |
E15T41293 |
a NL 26 |
H (mod.)(1) |
E15T41376 |
a NL 26 |
H (mod.)(1) |
Federina |
a NL 79 |
H (add.) |
Heinz1162 |
(del.) |
Heinz1175 |
(del.) |
Heinz1292 |
(del.) |
Heinz1308 |
(del.) |
Heinz1429 |
(del.) |
Heinz1537 |
(del.) |
Heinz1901 |
b PT 464 |
H (add.)(1) |
Heinz1902 |
b PT 464 |
H (add.)(1) |
Heinz1903 |
b PT 464 |
H (add.)(1) |
Heinz1907 |
b PT 464 |
H (add.)(1) |
Heinz2005 |
(del.) |
Heinz5003 |
(del.) |
Heinz7404 |
(del.) |
Heinz8004 |
(del.) |
Heinz9478 |
(del.) |
Heinz9776 |
(del.) |
Incipit |
a NL 78a |
H (add.) |
Kawaguchi |
a NL 108 |
H (add.) |
Mountain Gem |
a NL 8 |
H (add.) |
NUN 06005 |
a NL 60 |
H (add.)(1) |
Pinkwin |
a NL 108 |
H (add.) |
Piporro |
a ES 435 |
H (add.) |
Sampras |
b ES 84 |
H (add.) |
Sanford |
b PT 34 |
H (add.) |
Santasty |
a NL 26 |
H (mod.) |
Sopota |
a NL 79 |
H (add.) |
Swbtyl |
b PT 34 |
H (add.) |
Tulare |
a NL 8 |
H (add.) |
24. Solanum lycopersicum L. - Tomato - Conservation varieties
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Riccio di Parma |
b IT 1753 |
(add.) Region of origin:Emilia Romagna |
25. Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nyman ex A. W. Hill - Parsley
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Gazela |
(del.) |
Moskrul 2 |
b NL x |
(mod.)(5) |
- Moss Curled 2 |
a CZ 1187 |
- Nain frisé mousse |
b FR x |
Moss Curled 2 |
(add.)= Moskrul 2 |
Nain frisé mousse |
= Moskrul 2 |
27. Phaseolus vulgaris L. - French bean
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Phaseolus vulgaris L. - Dwarf French Bean Group |
Alesia |
a NL 140 |
(add.) |
Bentley |
a NL 95a |
(mod.) |
Zola |
a NL 140 |
(add.) |
Phaseolus vulgaris L. - Climbing French Bean Group |
Cinteo |
a NL 140 |
(add.) |
Salgado |
a NL 140 |
(add.) |
28. Pisum sativum L. (partim) - Pea
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Pisum sativum L. (partim) - Wrinkled Pea Group |
Anubis |
a NL 139 |
(add.) |
Arlette |
(del.) |
Dalton |
(del.) |
Fortress |
(del.) |
Jubilee |
a NL 139 |
(add.) |
LG Element |
a NL 139 |
(mod.) |
LG Midnight |
a NL 139 |
(add.) |
LG Valiant |
a NL 139 |
(add.) |
Marcello |
(del.) |
Oasis |
a NL 139 |
(add.) |
Ourthe |
(del.) |
Realm |
a NL 139 |
(add.) |
Starlight |
a NL 139 |
(add.) |
Terrain |
a NL 139 |
(add.) |
Twinkle |
a NL 139 |
(add.) |
Pisum sativum L. (partim) - Round Pea Group |
Pisum sativum L. (partim) - Sugar Pea Group |
28. Pisum sativum L. (partim) - Pea - Varieties developed for growing under particular conditions
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Pisum sativum L. (partim) - Wrinkled Pea Group |
Klenshyttan |
b SE 146 |
(add.) |
Zinkgruvan |
b SE 146 |
(add.) |
Pisum sativum L. (partim) - Round Pea Group |
Pisum sativum L. (partim) - Sugar Pea Group |
Bananärt |
b SE 146 |
(add.) |
Kungs |
b SE 146 |
(add.) |
Kungsärt |
b SE 146 |
(add.) |
Martha |
b SE 146 |
(add.) |
Norrlands Express |
b SE 146 |
(add.) |
29. Raphanus sativus L. -
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Raphanus sativus L. - Radish Group |
Belana |
a CZ 1145 |
H (add.) |
Raphanus sativus L. - Black Radish Group |
Icoon |
a CZ 1275 |
H (add.) |
Prelude |
a CZ 1275 |
H (add.) |
Prominence |
a CZ 1275 |
H (add.) |
Red Candle |
a CZ 1275 |
H (add.) |
Red Impression |
a CZ 1275 |
H (add.) |
Triumphator |
a CZ 1275 |
H (add.) |
33. Spinacia oleracea L. - Spinach
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Artemis |
a NL 498 |
H (add.) |
Bylot |
b NL 78a |
H (add.) |
Hyperion |
a NL 498 |
H (add.) |
Minkar |
a NL 60 |
H (add.) |
Nembus |
a NL 60 |
H (add.) |
Sculptur |
a NL 60 |
H (add.) |
Tabit |
a NL 60 |
H (add.) |
Viroflex |
(del.) |
36. Zea mays L. (partim) -
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Zea mays L. - Sweet Corn Group |
GSS6924 |
a NL 79 |
H (add.)(1) |
GSS 8388 |
(del.) |
Impress |
b HU 209148 |
H (add.)(1) |
Mirza |
b BG 41 |
H (add.) |
SF 1979 |
b ES 10 |
H (add.)(1) |
SF 1982 |
b ES 10 |
H (add.)(1) |
SS3006 |
a NL 79 |
H (add.)(1) |
XSY1451254 |
b BG 41 |
(add.)(1) |
XT 1635 |
b BG 41 |
(add.)(1) |
Zea mays L. - Popcorn Group |