

Den Europæiske Unions Tidende

L 54/34


af 7. februar 2006

om gennemførelse af Rådets direktiv 94/28/EF for så vidt angår en liste over instanser i tredjelande, der er godkendt til for bestemte dyr at føre en stambog eller et register

(meddelt under nummer K(2006) 284)

(EØS-relevant tekst)



under henvisning til traktaten om oprettelse af Det Europæiske Fællesskab,

under henvisning til Rådets direktiv 94/28/EF af 23. juni 1994 om principperne for de zootekniske og genealogiske betingelser for import af dyr og deres sæd, æg og embryoner fra tredjelande og om ændring af direktiv 77/504/EØF om racerent avlskvæg (1), særlig artikel 3, stk. 1, og

ud fra følgende betragtninger:


I direktiv 94/28/EF fastsættes principperne for de zootekniske og genealogiske betingelser, der gælder for import fra tredjelande af bestemte racerene dyr og deres sæd, æg og embryoner.


I henhold til direktiv 94/28/EF, og uden at fællesskabsbestemmelserne om dyre- og folkesundhed tilsidesættes, må dyr kun importeres som »racerene« eller »hybrider«, hvis visse betingelser er opfyldt. En af betingelserne er, at dyrene skal være indført eller registreret i en stambog eller et register, der føres af en instans som defineret i nævnte direktiv, og sæd, æg og embryoner må kun importeres, hvis de stammer fra et dyr, der er indført eller registreret i en sådan stambog eller et sådant register.


Argentina, Bulgarien, Canada, Island, Israel, New Zealand og USA har meddelt Kommissionen en liste over instanser, som de har godkendt til at føre en stambog eller et register over racerene dyr, der kan importeres i henhold til direktiv 94/28/EF.


Listen over instanser, der er godkendt til at føre en stambog eller et register for de dyr og produkter, der er omhandlet i denne beslutning, bør derfor fastsættes som omhandlet i direktiv 94/28/EF.


Foranstaltningerne i denne beslutning er i overensstemmelse med udtalelse fra Den Stående Zootekniske Komité —


Artikel 1

Som omhandlet i direktiv 94/28/EF fastsættes i bilaget til denne beslutning listen over instanser, der er godkendt til at føre en stambog eller et register for avlskvæg, -svin, -får og -geder samt sæd, æg og embryoner heraf som værende »racerene« — eller for svins vedkommende også som værende »hybridavlssvin«.

Artikel 2

Medlemsstaterne må kun tillade import af avlskvæg, -svin, -får og -geder samt sæd, æg og embryoner heraf som værende »racerene« — eller for svins vedkommende også som værende »hybridavlssvin« — hvis de er indført eller registeret i en stambog eller et register, der føres af en instans, der er opført i bilaget til denne beslutning.

Artikel 3

Denne beslutning er rettet til medlemsstaterne.

Udfærdiget i Bruxelles, den 7. februar 2006.

På Kommissionens vegne


Medlem af Kommissionen

(1)  EFT L 178 af 12.7.1994, s. 66.


I.   Argentina

Arter: Kvæg, geder, får, svin

Registros Genealógicos de la Sociedad Rural Argentina;

domicilio: Florida 460

CP 1005

Ciudad de Buenos Aires

II.   Bulgarien (1)

Arter: Kvæg, geder, får, svin

Executive Agency on Animal Selection and Reproduction

Bistrishko shosse 26


III.   Canada

Art: Kvæg


Canadian Aberdeen-Angus Association — Aberdeen-Angus cattle

c/o Doug Fee

General Manager

214-6715 8th Street N.E.

Calgary, Alberta

T2E 7H7

Tlf. (1-403) 571 35 80

Fax (1-403) 571 35 99

E-mail: ceo@cdnangus.ca

Web: http://www.cdnangus.ca


Ayrshire Breeders' Association of Canada — Ayrshire cattle

c/o Yvon Rioux


4865 Laurier Blvd.,

Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec

J2S 3V4

Tlf. (1-450) 778 35 35

Fax (1-450) 778 35 31

E-mail: info@ayrshire-canada.com

Web: http://www.ayrshire-canada.com


Canadian Belgian Blue Association — Belgian Blue cattle

c/o Ken Miller


Box 392

Avonlea, Saskatchewan

S0H 0C0

Tlf. (1-306) 868 49 03

Fax (1-306) 868 49 03

E-mail: kejab@sk.sympatico.ca


Canadian Blonde d'Aquitaine Association — Blonde d'Aquitaine cattle

c/o Heather Groeneveld

Secretary Manager

Suite 116, 2116-27 Ave. N.E.

Calgary, Alberta

T2E 7A6

Tlf. (1-403) 276 57 71

Fax (1-403) 276 75 77

E-mail: cbda@incentre.net

Web: http://www.airenet.com/canadianblondes


Canadian Brown Swiss and Braunvieh Association — Brown Swiss cattle

c/o Jessie Weir


R.R. #5, Hwy. #6 North

Guelph, Ontario

N1H 6J2

Tlf. (1-519) 821 28 11

Fax (1-519) 763 65 82

E-mail: brownswiss@gencor.ca

Web: http://www.rkde.com/browncow7


Société des éleveurs de bovins canadiens — bovins Canadiens

a/s Jean-Guy Bernier


468 rue Dolbeau

Sherbrooke (Québec)

J1G 2Z7

Tlf. (1-819) 346 12 58

Fax (1-819) 346 12 58

E-mail: jgbern@videotron.ca

Web: http://www.clrc.on.ca/canadien.html


Canadian Charolais Association — Charolais cattle

c/o Neil Gillies

General Manager

2320-41st Avenue N.E.

Calgary, Alberta

T2E 6W8

Tlf. (1-403) 250 92 42

Fax (1-403) 291 93 24

E-mail: cca@charolais.com

Web: http://www.charolais.com


Canadian Chianina Association — Chianina cattle

Web: http://www.clrc.ca/chianina.shtml


Canadian Dexter Cattle Association — Dexter cattle

c/o Ron Black


2417 Holly Lane

Ottawa, Ontario


Tlf. (1-613) 731 71 10

Fax (1-613) 731 07 04

E-mail: Dexter.Assoc@clrc.on.ca

Web: http://members.attcanada.ca/~jbush


Canadian Galloway Association — Galloway cattle

c/o Ron Black


2417 Holly Lane

Ottawa, Ontario

K1V 0M7

Tlf. (1-613) 731 71 10-303

Fax (1-613) 731 07 04

E-mail: Galloway.Assoc@clrc.on.ca

Web: http://www.galloway.ca


Canadian Gelbvieh Association — Gelbvieh cattle

c/o Wendy G. Belcher


110, 2116-27th Avenue N.E.

Calgary, Alberta

T2E 7A6

Tlf. (1-403) 250 86 40

Fax (1-403) 291 56 24

E-mail: gelbvieh@gelbvieh.ca

Web: http://www.gelbvieh.ca


Canadian Guernsey Association — Guernsey cattle

c/o Vivianne Macdonald


R.R. #5

Guelph, Ontario

N1H 6J2

Tlf. (1-519) 836 21 41

Fax (1-519) 763 65 82

E-mail: guernsey@gencor.ca

Web: http://www.guernseycanada.ca


Canadian Hays Converter Association — Hays Converter cattle

c/o Terri Worms


650, 1207-11 Avenue S.W.

Calgary, Alberta


Tlf. (1-403) 245 69 23

Fax (1-403) 244 31 28

E-mail: terriworms@home.com


Canadian Hereford Association — Hereford cattle

c/o Duncan Porteous


5160 Skyline Way N.E.

Calgary, Alberta

T2E 6V1

Tlf. (1-403) 275 26 62

Fax (1-403) 295 13 33

Mobil (1-403) 818 68 68

E-mail: duncan.porteous@hereford.ca


Web: http://www.hereford.ca/


Canadian Highland Cattle Society — Highland cattle

c/o Margaret Badger


307 Spicer

Knowlton, Québec

J0E 1V0

Tlf. (1-450) 243 55 43

Fax (1-450) 243 11 50

E-mail: highland@chcs.ca

Web: http://www.acbm.qc.ca/chcs/index.htm


Holstein Association of Canada — Holstein cattle

c/o Keith Flaman

Secretary Manager

PO box 610

171 Colborne St.

Brantford, Ontario

N3T 5R4

Tlf. (1-519) 756 83 00

Fax (1-519) 756 58 78

E-mail: general@holstein.ca

Web: http://www.holstein.ca


Jersey Canada — Jersey cattle

c/o Russell G. Gammon


350 Speedvale West, Unit 9

Guelph, Ontario

N1H 7M7

Tlf. (1-519) 821 91 50

(1-519) 821 10 20

Fax (1-519) 821 27 23

E-mail: info@jerseycanada.com

Web: http://www.jerseycanada.com


Canadian Limousin Association — Limousin cattle

c/o Tricia Lidberg

Office Manager

2320-41 Ave NE

Calgary, Alberta

T2E 6W8

Tlf. (1-403) 253 73 09

Fax: (1-403) 253 17 04

E-mail: limousin@limousin.com

Web: http://www.limousin.com


Canadian Lowline Cattle Association — Lowline cattle

c/o Shirley Begrand

General Manager

Box 69

St. Louis, Saskatchewan

S0J 2C0

Tlf. (1-306) 422 85 16

Fax (1-306) 422 84 97

E-mail: s.begrand@sk.sympatico.ca


Canadian Luing Cattle Association — Luing cattle

Web: http://www.clrc.ca/luing.shtml


Canadian Maine-Anjou Association — Maine-Anjou cattle

Heather Hartman

Office Manager

5160 Skyline Way N.E.

Calgary, Alberta

T2E 6V1

Tlf. (1-403) 291 70 77

Fax (1-403) 291 02 74

E-mail: cmaa@maine-anjou.ca

Web: http://www.maine-anjou.ca


Canadian Murray Grey Association — Murray Grey cattle

c/o Wendy Adam


Box 50, Site 8

R.R. #1

Okotoks, Alberta

T0L 1T0

Tlf. (1-403) 938 76 43

Fax (1-403) 938 00 42

E-mail: damnfarm@worldweb.com

Web: http://www.cdnmurraygrey.ca


Canadian Piedmontese Association — Piedmontese cattle

c/o Emma Den Oudsten


R.R. #3

Lacombe, Alberta

T0C 1S0

Tlf. (1-403) 782 26 57

Fax (1-403) 782 61 66


Canadian Pinzgauer Association — Pinzgauer cattle

c/o Cathy Gallivan

Executive Secretary/Financial Officer

R.R.#1 Site 17 Box 9

Sundre, Alberta

T0M 1X0

Tlf. (1-403) 556 20 58

(1-866) 746 94 27

Fax (1-403) 556 99 37

E-mail: cdnpinz@telusplanet.net


Canadian Red Poll Cattle Association — Red Poll cattle

c/o Ronald K. Black


2417 Holly Lane

Ottawa, Ontario

K1V 0M7

Tlf. (1-613) 731 71 10-303

Fax (1-613) 731 07 04

E-mail: redpoll@clrc.ca


Salers Association of Canada — Salers cattle

c/o Daphne Warnes

A/ Secretary

Unit 3A, 3424 - 26th Street N.E.

Calgary, Alberta

T1Y 4T7

Tel: (1-403) 291 26 20

Fax: (1-403) 291 21 76

E-mail: info@salerscanada.com

Web: http://www.salerscanada.com


Canadian Shorthorn Association — Shorthorn cattle

c/o Belinda Wagner


Box 3771

Canada Centre Bldg. Exhibition Park

Regina, Saskatchewan

S4P 3N8

Tlf. (1-306) 757 22 12

Fax (1-306) 525 58 52

E-mail: sasklivestock@sk.sympatico.ca

Web: http://www.canadianshorthorn.com


Canadian Simmental Association — Simmental cattle

c/o Sharonne Evans

Office Manager

#13, 4101-19th Street N.E.

Calgary, Alberta

T2E 7C4

Tlf. (1-403) 250 79 79

Fax (1-403) 250 51 21

E-mail: cansim@simmental.com

Web: http://www.simmental.com


Canadian South Devon Association — South Devon cattle

c/o Bonnie Lintick

Breed Secretary

Box 333, Rockyford, Alberta

T0J 2R0

Tlf. (1-403) 947 29 49

Fax (1-403) 947 32 01

E-mail: paladin@telusplanet.net

Web: http://www.geocities.com/southdevon_ca


Canadian Speckle Park Cattle Association — Speckle Park cattle

c/o Dale Herbert

Chief Executive Officer

Box 284

Neilburg, Saskatchewan

S0M 2C0

Tlf. (1-306) 893 40 96 (privat)

(1-306) 893 42 06 (kontor)

Fax (1-306) 893 42 06

E-mail: cspa@sask.sympatico.ca

Web: http://www.specklepark.ca


Canadian Tarentaise Association — Tarentaise cattle

c/o Charlene Easton


Box 760

Moosomin, Saskatchewan

S0G 3N0

Tlf. (1-800) 450 41 81

(1-306) 646 46 67

Fax (1-306) 646 45 70


Canadian Wagyu Association — Wagyu cattle

c/o Patrick McCarthy


3501 - 57 St.

Camrose, Alberta

T4V 4N2

Tlf. (1-780) 672 29 90

Fax (1-780) 679 89 99

Web: http://www.canadianwagyu.ca/index.htm


Canadian Welsh Black Cattle Society — Welsh Black cattle

c/o Ron Black

2417 Holly Lane

Ottawa, Ontario

K1V 0M7

Tlf. (1-613) 731 71 10-303

Fax (1-613) 731 07 04

E-mail: clrc@clrc.on.ca

Art: Geder


Canadian Boer Goat Association — Boer goats

c/o Allison Taylor

P.O. Box 314

Lancaster, Ontario

K0C 1N0

Tlf. (1-613) 347 11 03

Fax (1-613) 347 11 05

E mail: registrar@canadianboergoat.com

Web: http://www.canadianboergoat.com


Canadian Goat Society — Angora, Toggenburg, Nubian, Saanen, Alpine, Pygmy, Oberhasli, La Mancha, Nigerian Dwarf

c/o Sharon Hunt


2417 Holly Lane

Ottawa, Ontario


Tlf. (1-613) 731 98 94

Fax (1-613) 731 07 04

E-mail: cangoatsoc@travel-net.com

Web: http://www.goats.ca

Art: Får


Canadian Finnsheep Breeders' Association — Finnish Landrace sheep (Finnsheep)

Kathy Playdon (Interim President)

Box 10, Site 10

R.R. #4

Stony Plain, Alberta

T0E 2G0

Tlf. (1-780) 963 04 16

Web: http://www.clrc.on.ca/finnshee.html


Canadian Katahdin Sheep Association — Katahdin sheep

c/o Ron Black


2417 Holly Lane

Ottawa, Ontario


Tlf. (1-613) 731 71 10

Fax (1-613) 731 07 04

E-mail: Ron.Black@clrc.on.ca

Web: http://www.clrc.on.ca/katahdin.html


Canadian Sheep Breeders' Association — Blackface, Berrichon du Cher, Border Cheviot, Border Leicester, British Milk Sheep, Canadian Arcott, Charollais, Clun Forest, Columbia, Coopworth, Corriedale, Cotswold, DLS, Dorper, Dorset, Drysdale, East Friesian Dairy, Est à Laine Merino, Hampshire, English Leicester, Hexham Leicester, Icelandic, Île de France, Jacob, Karakul, Kerry Hill, Lacaune Dairy Sheep, Lincoln, Marshall Romney, Merino, Montadale, North Country Cheviot, Outaouais Arcott, Oxford, Perendale, Polypay, Rambouillet, Rideau Arcott, Romanov, Romnelet, Romney, Rouge de L’Ouest, Ryeland, Shetland, Shropshire, Southdown, South African Meat Merion, Suffolk, Targhee, Texel

c/o Francis Winger


R.R. #4

Mount Forest, Ontario


Tlf. (1-519) 323 03 60

Fax (1-519) 323 04 68

E-mail: fwinger@log.on.ca

Web: http://sheepbreeders.ca

Art: Svin

Canadian Swine Breeders' Association — Berkshire, British Saddleback, Chester White, Duroc, Hampshire, Lacombe, Landrace, Large Black, Pietrain, Poland China, Red Wattle, Spotted, Tamworth, Welsh, Yorkshire

c/o Serge Charron

2417 Holly Lane, Suite 215

Ottawa, Ontario

K1V 0M7

Tlf. (1-613) 731 55 31

Fax (1-613) 731 66 55

E-mail: canswine@canswine.ca

Web: http://www.canswine.ca

IV.   Island

Arter: Kvæg, geder, får, svin

The Farmers Association of Iceland

Brændahöllini v/Hagatorg

IS-107 Reykjavik

Tel: (354) 563 03 00

Fax: (354) 562 30 58

Web: http://www.bondi.is

V.   Israel

Art: Kvæg


Israel Company for Artificial Insemination and Breeding Ltd.

VI.   New Zealand

Art: Kvæg

Livestock Improvement Corporation Ltd (LIC)

PO Box 3016


Tlf. (64) 78 56 07 00

Fax (64) 78 58 27 41

Web: www.lic.co.nz


Art: Kvæg


American Angus Association — Angus

3201 Frederick Avenue

St. Joseph

MO 64506

Tlf. (1-816) 383 51 00

Fax (1-816) 233 97 03

E-mail: angus@angus.org

Web: http://www.angus.org


Ayrshire Breeders’ Association

267 Broad St.


OH 43081

Tlf. (1-614) 882 10 57

Fax (1-614) 895 37 57

Web: http://www.usayrshire.com


Beefmaster Breeders United — Beefmaster

6800 Park Ten Blvd., Suite 290 West

San Antonio

TX 78213

Tlf. (1-210) 732 31 32

Fax (1-210) 732 77 11

E-mail: wshronk@beefmasters.org

Web: http://www.beefmasters.org


American Belgian Blue Breeders, Inc. — Belgium Blue

PO Box 35264


OK 74153-0264

Tlf. (1-918) 477 32 51

Fax (1-918) 477 32 32

Web: http://www.belgianblue.org


Belted Galloway Society, Inc. — Belted Galloway

98 Eidson Rd


VA 24401

Tlf. (1-540) 885 98 87

Fax (1-540) 885 98 97

E-mail: jhuff@dixie-net.com

Web: http://www.beltie.org


American Blonde d’Aquitaine Association — Blonde d’Aquitaine

PO Box 12341

Kansas City

MO 64116

Tlf. (1-816) 421 13 05

Fax (1-816) 421 19 91

E-mail: jspawn321@ol.com


United Braford Breeders — Braford

422 East Main, Suite 218


TX 75961

Tlf. (1-936) 569 82 00

Fax (1-936) 569-9556

E-mail: ubb@brafords.org

Web: http://www.brafords.org


American Brahman Breeders Association — Brahman

3003 South Loop West, Suite 140


TX 77054

Tlf. (1-713) 349 08 54

Fax (1-713) 349 97 95

E-mail: abba@brahman.org

Web: http://www.brahman.org


International Brangus Breeders Association — Brangus

PO Box 696020

San Antonio

TX 78269-6020

Tlf. (1-210) 696 43 43

Fax (1-210) 696 87 18

E-mail: lorenj@int-brangus.org

Web: http://www.int-brangus.org


Braunvieh Association of America — Braunvieh

PO Box 6396


NE 68506

Tlf. (1-402) 421 29 60

Fax (1-402) 421 29 94

E-mail: Braunaa@ibm.net

Web: http://www.braunvieh.org


The Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders’ Association

800 Pleasant Rd.


Wisconsin 53511-5456

Tlf. (1-608) 365 44 74

Fax (1-608) 365 55 77

Web: http://www.brownswissusa.com


American International Charolais Association — Charolais

PO Box 20247

Kansas City

MO 64195

Tlf. (1-816) 464 59 77

Fax (1-816) 464 57 59

E-mail: Chjoun@sound.net

Web: http://www.charolaisusa.org


American Chianina Association — Chinina

PO Box 890

1708 N Prairie View Road

Platte City

MO 64079

Tlf. (1-816) 431 28 08

Fax (1-816) 431 53 81

E-mail: aca@sound.net

Web: http://www.chicattle.org


North American Corriente Association — Corriente

PO Box 12359

N. Kansas City

MO 64116

Tlf. (1-816) 421 19 92

Fax (1-816) 421 19 91

E-mail: jspawn321@aol.com


American Gelbvieh Association — Gelbvieh

10900 Dover Street


CO 80021

Tlf. (1-303) 465 23 33

Fax (1-303) 465 23 39

E-mail: aga@gelbvieh.org

Web: http://www.gelbvieh.org


The American Guernsey Association

7614 Slate Ridge Blvd.

PO Box 666


Ohio 43068-0666

Tlf. (1-614) 864 24 09

Fax (1-614) 864 56 14

Web: http://www.usguernsey.com


American Hereford Association — Hereford

1501 Wyandotte

Kansas City

MO 64108

Tlf. (1-816) 842 37 57

Fax (1-816) 842 69 31

E-mail: jrick@hereford.org

Web: http://www.hereford.org


Holstein Association USA, Inc

1 Holstein Place


Vermont 05302-0808

Tlf. (1-800) 952 52 00

Fax (1-802) 254 82 51

Web: http://www.holsteinusa.com


The American Jersey Cattle Association

6486 E. Main Street


OH 43068-2362

Tlf. (1-614) 861 36 36

Fax (1-614) 861 80 40

Web: http://www.usjersey.com


North American Limousin Foundation — Limousin

7383 S. Alton Way

Suite 100, Box 4467


CO 80112

Tlf. (1-303) 220 16 93

Fax (1-303) 220 18 84

E-mail: jedwards@nalf.org

Web: http://www.nalf.org


Longhorn Breeders Association of America — Longhorn

PO Box 4430

Fort Worth

TX 76164


American Maine-Anjou Association — Maine-Anjou

PO Box 1100

Platte City

MO 64079-1100

Tlf. (1-816) 431 99 50

Fax (1-816) 431 99 51

E-mail: maine@ke.m.com

Web: http://www.maine-anjou.org


Marky Cattle Association — Marchigiana

Box 198


KS 67151-0198

Tlf. (1-316) 837 33 03

Fax (1-316) 283 83 79

E-mail: marky@southwind.net

Web: http://www.marchigiana.org


American Milking Shorthorn Society

800 Pleasant Street


Wisconsin 53511-5456

Tlf. (1-608) 365 33 32

Fax (1-210) 365 66 44

Web: http://www.agdomain.com/web/usmilkingshorthorn/


American Pinzgauer Association — Pinzgauer

PO Box 147


MO 64424

Tlf. (1-800) 914 98 83

E-mail: Apinzgauer@aol.com

Web: http://www.afn.org/-greatcow/


Red & White Dairy Cattle Association

3805 S. Valley Rd

Crystal Springs

PA 15536

Tlf. (1-814) 735 42 21

Fax (1-814) 735 34 73

Web: http://www.redandwhitecattle.com/rf.html


Red Angus Association of America — Red Angus

4201 N. Interstate 35


TX 76207-7443

Tlf. (1-940) 387 35 02

Fax (1-940) 383 40 36

E-mail: info@redangus.org

Web: http://www.redangus.org


American Red Brangus — Red Brangus

3995 E. Hwy 290

Dripping Springs

TX 78620

Tlf. (1-512) 858 72 85

Fax (1-512) 858 70 84

E-mail: arba@texas.net

Web: http://www.brangusassc.com


American Salers Association — Salers

7383 S. Alton Way, Suite 103


CO 80112

Tlf. (1-303) 770 92 92

Fax (1-303) 770 93 02

E-mail: salersusa.org

Web: http://www.salersusa.org


Santa Gertrudis Breeders International — Santa Gertrudis

PO Box 1257


TX 78364

Tlf. (1-361) 592 93 57

Fax (1-816) 592 85 72

E-mail: truegert@aol.com


American Highland Cattle Association — Scotch Highland

#200 Livestock Exchange Bldg

4701 Marion Street


CO 80216

Tlf. (1-303) 292 91 02

Fax (1-303) 292 91 71

E-mail: ahca@envisionet.net

Web: http://www.highlandcattle.org


Senopol Cattle Breeders Association — Senopol

PO Box 808


GA 30666-0808

Tlf. (1-800) 736 37 65

Fax (1-770) 725 52 81

E-mail: lcoley@sales-synergy.com

Web: http://www.senopolcattle.org


American Shorthorn Association — Shorthorn

8288 Hascall Street


NE 68124

Tlf. (1-402) 393 70 51

Fax (1-402) 393 70 80

E-mail: hunsley@beefshorthornusa.com

Web: http://www.beefshorthornusa.com


American Simmental Association — Simmental

1 Simmental Way


MT 59718

Tlf. (1-406) 587 45 31

Fax (1-406) 587 93 01

E-mail: simmental@simmental.org

Web: http://www.simmental.org

Art: Geder



American Dairy Goat Association

PO Box 865


NC 28160

Tlf. (1-828) 286 38 01

Fax (1-828) 287 04 76

Web: http://www.adga.org


American Angora Goat Breeders Association — Angora

PO Box 195


TX 78880


American Boer Goat Association — Boer

232 W Beauregard, Suite 104

San Angelo

TX 76903

Tlf. (1-915) 486 22 42

Web: http://www.abga.org


American Kiko Goat Association — Kiko

PO Box 186


GA 31635

Tlf. (1-229) 244 60 58

Web: http://www.kikogoats.com


American Meat Goat Association — Spanish

PO Box 333


TX 76849

Tlf. (1-915) 835 26 05

Fax (1-915) 835 22 59

Art: Får


American Corriendale Association, INC. — American Corriendale

PO Box 391

Clay City

IL 62824

Tlf. (1-618) 676 10 46


American Dorper Sheep Breeders’s Society — American Dorper

PO Box 796

1120 Wilkes Blvd


MO 65205-0796

Tlf. (1-573) 442 82 57


American Hampshire Sheep Association — American Hampshire

1557-173rd Ave


IA 50166

Tlf. (1-515) 942 64 02


American Rambouillet Breeders Association — American Rambouillet

2709 Sherwood Way

San Angelo

TX 76901

Tlf. (1-915) 949 44 14


American Shropshire Registry Association — American Shropshire

PO Box 635


IL 60033

Tlf. (1-815) 943 20 34


American Southdown Breeders’ Association — American Southdown

HCR 13, Box 220


TX 76842

Tlf. (1-915) 429 62 26


Columbia Sheep Breeders Association of America — Columbia

PO Box 272

State Route 182 East

Upper Sandusky

Ohio 43351


Continental Dorset Club — Continental Dorset

PO Box 506

N. Scituate

Rhode Island 02857

Tlf. (1-401) 647 46 76


Katahdin Hair Sheep International — Katahdin

PO Box 778


Arkansas 72702-0778

Tlf. (1-501) 444 84 41


Montadale Sheep Breeders’ Association — Montadale

PO Box 603


IN 46168

Tlf. (1-317) 839 61 98


Navajo-Churro Sheep Association — Navajo-Churro

Box 94

Ojo Caliente

NM 87549


American Polypay Sheep Association — Polypay

1557-173rd Avenue


Iowa 50166

Tlf. (1-641) 942 64 02


St. Croix Sheep Breeders Association — St. Croix

PO Box 845


OR 97050


U.S. Targhee Association — Targhee

PO Box 427


MT 59523

Tlf. (1-406) 357 33 37

Fax (1-406) 357 37 44

E-mail: schuldt@ttc-cmc-net


National Tunis Sheep Registry, Inc. — Tunis

819 Lyons Street


MA 01056


United Suffolk Sheep Association — United Suffolk

PO Box 256


UT 84327

Tlf. (1-435) 563-6105

Art: Svin


American Landrace Association — American Landrace

1769 US 52 W.

West Lafayette

IN 47906

Tlf. (1-765) 463 35 93

Fax (1-765) 497 29 59

Web: http://www.nationalswine.com


American Yorkshire Club — American Yorkshire

1769 US 52 W.

West Lafayette

IN 47906

Tlf. (1-765) 463 35 93

Fax (1-765) 497 29 59

Web: http://www.nationalswine.com


Chester White Swine Record Association — Chester White

PO Box 9758


Illinois 61615

Tlf. (1-309) 691 01 51


Duroc National Swine Registry — Duroc

PO Box 2417

West Lafayette

IN 47906-2417

Tlf. (1-765) 463 35 94


United Duroc Swine Registry

1769 US 52 W.

West Lafayette

IN 47906

Tlf. (1-765) 463 35 93

Fax (1-765) 463 29 59

Web: http://www.nationalswine.com


Hampshire Swine Registry — Hampshire

1769 US 52 W.

West Lafayette

IN 47906

Tlf. (1-765) 463 35 93

Fax (1-765) 463 29 59

Web: http://www.nationalswine.com


National Spotted Swine Record — Spots

6320 N Sheridan Road


IL 61614

Tlf. (1-309) 69 10 15

Fax (1-309) 691 01 68

(1)  Gælder kun, indtil dette tiltrædende land bliver medlem af Fællesskabet.