
Úřední věstník L 049 , 20/02/2002 S. 0001 - 0160

Rozhodnutí Komise

ze dne 23. ledna 2002,

kterým se mění rozhodnutí Komise 1999/217/ES, pokud jde o seznam látek určených k aromatizaci používaných v potravinách nebo na jejich povrchu

(oznámeno pod číslem K(2002) 88)

(Text s významem pro EHP)



s ohledem na Smlouvu o založení Evropského společenství,

s ohledem na nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (ES) č. 2232/96 ze dne 28. října 1996, kterým se stanoví postup Společenství pro látky určené k aromatizaci, používané nebo určené k použití v potravinách nebo na jejich povrchu [1], a zejména na čl. 3 odst. 2 uvedeného nařízení,

vzhledem k těmto důvodům:

(1) Komise podle čl. 3 odst. 2 nařízení (ES) č. 2232/96 přijala rozhodnutím 1999/217/ES [2] ve znění rozhodnutí 2000/489/ES [3] seznam látek určených k aromatizaci používaných v potravinách nebo na jejich povrchu.

(2) Podle nařízení Komise (ES) č. 1565/2000 ze dne 18. července 2000, kterým se stanoví opatření nezbytná pro přijetí programu hodnocení podle nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (ES) č. 2232/96 [4], má být každé látce určené k aromatizaci přiděleno tzv. "číslo FL". Kromě toho mají být všechny látky v seznamu rozděleny do skupin sloučenin s příbuznou strukturou, a to podle seznamu skupin stanoveného v uvedeném nařízení. Tyto informace mají být přístupné osobám uvádějícím látku na trh, aby mohly splnit své povinnosti podle nařízení (ES) č. 1565/2000. Seznam látek určených k aromatizaci by tedy měl obsahovat nová čísla FL a čísla skupin.

(3) Části 1, 2 a 3 seznamu uvedeného v příloze rozhodnutí 1999/217/ES, ve znění rozhodnutí 2000/489/ES, by měly být sloučeny do jediné části, části A, a látky by měly být v seznamu uvedeny v pořadí podle svých čísel FL. Část 4 seznamu by měla být nahrazena zněním v části B seznamu, který je uveden v příloze tohoto rozhodnutí.

(4) Podrobným zkoumáním látek určených k aromatizaci, které byly oznámeny členskými státy a uvedeny v rozhodnutí 1999/217/ES, byla odhalena řada nesrovnalostí v chemických vzorcích, v názvech, synonymech a systematických názvech; v řadě případů byly tytéž látky uvedeny v seznamu pod různými chemickými názvy. Tyto nesrovnalosti by měly být napraveny. U nesrovnalostí, které nemohou být v tomto stadiu vyřešeny s konečnou platností, je třeba alespoň upozornit na možnou nesrovnalost.

(5) U určitého počtu oznámených látek uvedených v rozhodnutí 1999/217/ES, zejména látek oznámených při zachování důvěrnosti údajů, některé členské státy svá oznámení stáhly. Tyto látky by měly být ze seznamu vyškrtnuty. Podobně některé členské státy oznámily nové látky, které by měly být podle čl. 5 odst. 2 nařízení (ES) č. 2232/96 zahrnuty do programu hodnocení, a tak zařazeny do seznamu.

(6) Podle čl. 4 odst. 3 nařízení (ES) č. 2232/96 bude látka ze seznamu vyškrtnuta, pokud je po hodnocení zřejmé, že dotyčná látka určená k aromatizaci není v souladu s obecnými kritérii pro používání stanovenými v příloze výše uvedeného nařízení. Vědecký výbor pro potraviny dospěl ve svém stanovisku ze dne 26. září 2001 k závěru, že 4allyl1,2dimethoxybenzen (methyleugenol) a 1allyl4-methoxybenzen (estragol) jsou genotoxické. Tyto látky by proto měly být ze seznamu vyškrtnuty.

(7) Rozhodnutí 1999/217/ES je proto třeba změnit.

(8) Opatření tohoto rozhodnutí jsou v souladu se stanoviskem Stálého výboru pro potraviny,


Článek 1

Seznam uvedený v příloze rozhodnutí 1999/217/ES se nahrazuje zněním obsaženým v příloze tohoto rozhodnutí.

Článek 2

Toto rozhodnutí je určeno členským státům.

V Bruselu dne 23. ledna 2002.

Za Komisi

David Byrne

člen Komise

[1] Úř. věst. L 299, 23.11.1996, s. 1.

[2] Úř. věst. L 84, 27.3.1999, s. 1.

[3] Úř. věst. L 197, 3.8.2000, s. 53.

[4] Úř. věst. L 180, 19.7.2000, s. 8.




Seznam látek určených k aromatizaci oznámených členskými státy podle čl. 3 odst. 1 nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (ES) č. 2232/96 ze dne 28. října 1996, kterým se stanoví postup Společenství pro látky určené k aromatizaci, používané nebo určené k použití v potravinách nebo na jejich povrchu

Seznam chemicky definovaných látek určených k aromatizaci byl rozdělen do dvou samostatných částí. V části A je uveden seznam látek seřazených podle jejich čísel FL. V části B jsou uvedeny ty látky, u nichž byla členským státem požadována ochrana důvěrnosti údajů, aby byla chráněna práva duševního vlastnictví jejich výrobců.

V části A jsou uvedena čísla CAS [1], EINECS [2], CoE [3] a FEMA [4], pokud jsou látkám přidělena.

Číslo uvedené ve sloupci "Poznámky" se vztahuje k těmto poznámkám:

1. Látka, která je kromě svého aromatu používána v potravinách nebo na jejich povrchu pro jiné účely, a může tedy podléhat dalším právním předpisům.

2. Látka, jejíž použití v určitých členských státech podléhá omezujícím opatřením nebo zákazu.

3. Látka, které má být v programu hodnocení dána přednost podle nařízení (ES) č. 1565/2000.

4. Látka, pro niž musejí být předloženy dodatečné informace.

5. V názvu, synonymech, systematickém názvu a v číslech CAS, EINECS, CoE nebo FEMA se mohou vyskytovat nesrovnalosti.

Zvláštním problémem je zpracování solí a ostatních sloučenin odvozených od základní látky. Některé látky byly oznámeny velmi přesně. Jiné látky tuto podrobnou identifikaci postrádají. U řady kyselin nebo zásad není uvedeno, zda daná specifikace zahrnuje i jejich soli. Dočasně se pouze pro účely tohoto seznamu předpokládá, že amonné, sodné, draselné a vápenaté soli, stejně jako chloridy, uhličitany a sírany, jsou zahrnuty pod základní látkou za předpokladu, že mají aroma. Konečné přijetí bude však záviset na výsledcích hodnocení, které by mělo v těchto případech pečlivě ověřit správnost takového zařazení.



(řazeno podle čísla FL)

Čís. FL | Skupina sloučenin | CAS | Název | FEMA | CoE | EINECS | Čís. FL | Synonyma | Systematický název | Poznámky |

01.001 | 31 | 138-86-3 | limonen | 2633 | 491 | 205-341-0 | 01.001 | dipenten, karven, cinen, citren 4-isopropenyl-1-methylcyklohex-1-en | | 5 |

01.002 | 31 | 99-87-6 | 1-isopropyl-4-methylbenzen | 2356 | 620 | 202-796-7 | 01.002 | 1-isopropyl-4-methylbenzen, p-cymen | | |

01.003 | 31 | 127-91-3 | pin-2(10)-en | 2903 | 2114 | 204-872-5 | 01.003 | pin-2(10)-en, β-pinen | 6,6-dimethyl-2-methylidenbicyklo[3.1.1]heptan | |

01.004 | 31 | 80-56-8 | pin-2(3)-en | 2902 | 2113 | 201-291-9 | 01.004 | pin-2(3)-en, α-pinen | 2,6,6-trimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]hept-2-en | |

01.005 | 31 | 586-62-9 | terpinolen | 3046 | 2115 | 209-578-0 | 01.005 | p-mentha-1,4(8)-dien | 4-isopropyliden-1-methylcyklohex-1-en, p-mentha-1,4(8)-dien | |

01.006 | 31 | 99-83-2 | α-fellandren | 2856 | 2117 | 202-792-5 | 01.006 | p-mentha-1,5-dien, 5-isopropyl-2-methylcyklohexa-1,3-dien, fellandren | 5-isopropyl-2-methylcyklohexa-1,3-dien p-mentha-1,5-dien | |

01.007 | 31 | 87-44-5 | β-karyofylen | 2252 | 2118 | 201-746-1 | 01.007 | karyofylen, 4,11,11-trimethyl-8-methylidenbicyklo[7.2.0]undec-4-en | 4,11,11-trimethyl-8-methylidenbicyklo[7.2.0]undec-4-en | |

01.008 | 31 | 123-35-3 | myrcen | 2762 | 2197 | 204-622-5 | 01.008 | 7-methyl-3-methylen-1,6-oktadien | 7-methyl-3-methylenokta-1,6-dien | |

01.009 | 31 | 79-92-5 | kamfen | 2229 | 2227 | 201-234-8 | 01.009 | kamfen, 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylidenbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylidenbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan | | |

01.010 | 31 | 1195-32-0 | 1-isopropenyl-4-methylbenzen | 3144 | 2260 | 214-795-9 | 01.010 | 4,α-dimethylstyren, p-isopropenyltoluen, 1-methyl-4-isopropenylbenzen, 2-p-tolylpropen | | |

01.011 | 31 | 644-08-6 | 4-methyl-1,1'-bifenyl | 3186 | 2292 | 211-409-0 | 01.011 | p-methyldifenyl, p-methylfenylbenzen, fenyl-p-tolyl, p-fenyltoluen | | |

01.013 | 31 | 92-52-4 | bifenyl | 3129 | 10978 | 202-163-5 | 01.013 | difenyl, fenylbenzen | | 4 |

01.014 | 31 | 90-12-0 | 1-methylnaftalen | 3193 | 11009 | 201-966-8 | 01.014 | α-methylnaftalen | | |

01.015 | 31 | 100-42-5 | vinylbenzen | 3233 | 11022 | 202-851-5 | 01.015 | styren, vinylbenzen, fenylethen | | 2, 3 |

01.016 | 31 | 495-62-5 | 1,4(8),12-bisabolatrien | 3331 | 10979 | 207-805-8 | 01.016 | γ-bisabolen | 6-methyl-2-(4-methylcyklohex-3-en-1-yl)hepta-1,5-dien | |

01.017 | 31 | 4630-07-3 | valencen | 3443 | 11030 | 225-047-6 | 01.017 | | (1R)-7-isopropenyl-1,8a-dimethyl-1,2,3,5,6,7,8,8a-oktahydronaftalen | |

01.018 | 31 | 13877-91-3 | β-ocimen | 3539 | 11015 | 237-641-2 | 01.018 | trans-β-ocimen | (3Z)-3,7-dimethylokta-1,3,6-trien | |

01.019 | 31 | 99-86-5 | α-terpinen | 3558 | 11023 | 202-795-1 | 01.019 | 1-isopropyl-4-methylcyklohexa-1,3-dien, p-mentha-1,3-dien | | |

01.020 | 31 | 99-85-4 | γ-terpinen | 3559 | 11025 | 202-794-6 | 01.020 | moslen, krithmen 1-isopropyl-4-methylcyklohexa-1,4-dien p-mentha-1,4-dien | | |

01.021 | 31 | 29350-73-0 | δ-kadinen | | 10982 | 249-580-9 | 01.021 | α-, β-, γ-, δ-, ε-kadinen | 1-isopropyl-4,7-dimethyl-1,2,4a,5,6,8a-hexahydronaftalen, 1-isopropyl-4,7-dimethyl-1,2,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydronaftalen, 1-isopropyl-7-methyl-4-methyliden-1,2,4a,5,6,7,8,8a-oktahydronaftalen, 1-isopropyl-4,7-dimethyl-1,2,3,5,6,8a-hexahydronaftalen | |

01.022 | 31 | 469-61-4 | α-cedren | | 10985 | 207-418-4 | 01.022 | | 2,6,6,8-tetramethyltricyklo[,5]undec-8-en, 3,6,8,8-tetramethyl-2,3,4,7,8,8a-hexahydro-1H-3a,7-methanoazulen | |

01.023 | 31 | 3691-12-1 | 1(5),11-guaiadien | | 11003 | 201-860-1 | 01.023 | α-guaien | 2,8-dimethyl-5-isopropenylbicyklo[5.3.0]dec-1(7)-en, 7-isopropenyl-1,4-dimethyl-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-oktahydroazulen | |

01.024 | 31 | 5208-59-3 | β-burbonen | | 11931 | | 01.024 | | 5-isopropyl-2-methyl-8-methylidentricyklo[,6]dekan, 1-isopropyl-3a-methyl-6-methylidendekahydrocyklobuta[1,2:3,4]dicyklopenten | |

01.025 | 31 | 30640-46-1 | 2-methylcyklohexa-1,3-dien | | 11797 | 250-269-5 | 01.025 | 1,3-dihydrotoluen | | |

01.026 | 31 | 88-84-6 | 1(5),7(11)-guaiadien | | | 201-860-1 | 01.026 | β-guaien | 2,8-dimethyl-5-isopropylidenbicyklo[5.3.0]dec-1(7)-en, cis-(1S)-7-isopropyliden-1,4-dimethyl-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-oktahydroazulen | |

01.027 | 31 | 17627-44-0 | bisabola-1,8,12-trien | | | 241-610-9 | 01.027 | α-bisabolen | 6-methyl-2-(4-methylcyklohex-3-enyl)hepta-2,5-dien, 4-(1,5-dimethylhexa-1,4-dien-1-yl)-1-methylcyklohex-1-en | |

01.028 | 31 | 495-61-4 | β-bisabolen | | | | 01.028 | | | |

01.029 | 31 | 13466-78-9 | δ-3-karen | 3821 | 10983 | 236-719-3 | 01.029 | 3-karen, isodipren, d-3-karen, kar-3-en | 3,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[4.1.0]hept-3-en | |

01.030 | 31 | 13744-15-5 | β-kubeben | | 10989 | | 01.030 | | 7-isopropyl-10-methyl-4-methylidentricyklo[,5]dekan | |

01.031 | 31 | 30364-38-6 | 1,1,6-trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaftalen | | | 250-150-8 | 01.031 | dehydroionen | | |

01.032 | 31 | 7681-88-1 | 2,3-dihydrofarnesen | | | | 01.032 | | | |

01.033 | 31 | 590-73-8 | 2,2-dimethylhexan | | | 209-689-4 | 01.033 | | | |

01.034 | 31 | 589-43-5 | 2,4-dimethylhexan | | | 209-649-6 | 01.034 | | | |

01.035 | 31 | 673-84-7 | 2,6-dimethylokta-2,4,6-trien | | | 211-614-5 | 01.035 | alloocimen, allocimen | | |

01.036 | 31 | 101-81-5 | difenylmethan | | 11847 | 202-978-6 | 01.036 | benzylbenzen, fenylbenzyl, 1,1'-methylenbis-benzen | | |

01.037 | 31 | 112-41-4 | dodec-1-en | | 10992 | 203-968-4 | 01.037 | dodec-1-en, dodecylen | | |

01.038 | 31 | 112-40-3 | dodekan | | | 203-967-9 | 01.038 | n-dodekan | | |

01.039 | 31 | 20307-84-0 | δ-elemen | | 10996 | | 01.039 | | 3-isopropenyl-1-isopropyl-4-methyl-4-vinylcyklohex-1-en | |

01.040 | 31 | 502-61-4 | α-farnesen | 3839 | 10998 | 207-948-6 | 01.040 | | (E,E)-3,7,1-trimethyldodeka-1,3,6,10-tetraen | 5 |

01.041 | 31 | 18794-84-8 | β-farnesen | 3839 | 10999 | 242-582-0 | 01.041 | | (E)-7,11-dimethyl-3-methylidendodeka-1,6,10-trien | 5 |

01.042 | 31 | 23986-74-5 | germakra-1(10),4(14),5-trien | | | | 01.042 | germakren d | 3-isopropyl-6-methyl-10-methylencyklodeka-1,6-dien | |

01.043 | 31 | 6753-98-6 | 3,7,10-humulatrien | | 11004 | 229-816-7 | 01.043 | α-humulen, α-karyofyllen | 2,6,6,9-tetramethylcykloundeka-1,4,8-trien | |

01.044 | 31 | 1135-66-6 | isolongifolen | | | 214-494-2 | 01.044 | | 2,2,7,7-tetramethyltricyklo[6.2.11,8.01,6]undec-5-en, (2S)-1,1,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3,4,5,6,7-hexahydro-2H-2,4a-methanonaftalen | |

01.045 | 31 | 5989-27-5 | d-limonen | 2633 | 491 | 227-813-5 | 01.045 | | p-mentha-1,8-dien, (R)-(+)-4-isopropenyl-1-methylcyklohex-1-en | |

01.046 | 31 | 5989-54-8 | l-limonen | 2633 | 491 | 227-815-6 | 01.046 | levo-limonen | (S)-p-mentha-1,8-dien, (S)-(-)-4-isopropenyl-1-methylcyklohex-1-en | 5 |

01.047 | 31 | 475-20-7 | longifolen | | | 207-491-2 | 01.047 | | 4,8,8-trimethyl-9-methylidendekahydro-1,4-methanoazulen | |

01.049 | 31 | 78-79-5 | 2-methylbuta-1,3-dien | | | 201-143-3 | 01.049 | isopren, β-methylbivinyl, isopentadien | | |

01.050 | 31 | 589-34-4 | 3-methylhexan | | | 209-643-3 | 01.050 | | | |

01.051 | 31 | 91-57-6 | 2-methylnaftalen | | 11010 | 202-078-3 | 01.051 | β-methylnaftalen | | |

01.052 | 31 | 10208-80-7 | α-muurolen | | 11011 | | 01.052 | 5-isopropyl-2,8-dimethylidenbicyklo[4.4.0]dekan | 1-isopropyl-4,7-dimethyl-1,2,4a,5,6,8a-hexahydronaftalen, 1-isopropyl-7-methyl-4-methyliden-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,8a-oktahydronaftalen, 4-isopropyl-1,6-dimethylidendekahydronaftalen | |

01.053 | 31 | 91-20-3 | naftalen | | 11014 | 202-049-5 | 01.053 | naften | | |

01.054 | 31 | 629-62-9 | pentadekan | | | 211-098-1 | 01.054 | n-pentadekan | | |

01.055 | 31 | 555-10-2 | β-fellandren | | 11017 | 209-081-9 | 01.055 | | 6-isopropyl-3-methylidencyklohex-1-en, p-mentha-1(7),2-dien | |

01.056 | 31 | 512-61-8 | α-santalen | | | | 01.056 | | 1,7-dimethyl-7-(4-methylpent-3-en-1-yl)tricyklo[,6]heptan | |

01.057 | 31 | 629-59-4 | tetradekan | | | 211-096-0 | 01.057 | n-tetradekan | | |

01.058 | 31 | 475-03-6 | 1,1,6-trimethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaftalen | | | 207-490-7 | 01.058 | jonen, frambileen | | |

01.059 | 31 | 3387-41-5 | 4(10)-thujen | | 11018 | 222-212-4 | 01.059 | | 1-isopropyl-4-methylidenbicyklo[3.1.0]hexan | |

01.060 | 31 | 508-32-7 | 1,1,7-trimethyltricyklo[]heptan | | | 208-083-7 | 01.060 | tricyklen | | |

01.061 | 31 | 16356-11-9 | undeka-1,3,5-trien | 3795 | | 240-416-1 | 01.061 | | | |

01.062 | 31 | 98-83-9 | (1-methylethenyl)benzen | | | 202-705-0 | 01.062 | α-methylstyren, isopropenylbenzen | | |

01.064 | 31 | 3338-55-4 | (Z)-3,7-dimethylokta-1,3,6-trien | | | 222-081-3 | 01.064 | | | |

01.065 | 31 | 4221-98-1 | (R)-5-isopropyl-2-methylcyklohexa-1,3-dien | 2856 | 2117 | 224-167-6 | 01.065 | | | 5 |

01.066 | 31 | | 2-cedren | | | | 01.066 | | 2,2,4,8-tetramethyltricyklo[5.3.13,7.01,7]undec-8(9)-en 3,6,8,8-tetramethyl2,3,4,7,8,8a-hexahydro-1H-3a,7-methanoazulen | |

01.067 | 31 | | 8(14)-cedren | | | | 01.067 | β-cedren | 2,2,4,8-tetramethyltricyklo[5.3.13,7.01,7]undec-4(14)-en, 3,8,8-trimethyl-6-methylidenoktahydro-1H-3a,7-methanoazulen | |

01.068 | 31 | 592-98-3 | okt-3-en | | | | 01.068 | | | |

01.069 | 31 | 38533-54-9 | undekatetra-1,3,5,8-en | | | | 01.069 | | | |

02.001 | 2 | 78-83-1 | 2-methylpropan-1-ol | 2179 | 49 | 201-148-0 | 02.001 | isobutylalkohol | | |

02.002 | 1 | 71-23-8 | propan-1-ol | 2928 | 50 | 200-746-9 | 02.002 | propylalkohol | | |

02.003 | 2 | 123-51-3 | isopentanol | 2057 | 51 | 204-633-5 | 02.003 | isopentylalkohol | 3-methylbutan-1-ol | |

02.004 | 1 | 71-36-3 | butan-1-ol | 2178 | 52 | 200-751-6 | 02.004 | butylalkohol | | 4 |

02.005 | 1 | 111-27-3 | hexan-1-ol | 2567 | 53 | 203-852-3 | 02.005 | hexylalkohol | | |

02.006 | 1 | 111-87-5 | oktan-1-ol | 2800 | 54 | 203-917-6 | 02.006 | oktylalkohol | | |

02.007 | 1 | 143-08-8 | nonan-1-ol | 2789 | 55 | 205-583-7 | 02.007 | nonanol, nonylalkohol | | |

02.008 | 1 | 112-53-8 | dodekan-1-ol | 2617 | 56 | 203-982-0 | 02.008 | dodecylalkohol | | |

02.009 | 1 | 36653-82-4 | hexadekan-1-ol | 2554 | 57 | 253-149-0 | 02.009 | cetylalkohol, hexadecylalkohol | | |

02.010 | 23 | 100-51-6 | benzylalkohol | 2137 | 58 | 202-859-9 | 02.010 | fenylmethanol, fenylmethylalkohol | fenylmethanol | 1 |

02.011 | 4 | 106-22-9 | citronellol | 2309 | 59 | 203-375-0 | 02.011 | | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-ol | |

02.012 | 3 | 106-24-1 | geraniol | 2507 | 60 | 203-377-1 | 02.012 | | (2E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-ol | |

02.013 | 6 | 78-70-6 | linalool | 2635 | 61 | 201-134-4 | 02.013 | linalol, likareol, koriandrol | 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-ol | |

02.014 | 6 | 98-55-5 | α-terpineol | 3045 | 62 | 202-680-6 | 02.014 | | p-menth-1-en-8-ol, 2-(4-methylcyklohex-3-en-1-yl)propan-2-ol | |

02.015 | 8 | 89-78-1 | menthol | 2665 | 63 | 201-939-0 | 02.015 | hexahydrothymol | 2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexan-1-ol, p-menthan-3-ol | 5 |

02.016 | 8 | 507-70-0 | borneol | 2157 | 64 | 208-080-0 | 02.016 | kamfol, baros, d-kamfanol, 2-hydroxykamfan, 2-kamfanol, bornylalkohol, borneokafr | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol | |

02.017 | 22 | 104-54-1 | cinnamylalkohol | 2294 | 65 | 203-212-3 | 02.017 | cinnamylalkohol, (3-fenylallyl)alkohol | 3-fenylprop-2-en-1-ol | |

02.018 | 6 | 7212-44-4 | nerolidol | 2772 | 67 | 230-597-5 | 02.018 | dodekatrien, melaleukol | (6Z)-3,7,11-trimethyldodeka-1,6,10-trien-3-ol | 5 |

02.019 | 15 | 60-12-8 | 2-fenylethan-1-ol | 2858 | 68 | 200-456-2 | 02.019 | fenethylalkohol | | |

02.020 | 3 | 2305-21-7 | hex-2-en-1-ol | 2562 | 69 | 218-972-1 | 02.020 | 3-propylallylalkohol | | |

02.021 | 1 | 111-70-6 | heptan-1-ol | 2548 | 70 | 203-897-9 | 02.021 | heptylalkohol | | |

02.022 | 5 | 123-96-6 | oktan-2-ol | 2801 | 71 | 204-667-0 | 02.022 | sek-oktylalkohol | | |

02.023 | 5 | 3391-86-4 | okt-1-en-3-ol | 2805 | 72 | 222-226-0 | 02.023 | matsukaalkohol | | |

02.024 | 1 | 112-30-1 | dekan-1-ol | 2365 | 73 | 203-956-9 | 02.024 | n-decylalkohol | | |

02.026 | 2 | 106-21-8 | 3,7-dimethyloktan-1-ol | 2391 | 75 | 203-374-5 | 02.026 | tetrahydrogeraniol, dihydrocitronellol | | |

02.027 | 4 | 141-25-3 | rhodinol | 2980 | 76 | 205-473-9 | 02.027 | α-citronellol | 3,7-dimethylokt-7-en-1-ol | |

02.028 | 6 | 78-69-3 | 3,7-dimethyloktan-3-ol | 3060 | 77 | 201-133-9 | 02.028 | tetrahydrolinalool, tetrahydrolinalol | | |

02.029 | 3 | 4602-84-0 | 3,7,11-trimethyldodeka-2,6,10-trien-1-ol | 2478 | 78 | 225-004-1 | 02.029 | farnesol | | |

02.030 | 22 | 101-85-9 | α-pentylcinnamylalkohol | 2065 | 79 | 202-982-8 | 02.030 | 2-pentyl-3-fenylprop-2-en-1-ol | 3-fenyl-2-pentylprop-2-en-1-ol | |

02.031 | 22 | 122-97-4 | 3-fenylpropan-1-ol | 2885 | 80 | 204-587-6 | 02.031 | hydrocinnamylalkohol, fenylpropylalkohol, dihydrocinnamylalkohol | | |

02.033 | 21 | 93-54-9 | 1-fenylpropan-1-ol | 2884 | 82 | 202-256-0 | 02.033 | α-ethylbenzylalkohol | | |

02.034 | 21 | 705-73-7 | 1-fenylpentan-2-ol | 2953 | 83 | 211-887-0 | 02.034 | α-propylfenethylalkohol | | |

02.035 | 6 | 100-86-7 | 1-fenyl-2-methylpropan-2-ol | 2393 | 84 | 202-896-0 | 02.035 | 2-benzylpropan-2-ol | | |

02.036 | 21 | 2344-70-9 | 4-fenylbutan-2-ol | 2879 | 85 | 219-055-9 | 02.036 | | | |

02.037 | 6 | 10415-87-9 | 1-fenyl-3-methylpentan-3-ol | 2883 | 86 | 233-889-0 | 02.037 | | | |

02.038 | 8 | 1632-73-1 | fenchylalkohol | 2480 | 87 | 216-639-5 | 02.038 | 1,3,3-trimetylnorbornan-2-ol, fenchan-2-ol, α-fenchol | 1,3,3-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol | |

02.039 | 23 | 536-60-7 | 4-isopropylbenzylalkohol | 2933 | 88 | 208-640-4 | 02.039 | kuminol, p-cymen-7-ol, kuminylalkohol | | |

02.040 | 1 | 71-41-0 | pentan-1-ol | 2056 | 514 | 200-752-1 | 02.040 | pentylalkohol | | |

02.041 | 6 | 75-85-4 | 2-methylbutan-2-ol | | 515 | 200-908-9 | 02.041 | terc-pentylalkohol | | |

02.042 | 6 | 1197-01-9 | 2-(4-methylfenyl)propan-2-ol | 3242 | 530 | 214-817-7 | 02.042 | p-cymen-8-ol, p,α,α-trimethylbenzylalkohol, 2-p-tolylpropan-2-ol, 8-hydroxy-p-cymen | | |

02.043 | 2 | 97-95-0 | 2-ethylbutan-1-ol | | 543 | 202-621-4 | 02.043 | | | |

02.044 | 5 | 589-82-2 | heptan-3-ol | 3547 | 544 | 209-661-1 | 02.044 | | | |

02.045 | 5 | 543-49-7 | heptan-2-ol | 3288 | 554 | 208-844-3 | 02.045 | sek-heptylalkohol | | |

02.046 | 5 | 589-55-9 | heptan-4-ol | | 555 | 209-651-7 | 02.046 | | | |

02.047 | 9 | 107-74-4 | 3,7-dimethyloktan-1,7-diol | 2586 | 559 | 203-517-1 | 02.047 | hydroxycitronellol, hydroxydihydrocitronellol | | |

02.049 | 3 | 7786-44-9 | nona-2,6-dien-1-ol | 2780 | 589 | 232-097-2 | 02.049 | nonadienol, fialový listový alkohol | | |

02.050 | 3 | 20273-24-9 | pent-2-en-1-ol | | 665 | 216-415-7 | 02.050 | | | |

02.051 | 22 | 10521-91-2 | 5-fenylpentan-1-ol | 3618 | 674 | 234-064-8 | 02.051 | | | |

02.052 | 6 | 75-65-0 | 2-methylpropan-2-ol | | 698 | 200-889-7 | 02.052 | terc-butylalkohol | | |

02.053 | 22 | 3360-41-6 | 4-fenylbutan-1-ol | | 699 | 222-128-8 | 02.053 | | | |

02.054 | 6 | 80-53-5 | p-menthan-1,8-diol | | 701 | 201-288-2 | 02.054 | terpinhydrát, dipentenglykol | | |

02.055 | 2 | 3452-97-9 | 3,5,5-trimethylhexan-1-ol | 3324 | 702 | 222-376-7 | 02.055 | trimethylhexylalkohol, isononanol | | |

02.056 | 4 | 928-96-1 | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-ol | 2563 | 750 | 213-192-8 | 02.056 | listový alkohol | | 5 |

02.057 | 1 | 112-42-5 | undekan-1-ol | 3097 | 751 | 203-970-5 | 02.057 | undecylalkohol | | |

02.058 | 3 | 106-25-2 | nerol | 2770 | 2018 | 203-378-7 | 02.058 | nerolol, neraniol, nerosol, allerol, nerodol | (Z)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-ol | |

02.059 | 8 | 124-76-5 | isoborneol | 2158 | 2020 | 204-712-4 | 02.059 | isokamfol, isoborneol, isobornylalkohol, exo-bornan-2-ol, bornan-2-ol | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol exo-1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol | |

02.060 | 7 | 536-59-4 | p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-ol | 2664 | 2024 | 208-639-9 | 02.060 | perillylalkohol | (4-isopropenylcyklohex-1-en-1-yl)methanol | |

02.061 | 8 | 619-01-2 | dihydrokarveol | 2379 | 2025 | 210-575-1 | 02.061 | | 5-isopropenyl-2-methylcyklohexan-1-ol, p-menth-8-en-2-ol | |

02.062 | 8 | 99-48-9 | karveol | 2247 | 2027 | 202-757-4 | 02.062 | p-mentha-6,8-dien-2-ol | p-mentha-6(1),8-dien-2-ol, 5-isopropenyl-2-methylcyklohex-2-en-1-ol | |

02.063 | 8 | 2216-52-6 | d-neomenthol | 2666 | 2028 | 218-691-4 | 02.063 | | (1α,2α,5β)-2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexan-1-ol | |

02.064 | 21 | 98-85-1 | 1-fenylethan-1-ol | 2685 | 2030 | 202-707-1 | 02.064 | α-methylbenzylalkohol | | |

02.065 | 21 | 7779-78-4 | 1-fenyl-4-methylpentan-2-ol | 2208 | 2031 | 231-939-6 | 02.065 | α-isobutylfenethylalkohol | | |

02.066 | 21 | 17488-65-2 | 4-fenylbut-3-en-2-ol | 2880 | 2032 | 241-501-6 | 02.066 | α-methylcinnamylalkohol | | |

02.067 | 5 | 89-79-2 | isopulegol | 2962 | 2033 | 201-940-6 | 02.067 | p-menth-8(9)-en-3-ol | 2-isopropenyl-5-methylcyklohexan-1-ol | |

02.068 | 3 | 107-18-6 | prop-2-en-1-ol | | 2136 | 203-470-7 | 02.068 | allylalkohol | | |

02.070 | 8 | 108-93-0 | cyklohexanol | | 2138 | 203-630-6 | 02.070 | hexalin, hexahydrofenol | | |

02.071 | 8 | 499-69-4 | p-menthan-2-ol | 3562 | 2228 | 207-885-4 | 02.071 | hexahydrokarvakrol, karvomenthol | 5-isopropyl-2-methylcyklohexan-1-ol | 5 |

02.072 | 6 | 562-74-3 | 4-terpinenol | 2248 | 2229 | 209-235-5 | 02.072 | 4-karvomenthenol, origanol | p-menth-1-en-4-ol | |

02.073 | 22 | 1123-85-9 | 2-fenylpropan-1-ol | 2732 | 2257 | 214-379-7 | 02.073 | hydratropylalkohol, 2-fenylpropylalkohol | | |

02.074 | 4 | 6126-50-7 | hex-4-en-1-ol | 3430 | 2295 | | 02.074 | | | |

02.075 | 8 | 18675-34-8 | neo-dihydrokarveol | | 2296 | | 02.075 | | p-menth-8-en-2-ol | |

02.076 | 2 | 137-32-6 | 2-methylbutan-1-ol | | 2346 | 205-289-9 | 02.076 | | | |

02.077 | 5 | 584-02-1 | pentan-3-ol | | 2349 | 209-526-7 | 02.077 | | | |

02.078 | 1 | 64-17-5 | ethanol | 2419 | 11891 | 200-578-6 | 02.078 | | | 1 |

02.079 | 5 | 67-63-0 | isopropylalkohol | 2929 | | 200-661-7 | 02.079 | isopropylalkohol, propan-2-ol | propan-2-ol, isopropylalkohol | 1 |

02.080 | 21 | 536-50-5 | 1-(p-tolyl)ethan-1-ol | 3139 | 10197 | 208-637-8 | 02.080 | | 1-(4-methylfenyl)ethan-1-ol | |

02.081 | 5 | 108-82-7 | 2,6-dimethylheptan-4-ol | 3140 | 11719 | 203-619-6 | 02.081 | | | |

02.082 | 2 | 104-76-7 | 2-ethylhexan-1-ol | 3151 | 11763 | 203-234-3 | 02.082 | 2-ethylhexylalkohol | | |

02.083 | 8 | 491-04-3 | p-menth-1-en-3-ol | 3179 | 10248 | 207-725-3 | 02.083 | piperitol | 6-isopropyl-3-methylcyklohex-1-en-1-ol | |

02.085 | 8 | 546-79-2 | sabinen hydrát | 3239 | 10309 | 208-911-7 | 02.085 | sabinenhydrát, thujan-4-ol | 5-isopropyl-2-methylbicyklo[3.1.0]hexan-2-ol | |

02.086 | 5 | 1653-30-1 | undekan-2-ol | 3246 | 11826 | 216-722-6 | 02.086 | | | |

02.087 | 5 | 628-99-9 | nonan-2-ol | 3315 | 11803 | 211-065-1 | 02.087 | | | |

02.088 | 5 | 6032-29-7 | pentan-2-ol | 3316 | 11696 | 227-907-6 | 02.088 | sek-amylalkohol | | |

02.089 | 5 | 623-37-0 | hexan-3-ol | 3351 | 11775 | 210-790-0 | 02.089 | | | |

02.090 | 3 | 31502-14-4 | (E)-non-2-en-1-ol | 3379 | 10292 | 250-662-1 | 02.090 | | | 5 |

02.091 | 7 | 515-00-4 | myrtenol | 3439 | 10285 | 208-193-5 | 02.091 | 10-hydroxy-2-pinen, 2-pinen-10-ol | (6,6-dimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]hept-2-en-2-yl)methanol | |

02.092 | 8 | 57069-86-0 | dehydrodihydrojonol | 3446 | 10195 | | 02.092 | | 4-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohexa-1,3-dien-1-yl)butan-2-ol | |

02.093 | 4 | 35854-86-5 | non-6-en-1-ol | 3465 | 10294 | 252-764-1 | 02.093 | cis-non-6-en-1-ol, (Z)-non-6-en-1-ol | | 5 |

02.094 | 4 | 20125-84-2 | okt-3-en-1-ol | 3467 | 10296 | 243-533-6 | 02.094 | cis-okt-3-en-1-ol, (Z)-okt-3-en-1-ol | | 5 |

02.095 | 6 | 18368-91-7 | 2-ethylfenchol | 3491 | 10208 | 242-243-7 | 02.095 | 2-ethyl-1,3,3-trimethylnorbornan-2-ol | 2-ethyl-1,3,3-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol | |

02.096 | 6 | 586-82-3 | 1-terpinenol | 3563 | 10252 | 209-585-9 | 02.096 | 4-isopropyl-1-methylcyklohex-3-en-1-ol, 1-methyl-4-isopropylcyklohex-3-en-1-ol, p-menthen-1-ol, p-3-methenol-1 | p-menth-3-en-1-ol | |

02.097 | 6 | 138-87-4 | β-terpineol | 3564 | 10254 | 205-342-6 | 02.097 | 1-methyl-4-isopropenylcyklohexan-1-ol, 4-isopropenyl-1-methyl-1-cyklohexanol | p-menth-8(10)-en-1-ol, 4-isopropenyl-1-methylcyklohexan-1-ol | |

02.098 | 5 | 589-98-0 | oktan-3-ol | 3581 | 11715 | 209-667-4 | 02.098 | | | |

02.099 | 5 | 616-25-1 | pent-1-en-3-ol | 3584 | 11717 | 210-472-1 | 02.099 | | | |

02.100 | 8 | 5947-36-4 | pinokarveol | 3587 | 10303 | 227-705-8 | 02.100 | pin-2(10)-en-3-ol | 6,6-dimethyl-2-methylidenbicyklo[3.1.1]heptan-3-ol | |

02.101 | 8 | 473-67-6 | pin-2-en-4-ol | 3594 | 10304 | 207-470-8 | 02.101 | verbenol | 4,6,6-trimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-ol | |

02.102 | 5 | 76649-14-4 | okt-3-en-2-ol | 3602 | | 278-508-9 | 02.102 | trans-okt-3-en-2-ol, (E)-okt-3-en-2-ol | | |

02.103 | 5 | 1565-81-7 | dekan-3-ol | 3605 | 10194 | | 02.103 | | | |

02.104 | 5 | 4798-44-1 | hex-1-en-3-ol | 3608 | 10220 | 225-355-0 | 02.104 | | | |

02.105 | 8 | 25312-34-9 | 4-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-yl)but-3-en-2-ol | 3624 | | 246-815-7 | 02.105 | α-jonol | | |

02.106 | 8 | 22029-76-1 | 4-(2,2,6-trimethylcyklohex-1-enyl)but-3-en-2-ol | 3625 | | 244-735-7 | 02.106 | β-jonol | | |

02.107 | 8 | 3293-47-8 | dihydro-β-jonol | 3627 | | 221-957-2 | 02.107 | β-dihydrojonol | 4-(2,2,6-trimethylcyklohex-1-en-1-yl)-butan-2-ol | |

02.108 | 6 | 103-05-9 | 4-fenyl-2-methylbutan-2-ol | 3629 | 10281 | 203-074-4 | 02.108 | | | |

02.109 | 3 | 556-82-1 | 3-methylbut-2-en-1-ol | 3647 | 11795 | 209-141-4 | 02.109 | prenol | | |

02.110 | 4 | 36806-46-9 | 2,6-dimethylhept-6-en-1-ol | 3663 | | 253-223-2 | 02.110 | | | |

02.111 | 5 | 598-75-4 | 3-methylbutan-2-ol | 3703 | | 209-950-2 | 02.111 | | | |

02.112 | 3 | 41453-56-9 | (Z)-non-2-en-1-ol | 3720 | 10292 | 255-376-0 | 02.112 | | | 5 |

02.113 | 4 | 64275-73-6 | (Z)-okt-5-en-1-ol | 3722 | | 264-764-9 | 02.113 | | | |

02.114 | 7 | 1901-38-8 | 2-(2,2,3-trimethylcyklopent-3-en-1-yl)ethan-1-ol | 3741 | | 217-600-5 | 02.114 | | | |

02.115 | 2 | 589-35-5 | 3-methylpentan-1-ol | 3762 | 10275 | 209-644-9 | 02.115 | | | |

02.118 | 6 | 472-97-9 | β-karyofyllenalkohol | | 10188 | 207-458-2 | 02.118 | karyolan-1-ol, isokaryfyllen | 4,4,8-trimethyltricyklo[,5]dodekan-1-ol | |

02.119 | 7 | 28231-03-0 | cedrenol | | 10189 | 248-917-7 | 02.119 | | (2,6,6-trimethyltricyklo[,5]undec-8-en-8-yl)methanol, 3,8,8-trimethyl-6-methylidenoktahydro-1H-3a,7-methanoazulen-5-ol | |

02.120 | 6 | 77-53-2 | cedrol | | 10190 | 201-035-6 | 02.120 | alkoholy cedrového oleje, 8βH-cedran-8-ol | 2,6,6,8-tetramethyltricyklo[,5]undekan-8-ol, 3,6,8,8-tetramethyloktahydro-1H-3a,7-methanoazulen-6-ol | |

02.121 | 5 | 78-92-2 | butan-2-ol | | 11735 | 201-158-5 | 02.121 | sek-butylalkohol | | 1, 4 |

02.122 | 7 | 3269-90-7 | p-mentha-1,8(10)-dien-9-ol | | 10239 | 221-889-3 | 02.122 | p-mentha-1,8-dien-10-ol | | |

02.123 | 6 | 115-18-4 | 2-methylbut-3-en-2-ol | | 11794 | 204-068-4 | 02.123 | | | |

02.124 | 5 | 1569-60-4 | 6-methylhept-5-en-2-ol | | 10264 | 216-377-1 | 02.124 | | | |

02.125 | 4 | 112-43-6 | undec-10-en-1-ol | | 10319 | 203-971-0 | 02.125 | | | |

02.126 | 1 | 112-72-1 | tetradekan-1-ol | | 10314 | 204-000-3 | 02.126 | myristylalkohol | | |

02.128 | 23 | 105-13-5 | p-anisylalkohol | 2099 | 66 | 203-273-6 | 02.128 | | 4-methoxybenzylalkohol | |

02.129 | 6 | 515-69-5 | bisabola-1,12-dien-8-ol | | 10178 | 208-205-9 | 02.129 | α-bisabolol | 6-methyl-2-(4-methylcyklohex-3-en-1-yl)hept-5-en-2-ol, α,4-dimethyl-α-(4-methylpent-3-en-1-ylcyklohex-3-en-1-methanol | |

02.130 | 3 | 6117-91-5 | but-2-en-1-ol | | 11737 | 228-086-7 | 02.130 | | | |

02.131 | 5 | 598-32-3 | but-3-en-2-ol | | | 209-929-8 | 02.131 | | | |

02.132 | 9 | 107-88-0 | butan-1,3-diol | | | 203-529-7 | 02.132 | | | |

02.133 | 10 | 513-85-9 | butan-2,3-diol | | 10181 | 208-173-6 | 02.133 | dimethylethylenglykol | | |

02.134 | 7 | 4442-79-9 | 2-cyklohexylethan-1-ol | | | 224-672-1 | 02.134 | | | |

02.135 | 8 | 96-41-3 | cyklopentanol | | 10193 | 202-504-8 | 02.135 | cyklopentylalkohol | | |

02.136 | 5 | 51100-54-0 | dec-1-en-3-ol | 3824 | | 256-967-6 | 02.136 | | | |

02.137 | 3 | 22104-80-9 | dec-2-en-1-ol | | 11750 | 244-784-4 | 02.137 | | | |

02.138 | 4 | 13019-22-2 | dec-9-en-1-ol | | | 235-878-6 | 02.138 | ω-decenol | | |

02.139 | 3 | 18409-21-7 | deka-2,4-dien-1-ol | 3911 | 11748 | 242-291-9 | 02.139 | | | 5 |

02.140 | 6 | 2270-57-7 | 1,2-dihydrolinalool | | | | 02.140 | | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-3-ol | |

02.141 | 7 | 128-50-7 | 2-(6,6-dimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]hept-2-en-2-yl)ethan-1-ol | 3938 | | 204-890-3 | 02.141 | nopol, 6,6-dimethyl-2-norpinen-2-ethanol | | |

02.142 | 5 | 464-07-3 | 3,3-dimethylbutan-2-ol | | | 207-347-9 | 02.142 | pinakolylalkohol, pinakolinalkohol | | |

02.143 | 10 | 76-09-5 | 2,3-dimethylbutan-2,3-diol | | | 200-933-5 | 02.143 | pinakol, pinakon | | |

02.144 | 6 | 18479-58-8 | 2,6-dimethylokt-7-en-2-ol | | | 242-362-4 | 02.144 | dihydromyrcenol, dihydromyrcenát, myrcetol, dimyrcetal | | |

02.145 | 5 | 29414-56-0 | 2,6-dimethylokta-1,5,7-trien-3-ol | | | 249-613-7 | 02.145 | notrienol | | |

02.146 | 6 | 29957-43-5 | 3,7-dimethylokta-1,5,7-trien-3-ol | 3830 | 10202 | 249-975-6 | 02.146 | | | 5 |

02.147 | 6 | 151-19-9 | 3,6-dimethyloktan-3-ol | | | 205-787-6 | 02.147 | | | |

02.148 | 5 | 10203-28-8 | dodekan-2-ol | | 11760 | 233-500-4 | 02.148 | | | |

02.149 | 6 | 639-99-6 | elemol | | 10205 | 211-360-5 | 02.149 | | 2-(4-methyl-3-isopropylen-4-vinylcyklohexyl)propan-2-ol, (-)-2-((1R,3S,4S)-3-isopropenyl-4-vinylcyklohexyl)propan-2-ol | |

02.150 | 6 | 1113-21-9 | geranyl linalool | | | 214-201-8 | 02.150 | | 3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadeka-1,6,10,14-tetraen-3-ol | |

02.151 | 3 | 33467-76-4 | hept-2-en-1-ol | | 11773 | 251-534-8 | 02.151 | | | 5 |

02.152 | 4 | 10606-47-0 | hept-3-en-1-ol | | 10219 | | 02.152 | | | |

02.153 | 3 | 33467-79-7 | hepta-2,4-dien-1-ol | | | 251-535-3 | 02.153 | | | |

02.154 | 1 | 1454-85-9 | heptadekan-1-ol | | | | 02.15 | heptadecylalkohol | | |

02.155 | 5 | 4938-52-7 | hept-1-en-3-ol | | 10218 | 225-579-9 | 02.155 | | | |

02.156 | 3 | 928-94-9 | (Z)-hex-2-en-1-ol | 3924 | 69 | 213-190-7 | 02.156 | | | 5 |

02.157 | 3 | 2305-21-7 | (E)-hex-2-en-1-ol | 2562 | 69 | 213-191-2 | 02.157 | | | |

02.158 | 4 | 928-97-2 | (E)-hex-3-en-1-ol | 2563 | 750 | 213-193-3 | 02.158 | listový alkohol, β-γ-hexenol | | 5 |

02.159 | 4 | 544-12-7 | hex-3-en-1-ol | 2563 | 750 | 213-193-3 | 02.159 | listový alkohol, cis-hexen-3-ol, (Z)-hexen-3-ol | | 5 |

02.160 | 4 | 928-91-6 | (Z)-hex-4-en-1-ol | | | 213-187-0 | 02.160 | | | |

02.161 | 4 | 928-92-7 | (E)-hex-4-en-1-ol | | | 213-188-6 | 02.161 | | | |

02.162 | 3 | 111-28-4 | hexa-2,4-dien-1-ol | 3922 | | 203-853-9 | 02.162 | sorbový alkohol | | |

02.163 | 5 | 626-93-7 | hexan-2-ol | | 11774 | 210-971-4 | 02.163 | | | |

02.164 | 23 | 530-56-3 | 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzylalkohol | | | 208-485-2 | 02.164 | | | |

02.165 | 23 | 623-05-2 | 4-hydroxybenzylalkohol | | | 210-768-0 | 02.165 | 4-hydroxybenzen-1-methanol | | |

02.166 | 15 | 501-94-0 | 2-(4-hydroxyfenyl)ethan-1-ol | | 10226 | 207-930-8 | 02.166 | 4-hydroxyfenethylalkohol, 4-hydroxybenzen-1-ethanol | | |

02.167 | 8 | 18675-35-9 | isodihydrokarveol | | | | 02.167 | | iso-p-menth-8-en-2-ol | |

02.168 | 6 | 505-32-8 | isofytol | | 10233 | 208-008-8 | 02.168 | | 3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadec-1-en-3-ol | |

02.169 | 8 | 4621-04-9 | 4-isopropylcyklohexan-1-ol | | | 225-035-0 | 02.169 | | | |

02.170 | 4 | 498-16-8 | lavandulol | | | | 02.170 | | 2-isopropenyl-5-methylhex-4-en-1-ol | |

02.171 | 6 | 498-81-7 | p-menthan-8-ol | | | 207-871-8 | 02.171 | dihydro-α-terpineol, p-menthan-8-olα,α,4-trimethylcyklohexanmethanol, dimethyl(4-methylcyklohexyl)methanol, 2-(4-methylcyklohexyl)propan-2-ol | | |

02.173 | 22 | 5406-18-8 | 3-(4-methoxyfenyl)propan-1-ol | | | 226-463-0 | 02.173 | | | |

02.174 | 3 | 4675-87-0 | 2-methylbut-2-en-1-ol | | 10258 | 225-127-0 | 02.174 | | | |

02.175 | 4 | 4516-90-9 | 2-methylbut-3-en-1-ol | | 10259 | | 02.175 | | | |

02.176 | 4 | 763-32-6 | 3-methylbut-3-en-1-ol | | 10260 | 212-110-8 | 02.176 | | | |

02.177 | 5 | 617-29-8 | 2-methylhexan-3-ol | | 10266 | 210-508-6 | 02.177 | | | |

02.178 | 2 | 818-81-5 | 2-methyloktan-1-ol | | | 212-457-5 | 02.178 | | | |

02.179 | 2 | 105-30-6 | 2-methylpentan-1-ol | | 10273 | 203-285-1 | 02.179 | | | |

02.180 | 2 | 626-89-1 | 4-methylpentan-1-ol | | 10278 | 210-969-3 | 02.180 | isohexanol | | |

02.181 | 6 | 590-36-3 | 2-methylpentan-2-ol | | 10274 | 209-681-0 | 02.181 | | | |

02.182 | 5 | 565-60-6 | 3-methylpentan-2-ol | | 10276 | 209-281-6 | 02.182 | | | |

02.183 | 5 | 108-11-2 | 4-methylpentan-2-ol | | 10279 | 203-551-7 | 02.183 | sek-hexylalkohol | | |

02.184 | 6 | 77-74-7 | 3-methylpentan-3-ol | | 10277 | 201-053-4 | 02.184 | | | |

02.185 | 6 | 543-39-5 | myrcenol | | | 208-843-8 | 02.185 | | 2-methyl-6-methylidenokt-7-en-2-ol | |

02.186 | 7 | 514-99-8 | myrtanol | | | 208-191-4 | 02.186 | | 6,6-dimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]heptan-2-methanol, 2-(hydroxymethyl)-6,6-dimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]heptan | |

02.187 | 5 | 21964-44-3 | non-1-en-3-ol | | 10291 | 244-686-1 | 02.187 | | | |

02.188 | 3 | 62488-56-6 | nona-2,4-dien-1-ol | 3951 | 11802 | 263-571-7 | 02.188 | | | |

02.189 | 4 | 76649-25-7 | nona-3,6-dien-1-ol | 3885 | 10289 | 278-518-3 | 02.189 | | | 5 |

02.190 | 5 | 624-51-1 | nonan-3-ol | | 10290 | 210-850-6 | 02.190 | | | |

02.191 | 6 | 5986-38-9 | ocimenol | | | 227-806-7 | 02.191 | | 2,6-dimethylokta-5,7-dien-2-ol, 2,6-dimethylokta-1,5,7-trien-3-ol | |

02.192 | 3 | 22104-78-5 | okt-2-en-1-ol | 3887 | 11804 | | 02.192 | | | 5 |

02.193 | 5 | 4798-61-2 | okt-2-en-4-ol | 3888 | | 225-357-1 | 02.193 | | | 5 |

02.194 | 5 | 83861-74-9 | okta-1,5-dien-3-ol | | | | 02.194 | | | |

02.195 | 4 | 70664-96-9 | okta-3,5-dien-1-ol | | | | 02.195 | | | |

02.196 | 1 | 112-92-5 | oktadekan-1-ol | | | 204-017-6 | 02.196 | stearylalkohol, oktadecylalkohol | | |

02.197 | 6 | 41199-19-3 | 2,5,5-trimethyl-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,7-oktahydro-2-naftol | | 10173 | 255-256-8 | 02.197 | ambrinol, 2,5,5-trimethyl-2-hydroxyoktalin | | |

02.198 | 9 | 23433-05-8 | oktan-1,3-diol | | | | 02.198 | | | |

02.199 | 6 | 5986-55-0 | patchoulol, pačulol | | | 227-807-2 | 02.199 | pačulialkohol | (1R)-4,8a,9,9-tetramethyloktahydro-1,6-methanonaftalen-1(2H)-ol | 5 |

02.201 | 4 | 821-09-0 | pent-4-en-1-ol | | | 212-473-2 | 02.201 | | | |

02.202 | 1 | 629-76-5 | pentadekan-1-ol | | | 211-107-9 | 02.202 | pentadecylalkohol | | |

02.203 | 6 | 617-94-7 | 2-fenylpropan-2-ol | | 11704 | 210-539-5 | 02.203 | fenylisopropylalkohol | | |

02.204 | 3 | 150-86-7 | fytol | | 10302 | 205-776-6 | 02.204 | | 3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadec-2-en-1-ol | |

02.205 | 23 | 495-76-1 | piperonylalkohol | | 10306 | 207-808-4 | 02.205 | heliotropinalkohol, 1,3-benzodioxol-5-methanol | 3,4-(methylendioxy)benzylalkohol | |

02.206 | 6 | 515-03-7 | sklareol | | 10311 | 208-194-0 | 02.206 | labd-14-en-8,13-diol | 4,6,10,10-tetramethyl-5-(3,3-dimethylpent-4-en-1-yl)bicyklo[4.4.0]dekan-4-ol, 2-hydroxy-α,2,5,5,8a-pentamethyl-α-vinyldekahydronaftalen-1-propanol | |

02.207 | 8 | 21653-20-3 | thujylalkohol | | | 244-504-0 | 02.207 | | 1-isopropyl-4-methylbicyklo[3.1.0]hexan-3-ol | 5 |

02.209 | 8 | 116-02-9 | 3,3,5-trimethylcyklohexan-1-ol | 3962 | | 204-122-7 | 02.209 | cyklonol, homomenthol | | |

02.210 | 3 | 37617-03-1 | undec-2-en-1-ol | | | 253-569-4 | 02.210 | | | |

02.211 | 5 | 56722-23-7 | undeka-1,5-dien-3-ol | | | | 02.211 | | | |

02.213 | 23 | 498-00-0 | vanillylalkohol | 3737 | 690 | 207-852-4 | 02.213 | | 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylalkohol | |

02.214 | 8 | 89-88-3 | vetiverol | | 10321 | 201-949-5 | 02.214 | vetivenol, vetivol | 2-hydroxymethyl-6-methyl-9-(1-methylenethyl)bicyklo[5.3.0]dekan a 2-hydroxymethylisoprop-5-enyltricyklo[]undekan, 6-isopropyliden-4,4a-dimethyl-4,4a,5,6,7,8-hexahydro-2(3H)-naftol, 4,8-dimethyl-2-(propan-2-yliden)-1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,8a-oktahydroazulen-6-ol | |

02.215 | 6 | 552-02-3 | viridiflorol | | 10322 | 209-003-3 | 02.215 | | 2,6,6,9-tetramethyltricyklo[,7]undekan-2-ol, 1H-cykloprop[e]azulen-4-ol | |

02.216 | 7 | 77-42-9 | 12-β-santalen-14-ol | 3006 | 74 | 201-027-2 | 02.216 | β-santalol | 2-methyl-5-(2-methyl-3-methylidenbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl)pent-2-en-1-ol | 4, 5 |

02.217 | 7 | 115-71-9 | 12-α-santalen-14-ol | 3006 | 74 | 204-102-8 | 02.217 | α-santalol | 5-(2,3-dimethyltricyklo{,6]heptan-3-yl)-2-methylpent-2-en-1-ol | 4, 5 |

02.218 | 8 | 1490-04-6 | dl-menthol | 2665 | 63 | 216-074-4 | 02.218 | p-menthan-3-ol, (±)-menthol | 2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexan-1-ol | 5 |

02.219 | 6 | 13254-34-7 | 2,6-dimethyl-2-heptanol | | | 236-244-1 | 02.219 | | 2,6-dimethylheptan-2-ol | 5 |

02.220 | 8 | 20752-34-5 | neomenthol | 2666 | 2028 | | 02.220 | | | |

02.222 | 4 | 39161-19-8 | pent-3-en-1-ol | | 10298 | | 02.222 | | | |

02.224 | 30 | 87061-04-9 | 3-(1-menthoxy)propan-1,2-diol | 3784 | | 289-296-2 | 02.224 | | 3-[4-isopropyl-1-methylcyklohexyl)oxy]propan-1,2-diol | |

02.225 | 9 | 111-45-5 | 2-(prop-2-en-1-yloxy)ethan-1-ol | | | 203-871-7 | 02.225 | ethylenglykolmonoallylether, 2-(allyoxy)ethan-1-ol | | |

02.226 | 6 | 142-50-7 | (Z)-(S)-3,7,11-trimethyldodeka-1,6,10-trien-3-ol | | 67 | 205-540-2 | 02.226 | | | 5 |

02.228 | 4 | 6812-78-8 | (S)-3,7-dimethylokt-7-en-1-ol | 2980 | 76 | 229-887-4 | 02.228 | | | 5 |

02.229 | 4 | 7540-51-4 | (-)-3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-ol | 2309 | 59 | 231-415-7 | 02.229 | | | 5 |

02.230 | 6 | 8000-41-7 | terpineol | | | 232-268-1 | 02.230 | terpenalkohol | 4-isopropyl-1-methylcyklohex-3-en-1-ol | 5 |

02.231 | 3 | 28069-72-9 | (2E,6Z)-nona-2,6-dien-1-ol | 2780 | 589 | 248-816-8 | 02.231 | | | 5 |

02.232 | 6 | 40716-66-3 | (E)-3,7,11-trimethyldodeka-1,6,10-trien-3-ol | | | 255-053-4 | 02.232 | (E)-nerolidol | | |

02.234 | 4 | 10340-23-5 | non-3-en-1-ol | | 10293 | | 02.234 | | | 5 |

02.237 | 6 | 19700-21-1 | geosmin | | 10216 | 243-239-8 | 02.237 | | 2,6-dimethylbicyklo[4.4.0]dekan-1-ol | |

02.238 | 8 | | 2-cedren-15-ol | | | | 02.238 | cedr-2-en-15-ol | 8-methoxy-2,2,4-trimethyltricyklo[5.3.13,7.01,7]undec-8(9)-en | |

02.241 | 8 | 2102-59-2 | cis-(1R)-5-isopropenyl-2-methylcyklohex-2-en-1-ol | | | 218-270-5 | 02.241 | | | 5 |

02.242 | 9 | 111-76-2 | 2-butoxyethan-1-ol | | 10182 | 203-905-0 | 02.242 | ethylenglykolmonobutylether | | |

03.001 | 16 | 470-82-6 | 1,8-cineol | 2465 | 182 | 207-431-5 | 03.001 | eukalyptol, 1,8-oxido-p-menthan | 1,8-epoxy-p-menthan, 1,3,3-trimethyl-2-oxabicyklo[2.2.2]oktan | |

03.003 | 26 | 539-30-0 | benzyl(ethyl)ether | 2144 | 521 | 208-714-6 | 03.003 | | | |

03.004 | 26 | 103-50-4 | dibenzylether | 2371 | 11856 | 203-118-2 | 03.004 | benzylether | | |

03.005 | 16 | 2679-87-0 | ethyl(sek-butyl)ether | 3131 | 10911 | 220-234-9 | 03.005 | | | |

03.006 | 26 | 3558-60-9 | (2-methoxyethyl)benzen | 3198 | 11812 | 222-619-7 | 03.006 | fenethyl(methyl)ether | | |

03.007 | 16 | 470-67-7 | 1,4-cineol | 3658 | 11225 | 207-428-9 | 03.007 | | 1,4-epoxy-p-menthan, 4-isopropyl-1-methyl-7-oxabicyklo[2.2.1]heptan | |

03.008 | 16 | 57709-95-2 | 2-acetoxy-1,8-cineol | | | | 03.008 | | 2-acetoxy-1,8-epoxy-p-menthan, 2-acetoxy-1,3,3trimethyl-2-oxabicyklo[2.2.2]oktan, 1,3,3-trimethyl-2-oxabicyklo[2.2.2]oktan-2-yl-acetát | |

03.010 | 26 | 588-67-0 | benzyl(butyl)ether | 2139 | 520 | 209-626-0 | 03.010 | | | |

03.011 | 26 | 538-86-3 | benzyl(methyl)ether | | 10910 | 208-705-7 | 03.011 | | | |

03.012 | 26 | 54852-64-1 | benzyl(oktyl)ether | | | | 03.012 | | | |

03.015 | 16 | 40267-72-9 | ethyl(geranyl)ether | | | 254-867-7 | 03.015 | | (E)-1-ethoxy-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien | |

03.016 | 16 | 4747-07-3 | hexyl(methyl)ether | | | 225-263-0 | 03.016 | | 1-methoxyhexan | |

03.018 | 16 | 1634-04-4 | 2-methoxy-2-methylpropan | | | 216-653-1 | 03.018 | terc-butylmethylether | | |

03.019 | 16 | 22094-00-4 | prenyl(ethyl)ether | 3777 | | | 03.019 | ethyl(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)ether | 1-ethoxy-3-methylbut-2-en | |

03.020 | 16 | 14576-08-0 | α-terpinyl(methyl)ether | | | 238-620-0 | 03.020 | 4-(1-methoxy-1-methylethyl)-1-methylcyklohex-1-en | p-menth-1-en-8-yl(methyl)ether, 4-(1-methoxy-1-methylethyl)-1-methylcyklohex-1-en | |

04.002 | 25 | 94-86-0 | 2-ethoxy-5-(prop-1-en-1-yl)fenol | 2922 | 170 | 202-370-0 | 04.002 | 5-propenylguaethol | | |

04.003 | 18 | 97-53-0 | eugenol | 2467 | 171 | 202-589-1 | 04.003 | 4-allylguajakol | 4-allyl-2-methoxyfenol, 2-methoxy-4-prop-2-en-1-ylfenol | |

04.004 | 17 | 97-54-1 | isoeugenol | 2468 | 172 | 202-590-7 | 04.004 | 4-propenylguajakol, 2-methoxy-4-propenylfenol, 1-hydroxy-2-methoxy-4-propen-1-ylbenzen | 2-methoxy-4-(prop-1-en-1-yl)fenol | |

04.005 | 25 | 90-05-1 | 2-methoxyfenol | 2532 | 173 | 201-964-7 | 04.005 | guajakol, 1-hydroxy-2-methoxybenzen, o-methoxyfenol | | |

04.006 | 25 | 89-83-8 | thymol | 3066 | 174 | 201-944-8 | 04.006 | 3-hydroxy-p-cymen | 2-isopropyl-5-methylfenol | |

04.007 | 25 | 93-51-6 | 2-methoxy-4-methylfenol | 2671 | 175 | 202-252-9 | 04.007 | 4-methylguajakol | | |

04.008 | 25 | 2785-89-9 | 4-ethylguajakol | 2436 | 176 | 220-500-4 | 04.008 | homokreosol | 4-ethyl-2-methoxyfenol | |

04.009 | 25 | 7786-61-0 | 2-methoxy-4-vinylfenol | 2675 | 177 | 232-101-2 | 04.009 | vinylguajakol, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxystyren, 4-vinylguajakol | | |

04.010 | 30 | 4180-23-8 | (E)-1-methoxy-4-(prop-1-en-1-yl)benzen | 2086 | 183 | 224-052-0 | 04.010 | trans-anetol, isoestragol, aniskafr | | 5 |

04.013 | 26 | 93-16-3 | 1,2-dimethoxy-4-(prop-1-en-1-yl)benzen | 2476 | 186 | 202-224-6 | 04.013 | methylisoeugenol, 4-propenylveratrol | | |

04.014 | 26 | 578-58-5 | 1-methoxy-2-methylbenzen | 2680 | 187 | 209-426-3 | 04.014 | o-methylanisol, o-kresyl(methyl)ether, 2-methoxytoluen, methyl(o-tolyl)ether | | |

04.015 | 26 | 104-93-8 | 1-methoxy-4-methylbenzen | 2681 | 188 | 203-253-7 | 04.015 | p-methylanisol, o-methyl-p-kresol, 4-methoxytoluen, methyl(p-tolyl)ether, p-kresyl(methyl)ether, p-methoxytoluen | | |

04.016 | 26 | 151-10-0 | 1,3-dimethoxybenzen | 2385 | 189 | 205-783-4 | 04.016 | m-dimethoxybenzen, resorcinoldimethylether | | |

04.017 | 30 | 7784-67-0 | 1-ethoxy-2-methoxy-4-(prop-1-en-1-yl)benzen | 2472 | 190 | 232-072-6 | 04.017 | ethyl(isoeugenyl)ether, 2-ethoxy-5-propenylanisol, ethylisoeugenol | | |

04.018 | 26 | 120-11-6 | benzyl(isoeugenyl)ether | 3698 | 522 | 204-370-6 | 04.018 | benzylisoeugenol | benzyl(2-methoxy-4-prop-1-en-1-ylfenyl)ether, 1-benzyloxy-2-methoxy-4-propenylbenzen | |

04.019 | 25 | 95-87-4 | 2,5-dimethylfenol | 3595 | 537 | 202-461-5 | 04.019 | 1-hydroxy-2,5-dimethylbenzen, 2,5-xylenol | | |

04.020 | 25 | 108-68-9 | 3,5-dimethylfenol | | 538 | 203-606-5 | 04.020 | | | |

04.021 | 25 | 620-17-7 | 3-ethylfenol | | 549 | 210-627-3 | 04.021 | | | |

04.022 | 25 | 123-07-9 | 4-ethylfenol | 3156 | 550 | 204-598-6 | 04.022 | 4-hydroxyethylbenzen | | |

04.026 | 25 | 108-39-4 | 3-methylfenol | 3530 | 617 | 203-577-9 | 04.026 | m-kresol, 1-hydroxy-3-methylbenzen, m-methylfenol | | |

04.027 | 25 | 95-48-7 | 2-methylfenol | 3480 | 618 | 202-423-8 | 04.027 | o-kresol, 1-hydroxy-2-methylbenzen, o-hydroxytoluen, o-methylfenol | | |

04.028 | 25 | 106-44-5 | 4-methylfenol | 2337 | 619 | 203-398-6 | 04.028 | p-kresol, 4-hydroxytoluen | | |

04.029 | 25 | 120-80-9 | benzen-1,2-diol | | 680 | 204-427-5 | 04.029 | pyrokatechol, pyrokatechin | | |

04.031 | 25 | 499-75-2 | karvakrol | 2245 | 2055 | 207-889-6 | 04.031 | 2-p-cymenol, 2-hydroxy-p-cymen | 5-isopropyl-2-methylfenol | |

04.032 | 26 | 100-66-3 | anisol | 2097 | 2056 | 202-876-1 | 04.032 | fenyl(methyl)ether | methoxybenzen | |

04.033 | 26 | 93-18-5 | 2-naftyl(ethyl)ether | 2768 | 2058 | 202-226-7 | 04.033 | 2-ethoxynaftalen, ethyl(2-naftyl)ether, ethyl(β-naftyl)ether, nerolin, nerolin II | | |

04.034 | 26 | 150-78-7 | 1,4-dimethoxybenzen | 2386 | 2059 | 205-771-9 | 04.034 | p-dimethoxybenzen, hydrochinondimethylether, 4-methoxyfenyl(methyl)ether | | |

04.035 | 26 | 101-84-8 | difenylether | 3667 | 2201 | 202-981-2 | 04.035 | difenyloxid, fenylether | | |

04.036 | 25 | 91-10-1 | 2,6-dimethoxyfenol | 3137 | 2233 | 202-041-1 | 04.036 | 2-hydroxy-1,3-dimethoxybenzen, pyrogallol-1,3-dimethylether, syringol | | |

04.037 | 25 | 622-62-8 | 4-ethoxyfenol | 3695 | 2258 | 210-748-1 | 04.037 | hydrochinonmonoethylether, 1-ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzen, p-ethoxyfenol | | |

04.038 | 26 | 4732-13-2 | karvakryl(ethyl)ether | 2246 | 11840 | 225-238-4 | 04.038 | 2-ethoxy-p-cymen, ethyl(karvakryl)ether | 2-ethoxy-4-isopropyl-1-methylbenzen | |

04.039 | 26 | 104-45-0 | 1-methoxy-4-propylbenzen | 2930 | 11835 | 203-203-4 | 04.039 | p-propylanisol, dihydroanethol | | |

04.040 | 30 | 6380-23-0 | 1,2-dimethoxy-4-vinylbenzen | 3138 | 11228 | 228-962-9 | 04.040 | 3,4-dimethoxystyren | | |

04.041 | 25 | 108-95-2 | fenol | 3223 | 11811 | 203-632-7 | 04.041 | hydroxybenzen, kyselina karbolová | | |

04.042 | 25 | 576-26-1 | 2,6-dimethylfenol | 3249 | 11261 | 209-400-1 | 04.042 | 2,6-xylenol, 2-hydroxy-1,3-dimethylbenzen | | |

04.043 | 26 | 1076-56-8 | 1-isopropyl-2-methoxy-4-methylbenzen | 3436 | 11245 | 214-063-9 | 04.043 | thymolmethylether, 3-methoxy-p-cymen | | |

04.044 | 25 | 88-69-7 | 2-isopropylfenol | 3461 | 11234 | 201-852-8 | 04.044 | 2-(1-methylethyl)fenol, o-isopropylfenol, o-kumenol | | |

04.045 | 25 | 20920-83-6 | 2-(ethoxymethyl)fenol | 3485 | 11905 | | 04.045 | | | |

04.046 | 25 | 644-35-9 | 2-propylfenol | 3522 | 11908 | 211-415-3 | 04.046 | 1-(2-hydroxyfenyl)propan | | |

04.047 | 25 | 108-46-3 | benzen-1,3-diol | 3589 | 11250 | 203-585-2 | 04.047 | resorcinol, 1,3-dihydroxybenzen, m-dihydroxybenzen | | |

04.048 | 25 | 95-65-8 | 3,4-dimethylfenol | 3596 | 11262 | 202-439-5 | 04.048 | 3,4-xylenol, 1-hydroxy-3,4-dimethylbenzen | | |

04.049 | 25 | 2785-87-7 | 2-methoxy-4-propylfenol | 3598 | | 220-499-0 | 04.049 | 4-propyl-o-methoxyfenol, 4-propylguajakol, 5-propyl-2-hydroxyanisol, dihydroeugenol | | |

04.050 | 25 | 645-56-7 | 4-propylfenol | 3649 | | 211-446-2 | 04.050 | | | |

04.051 | 18 | 6627-88-9 | 4-allyl-2,6-dimethoxyfenol | 3655 | 11214 | 229-600-2 | 04.051 | 2,6-dimethoxy-4-(prop-2-en-1-yl)-fenol, 4-allylsyringol, methoxyeugenol | | |

04.052 | 25 | 14059-92-8 | 4-ethyl-2,6-dimethoxyfenol | 3671 | 11231 | | 04.052 | 4-ethylsyringol | | |

04.053 | 25 | 6638-05-7 | 4-methyl-2,6-dimethoxyfenol | 3704 | | 229-641-6 | 04.053 | 4-methylsyringol, 2,6-dimethoxy-p-kresol | | |

04.054 | 26 | 2173-57-1 | isobutyl(2-naftyl)ether | 3719 | 11886 | 218-529-2 | 04.054 | 2-isobutoxynaftalen, fragarol | | |

04.055 | 17 | 20675-95-0 | 2,6-dimethoxy-4-prop-1-en-1-ylfenol | 3728 | | | 04.055 | 4-propenylsyringol, 6-methoxyisoeugenol | | |

04.056 | 25 | 6766-82-1 | 2,6-dimethoxy-4-propylfenol | 3729 | | | 04.056 | 4-propylsyringol | | |

04.057 | 25 | 2628-17-3 | 4-vinylfenol | 3739 | 11257 | 220-103-6 | 04.057 | 4-ethenylfenol, 4-hydroxystyren | | |

04.058 | 18 | 501-92-8 | 4-allylfenol | | 11218 | 207-929-2 | 04.058 | p-allylfenol | | |

04.059 | 26 | 6379-73-3 | karvakryl(methyl)ether | | 11224 | 228-959-2 | 04.059 | | 4-isopropyl-2-methoxy-1-methylbenzen | |

04.060 | 26 | 494-99-5 | 1,2-dimethoxy-4-methylbenzen | | | 207-796-0 | 04.060 | homoveratrol, 3,4-dimethoxytoluen | | |

04.061 | 25 | 28343-22-8 | 2,6-dimethoxy-4-vinylfenol | | 11229 | | 04.061 | | | |

04.062 | 26 | 91-16-7 | 1,2-dimethoxybenzen | 3799 | 10320 | 202-045-3 | 04.062 | veratrol, o-dimethoxybenzen | | |

04.063 | 26 | 6738-23-4 | 1,3-dimethyl-4-methoxybenzen | 3828 | | 229-794-9 | 04.063 | | | |

04.064 | 25 | 98-54-4 | 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)fenol | 3918 | | 202-679-0 | 04.064 | 4-terc-butylfenol, 1-terc-butyl-4-hydroxybenzen | | |

04.065 | 25 | 526-75-0 | 2,3-dimethylfenol | | 11258 | 208-395-3 | 04.065 | 2,3-xylenol, 1-hydroxy-2,3-dimethylbenzen | | |

04.066 | 25 | 105-67-9 | 2,4-dimethylfenol | | 11259 | 203-321-6 | 04.066 | 2,4-xylenol, 1-hydroxy-2,4-dimethylbenzen | | |

04.067 | 26 | 17600-72-5 | 1-ethoxy-2-methoxybenzen | | | 241-571-8 | 04.067 | ethylguajakol | | |

04.068 | 26 | 5076-72-2 | 1-ethoxy-4-methoxybenzen | | | 225-786-4 | 04.068 | | | |

04.069 | 26 | 1515-95-3 | 1-ethyl-4-methoxybenzen | | | | 04.069 | 4-ethylanisol | | |

04.070 | 25 | 90-00-6 | 2-ethylfenol | | 11232 | 201-958-4 | 04.070 | florol, 1-ethyl-2-hydroxybenzen | | |

04.071 | 17 | 115422-59-8 | isoeugenyl(butyl)ether | | 11857 | | 04.071 | | 1-butoxy-2-methoxy-4-(prop-1-en-1-yl)benzen | |

04.072 | 25 | 618-45-1 | 3-isopropylfenol | | | 210-551-0 | 04.072 | | | |

04.073 | 25 | 99-89-8 | 4-isopropylfenol | | | 202-798-8 | 04.073 | | | |

04.074 | 26 | 93-04-9 | 2-methoxynaftalen | | | 202-213-6 | 04.074 | methyl(2-naftyl)ether | | |

04.075 | 26 | 2216-69-5 | 1-methoxynaftalen | | | 218-696-1 | 04.075 | | | |

04.076 | 25 | 150-19-6 | 3-methoxyfenol | | | 205-754-6 | 04.076 | m-hydroxyanisol | | |

04.077 | 25 | 150-76-5 | 4-methoxyfenol | | 11241 | 205-769-8 | 04.077 | p-hydroxyanisol, hydrochinon(monomethyl)ether | | |

04.078 | 25 | 88-60-8 | 5-methyl-2-(terc-butyl)fenol | | | 201-842-3 | 04.078 | 6-terc-butyl-m-kresol | 2-terc-butyl-5-methylfenol | |

04.079 | 26 | 1515-81-7 | methyl(4-methoxybenzyl ether | | | 216-161-7 | 04.079 | | | |

04.080 | 25 | 533-31-3 | 3,4-methylendioxyfenol | | | 208-561-5 | 04.080 | | | |

04.081 | 25 | 1195-09-1 | 5-methylguajakol | | 11243 | 214-791-7 | 04.081 | 2-hydroxy-1-methoxy-4-methylbenzen | 2-methoxy-5-methylfenol | |

04.083 | 25 | 123-31-9 | hydrochinon | | 11249 | 204-617-8 | 04.083 | benzen-1,4-diol, p-hydroxyfenol | 1,4-dihydroxybenzen | |

04.084 | 26 | 634-36-6 | 1,2,3-trimethoxybenzen | | | 211-207-2 | 04.084 | | | |

04.085 | 25 | 2416-94-6 | 2,3,6-trimethylfenol | 3963 | | 219-330-3 | 04.085 | 3-hydroxypseudokumen | | |

04.088 | 30 | 104-46-1 | 1-methoxy-4-(prop-1-en-1-yl)benzen | 2086 | 183 | 203-205-5 | 04.088 | anethol, p-propylanisol, isoestragol, methyl(4-propenylfenyl)ether, propenylanisol | | 5 |

04.091 | 25 | 57726-26-8 | ethyl(4-hydroxybenzyl)ether | | | 260-918-4 | 04.091 | | | |

04.092 | 25 | 5355-17-9 | 4-hydroxybenzyl(methyl)ether | | | 226-334-9 | 04.092 | | | |

04.093 | 23 | 82654-98-6 | butyl(vanillyl)ether | 3796 | | | 04.093 | 4-(butoxymethyl)-2-methoxyfenol | butyl(4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)ether | |

04.094 | 25 | 13184-86-6 | ethyl(4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)ether | 3815 | | 236-136-4 | 04.094 | | ethyl(4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)ether | |

05.001 | 1 | 75-07-0 | acetaldehyd | 2003 | 89 | 200-836-8 | 05.001 | ethanal | | |

05.002 | 1 | 123-38-6 | propanal | 2923 | 90 | 204-623-0 | 05.002 | propionaldehyd | | |

05.003 | 1 | 123-72-8 | butanal | 2219 | 91 | 204-646-6 | 05.003 | butyraldehyd | | |

05.004 | 2 | 78-84-2 | 2-methylpropanal | 2220 | 92 | 201-149-6 | 05.004 | isobutyraldehyd | | |

05.005 | 1 | 110-62-3 | pentanal | 3098 | 93 | 203-784-4 | 05.005 | valeraldehyd | | |

05.006 | 2 | 590-86-3 | 3-methylbutanal | 2692 | 94 | 209-691-5 | 05.006 | isovaleraldehyd | | |

05.007 | 2 | 97-96-1 | 2-ethylbutanal | 2426 | 95 | 202-623-5 | 05.007 | 2-ethylbutyraldehyd | | |

05.008 | 1 | 66-25-1 | hexanal | 2557 | 96 | 200-624-5 | 05.008 | kapronaldehyd | | |

05.009 | 1 | 124-13-0 | oktanal | 2797 | 97 | 204-683-8 | 05.009 | kaprylaldehyd | | |

05.010 | 1 | 112-31-2 | dekanal | 2362 | 98 | 203-957-4 | 05.010 | kaprinaldehyd | | |

05.011 | 1 | 112-54-9 | dodekanal | 2615 | 99 | 203-983-6 | 05.011 | lauraldehyd | | |

05.012 | 9 | 107-75-5 | 3,7-dimethyl-7-hydroxyoktanal | 2583 | 100 | 203-518-7 | 05.012 | hydroxycitronellal, citronellalhydrát | | |

05.013 | 23 | 100-52-7 | benzaldehyd | 2127 | 101 | 202-860-4 | 05.013 | benzenkarbaldehyd | | |

05.014 | 22 | 104-55-2 | cinnamaldehyd | 2286 | 102 | 203-213-9 | 05.014 | skořicový aldehyd, fenylakrolein | 3-fenylprop-2-enal | |

05.015 | 23 | 123-11-5 | 4-methoxybenzaldehyd | 2670 | 103 | 204-602-6 | 05.015 | p-anisaldehyd | | |

05.016 | 23 | 120-57-0 | piperonal | 2911 | 104 | 204-409-7 | 05.016 | heliotropin, piperonylaldehyd | 3,4-methylendioxybenzaldehyd, 1,3-benzodioxol-5-karbaldehyd | |

05.017 | 23 | 120-14-9 | veratraldehyd | 3109 | 106 | 204-373-2 | 05.017 | O-methylvanillin, dimethyletherprotokatechualdehyd | 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyd | |

05.018 | 23 | 121-33-5 | vanillin | 3107 | 107 | 204-465-2 | 05.018 | protokatechualdehydmethylether | 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyd | |

05.019 | 23 | 121-32-4 | ethylvanillin | 2464 | 108 | 204-464-7 | 05.019 | bourbonal, ethyl-protal, protokatechualdehydethylether | 3-ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyd | |

05.020 | 3 | 5392-40-5 | citral | 2303 | 109 | 226-394-6 | 05.020 | geranial, neral | 3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dienal | |

05.021 | 4 | 106-23-0 | citronellal | 2307 | 110 | 203-376-6 | 05.021 | rhodinal | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-enal | |

05.022 | 23 | 122-03-2 | 4-isopropylbenzaldehyd | 2341 | 111 | 204-516-9 | 05.022 | kuminaldehyd | | |

05.023 | 2 | 7779-07-9 | 2,6-dimethyloktanal | 2390 | 112 | 215-328-1 | 05.023 | | | |

05.024 | 2 | 7786-29-0 | 2-methyloktanal | 2727 | 113 | 232-093-0 | 05.024 | | | |

05.025 | 1 | 124-19-6 | nonanal | 2782 | 114 | 204-688-5 | 05.025 | pelargonový aldehyd, pelargonaldehyd | | |

05.026 | 23 | 529-20-4 | o-tolualdehyd | 3068 | 115 | 208-452-2 | 05.026 | | 2-methylbenzaldehyd | 5 |

05.027 | 23 | 1334-78-7 | tolualdehyd | 3068 | 115 | 215-615-1 | 05.027 | | směs 2-methylbenzaldehydu, 3-methylbenzaldehydu a 4-methylbenzaldehydu | |

05.028 | 23 | 620-23-5 | m-tolualdehyd | 3068 | 115 | 210-632-0 | 05.028 | | 3-methylbenzaldehyd | 5 |

05.029 | 23 | 104-87-0 | p-tolualdehyd | 3068 | 115 | 203-246-9 | 05.029 | | 4-methylbenzaldehyd | 5 |

05.030 | 15 | 122-78-1 | fenylacetaldehyd | 2874 | 116 | 204-574-5 | 05.030 | hyacinthin, fenyloctový aldehyd | | |

05.031 | 1 | 111-71-7 | heptanal | 2540 | 117 | 203-898-4 | 05.031 | enanthal | | |

05.032 | 1 | 124-25-4 | tetradekanal | 2763 | 118 | 204-692-7 | 05.032 | myristaldehyd | | |

05.033 | 3 | 10031-88-6 | 2-ethylhept-2-enal | 2438 | 120 | | 05.033 | 2-ethyl-3-butylakrolein | | |

05.034 | 1 | 112-44-7 | undekanal | 3092 | 121 | 203-972-6 | 05.034 | n-undecylaldehyd | | |

05.035 | 4 | 112-45-8 | undec-10-enal | 3095 | 122 | 203-973-1 | 05.035 | undecenal | | |

05.036 | 4 | 143-14-6 | undec-9-enal | 3094 | 123 | 205-586-3 | 05.036 | | | |

05.037 | 3 | 4826-62-4 | dodec-2-enal | 2402 | 124 | 225-402-5 | 05.037 | 3-nonylakrolein | | |

05.038 | 22 | 93-53-8 | 2-fenylpropanal | 2886 | 126 | 202-255-5 | 05.038 | 2-fenylpropionaldehyd, hydratropaldehyd | | |

05.039 | 22 | 7492-44-6 | α-butylcinnamaldehyd | 2191 | 127 | 231-320-0 | 05.039 | 2-benzylidenhexanal, butylskořicový aldehyd | 2-butyl-3-fenylprop-2-enal | |

05.040 | 22 | 122-40-7 | α-pentylcinnamaldehyd | 2061 | 128 | 204-541-5 | 05.040 | α-amylcinnamaldehyd, amylskořicový aldehyd, 2-benzylidenheptanal | 2-pentyl-3-fenylprop-2-enal | |

05.041 | 22 | 101-86-0 | α-hexylcinnamaldehyd | 2569 | 129 | 202-983-3 | 05.041 | 2-benzylidenoktanal, hexylskořicový aldehyd | 2-benzylidenoktanal | |

05.042 | 15 | 104-09-6 | p-tolylacetaldehyd | 3071 | 130 | 203-173-2 | 05.042 | | (4-methylfenyl)acetaldehyd | |

05.043 | 22 | 99-72-9 | 2-(p-tolyl)propanal | 3078 | 131 | 202-782-0 | 05.043 | p-methyl-α-methylfenylacetaldehyd, p-methylhydratropaldehyd | 2-(4-methylfenyl)propanal | |

05.044 | 15 | 4395-92-0 | 4-isopropylfenylacetaldehyd | 2954 | 132 | 224-522-5 | 05.044 | kumylacetaldehyd, 2-(p-isopropylfenyl)acetaldehyd, kuminaldehyd | | |

05.045 | 22 | 103-95-7 | 3-(p-kumenyl)-2-methylpropanaldehyd | 2743 | 133 | 203-161-7 | 05.045 | cyklamenaldehyd, p-isopropyl-α-methylhydrocinnamaldehyd, cyklamal, cyklaviol, cyklasal | 3-(4-isopropylfenyl)-2-methylpropanal | |

05.046 | 22 | 40654-82-8 | 2-methyl-4-fenylbutyraldehyd | 2737 | 134 | 255-022-5 | 05.046 | 2-methyl-4-fenylbutanal | | |

05.047 | 23 | 123-08-0 | 4-hydroxybenzaldehyd | | 558 | 204-599-1 | 05.047 | p-hydroxybenzaldehyd | | |

05.048 | 22 | 1504-74-1 | 2-methoxycinnamaldehyd | 3181 | 571 | 216-131-3 | 05.048 | 3-(2-methoxyfenyl)akrolein | 3-(2-methoxyfenyl)prop-2-enal | |

05.049 | 2 | 96-17-3 | 2-methylbutyraldehyd | 2691 | 575 | 202-485-6 | 05.049 | 2-methylbutanal, α-methylbutyraldehyd | | |

05.050 | 22 | 101-39-3 | α-methylcinnamaldehyd | 2697 | 578 | 202-938-8 | 05.050 | 2-methylcinnamaldehyd, α-methylskořicový aldehyd | 3-fenyl-2-methylpropenal | |

05.051 | 22 | 65405-67-6 | 3-(4-methoxyfenyl)-2-methylprop-2-enal | 3182 | 584 | 265-737-4 | 05.051 | 4-methoxy-α-methylcinnamaldehyd | | |

05.052 | 22 | 41496-43-9 | 2-methyl-3-(p-tolyl)propanaldehyd | 2748 | 587 | 255-410-4 | 05.052 | 2-methyl-3-(4-methylfenyl)propanal | 2-methyl-3-(p-tolyl)propanal | 5 |

05.053 | 1 | 123-63-7 | 2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,5-trioxane | | 594 | 204-639-8 | 05.053 | paraldehyd, paracetaldehyd | | |

05.054 | 22 | 1009-62-7 | 2,2-dimethyl-3-fenylpropanaldehyd | | 598 | 213-771-5 | 05.054 | 2,2-dimethyl-3-fenylpropanal | | |

05.055 | 23 | 90-02-8 | salicylaldehyd | 3004 | 605 | 201-961-0 | 05.055 | o-hydroxybenzaldehyd, salicylal | 2-hydroxybenzaldehyd | |

05.056 | 23 | 10031-82-0 | 4-ethoxybenzaldehyd | 2413 | 626 | 233-093-3 | 05.056 | homoanisaldehyd | | |

05.057 | 3 | 142-83-6 | (E,E)-hexa-2,4-dienal | 3429 | 640 | 205-564-3 | 05.057 | sorbový aldehyd, hexa-2,4-dienal | | 5 |

05.058 | 3 | 557-48-2 | (2E,6Z)-nona-2,6-dienal | 3377 | 659 | 209-178-6 | 05.058 | 2,6-nonadienal, okurkový aldehyd, nona-2,6-dienal | | |

05.059 | 4 | 2277-19-2 | (Z)-non-6-enal | 3580 | 661 | 218-900-9 | 05.059 | non-6-enal | | |

05.060 | 3 | 2363-89-5 | okt-2-enal | 3215 | 663 | 219-115-4 | 05.060 | α-amylakrolein, 2-pentylakrolein | | |

05.061 | 4 | 63826-25-5 | okt-6-enal | | 664 | | 05.061 | | | |

05.062 | 22 | 4411-89-6 | 2-fenylkrotonaldehyd | 3224 | 670 | 224-567-0 | 05.062 | | (E)-2-fenylbut-2-enal | |

05.064 | 3 | 13552-96-0 | (2E,4Z,7Z)-trideka-2,4,7-trienal | 3638 | 685 | 236-936-3 | 05.064 | trideka-2,4,7-trienal | | |

05.066 | 23 | 120-25-2 | 4-ethoxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyd | | 703 | 204-382-1 | 05.066 | vanillinethylether | | |

05.068 | 23 | 4748-78-1 | 4-ethylbenzaldehyd | 3756 | 705 | 225-268-8 | 05.068 | p-ethylbenzaldehyd | | |

05.069 | 2 | 123-15-9 | 2-methylpentanal | 3413 | 706 | 204-605-2 | 05.069 | 2-methylvaleraldehyd | | |

05.070 | 3 | 2463-63-0 | hept-2-enal | 3165 | 730 | 219-563-0 | 05.070 | 3-butylakrolein, β-butylakrolein trans-hept-2-enal | (E)-hept-2-enal | 5 |

05.071 | 3 | 6750-03-4 | nona-2,4-dienal | 3212 | 732 | 229-810-4 | 05.071 | | | |

05.072 | 3 | 18829-56-6 | (E)-non-2-enal | 3213 | 733 | 242-609-6 | 05.072 | 3 nebo β-hexylakrolein, heptylicenacetaldehyd | (E)-non-2-enal | 5 |

05.073 | 3 | 6728-26-3 | (E)-hex-2-enal | 2560 | 748 | 229-778-1 | 05.073 | β-propylakrolein, listový aldehyd, trans-hex-2-enal | | 5 |

05.074 | 4 | 106-72-9 | 2,6-dimethylhept-5-enal | 2389 | 2006 | 203-427-2 | 05.074 | melonal | | |

05.075 | 4 | 6789-80-6 | (Z)-hex-3-enal | 2561 | 2008 | 229-854-4 | 05.075 | | | |

05.076 | 3 | 3913-71-1 | dec-2-enal | 2366 | 2009 | 223-472-1 | 05.076 | decenaldehyd, 3-heptylakrolein, decylenový aldehyd | | |

05.077 | 2 | 110-41-8 | 2-methylundekanal | 2749 | 2010 | 203-765-0 | 05.077 | | | |

05.078 | 3 | 7774-82-5 | tridec-2-enal | 3082 | 2011 | 231-883-2 | 05.078 | 3-decylakrolein | | |

05.079 | 9 | 7492-67-3 | citronellyl oxyacetaldehyd | 2310 | 2012 | 231-324-2 | 05.079 | citronelloxyacetaldehyd | [(3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-yl)oxy]acetaldehyd | |

05.080 | 22 | 104-53-0 | 3-fenylpropanal | 2887 | 2013 | 203-211-8 | 05.080 | hydrocinnamaldehyd | | |

05.081 | 3 | 2363-88-4 | deka-2,4-dienal | 3135 | 2120 | 219-114-9 | 05.081 | | | 5 |

05.082 | 4 | 13553-09-8 | dodeka-3,6-dienal | | 2121 | | 05.082 | | | |

05.084 | 3 | 4313-03-5 | hepta-2,4-dienal | 3164 | 729 | 224-328-0 | 05.084 | | | 5 |

05.085 | 4 | 6728-31-0 | (Z)-hept-4-enal | 3289 | 2124 | 229-779-7 | 05.085 | cis-hept-4-enal | | 5 |

05.086 | 4 | 929-22-6 | (E)-hept-4-enal | 3289 | 2125 | 213-198-0 | 05.086 | trans-hept-4-enal | | |

05.090 | 3 | 623-36-9 | 2-methylpent-2-enal | 3194 | 2129 | 210-789-5 | 05.090 | α-methyl-β-ethylakrolein, 2,4-dimethylkrotonaldehyd | | |

05.091 | 23 | 698-27-1 | 2-hydroxy-4-methylbenzaldehyd | 3697 | 2130 | 211-813-7 | 05.091 | 4-methylsalicylaldehyd | | |

05.094 | 22 | 7775-00-0 | 3-(4–isopropylfenyl)propanaldehyd | 2957 | 2261 | 231-885-3 | 05.094 | 4-isopropylhydrocinnamaldehyd | 3-(4–isopropylfenyl)propanal | |

05.095 | 3 | 497-03-0 | 2-methylkrotonaldehyd | 3407 | 2281 | 207-833-0 | 05.095 | | (E)-2-methylbut-2-enal | 5 |

05.096 | 4 | 30390-50-2 | (Z)-dec-4-enal | 3264 | 2297 | 244-514-5 | 05.096 | decenaldehyd | | 5 |

05.097 | 22 | 2439-44-3 | 3-methyl-2-fenylbutyraldehyd | 2738 | 135 | 219-461-6 | 05.097 | 2-fenyl-3-methylbutanal, α-isopropylfenylacetaldehyd, α-isopropylfenylacetaldehyd | | |

05.098 | 7 | 29548-14-9 | p-menth-1-en-9-al | 3178 | 10347 | 249-688-6 | 05.098 | karvomenthenal | | |

05.099 | 22 | 21834-92-4 | 5-methyl-2-fenylhex-2-enal | 3199 | 10365 | 244-602-3 | 05.099 | 2-fenyl-5-methylhex-2-enal | | |

05.100 | 22 | 26643-91-4 | 4-methyl-2-fenylpent-2-enal | 3200 | 10366 | 247-869-4 | 05.100 | 4-fenyl-2-methylpent-2-enal | | |

05.101 | 3 | 764-40-9 | penta-2,4-dienal | 3217 | 11695 | | 05.101 | | | |

05.102 | 3 | 764-39-6 | pent-2-enal | 3218 | 10375 | 212-120-2 | 05.102 | 3-ethylakrolein | | |

05.103 | 22 | 939-21-9 | 3-fenylpent-4-enal | 3318 | 10378 | 213-356-9 | 05.103 | β-vinylhydrocinnamaldehyd, 3-fenyl-3-vinylpropanaldehyd | | |

05.104 | 7 | 116-26-7 | 2,6,6-trimethylcyklohexa-1,3-dien-1-karbaldehyd | 3389 | 10383 | 204-133-7 | 05.104 | safranal, dehydro-β-cyklocitral | 2,2,6-trimethyl-2,3-dihydrobenzaldehyd | |

05.105 | 3 | 25409-08-9 | 2-butylbut-2-enal | 3392 | 10324 | 246-950-1 | 05.105 | 2-ethylidenhexanal | | |

05.106 | 7 | 564-94-3 | myrtenal | 3395 | 10379 | 209-274-8 | 05.106 | pin-2-en-10-al, benihinal | 2-formyl-6,6-dimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]hept-2-en, 2,6,6-trimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]hept-2-en-1-karbaldehyd | |

05.107 | 3 | 35158-25-9 | 2-isopropyl-5-methylhex-2-enal | 3406 | 10361 | 252-406-4 | 05.107 | | | |

05.108 | 3 | 13162-46-4 | undeka-2,4-dienal | 3422 | 10385 | | 05.108 | | | 5 |

05.109 | 3 | 2463-77-6 | undec-2-enal | 3423 | 11827 | 219-564-6 | 05.109 | | | |

05.110 | 23 | 15764-16-6 | 2,4-dimethylbenzaldehyd | 3427 | | 239-856-7 | 05.110 | 1-formyl-2,4-dimethylbenzen | | |

05.111 | 3 | 56767-18-1 | (E,E)-okta-2,6-dienal | 3466 | 10371 | 260-372-7 | 05.111 | | | |

05.112 | 7 | 472-66-2 | 2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-1-en-1-acetaldehyd | 3474 | 10338 | 207-454-0 | 05.112 | β-homocyklocitral | | |

05.113 | 4 | 4634-89-3 | hex-4-enal | 3496 | 10337 | 225-058-6 | 05.113 | | | 5 |

05.114 | 3 | 5362-56-1 | 4-methylpent-2-enal | 3510 | 10364 | 226-348-5 | 05.114 | | | |

05.115 | 22 | 24401-36-3 | 2-fenylpent-4-enal | 3519 | 10377 | 246-224-4 | 05.115 | | | |

05.116 | 2 | 5435-64-3 | 3,5,5-trimethylhexanal | 3524 | 10384 | 226-603-0 | 05.116 | isononylaldehyd, terc-butylisopentanal | | |

05.117 | 7 | 2111-75-3 | p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-al | 3557 | 11788 | 218-302-8 | 05.117 | perillaldehyd | 4-isopropenylcyklohex-1-en-1-karbaldehyd | |

05.118 | 22 | 1963-36-6 | 4-methoxycinnamaldehyd | 3567 | 11919 | 217-807-0 | 05.118 | 3-(4-methoxyfenyl)prop-2-enal | 3-(4-methoxyfenyl)propenal | |

05.119 | 7 | 4501-58-0 | (2,2,3-trimethylcyklopent-3-en-1-yl)acetaldehyd | 3592 | 10325 | 224-815-8 | 05.119 | α-kamfolenový aldehyd | | |

05.120 | 3 | 21662-13-5 | dodeka-2,6-dienal | 3637 | | 244-515-0 | 05.120 | | | 5 |

05.121 | 7 | 432-25-7 | 2,6,6-trimethylcyklohexen-1-karbaldehyd | 3639 | 2133 | 207-081-3 | 05.121 | | 2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-1-en-1-karbaldehyd | 5 |

05.122 | 22 | 1504-75-2 | p-methylcinnamaldehyd | 3640 | 10352 | | 05.122 | 3-p-tolylpropenal, 3-p-methylfenylpropenal | 3-(4-methylfenyl)propenal | |

05.123 | 7 | 55253-28-6 | 5-isopropenyl-2-methylcyklopentankarboxaldehyd | 3645 | | | 05.123 | fotocitral A, cis-2-methyl-cis-5-isopropenylcyklopentan-1-karboxaldehyd | 5-isopropenyl-2-methylcyklopentan-1-karbaldehyd | |

05.124 | 3 | 107-86-8 | 3-methylkrotonaldehyd | 3646 | 10354 | 203-527-6 | 05.124 | 3-methylbut-2-enal, prenal, seneciový aldehyd | (E)-3-methylbut-2-enal | |

05.125 | 3 | 21662-16-8 | dodeka-2,4-dienal | 3670 | 11758 | 244-517-1 | 05.125 | (E,E)-dodeka-2,4-dienal | | 5 |

05.126 | 3 | 49576-57-0 | 2-methylokt-2-enal | 3711 | 10363 | 256-386-8 | 05.126 | | | 5 |

05.127 | 3 | 30361-28-5 | (E,E)-okta-2,4-dienal | 3721 | 11805 | 250-147-1 | 05.127 | | | |

05.128 | 4 | 41547-22-2 | (Z)-okt-5-enal | 3749 | | | 05.128 | | | |

05.129 | 23 | 135-02-4 | 2-methoxybenzaldehyd | | 10350 | 205-171-7 | 05.129 | o-methoxybenzaldehyd, o-anisaldehyd | | |

05.130 | 3 | 17909-77-2 | α-sinensal | 3141 | 10380 | 241-854-6 | 05.130 | | (E,E,E)-2,6,10-trimethyldodeka-2,6,9,11-tetraenal | 5 |

05.133 | 7 | | p-mentha-1,3-dien-7-al | | 10344 | | 05.133 | | | |

05.134 | 22 | | 2-methyl-3-tolylpropanaldehyd (směs o-,m-,p- isomerů) | 2748 | 587 | | 05.134 | 2-methyl-3-tolyl propanal | 2-methyl-3-(2,3 nebo 4-methylfenyl)propanal | 5 |

05.135 | 3 | 123-73-9 | but-2-enal | | 11736 | 204-647-1 | 05.135 | krotonaldehyd | | |

05.137 | 4 | 21662-09-9 | (Z)-dec-4-enal | 3264 | 2297 | 244-514-5 | 05.137 | | | 5 |

05.138 | 4 | 65405-70-1 | (E)-dec-4-enal | | | 265-741-6 | 05.138 | | | |

05.139 | 4 | 39770-05-3 | dec-9-enal | 3912 | | 254-624-5 | 05.139 | | | |

05.140 | 3 | 25152-84-5 | (E,E)-deka-2,4-dienal | 3135 | 2120 | 246-668-9 | 05.140 | deka-2,4-dienal | | 5 |

05.141 | 3 | 51325-37-2 | deka-2,4,7-trienal | | | | 05.141 | | | |

05.142 | 23 | 139-85-5 | 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyd | | 10328 | 205-377-7 | 05.142 | | | |

05.143 | 4 | 56134-05-5 | 2,5-dimethyl-2-vinylhex-4-enal | | | 260-006-6 | 05.143 | nerolaldehyd | | |

05.144 | 3 | 20407-84-5 | (E)-dodec-2-enal | 2402 | 124 | | 05.144 | | | 5 |

05.145 | 9 | 107-22-2 | ethandial | | | 203-474-9 | 05.145 | glyoxal | | |

05.147 | 2 | 123-05-7 | 2-ethylhexanal | | 10331 | 204-596-5 | 05.147 | α-ethylkapronaldehyd | | |

05.148 | 3 | 19317-11-4 | farnesal | | | 242-957-9 | 05.148 | | 3,7,11-trimethyldodeka-2,6,10-trienal | |

05.149 | 9 | 111-30-8 | glutaraldehyd | | | 203-856-5 | 05.149 | glutarový dialdehyd | pentandial | |

05.150 | 3 | 18829-55-5 | (E)-hept-2-enal | 3165 | 730 | 242-608-0 | 05.150 | hept-2-enal, β-butylakrolein, trans-hept-2-en-1-al | | |

05.151 | 4 | 69112-21-6 | (E)-hex-3-enal | 3923 | | 273-874-6 | 05.151 | | | 5 |

05.152 | 1 | 629-80-1 | hexadekanal | | 10336 | 211-111-0 | 05.152 | palmitaldehyd | | |

05.153 | 23 | 134-96-3 | 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyd | | 10340 | 205-167-5 | 05.153 | | | |

05.154 | 22 | 4206-58-0 | 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxycinnamaldehyd | | 10341 | | 05.154 | sinapaldehyd | 3-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyfenyl)prop-2-enal | |

05.155 | 22 | 458-36-6 | 4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamaldehyd | | 10342 | 207-278-4 | 05.155 | | 3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyfenyl)prop-2-enal | |

05.156 | 22 | 80638-48-8 | 3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyfenyl)propanal | | | 279-524-9 | 05.156 | dihydrokoniferaldehyd, 3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyhydrocinnamaldehyd | | |

05.157 | 7 | 1335-66-6 | isocyklocitral | | | 215-638-7 | 05.157 | | 1,3,5-trimethylcyklohex-3-en-1-karbaldehyd | |

05.158 | 23 | 591-31-1 | 3-methoxybenzaldehyd | | 10351 | 209-712-8 | 05.158 | | | |

05.159 | 15 | 5703-26-4 | p-methoxyfenylacetaldehyd | | | 227-191-5 | 05.159 | | 4-methoxyfenylacetaldehyd | |

05.160 | 2 | 19009-56-4 | 2-methyldekanal | | | 242-745-6 | 05.160 | | | |

05.161 | 2 | 116854-43-4 | 10-methyldodekanal | | | | 05.161 | | | |

05.162 | 2 | 92168-98-4 | 11-methyldodekanal | | | | 05.162 | | | |

05.163 | 2 | 93815-50-0 | 14-methylhexadekanal | | | | 05.163 | | | |

05.164 | 2 | 925-54-2 | 2-methylhexanal | | | 213-118-4 | 05.164 | | | |

05.165 | 2 | 19269-28-4 | 3-methylhexanal | | | | 05.165 | | | |

05.166 | 2 | 1119-16-0 | 4-methylpentanal | | 10369 | 214-273-0 | 05.166 | 4-methylvaleraldehyd | | |

05.167 | 2 | 75853-50-8 | 12-methyltetradekanal | | | | 05.167 | | | |

05.168 | 2 | 75853-51-9 | 13-methyltetradekanal | | | | 05.168 | | | |

05.169 | 2 | 75853-49-5 | 12-methyltridekanal | | | | 05.169 | | | |

05.170 | 3 | 106-26-3 | neral | 2303 | 109 | 203-379-2 | 05.170 | | (Z)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dienal | 5 |

05.171 | 3 | 2463-53-8 | non-2-enal | 3213 | 733 | 219-562-5 | 05.171 | β-hexylakrolein | | 5 |

05.172 | 3 | 17587-33-6 | (E,E)-nona-2,6-dienal | 3766 | | 241-557-1 | 05.172 | | | |

05.173 | 3 | 57018-53-8 | nona-2,4,6-trienal | | | | 05.173 | | | |

05.174 | 4 | 2100-17-6 | pent-4-enal | | | 218-265-8 | 05.174 | | | |

05.175 | 22 | 3491-63-2 | 2-fenylpent-2-enal | | | | 05.175 | | | |

05.176 | 3 | 107-02-8 | prop-2-enal | | | 203-453-4 | 05.176 | akrylaldehyd, akrolein | | |

05.177 | 7 | 1726-47-2 | pseudo-cyklocitral | | 11849 | | 05.177 | pseudocyklocitral | 2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-3-en-1-karbaldehyd | 5 |

05.178 | 3 | 60066-88-8 | β-sinensal | | 10381 | 262-043-3 | 05.178 | | 2,6-dimethyl-10-methylendodeka-2,6,11-trienal | |

05.179 | 3 | 51534-36-2 | tetradec-2-enal | | | | 05.179 | | | |

05.181 | 1 | 10486-19-8 | tridekanal | | 10382 | 234-004-0 | 05.181 | | | |

05.182 | 7 | 432-24-6 | 2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-karboxaldehyd | 3639 | 10326 | 207-080-8 | 05.182 | β-cyklocitral | 2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-karbaldehyd | 5 |

05.183 | 7 | 65405-84-7 | 2-methyl-4-(2,2,6-trimethylcyklohexen-1-yl)butanal | | | 265-747-9 | 05.183 | α,2,2,6-tetramethylcyklohex-1-enbutanal | | |

05.184 | 3 | 53448-07-0 | (E)-undec-2-enal | 3423 | 11827 | 258-559-3 | 05.184 | | | 5 |

05.186 | 3 | 5577-44-6 | okta-2,4-dienal | 3721 | 11805 | 250-147-1 | 05.186 | | | 5 |

05.188 | 3 | 141-27-5 | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dienal | 2303 | 109 | 205-476-5 | 05.188 | geranial | | 5 |

05.189 | 3 | 505-57-7 | hex-2-enal | 2560 | 748 | 208-014-0 | 05.189 | | | 5 |

05.190 | 3 | 2548-87-0 | (E)-okt-2-enal | 3215 | 663 | 219-833-8 | 05.190 | | | 5 |

05.191 | 3 | 3913-81-3 | (E)-dec-2-enal | 2366 | 2009 | 223-474-2 | 05.191 | | | 5 |

05.192 | 4 | 4440-65-7 | hex-3-enal | 3923 | | 224-659-0 | 05.192 | | | 5 |

05.194 | 3 | 5910-87-2 | (E,E)-nona-2,4-dienal | 3212 | 732 | 227-629-5 | 05.194 | | | 5 |

05.195 | 3 | 7069-41-2 | (E)-tridec-2-enal | 3082 | 2011 | 230-362-7 | 05.195 | | | 5 |

05.196 | 3 | 30361-29-6 | (E,E)-undeka-2-dienal | 3422 | 10385 | 250-148-7 | 05.196 | | | 5 |

05.198 | 7 | 58102-02-6 | α-methyljonal | | | 261-121-4 | 05.198 | | 2-methyl-4-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-yl)but-3-enal | |

05.200 | 3 | | (2E,4E,7Z)-deka-2,4,7-trienal | | | | 05.200 | | | |

05.203 | 4 | 5090-41-5 | oktadec-9-enal | | | | 05.203 | | | |

05.206 | 2 | 93815-51-1 | 15-methylhexadekanal | | | | 05.206 | | | |

06.001 | 1 | 105-57-7 | 1,1-diethoxyethan | 2002 | 35 | 203-310-6 | 06.001 | diethylacetal, acetaldehyd-diethylacetal, ethyliden(diethyl)ether, 1,1-diethoxyethan | | |

06.002 | 23 | 1319-88-6 | 2-fenyl-5-hydroxy-1,3-dioxan | 2129 | 36 | 215-294-8 | 06.002 | benzaldehyd-glycerylacetal, 2-fenyl-1,3-dioxan-5-ol a 2-fenyl-4-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-dioxolan (směs), benzalglycerin | 2-fenyl-1,3-dioxan-5-ol a 2-fenyl-1,3-dioxolan-4-methanol (směs) | |

06.003 | 23 | 1125-88-8 | benzaldehyd-dimethylacetal | 2128 | 37 | 214-413-0 | 06.003 | (fenyl)dimethoxymethan | | |

06.004 | 3 | 7492-66-2 | citral-diethylacetal | 2304 | 38 | 231-323-7 | 06.004 | 3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dienal-diethylacetal | 1,1-diethoxy-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien | |

06.005 | 3 | 7549-37-3 | citral-dimethylacetal | 2305 | 39 | 231-434-0 | 06.005 | 3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dienal-dimethylacetal, 1,1-dimethoxy-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien | 1,1-dimethoxy-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien | |

06.006 | 15 | 101-48-4 | 2-fenyl-1,1-dimethoxyethan | 2876 | 40 | 202-945-6 | 06.006 | fenylacetaldehyd-dimethylacetal | | |

06.007 | 15 | 29895-73-6 | fenylacetaldehyd-glycerylacetal | 2877 | 41 | 249-934-2 | 06.007 | 5-hydroxy-2-benzyl-1,3-dioxan, 5-hydroxymethyl-2-benzyl-1,3-dioxolan, (2-benzyl-1,3-dioxol-4-yl)methanol, cyklický acetal fenylacetaldehydu s glycerolem | 2-benzyl-1,3-dioxan-5-ol a 2-benzyl-4-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-dioxolan (směs), 2-benzyl-1,3-dioxan-5-ol a 2-benzyl-1,3-dioxolan-4-methanol (směs) | |

06.008 | 1 | 10022-28-3 | 1,1-dimethoxyoktan | 2798 | 42 | 233-018-4 | 06.008 | oktanal-dimethylacetal, kaprylaldehyd-dimethylacetal | | |

06.009 | 1 | 7779-41-1 | 10,10-dimethoxydekan | 2363 | 43 | 231-928-6 | 06.009 | dekanal-dimethylacetal, kaprinaldehyd-dimethylacetal, 1,1-dimethoxydekan | | |

06.010 | 2 | 7779-94-4 | 1,1-diethoxy-3,7-dimethyloktan-7-ol | 2584 | 44 | 231-945-9 | 06.010 | hydroxycitronellal-diethylacetal | | |

06.011 | 2 | 141-92-4 | 1,1-dimethoxy-3,7-dimethyloktan-7-ol | 2585 | 45 | 205-510-9 | 06.011 | hydroxycitronellal-dimethylacetal | | |

06.012 | 23 | 1333-09-1 | tolualdehyd-glycerylacetal | 3067 | 46 | | 06.012 | 2-(o-,m-,p-kresyl)-5-hydroxydioxan, 2-(methylfenyl)-1,3-dioxan-5-ol, 2-5-hydroxymethyldioxolan | 2-(2,3 a 4-methylfenyl)-5-hydroxy-1,3-dioxan a 2-(2,3 a 4-methylfenyl)-5-hydroxymethyl-1,3-dioxolan (směs) | |

06.013 | 22 | 91-87-2 | α-pentylcinnamaldehyd-dimethylacetal | 2062 | 47 | 202-104-3 | 06.013 | 1,1-dimethoxy-2-oentyl-3-fenylprop-2-en | 2-(dimethoxymethyl)hept-1-en-1-yl]benzen | |

06.014 | 22 | 5660-60-6 | cinnamaldehyd-ethylenglykolacetal | 2287 | 48 | 227-110-3 | 06.014 | 2-styryl-1,3-dioxolan | 2-(2-fenylethylen)-1,3-dioxolan | |

06.015 | 1 | 534-15-6 | 1,1-dimethoxyethan | 3426 | 510 | 208-589-8 | 06.015 | acetaldehyd-dimethylacetal, dimethylacetal | | |

06.016 | 15 | 7493-57-4 | 1-fenylethoxy-1-propoxyethan | 2004 | 511 | 231-327-9 | 06.016 | acetaldehyd-fenethyl(propyl)acetal, acetal-R, pepital | | |

06.017 | 23 | 774-48-1 | (diethoxymethyl)benzen | | 517 | 212-265-1 | 06.017 | benzaldehyd-diethylacetal, diethoxy(fenyl)methan | | |

06.019 | 23 | 7492-39-9 | 1-benzyloxy-1-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethan | 2148 | 523 | | 06.019 | acetaldehyd-benzyl(methoxyethyl)acetal | | |

06.020 | 1 | 34764-02-8 | 1,1-diethoxydekan | | 531 | 252-202-5 | 06.020 | dekanal-diethylacetal | | |

06.021 | 1 | 688-82-4 | 1,1-diethoxyheptan | | 553 | 211-707-0 | 06.021 | heptanal-diethylacetal, enanthal-diethylacetal | | |

06.023 | 1 | 3658-93-3 | 1,1-diethoxyhexan | | 557 | 222-911-4 | 06.023 | hexanal-diethylacetal, kapronaldehyd-diethylacetal | | |

06.024 | 15 | 68345-22-2 | 1,1-diisobutoxy-2-fenylethan | 3384 | 595 | 269-851-5 | 06.024 | fenylacetaldehyd-diisobutylacetal | 2-fenyl-1,1-diisobutoxyethan | |

06.025 | 3 | 67674-36-6 | 1,1-diethoxynona-2,6-dien | 3378 | 660 | 266-874-2 | 06.025 | nona-2,6-dienal-diethylacetal | | 5 |

06.027 | 15 | 5468-06-4 | 4,5-dimethyl-2-benzyl-1,3-dioxolan | 2875 | 669 | | 06.027 | fenylacetaldehyd-butan-2,3-diolacetal | | |

06.028 | 1 | 10032-05-0 | 1,1-dimethoxyheptan | 2541 | 2015 | 233-103-6 | 06.028 | heptanal-dimethylacetal, enanthal-dimethylacetal | | |

06.029 | 9 | 72854-42-3 | heptanal-glycerylacetal (směsné 1,2 a 1,3 acetaly) | 2542 | 2016 | 276-947-0 | 06.029 | 2-hexyl-4-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-dioxolan a 2-hexyl-1,3-dioxan-5-ol (směs) | 2-hexyl-1,3-dioxaolan-4-methanol a 2-hexyl-1,3-dioxan-5-ol (směs) | |

206.030 | 22 | 90-87-9 | 1,1-dimethoxy-2-fenylpropan | 2888 | 2017 | 202-022-8 | 06.030 | 2-fenylpropanal-dimethylacetal, hydratropaldehyd-dimethylacetal | | |

06.031 | 3 | 54306-00-2 | 1,1-diethoxyhex-2-en | | 2135 | 259-086-5 | 06.031 | hex-2-enal-diethylacetal | | |

06.032 | 23 | 2568-25-4 | 2-fenyl-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolan | 2130 | 2226 | 219-906-4 | 06.032 | benzaldehyd-propylenglykolacetal, 2-fenyl-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolan, cyklický acetal benzaldehydu a propylenglykolu | | |

06.033 | 1 | 871-22-7 | 1,1-dibutoxyethan | | 2341 | 212-804-0 | 06.033 | acetaldehyd-dibutylacetal | | |

06.034 | 1 | 105-82-8 | 1,1-dipropoxyethan | | 2342 | 203-335-2 | 06.034 | acetaldehyd-dipropylacetal | | |

06.035 | 3 | 10444-50-5 | citral-propylenglykolacetal | | 2343 | 233-929-7 | 06.035 | | 2-(2,6-dimethylhepta-1,5-dien-1-yl)-4-methyl-1,3-dioxalan | |

06.036 | 15 | 64577-91-9 | 1-butoxy-1-(2-fenylethoxy)ethan | 3125 | 10007 | 264-948-9 | 06.036 | acetaldehyd-butyl(fenethyl)acetal, 1-butoxy-1-(fenethyloxy)ethan | | |

06.037 | 4 | 18492-65-4 | 1,1-diethoxyhept-4-en (cis a trans) | 3349 | 10011 | 242-376-0 | 06.037 | hept-4-enal-diethylacetal | | 5 |

06.038 | 9 | 5436-21-5 | 4,4-dimethoxybutan-2-on | 3381 | 10029 | 226-605-1 | 06.038 | acetolacetaldehyd-dimethylacetal, 3-oxobutanal-dimethylacetal | | |

06.039 | 30 | 67715-79-1 | 1,2-di[(1'-ethoxy)-ethoxy]propan | 3534 | | 266-979-3 | 06.039 | 4,6,9-trimethyl-3,5,8,10-tetraoxadodekan | 1,2-bis(1-ethoxyethoxy)propan | |

06.040 | 9 | 67715-82-6 | 1,2,3-tris[(1'-ethoxy)-ethoxy]propan | 3593 | 11930 | | 06.040 | 7-(1-ethoxyethoxy)-4,10-dimethyl-3,5,9,11-tetraoxatridekan | 1,2,3-tris(1-ethoxyethoxy)propan | |

06.041 | 2 | | 1-ethoxy-1-isobutoxy-2-methylpropan | | 10055 | | 06.041 | isobutyraldehyd-ethyl(isobutyl)acetal, 2-methylpropanal-ethyl(isobutyl)acetal | | |

06.042 | 2 | | 1-ethoxy-1-isobutoxy-3-methylbutan | | 10057 | | 06.042 | isovaleraldehyd-ethyl(isobutyl)acetal, 3-methylbutanal-ethyl(isobutyl)acetal | | |

06.043 | 1 | | 1-isoamyloxy-1-ethoxypropan | | 10038 | | 06.043 | propanal-ethyl(isopentyl)acetal | 1-ethoxy-1-(2-methylpropoxy)ethan | |

06.044 | 1 | | 1-isobutoxy-1-ethoxypropan | | 10058 | | 06.044 | propanal-ethyl(isobutyl)acetal | 1-ethoxy-1-(2-methylpropoxy)propan | |

06.045 | 2 | | 1-isobutoxy-1-isopentyloxy-2-methylpropan | | 10061 | | 06.045 | isobutyraldehyd-isobutyl(isopentyl)acetal, 2-methylpropanal-isobutyl(3-methylbutyl)acetal | | |

06.046 | 2 | | 1-isobutoxy-1-isopentyloxy-3-methylbutan | | 10060 | | 06.046 | isovaleraldehyd-isoamyl(isobutyl)acetal, 3-methylbutanal-isobutyl(3-methylbutyl)acetal | | |

06.047 | 1 | | 1-isopentyloxy-1-propoxyethan | | 10065 | | 06.047 | acetaldehyd-isopenty(propyl)acetaldehyd | 1-(3-methylbutoxy)-1-propoxyethan | |

06.048 | 1 | | 1-isopentyloxy-1-propoxypropan | | 10066 | | 06.048 | propanal-isopentyl(propyl)acetal | 1-(3-methylbutoxy)-1-propoxypropan | |

06.049 | 1 | 77249-20-8 | 1-butoxy-1-(2-methylbutoxy)ethan | | | | 06.049 | acetaldehyd-butyl(2-methylbutyl)acetal | | |

06.050 | 1 | 57006-87-8 | 1-butoxy-1-ethoxyethan | | 10003 | | 06.050 | acetaldehyd-butyl(ethyl)acetal | | |

06.051 | 1 | 13535-43-8 | 1,1-di(2-methylbutoxy)ethan | | | | 06.051 | acetaldehyd-bis(2-methylbutyl)acetal | | |

06.052 | 2 | 13262-24-3 | 1,1-diisobutoxy-2-methylpropan | | 10025 | | 06.052 | isobutyraldehyd-diisobutylacetal, 2-methylpropanal-disobutylacetal | 1,1-bis(2-methylpropoxy)-2-methylpropan | |

06.053 | 1 | 5669-09-0 | 1,1-diisobutoxyethan | | 10023 | 227-129-7 | 06.053 | acetaldehyd-diisobutylacetal | 1,1-bis(2-methylpropoxy)ethan | |

06.054 | 1 | 13262-27-6 | 1,1-diisobutoxypentan | | 10026 | | 06.054 | valeraldehyd-diisobutylacetal, pentanal-disobutylacetal | 1,1-bis(2-methylpropoxy)pentan | |

06.055 | 1 | 13002-09-0 | 1,1-diisopentyloxyethan | | 10028 | 235-839-3 | 06.055 | acetaldehyd-diisopentylacetal, acetaldehyd-bis(3-methylbutyl)acetal | 1,1-bis(3-methylbutoxy)ethan | |

06.056 | 1 | 4285-59-0 | 1,1-diisopropyloxyethan | | | | 06.056 | acetaldehyd-diisopropylacetal | | 5 |

06.057 | 2 | 3658-94-4 | 1,1-diethoxy-2-methylbutan | | 10013 | | 06.057 | 2-methylbutanal-diethylacetal | | |

06.058 | 2 | 1741-41-9 | 1,1-diethoxy-2-methylpropan | | 10015 | 217-107-5 | 06.058 | isobutyraldehyd-diethylacetal, 2-methylpropanal-diethylacetal | | |

06.059 | 2 | 3842-03-3 | 1,1-diethoxy-3-methylbutan | | 10014 | 223-335-6 | 06.059 | isovaleraldehyd-diethylacetal, 3-methylbutanal-diethylacetal | | |

06.060 | 3 | 10602-34-3 | 1,1-diethoxybut-2-en | | | 234-224-7 | 06.060 | krotonaldehyd-diethylacetal, but-2-enal-diethylacetal | | |

06.061 | 1 | 3658-95-5 | 1,1-diethoxybutan | | 10009 | 222-913-5 | 06.061 | butyraldehyd-diethylacetal, butanal-diethylacetal | | |

06.062 | 1 | 53405-98-4 | 1,1-diethoxydodekan | | | 258-541-5 | 06.062 | laurylaldehyd-diethylacetal, dodekanal-diethylacetal | | |

06.063 | 4 | 73545-18-3 | 1,1-diethoxyhex-3-en | | | 277-532-7 | 06.063 | hex-3-enal-diethylacetal | | 5 |

06.064 | 1 | 462-95-3 | diethoxymethan | | 10012 | 207-330-6 | 06.064 | formaldehyd-diethylacetal | | |

06.065 | 1 | 54815-13-3 | 1,1-diethoxynonan | | 10016 | 259-360-4 | 06.065 | nonanal-diethylacetal | | |

06.066 | 1 | 54889-48-4 | 1,1-diethoxyoktan | | | 259-385-0 | 06.066 | kaprylaldehyd-diethylacetal, oktanal-diethylacetal | | |

06.067 | 1 | 3658-79-5 | 1,1-diethoxypentan | | 10017 | 222-909-3 | 06.067 | valeraldehyd-diethylacetal, pentanal-diethylacetal | | |

06.068 | 3 | 3054-95-3 | 1,1-diethoxyprop-2-en | | 10020 | 221-276-0 | 06.068 | akrolein-diethylacetal, akrylaldehyd-diethylacetal, prop-2-enal-diethylacetal | | |

06.069 | 1 | 4744-08-5 | 1,1-diethoxypropan | | 10018 | 225-257-8 | 06.069 | propionaldehyd-diethylacetal, propanal-diethylacetal | | |

06.070 | 1 | 53405-97-3 | 1,1-diethoxyundekan | | | 258-539-4 | 06.070 | undekanal-diethylacetal | | |

06.071 | 1 | 5405-58-3 | 1,1-dihexyloxyethan | | 10022 | 226-458-3 | 06.071 | acetaldehyd-dihexylacetal | | |

06.072 | 3 | 18318-83-7 | (E)-1,1-dimethoxyhex-2-en | | | 242-204-4 | 06.072 | trans-hex-2-enal-dimethylacetal | | |

06.073 | 1 | 1599-47-9 | 1,1-dimethoxyhexan | | | 216-488-5 | 06.073 | kapronaldehyd-dimethylacetal, hexanal-dimethylacetal | (E)-hex-2-enal | |

06.074 | 1 | 109-87-5 | dimethoxymethan | | 10031 | 203-714-2 | 06.074 | formaldehyd-dimethylacetal, methylal | | |

06.075 | 1 | 26450-58-8 | 1,1-dimethoxypentan | | | 247-716-1 | 06.075 | valeraldehyd-dimethylacetal, pentanal-dimethylacetal | | |

06.076 | 1 | 4744-10-9 | 1,1-dimethoxypropan | | | 225-258-3 | 06.076 | propionaldehyd-dimethylacetal, propanal-dimethylacetal | | |

06.077 | 1 | 3390-12-3 | 2,4-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan | | | 222-221-3 | 06.077 | | | |

06.078 | 15 | 122-71-4 | 1,1-difenethoxyethan | | | 204-568-2 | 06.078 | 1,1-bis(fenethyloxy)ethan, acetaldehyd-difenethylacetal | | |

06.079 | 1 | 13602-09-0 | 1-ethoxy-1-(2-methylbutoxy)ethan | | 10040 | | 06.079 | acetaldehyd-ethyl(2-methylbutyl)acetal | | |

06.080 | 15 | 2556-10-7 | 1-ethoxy-1-(2-fenylethoxy)ethan | | 10049 | 219-868-9 | 06.080 | acetaldehyd-ethyl(fenethyl)acetal | | |

06.081 | 4 | 28069-74-1 | 1-ethoxy-1-(hex-3-enyloxy)ethan | 3775 | 10034 | 248-817-3 | 06.081 | acetaldehyd-ethyl[(Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl]acetal | 1-(1-ethoxyethoxy)hex-3-en | 5 |

06.082 | 1 | 54484-73-0 | 1-ethoxy-1-hexyloxyethan | | 11948 | 259-184-8 | 06.082 | acetaldehyd-ethyl(hexyl)acetal, 1-(1-ethoxyethoxy)hexan | 1-(1-ethoxyethoxy)hexan | |

06.083 | 1 | 13442-90-5 | 1-ethoxy-1-isopentyloxyethan | | 10037 | 236-581-4 | 06.083 | acetaldehyd-ethyl(isopentzl)acetal, acetaldehyd-ethyl(3-methylbutyl)acetal | 1-ethoxy-1-(3-methylbutoxy)ethan, 1-ethoxy-1-(isopentyloxy)ethan | |

06.084 | 1 | 10471-14-4 | 1-ethoxy-1-methoxyethan | | 10039 | 233-959-0 | 06.084 | acetaldehyd-ethyl(methyl)acetal | | |

06.085 | 1 | 59184-43-9 | 1-ethoxy-1-(pentyloxy)ethan | | 10046 | | 06.085 | acetaldehyd-ethyl(pentyl)acetal | | |

06.086 | 1 | 20680-10-8 | 1-ethoxy-1-propoxyethan | | 10050 | 243-963-4 | 06.086 | acetaldehyd-ethyl(propyl)acetal | | |

06.087 | 10 | 6290-17-1 | ethyl-2,4-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-acetát | | | 228-536-2 | 06.087 | ethyl-acetoacetátupropylenglykolketal | ethyl-(2,4-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)acetát | |

06.088 | 1 | 4359-46-0 | 2-ethyl-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolan | | | 224-435-2 | 06.088 | | | |

06.089 | 1 | 6454-22-4 | 2-hexyl-4,5-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan | | | 229-261-0 | 06.089 | | | |

06.090 | 9 | 3674-21-3 | 4-hydroxymethyl-2-methyl-1,3-dioxolan | | | | 06.090 | | | |

06.091 | 1 | 6986-51-2 | 1-isobutoxy-1-ethoxyethan | | 10054 | 230-251-3 | 06.091 | acetaldehyd-ethyl(isobutyl)acetal | 1-ethoxy-1-(isobutoxy)ethan, 1-ethoxy-1-(2-methylpropoxy)ethan | |

06.092 | 1 | 75048-15-6 | 1-isobutoxy-1-(isopentyloxy)ethan | | 10059 | 278-063-0 | 06.092 | acetaldehyd-isobutyl(isopentyl)acetal, acetaldehyd-isobutyl(3-methylbutyl)acetal | 1-(3-methylbutoxy)-1-(2-methylpropoxy)ethan | |

06.093 | 2 | 67879-60-1 | 2-isopropyl-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolan | | | 267-550-3 | 06.093 | isobutyraldehyd-propylenglykolacetal | | |

06.094 | 1 | 1599-49-1 | 4-methyl-2-pentyl-1,3-dioxolan | 3630 | | 247-807-6 | 06.094 | kapronaldehyd-propylenglykolacetal | | |

06.095 | 1 | 4352-99-2 | 4-methyl-2-propyl-1,3-dioxolan | | | 224-420-0 | 06.095 | butyraldehyd-propylenglykolacetal | | |

06.096 | 1 | 122-51-0 | triethoxymethan | | 10903 | 204-550-4 | 06.096 | triethyl-orthoformiát, ethyl-orthoformiát | | |

06.097 | 9 | 7789-92-6 | 1,1,3-triethoxypropan | | 10075 | 232-193-4 | 06.097 | 3-ethoxypropanal-diethylacetal | | |

06.098 | 5 | 1193-11-9 | 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-dioxolan | 3441 | 11423 | 214-766-0 | 06.098 | aceton-propylenglykolketal | | |

06.099 | 23 | 4359-31-3 | vanillin-butylenglykolacetal | | | | 06.099 | 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyd-2,3-butandiylacetal | 2-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyfenyl)-3,4-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan | |

06.100 | 1 | 13002-08-9 | acetaldehyd-dipentylacetal | | 10032 | 235-838-8 | 06.100 | | 1,1-bis(pentyloxy)ethan | |

06.102 | 9 | 1708-36-7 | 2-hexyl-5-hydroxy-1,3-dioxan | | 2016 | 216-961-6 | 06.102 | enanthal-glycerolacetal | 2-hexyl-1,3-dioxan-5-ol | |

06.104 | 23 | 68527-74-2 | vanillin-propylenglykolacetal | 3905 | | | 06.104 | 2-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyfenyl)-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolan | | |

06.105 | 2 | 13285-51-3 | 3-methyl-1,1-diisopentyloxybutan | | 10070 | | 06.105 | isovaleraldehyd-diisopentylacetal, 3-methylbutanal-bis(3-methylbutyl)acetal | 3-methyl-1,1-bis(3-methylbutoxy)butan | |

06.106 | 2 | 13112-63-5 | 2-methyl-1,1-diisopentyloxypropan | | 10071 | | 06.106 | isobutytaldehyd-diisopentylacetal | 2-methyl-1,1-bis(3-methylbutoxy)propan | |

06.107 | 1 | 13548-84-0 | 1-(isopentyloxy)ethan | | 10068 | | 06.107 | methylbutylacetal | 1-(2-methylbutoxy)-1-(3-methylbutoxy)ethan | |

06.108 | 23 | | anisaldehyd-butan-2,3-diolacetal | | | | 06.108 | anisaldehyd-butylenglykolacetal | 2-(4-methoxyfenyl)-3,4-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan | |

06.109 | 4 | | 1,1-diethoxy-3,7-dimethylokt-6-en | | | | 06.109 | citronellal-diethylacetal, 3,7-dimethylokt-6-enal-diethylacetal | | |

06.110 | 1 | | 1-ethoxy-1-isopentyloxyhexan | | | | 06.110 | kapronaldehyd-ethyl(isopentyl)acetal, hexanal-ethyl(3-methylbutyl)acetal | 1-ethoxy-1-(3-methylbutoxy)hexan | |

06.111 | 1 | | 1-ethoxy-1-methoxypropan | | | | 06.111 | propionaldehyd-ethyl(methyl)acetal, propanal-ethyl(methyl)acetal | | |

06.112 | 1 | | 1-ethoxy-1-propoxyhexan | | | | 06.112 | kapronaldehyd-ethyl(propyl)acetal, hexanal-ethyl(propyl)acetal | | |

06.113 | 23 | | heliotropin-butan-2,3-diolacetal | | | | 06.113 | piperonal-butan-2,3-diolacetal | 4,5-dimethyl-2-(3,4-methylendioxyfenyl)-1,3-dioxolan | |

06.114 | 1 | | 1-hexyloxy-1-isopentyloxyethan | | | | 06.114 | acetaldehyd-hexyl(isoamyl)acetal, acetaldehyd-hexyl(3-methylbutyl)acetal | 1-hexyloxy-1-(3-methylbutoxy)ethan | |

06.115 | 1 | | 1-isopentyloxy-1-pentyloxyethan | | | | 06.115 | acetaldehyd-(3-methylbutyl)pentylacetal | 1-(3-methylbutoxy)-1-(pentyloxy)ethan | |

06.120 | 8 | | dl-menthon-1,2-glycerolketal | 3808 | | | 06.120 | | | |

06.123 | 1 | | 1-butoxy-1-isopentyloxyethan | | 10004 | | 06.123 | acetaldehyd-butyl(isoamyl)acetal | 1-butoxy-1-(3-methylbutoxy)ethan | |

06.124 | 2 | | 1,1-diisobutoxy-3-methylbutan | | 10024 | | 06.124 | isovaleraldehyd-diisobutylacetal, 3-methylbutanal-diisobutylacetal | 1,1-bis(2-methylpropoxy)-3-methylbutan | |

06.125 | 1 | | 1,1-diisobutoxypropan | | 10027 | | 06.125 | propanal-diisobutylacetal | 1,1-bis(2-methylpropoxy)propan | |

06.127 | 1 | | 1-ethoxy-1-isopentyloxypropan | | 10036 | | 06.127 | butanal-ethyl(isopentyl)acetal, butanal-ethyl(3-methylbutyl)acetal | 1-ethoxy-1-(3-methylbutoxy)propan | |

06.128 | 1 | | 1-ethoxy-1-pentyloxybutan | | 10045 | | 06.128 | butanal-ethyl(pentyl)acetal | | |

06.129 | 2 | | 1-ethoxy-2-methyl-1-isopentyloxypropan | | 10043 | | 06.129 | isobutyraldehyd-ethyl(isopentyl)acetal, 2-methylpropanal-ethyl(3-methylbutyl)acetal | 1-ethoxy-2-methyl-1-(3-methylbutoxy)propan | |

06.130 | 2 | | 1-ethoxy-2-methyl-1-propoxypropan | | 10044 | | 06.130 | isobutyraldehyd-ethyl(propyl)acetal, 2-methylpropanal-ethyl(propyl)acetal | | |

06.131 | 2 | | 1-ethoxy-3-methyl-1-isopentyloxybutan | | 10042 | | 06.131 | isovaleraldehyd-ethyl(isopentyl)acetal, 3-methylbutanal-ethyl(3-methylbutyl)acetal | 1-ethoxy-3-methyl-1-(3-methylbutoxy)butan | |

07.001 | 9 | 78-98-8 | 2-oxopropanal | 2969 | 105 | 201-164-8 | 07.001 | pyruvaldehyd, aldehyd kyseliny pyrohroznové | | |

07.002 | 5 | 110-43-0 | heptan-2-on | 2544 | 136 | 203-767-1 | 07.002 | methyl(pentyl)keton | | |

07.003 | 5 | 106-35-4 | heptan-3-on | 2545 | 137 | 203-388-1 | 07.003 | butyl(ethyl)keton | | |

07.004 | 21 | 98-86-2 | acetofenon | 2009 | 138 | 202-708-7 | 07.004 | fenyl(methyl)keton, acetylbenzen | | |

07.005 | 21 | 122-48-5 | vanillylaceton | 3124 | 139 | 204-548-3 | 07.005 | zingeron, (3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzyl)aceton | 4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyfenyl)butan-2-on | |

07.006 | 8 | 76-22-2 | (+)-kafr | 2230 | 140 | 200-945-0 | 07.006 | 2-bornanon, 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-on | (+)-bornan-2-on | 5 |

07.007 | 8 | 127-41-3 | α-jonon | 2594 | 141 | 204-841-6 | 07.007 | | 4-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-yl)but-3-en-2-on | |

07.008 | 8 | 14901-07-6 | β-jonon | 2595 | 142 | 238-969-9 | 07.008 | β-irison, β-cyklocitrylidenaceton | 4-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-1-en-1-yl)but-3-en-2-on | 5 |

07.009 | 8 | 7779-30-8 | methyl-α-jonon | 2711 | 143 | 204-842-1 | 07.009 | 5-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-yl)pent-4-en-3-on, raldein, α-cyklocitrylidenmethyl(ethyl)keton | 1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-enyl)pent-1-en-3-on | |

07.010 | 8 | 127-43-5 | methyl-β-jonon | 2712 | 144 | 204-843-7 | 07.010 | raldein, β-cyklocitrylidenbutanon, β-methyljonon, β-iraldein | 1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-1-en-1-yl)pent-1-en-3-on | |

07.011 | 8 | 79-69-6 | 4-(2,5,6,6-tetramethylcyklohex-2-en-1-yl)but-3-en-2-on | 2597 | 145 | 201-219-6 | 07.011 | α-iron, 6-methyljonon | | |

07.012 | 8 | 99-49-0 | karvon | 2249 | 146 | 202-759-5 | 07.012 | karvol | p-mentha-1,8-dien-2-on, (S)-5-isopropenyl-2-methylcyklohex-2-en-1-on | |

07.013 | 21 | 93-08-3 | methyl(2-naftyl)keton | 2723 | 147 | 202-216-2 | 07.013 | 2-acetonafton, 2-acetylnaftalen, methyl(β-naftyl)keton, β-acetonafton | | |

07.014 | 12 | 118-71-8 | maltol | 2656 | 148 | 204-271-8 | 07.014 | | 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-4H-pyran-4-on | |

07.015 | 5 | 110-93-0 | 6-methylhept-5-en-2-on | 2707 | 149 | 203-816-7 | 07.015 | methy(4-methyhex-3-en-1-yl)keton, methylheptenon | | |

07.016 | 5 | 112-12-9 | undekan-2-on | 3093 | 150 | 203-937-5 | 07.016 | methyl(nonyl)keton | | |

07.017 | 5 | 108-10-1 | 4-methylpentan-2-on | 2731 | 151 | 203-550-1 | 07.017 | isobutyl(methyl)keton, isopropylaceton, hexon | | |

07.018 | 10 | 3848-24-6 | hexan-2,3-dion | 2558 | 152 | 223-350-8 | 07.018 | methyl(propyl)diketon, acetylbutyryl | | |

07.019 | 5 | 111-13-7 | oktan-2-on | 2802 | 153 | 203-837-1 | 07.019 | hexyl(methyl)keton | | |

07.020 | 5 | 821-55-6 | nonan-2-on | 2785 | 154 | 212-480-0 | 07.020 | heptyl(methyl)keton | | |

07.021 | 10 | 7493-59-6 | undekan-2,3-dion | 3090 | 155 | 231-330-5 | 07.021 | acetylnonanoyl, acetylpelargonyl | | |

07.022 | 21 | 122-00-9 | 4-methylacetofenon | 2677 | 156 | 204-514-8 | 07.022 | p-methylacetofenon, methyl(p-tolyl)keton, 1-acetyl-4-methylbenzen | | |

07.023 | 21 | 89-74-7 | 2,4-dimethylacetofenon | 2387 | 157 | 201-935-9 | 07.023 | acetyl-m-xylen, methyl(2,4-dimethylfenyl)keton | 1-(2,4-dimethylfenol)ethan-1-on | |

07.024 | 21 | 122-57-6 | 4-fenylbut-3-en-2-on | 2881 | 158 | 204-555-1 | 07.024 | benzylidenaceton, methyl(styryl)keton, acetocinnamon, benzalaceton | | |

07.025 | 21 | 5349-62-2 | 4-methyl-1-fenylpentan-2-on | 2740 | 159 | 226-316-0 | 07.025 | benzyl(isobutyl)keton | | |

07.026 | 21 | 7774-79-0 | 4-(p-tolyl)butan-2-on | 3074 | 160 | | 07.026 | | 4-(4-methylfenyl)butan-2-on | |

07.027 | 21 | 1901-26-4 | 3-methyl-4-fenylbut-3-en-2-on | 2734 | 161 | 217-599-1 | 07.027 | 3-benzylidenbutan-2-on, α-methyl-α-benzylidenaceton | | |

07.028 | 21 | 119-53-9 | benzoin | 2132 | 162 | 204-331-3 | 07.028 | α-hydroxy-α-fenylacetofenon | 1,2-difenyl-2-hydroxyethan-1-on | |

07.029 | 21 | 104-20-1 | 4-(4-methoxyfenyl)butan-2-on | 2672 | 163 | 203-184-2 | 07.029 | anisylaceton, p-methoxyfenylbutanon, methyloxanon, (4-methoxybenzyl)aceton | | |

07.030 | 21 | 104-27-8 | 1-(4-methoxyfenyl)pent-1-en-3-on | 2673 | 164 | 203-190-5 | 07.030 | ethon, α-methylanisalaceton, α-methylanisylidenaceton, ethyl(p-methoxystyryl)keton | | |

07.031 | 21 | 55418-52-5 | piperonylaceton | 2701 | 165 | 259-630-1 | 07.031 | dulcinyl, heliotropylaceton | 4-(3,4-methylendioxyfenyl)butan-2-on, 4-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)butan-2-on | |

07.032 | 21 | 119-61-9 | benzofenon | 2134 | 166 | 204-337-6 | 07.032 | | | |

07.033 | 8 | 95-41-0 | isojasmon | 3552 | 167 | 202-417-5 | 07.033 | | 2-hexylcyklopent-2-en-1-on a 2-hexylidencyklopentan-1-on (směs) | 5 |

07.034 | 8 | 17373-89-6 | 2-hexylidencyklopentan-1-on | 2573 | 167 | 241-411-7 | 07.034 | α-hexylidencyklopentanon | | 5 |

07.035 | 8 | 17369-60-7 | tetramethyl(ethyl)cyklohexenon (směs isomerů) | 3061 | 168 | 241-403-3 | 07.035 | | | 5 |

07.036 | 8 | 127-51-5 | α-isomethyljonon | 2714 | 169 | 204-846-3 | 07.036 | methyl-γ-jonon, isomethyljonon, γ-methyljonon | 3-methyl-4-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-yl)but-3-en-2-on | |

07.037 | 8 | 1195-79-5 | fenchon | 2479 | 551 | 225-160-0 | 07.037 | (+)-1,3,3-trimethylnorbornan-2-on | | 5 |

07.038 | 21 | 100-06-1 | 4-methoxyacetofenon | 2005 | 570 | 202-815-9 | 07.038 | acetanisol, p-acetylanisol, 4-acetylanisol | 1-(4-methoxyfenyl)ethan-1-on | |

07.039 | 9 | 7786-52-9 | 1-hydroxyoktan-3-on | 2804 | 592 | | 07.039 | (2-hydroxyethyl)pentylketon | | |

07.040 | 21 | 93-55-0 | 1-fenylpropan-1-on | 3469 | 599 | 202-257-6 | 07.040 | propiofenon, ethyl(fenyl)keton, propionylbenzen | | |

07.041 | 8 | 79-89-0 | β-isomethyljonon | | 650 | 201-231-1 | 07.041 | isomethyl-β-jonon | 3-methyl-4-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-1-en-1-yl)but-3-en-2-on | |

07.042 | 21 | 645-13-6 | 4-isopropylacetofenon | 2927 | 651 | 211-433-1 | 07.042 | (4-isopropylfenyl)methylketon, 4-acetylkumen, 4-propylacetofenon | | |

07.044 | 5 | 625-33-2 | pent-3-en-2-on | 3417 | 666 | 210-888-3 | 07.044 | methyl(1-prop-1-en-1-yl)keton | | |

07.045 | 8 | 2408-37-9 | 2,2,6-trimethylcyklohexanon | 3473 | 686 | 219-309-9 | 07.045 | | 2,2,6-trimethylcyklohexan-1-on | |

07.046 | 21 | 1080-12-2 | vanilylidenaceton | 3738 | 691 | 214-096-9 | 07.046 | (3-methoxy-4-hydroxystyryl)methylketon, dihydrozingeron | 4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyfenyl)but-3-en-2-on | |

07.047 | 12 | 4940-11-8 | ethylmaltol | 3487 | 692 | 225-582-5 | 07.047 | 2-ethylpyromekonová kyselina | 2-ethyl-3-hydroxy-4H-pyran-4-on | |

07.048 | 5 | 2497-21-4 | hex-2-en-4-on | 3352 | 718 | 219-681-2 | 07.048 | hex-2-en-4-on, ethyl(prop-1-en-1-yl)keton | | |

07.049 | 21 | 103-13-9 | 1-(4-methoxyfenyl)-4-methylpent-1-en-3-on | 3760 | 719 | | 07.049 | isopropyl(4-methoxystyryl)keton | | |

07.050 | 5 | 67-64-1 | aceton | 3326 | 737 | 200-662-2 | 07.050 | propan-2-on, dimethylketon | | 1 |

07.051 | 10 | 513-86-0 | 3-hydroxybutan-2-on | 2008 | 749 | 208-174-1 | 07.051 | acetoin, 3-hydroxybutan-2-on | | |

07.052 | 10 | 431-03-8 | diacetyl | 2370 | 752 | 207-069-8 | 07.052 | dimethyldiketon, biacetyl, dimethylglyoxal | butan-2,3-dion | |

07.053 | 5 | 78-93-3 | butan-2-on | 2170 | 753 | 201-159-0 | 07.053 | ethyl(methyl)keton | | |

07.054 | 5 | 107-87-9 | pentan-2-on | 2842 | 754 | 203-528-1 | 07.054 | ethylaceton, methyl(propyl)keton | | |

07.055 | 21 | 5471-51-2 | 4-(p-hydroxyfenyl)butan-2-on | 2588 | 755 | 226-806-4 | 07.055 | (4-hydroxybenzyl)aceton, oxyfenalon, frambinon, (p-hydrobenzyl)aceton4-(4-hydroxyfenyl)butan-2-on | | |

07.056 | 30 | 80-71-7 | 3-methylcyklopentan-1,2-dion a 2-hydroxy-3-methylcyklopent-2-en-1-on (směs) | 2700 | 758 | 201-303-2 | 07.056 | methylcyklopentenolon, cykloten, korylon | 3-methylcyklopentan-1,2-dion a 2-hydroxy-3-methylcyklopent-2-en-1-on (směs) | |

07.057 | 30 | 21835-01-8 | 3-ethylcyklopentan-1,2-dion a 2-hydroxy-3-ethylcyklopent-2-en-1-on | 3152 | 759 | 244-606-5 | 07.057 | ethylcyklopentenolon, ethylcyklopentalon | 3-ethylcyklopentan-1,2-dion 3-ethyl-2-hydroxycyklopent-2-en-1-on | |

07.058 | 5 | 123-19-3 | heptan-4-on | 2546 | 2034 | 204-608-9 | 07.058 | dipropylketon, butyron | | |

07.059 | 8 | 10458-14-7 | p-menthan-3-on | 2667 | 2035 | 233-944-9 | 07.059 | 2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexan-1-on | | |

07.060 | 10 | 600-14-6 | pentan-2,3-dion | 2841 | 2039 | 209-984-8 | 07.060 | acetylpropanoyl, ethyl(methyl)diketon | | |

07.061 | 8 | 79-78-7 | allyl-α-jonon | 2033 | 2040 | 201-225-9 | 07.061 | allyl(cyklocitryliden)aceton | 1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-yl)hepta-1,6-dien-3-on | |

07.062 | 5 | 106-68-3 | oktan-3-on | 2803 | 2042 | 203-423-0 | 07.062 | ethyl(pentyl)keton | | |

07.063 | 10 | 7493-58-5 | 4-methylpentan-2,3-dion | 2730 | 2043 | 231-328-4 | 07.063 | acetylisobutyryl, isopropyl(methyl)diketon | | |

07.064 | 10 | 96-04-8 | heptan-2,3-dion | 2543 | 2044 | 202-472-5 | 07.064 | acetylpentanoyl, acetylvaleryl, butyl(methyl)diketon | | |

07.065 | 10 | 496-77-5 | 5-hydroxyoktan-4-on | 2587 | 2045 | 207-830-4 | 07.065 | butyroin | | |

07.067 | 8 | 29606-79-9 | isopulegon | 2964 | 2051 | 249-725-6 | 07.067 | 1-isopropyl-4-methylcyklohexan-2-on | p-menth-8-en-3-on | 5 |

07.069 | 5 | 4433-36-7 | tetrahydropseudojonon | 3059 | 2053 | 224-634-4 | 07.069 | 6,10-dimethylundec-9-en-2-on, dihydrogeranylaceton | 6,10-dimethylundec-9-en-2-on | |

07.070 | 21 | 7492-37-7 | 3-benzylheptan-4-on | 2146 | 2140 | 231-317-4 | 07.070 | | | |

07.071 | 10 | 5455-24-3 | oktan-4,5-dion | | 2141 | | 07.071 | dibutyryl, dipropyldiketon | | |

07.072 | 5 | 624-42-0 | 6-methylheptan-3-on | | 2143 | 210-844-3 | 07.072 | ethyl(isopentyl)keton | | |

07.073 | 5 | 110-12-3 | 5-methylhexan-2-on | | 2144 | 203-737-8 | 07.073 | isopentyl(methyl)keton | | |

07.075 | 30 | 13494-06-9 | 3,4-dimethylcyklopentan-1,2-dion a 2-hydroxy-3,4-dimethylcyklopent-2-en-1-on (směs) | 3268 | 2234 | 236-810-8 | 07.075 | | | |

07.076 | 30 | 13494-07-0 | 3,5-dimethylcyklopentan-1,2-dion | 3269 | 2235 | 236-811-3 | 07.076 | | | |

07.077 | 10 | 4437-51-8 | hexan-3,4-dion | 3168 | 2255 | 224-651-7 | 07.077 | diopripionyl, diethyldiketon | | |

07.078 | 8 | 491-07-6 | d,l-isomenthon | 3460 | 2259 | 207-727-4 | 07.078 | cis-1-2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexan-1-on | cis-p-menthan-3-on, 2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexan-1-on | |

07.079 | 30 | 579-07-7 | 1-fenylpropan-1,2-dion | 3226 | 2275 | 209-435-2 | 07.079 | acetylbenzoyl, fenylmethylglyoxal, fenyl(methyl)diketon | | |

07.080 | 30 | 3008-43-3 | 3-methylcyklohexan-1,2-dion | 3305 | 2311 | 221-122-2 | 07.080 | | | |

07.081 | 5 | 4312-99-6 | okt-1-en-3-on | 3515 | 2312 | 224-327-5 | 07.081 | pentyl(vinyl)keton | | |

07.082 | 5 | 4643-27-0 | okt-2-en-4-on | 3603 | 2313 | 225-071-7 | 07.082 | butyl(prop-1-en-1-yl)keton | | |

07.083 | 8 | 23726-92-3 | β-damaskon | 3243 | 2340 | 245-843-7 | 07.083 | | 1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-1-en-1-yl)but-2-en-1-on | 5 |

07.084 | 5 | 96-22-0 | pentan-3-on | | 2350 | 202-490-3 | 07.084 | diethylketon, dimethylaceton | | |

07.086 | 21 | 102-04-5 | 1,3-difenylpropan-2-on | 2397 | 11839 | 203-000-0 | 07.086 | dibenzylketon | | |

07.087 | 21 | 122-84-9 | (4-methoxyfenyl)aceton | 2674 | 11836 | 204-578-7 | 07.087 | anisyl(methyl)keton, 3-(4-methoxyfenyl)propan-2-on anisketon | | |

07.088 | 8 | 7784-98-7 | methyl-δ-jonon | 2713 | 11852 | 232-074-7 | 07.088 | | 1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-3-en-1-yl)pent-1-en-3-on | |

07.089 | 8 | 4674-50-4 | nootkaton | 3166 | 11164 | 225-124-4 | 07.089 | 8-isopropenyl-5,6-dimethylbicyklo[4.4.0]dec-1-en-3-on | (4R)-6-isopropenyl-4,4a-dimethyl-2,3,4,4a,5,6,7,8-oktahydronaftalen-2-on | |

07.090 | 9 | 5077-67-8 | 1-hydroxybutan-2-on | 3173 | 11102 | 225-790-6 | 07.090 | 2-oxobutan-1-ol, ethyl(hydroxymethyl)keton | | |

07.091 | 8 | 79-76-5 | γ-jonon | 3175 | | 201-223-8 | 07.091 | | 4-(2,2-dimethyl-6-methylidencyklohexyl)but-3-en-2-on | |

07.092 | 8 | 499-70-7 | p-menthan-2-on | 3176 | 11128 | 207-887-5 | 07.092 | karvomenthon, tetrahydromenthon, tetrahydrokarvon | trans-5-isopropyl-2-methylcyklohexan-1-on | |

07.093 | 10 | 13706-86-0 | 5-methylhexan-2,3-dion | 3190 | 11148 | 237-241-8 | 07.093 | acetylisovaleryl, isobutyl(methyl)diketon, isobutyl(methyl)glyoxal | | |

07.094 | 8 | 488-10-8 | (Z)-3-methyl-2-(pent-2-enyl)cyklopent-2-en-1-on | 3196 | 11786 | 207-668-4 | 07.094 | cis-jasmon | 3-methyl-2-(pent-2-en-1-yl)cyklopent-2-en-1-on | 5 |

07.095 | 8 | 14765-30-1 | 2-(sek-butyl)cyklohexanon | 3261 | 11044 | 238-830-2 | 07.095 | | 2-(1-methylpropyl)cyklohexan-1-on | |

07.096 | 5 | 589-38-8 | hexan-3-on | 3290 | 11097 | 209-645-4 | 07.096 | ethyl(propyl)keton | | |

07.097 | 10 | 59191-78-5 | 3-(hydroxymethyl)oktan-2-on | 3292 | 11113 | 261-652-1 | 07.097 | | | |

07.098 | 8 | 1193-18-6 | 3-methylcyklohex-2-en-1-on | 3360 | 11134 | 214-769-7 | 07.098 | | | |

07.099 | 5 | 1604-28-0 | 6-methylhepta-3,5-dien-2-on | 3363 | 11143 | 216-507-7 | 07.099 | methylheptadienon | | |

07.100 | 5 | 3240-09-3 | 5-methylhex-5-en-2-on | 3365 | 11150 | 221-807-6 | 07.100 | (2-methylallyl)aceton, methylallylaceton | | |

07.101 | 5 | 141-79-7 | 4-methylpent-3-en-2-on | 3368 | 11853 | 205-502-5 | 07.101 | mesityloxid, methyl(2-methylprop-1-en-1-yl)keton | | |

07.102 | 5 | 1629-58-9 | pent-1-en-3-on | 3382 | 11179 | 216-624-3 | 07.102 | ethyl(vinyl)keton | | |

07.103 | 5 | 593-08-8 | tridekan-2-on | 3388 | 11194 | 209-784-0 | 07.103 | methyl(undecyl)keton | | |

07.104 | 5 | 4643-25-8 | hept-2-en-4-on | 3399 | 11093 | 225-070-1 | 07.104 | | | |

07.105 | 5 | 1119-44-4 | hept-3-en-2-on | 3400 | 11094 | 214-278-8 | 07.105 | methyl(pent-1-en-1-yl)keton, butylidenaceton | | |

07.106 | 5 | 5166-53-0 | 5-methylhex-3-en-2-on | 3409 | 11149 | 225-950-5 | 07.106 | isobutylidenaceton | | |

07.107 | 5 | 1669-44-9 | okt-3-en-2-on | 3416 | 11170 | 216-793-3 | 07.107 | | | |

07.108 | 8 | 23696-85-7 | β-damascenon | 3420 | 11197 | 245-833-2 | 07.108 | | 1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohexa-1,3-dien-1-yl)but-2-en-1-on | |

07.109 | 30 | 1125-21-9 | 2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1,4-dion | 3421 | 11200 | 214-406-2 | 07.109 | | | |

07.110 | 8 | 542-46-1 | cykloheptadec-9-en-1-on | 3425 | 11744 | 208-813-4 | 07.110 | civeton | | 5 |

07.111 | 8 | 541-91-3 | 3-methylcyklopentadekan-1-on | 3434 | 11135 | 208-795-8 | 07.111 | muskon, methylexalton | | |

07.112 | 8 | 2758-18-1 | 3-methylcyklopent-2-en-1-on | 3435 | 11137 | 220-421-5 | 07.112 | | | |

07.113 | 5 | 925-78-0 | nonan-3-on | 3440 | 11160 | 213-125-2 | 07.113 | ethyl(hexyl)keton | | |

07.114 | 5 | 762-29-8 | 6,10,14-trimethylpentadeka-5,9,13-trien-2-on | 3442 | 11206 | 212-097-9 | 07.114 | farnesylaceton | | |

07.115 | 8 | 20483-36-7 | 3,4-dehydrodihydro-β-jonon | 3447 | 11057 | 243-847-3 | 07.115 | dehydrodihydrojonon | 4-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohexa-1,3-dien-1-yl)butan-2-on | |

07.116 | 8 | 43219-68-7 | 1-(1,4-dimethylcyklohex-3-en-1-yl)ethan-1-on | 3449 | 11062 | 256-150-4 | 07.116 | 4-acetyl-1,4-dimethylcyklohex-1-en | | |

07.117 | 30 | 42348-12-9 | 3-ethyl-2-hydroxy-4-methylcyklopent-2-en-1-on | 3453 | 11077 | 255-767-6 | 07.117 | ethylcyklopentenolon | | |

07.118 | 30 | 53263-58-4 | 5-ethyl-2-hydroxy-3-methylcyklopent-2-en-1-on | 3454 | 11078 | 258-451-6 | 07.118 | 5-ethyl-3-methylcykloten | | |

07.119 | 30 | 10316-66-2 | 2-hydroxycyklohex-2-en-1-on a cyklohexan-1,2-dion (směs) | 3458 | 11046 | | 07.119 | | | |

07.120 | 30 | 4883-60-7 | 2-hydroxy-3,5,5-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-on a 3,5,5-trimethylcyklohexan-1,2-dion (směs) | 3459 | 11198 | | 07.120 | | | |

07.121 | 5 | 10519-33-2 | dec-3-en-2-on | 3532 | 11751 | 234-059-0 | 07.121 | heptylidenaceton, enanthylidenaceton | | |

07.122 | 5 | 108-83-8 | 2,6-dimethylheptan-4-on | 3537 | 11914 | 203-620-1 | 07.122 | diisobutylketon, isovaleron | | |

07.123 | 5 | 3796-70-1 | geranylaceton | 3542 | 11088 | 223-269-8 | 07.123 | α,β-dihydropseudojonon | (E)-6,10-dimethylundeka-5,9-dien-2-on | |

07.124 | 21 | 118-93-4 | 2-hydroxyacetofenon | 3548 | 11784 | 204-288-0 | 07.124 | 1-(2-hydroxyfenyl)ethan-1-on, 2-acetylfenol | | |

07.125 | 10 | 3142-66-3 | 3-hydroxypentan-2-on | 3550 | 11115 | | 07.125 | | | |

07.126 | 8 | 78-59-1 | 3,5,5-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-on | 3553 | 11918 | 201-126-0 | 07.126 | isoforon | | |

07.127 | 8 | 491-09-8 | p-mentha-1,4(8)-dien-3-on | 3560 | 11189 | 207-729-5 | 07.127 | piperitenon, 4-isopropyliden-1-methylcyklohex-1-en-3-on | | |

07.128 | 8 | 7764-50-3 | dihydrokarvon | 3565 | 11703 | 231-857-0 | 07.128 | cis-dihydrokarvon | p-menth-8-en-2-on, 5-isopropenyl-2-methylcyklohexan-1-on | |

07.129 | 8 | 3720-16-9 | 3-methyl-5-propylcyklohex-2-en-1-on | 3577 | | 223-069-0 | 07.129 | | | |

07.130 | 8 | 57378-68-4 | δ-damaskon | 3622 | | 260-709-8 | 07.130 | | 1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-3-en-1-yl)but-2-en-1-on | 5 |

07.131 | 8 | 17283-81-7 | dihydro-β-jonon | 3626 | 11060 | 241-318-1 | 07.131 | | 4-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-1-en-1-yl)butan-2-on | |

07.132 | 8 | 31499-72-6 | dihydro-α-jonon | 3628 | 11059 | 250-657-4 | 07.132 | | 4-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-yl)butan-2-on | |

07.133 | 21 | 13171-00-1 | 4-acetyl-6-terc-butyl-1,1-dimethylindan | 3653 | | 236-114-4 | 07.133 | celestolid | (6-terc-butyl-1,1-dimethylindan-4-yl)methylketon | |

07.134 | 8 | 43052-87-5 | α-damaskon | 3659 | 11053 | | 07.134 | | 1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-yl)but-2-en-1-on | 5 |

07.135 | 25 | 28631-86-9 | 2,4-dihydroxyacetofenon | 3662 | 11884 | | 07.135 | 1-(2,4-dihydroxyfenyl)ethan-1-on | | |

07.136 | 8 | 34545-88-5 | 4,4a,5,6-tetrahydro-7-methylnaftalen-2(3H)-on | 3715 | | 252-079-8 | 07.136 | | 7-methyl-2,3,4,4a,5,6-hexahydronaftalen-2-on, 9-methylbicyklo[4.4.0]dec-1-en-3-on | |

07.137 | 5 | 2345-28-0 | pentadekan-2-on | 3724 | 11808 | 219-064-8 | 07.137 | methyl(tridecyl)keton | | |

07.138 | 5 | 63759-55-7 | 2-pentylbut-1-en-3-on | 3725 | | 264-448-0 | 07.138 | | 3-pentylbut-3-en-2-on | |

07.139 | 5 | 81925-81-7 | 5-methylhept-2-en-4-on | 3761 | | | 07.139 | | | |

07.140 | 8 | 1128-08-1 | 3-methyl-2-pentylcyklopent-2-en-1-on | 3763 | | 214-434-5 | 07.140 | dihydrojasmon | | |

07.142 | 25 | 498-02-2 | acetovanillon | | 11035 | 207-854-5 | 07.142 | 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyacetofenon | 1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyfenyl)ethan-1-on | |

07.143 | 8 | 32388-55-9 | acetylcedren | | | 251-020-3 | 07.143 | cedrenyl(methyl)keton | 5-acetyl-2,2,4,8-tetramethyltricyklo[5.3.13,7.01,7)undec-4(5)-en, (3R)-1-(3,6,8,8-tetramethyl-2,3,4,7,8,8a-hexahydro-1H-3a,7-methanoazulen-5-yl)ethan-1-on | |

07.144 | 30 | 1670-46-8 | 2-acetylcyklopentan-1-on | | | 216-797-5 | 07.144 | | | |

07.145 | 5 | 78-94-4 | but-3-en-2-on | | 11043 | 201-160-6 | 07.145 | methyl(vinyl)keton | | |

07.146 | 8 | 2244-16-8 | d-karvon | 2249 | 146 | 218-827-2 | 07.146 | | (+)-p-mentha-1,8-dien-2-on, (S)-5-isopropenyl-2-methylcyklohex-2-en-1-on | 5 |

07.147 | 8 | 6485-40-1 | l-karvon | 2249 | 146 | 229-352-5 | 07.147 | | (-)-p-mentha-1,8-dien-2-on | 5 |

07.148 | 8 | 108-94-1 | cyklohexanon | 3909 | 11047 | 203-631-1 | 07.148 | | | |

07.149 | 8 | 120-92-3 | cyklopentanon | 3910 | 11050 | 204-435-9 | 07.149 | | | |

07.150 | 5 | 693-54-9 | dekan-2-on | | 11055 | 211-752-6 | 07.150 | | methyl(oktyl)keton | |

07.151 | 5 | 928-80-3 | dekan-3-on | | 11056 | 213-183-9 | 07.151 | | ethyl(heptyl)keton | |

07.152 | 10 | 51933-13-2 | 3,3-diethoxybutan-2-on | | | | 07.152 | | | |

07.153 | 8 | 1803-39-0 | 1,10-dihydronootkaton | 3776 | | | 07.153 | | 1,2,6-trimethyl-isopropyl-9-enbicyklo[4.4.0]dekan-4-on | |

07.154 | 25 | 5650-43-1 | 1-(3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyfenyl)propan-1-on | | 11106 | | 07.154 | propiosyringon | | |

07.155 | 8 | 30434-64-1 | 3,4-dimethylcyklopent-2-en-1-on | | | 250-199-5 | 07.155 | | | |

07.156 | 5 | 2550-18-7 | 2,6-dimethylokt-6-en-3-on | | | | 07.156 | | | |

07.157 | 5 | 1604-34-8 | 6,10-dimethylundekan-2-on | | 11068 | 216-509-8 | 07.157 | methyl(4,8-dimethylnonyl)keton | | |

07.158 | 5 | 6175-49-1 | dodekan-2-on | | 11069 | 228-222-5 | 07.158 | decyl(methyl)keton | | |

07.159 | 8 | 4695-62-9 | d-fenchon | 2479 | 551 | 225-160-0 | 07.159 | (-)-1,3,3-trimethyl-2-norbornanon | (1S)-1,3,3-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-on | 5 |

07.160 | 5 | 2922-51-2 | heptadekan-2-on | | 11089 | | 07.160 | methyl(pentadecyl)keton | | |

07.161 | 5 | 1629-60-3 | hex-1-en-3-on | | | 216-625-9 | 07.161 | propyl(vinyl)keton | | |

07.162 | 5 | 109-49-9 | hex-5-en-2-on | | | 203-675-1 | 07.162 | (but-3-en-1-yl)methylketon | | |

07.163 | 5 | 591-78-6 | hexan-2-on | | 11776 | 209-731-1 | 07.163 | butyl(methyl)keton | | |

07.164 | 21 | 2478-38-8 | 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyacetofenon | | 11105 | 219-610-5 | 07.164 | acetosyringon | 1-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyfenyl)ethan-1-on | |

07.165 | 10 | 123-42-2 | 4-hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-on | | | 204-626-7 | 07.165 | (2-hydroxy-2-methylpropyl)methylketon | | |

07.166 | 10 | 590-90-9 | 4-hydroxybutan-2-on | | 11103 | 209-693-6 | 07.166 | (2-hydroxyethyl)methylketon | | |

07.167 | 10 | 4984-85-4 | 4-hydroxyhexan-3-on | | 11108 | 225-637-3 | 07.167 | ethyl(1-hydroxypropyl)keton | | |

07.168 | 30 | 490-03-9 | 2-hydroxypiperiton | | | 207-704-9 | 07.168 | | 2-hydroxymenth-1-en-3-on | |

07.169 | 9 | 116-09-6 | 1-hydroxypropan-2-on | | 11101 | 204-124-8 | 07.169 | hydroxyaceton | | |

07.170 | 32 | 23267-57-4 | β-jononepoxid | | 11202 | 245-542-0 | 07.170 | | 4-(1,2-epoxy-2,6,6-trimethylcyklohexyl)but-3-en-2-on, 4-(2,2,6-trimethyl-7-oxabicyklo[4.1.0]heptan-1-yl)but-3-en-2-on | |

07.171 | 8 | 18358-53-7 | isopinokamfon | | 11125 | 242-228-5 | 07.171 | | 2,6,6-trimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]cykloheptan-3-on | |

07.172 | 8 | 500-02-7 | 4-isopropylcyklohex-2-en-1-on | 3939 | 11127 | 207-898-5 | 07.172 | krypton, 4-isopropylcyklohex-2-en-1-on, (±)-krypton | | |

07.173 | 8 | 13215-88-8 | megastigma-4,6,8-trien-3-on | | | 236-187-2 | 07.173 | | 4-(but-2-en-1-yliden)-3,5,5-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-on | |

07.174 | 8 | 67401-27-8 | megastigma-5,8-dien-4-on | | | 266-685-5 | 07.174 | | 3-(but-2-enyl)-2,4,4-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-on | |

07.175 | 8 | 89-81-6 | p-menth-1-en-3-on | 2910 | 2052 | 201-942-7 | 07.175 | piperiton, α-piperiton, 1-methyl-4-isopropylcyklohex-1-en-3-on | 6-isopropyl-3-methylcyklohex-2-en-1-on | |

07.176 | 8 | 89-80-5 | trans-menthon | 2667 | 2035 | 201-941-1 | 07.176 | | trans-p-menthan-3-on, trans-2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexan-1-on | 5 |

07.177 | 5 | 33046-81-0 | 7-methylokt-3-enon | 3868 | | 251-361-8 | 07.177 | trans-7-methylokt-3-en-2-on | | 5 |

07.178 | 5 | 563-80-4 | 3-methylbutan-2-on | | 11131 | 209-264-3 | 07.178 | isopropyl(methyl)keton | 2-methylcykloxenan-1-on | |

07.179 | 8 | 583-60-8 | 2-methylcyklohexanon | 3946 | | 209-513-6 | 07.179 | methylanon | 3-methylcykloxenan-1-on | |

07.180 | 8 | 591-24-2 | 3-methylcyklohexanon | 3947 | | 209-710-7 | 07.180 | | | |

07.181 | 5 | 928-68-7 | 6-methylheptan-2-on | | 11146 | 213-179-7 | 07.181 | isopentyl(methyl)keton | | |

07.182 | 5 | 541-85-5 | 5-methylheptan-3-on | | | 208-793-7 | 07.182 | ethyl(isobutyl)keton | | |

07.184 | 10 | 113486-29-6 | 3-methylnonan-2,4-dion | | | | 07.184 | | | |

07.185 | 5 | 565-61-7 | 3-methylpentan-2-on | | 11157 | 209-282-1 | 07.185 | sek-butyl(methyl)keton | | |

07.186 | 10 | 815-57-6 | 3-methylpentan-2,4-dion | | | 212-420-3 | 07.186 | | | |

07.187 | 5 | 32064-72-5 | non-2-en-4-on | | 11162 | 250-909-3 | 07.187 | pentyl(prop-1-en-1-yl)keton | | |

07.188 | 5 | 14309-57-0 | non-3-en-2-on | 3955 | 11163 | 238-248-9 | 07.188 | (hept-1-en-1-yl)methylketon | | |

07.189 | 5 | 4485-09-0 | nonan-4-on | | 11161 | 224-770-4 | 07.189 | pentyl(propyl)keton | | |

07.190 | 5 | 65213-86-7 | okta-1,5-dien-3-on | | | | 07.190 | (pent-3-en-1-yl)vinylketon | | |

07.191 | 10 | 123-54-6 | pentan-2,4-dion | | 11036 | 204-634-0 | 07.191 | acetylaceton | | |

07.192 | 30 | 93-91-4 | 1-fenylbutan-1,3-dion | | 11181 | 202-286-4 | 07.192 | benzoylaceton | | |

07.193 | 21 | 495-40-9 | 1-fenylbutan-1-on | | | 207-799-7 | 07.193 | butyrofenon | | |

07.194 | 21 | 2550-26-7 | 4-fenylbutan-2-on | | 11182 | 219-847-4 | 07.194 | fenethyl(methyl)keton | | |

07.195 | 21 | 103-79-7 | 1-fenylpropan-2-on | | 11042 | 203-144-4 | 07.195 | benzyl(methyl)keton | | |

07.196 | 8 | 80-57-9 | pin-2-en-4-on | | 11186 | 201-292-4 | 07.196 | verbenon | 4,6,6-trimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-on | |

07.197 | 8 | 31375-17-4 | 6-propionyl-p-menth-1-en | | | 250-600-3 | 07.197 | | 1-(p-menth-1-en-6-yl)propan-1-on | |

07.198 | 5 | 141-10-6 | pseudojonon | | 11191 | 205-457-1 | 07.198 | | 6,10-dimethylundeka-3,5,9-trien-2-on | |

07.199 | 5 | 2345-27-9 | tetradekan-2-on | | 11192 | 219-063-2 | 07.199 | | dodecyl(methyl)keton | |

07.200 | 8 | 79-70-9 | 4-(2,5,6,6-tetramethylcyklohex-1-en-1-yl)but-3-en-2-on | | | 201-220-1 | 07.200 | β-iron | | |

07.201 | 5 | 60437-21-0 | tridec-12-en-2-on | | | | 07.201 | methyl(undec-10-en-1-yl)keton | | |

07.202 | 8 | 20013-73-4 | 2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-on | | | 243-465-7 | 07.202 | | | |

07.203 | 8 | 873-94-9 | 3,3,5-trimethylcyklohexan-1-on | | | 212-855-9 | 07.203 | | | |

07.204 | 5 | 546-49-6 | 3,3,6-trimethylhepta-1,5-dien-4-on | | | 208-903-3 | 07.204 | | | |

07.205 | 5 | 502-69-2 | 6,10,14-trimethylpentadekan-2-on | | 11205 | 207-950-7 | 07.205 | hexahydrofarnesylaceton | methyl(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)keton | |

07.206 | 21 | 56681-06-2 | 4-(2,3,6-trimethylfenyl)but-3-en-2-on | | | | 07.206 | | | |

07.207 | 8 | 3603-99-4 | cyklotetradekanon | | | 222-758-3 | 07.207 | | | |

07.209 | 8 | 21368-68-3 | kafr | 2230 | 140 | 207-355-2 | 07.209 | | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-on | 5 |

07.210 | 5 | 24415-26-7 | non-1-en-3-on | | | | 07.210 | | non-1-en-3-on | |

07.214 | 21 | 941-98-0 | α-methyl(naftyl)keton | | | 213-384-1 | 07.214 | methyl(naftyl)keton, 1-acetonafton | methyl(1-naftyl)keton | |

07.215 | 8 | 464-49-3 | (1R)-1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-on | 2230 | 140 | 207-335-2 | 07.215 | (+)-kafr | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-on | 5 |

07.216 | 5 | 689-67-8 | 6,10-dimethylundeka-5,9-dien-2-on | | | 211-711-2 | 07.216 | | | |

07.218 | 8 | 1335-46-2 | methyljonon | | | 215-635-0 | 07.218 | | | |

07.219 | 8 | 6261-18-3 | (E)-3-methyl-2-(pent-2-en-1-yl)cyklopent-2-en-1-on | 3196 | 11786 | 228-410-7 | 07.219 | trans-jasmon | 3-methyl-2-((E)-pent-2-en-1-yl)cyklopent-2-en-1-on | 5 |

07.221 | 8 | 11050-62-7 | 2-methyl-3-(pent-2-en-1-yl)cyklopent-2-en-1-on | 3552 | | 234-273-4 | 07.221 | | | |

07.222 | 8 | 14073-97-3 | (2S-trans)-5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)cyklohexanon | 2667 | 2035 | 237-926-1 | 07.222 | (-)-menthon | 2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexan-1-on | 5 |

07.224 | 8 | 23726-91-2 | (E)-1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-1-en-1-yl)but-2-en-1-on | 3243 | 2340 | 245-842-1 | 07.224 | | | 5 |

07.225 | 8 | 23726-94-5 | (Z)-1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-yl)but-2-en-1-on | 3659 | 11053 | 245-845-8 | 07.225 | cis-α-damaskon | | 5 |

07.226 | 8 | 24720-09-0 | (E)-1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-2-en-1-yl)but-2-en-1-on | | | 246-430-4 | 07.226 | | | |

07.227 | 5 | 68228-05-7 | 6,10-dimethylundekadien-2-on | | | 269-400-2 | 07.227 | | | |

07.231 | 8 | | α-damascenon | | | | 07.231 | | 1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyklohexa-2,4-dien-1-yl)but-2-en-1-on | |

07.234 | 25 | | 5-paradol | | | | 07.234 | | 1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyfenyl)nonan-3-on | |

07.236 | 5 | 22610-86-2 | okt-5-en-2-on | | 11171 | | 07.236 | | | |

07.238 | 10 | 37160-77-3 | 3-hydroxyoktan-2-on | | | | 07.238 | | | |

08.001 | 1 | 64-18-6 | mravenčí kyselina | 2487 | 1 | 200-579-1 | 08.001 | methanová kyselina | | 1 |

08.002 | 1 | 64-19-7 | octová kyselina | 2006 | 2 | 200-580-7 | 08.002 | ethanová kyselina | | 1 |

08.003 | 1 | 79-09-4 | propanová kyselina | 2924 | 3 | 201-176-3 | 08.003 | | | 1 |

08.004 | 9 | 598-82-3 | mléčná kyselina | 2611 | 4 | 209-954-4 | 08.004 | α-hydroxypropanová kyselina | 2-hydroxypropanová kyselina | 1 |

08.005 | 1 | 107-92-6 | butanová kyselina | 2221 | 5 | 203-532-3 | 08.005 | máselná kyselina | | |

08.006 | 2 | 79-31-2 | 2-methylpropanová kyselina | 2222 | 6 | 201-195-7 | 08.006 | isomáselná kyselina | | |

08.007 | 1 | 109-52-4 | valerová kyselina | 3101 | 7 | 203-677-2 | 08.007 | pentanová kyselina | | |

08.008 | 2 | 503-74-2 | 3-methylbutanová kyselina | 3102 | 8 | 207-975-3 | 08.008 | isovalerová kyselina | | |

08.009 | 1 | 142-62-1 | hexanová kyselina | 2559 | 9 | 205-550-7 | 08.009 | kapronová kyselina | | 1 |

08.010 | 1 | 124-07-2 | oktanová kyselina | 2799 | 10 | 204-677-5 | 08.010 | kaprylová kyselina | | 1 |

08.011 | 1 | 334-48-5 | dekanová kyselina | 2364 | 11 | 206-376-4 | 08.011 | kaprinová kyselina | | |

08.012 | 1 | 143-07-7 | dodekanová kyselina | 2614 | 12 | 205-582-1 | 08.012 | laurová kyselina | | 1 |

08.013 | 1 | 112-80-1 | olejová kyselina | 2815 | 13 | 204-007-1 | 08.013 | olejová kyselina | oktadec-9-enová kyselina | 1 |

08.014 | 1 | 57-10-3 | hexadekanová kyselina | 2832 | 14 | 200-312-9 | 08.014 | palmitová kyselina | | 1 |

08.015 | 1 | 57-11-4 | oktadekanová kyselina | 3035 | 15 | 200-313-4 | 08.015 | stearová kyselina | | |

08.016 | 1 | 544-63-8 | tetradekanová kyselina | 2764 | 16 | 208-875-2 | 08.016 | myristová kyselina | | 1 |

08.017 | 30 | 6915-15-7 | L-jablečná kyselina | 2655 | 17 | 230-022-8 | 08.017 | hydroxyjantarová kyselina | 2-hydroxybutandiová kyselina | 1,5 |

08.018 | 30 | 133-37-9 | vinná kyselina | 3044 | 18 | 205-105-7 | 08.018 | racemická vinná kyselina, 2,3-dihydroxyjantarová kyselina | 2,3-dihydroxybutandiová kyselina | 1 |

08.019 | 9 | 127-17-3 | pyrohroznová kyselina | 2970 | 19 | 204-824-3 | 08.019 | 2-ketopropanová kyselina | 2-oxopropanová kyselina | |

08.021 | 23 | 65-85-0 | benzoová kyselina | 2131 | 21 | 200-618-2 | 08.021 | benzenkarboxylová kyselina | | 1 |

08.022 | 22 | 621-82-9 | skořicová kyselina | 2288 | 22 | 210-708-3 | 08.022 | β-fenylkrylová kyselina, 3-fenylakrylová kyselina | 3-fenylprop-2-enová kyselina | 1 |

08.023 | 9 | 123-76-2 | 4-oxovalerová kyselina | 2627 | 23 | 204-649-2 | 08.023 | levulová kyselina | 4-oxopentanová kyselina | 1 |

08.024 | 9 | 110-15-6 | jantarová kyselina | | 24 | 203-740-4 | 08.024 | butandiová kyselina | butandiová kyselina | 1 |

08.025 | 9 | 110-17-8 | fumarová kyselina | 2488 | 25 | 203-743-0 | 08.025 | (E)-butendiová kyselina | (E)-but-2-endiová kyselina | 1 |

08.026 | 9 | 124-04-9 | adipová kyselina | 2011 | 26 | 204-673-3 | 08.026 | | hexandiová kyselina | 1 |

08.028 | 1 | 111-14-8 | heptanová kyselina | 3348 | 28 | 203-838-7 | 08.028 | enanthová kyselina | | 1 |

08.029 | 1 | 112-05-0 | nonanová kyselina | 2784 | 29 | 203-931-2 | 08.029 | pelargonová kyselina | | |

08.031 | 2 | 97-61-0 | 2-methylvalerová kyselina | 2754 | 31 | 202-594-9 | 08.031 | 2-methylpentanová kyselina | | |

08.032 | 22 | 501-52-0 | 3-fenylpropanová kyselina | 2889 | 32 | 207-924-5 | 08.032 | hydroskořicová kyselina, β-fenylpropanová kyselina, dihydroskořicová kyselina | | |

08.033 | 30 | 499-12-7 | prop-1-en-1,2,3-trikarboxylová kyselina | 2010 | 33 | 207-877-0 | 08.033 | akonitová kyselina | | |

08.034 | 7 | 5292-21-7 | cyklohexyloctová kyselina | 2347 | 34 | 226-132-0 | 08.034 | cyklohexanoctová kyselina | | |

08.035 | 2 | 4536-23-6 | 2-methylhexanová kyselina | 3191 | 582 | 224-883-9 | 08.035 | 2-methylkapronová kyselina | | |

08.036 | 4 | 502-47-6 | citronellová kyselina | 3142 | 616 | 207-939-7 | 08.036 | rhodinová kyselina | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-enová kyselina | |

08.037 | 30 | 328-50-7 | 2-oxoglutarová kyselina | 3891 | 653 | 206-330-3 | 08.037 | α-ketoglutarová kyselina | 2-oxopentandiová kyselina | |

08.038 | 15 | 103-82-2 | fenyloctová kyselina | 2878 | 672 | 203-148-6 | 08.038 | | | |

08.039 | 4 | 112-38-9 | undec-10-enová kyselina | 3247 | 689 | 203-965-8 | 08.039 | undecylenová kyselina | | |

08.040 | 23 | 99-96-7 | 4-hydroxybenzoová kyselina | | 693 | 202-804-9 | 08.040 | p-hydroxybenzoová kyselina | | |

08.041 | 4 | 60-33-3 | oktadeka-9,12-dienová kyselina | 3380 | 694 | 200-470-9 | 08.041 | linolová kyselina | | 1, 5 |

08.042 | 1 | 112-37-8 | undekanová kyselina | 3245 | 696 | 203-964-2 | 08.042 | | | |

08.043 | 23 | 121-34-6 | vanilová kyselina | | 697 | 204-466-8 | 08.043 | | 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoová kyselina | |

08.044 | 3 | 21016-46-6 | 2,4-dimethylpent-2-enová kyselina | 3143 | 744 | | 08.044 | | | |

08.045 | 2 | 88-09-5 | 2-ethylbutanová kyselina | 2429 | 2001 | 201-796-4 | 08.045 | | | |

08.046 | 2 | 116-53-0 | 2-methylbutanová kyselina | 2695 | 2002 | 204-145-2 | 08.046 | | | |

08.047 | 2 | 1188-02-9 | 2-methylheptanová kyselina | 2706 | 2003 | 214-704-2 | 08.047 | 2-methylenanová kyselina | | |

08.048 | 4 | 591-80-0 | pent-4-enová kyselina | 2843 | 2004 | 209-732-7 | 08.048 | | | |

08.049 | 15 | 122-59-8 | fenoxyoctová kyselina | 2872 | 2005 | 204-556-7 | 08.049 | fenylether glykolové kyseliny, fenoxyethanová kyselina, o-fenylglykolová kyselina | | |

08.050 | 4 | 4219-24-3 | hex-3-enová kyselina | 3170 | 2256 | 224-157-1 | 08.050 | | | |

08.051 | 9 | 759-05-7 | 3-methyl-2-oxobutanová kyselina | 3869 | 2262 | 212-065-4 | 08.051 | 2-oxoisovalerová kyselina | | |

08.052 | 9 | 816-66-0 | 4-methyl-2-oxovalerová kyselina | 3871 | 2263 | 212-435-5 | 08.052 | 4-methyl-2-oxopentanová kyselina, α-ketoisokapronová kyselina | | |

08.053 | 9 | 141-82-2 | malonová kyselina | | 2264 | 205-503-0 | 08.053 | propandiová kyselina | propandiová kyselina | 1 |

08.054 | 3 | 13419-69-7 | (Z)-hex-2-enová kyselina | 3169 | 11777 | 236-528-5 | 08.054 | β-propylakrylová kyselina, 3-propylakrylová kyselina | | 5 |

08.055 | 3 | 3142-72-1 | 2-methylpent-2-enová kyselina | 3195 | 11680 | 241-026-4 | 08.055 | 3-ethyl-2-methylakrylová kyselina | | |

08.056 | 2 | 105-43-1 | 3-methylvalerová kyselina | 3437 | 10149 | 203-297-7 | 08.056 | β-methylvalerová kyselina | 3-methylpentanová kyselina | |

08.057 | 2 | 646-07-1 | 4-methylvalerová kyselina | 3463 | 10150 | 211-464-0 | 08.057 | isokapronová kyselina | 4-methylpentanová kyselina | |

08.058 | 4 | 37674-63-8 | 2-methylpent-3-enová kyselina | 3464 | 10147 | 253-610-6 | 08.058 | | | |

08.059 | 4 | 1575-74-2 | 2-methylpent-4-enová kyselina | 3511 | 10148 | 216-404-7 | 08.059 | | | |

08.060 | 7 | 98-89-5 | cyklohexankarboxylová kyselina | 3531 | 11911 | 202-711-3 | 08.060 | | | |

08.061 | 2 | 628-46-6 | 5-methylhexanová kyselina | 3572 | 10142 | | 08.061 | isoenanthová kyselina | | |

08.062 | 2 | 45019-28-1 | 4-methylnonanová kyselina | 3574 | 11925 | 256-180-8 | 08.062 | 4-methylpelargonová kyselina | | |

08.063 | 2 | 54947-74-9 | 4-methyloktanová kyselina | 3575 | 11926 | 259-404-2 | 08.063 | 4-methylkaprylová kyselina | | |

08.064 | 3 | 80-59-1 | 2-methylkrotonová kyselina | 3599 | 10168 | 201-295-0 | 08.064 | tiglová kyselina, trans-2,3-dimethylakrylová kyselina | (E)-2-methylbut-2-enová kyselina | 5 |

08.065 | 4 | 14436-32-9 | dec-9-enová kyselina | 3660 | 10090 | 238-410-9 | 08.065 | | | |

08.066 | 9 | 600-18-0 | 2-oxobutanová kyselina | 3723 | | 209-986-9 | 08.066 | | | |

08.067 | 7 | 71298-42-5 | 1,2,5,6-tetrahydrokumenová kyselina | 3731 | | | 08.067 | | (±)-4-isopropylcyklohex-3-en-1-karboxylová kyselina | |

08.068 | 4 | 72881-27-7 | dec-(5- a 6)-enová kyselina | 3742 | | | 08.068 | dec-5(6)-enová kyselina | | |

08.070 | 3 | 541-47-9 | 3-methylkrotonová kyselina | 3187 | 10138 | 208-782-7 | 08.070 | 3,3-dimethylakrylová kyselina, 3-methylbut-2-enová kyselina, β,β-dimethylakrylová kyselina, seneciová kyselina | (E)-3-methylbut-2-enová kyselina | |

08.071 | 23 | 100-09-4 | p-anisová kyselina | 3945 | 10077 | 202-818-5 | 08.071 | p-methoxybenzoová kyselina | 4-methoxybenzoová kyselina | |

08.072 | 3 | 3724-65-0 | but-2-enová kyselina (cis a trans) | 3908 | 10080 | 223-077-4 | 08.072 | krotonová kyselina a isokrotonová kyselina)) | (Z)-but-2-enová kyselina a (E)-but-2-enová kyselina (směs | 5 |

08.073 | 3 | 3913-85-7 | dec-2-enová kyselina | 3913 | 10087 | 223-475-8 | 08.073 | | | 5 |

08.074 | 4 | 15469-77-9 | dec-3-enová kyselina | | 10088 | 239-489-2 | 08.074 | | | |

08.075 | 4 | 26303-90-2 | dec-4-enová kyselina | 3914 | 10089 | 247-599-7 | 08.075 | | | |

08.076 | 23 | 89-86-1 | 2,4-dihydroxybenzoová kyselina | 3798 | | 201-946-9 | 08.076 | | | |

08.077 | 9 | 4324-38-3 | 3-ethoxypropanová kyselina | | 10096 | 224-357-9 | 08.077 | | | |

08.078 | 2 | 149-57-5 | 2-ethylhexanová kyselina | | | 205-743-6 | 08.078 | | | |

08.079 | 2 | 16493-80-4 | 4-ethyloktanová kyselina | 3800 | | 240-560-5 | 08.079 | | | |

08.080 | 23 | 149-91-7 | gallová kyselina | | 10170 | 205-749-9 | 08.080 | | 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoová kyselina | 1 |

08.081 | 3 | 459-80-3 | geraniová kyselina | | 10094 | 207-299-9 | 08.081 | 3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dienová kyselina | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dienová kyselina | |

08.082 | 9 | 110-94-1 | glutarová kyselina | | | 203-817-2 | 08.082 | | pentandiová kyselina | 1 |

08.083 | 3 | 18999-28-5 | hept-2-enová kyselina | 3277 | 10102 | 242-738-8 | 08.083 | | | 5 |

08.084 | 4 | 29901-85-7 | hept-3-enová kyselina | | 10103 | 249-943-1 | 08.084 | | | |

08.085 | 3 | 110-44-1 | hexa-2,4-dienová kyselina | 3921 | | 203-768-7 | 08.085 | sorbová kyselina | | 5 |

08.086 | 30 | 1113-60-6 | 3-hydroxy-2-oxopropanová kyselina | 3843 | | | 08.086 | | | |

08.087 | 23 | 530-57-4 | 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzoová kyselina | | 10111 | 208-486-8 | 08.087 | | | |

08.088 | 22 | 530-59-6 | 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyskořicová kyselina | | | 208-487-3 | 08.088 | snapová kyselina | 3-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyfenyl)prop-2-enová kyselina | |

08.089 | 22 | 1135-24-6 | 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyskořicová kyselina | | 10113 | 214-490-0 | 08.089 | ferulová kyselina | 3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyfenyl)prop-2-enová kyselina | |

08.090 | 9 | 498-36-2 | 2-hydroxy-4-methylvalerová kyselina | | 10118 | 207-860-8 | 08.090 | 2-hydroxyisovalerová kyselina | 2-hydroxy-4-methylpentanová kyselina | |

08.091 | 4 | 506-32-1 | ikosa-5,8,11,14-tetraenová kyselina | | | 208-033-4 | 08.091 | arachidonová kyselina | (Z,Z,Z,Z)-ikosa-5,8,11,14-tetraenová kyselina | |

08.092 | 23 | 586-38-9 | 3-methoxybenzoová kyselina | 3944 | | 209-574-9 | 08.092 | m-anisová kyselina | | |

08.093 | 9 | 39748-49-7 | 3-methyl-2-oxovalerová kyselina | 3870 | 10146 | 254-616-1 | 08.093 | 3-methyl-2-oxopentanová kyselina | | |

08.094 | 2 | 24323-24-8 | 4-methyldekanová kyselina | | | | 08.094 | | | |

08.095 | 2 | 5601-60-5 | 8-methyldekanová kyselina | | | | 08.095 | | | |

08.096 | 2 | 3780-58-3 | 3-methylhexanová kyselina | | | | 08.096 | | | |

08.097 | 2 | 1561-11-1 | 4-methylhexanová kyselina | | | 216-336-8 | 08.097 | | | |

08.099 | 3 | 10321-71-8 | 4-methylpent-2-enová kyselina | | | 233-706-4 | 08.099 | 4-methylpent-2-en-1-ová kyselina | | |

08.100 | 4 | 504-85-8 | 4-methylpent-3-enová kyselina | | | | 08.100 | | | |

08.101 | 3 | 3760-11-0 | non-2-enová kyselina | 3954 | 10153 | 223-171-5 | 08.101 | | | 5 |

08.102 | 4 | 4124-88-3 | non-3-enová kyselina | | 10154 | 223-932-1 | 08.102 | | | |

08.103 | 9 | 123-99-9 | nonandiová kyselina | | 10079 | 204-669-1 | 08.103 | azelainová kyselina | | |

08.105 | 4 | 1577-19-1 | okt-3-enová kyselina | | 10157 | 216-418-3 | 08.105 | | | |

08.106 | 4 | 463-40-1 | oktadeka-9,12,15-trienová kyselina | 3380 | 695 | 207-334-8 | 08.106 | linolenová kyselina | (Z,Z,Z)-oktadeka-9,12,15-trienová kyselina | 5 |

08.107 | 3 | 13991-37-2 | pent-2-enová kyselina | | 10163 | 237-791-9 | 08.107 | | | 5 |

08.108 | 22 | 492-37-5 | 2-fenylpropanová kyselina | | 10164 | 207-752-0 | 08.108 | hydratropová kyselina | | |

08.109 | 30 | 156-06-9 | 3-fenylpyrohroznová kyselina | 3892 | | 205-847-1 | 08.109 | 3-fenyl-2-oxopropanová kyselina | | |

08.110 | 30 | 88-99-3 | ftalová kyselina | | | 201-873-2 | 08.110 | | benzen-1,2-dikarboxylová kyselina | 1 |

08.111 | 30 | 36413-60-2 | chinová kyselina | | | 253-023-5 | 08.111 | 1,3,4,5-tetrahydroxycyklohexan-1-karboxylová kyselina | 1,3,4,5-tetrahydroxycyklohexan-1-karboxylová kyselina | |

08.112 | 23 | 69-72-7 | salicylová kyselina | | 10165 | 200-712-3 | 08.112 | 2-hydroxybenzoová kyselina | 2-hydroxybenzoová kyselina | |

08.113 | 9 | 150-90-3 | sodná sůl jantarové kyseliny | 3277 | 24 | 203-740-4 | 08.113 | | dinatrium-sukcinát | 5 |

08.114 | 3 | 1871-67-6 | okt-2-enová kyselina | 3957 | 10156 | 216-001-6 | 08.114 | trans-okt-2-enová kyselina, (E)-okt-2-enová kyselina | okt-2-enová kyselina | 5 |

08.115 | 2 | 3302-03-2 | 4-methylheptanová kyselina | | | | 08.115 | | | |

08.118 | 9 | 110-16-7 | (Z)-butendiová kyselina | | | 203-742-5 | 08.118 | maleinová kyselina | | |

08.119 | 3 | 1191-04-4 | hex-2-enová kyselina | 3169 | 11777 | 214-727-8 | 08.119 | | | 5 |

08.120 | 3 | 13201-46-2 | 2-methylbut-2-enová kyselina | 3599 | 10168 | 236-167-3 | 08.120 | | | 5 |

08.122 | 4 | 1617-32-9 | (E)-pent-3-enová kyselina | | | 216-573-7 | 08.122 | | | |

08.123 | 3 | 10352-88-2 | (E)-hept-2-enová kyselina | 3920 | | 233-769-8 | 08.123 | | | |

08.124 | 4 | 28163-84-0 | (E)-hept-3-enová kyselina | | | 248-876-5 | 08.124 | | | |

08.125 | 4 | 5163-67-7 | (E)-okt-3-enová kyselina | | | 225-941-6 | 08.125 | | | |

08.126 | 3 | 32466-55-0 | (E)-tridec-2-enová kyselina | | | 251-062-2 | 08.126 | | | |

08.127 | 22 | | 2-(4-methoxyfenoxy)propanová kyselina | | | | 08.127 | laktisol | | |

08.128 | 3 | | (Z)-2-methylbut-2-enová kyselina | | | | 08.128 | angeliková kyselina | | |

09.001 | 1 | 141-78-6 | ethyl-acetát | 2414 | 191 | 205-500-4 | 09.001 | | | |

09.002 | 1 | 109-60-4 | propyl-acetát | 2925 | 192 | 203-686-1 | 09.002 | | | |

09.003 | 5 | 108-21-4 | isopropyl-acetát | 2926 | 193 | 203-561-1 | 09.003 | | | |

09.004 | 1 | 123-86-4 | butyl-acetát | 2174 | 194 | 204-658-1 | 09.004 | | | |

09.005 | 2 | 110-19-0 | isobutyl-acetát | 2175 | 195 | 203-745-1 | 09.005 | | 2-methylpropyl-acetát | |

09.006 | 1 | 142-92-7 | hexyl-acetát | 2565 | 196 | 205-572-1 | 09.006 | hexyl-ethanoát | | |

09.007 | 1 | 112-14-1 | oktyl-acetát | 2806 | 197 | 203-939-6 | 09.007 | n-oktyl-acetát, 2-ethylhexyl-acetát | | |

09.008 | 1 | 143-13-5 | nonyl-acetát | 2788 | 198 | 205-585-8 | 09.008 | pelargonyl-acetát | | |

09.009 | 1 | 112-17-4 | decyl-acetát | 2367 | 199 | 203-942-2 | 09.009 | | | |

09.010 | 1 | 112-66-3 | dodecyl-acetát | 2616 | 200 | 203-995-1 | 09.010 | lauryl-acetát | | |

09.011 | 3 | 105-87-3 | geranyl-acetát | 2509 | 201 | 203-341-5 | 09.011 | geraniol-acetát, trans-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-acetát | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-acetát | |

09.012 | 4 | 150-84-5 | citronellyl-acetát | 2311 | 202 | 205-775-0 | 09.012 | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-yl-ethanoát | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-yl-acetát | |

09.013 | 6 | 115-95-7 | linalyl-acetát | 2636 | 203 | 204-116-4 | 09.013 | bergamol, likareol-acetát, linalool-acetát | 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-yl-acetát | |

09.014 | 23 | 140-11-4 | benzyl-acetát | 2135 | 204 | 205-399-7 | 09.014 | benzyl-ethanoát | | |

09.015 | 6 | 80-26-2 | α-terpinyl-acetát | 3047 | 205 | 201-265-7 | 09.015 | α,α,4-trimethylcyklohex-3-en-1-methanol-acetát | p-menth-1-en-8-yl-acetát, 2-(4-methylcyklohex-3-en-1-yl)propan-2-yl-acetát | 5 |

09.016 | 8 | 29066-34-0 | menthyl-acetát | 2668 | 206 | 240-459-6 | 09.016 | (-)-p-menth-3-yl-acetát, menthol-acetát | (1α,2β,5α)-2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexyl-acetát, 2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexyl-acetát | 4 |

09.017 | 8 | 76-49-3 | bornyl-acetát | 2159 | 207 | 200-964-4 | 09.017 | borneol-acetát, 2-kamfanyl-acetát, bornyl-ethanoát, (-)-bornyl-acetát, (+)-bornyl-acetát | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-acetát | |

09.018 | 22 | 103-54-8 | cinnamyl-acetát | 2293 | 208 | 203-121-9 | 09.018 | 3-fenylallyl-acetát | 3-fenylprop-2-en-1-yl-acetát | |

09.019 | 23 | 104-21-2 | p-anisyl-acetát | 2098 | 209 | 203-185-8 | 09.019 | anisylalkohol-acetát | 4-methoxybenzyl-acetát | |

09.020 | 18 | 93-28-7 | eugenyl-acetát | 2469 | 210 | 202-235-6 | 09.020 | eugenol-acetát, acetyleugenol | 4-allyl-2-methoxyfenyl-acetát | |

09.021 | 1 | 628-63-7 | pentyl-acetát | | 211 | 211-047-3 | 09.021 | | | |

09.022 | 1 | 112-06-1 | heptyl-acetát | 2547 | 212 | 203-932-8 | 09.022 | | | |

09.023 | 1 | 79-20-9 | methyl-acetát | 2676 | 213 | 201-185-2 | 09.023 | | | |

09.024 | 2 | 123-92-2 | isopentyl-acetát | 2055 | 214 | 204-662-3 | 09.024 | | 3-methylbutyl-acetát | |

09.025 | 2 | 10031-87-5 | 2-ethylbutyl-acetát | 2425 | 215 | 233-095-4 | 09.025 | | | |

09.026 | 22 | 7493-78-9 | α-pentylcinnamyl-acetát | 2064 | 216 | 231-339-4 | 09.026 | α-pentylcinnamyl-acetát, floxin-acetát | 2-pentyl-3-fenylprop-2-en-1-yl-acetát | |

09.027 | 8 | 622-45-7 | cyklohexyl-acetát | 2349 | 217 | 210-736-6 | 09.027 | cyklohexan acetát | | |

09.028 | 7 | 21722-83-8 | 2-cyklohexylethyl-acetát | 2348 | 218 | 226-695-2 | 09.028 | | | |

09.029 | 6 | 103-07-1 | 1,1-dimethyl-3-fenylpropyl-acetát | 2735 | 219 | 203-077-0 | 09.029 | | | |

09.030 | 17 | 93-29-8 | 2-methoxy-4-(prop-1-en-1-yl)fenyl-acetát | 2470 | 220 | 202-236-1 | 09.030 | isoeugenol-acetát, acetylisoeugenol | | |

09.031 | 15 | 103-45-7 | fenethyl-acetát | 2857 | 221 | 203-113-5 | 09.031 | 2-fenylethyl-acetát | | |

09.032 | 22 | 122-72-5 | 3-fenylpropyl-acetát | 2890 | 222 | 204-569-8 | 09.032 | hydrocinnamyl-acetát, β-fenylpropyl-acetát | | |

09.033 | 4 | 141-11-7 | rhodinyl-acetát | 2981 | 223 | 205-458-7 | 09.033 | α-citronellyl-acetát | 3,7-dimethylokt-7-en-1-yl-acetát | |

09.034 | 7 | 1323-00-8 | santalyl-acetát | 3007 | 224 | 215-349-6 | 09.034 | α-santalol-acetát, β-santalol-acetát | | 4 |

09.035 | 23 | 881-68-5 | vanillyl-acetát | 3108 | 225 | 212-920-1 | 09.035 | acetyl-vanilin | 4-acetoxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyd | |

09.036 | 25 | 140-39-6 | p-tolyl-acetát | 3073 | 226 | 205-413-1 | 09.036 | p-kresyl-acetát, acetyl-p-kresol | 4-methylfenyl-acetát | |

09.037 | 1 | 140-88-5 | ethyl-akrylát | 2418 | 245 | 205-438-8 | 09.037 | ethyl-propenoát | ethyl-prop-2-enoát | |

09.038 | 1 | 623-42-7 | methyl-butyrát | 2693 | 263 | 210-792-1 | 09.038 | methyl-butanoát | | |

09.039 | 1 | 105-54-4 | ethyl-butyrát | 2427 | 264 | 203-306-4 | 09.039 | ethyl-butanoát | | |

09.040 | 1 | 105-66-8 | propyl-butyrát | 2934 | 266 | 203-320-0 | 09.040 | propyl-butanoát | | |

09.041 | 5 | 638-11-9 | isopropyl-butyrát | 2935 | 267 | 211-320-7 | 09.041 | isopropyl-butanoát | | |

09.042 | 1 | 109-21-7 | butyl-butyrát | 2186 | 268 | 203-656-8 | 09.042 | butyl-butanoát | | |

09.043 | 2 | 539-90-2 | isobutyl-butyrát | 2187 | 269 | 208-729-8 | 09.043 | isobutyl-butanoát | 2-methylpropyl-butanoát | |

09.044 | 1 | 540-18-1 | pentyl-butyrát | 2059 | 270 | 208-739-2 | 09.044 | pentyl-butyrát, pentyl-butanoát | | |

09.045 | 1 | 2639-63-6 | hexyl-butyrát | 2568 | 271 | 220-136-6 | 09.045 | hexyl-butanoát | | |

09.046 | 1 | 110-39-4 | oktyl-butyrát | 2807 | 272 | 203-762-4 | 09.046 | oktyl-butanoát | | |

09.047 | 1 | 5454-09-1 | decyl-butyrát | 2368 | 273 | 226-700-8 | 09.047 | decyl-butanoát | | |

09.048 | 3 | 106-29-6 | geranyl-butyrát | 2512 | 274 | 203-381-3 | 09.048 | trans-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-butanoát | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-butanoát | |

09.049 | 4 | 141-16-2 | citronellyl-butyrát | 2312 | 275 | 205-463-4 | 09.049 | 3,7-dimethyl-6-okten-1-yl-butyrát | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-yl-butanoát | |

09.050 | 6 | 78-36-4 | linalyl-butyrát | 2639 | 276 | 201-109-8 | 09.050 | 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-yl-butyrát, linalyl-butyrát | 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-yl-butanoát | |

09.051 | 23 | 103-37-7 | benzyl-butyrát | 2140 | 277 | 203-105-1 | 09.051 | benzyl-butanoát | | |

09.052 | 6 | 2153-28-8 | terpinyl-butyrát | 3049 | 278 | 218-445-6 | 09.052 | p-menth-1-en-8-yl-butyrát, p-menth-1-en-8-ol-butyrát | p-menth-1-en-8-yl-butanoát | |

09.053 | 22 | 103-61-7 | cinnamyl-butyrát | 2296 | 279 | 203-128-7 | 09.053 | | 3-fenylprop-2-en-1-yl-butanoát | |

09.054 | 3 | 2051-78-7 | allyl-butyrát | 2021 | 280 | 218-129-8 | 09.054 | prop-2-en-1-yl-butanoát, allyl-butanoát | | |

09.055 | 2 | 106-27-4 | 3-methylbutyl-butyrát | 2060 | 282 | 203-380-8 | 09.055 | isopentyl-butyrát | | |

09.057 | 22 | 80866-83-7 | 2-fenylpropyl-butyrát | 2891 | 285 | 279-587-2 | 09.057 | β-methylfenethyl-butyrát | | |

09.058 | 23 | 6963-56-0 | p-anisyl-butyrát | 2100 | 286 | 230-163-5 | 09.058 | p-methoxybenzyl-butyrát | 4-methoxybenzyl-butanoát | |

09.059 | 1 | 110-38-3 | ethyl-dekanoát | 2432 | 309 | 203-761-9 | 09.059 | ethyl-decylát, ethyl-kaprinát | | |

09.060 | 1 | 123-66-0 | ethyl-hexanoát | 2439 | 310 | 204-640-3 | 09.060 | ethyl-kapronát | | |

09.061 | 1 | 626-77-7 | propyl-hexanoát | 2949 | 311 | 210-963-0 | 09.061 | propyl-kapronát | | |

09.062 | 5 | 2311-46-8 | isopropyl-hexanoát | 2950 | 312 | 219-000-9 | 09.062 | isopropyl-kapronát | | |

09.063 | 1 | 626-82-4 | butyl-hexanoát | 2201 | 313 | 210-964-6 | 09.063 | butyl-kapronát | | |

09.064 | 2 | 105-79-3 | isobutyl-hexanoát | 2202 | 314 | 203-332-6 | 09.064 | isobutyl-kapronát | 2-methylpropyl-hexanoát | |

09.065 | 1 | 540-07-8 | pentyl-hexanoát | 2074 | 315 | 208-732-4 | 09.065 | pentyl-kapronát | | |

09.066 | 1 | 6378-65-0 | hexyl-hexanoát | 2572 | 316 | 228-952-4 | 09.066 | hexyl-kapronát | | |

09.067 | 3 | 10032-02-7 | geranyl-hexanoát | 2515 | 317 | 233-102-0 | 09.067 | geranyl-kapronát, trans-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-hexanoát | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-hexanoát | |

09.068 | 6 | 7779-23-9 | linalyl-hexanoát | 2643 | 318 | 231-922-3 | 09.068 | linalyl-kapronát, linalyl-hexoát | 3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-hexanoát | |

09.069 | 1 | 106-70-7 | methyl-hexanoát | 2708 | 319 | 203-425-1 | 09.069 | methyl-kapronát | | |

09.070 | 2 | 2198-61-0 | 3-methylbutyl-hexanoát | 2075 | 320 | 218-600-8 | 09.070 | isopentyl-hexanoát, isopentyl-kapronát | | |

09.071 | 22 | 6281-40-9 | 3-fenylpropyl-hexanoát | 2896 | 321 | 228-490-3 | 09.071 | hydrocinnamyl-hexanoát, hydrocinnamyl-kapronát, 3-fenylpropyl-kapronát | | |

09.072 | 1 | 109-94-4 | ethyl-formiát | 2434 | 339 | 203-721-0 | 09.072 | | | |

09.073 | 1 | 110-74-7 | propyl-formiát | 2943 | 340 | 203-798-0 | 09.073 | | | |

09.074 | 1 | 112-23-2 | heptyl-formiát | 2552 | 341 | 203-949-0 | 09.074 | heptyl-methanoát | | |

09.075 | 1 | 112-32-3 | oktyl-formiát | 2809 | 342 | 203-959-5 | 09.075 | oktyl-methanoát | | |

09.076 | 3 | 105-86-2 | geranyl-formiát | 2514 | 343 | 203-339-4 | 09.076 | trans-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-formiát, trans-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-methanoát, geranyl-methanoát | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-formiát | |

09.077 | 23 | 104-57-4 | benzyl-formiát | 2145 | 344 | 203-214-4 | 09.077 | benzyl-methanoát | | |

09.078 | 4 | 105-85-1 | citronellyl-formiát | 2314 | 345 | 203-338-9 | 09.078 | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-yl-methanoát | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-yl-formiát | |

09.079 | 4 | 141-09-3 | rhodinyl-formiát | 2984 | 346 | 205-456-6 | 09.079 | α-citronellyl-formiát | 3,7-dimethylokt-7-en-1-yl-formiát | |

09.080 | 6 | 115-99-1 | linalyl-formiát | 2642 | 347 | 204-120-6 | 09.080 | linalool formiát | 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-yl-formiát | |

09.081 | 6 | 2153-26-6 | α-terpinyl-formiát | 3052 | 348 | 218-444-0 | 09.081 | p-menth-1-en-8-yl-formiát | | |

09.082 | 8 | 7492-41-3 | bornyl-formiát | 2161 | 349 | 231-319-5 | 09.082 | borneol-formiát, (+)-bornyl-formiát, endo-2-bornanyl-formiát, 2-kamfanyl-formiát | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-formiát | |

09.083 | 15 | 104-62-1 | fenethyl-formiát | 2864 | 350 | 203-220-7 | 09.083 | 2-fenylethyl-formiát, 2-fenylethyl-methanoát | | |

09.084 | 22 | 104-64-3 | 3-fenylpropyl-formiát | 2895 | 351 | 203-222-8 | 09.084 | fenylpropyl-formiát, hydrocinnamyl-formiát, hydrocinnamyl-methanoát | | |

09.085 | 22 | 104-65-4 | cinnamyl-formiát | 2299 | 352 | 203-223-3 | 09.085 | 3-fenylallyl-formiát, cinnamyl-methanoát | 3-fenylprop-2-enyl-formiát | |

09.086 | 6 | 10058-43-2 | 2-methyl-1-fenylpropan-2-yl-formiát | 2395 | 353 | | 09.086 | α,α-dimethylfenethyl-formiát | 2-fenyl-1,1-dimethylethyl-formiát | |

09.087 | 23 | 122-91-8 | p-anisyl-formiát | 2101 | 354 | 204-582-9 | 09.087 | anisyl-methanoát, p-methoxybenzyl-methanoát | 4-methoxybenzyl-formiát | |

09.088 | 18 | 10031-96-6 | 4-eugenyl-formiát | 2473 | 355 | 233-099-6 | 09.088 | eugenol-formiát | 4-allyl-2-methoxyfenyl-formiát | |

09.089 | 17 | 7774-96-1 | isoeugenyl-formiát | 2474 | 356 | 231-884-8 | 09.089 | 2-methoxy-4-propenylfenyl-formiát | 2-methoxy-4-(prop-1-en-1-yl)fenyl-formiát | |

09.090 | 22 | 7493-79-0 | α-pentylcinnamyl-formiát | 2066 | 357 | 231-341-5 | 09.090 | α-pentylcinnamyl-formiát | 2-pentyl-3-fenylprop-2-en-1-yl-formiát | |

09.091 | 1 | 5454-28-4 | butyl-heptanoát | 2199 | 363 | 226-707-6 | 09.091 | butyl-enanthát | | |

09.092 | 2 | 7779-80-8 | isobutyl-heptanoát | 2200 | 364 | 231-940-1 | 09.092 | | 2-methylpropyl-heptanoát | |

09.093 | 1 | 106-30-9 | ethyl-heptanoát | 2437 | 365 | 203-382-9 | 09.093 | ethyl-heptanoát, ethyl-enanthát | | |

09.094 | 1 | 5132-75-2 | oktyl-heptanoát | 2810 | 366 | 225-882-6 | 09.094 | oktyl-heptanoát, oktyl-enanthát | | |

09.095 | 1 | 7778-87-2 | propyl-heptanoát | 2948 | 367 | 231-917-6 | 09.095 | propyl-heptanoát, propyl-enanthát | | |

09.096 | 1 | 106-73-0 | methyl-heptanoát | 2705 | 368 | 203-428-8 | 09.096 | methyl-enanthát | | |

09.097 | 3 | 142-19-8 | allyl-heptanoát | 2031 | 369 | 205-527-1 | 09.097 | allyl-heptanoát, allyl-enanthát | | |

09.098 | 1 | 7493-82-5 | pentyl-heptanoát | 2073 | 370 | 231-342-0 | 09.098 | amyl-heptanoát, amyl-enanthát | | |

09.099 | 1 | 106-33-2 | ethyl-dodekanoát | 2441 | 375 | 203-386-0 | 09.099 | ethyl-laurát | | |

09.100 | 1 | 106-18-3 | butyl-dodekanoát | 2206 | 376 | 203-370-3 | 09.100 | butyl-laurát | | |

09.101 | 1 | 111-82-0 | methyl-dodekanoát | 2715 | 377 | 203-911-3 | 09.101 | methyl-laurát | | |

09.102 | 25 | 10024-57-4 | p-tolyl-dodekanoát | 3076 | 378 | 233-024-7 | 09.102 | p-tolyl-laurát, 4-methylfenyl-dodekanoát | 4-methylfenyl-dodekanoát | |

09.103 | 2 | 6309-51-9 | 3-methylbutyl-dodekanoát | 2077 | 379 | 228-626-1 | 09.103 | isopentyl-dodekanoát, isopentyl-laurát | | |

09.104 | 1 | 124-06-1 | ethyl-tetradekanoát | 2445 | 385 | 204-675-4 | 09.104 | ethyl-myristát | | |

09.105 | 5 | 110-27-0 | isopropyl-tetradekanoát | 3556 | 386 | 203-751-4 | 09.105 | isopropyl-myristát | | |

09.106 | 1 | 124-10-7 | methyl-tetradekanoát | 2722 | 387 | 204-680-1 | 09.106 | methyl-myristát | | |

09.107 | 1 | 123-29-5 | ethyl-nonanoát | 2447 | 388 | 204-615-7 | 09.107 | ethyl-pelargonát | | |

09.108 | 1 | 1731-84-6 | methyl-nonanoát | 2724 | 389 | 217-052-7 | 09.108 | methyl-pelargonát | | |

09.109 | 3 | 7493-72-3 | allyl-nonanoát | 2036 | 390 | 231-334-7 | 09.109 | prop-2-en-1-yl-nonanoát, allyl-pelargonát, prop-2-en-1-yl-pelargonát | | |

09.110 | 2 | 7779-70-6 | 3-methylbutyl-nonanoát | 2078 | 391 | 231-933-3 | 09.110 | isopentyl-nonanoát | | |

09.111 | 1 | 106-32-1 | ethyl-oktanoát | 2449 | 392 | 203-385-5 | 09.111 | ethyl-kaprylát | | |

09.112 | 1 | 638-25-5 | pentyl-oktanoát | 2079 | 393 | 211-328-0 | 09.112 | pentyl-kaprylát | | |

09.113 | 1 | 1117-55-1 | hexyl-oktanoát | 2575 | 394 | 214-247-9 | 09.113 | hexyl-kaprylát | | |

09.114 | 1 | 2306-88-9 | oktyl-oktanoát | 2811 | 395 | 218-980-5 | 09.114 | oktyl-kaprylát | | |

09.115 | 1 | 7786-48-3 | nonyl-oktanoát | 2790 | 396 | 232-099-3 | 09.115 | nonyl-kaprylát | | |

09.116 | 6 | 10024-64-3 | linalyl-oktanoát | 2644 | 397 | 233-026-8 | 09.116 | linalyl-kaprylát | 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-yl--oktanoát | |

09.117 | 1 | 111-11-5 | methyl-oktanoát | 2728 | 398 | 203-835-0 | 09.117 | | | |

09.118 | 1 | 4265-97-8 | heptyl-oktanoát | 2553 | 399 | 224-252-8 | 09.118 | heptyl-kaprylát | | |

09.119 | 3 | 4230-97-1 | allyl-oktanoát | 2037 | 400 | 224-184-9 | 09.119 | allyl-kaprylát, prop-2-en-1-yl-oktanoát | | |

09.120 | 2 | 2035-99-6 | 3-methylbutyl-oktanoát | 2080 | 401 | 218-004-8 | 09.120 | isoamyl-oktanoát, isopentyl-oktanoát, isopentyll-kaprylát | | |

09.121 | 1 | 105-37-3 | ethyl-propanoát | 2456 | 402 | 203-291-4 | 09.121 | ethyl-propionát | | |

09.122 | 1 | 106-36-5 | propyl-propanoát | 2958 | 403 | 203-389-7 | 09.122 | propyl-propanoát, propyl-propionát | | |

09.123 | 5 | 637-78-5 | isopropyl-propanoát | 2959 | 404 | 211-300-8 | 09.123 | isopropyl-propionát | | |

09.124 | 1 | 590-01-2 | butyl-propanoát | 2211 | 405 | 209-669-5 | 09.124 | butyl-propionát | | |

09.125 | 2 | 540-42-1 | isobutyl-propanoát | 2212 | 406 | 208-746-0 | 09.125 | isobutyl-propionát | 2-methylpropyl-propanoát | |

09.126 | 1 | 142-60-9 | oktyl-propanoát | 2813 | 407 | 205-548-6 | 09.126 | oktyl-propionát | | |

09.127 | 1 | 5454-19-3 | decyl-propanoát | 2369 | 408 | 226-703-4 | 09.127 | decyl-propionát | | |

09.128 | 3 | 105-90-8 | geranyl-propanoát | 2517 | 409 | 203-344-1 | 09.128 | trans-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-propanoát, geranyl-propionát | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-propanoát | |

09.129 | 4 | 141-14-0 | citronellyl-propanoát | 2316 | 410 | 205-461-3 | 09.129 | citronelyl-propionát | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-yl-propanoát | |

09.130 | 6 | 144-39-8 | linalyl-propanoát | 2645 | 411 | 205-627-5 | 09.130 | linalyl-propionát | 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-yl-propanoát | |

09.131 | 8 | 2756-56-1 | isobornyl-propanoát | 2163 | 412 | 220-410-5 | 09.131 | isobornyl-propionát | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-propanoát | |

09.132 | 23 | 122-63-4 | benzyl-propanoát | 2150 | 413 | 204-559-3 | 09.132 | benzyl-propionát | | |

09.133 | 22 | 103-56-0 | cinnamyl-propanoát | 2301 | 414 | 203-124-5 | 09.133 | cinnamyl-propionát | 3-fenylprop-2-enyl-propanoát | |

09.134 | 1 | 554-12-1 | methyl-propanoát | 2742 | 415 | 209-060-4 | 09.134 | methyl-propionát | | |

09.135 | 1 | 624-54-4 | pentyl-propanoát | | 416 | 210-852-7 | 09.135 | pentyl-propanoát | | |

09.136 | 2 | 105-68-0 | 3-methylbutyl-propanoát | 2082 | 417 | 203-322-1 | 09.136 | isopentyl-propionát | | |

09.137 | 15 | 122-70-3 | fenethyl-propanoát | 2867 | 418 | 204-567-7 | 09.137 | fenylethyl-propionát, 2-fenylethyl-propanoát | | |

09.138 | 22 | 122-74-7 | 3-fenylpropyl-propanoát | 2897 | 419 | 204-571-9 | 09.138 | 3-fenylpropyl-propionát, hydrocinnamyl-propionát | | |

09.139 | 1 | 2445-76-3 | hexyl-propanoát | 2576 | 420 | 219-495-1 | 09.139 | hexyl-propionát | | |

09.140 | 8 | 6222-35-1 | cyklohexyl-propanoát | 2354 | 421 | 228-303-5 | 09.140 | | | |

09.141 | 4 | 105-89-5 | rhodinyl-propanoát | 2986 | 422 | 203-343-6 | 09.141 | α-citronelyl-propionát | 3,7-dimethylokt-7-en-1-yl-propanoát | |

09.142 | 6 | 80-27-3 | terpinyl-propanoát | 3053 | 423 | 201-266-2 | 09.142 | p-menthanyl-propanoát (směs isomerů) | p-menth-1-en-8-yl-propanoát | |

09.143 | 8 | 97-45-0 | karvyl-propanoát | 2251 | 424 | 202-583-9 | 09.143 | (-)-karveol propionát | p-mentha-6,8-dien-2-yl-propanoát | |

09.144 | 21 | 120-45-6 | 1-fenethyl-propanoát | 2689 | 425 | 204-397-3 | 09.144 | α-methylbenzyl-propionát, 1-fenylethyl-propanoát | | |

09.145 | 23 | 7549-33-9 | p-anisyl-propanoát | 2102 | 426 | 231-433-5 | 09.145 | p-anisyl-propionát | 4-methoxybenzyl-propanoát | |

09.146 | 3 | 7493-76-7 | allyl-undec-10-enoát | 2044 | 441 | 231-337-3 | 09.146 | allyl-undecylenoát | | |

09.147 | 1 | 539-82-2 | ethyl-valerát | 2462 | 465 | 208-726-1 | 09.147 | ethyl-pentanoát | | |

09.148 | 1 | 591-68-4 | butyl-valerát | 2217 | 466 | 209-728-5 | 09.148 | butyl-pentanoát | | |

09.149 | 1 | 2173-56-0 | pentyl-valerát | | 467 | 218-528-7 | 09.149 | amyl-pentanoát | | |

09.150 | 3 | 10402-47-8 | geranyl-valerát | | 468 | 233-869-1 | 09.150 | geranyl-pentanoát | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-pentanoát | |

09.151 | 4 | 7540-53-6 | citronellyl-valerát | 2317 | 469 | 231-416-2 | 09.151 | 3,7-dimethyl-6-okten-1-yl-pentanoát | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-enyl-pentanoát | |

09.152 | 23 | 10361-39-4 | benzyl-valerát | | 470 | 233-789-7 | 09.152 | benzyl-pentanoát | | |

09.153 | 8 | 7549-41-9 | bornyl-valerát | 2164 | 471 | 231-435-6 | 09.153 | bornyl-pentanoát, endo-2-kamfanyl-valerát, endo-2-bornyl-valerát | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-pentanoát | |

09.154 | 8 | 89-47-4 | menthyl-valerát | | 472 | 201-910-2 | 09.154 | menthyl-pentanoát | p-menthan-3-yl-pentanoát | |

09.156 | 1 | 111-80-8 | methyl-non-2-ynoát | 2726 | 479 | 203-909-2 | 09.156 | | | |

09.157 | 1 | 10031-92-2 | ethyl-non-2-ynoát | 2448 | 480 | 233-098-0 | 09.157 | | | |

09.158 | 1 | 111-12-6 | methyl-okt-2-ynoát | 2729 | 481 | 203-836-6 | 09.158 | | | |

09.159 | 1 | 638-49-3 | pentyl-formiát | 2068 | 497 | 211-340-6 | 09.159 | | | |

09.160 | 8 | 4351-54-6 | cyklohexyl-formiát | 2353 | 498 | 224-415-3 | 09.160 | | | |

09.161 | 1 | 629-33-4 | hexyl-formiát | 2570 | 499 | 211-087-1 | 09.161 | hexyl-methanoát, hexylester mravenčí kyseliny | | |

09.162 | 2 | 110-45-2 | 3-methylbutyl-formiát | 2069 | 500 | 203-769-2 | 09.162 | isopentyl-formiát, isopentyl-methanoát | | |

09.163 | 1 | 592-84-7 | butyl-formiát | 2196 | 501 | 209-772-5 | 09.163 | butyl-methanoát | | |

09.164 | 2 | 542-55-2 | isobutyl-formiát | 2197 | 502 | 208-818-1 | 09.164 | isobutyl-methanoát, 2-methylpropan-1-yl-formiát | 2-methylpropyl-formiát | |

09.165 | 5 | 625-55-8 | isopropyl-formiát | 2944 | 503 | 210-901-2 | 09.165 | isopropyl-methanoát | | |

09.166 | 1 | 5870-93-9 | heptyl-butyrát | 2549 | 504 | 227-526-5 | 09.166 | heptyl-butanoát | | |

09.167 | 3 | 999-40-6 | neryl-butyrát | 2774 | 505 | 213-660-1 | 09.167 | cis-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-butyrát | (Z)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-butanoát | |

09.168 | 15 | 103-52-6 | fenethyl-butyrát | 2861 | 506 | 203-119-8 | 09.168 | 2-fenylethyl-butanoát, 2-fenylethyl-butyrát | | |

09.169 | 3 | 105-91-9 | neryl-propanoát | 2777 | 509 | 203-345-7 | 09.169 | cis-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-propionát | (Z)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-propanoát | |

09.171 | 8 | 77-54-3 | cedryl-acetát | | 527 | 201-036-1 | 09.171 | | 2,6,6,8-tetramethyl-tricyklo[]undekan-8-yl-acetát | |

09.172 | 8 | 6243-10-3 | cyklohexyl-hexanoát | | 528 | 228-354-3 | 09.172 | cyklohexyl-kapronát | | |

09.174 | 25 | 613-70-7 | 2-methoxyfenyl-acetát | 3687 | 552 | 210-350-8 | 09.174 | guajakol-acetát, 1-acetoxy-2-methoxybenzen, acetylguajakol, o-methoxyfenyl-acetát | | |

09.175 | 8 | 58479-55-3 | isobornyl-butyrát | | 564 | 261-281-5 | 09.175 | | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-butanoát | |

09.176 | 8 | 1200-67-5 | isobornyl-formiát | 2162 | 565 | 214-853-3 | 09.176 | isobornyl-methanoát, exo-2-bornyl-formiát, exo-2-kamfanyl-formiát | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-formiát | |

09.177 | 3 | 7149-29-3 | 2-methylallyl-butyrát | 2678 | 572 | 230-474-6 | 09.177 | 2-methyl-2-propen-1-yl-butyrát 2-methylallyl-butanoát, methallyl-butyrát | 2-methylprop-2-en-1-yl-butanoát | |

09.178 | 21 | 93-92-5 | 1-fenylethyl-acetát | 2684 | 573 | 202-288-5 | 09.178 | styrallyl-acetát, α-fenylethyl-acetát, sek-fenylethyl-acetát | 1-fenylethyl-acetát | |

09.179 | 21 | 7775-38-4 | 1-fenylethyl-formiát | 2688 | 574 | 231-893-7 | 09.179 | α-methylbenzyl-formiát | | |

09.180 | 1 | 112-39-0 | methyl-hexadekanoát | | 581 | 203-966-3 | 09.180 | methyl-palmitát | | |

09.181 | 1 | 13894-63-8 | methyl-hex-2-enoát | 2709 | 583 | 237-663-2 | 09.181 | | | |

09.182 | 1 | 624-24-8 | methyl-valerát | 2752 | 588 | 210-838-0 | 09.182 | methyl-pentanoát | | |

09.185 | 9 | 592-20-1 | 2-oxopropyl-acetát | | 607 | 209-746-3 | 09.185 | acetonyl-acetát | | |

09.186 | 10 | 4906-24-5 | 1-methyl-2-oxopropyl-acetát | 3526 | 608 | | 09.186 | 2-acetoxybutan-3-on, AMC acetát, acetoin-acetát | | |

09.188 | 1 | 5933-87-9 | pentyl-dekanoát | | 611 | 227-682-4 | 09.188 | pentyl-kaprinát | | |

09.189 | 21 | 10031-86-4 | 1-fenylpropyl-butyrát | 2424 | 628 | 233-094-9 | 09.189 | α-ethylbenzyl-butyrát | | |

09.190 | 1 | 1552-67-6 | ethyl-hex-2-enoát | 3675 | 631 | 216-296-1 | 09.190 | ethyl-(E)-hex-2-enoát | | 5 |

09.191 | 1 | 2396-83-0 | ethyl-hex-3-enoát | 3342 | | 219-257-7 | 09.191 | | | |

09.192 | 1 | 111-62-6 | ethyl-oleát | 2450 | 633 | 203-889-5 | 09.192 | ethyl-(Z)-oktadec-9-enoát | ethyl-oktadec-9-enoát | |

09.193 | 1 | 628-97-7 | ethyl-hexadekanoát | 2451 | 634 | 211-064-6 | 09.193 | ethyl-palmitát | | |

09.194 | 1 | 2396-84-1 | ethyl-hexa-2,4-dienoát | 2459 | 635 | 219-258-2 | 09.194 | ethyl-sorbát, ethyl-hexa-2,4-dienoát | | |

09.196 | 3 | 10094-40-3 | hex-2-enyl-acetát | 2564 | 643 | 233-223-9 | 09.196 | trans-hex-2-enyl-acetát, hex-2-enyl-ethanoát | (E)-hex-2-en-1-yl-acetát | 5 |

09.197 | 4 | 3681-71-8 | hex-3(cis)-enyl-acetát | 3171 | 644 | 222-960-1 | 09.197 | cis-hex-3-en-1-yl-acetát, cis-hex-3-enyl-ethanoát | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-acetát | |

09.198 | 2 | 2050-09-1 | isopentyl-valerát | | 648 | 218-081-8 | 09.198 | isopentyl-pentanoát | 3-methylbutyl-pentanoát | |

09.200 | 21 | 10415-88-0 | 1-methyl-3-fenylpropyl-acetát | 2882 | 671 | 233-890-6 | 09.200 | 4-fenylbutan-2-yl-acetátt | 3-fenyl-1-methylpropyl-acetá | |

09.201 | 15 | 7460-74-4 | fenethyl-valerát | | 673 | 231-246-9 | 09.201 | fenethyl-pentanoát | | |

09.202 | 1 | 141-06-0 | propyl-valerát | | 679 | 205-452-4 | 09.202 | propyl-pentanoát | | |

09.204 | 1 | 544-35-4 | ethyl-oktadeka-9,12-dienoát | | 711 | 208-868-4 | 09.204 | ethyl-linolát | | |

09.205 | 1 | 1191-41-9 | ethyl-oktadeka-9,12,15-trienoát | | 712 | 214-734-6 | 09.205 | ethyl-linolenát | | |

09.208 | 1 | 142-77-8 | butyl-oleát | | 741 | 205-559-6 | 09.208 | | butyl-oktadec-9-enoát | |

09.209 | 1 | 589-75-3 | butyl-oktanoát | | 742 | 209-659-0 | 09.209 | butyl-kaprylát | | |

09.210 | 1 | 111-61-5 | ethyl-oktadekanoát | 3490 | 745 | 203-887-4 | 09.210 | ethyl-stearát | | |

09.211 | 30 | 60-01-5 | glyceryl-tributyrát | 2223 | 747 | 200-451-5 | 09.211 | tributyrin, glycerol-tributyrát | | 1 |

09.212 | 3 | 2142-94-1 | neryl-formiát | 2776 | 2060 | 218-401-6 | 09.212 | cis-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-formiát, cis-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-methanoát | (Z)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-formiát | |

09.213 | 3 | 141-12-8 | neryl-acetát | 2773 | 2061 | 205-459-2 | 09.213 | cis-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-acetát | (Z)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-acetát | |

09.214 | 4 | 112-19-6 | undec-10-enyl-acetát | 3096 | 2062 | 203-944-3 | 09.214 | undecenyl-acetát | | |

09.215 | 8 | 97-42-7 | karvyl-acetát | 2250 | 2063 | 202-580-2 | 09.215 | karveyl-acetát | p-mentha-6,8-dien-2-yl-acetát | |

09.216 | 8 | 20777-49-5 | dihydrokarvyl-acetát | 2380 | 2064 | 244-029-9 | 09.216 | dihydrokarveyl-acetát | p-menth-8-en-2-yl-acetát, 5-isopropenyl-2-methylcyklohexyl-acetát | |

09.218 | 8 | 125-12-2 | isobornyl-acetát | 2160 | 2066 | 204-727-6 | 09.218 | exo-2-kamfanyl-acetát, isobornyl-ethanoát, exo-2-bornyl-acetát | exo-1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-acetát | |

09.219 | 8 | 57576-09-7 | isopulegyl-acetát | 2965 | 2067 | 260-820-1 | 09.219 | | p-menth-8-en-3-yl-acetát, 2-isopropenyl-5-methylcyklohexyl-acetát | |

09.220 | 23 | 326-61-4 | piperonyl-acetát | 2912 | 2068 | 206-312-5 | 09.220 | | 3,4-(methylendioxy)benzyl-acetát, 1,3-dioxol-5-yl-acetát | |

09.224 | 5 | 108-84-9 | 1,3-dimethylbutyl-acetát | | 2073 | 203-621-7 | 09.224 | 4-methylpentan-2-yl-acetát | | |

09.225 | 9 | 1322-17-4 | nonan-1,3-diol-monoacetát | 2783 | 2075 | 215-332-3 | 09.225 | nonan-1,3-diol-acetáty (směs), jasmonyl | nonan-1,3-diyl-acetát | 5 |

09.226 | 9 | 7779-54-6 | 3-oxononan-1-yl-acetát | | 2076 | | 09.226 | | | |

09.227 | 6 | 151-05-3 | 1,1-dimethyl-2-fenethyl-acetát | 2392 | 2077 | 205-781-3 | 09.227 | 2-fenyl-1,1-dimethylethyl-acetát | | |

09.228 | 25 | 533-18-6 | o-tolyl-acetát | 3072 | 2078 | 208-556-8 | 09.228 | o-kresol-acetát | 2-methylfenyl-acetát | |

09.230 | 8 | 1551-44-6 | cyklohexyl-butyrát | 2351 | 2082 | 216-290-9 | 09.230 | cyklohexyl-butanoát | | |

09.231 | 21 | 3460-44-4 | 1-fenethyl-butyrát | 2686 | 2083 | 222-409-5 | 09.231 | α-methylbenzyl-butyrát, 1-fenylethyl-butanoát | 1-fenylethyl-butyrát | |

09.232 | 6 | 10094-34-5 | 2-fenyl-1,1-dimethylethyl-butyrát | 2394 | 2084 | 233-221-8 | 09.232 | 2-fenyl-1,1-dimethylethyl-butanoát | | |

09.233 | 3 | 2408-20-0 | allyl-propanoát | 2040 | 2094 | 219-307-8 | 09.233 | prop-2-en-1-yl-propanoát, allyl-propionát | | |

09.234 | 1 | 111-79-5 | methyl-non-2-enoát | 2725 | 2099 | 203-908-7 | 09.234 | | | |

09.235 | 1 | 7492-45-7 | butyl-dec-2-enoát | 2194 | 2100 | | 09.235 | | | |

09.236 | 1 | 5760-50-9 | methyl-undec-9-enoát | 2750 | 2101 | 227-279-3 | 09.236 | methyl-undecylenát | | |

09.237 | 1 | 692-86-4 | ethyl-undec-10-enoát | 2461 | 10634 | 211-734-8 | 09.237 | ethyl-undecylenát | | |

09.238 | 1 | 109-42-2 | butyl-undec-10-enoát | 2216 | 2103 | 203-670-4 | 09.238 | butyl-undecylenát | | |

09.239 | 1 | 10522-18-6 | methylundec-2-ynoát | 2751 | 2111 | | 09.239 | | | |

09.240 | 4 | 33467-73-1 | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-formiát | 3353 | 2153 | 251-532-7 | 09.240 | | | 5 |

09.244 | 3 | 123-68-2 | allyl-hexanoát | 2032 | 2181 | 204-642-4 | 09.244 | allyl-kapronát, prop-2-en-1-yl-hexanoát | | |

09.246 | 1 | 123-95-5 | butyl-oktadekanoát | 2214 | 2189 | 204-666-5 | 09.246 | butyl-stearát | | |

09.247 | 3 | 20474-93-5 | allyl-krotonát | | 2222 | 243-845-2 | 09.247 | | allyl-(E)-but-2-enoát | |

09.248 | 1 | 623-70-1 | (E)-ethyl-but-2-enoát | 3486 | 2244 | 210-808-7 | 09.248 | ethyl-krotonát | ethyl-(E)-but-2-enoát | |

09.249 | 21 | 68922-11-2 | 1-methyl-2-fenethyl-butyrát | 3197 | 2276 | 272-983-6 | 09.249 | α-methylfenethyl-butyrát | 2-fenyl-1-methylethyl-butanoát | |

09.250 | 2 | 10588-10-0 | isobutyl-valerát | | 2303 | 234-191-9 | 09.250 | isobutyl-pentanoát | 2-methylpropyl-pentanoát | |

09.251 | 1 | 110-42-9 | methyl-dekanoát | | 2304 | 203-766-6 | 09.251 | methyl-kaprinát | | |

09.253 | 25 | 528-79-0 | 2-isopropyl-5-methylfenyl-acetát | | 2308 | 208-442-8 | 09.253 | thymol-acetát, acetylthymol | | |

09.254 | 5 | 4864-61-3 | oktan-3-yl-acetát | 3583 | 2347 | 225-471-1 | 09.254 | 1-ethylhexyl-acetát | 1-ethylhexyl-acetát | |

09.256 | 1 | 6513-03-7 | propyl-nonanoát | | 2351 | 229-403-1 | 09.256 | propyl-pelargonát | | |

09.258 | 30 | 3891-59-6 | glukosa-pentaacetát | 2524 | | 223-439-1 | 09.258 | 1,2,3,4,6-pentaacetyl-α-D-glukosa, 1,2,3,4,6-pentaacetyl-β-D-glukosa | 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-acetyl-α-D-glukosa a 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-acetyl-β-D-glukosa | |

09.260 | 3 | 3025-30-7 | ethyl-(2E,4Z)-deka-2,4-dienoát | 3148 | 10574 | 221-178-8 | 09.260 | | | |

09.261 | 15 | 6290-37-5 | 2-fenethyl-hexanoát | 3221 | 10882 | 228-538-3 | 09.261 | 2-fenylethyl-kapronát | fenethyl-hexanoát | |

09.262 | 15 | 5457-70-5 | fenethyl-oktanoát | 3222 | 10884 | 226-718-6 | 09.262 | 2-fenylethyl-kaprylát | | |

09.263 | 30 | 139-45-7 | glyceryl-tripropanoát | 3286 | 10657 | 205-365-1 | 09.263 | triglycerid propanové kyseliny, glycerol-tripropionát | | 1 |

09.264 | 10 | 84642-61-5 | sek-butan-3-onyl-butyrát | 3332 | 10525 | 283-438-7 | 09.264 | acetoyl-butyrát, AMC butyrát | 1-methyl-2-oxopropyl-butanoát | |

09.265 | 1 | 34495-71-1 | ethyl-okt-4-enoát | 3344 | 10619 | 252-065-1 | 09.265 | | | 5 |

09.266 | 1 | 19089-92-0 | hexyl-but-2-enoát | 3354 | 10688 | 242-808-8 | 09.266 | | | 5 |

09.267 | 1 | 2396-78-3 | methyl-hex-3-enoát | 3364 | 10801 | 219-256-1 | 09.267 | | | |

09.268 | 1 | 21063-71-8 | methyl-(Z)-okt-4-enoát | 3367 | 10834 | 244-188-4 | 09.268 | | | |

09.269 | 8 | 13851-11-1 | fenchyl-acetát | 3390 | 11769 | 237-588-5 | 09.269 | 1,3,3-trimethyl-2-norbornanyl-acetát | 1,3,3-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-acetát | |

09.270 | 4 | 16491-36-4 | hex-3-en-1-yl-butyrát | 3402 | 11859 | 240-553-7 | 09.270 | cis-hex-3-enyl-butanoát | | 5 |

09.271 | 4 | 31501-11-8 | hex-3-en-1-yl-hexanoát | 3403 | 11779 | 250-661-6 | 09.271 | hex-3-enyl-kapronát, cis-hex-3-en-1-yl-kapronát | | 5 |

09.272 | 7 | 72928-52-0 | myrtenyl-formiát | 3405 | 10858 | 277-082-1 | 09.272 | 2-pinen-10-yl-formiát | [(6,6-dimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]hept-2-en-2-yl)methyl]-formiát | |

09.273 | 2 | 589-66-2 | isobutyl-krotonát | 3432 | 10706 | 209-658-5 | 09.273 | | 2-methylpropyl-(E)-but-2-enoát | |

09.274 | 1 | 627-90-7 | ethyl-undekanoát | 3492 | 10633 | 211-018-5 | 09.274 | ethyl-undecylát | | |

09.275 | 4 | 1576-77-8 | (E)-hept-3-en-1-yl-acetát | 3493 | 10662 | 216-411-5 | 09.275 | | | |

09.276 | 3 | 3913-80-2 | okt-2-enyl-acetát | 3516 | 11906 | 223-473-7 | 09.276 | okt-2-en-1-yl-acetát | | 5 |

09.277 | 3 | 84642-60-4 | (E)-okt-2-enyl-butyrát | 3517 | 11907 | 283-437-1 | 09.277 | trans-okt-2-en-1-yl-butyrát | | |

09.278 | 7 | 15111-96-3 | p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-yl-acetát | 3561 | 10742 | 239-162-4 | 09.278 | perilla-acetát, perrilyl-acetát, perillylester octové kyseliny | (4-isopropenylcyklohex-1-en-1-yl)methyl-acetát | |

09.280 | 9 | 67715-81-5 | nonan-1,4-diyl-diacetát | 3579 | 11927 | | 09.280 | | | |

09.281 | 5 | 2442-10-6 | okt-1-en-3-yl-acetát | 3582 | 11716 | 219-474-7 | 09.281 | oktenyl-acetát | 1-vinylhexyl-acetát | |

09.282 | 5 | 16491-54-6 | okt-1-en-3-yl-butyrát | 3612 | | 240-555-8 | 09.282 | | 1-vinylhexyl-butyrát | |

09.283 | 1 | 7367-88-6 | ethyl-dec-2-enoát | 3641 | 10577 | 230-918-9 | 09.283 | | | 5 |

09.284 | 1 | 76649-16-6 | ethyl-dec-4-enoát | 3642 | 10578 | 278-509-4 | 09.284 | | | 5 |

09.285 | 1 | 7367-82-0 | (E)-ethyl-okt-2-enoát | 3643 | 10617 | 230-913-1 | 09.285 | | | 5 |

09.286 | 2 | 624-41-9 | 2-methylbutyl-acetát | 3644 | 10762 | 210-843-8 | 09.286 | | | |

09.287 | 1 | 28316-62-3 | propyl-deka-2,4-dienoát | 3648 | 10889 | 248-960-1 | 09.287 | | | 5 |

09.288 | 21 | 3572-06-3 | 4-(4-acetoxyfenyl)butan-2-on | 3652 | | 222-682-0 | 09.288 | | 4-(3-oxobutyl)fenyl-acetát | |

09.289 | 7 | 36789-59-0 | α-kamfolen-acetát | 3657 | | 253-212-2 | 09.289 | | 2-(2,2,3-trimethylcyklopent-3-en-1-yl)ethyl-acetát | 5 |

09.290 | 1 | 69925-33-3 | ethyl-okta-4,7-dienoát | 3682 | | | 09.290 | ethyl-(Z)-okta-4,7-dienoát | | |

09.291 | 4 | 61444-38-0 | hex-3-enyl-hex-3-enoát | 3689 | | 262-797-3 | 09.291 | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-(Z)-hex-3-enoát | | 5 |

09.292 | 1 | 33855-57-1 | hexyl-hex-2-enoát | 3692 | | | 09.292 | hexyl-(E)-hex-2-enoát | | |

09.293 | 9 | 52789-73-8 | 1-acetoxy-1-acetylcyklohexan | 3701 | | 258-186-6 | 09.293 | 1-acetylcyklohexyl-acetát | | |

09.294 | 23 | 17373-93-2 | 2-methylbenzyl-acetát | 3702 | | 241-412-2 | 09.294 | | | 5 |

09.298 | 1 | 13481-87-3 | methyl-non-3-enoát | 3710 | | 236-786-9 | 09.298 | | | |

09.299 | 1 | 7367-81-9 | methyl-(E)-okt-2-enoát | 3712 | 11800 | 230-912-6 | 09.299 | | | 5 |

09.300 | 1 | 689-89-4 | methyl-hexa-2,4-dienoát | 3714 | | 211-712-8 | 09.300 | methyl-sorbát, methyl-(E,E)-hexa-2,4-dienoát | | 5 |

09.301 | 25 | 59558-23-5 | p-tolyl-oktanoát | 3733 | | 261-803-1 | 09.301 | p-methylfenyl-oktanoát, p-tolyl-kaprylát | 4-methylfenyl-oktanoát | |

09.302 | 7 | 1079-01-2 | myrtenyl-acetát | 3765 | 10887 | 214-088-5 | 09.302 | pin-2-en-10-ol-acetát | (1S)-(6,6-dimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]hept-2-en-2-yl)methyl-acetát | |

09.303 | 3 | | hept-2-enyl-isovalerát | | 10664 | | 09.303 | | hept-2-en-1-yl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.304 | 5 | | sek-heptyl-isovalerát | | 10806 | | 09.304 | | 1-methylhexyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.305 | 8 | 22030-19-9 | β-jonyl-acetát | 3844 | 10702 | | 09.305 | β-jonol-acetát | 4-(2,2,6-trimethylcyklohex-1-en-1-yl)but-3-en-2-yl-acetát | |

09.306 | 22 | | 2-methoxycinnamyl-acetát | | 10752 | | 09.306 | | 3-(2-methoxyfenyl)prop-2-en-1-yl-acetát | |

09.307 | 2 | | 2-methylbutyl-dodekanoát | | 10766 | | 09.307 | | | |

09.311 | 3 | 591-87-7 | allyl-acetát | | 11730 | 209-734-8 | 09.311 | | | |

09.312 | 3 | 7493-75-6 | allyl-hexa-2,4-dienoát | 2041 | 2182 | 231-336-8 | 09.312 | allyl-sorbát | | |

09.313 | 23 | 56423-40-6 | benzyl-2-methylbutyrát | | 10523 | 260-169-3 | 09.313 | | | |

09.314 | 23 | 65416-24-2 | benzyl-krotonát | | | 265-764-1 | 09.314 | | benzyl-(E)-but-2-enoát | |

09.315 | 23 | 140-25-0 | benzyl-dodekanoát | | | 205-405-8 | 09.315 | benzyl-laurát | | |

09.316 | 23 | 6938-45-0 | benzyl-hexanoát | | 10521 | 230-068-9 | 09.316 | benzyl-kapronát | | |

09.317 | 23 | 2051-96-9 | benzyl-laktát | | | 218-136-6 | 09.317 | | benzyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | |

09.318 | 23 | 10276-85-4 | benzyl-oktanoát | | | 233-620-7 | 09.318 | benzyl-kaprylát | | |

09.319 | 8 | 13109-70-1 | bornyl-butyrát | 3907 | | 236-036-0 | 09.319 | bornyl-butanoát | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-butanoát | |

09.320 | 9 | 112-07-2 | 2-butoxyethyl-acetát | | | 203-933-3 | 09.320 | | | |

09.321 | 1 | 7785-64-0 | butyl-(Z)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | | | 232-084-1 | 09.321 | butyl-angelikát | | |

09.322 | 1 | 6297-41-2 | butyl-2-methylvalerát | | | 228-569-2 | 09.322 | butyl-2-methylpentanoát | | |

09.323 | 5 | 105-46-4 | sek-butyl-acetát | | 10527 | 203-300-1 | 09.323 | butan-2-yl-acetát | 1-methylpropyl-acetát | |

09.324 | 1 | 591-63-9 | butyl-but-2-enoát | | | | 09.324 | | | |

09.325 | 5 | 819-97-6 | sek-butyl-butyrát | | 10528 | 212-465-9 | 09.325 | butan-2-yl-butanoát | 1-methylpropyl-butanoát | |

09.326 | 1 | 28369-24-6 | butyl-deka-2,4-dienoát | | 10529 | 248-994-7 | 09.326 | | | 5 |

09.327 | 1 | 30673-36-0 | butyl-dekanoát | | 10530 | 250-280-5 | 09.327 | butyl-kaprinát | | |

09.328 | 5 | 589-40-2 | sek-butyl-formiát | | 10532 | | 09.328 | butan-2-yl-formiát | 1-methylpropyl-formiát | |

09.329 | 1 | 13416-74-5 | butyl-hex-2-enoát | | | | 09.329 | | | |

09.330 | 1 | 118869-62-8 | butyl-hex-3-enoát | | | | 09.330 | | | |

09.331 | 1 | 111-06-8 | butyl-hexadekanoát | | | 203-829-8 | 09.331 | butyl-palmitát | | |

09.332 | 5 | 820-00-8 | sek-butyl-hexanoát | | 10533 | | 09.332 | sek-butyl-kapronát, butan-2-yl-hexanoát | 1-methylpropyl-hexanoát | |

09.333 | 9 | 18449-60-0 | sek-butyl-laktát | | | 242-334-1 | 09.333 | | 1-methylpropyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | |

09.334 | 1 | 50623-57-9 | butyl-nonanoát | | | 256-661-2 | 09.334 | butyl-pelargonát | | |

09.335 | 1 | 57403-32-4 | butyl-okt-2-enoát | | 10536 | 260-720-8 | 09.335 | | | |

09.336 | 1 | 110-36-1 | butyl-tetradekanoát | | | 203-759-8 | 09.336 | butyl-myristát | | |

09.337 | 25 | 6380-28-5 | karvakryl-acetát | | | 228-963-4 | 09.337 | | 5-isopropyl-2-methylfenyl-acetát | |

09.338 | 8 | 32214-91-8 | karyofyllenalkohol-acetát | | | 250-960-1 | 09.338 | karyofyllen-acetát | 4,11,11-trimethyl-8-methylidenbicyklo[7.2.0]undec-3-en-5-yl-acetát | |

09.339 | 22 | 61792-12-9 | cinnamyl-2-methylkrotonát | | | 263-215-0 | 09.339 | cinnamyl-tiglát | 3-fenylprop-2-en-1-yl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.340 | 3 | 24717-85-9 | citronellyl-2-methylbut-2-enoát | | | 246-426-2 | 09.340 | | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-yl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.341 | 4 | 10580-25-3 | citronellyl-hexanoát | | | 234-175-1 | 09.341 | citronellol-kapronát | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-yl-hexanoát | |

09.342 | 7 | 54993-30-5 | cyklogeranyl-acetát | | | | 09.342 | | (2,6,6-trimethylcyklohex-1-en-1-yl)methyl-acetát | |

09.343 | 8 | 1129-47-1 | cyklohexyl-isobutyrát | | 10548 | 214-448-1 | 09.343 | | cyklohexyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.344 | 4 | 50816-18-7 | dec-9-enyl-acetát | | | 256-784-1 | 09.344 | rosalva-acetát | | |

09.345 | 9 | 818-04-2 | diisopentyl-sukcinát | | 10555 | 212-448-6 | 09.345 | bis(3-methylbutyl)-sukcinát | bis(3-methylbutyl)-butandioát | |

09.346 | 30 | 1587-18-4 | dibutyl-malát | | | | 09.346 | | dibutyl-2-hydroxybutandioát | |

09.347 | 9 | 141-03-7 | dibutyl-sukcinát | | | 205-449-8 | 09.347 | | dibutyl-butandioát | |

09.348 | 9 | 141-28-6 | diethyl-adipát | | | 205-477-0 | 09.348 | | diethyl-hexandioát | |

09.349 | 30 | 32074-56-9 | diethyl-citrát | | | 250-914-0 | 09.349 | | | |

09.350 | 9 | 623-91-6 | diethyl-fumarát | | | 210-819-7 | 09.350 | | diethyl-(E)-but-2-endioát | |

09.351 | 9 | 141-05-9 | diethyl-maleinát | | 10551 | 205-451-9 | 09.351 | diethylester but-2-endiové kyseliny, ethyl-maleinát | diethyl-(Z)-but-2-endioát | |

09.352 | 9 | 624-17-9 | diethyl-nonandioát | | 10549 | 210-833-3 | 09.352 | diethyl-azelainát | | |

09.353 | 9 | 95-92-1 | diethyl-oxalát | | | 202-464-1 | 09.353 | | diethyl-ethandioát | |

09.354 | 9 | 818-38-2 | diethyl-pentandioát | | | 212-451-2 | 09.354 | diethyl-glutarát | | |

09.355 | 8 | 20777-49-5 | neo-dihydrocarvyl-acetát | | 10859 | 244-029-9 | 09.355 | | p-menth-8(9)-en-2-yl-acetát, 5-isopropenyl-2-methylcyklohexyl-acetát | |

09.356 | 6 | 20487-40-5 | 1,1-dimethylethyl-propanoát | | | | 09.356 | terc-butyl-propanoát, terc-butyl-propionát | | |

09.358 | 2 | 20780-49-8 | 3,7-dimethyloktyl-acetát | | 10899 | 244-034-6 | 09.358 | tetrahydrogeranyl-acetát | | |

09.359 | 9 | 111-15-9 | 2-ethoxyethyl-acetát | | 10565 | 203-839-2 | 09.359 | ethylenglykolmonoethylether-acetát | | |

09.360 | 9 | 2985-28-6 | ethyl-2-acetoxypropanoát | | | | 09.360 | ethyl-acetyllaktát, ethyl-O-acetyllaktát | | |

09.361 | 9 | 27372-03-8 | ethyl-2-hydroxy-3-methylbutyrát | | 10600 | | 09.361 | | | |

09.362 | 23 | 60770-00-5 | ethyl-2-hydroxy-4-methylbenzoát | | | | 09.362 | | | |

09.363 | 23 | 7335-26-4 | ethyl-2-methoxybenzoát | | | 230-843-1 | 09.363 | | | |

09.364 | 15 | 2510-99-8 | ethyl-2-fenylpropanoát | | | 219-727-1 | 09.364 | | | |

09.365 | 1 | 638-10-8 | ethyl-3-methylkrotonát | | 10610 | 211-319-1 | 09.365 | ethyl-seneciát | ethyl-(E)-3-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.366 | 9 | 121312-01-4 | ethyl-4-acetoxyoktanoát | | | | 09.366 | | | |

09.367 | 23 | 120-47-8 | ethyl-4-hydroxybenzoát | | | 204-399-4 | 09.367 | | | 4 |

09.368 | 1 | 6849-18-9 | ethyl-4-methylpent-3-enoát | | 10615 | | 09.368 | | | |

09.370 | 1 | 67233-91-4 | ethyl-dec-9-enoát | | 10579 | | 09.370 | | | |

09.371 | 1 | 78417-28-4 | ethyl-deka-2,4,7-trienoát | 3832 | 10576 | | 09.371 | ethyl-deka-2,4,7-trienoát, ethylester deka-2,4,7-trienové kyseliny | | |

09.372 | 1 | 28290-90-6 | ethyl-dodec-2-enoát | | 10584 | | 09.372 | | | |

09.373 | 1 | 32659-21-5 | ethyl-geranát | | | 251-144-8 | 09.373 | | ethyl-(E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dienoát | |

09.374 | 1 | 54340-72-6 | ethyl-hept-2-enoát | | | | 09.374 | | | |

09.375 | 1 | 97-63-2 | ethyl-methakrylát | | | 202-597-5 | 09.375 | | ethyl-2-methylprop-2-enoát | |

09.376 | 1 | 26553-47-9 | ethyl-(E)-okt-3-enoát | | | 247-799-4 | 09.376 | | | |

09.377 | 1 | 1117-65-3 | ethyl-okt-3-enoát | | 10618 | | 09.377 | | | |

09.378 | 1 | 78989-37-4 | ethyl-(E)-okt-4-enoát | | | 279-035-0 | 09.378 | | | |

09.379 | 1 | 2445-93-4 | ethyl-pent-2-enoát | | 10623 | 219-500-7 | 09.379 | | | |

09.380 | 1 | 41114-00-5 | ethyl-pentadekanoát | | 10622 | 255-223-8 | 09.380 | | | |

09.381 | 2 | 103-09-3 | 2-ethylhexyl-acetát | | | 203-079-1 | 09.381 | | | |

09.382 | 3 | 68705-63-5 | geranyl-2-methylbutyrát | | | 272-100-4 | 09.382 | | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-2-methylbutanoát | |

09.383 | 3 | 7785-33-3 | geranyl-2-methylkrotonát | | 11829 | 232-078-9 | 09.383 | geranyl-tiglát | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.384 | 3 | 51532-26-4 | geranyl-oktanoát | | | 257-256-3 | 09.384 | geranyl-kaprylát | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-oktanoát | |

09.385 | 3 | 16939-73-4 | hept-2-enyl-acetát | | 10661 | 241-002-3 | 09.385 | | hept-2-en-1-yl-acetát | 5 |

09.386 | 5 | 94088-33-2 | sek-(Z)-hept-4-enyl-acetát | | | 302-032-3 | 09.386 | | (Z)-1-methylhex-3-enyl-acetát | |

09.387 | 1 | 50862-12-9 | heptyl-2-methylbutyrát | | 10668 | 256-811-7 | 09.387 | | | |

09.388 | 5 | 5921-82-4 | sek-heptyl-acetát | | 10802 | 227-647-3 | 09.388 | | 1-methylhexyl-acetát | |

09.390 | 1 | 6976-72-3 | heptyl-hexanoát | | 10666 | 230-239-8 | 09.390 | heptyl-kapronát | | |

09.391 | 5 | 6624-58-4 | sek-heptyl-hexanoát | | 10805 | 229-582-6 | 09.391 | 1-methylhexyl-kapronát | 1-methylhexyl-hexanoát | |

09.392 | 1 | 56423-43-9 | heptyl-isovalerát | | 10667 | 260-170-9 | 09.392 | | heptyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.393 | 1 | 5451-80-9 | heptyl-valerát | | 10672 | 226-686-3 | 09.393 | heptyl-pentanoát | | |

09.394 | 3 | 2497-18-9 | (E)-hex-2-enyl-acetát | 2564 | 643 | 219-680-7 | 09.394 | hex-2-en-1-yl-acetát | (E)-hex-2-en-1-yl-acetát | 5 |

09.395 | 3 | 53398-80-4 | (E)-hex-2-en-1-yl-propanoát | 3932 | 11830 | 258-513-2 | 09.395 | trans-hex-2-enyl-propionát | | |

09.396 | 3 | 53398-83-7 | hex-2-enyl-butyrát | 3926 | | 258-515-3 | 09.396 | hex-2-en-1-yl-butyrát | hex-2-en-1-yl-butanoát | 5 |

09.397 | 3 | 53398-78-0 | hex-2-enyl-formiát | 3927 | 11858 | 258-512-7 | 09.397 | (E)-hex-2-en-1-yl-formiát, trans-hex-2-en-1-yl-formiát | | 5 |

09.398 | 3 | 53398-86-0 | hex-2-enyl-hexanoát | | | 258-519-5 | 09.398 | | | 5 |

09.399 | 3 | 35154-45-1 | hex-2-enyl-isovalerát | 3930 | | 252-404-3 | 09.399 | | hex-2-enyl-3-methylbutanoát | 5 |

09.400 | 15 | 68133-78-8 | hex-2-enyl-fenylacetát | | | 268-705-8 | 09.400 | | | 5 |

09.401 | 9 | 2308-18-1 | isopentyl-acetoacetát | 3551 | 227 | 218-991-5 | 09.401 | 3-methylbutyl-acetoacetát, pentyl-3-oxobutanoát | 3-methylbutyl-3-oxobutanoát | |

09.402 | 9 | 141-97-9 | ethyl-acetoacetát | 2415 | 240 | 205-516-1 | 09.402 | | ethyl-3-oxobutanoát | |

09.403 | 9 | 591-60-6 | butyl-acetoacetát | 2176 | 241 | 209-722-2 | 09.403 | | butyl-3-oxobutanoát | |

09.404 | 9 | 7779-75-1 | isobutyl-acetoacetát | 2177 | 242 | 231-937-5 | 09.404 | isobutyl-3-oxobutanoát, 2-methyl-1-propyl-acetoacetát | 2-methylpropyl-3-oxobutanoát | |

09.405 | 9 | 10032-00-5 | geranyl-acetoacetát | 2510 | 243 | 233-101-5 | 09.405 | geranyl-3-oxobutanoát, trans-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-acetoacetát | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-acetoacetát | |

09.406 | 23 | 5396-89-4 | benzyl-3-oxobutyrát | 2136 | 244 | 226-416-4 | 09.406 | benzyl-acetoacetát | benzyl-3-oxobutanoát | |

09.407 | 15 | 42078-65-9 | 2-fenethyl-3-methylkrotonát | 2869 | 246 | 255-649-4 | 09.407 | 2-fenylethyl-3-methylbut-2-enoát, 2-fenethyl-seneciát | 2-fenylethyl-(E)-3-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.408 | 2 | 7779-81-9 | isobutyl-(Z)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | 2180 | 247 | 231-941-7 | 09.408 | isobutyl-angelikát | | 5 |

09.409 | 1 | 7452-79-1 | ethyl-2-methylbutanoát | 2443 | 265 | 231-225-4 | 09.409 | ethyl-2-methylbutyrát | | |

09.410 | 3 | 7493-69-8 | allyl-2-ethylbutyrát | 2029 | 281 | 231-332-6 | 09.410 | prop-2-en-1-yl-2-ethylbutanoát, prop-2-en-1-yl-2-ethylbutyrát, allyl-2-ethylbutanoát | | |

09.411 | 3 | 7493-65-4 | allyl-cyklohexanbutyrát | 2024 | 283 | | 09.411 | allyl-4-cyklohexylbutyrát | allyl-4-cyklohexylbutanoát | |

09.412 | 1 | 547-63-7 | methyl-isobutyrát | 2694 | 287 | 208-929-5 | 09.412 | | methyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.413 | 1 | 97-62-1 | ethyl-isobutyrát | 2428 | 288 | 202-595-4 | 09.413 | | ethyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.414 | 1 | 644-49-5 | propyl-isobutyrát | 2936 | 289 | 211-417-4 | 09.414 | | propyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.415 | 5 | 617-50-5 | isopropyl-isobutyrát | 2937 | 290 | 210-517-5 | 09.415 | | isopropyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.416 | 1 | 97-87-0 | butyl-isobutyrát | 2188 | 291 | 202-614-6 | 09.416 | | butyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.417 | 2 | 97-85-8 | isobutyl-isobutyrát | 2189 | 292 | 202-612-5 | 09.417 | isobutyl-2-methylpropanoát | 2-methylpropyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.418 | 1 | 2445-72-9 | pentyl-isobutyrát | | 293 | 219-494-6 | 09.418 | | pentyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.419 | 2 | 2050-01-3 | isopentyl-isobutyrát | 3507 | 294 | 218-078-1 | 09.419 | isopentyl-2-methylpropanoát | 3-methylbutyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.420 | 1 | 2349-13-5 | heptyl-isobutyrát | 2550 | 295 | 219-076-3 | 09.420 | heptyl-2-methylpropanoát | heptyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.421 | 4 | 97-89-2 | citronellyl-isobutyrát | 2313 | 296 | 202-616-7 | 09.421 | citronellyl-2-methylpropanoát | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-yl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.423 | 6 | 78-35-3 | linalyl-isobutyrát | 2640 | 298 | 201-108-2 | 09.423 | linalyl-2-methylpropanoát, 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-yl-isobutyrát, linalool-isobutyrát | 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-yl-isobutanoát | |

09.424 | 3 | 2345-24-6 | neryl-isobutyrát | 2775 | 299 | 219-061-1 | 09.424 | 3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-isobutyrát | (Z)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.425 | 6 | 7774-65-4 | terpinyl-2-methylpropanoát | 3050 | 300 | 231-878-5 | 09.425 | terpinyl-isobutyrát | p-menth-1-en-8-yl-isobutyrát, 1-methyl-1-(4-methylcyklohex-3-en-1-yl)ethyl-isobutyrát | |

09.426 | 23 | 103-28-6 | benzyl-isobutyrát | 2141 | 301 | 203-095-9 | 09.426 | | benzyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.427 | 15 | 103-48-0 | fenethyl-isobutyrát | 2862 | 302 | 203-116-1 | 09.427 | 2-fenylethyl-isobutyrát, fenethyl-2-methylpropanoát | 2-fenylethyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.428 | 22 | 103-58-2 | 3-fenylpropyl-isobutyrát | 2893 | 303 | 203-125-0 | 09.428 | hydrocinnamyl-isobutyrát, hydrocinnamyl-2-methylpropanoát | 3-fenylpropyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.429 | 25 | 103-93-5 | p-tolyl-isobutyrát | 3075 | 304 | 203-159-6 | 09.429 | p-tolyl-isobutyrát | 4-methylfenyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.430 | 23 | 5461-08-5 | piperonyl-isobutyrát | 2913 | 305 | 226-745-3 | 09.430 | piperonyl-2-methylpropanoát, heliotropyl-2-methylpropanoát | 3,4-(methylendioxy)benzyl-2-methylpropanoát, 1,3-benzodioxol-5-ylmethyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.431 | 3 | 2345-26-8 | geranyl-isobutyrát | 2513 | 306 | 219-062-7 | 09.431 | geranyl-2-methylpropanoát, trans-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-isobutyrát | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.432 | 1 | 2412-80-8 | methyl-4-methylvalerát | 2721 | 322 | 219-320-9 | 09.432 | methyl-4-methylpentanoát, methyl-isokapronát | | |

09.433 | 9 | 97-64-3 | ethyl-laktát | 2440 | 371 | 202-598-0 | 09.433 | | ethyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | |

09.434 | 9 | 138-22-7 | butyl-laktát | 2205 | 372 | 205-316-4 | 09.434 | | butyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | |

09.435 | 9 | 539-88-8 | ethyl-4-oxovalerát | 2442 | 373 | 208-728-2 | 09.435 | ethyl-levulát | ethyl-4-oxopentanoát | |

09.436 | 9 | 2052-15-5 | butyl-4-oxovalerát | 2207 | 374 | 218-143-4 | 09.436 | butyl-levulát | butyl-4-oxopentanoát | |

09.439 | 30 | 7554-12-3 | diethyl-malát | 2374 | 382 | 231-444-5 | 09.439 | diethyl-hydroxysukcinát | diethyl-2-hydroxybutandioát | |

09.441 | 9 | 17373-84-1 | butyl-ethyl-malonát | 2195 | 384 | | 09.441 | butyl-ethyl-malonát | butyl-ethyl-propandioát | |

09.442 | 9 | 617-35-6 | ethyl-pyruvát | 2457 | 430 | 210-511-2 | 09.442 | | ethyl-2-oxopropanoát | |

09.443 | 9 | 7779-72-8 | isopentyl-pyruvát | 2083 | 431 | 231-934-9 | 09.443 | | 3-methylbutyl-2-oxopropanoát | |

09.444 | 9 | 123-25-1 | diethyl-sukcinát | 2377 | 438 | 204-612-0 | 09.444 | | diethyl-butandioát | |

09.445 | 9 | 106-65-0 | dimethyl-sukcinát | 2396 | 439 | 203-419-9 | 09.445 | | dimethyl-butandioát | |

09.446 | 30 | 87-91-2 | diethyl-tartarát | 2378 | 440 | 201-783-3 | 09.446 | diethyl-2,3-dihydroxysukcinát | diethyl-2,3-dihydroxybutandioát | |

09.447 | 1 | 108-64-5 | ethyl-isovalerát | 2463 | 442 | 203-602-3 | 09.447 | | ethyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.448 | 1 | 557-00-6 | propyl-isovalerát | 2960 | 443 | 209-148-2 | 09.448 | propyl-3-methylbutanoát | | |

09.449 | 1 | 109-19-3 | butyl-isovalerát | 2218 | 444 | 203-654-7 | 09.449 | | butyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.450 | 5 | 32665-23-9 | isopropyl-isovalerát | 2961 | 445 | 251-145-3 | 09.450 | | isopropyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.451 | 1 | 7786-58-5 | oktyl-isovalerát | 2814 | 446 | 232-100-7 | 09.451 | | oktyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.452 | 1 | 7786-47-2 | nonyl-isovalerát | 2791 | 447 | 232-098-8 | 09.452 | | nonyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.453 | 3 | 109-20-6 | geranyl-isovalerát | 2518 | 448 | 203-655-2 | 09.453 | geranyl-3-methylbutanoát | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.454 | 6 | 1118-27-0 | linalyl-isovalerát | 2646 | 449 | 214-259-4 | 09.454 | linalyl-3-methylbutyrát, linalyl-isopentanoát | 3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.455 | 8 | 16409-46-4 | menthyl-isovalerát | 2669 | 450 | 240-460-1 | 09.455 | p-menth-3-yl-isovalerát | 2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.456 | 8 | 76-50-6 | bornyl-isovalerát | 2165 | 451 | 200-966-5 | 09.456 | bornyl-3-methylbutyrát | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.457 | 8 | 7779-73-9 | isobornyl-isovalerát | 2166 | 452 | 231-935-4 | 09.457 | isobornyl-3-methylbutyrát | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.458 | 23 | 103-38-8 | benzyl-isovalerát | 2152 | 453 | 203-106-7 | 09.458 | | benzyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.459 | 22 | 140-27-2 | cinnamyl-isovalerát | 2302 | 454 | 205-407-9 | 09.459 | cinnamyl-3-methylbutanoát, 3-cinnamyl-isovalerát | 3-fenylprop-2-en-1-yl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.460 | 4 | 68922-10-1 | citronellyl-isovalerát | | 455 | 272-982-0 | 09.460 | | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-yl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.461 | 6 | 1142-85-4 | terpinyl-isovalerát | 3054 | 456 | | 09.461 | p-menth-1-en-8-yl-isovalerát | p-menth-1-en-8-yl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.462 | 1 | 556-24-1 | methyl-isovalerát | 2753 | 457 | 209-117-3 | 09.462 | | methyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.463 | 2 | 659-70-1 | 3-methylbutyl-3-methylbutyrát | 2085 | 458 | 211-536-1 | 09.463 | 3-methylbutyl-3-methylbutanoát | | |

09.464 | 8 | 7774-44-9 | cyklohexyl-isovalerát | 2355 | 459 | 231-874-3 | 09.464 | | cyklohexyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.465 | 4 | 7778-96-3 | rhodinyl-isovalerát | 2987 | 460 | 231-919-7 | 09.465 | | (S)-3,7-dimethylokt-7-en-1-yl-3-methylbutanoát | 5 |

09.466 | 15 | 140-26-1 | fenethyl-isovalerát | 2871 | 461 | 205-406-3 | 09.466 | 2-fenylethyl-3-methylbutanoát, 2-fenylethyl-isovalerát | fenlethyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.467 | 22 | 5452-07-3 | 3-fenylpropyl-isovalerát | 2899 | 462 | 226-692-6 | 09.467 | hydrocinnamyl-isovalerát, hydrocinnamyl-3-methylbutanoát, 3-fenylpropyl-isopentanoát | 3-fenylpropyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.468 | 22 | 7493-80-3 | α-pentylcinnamyl-isovalerát | 2067 | 463 | | 09.468 | floxin-isovalerát | 2-pentyl-3-fenylprop-2-en-1-yl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.469 | 3 | 7493-68-7 | allyl-cyklohexylvalerát | 2027 | 474 | | 09.469 | allyl-5-cyklohexylpentanoát, allyl-cyklohexanpentanoát | prop-2-en-1-yl-5-cyklohexylpentanoát | |

09.470 | 22 | 103-59-3 | cinnamyl-isobutyrát | 2297 | 496 | 203-126-6 | 09.470 | cinnamyl-2-methylpropanoát, 3-fenylprop-2-en-1-yl-isobutyrát | 3-fenylprop-2-en-1-yl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.471 | 3 | 3915-83-1 | neryl-isovalerát | 2778 | 508 | 223-478-4 | 09.471 | neryl-isovalerát | (Z)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.472 | 2 | 589-59-3 | isobutyl-isovalerát | 3369 | 568 | 209-653-8 | 09.472 | | 2-methylpropyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.473 | 1 | 109-15-9 | oktyl-isobutyrát | 2808 | 593 | 203-651-0 | 09.473 | | oktyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.474 | 9 | 109-43-3 | dibutyl-sebakát | 2373 | 622 | 203-672-5 | 09.474 | | dibutyl-dekandioát | |

09.475 | 9 | 110-40-7 | diethyl-sebakát | 2376 | 623 | 203-764-5 | 09.475 | | diethyl-dekandioát | |

09.476 | 30 | 94-02-0 | ethyl-3-fenyl-3-oxopropanoát | 2423 | 627 | 202-295-3 | 09.476 | ethyl-benzoylacetát | | |

09.478 | 1 | 2349-07-7 | hexyl-isobutyrát | 3172 | 646 | 219-075-8 | 09.478 | | hexyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.480 | 25 | 36438-54-7 | o-tolyl-isobutyrát | 3753 | 681 | | 09.480 | | 2-methylfenyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.481 | 1 | 105-58-8 | diethyl-karbonát | | 710 | 203-311-1 | 09.481 | | | |

09.482 | 3 | 4728-82-9 | allyl-cyklohexanacetát | 2023 | 2070 | 225-230-0 | 09.482 | allyl-cyklohexylacetát, prop-2-en-1-yl-cyklohexanacetát | | |

09.483 | 1 | 868-57-5 | methyl-2-methylbutyrát | 2719 | 2085 | 212-778-0 | 09.483 | methyl-2-methylbutanoát | | |

09.484 | 6 | 10031-71-7 | 1,1-dimethyl-3-fenylpropyl-isobutyrát | 2736 | 2086 | 233-092-8 | 09.484 | | 3-fenyl-1,1-dimethylpropyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.485 | 22 | 65813-53-8 | 2-fenylpropyl-isobutyrát | 2892 | 2087 | 265-931-9 | 09.485 | | 2-fenylpropyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.486 | 21 | 7775-39-5 | 1-fenethyl-isobutyrát | 2687 | 2088 | 231-894-2 | 09.486 | α-methylbenzyl-isobutyrát | 1-fenylethyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.487 | 15 | 103-60-6 | 2-fenoxyethyl-isobutyrát | 2873 | 2089 | 203-127-1 | 09.487 | 2-fenoxyethyl-2-methylpropanoát, ethylenglykolmonofenylether-isobutyrát, fenylcellosolve-isobutyrát | 2-fenoxyethyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.488 | 1 | 10094-36-7 | ethyl-cyklohexanpropanoát | 2431 | 2095 | 233-222-3 | 09.488 | ethyl-3-cyklohexylpropanoát | | |

09.489 | 3 | 2835-39-4 | allyl-isovalerát | 2045 | 2098 | 220-609-7 | 09.489 | prop-2-en-1-yl-3-methylbutanoát | allyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.490 | 9 | 105-53-3 | diethyl-malonát | 2375 | 2106 | 203-305-9 | 09.490 | | diethyl-propandioát | |

09.491 | 9 | 7492-70-8 | butyl-O-butyryllaktát | 2190 | 2107 | 231-326-3 | 09.491 | | butyl-2-(butanoyloxy)propanoát | |

09.492 | 3 | 7493-66-5 | allyl-3-cyklohexylhexanoát | 2025 | 2180 | | 09.492 | allyl-hexahydrofenylhexanoát | | |

09.493 | 3 | 7493-71-2 | allyl-2-methylkrotonát | 2043 | 2183 | 231-333-1 | 09.493 | allyl-tiglát, allyl-(E)-2,3-dimethylakrylát | allyl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.494 | 23 | 37526-88-8 | benzyl-2-methylkrotonát | 3330 | 2184 | 253-544-8 | 09.494 | benzyl-tiglát, benzyl-(E)-2,3-dimethylakrylát, benzyl-(E)-2-methylkrotonát | benzyl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.495 | 1 | 5837-78-5 | ethyl-2-methylkrotonát | 2460 | 2185 | 227-425-6 | 09.495 | ethyl-tiglát, ethyl-(E)-2,3-dimethylakrylát, ethyl-(E)-2-methylkrotonát | ethyl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.496 | 15 | 55719-85-2 | fenethyl-2-methylkrotonát | 2870 | 2186 | 259-774-5 | 09.496 | fenethyl-tiglát, 2-fenylethyl-tiglát, 2-fenylethyl-trans-2,3-dimethylakrylát, 2-fenylethyl-trans-2-methylbut-2-enoát | 2-fenylethyl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.497 | 9 | 94022-04-5 | butyl-O-butyrylglykolát | | 2188 | 301-496-4 | 09.497 | | | |

09.498 | 3 | 2705-87-5 | allyl-cyklohexanpropanoát | 2026 | 2223 | 220-292-5 | 09.498 | allyl-3-cyklohexylpropanoát, prop-2-en-1-yl-cyklohexanpropanoát | | |

09.499 | 1 | 25415-62-7 | pentyl-isovalerát | | 2224 | 246-954-3 | 09.499 | pentyl-3-methylbutyrát | pentyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.501 | 21 | 620-79-1 | ethyl-2-acetyl-3-fenylpropanoát | 2416 | 2241 | 210-651-4 | 09.501 | ethyl-2-benzylacetoacetát, ethyl-2-acetyldihydrocinnamát, ethyl-α-acetylhydrocinnamát | ethyl-2-benzyl-3-oxobutanoát | |

09.502 | 9 | 71662-27-6 | ethyl-butyryl-laktát | | 2242 | 275-793-1 | 09.502 | ethyl-O-butyryllaktát | ethyl-2-(butoxykarbonyl)propanoát | |

09.505 | 4 | 10032-11-8 | hex-3-enyl-isovalerát | 3498 | 2344 | 233-104-1 | 09.505 | hex-3-enyl-isopentanoát | hex-3-en-1-yl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.506 | 4 | 10094-41-4 | hex-3-enyl-2-methylbutyrát | 3497 | 2345 | 233-224-4 | 09.506 | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-2-methylbutyráthex-3-en-1-yl-2-methylbutanoát | | |

09.507 | 1 | 10032-15-2 | hexyl-2-methylbutyrát | 3499 | 4132 | 233-106-2 | 09.507 | | hexyl-2-methylbutanoát | |

09.508 | 23 | 7492-69-5 | benzyl-2,3-dimethylkrotonát | 2143 | 11868 | | 09.508 | benzyl-methyltiglát, benzyl-2,3-dimethylbut-2-enoát | benzyl-(E)-2,3-dimethylbut-2-enoát | |

09.509 | 6 | 7774-60-9 | 1-fenyl-1-methylethyl-isobutanoát | 2388 | 11828 | 231-876-4 | 09.509 | 2-fenylpropan-2-yl-2-methylpropanoát | 1-fenyl-1-methylethyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.510 | 30 | 1321-30-8 | ethyl-akonitát | 2417 | 11845 | | 09.510 | triethyl-akonitát, ethyl-prop-1-en-1,2,3-trikarboxylát, ethyl-2-karboxyglutakonát | triethyl-propen-1,2,3-trikarboxylát | |

09.511 | 30 | 77-90-7 | tributyl-acetylcitrát | 3080 | | 201-067-0 | 09.511 | tribuyl-O-acetylcitrát | tributyl-2-acetoxypropan-1,2,3-trikarboxylát | |

09.512 | 30 | 77-93-0 | triethyl-citrát | 3083 | 11762 | 201-070-7 | 09.512 | | triethyl-2-hydroxypropan-1,2,3-trikarboxylát | 1 |

09.513 | 5 | 1733-25-1 | isopropyl-2-methylkrotonát | 3229 | 10733 | 217-067-9 | 09.513 | isopropyl-tiglát, isopropyl-α-methylkrotonát | isopropyl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.514 | 30 | 13246-52-1 | ethyl-2,4-dioxohexanoát | 3278 | 11903 | 236-228-4 | 09.514 | | | |

09.515 | 3 | 73019-14-4 | geranyl-2-ethylbutyrát | 3339 | 11667 | 277-234-7 | 09.515 | | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-2-ethylbutanoát | |

09.516 | 2 | 2445-78-5 | 2-methylbutyl-2-methylbutyrát | 3359 | 10773 | 219-497-2 | 09.516 | 2-methylbutyl-2-methylpropanoát | | |

09.517 | 1 | 2270-60-2 | methyl-citronellát | 3361 | 10781 | 218-874-9 | 09.517 | | methyl-3,7-dimethylokt-6-enoát | |

09.518 | 25 | 55066-56-3 | 4-methylfenyl-isovalerát | 3387 | 10545 | 259-465-5 | 09.518 | p-tolyl-isovalerát, p-tolyl-3-methylbutyrát | 4-methylfenyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.519 | 1 | 15706-73-7 | butyl-2-methylbutyrát | 3393 | 10534 | 239-798-2 | 09.519 | | butyl-2-methylbutanoát | |

09.520 | 30 | 24851-98-7 | methyl-(3-oxo-2-pentylcyklopentyl)lacetát | 3408 | 10785 | 246-495-9 | 09.520 | hedion, methyl-dihydrojasmonát, methylester dihydrojasmonové kyseliny | methyl-3-oxo-2-pentylcyklopentan-1-acetát | |

09.521 | 30 | 39924-52-2 | methyl-(3-oxo-2-pent-2-enylcyklopentyl)acetát | 3410 | 10821 | 214-918-6 | 09.521 | methyl-jasmonát | methyl-[3-oxo-2-(pent-2-en-1-yl)cyklopentyl]acetát | |

09.522 | 9 | 5405-41-4 | ethyl-3-hydroxybutyrát | 3428 | 10596 | 226-456-2 | 09.522 | ethyl-3-hydroxybutanoát, ethyl-β-hydroxybutyrát | | |

09.523 | 1 | 6624-71-1 | dodecyl-isobutyrát | 3452 | 10563 | 229-583-1 | 09.523 | lauryl-isobutyrát, lauryl-2-methylpropanoát | dodecyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.524 | 1 | 1617-23-8 | ethyl-2-methylpent-3-enoát | 3456 | 10612 | 216-572-1 | 09.524 | | | |

09.525 | 12 | 65416-14-0 | maltyl-isobutyrát | 3462 | 10739 | 265-755-2 | 09.525 | maltol-2-methylpropanoát | 2-methyl-4-oxo-4H-pyran-3-yl-isobutyrát | |

09.526 | 1 | 39255-32-8 | ethyl-2-methylvalerát | 3488 | 10616 | 254-384-1 | 09.526 | ethyl-2-methylpentanoát | | |

09.527 | 1 | 53399-81-8 | ethyl-2-methylpent-4-enoát | 3489 | 10613 | 258-520-0 | 09.527 | | | |

09.528 | 4 | | trans-3-heptenyl-isobutyrát | 3494 | 10663 | | 09.528 | hept-3(trans)-enyl-isobutyrát | (E)-hept-3-en-1-yl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.529 | 1 | 10032-13-0 | hexyl-isovalerát | 3500 | 10692 | 233-105-7 | 09.529 | hexyl-isovalerát | hexyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.530 | 2 | 27625-35-0 | isopentyl-2-methylbutyrát | 3505 | 10721 | 248-581-1 | 09.530 | isopentyl-2-methylbutanoát | 3-methylbutyl-2-methylbutanoát | |

09.531 | 2 | 2445-77-4 | 2-methylbutyl-isovalerát | 3506 | 10772 | 219-496-7 | 09.531 | | 2-methylbutyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.532 | 9 | 21188-58-9 | methyl-3-hydroxyhexanoát | 3508 | 10812 | 244-261-0 | 09.532 | methyl-β-hydroxykapronát | | |

09.533 | 9 | 105-95-3 | ethylen-brassylát | 3543 | 10571 | 203-347-8 | 09.533 | ethylenglykol-brassylát, cyklický diester, ethylen-brassylát | 1,4-dioxacykloheptadekan-5,17-dion | |

09.534 | 1 | 3289-28-9 | ethyl-cyklohexankarboxylát | 3544 | 11916 | 221-945-7 | 09.534 | | | |

09.535 | 9 | 2305-25-1 | ethyl-3-hydroxyhexanoát | 3545 | 11764 | 218-973-7 | 09.535 | ethyl-3-hydroxykapronát | | |

09.536 | 1 | 4630-82-4 | methyl-cyklohexankarboxylát | 3568 | 11920 | 225-050-2 | 09.536 | | | |

09.537 | 1 | 29811-50-5 | oktyl-2-methylbutyrát | 3604 | 10866 | 249-872-6 | 09.537 | | oktyl-2-methylbutanoát | |

09.538 | 15 | 24817-51-4 | fenethyl-2-methylbutyrát | 3632 | 10883 | 246-476-5 | 09.538 | 2-fenylethyl-2-methylbutanoát, β-fenethyl-α-methylbutanoát | | |

09.539 | 5 | 94133-92-3 | oktan-3-yl-2-methylkrotonát | 3676 | | 302-757-5 | 09.539 | oktan-3-yl-tiglát, 1-ethylhexyl-2-methylbut-2-enoát, 1-ethylhexyl-2-methylkrotonát | 1-ethylhexyl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.540 | 1 | 60523-21-9 | ethyl-2-methylpenta-3,4-dienoát | 3678 | | 262-278-1 | 09.540 | | | |

09.541 | 1 | 5870-68-8 | ethyl-3-methylvalerát | 3679 | | 227-524-4 | 09.541 | | ethyl-3-methylpentanoát | |

09.542 | 9 | 3249-68-1 | ethyl-3-oxohexanoát | 3683 | | 221-835-9 | 09.542 | ethyl-β-ketohexanoát | | |

09.543 | 30 | 26446-31-1 | glyceryl-5-hydroxydekanoát | 3685 | 10648 | 247-699-0 | 09.543 | glycerol-5-hydroxydekanoát | 2,3-dihydroxypropyl-5-hydroxydekanoát | |

09.544 | 30 | 26446-32-2 | glyceryl-5-hydroxydodekanoát | 3686 | 10649 | 247-700-4 | 09.544 | glycerol-5-hydroxydodekanoát | 2,3-dihydroxypropyl-5-hydroxydodekanoát | |

09.545 | 9 | 61931-81-5 | hex-3-enyl-laktát | 3690 | 10681 | 263-337-4 | 09.545 | | hex-3-enyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | |

09.546 | 1 | 58625-95-9 | hexyl-2-methylpent-(3 a 4)-enoát | 3693 | | | 09.546 | | | |

09.547 | 5 | 66576-71-4 | isopropyl-2-methylbutyrát | 3699 | | 266-411-4 | 09.547 | | isopropyl-2-methylbutanoát | |

09.548 | 9 | 40348-72-9 | methyl-2-hydroxy-4-methylvalerát | 3706 | | 254-883-4 | 09.548 | methyl-2-hydroxyisokapronát | methyl-2-hydroxy-4-methylpentanoát | |

09.549 | 1 | 2177-77-7 | methyl-2-methylvalerát | 3707 | | 218-543-9 | 09.549 | methyl-2-methylvalerát | methyl-2-methylpentanoát | |

09.550 | 9 | 3682-42-6 | methyl-2-oxo-3-methylvalerát | 3713 | | | 09.550 | methyl-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoát | | |

09.551 | 8 | 59259-38-0 | l-menthyl-laktát | 3748 | | 261-678-3 | 09.551 | 2-isopropyl-5-methylceyklohexyl-laktát, (-)-p-menthan-3-yl-laktát | 2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | |

09.552 | 30 | 91052-69-6 | glycerid 3-oxodekanové kyseliny | 3767 | 10650 | 293-231-3 | 09.552 | glycerol-3-oxodekanoát | | |

09.553 | 30 | 91052-70-9 | glycerid 3-oxododekanové kyseliny | 3768 | 10651 | 293-232-9 | 09.553 | glycerol-3-oxododekanoát | | |

09.554 | 30 | 91052-71-0 | glycerid 3-oxohexadekanové kyseliny | 3769 | 10652 | 293-233-4 | 09.554 | glycerol-3-oxohexadekanoát | | |

09.555 | 30 | 91052-72-1 | glycerid 3-oxohexanové kyseliny | 3770 | 10653 | 293-235-5 | 09.555 | glycerol-3-oxohexanoát | | |

09.556 | 30 | 91052-68-5 | 3-oxooktanová kyselina glycerid | 3771 | 10654 | 293-230-8 | 09.556 | glycerol-3-oxooktanoát | | |

09.557 | 30 | 91052-73-2 | glycerid 3-oxotetradekanové kyseliny | 3772 | 10655 | 293-236-0 | 09.557 | glycerol-3-oxotetradekanoát | | |

09.558 | 9 | 108-59-8 | dimethyl-malonát | | 11754 | 203-597-8 | 09.558 | | dimethyl-propandioát | |

09.559 | 4 | 67883-79-8 | hex-3(cis)-enyl-2-methylkrotonát | 3931 | | 267-554-5 | 09.559 | cis-hex-3-en-1-yl-tiglát, (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-2-methylkrotonát | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.560 | 23 | 121432-33-5 | hex-3(cis)-enyl-anisát | | | | 09.560 | | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-4-methoxybenzoát | |

09.561 | 27 | 65405-76-7 | hex-3(cis)-enyl-anthranilát | 3925 | 10676 | 265-744-2 | 09.561 | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-anthranilát | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-2-aminobenzoát | |

09.562 | 4 | 56922-80-6 | (E)-hex-3-enyl-formiát | 3353 | | 260-442-7 | 09.562 | | (E)-hex-3-en-1-yl-formiát | 5 |

09.563 | 4 | 41519-23-7 | (Z)-hex-3-enyl-isobutyrát | 3929 | 11783 | 255-424-0 | 09.563 | cis-hex-3-en-1-yl-isobutyrát | (Z)-hex-3-enyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.564 | 4 | 33467-74-2 | (Z)-hex-3-enyl-propanoát | 3933 | 10683 | 251-533-2 | 09.564 | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-propanoát | | |

09.565 | 9 | 68133-76-6 | hex-3-enyl-2-oxopropanoát | 3934 | 10684 | 268-703-7 | 09.565 | hex-3-en-1-yl-pyruvát | hex-3-en-1-yl-2-oxopropanoát | 5 |

09.566 | 4 | 65405-80-3 | hex-3-enyl-but-2-enoát | | | 265-746-3 | 09.566 | hex-3-en-1-yl-krotonát | hex-3-en-1-yl-but-2-enoát | 5 |

09.567 | 4 | 85554-69-4 | hex-3-enyl-dekanoát | | | 287-601-3 | 09.567 | hex-3-en-1-yl-kaprinát | hex-3-en-1-yl-dekanoát | 5 |

09.568 | 4 | 53398-87-1 | hex-3-enyl-hex-2-enoát | 3928 | | | 09.568 | | hex-3-en-1-yl-hex-2-enoát | 5 |

09.569 | 4 | 61444-41-5 | hex-3-enyl-oktanoát | | | 262-799-4 | 09.569 | hex-3-en-1-yl-kaprylát | hex-3-en-1-yl-oktanoát | 5 |

09.570 | 23 | 65405-77-8 | hex-3-enyl-salicylát | | 10685 | 265-745-8 | 09.570 | | hex-3-en-1-yl-2-hydroxybenzoát | |

09.571 | 4 | 35852-46-1 | hex-3-enyl-valerát | 3936 | 10686 | 252-761-5 | 09.571 | cis-hex-3-en-1-yl-pentanoát, cis-hex-3-en-1-yl-valerát | hex-3-en-1-yl-pentanoát | 5 |

09.572 | 4 | 42125-17-7 | hex-4-enyl-acetát | | | | 09.572 | | hex-4-en-1-yl-acetát | |

09.573 | 3 | 1516-17-2 | hexa-2,4-dienyl-acetát | | 10675 | 216-163-8 | 09.573 | | hexa-2,4-dien-1-yl-acetát | |

09.574 | 1 | 629-70-9 | hexadekan-1-yl-acetát | | | 211-103-7 | 09.574 | cetyl-acetát | hexadecyl-acetát | |

09.575 | 4 | 61444-39-1 | hex-3-enyl-heptanoát | | | 262-798-9 | 09.575 | | hex-3-en-1-yl-heptanoát | 5 |

09.576 | 5 | 5953-49-1 | sek-hexyl-acetát | | 10840 | 227-716-8 | 09.576 | | 1-methylpentyl-acetát | |

09.577 | 5 | 6963-52-6 | sek-hexyl-butyrát | | | | 09.577 | 1-methylpentyl-butyrát | 1-methylpentyl-butanoát | |

09.578 | 1 | 19089-92-0 | hexyl-krotonát | 3354 | 10688 | 240-997-1 | 09.578 | | hexyl-(E)-but-2-enoát | |

09.579 | 1 | 34316-64-8 | hexyl-dodekanoát | | | 251-932-1 | 09.579 | hexyl-laurát | | |

09.580 | 9 | 20279-51-0 | hexyl-laktát | | | 243-676-4 | 09.580 | | hexyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | |

09.581 | 23 | 6259-76-3 | hexyl-salicylát | | 10695 | 228-408-6 | 09.581 | | hexyl-2-hydroxybenzoát | |

09.582 | 1 | 42231-99-2 | hexyl-tetradekanoát | | | 255-722-0 | 09.582 | hexyl-myristát | | |

09.583 | 1 | 1117-59-5 | hexyl-valerát | | 10696 | 214-248-4 | 09.583 | | hexyl-pentanoát | |

09.584 | 8 | 85586-67-0 | isobornyl-isobutyrát | | | 287-872-8 | 09.584 | isobornyl-2-methylpropanoát | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.585 | 2 | 2445-67-2 | isobutyl-2-methylbutyrát | | 10710 | 219-492-5 | 09.585 | | 2-methylpropyl-2-methylbutanoát | |

09.586 | 2 | 97-86-9 | isobutyl-2-methylprop-2-enoát | | | 202-613-0 | 09.586 | | 2-methylpropyl-2-methylprop-2-enoát | |

09.587 | 2 | 30673-38-2 | isobutyl-dekanoát | | 10707 | 250-281-0 | 09.587 | isobutyl-kaprinát | 2-methylpropyl-dekanoát | |

09.588 | 2 | 37811-72-6 | isobutyl-dodekanoát | | 10708 | 253-675-0 | 09.588 | isobutyl-laurát | 2-methylpropyl-dodekanoát | |

09.589 | 2 | 110-34-9 | isobutyl-hexadekanoát | | 10715 | 203-758-2 | 09.589 | isobutyl-palmitát | 2-methylpropyl-hexadekanoát | |

09.590 | 9 | 585-24-0 | isobutyl-laktát | | 10709 | 209-551-3 | 09.590 | | 2-methylpropyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | |

09.591 | 2 | 30982-03-7 | isobutyl-nonanoát | | 10713 | 250-411-6 | 09.591 | isobutyl-pelargonát | 2-methylpropyl-nonanoát | |

09.592 | 2 | 646-13-9 | isobutyl-oktadekanoát | | | 211-466-1 | 09.592 | isobutyl-stearát | 2-methylpropyl-oktadekanoát | |

09.593 | 2 | 5461-06-3 | isobutyl-oktanoát | | 10714 | 226-744-8 | 09.593 | isobutyl-kaprylát | 2-methylpropyl-oktanoát | |

09.594 | 2 | 25263-97-2 | isobutyl-tetradekanoát | | 10712 | 246-765-6 | 09.594 | isobutyl-myristát | 2-methylpropyl-tetradekanoát | |

09.596 | 2 | 10482-55-0 | isopentyl-2-methylkrotonát | | | 233-985-2 | 09.596 | isoamyl-angelikát | 3-methylbutyl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.597 | 2 | 25415-77-4 | isopentyl-but-2-enoát | | | 246-958-5 | 09.597 | | 3-methylbutyl-but-2-enoát | |

09.598 | 2 | 2306-91-4 | isopentyl-dekanoát | | | 218-982-6 | 09.598 | isopentyl-kaprinát | 3-methylbutyl-dekanoát | |

09.599 | 2 | 109-25-1 | isopentyl-heptanoát | | 10719 | 203-658-9 | 09.599 | isopentyl-enanthát | 3-methylbutyl-heptanoát | |

09.600 | 2 | 81974-61-0 | isopentyl-hexadekanoát | | 10723 | 279-864-8 | 09.600 | isopentyl-palmitát | 3-methylbutyl-hexadekanoát | |

09.601 | 9 | 19329-89-6 | isopentyl-laktát | | 10720 | 242-966-8 | 09.601 | | 3-methylbutyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | |

09.602 | 2 | 62488-24-8 | isopentyl-tetradekanoát | | 10722 | 263-570-1 | 09.602 | isopentyl-myristát | 3-methylbutyl-tetradekanoát | |

09.603 | 5 | 6284-46-4 | isopropyl-krotonát | | 10729 | | 09.603 | | isopropyl-(E)-but-2-enoát | |

09.604 | 5 | 2311-59-3 | isopropyl-dekanoát | | 10730 | 219-001-4 | 09.604 | isopropyl-kaprinát | | |

09.605 | 5 | 10233-13-3 | isopropyl-dodekanoát | | | 233-560-1 | 09.605 | isopropyl-laurát | | |

09.606 | 5 | 142-91-6 | isopropyl-hexadekanoát | | 10732 | 205-571-1 | 09.606 | isopropyl-palmitát | | |

09.608 | 5 | 5458-59-3 | isopropyl-oktanoát | | 10731 | 226-721-2 | 09.608 | isopropyl-kaprylát | | |

09.609 | 5 | 18362-97-5 | isopropyl-valerát | | | 242-235-3 | 09.609 | isopropyl-pentanoát | | |

09.610 | 8 | 579-94-2 | 2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexyl-ethoxyacetát | | | 209-448-3 | 09.610 | koryfin B | | |

09.611 | 23 | 59230-57-8 | 4-isopropylbenzyl-acetát | | | 261-671-5 | 09.611 | kuminyl-acetát | | |

09.612 | 4 | 25905-14-0 | lavandulyl-acetát | | | 247-327-7 | 09.612 | | 2-isopropenyl-5-methylhex-4-en-1-yl-acetát | |

09.614 | 6 | 10471-96-2 | linalyl-valerát | | 10738 | 233-961-1 | 09.614 | linalyl-pentanoát | 3,7-dimethyl-okta-1,6-dien-3-yl-pentanoát | |

09.615 | 7 | 28839-13-6 | p-menth-1-en-9-yl-acetát | 3566 | 10748 | 249-266-1 | 09.615 | | 2-(4-methylcyklohex-3-en-1-yl)propyl-acetát | |

09.616 | 8 | 77341-67-4 | monomenth-3-yl-sukcinát | 3810 | | | 09.616 | 1R-(1α,2β,5α)]-[2isopropyl-5-methyl-cyklohexylbutandioát | 3-{[(2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexyl)oxy]karbonyl}propanová kyselina | |

09.617 | 6 | 58985-18-5 | p-menthan-8-yl-acetát | | | 261-543-9 | 09.617 | dihydro-α-terpinyl-acetát | 2-(4-methylcyklohexyl)propan-2-ol | |

09.618 | 8 | 2230-90-2 | menthyl-formiát | | 10751 | 218-768-2 | 09.618 | | p-menthan-3-yl-formiát | |

09.619 | 8 | 6070-16-2 | menthyl-hexanoát | | | 228-007-6 | 09.619 | p-menthan-3-yl-kapronát | p-menthan-3-yl-hexanoát | 5 |

09.620 | 15 | 26171-78-8 | menthyl-fenylacetát | | | 247-498-8 | 09.620 | (-)-menthyl-fenylacetát | 2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexyl-fenylacetát | |

09.621 | 25 | 89-46-3 | menthyl-salicylát | | | 201-909-7 | 09.621 | menthyl-2-hydroxybenzoát, p-menthan-3-yl-2-hydroxybenzoát | 2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexyl-2-hydroxybenzoát | |

09.622 | 1 | 598-98-1 | methyl-2,2-dimethylpropanoát | | 10790 | 209-959-1 | 09.622 | methyl-pivalát | | |

09.623 | 23 | 4707-47-5 | methyl-2,4-dihydroxy-3,6-dimethylbenzoát | | | 225-193-0 | 09.623 | | | |

09.624 | 1 | 6622-76-0 | methyl-2-methylkrotonát | | | 229-575-8 | 09.624 | methyl-tiglát | methyl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.625 | 1 | 33603-30-4 | methyl-2-methylpent-3-enoát | | | | 09.625 | | | |

09.626 | 9 | 600-22-6 | methyl-2-oxopropanoát | | 10848 | 209-987-4 | 09.626 | methyl-pyruvát | | |

09.627 | 9 | 139564-42-4 | methyl-3-acetoxy-2-methylbutyrát | | | | 09.627 | | | |

09.628 | 9 | 89422-42-4 | methyl-3-acetoxybutyrát | | | | 09.628 | | | |

09.629 | 9 | 21188-60-3 | methyl-3-acetoxyhexanoát | | 10755 | 244-262-6 | 09.629 | methyl-3-acetoxykapronát | | |

09.630 | 1 | 924-50-5 | methyl-3-methylbut-2-enoát | | | 213-107-4 | 09.630 | methyl-seneciát | | |

09.631 | 23 | 99-75-2 | methyl-4-methylbenzoát | | | 202-784-1 | 09.631 | methyl-p-toluát0 | | |

9.632 | 9 | 35234-22-1 | methyl-5-acetoxyhexanoát | | 10756 | | 09.632 | methyl-5-acetoxykapronát | | |

09.633 | 9 | 101853-47-8 | methyl-5-hydroxydekanoát | | | | 09.633 | | | |

09.634 | 9 | 105-45-3 | methyl-acetoacetát | | | 203-299-8 | 09.634 | | methyl-3-oxobutanoát | |

09.635 | 1 | 96-33-3 | methyl-akrylát | | 10759 | 202-500-6 | 09.635 | | methyl-prop-2-enoát | |

09.636 | 1 | 623-43-8 | methyl-krotonát | | | 210-793-7 | 09.636 | methylester but-2-enové kyseliny | methyl-(E)-but-2-enoát | |

09.637 | 1 | 2482-39-5 | methyl-dec-2-enoát | | 11799 | 219-618-9 | 09.637 | | | |

09.638 | 1 | 7367-83-1 | methyl-dec-4-enoát | | 10784 | 230-914-7 | 09.638 | | | 5 |

09.639 | 1 | 4493-42-9 | methyl-deka-2,4-dienoát | | 3859 | 224-787-7 | 09.639 | | | |

09.640 | 1 | 1191-03-3 | methyl-deka-4,8-dienoát | | 10782 | | 09.640 | | | |

09.641 | 1 | 6208-91-9 | methyl-dodec-2-enoát | | 10792 | | 09.641 | | | |

09.642 | 1 | 107-31-3 | methyl-formiát | 10795 | 203-481-7 | | 09.642 | | | |

09.643 | 1 | 1189-09-9 | methyl-geranát | | 10797 | 214-712-6 | 09.643 | | methyl-(E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dienoát | |

09.644 | 9 | 27871-49-4 | methyl-laktát | | | 248-704-9 | 09.644 | | methyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | 5 |

09.645 | 1 | 112-63-0 | methyl-linolát | 3411 | 713 | 203-993-0 | 09.645 | methyl-oktadeka-9(cis),12(cis)-dienoát | methyl-oktadeka-9,12-dienoát | 5 |

09.646 | 1 | 301-00-8 | methyl-linolenát | 3411 | 714 | 206-102-3 | 09.646 | methyl-oktadeka-9(cis),12(cis),15(cis)-trienoát | methyl-(9Z,12Z,15Z)-oktadeka-9,12,15-trienoát | 5 |

09.647 | 1 | 80-62-6 | methyl-methakrylát | | | 201-297-1 | 09.647 | | methyl-2-methylprop-2-enoát | |

09.648 | 27 | 10072-05-6 | methyl-N,N-dimethylanthranilát | | | 233-202-4 | 09.648 | | methyl-(dimethylamino)benzoát | |

09.649 | 27 | 2719-08-6 | methyl-N-acetylanthranilát | | | 220-318-5 | 09.649 | methyl-2-(acetylamino)benzoát | methyl-2-acetamidobenzoát | |

09.650 | 27 | 41270-80-8 | methyl-N-formylanthranilát | | | 255-287-7 | 09.650 | methyl-2-(formylamino)benzoát | methyl-2-formamidobenzoát | |

09.651 | 1 | 112-61-8 | methyl-oktadekanoát | | 10849 | 203-990-4 | 09.651 | methyl-stearát | | |

09.652 | 1 | 112-62-9 | methyl-oleát | | 10836 | 203-992-5 | 09.652 | methyl-oktadec-9-enoát | methyl-oktadec-9-enoát | |

09.653 | 1 | 1731-86-8 | methyl-undekanoát | | 10854 | 217-053-2 | 09.653 | | | |

09.654 | 30 | 68227-51-0 | 2-methyl-5-oxocyklopent-1-enyl-butyrát | | 11787 | 269-363-2 | 09.654 | methylcyklopentenolon butyrát | 2-methyl-5-oxocyklopent-1-en-1-yl-butanoát | |

09.655 | 4 | 5205-07-2 | 3-methylbut-3-enyl-acetát | | | 225-996-6 | 09.655 | | 3-methylbut-3-en-1-yl-acetát | |

09.656 | 23 | 5205-12-9 | 3-methylbut-3-enyl-benzoát | | | | 09.656 | | 3-methylbut-3-en-1-yl-benzoát | |

09.657 | 5 | 626-38-0 | 1-methylbutyl-acetát | | 10761 | 210-946-8 | 09.657 | pentan-2-yl-acetát | | |

09.658 | 5 | 60415-61-4 | 1-methylbutyl-butyrát | 3893 | 10763 | 262-226-8 | 09.658 | pentan-2-yl-butyrát | | |

09.659 | 2 | 51115-64-1 | 2-methylbutyl-butyrát | | | 256-973-9 | 09.659 | | | |

09.660 | 2 | 55195-23-8 | 2-methylbutyl-dekanoát | | 10765 | | 09.660 | 2-methylbutyl-kaprinát | | |

09.661 | 2 | 35073-27-9 | 2-methylbutyl-formiát | | | 252-343-2 | 09.661 | | | |

09.662 | 2 | 2601-13-0 | 2-methylbutyl-hexanoát | | 10768 | 220-005-3 | 09.662 | 2-methylbutyl-kapronát | | |

09.663 | 2 | 2445-69-4 | 2-methylbutyl-isobutyrát | | 10770 | 219-493-0 | 09.663 | | 2-methylbutyl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.664 | 2 | 67121-39-5 | 2-methylbutyl-oktanoát | | 10776 | | 09.664 | 2-methylbutyl-kaprylát | | |

09.665 | 2 | 2438-20-2 | 2-methylbutyl-propanoát | | 10778 | 219-449-0 | 09.665 | 2-methylbutyl-propionát | | |

09.666 | 2 | 93805-23-3 | 2-methylbutyl-tetradekanoát | | 10774 | 298-506-1 | 09.666 | 2-methylbutyl-myristát | | |

09.669 | 6 | 1118-39-4 | myrcenyl-acetát | | 10857 | 214-262-0 | 09.669 | | 2-methyl-6-methylidenokt-7-en-2-yl-acetát | |

09.670 | 7 | 29021-36-1 | myrtanyl-acetát | | | 249-371-2 | 09.670 | | (6,6-dimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]heptan-2-yl)methyl-acetát | |

09.671 | 6 | 56001-43-5 | nerolidyl-acetát | | 10862 | 259-941-2 | 09.671 | | (±)-3,7,11-trimethyldodeka-1,6,10-trien-3-yl-acetát | |

09.672 | 4 | 13049-88-2 | non-3-enyl-acetát | | | | 09.672 | | non-3-en-1-yl-acetát | |

09.673 | 4 | 76238-22-7 | non-6-enyl-acetát | | | 278-397-7 | 09.673 | | non-6-en-1-yl-acetát | 5 |

09.674 | 47 | 6649-26-8 | nona-3,6-dienyl-acetát | | | 278-519-9 | 09.674 | | nona-3,6-dien-1-yl-acetát | |

09.676 | 5 | 2051-50-5 | sek-oktyl-acetát | | 10799 | 218-123-5 | 09.676 | | 1-methylheptyl-acetát | |

09.677 | 1 | 4887-30-3 | oktyl-hexanoát | | 10865 | 225-499-4 | 09.677 | oktyl-kapronát | | |

09.678 | 3 | 74298-89-8 | pent-2-enyl-hexanoát | | | 277-808-7 | 09.678 | pent-2-en-1-yl-kapronát | pent-2-en-1-yl-hexanoát | 5 |

09.679 | 1 | 68039-26-9 | pentyl-2-methylbutyrát | | 10875 | 268-244-2 | 09.679 | pentyl-2-methylbutyrát | pentyl-2-methylbutanoát | |

09.680 | 1 | 7785-63-9 | pentyl-2-methylisokrotonát | | | 232-083-6 | 09.680 | amyl-angelikát | pentyl-(Z)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.681 | 1 | 5350-03-8 | pentyl-dodekanoát | | | 226-319-7 | 09.681 | | | |

09.682 | 1 | 31148-31-9 | pentyl-hexadekanoát | | | 250-487-0 | 09.682 | | | |

09.683 | 9 | 6382-06-5 | pentyl-laktát | | | 228-974-4 | 09.683 | | pentyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | |

09.684 | 15 | 64181-20-0 | fenethyl-krotonát | | 10880 | | 09.684 | | fenethyl-(E)-but-2-enoát | 2-fenylethyl-(E)-but-2-enoát |

09.685 | 15 | 61810-55-7 | 2-fenethyl-dekanoát | | 10881 | 263-237-0 | 09.685 | fenethyl-kaprinát | 2-fenylethyl-dekanoát | |

09.686 | 15 | 10138-63-3 | fenethyl-laktát | | | | 09.686 | | 2-fenylethyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | |

09.687 | 15 | 23511-70-8 | 2-fenoxyethyl-butyrát | | | 245-705-6 | 09.687 | | 2-fenylethyl-butanoát | |

09.688 | 25 | 122-79-2 | fenyl-acetát | 3958 | 10878 | 204-575-0 | 09.688 | | | |

09.689 | 25 | 118-55-8 | fenyl-salicylát | 3960 | 11814 | 204-259-2 | 09.689 | salol, fenyl-o-hydroxybenzoát | fenyl-2-hydroxybenzoát | |

09.690 | 22 | 7402-29-1 | 3-fenylpropyl-butyrát | | | 231-005-8 | 09.690t | | 3-fenylpropyl-butanoá | |

09.691 | 3 | 10236-16-5 | fytyl-acetát | | | 233-565-9 | 09.691 | | (E)-3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadec-2-en-1-yl-acetát | 5 |

09.692 | 3 | 1191-16-8 | prenyl-acetát | | 11796 | 214-730-4 | 09.692 | | 3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl-acetát | |

09.693 | 23 | 5205-11-8 | prenyl-benzoát | | | 225-998-7 | 09.693 | | 3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl-benzoát | |

09.694 | 3 | 68480-28-4 | prenyl-formiát | | | 270-906-0 | 09.694t | | 3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl-formiá | |

09.695 | 3 | 76649-23-5 | prenyl-isobutyrát | | | 278-516-2 | 09.695 | 3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl-isobutyrát | 3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.696 | 23 | 68555-58-8 | prenyl-salicylát | | | 271-434-8 | 09.696 | 3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl-salicylát | 3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl-2-hydroxybenzoát | |

09.698 | 1 | 37064-20-3 | propyl-2-methylbutyrát | | 10891 | 253-329-9 | 09.698 | | 3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl-2-methylbutanoát | |

09.699 | 1 | 10352-87-1 | propyl-krotonát | | | 233-768-2 | 09.699 | | propyl-(E)-but-2-enoát | |

09.700 | 1 | 30673-60-0 | propyl-dekanoát | | | 250-283-1 | 09.700 | propyl-kaprinát | | |

09.701 | 15 | 7493-74-5 | allyl-fenoxyacetát | 2038 | 228 | 231-335-2 | 09.701 | 2-propenyl-fenoxyacetát | prop-2-en-1-yl-fenoxyacetát | |

09.702 | 15 | 4606-15-9 | propyl-fenylacetát | 2955 | 229 | 225-012-5 | 09.702 | | | |

09.703 | 15 | 122-45-2 | oktyl-fenylacetát | 2812 | 230 | 204-545-7 | 09.703 | | | |

09.704 | 15 | 102-22-7 | geranyl-fenylacetát | 2516 | 231 | 203-014-7 | 09.704 | trans-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-fenylacetát | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-fenylacetát | |

09.705 | 23 | 102-16-9 | benzyl-fenylacetát | 2149 | 232 | 203-008-4 | 09.705 | | | |

09.706 | 23 | 102-17-0 | anisyl-fenylacetát | 3740 | 233 | 203-010-5 | 09.706 | 4-methoxybenzyl-fenylacetát | | |

09.707 | 15 | 102-20-5 | fenethyl-fenylacetát | 2866 | 234 | 203-013-1 | 09.707 | 2-fenylethyl-fenylacetát | | |

09.708 | 22 | 7492-65-1 | cinnamyl-fenylacetát | 2300 | 235 | 231-322-1 | 09.708 | 3-fenylallyl-fenylacetát | 3-fenylprop-2-en-1-yl-fenylacetát | |

09.709 | 15 | 101-94-0 | p-tolyl-fenylacetát | 3077 | 236 | 202-990-1 | 09.709 | | 4-methylfenyl-fenylacetát | |

09.710 | 17 | 120-24-1 | isoeugenol-fenylacetát | 2477 | 237 | 204-381-6 | 09.710 | 4-propenylguajakol-fenylacetát | 2-methoxy-4-(prop-1-en-1-yl)fenyl-fenylacetát | |

09.711 | 25 | 4112-89-4 | guajakol-fenylacetát | 2535 | 238 | 223-898-8 | 09.711 | guajakol-fenylacetát, o-methoxyfenyl-fenylacetát | 2-methoxyfenyl-fenylacetát | |

09.712 | 15 | 1323-75-7 | santalyl-fenylacetát | 3008 | 239 | 215-358-5 | 09.712 | α-santalyl-fenylacetát, β-santalyl-fenylacetát | | 4 |

09.713 | 23 | 121-98-2 | methyl-4-methoxybenzoát | 2679 | 248 | 204-513-2 | 09.713 | methyl-p-methoxybenzoát, methyl-p-anisát, methyl-anisát | | |

09.714 | 23 | 94-30-4 | ethyl-4-methoxybenzoát | 2420 | 249 | 202-320-8 | 09.714 | ethyl-p-methoxybenzoát, ethyl-p-anisát, ethyl-anisát | | |

09.715 | 27 | 134-20-3 | methyl-anthranilát | 2682 | 250 | 205-132-4 | 09.715 | methyl-o-aminobenzoá | tmethyl-2-aminobenzoát | |

09.716 | 27 | 87-25-2 | ethyl-anthranilát | 2421 | 251 | 201-735-1 | 09.716 | ethyl-o-aminobenzoát | ethyl-2-aminobenzoát | |

09.717 | 27 | 7756-96-9 | butyl-anthranilát | 2181 | 252 | 231-816-7 | 09.717 | butyl-2-aminobenzoát, butyl-o-aminobenzoát | butyl-2-aminobenzoát | |

09.718 | 27 | 7779-77-3 | isobutyl-anthranilát | 2182 | 253 | 231-938-0 | 09.718 | isobutyl-2-aminobenzoát, isobutyl-o-aminobenzoát | 2-methylpropyl-2-aminobenzoát | |

09.719 | 27 | 7493-63-2 | allyl-anthranilát | 2020 | 254 | 231-331-0 | 09.719 | allyl-o-aminobenzoát, prop-2-en-1-yl-2-aminobenzoát, prop-2-en-1-yl-anthranilát | allyl-2-aminobenzoát | |

09.721 | 6 | 7149-26-0 | linalyl-anthranilátt | 2637 | 256 | 230-472-5 | 09.721 | linalyl-o-aminobenzoát, 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-yl-2-aminobenzoát, linalyl-2-aminobenzoá | | |

09.722 | 27 | 7779-16-0 | cyklohexyl-anthranilát | 2350 | 257 | 231-920-2 | 09.722 | | cyklohexyl-2-aminobenzoát | |

09.723 | 15 | 133-18-6 | fenethyl-anthranilát | 2859 | 258 | 205-098-0 | 09.723 | 2-fenylethyl-anthranilát | 2-fenylethyl-2-aminobenzoát | |

09.724 | 6 | 14481-52-8 | α-terpinyl-anthranilát | 3048 | 259 | | 09.724 | p-menth-1-en-8-yl-anthranilát, p-menth-1-en-8-yl-2-aminobenzoát, terpinyl-o-aminobenzoát | p-menth-1-en-8-yl-2-aminobenzoát, 2-(4-methylcyklohex-3-en-1-yl)propan-2-yl-2-aminobenzoát | |

09.725 | 23 | 93-58-3 | methyl-benzoát | 2683 | 260 | 202-259-7 | 09.725 | | | |

09.726 | 23 | 93-89-0 | ethyl-benzoát | 2422 | 261 | 202-284-3 | 09.726 | | | |

09.727 | 23 | 120-51-4 | benzyl-benzoát | 2138 | 262 | 204-402-9 | 09.727 | | | |

09.728 | 22 | 10031-93-3 | ethyl-4-fenylbutyrát | 2453 | 307 | | 09.728 | ethyl-4-fenylbutanoát | | |

09.729 | 22 | 2046-17-5 | methyl-4-fenylbutyrát | 2739 | 308 | 218-067-1 | 09.729 | | methyl-4-fenylbutanoát | |

09.730 | 22 | 103-36-6 | ethyl-cinnamát | 2430 | 323 | 203-104-6 | 09.730 | ethyl-β-fenylakrylát | ethyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.731 | 22 | 7778-83-8 | propyl-cinnamát | 2938 | 324 | 231-916-0 | 09.731 | | propyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.732 | 22 | 7780-06-5 | isopropyl-cinnamát | 2939 | 325 | 231-949-0 | 09.732 | | isopropyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.733 | 22 | 538-65-8 | butyl-cinnamát | 2192 | 326 | 208-699-6 | 09.733 | | butyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.734 | 22 | 122-67-8 | isobutyl-cinnamát | 2193 | 327 | 204-564-0 | 09.734 | | 2-methylpropyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.735 | 22 | 3487-99-8 | pentyl-cinnamát | | 328 | 222-478-1 | 09.735 | | pentyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.736 | 6 | 78-37-5 | linalyl-cinnamát | 2641 | 329 | 201-110-3 | 09.736 | 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-yl-cinnamát, linalyl-3-fenylpropenoát | 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-yl-3-fenylpropenoát | |

09.737 | 6 | 10024-56-3 | terpinyl-cinnamát | 3051 | 330 | 233-023-1 | 09.737 | terpinyl-3-fenylpropenoát, p-menth-1-en-8-yl-cinnamát | 2-(4-methylcyklohex-3-en-1-yl)propan-2-yl-3-fenylpropanoát | 5 |

09.738 | 23 | 103-41-3 | benzyl-cinnamát | 2142 | 331 | 203-109-3 | 09.738 | cinnamein | benzyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.739 | 22 | 122-69-0 | cinnamyl-cinnamát | 2298 | 332 | 204-566-1 | 09.739 | styracin, 3-fenylallyl-cinnamát | 3-fenylprop-2-en-1-yl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.740 | 22 | 103-26-4 | methyl-cinnamát | 2698 | 333 | 203-093-8 | 09.740 | | methyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.741 | 22 | 1866-31-5 | allyl-cinnamát | 2022 | 334 | 217-477-8 | 09.741 | allyl-β-fenylakrylát | allyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.742 | 22 | 7779-65-9 | isopentyl-cinnamát | 2063 | 335 | 231-931-2 | 09.742 | isopentyl-3-fenylpropenoát, isopentyl-β-fenylakrylát | 3-methylbutyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.743 | 15 | 103-53-7 | fenethyl-cinnamát | 2863 | 336 | 203-120-3 | 09.743 | 2-fenylethyl-3-fenylpropenoát, β-fenethyl-β-fenylakrylát | fenethyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.744 | 22 | 7779-17-1 | cyklohexyl-cinnamát | 2352 | 337 | 231-921-8 | 09.744 | cyklohexyl-3-fenylpropenoát, cyklohexyl-β-fenylakrylát | cyklohexyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.745 | 22 | 122-68-9 | 3-fenylpropyl-cinnamát | 2894 | 338 | 204-565-6 | 09.745 | hydrocinnamyl-cinnamát, hydrocinnamyl-3-fenylpropenoát, 3-fenylpropyl-β-fenylakrylát | 3-fenylpropyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.746 | 22 | 103-25-3 | methyl-3-fenylpropanoát | 2741 | 427 | 203-092-2 | 09.746 | methyl-hydrocinnamát, methyl-dihydrocinnamát | | |

09.747 | 22 | 2021-28-5 | ethyl-3-fenylpropanoát | 2455 | 429 | 217-966-6 | 09.747 | ethyl-hydrocinnamát, ethyl-dihydrocinnamát | | |

09.748 | 23 | 118-61-6 | ethyl-salicylát | 2458 | 432 | 204-265-5 | 09.748 | ethylester salicylové kyseliny | ethyl-2-hydroxybenzoát | |

09.749 | 23 | 119-36-8 | methyl-salicylát | 2745 | 433 | 204-317-7 | 09.749 | | methyl-2-hydroxybenzoát | |

09.750 | 23 | 87-19-4 | isobutyl-salicylát | 2213 | 434 | 201-729-9 | 09.750 | 2-methylpropyl-o-hydroxybenzoát, isobutyl-o-hydroxybenzoát | 2-methylpropyl-2-hydroxybenzoát | |

09.751 | 23 | 87-20-7 | isopentyl-salicylát | 2084 | 435 | 201-730-4 | 09.751 | isopentyl-o-hydroxybenzoát, 3-methylbutyl-salicylát | 3-methylbutyl-2-hydroxybenzoát | |

09.752 | 23 | 118-58-1 | benzyl-salicylát | 2151 | 436 | 204-262-9 | 09.752 | benzyl-o-hydroxybenzoát | benzyl-2-hydroxybenzoát | |

09.753 | 15 | 87-22-9 | fenethyl-salicylát | 2868 | 437 | 201-732-5 | 09.753 | 2-fenylethyl-salicylát | 2-fenylethyl-2-hydroxybenzoát | |

09.754 | 23 | 94-26-8 | butyl-4-hydroxybenzoát | 2203 | 525 | 202-318-7 | 09.754 | butyl-p-hydroxybenzoát, butyl-parasept | | 4 |

09.755 | 23 | 94-46-2 | isopentyl-benzoát | 2058 | 562 | 202-334-4 | 09.755 | | 3-methylbutyl-benzoát | |

09.756 | 15 | 94022-06-7 | isobornyl-fenylacetát | | 566 | 301-499-0 | 09.756 | exo-2-bornyl-fenylacetát | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-fenylacetát | |

09.757 | 23 | 120-50-3 | isobutyl-benzoát | 2185 | 567 | 204-401-3 | 09.757 | | 2-methylpropyl-benzoát | |

09.758 | 15 | 3549-23-3 | methyl-p-terc-butylfenylacetát | 2690 | 577 | 222-602-4 | 09.758 | | methyl-4-terc-butylfenylacetát | |

09.761 | 15 | 5137-52-0 | pentyl-fenylacetát | 612 | | 225-895-7 | 09.761 | amyl-fenylacetát | | |

09.762 | 23 | 2050-08-0 | pentyl-salicylát | | 613 | 218-080-2 | 09.762 | isopentyl-o-hydroxybenzoát, isopentyl-salicylát | isopentyl-2-hydroxybenzoát0 | |

9.763 | 23 | 2052-14-4 | butyl-salicylát | 3650 | 614 | 218-142-9 | 09.763 | | butyl-2-hydroxybenzoát | |

09.764 | 27 | 38446-21-8 | ethyl-N-ethylanthranilát | | 629 | 253-935-3 | 09.764 | | ethyl-2-(ethylamino)benzoát | |

09.765 | 27 | 35472-56-1 | ethyl-N-methylanthranilát | | 632 | | 09.765 | | ethyl-2-(methylamino)benzoát | |

09.766 | 18 | 531-26-0 | eugenyl-benzoát | 2471 | 636 | 208-504-4 | 09.766 | benzoyleugenol, eugenol-benzoát | 4-allyl-2-methoxyfenyl-benzoát | |

09.767 | 23 | 94-48-4 | geranyl-benzoát | 2511 | 639 | 202-337-0 | 09.767 | geraniol-benzoát, trans-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-benzoát | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-yl-benzoát | |

09.768 | 23 | 6789-88-4 | hexyl-benzoát | 3691 | 645 | 229-856-5 | 09.768 | | | |

09.769 | 27 | 65505-24-0 | isobutyl-N-methylanthranilát | | 649 | 265-798-7 | 09.769 | | 2-methylpropyl-2-(methylamino)benzoát | |

09.770 | 23 | 939-48-0 | isopropyl-benzoát | 2932 | 652 | 213-361-6 | 09.770 | | | |

09.771 | 6 | 126-64-7 | linalyl-benzoát | 2638 | 654 | 204-796-2 | 09.771 | linalool-benzoát | 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-yl-benzoát | |

09.772 | 6 | 7143-69-3 | linalyl-fenylacetát | 3501 | 655 | 230-444-2 | 09.772 | | 3,7-dimethylokta-1,6-dien-3-yl-fenylacetát | |

09.774 | 15 | 94-47-3 | fenethyl-benzoát | 2860 | 667 | 202-336-5 | 09.774 | | | 2-fenylethyl-benzoát |

09.776 | 23 | 2315-68-6 | propyl-benzoát | 2931 | 677 | 219-020-8 | 09.776 | | | |

09.779 | 23 | 136-60-7 | butyl-benzoát | | 740 | 205-252-7 | 09.779 | | | |

09.780 | 22 | 5320-75-2 | cinnamyl-benzoát | | 743 | 226-180-2 | 09.780 | 3-fenylallyl-benzoát | 3-fenylprop-2-en-1-yl-benzoát | |

09.781 | 27 | 85-91-6 | methyl-N-methylanthranilát | 2718 | 756 | 201-642-6 | 09.781 | | methyl-2-(methylamino)benzoát | |

09.782 | 22 | 10032-08-3 | heptyl-cinnamát | 2551 | 2104 | | 09.782 | | heptyl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

09.783 | 15 | 101-41-7 | methyl-fenylacetát | 2733 | 2155 | 202-940-9 | 09.783 | | | |

09.784 | 15 | 101-97-3 | ethyl-fenylacetát | 2452 | 2156 | 202-993-8 | 09.784 | | | |

09.785 | 15 | 139-70-8 | citronellyl-fenylacetát | 2315 | 2157 | 205-373-5 | 09.785 | | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-enyl-fenylacetát | |

09.786 | 15 | 4861-85-2 | isopropyl-fenylacetát | 2956 | 2158 | 225-468-5 | 09.786 | | | |

09.787 | 15 | 122-43-0 | butyl-fenylacetát | 2209 | 2159 | 204-543-6 | 09.787 | | | |

09.788 | 15 | 102-13-6 | isobutyl-fenylacetát | 2210 | 2160 | 203-007-9 | 09.788 | | 2-methylpropyl-fenylacetát | |

09.789 | 15 | 102-19-2 | 3-methylbutyl-fenylacetát | 2081 | 2161 | 203-012-6 | 09.789 | isopentyl-fenylacetát | | |

09.790 | 3 | 1797-74-6 | allyl-fenylacetát | 2039 | 2162 | 217-281-2 | 09.790 | | prop-2-en-1-yl-fenylacetát | |

09.791 | 15 | 10486-14-3 | rhodinyl-fenylacetát | 2985 | 2163 | 234-003-5 | 09.791 | α-citronellyl-fenylacetát | 3,7-dimethylokt-7-en-1-yl-fenylacetát | 5 |

09.796 | 23 | 606-45-1 | methyl-2-methoxybenzoát | 2717 | 2192 | 210-118-6 | 09.796 | methyl-o-anisát | | |

09.797 | 15 | 67028-40-4 | ethyl-(p-tolyloxy)acetát | 3157 | 2243 | 266-554-2 | 09.797 | | ethyl-(4-methylfenoxy)acetát | |

09.798 | 23 | 617-05-0 | ethyl-vanillát | | 2302 | 210-503-9 | 09.798 | | ethyl-4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoát | |

09.799 | 23 | 3943-74-6 | methyl-vanillát | | 2305 | 223-525-9 | 09.799 | | methyl-4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoát | |

09.801 | 27 | 63449-68-3 | 2-naftyl-anthranilát | 2767 | 11862 | 264-155-8 | 09.801 | 2-naftyl-o-aminobenzoát | 2-naftyl-2-aminobenzoát | |

09.802 | 22 | 2983-36-0 | ethyl-2-ethyl-3-fenylpropanoát | 3341 | 10587 | 221-042-8 | 09.802 | ethyl-α-ethyldihydrocinnamát | | |

09.803 | 23 | 19224-26-1 | propylenglykol-dibenzoát | 3419 | 10890 | 242-894-7 | 09.803 | propan-1,2-diol-dibenzoát | propan-1,2-diyl-dibenzoát | |

09.804 | 15 | 5421-17-0 | hexyl-fenylacetát | 3457 | 10694 | 226-537-2 | 09.804 | | | |

09.805 | 15 | 42436-07-7 | hex-3(cis)-enyl-fenylacetát | 3633 | 10682 | 255-826-6 | 09.805 | | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-fenylacetát | |

09.806 | 23 | 25152-85-6 | hex-3-enyl-benzoát | 3688 | 11778 | 246-669-4 | 09.806 | | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-benzoát | 5 |

09.807 | 25 | 617-01-6 | o-tolyl-salicylát | 3734 | | 210-500-2 | 09.807 | 2-methylfenyl-2-hydroxybenzoát | 2-hydroxy-2-methylfenylbenzoát | |

09.808 | 6 | 134-28-1 | guajyl-acetát | | 10659 | 205-135-0 | 09.808 | guajol-acetát, guajak-acetát | 6,10-dimethyl-3-(1-methyl-ethyl-acetát)bicyklo[5.3.0]dec-1(7)-en, 1-(3,8-dimethyl-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-oktahydroazulen-5-yl)-1-methylethyl-acetát | 5 |

09.809 | 7 | 15111-97-4 | p-mentha-1,8(10)-dien-9-yl-acetát | | 10743 | 239-164-5 | 09.809 | limonen-9-yl-acetát | | |

09.811 | 23 | 20665-85-4 | vanilin-isobutyrát | 3754 | | 243-956-6 | 09.811 | 4-formyl-2-methoxyfenyl-isobutyrát | | |

09.812 | 23 | 614-33-5 | glyceryl-tribenzoát | 3398 | 10656 | 210-379-6 | 09.812 | glycerol-tribenzoát | propan-1,2,3-triyl-tribenzoát | 4 |

09.813 | 1 | 3681-78-5 | propyl-dodekanoát | | | 222-961-7 | 09.813 | propyl-laurát | | |

09.814 | 1 | 2239-78-3 | propyl-hexadekanoát | | 10893 | 218-803-1 | 09.814 | propyl-palmitát | | |

09.815 | 9 | 616-09-1 | propyl-laktát | | | 210-464-8 | 09.815 | | propyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | |

09.816 | 1 | 624-13-5 | propyl-oktanoát | | 10892 | 210-830-7 | 09.816 | propyl-kaprylát | | |

09.817 | 15 | 10521-96-7 | styryl-acetát | | | 234-065-3 | 09.817 | | 2-fenylvinyl-acetát | |

09.818 | 3 | 29548-30-9 | 3,7,11-trimethyldodeka-2,6,10-trienyl-acetát | | | 249-689-1 | 09.818 | farnesyl-acetát | 3,7,11-trimethyldodeka-2,6,10-trien-1-yl-acetát | |

09.819 | 2 | 58430-94-7 | 3,5,5-trimethylhexyl-acetát | | | 261-245-9 | 09.819 | | | |

09.820 | 1 | 1731-81-3 | undecyl-acetát | | 10906 | 217-051-1 | 09.820 | | | |

09.821 | 8 | 117-98-6 | vetiveryl-acetát | | 11887 | 204-225-7 | 09.821 | vetiver-acetát, vetivert-acetát | 9-isopropyliden-2,6-dimethylbicyklo[5.3.0]dec-2-en-4-yl-acetát, 2-isopropyliden-4,8-dimethyl-1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,8a-oktahydroazulen-6-yl-acetát | |

09.822 | 3 | 108-22-5 | isopropenyl-acetát | | | 203-562-7 | 09.822 | | | |

09.824 | 9 | 607-97-6 | ethyl-2-acetylbutyrát | | | 210-151-6 | 09.824 | | ethyl-2-ethylacetoacetát | |

09.825 | 23 | 2049-96-9 | pentyl-benzoát | | 2307 | 218-077-6 | 09.825 | | | |

09.828 | 1 | 2396-85-2 | methyl-okt-2-enoát | 3712 | 11800 | 219-259-8 | 09.828 | | | 5 |

09.829 | 1 | 5452-75-5 | ethyl-cyklohexylacetát | 2348 | 218 | 226-695-2 | 09.829 | | | 5 |

09.830 | 6 | 8007-35-0 | terpineol-acetát | 3047 | 205 | 201-265-7 | 09.830 | | 4-isopropyl-1-methylcyklohex-3-en-1-yl-acetát | 5 |

09.831 | 1 | 3058-12-3 | ethyl-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dienoát | | | 235-948-6 | 09.831 | ethyl-geranát | | |

09.832 | 9 | 21188-61-4 | ethyl-3-acetohexanoát | | 10566 | 244-263-1 | 09.832 | | | 5 |

09.833 | 9 | 21884-26-4 | isopropyl-4-oxopentanoát | | | 244-630-6 | 09.833 | isopropyl-levulát | | |

09.835 | 23 | 42175-41-7 | benzyl-dekanoát | | | 255-696-0 | 09.835 | benzyl-kaprinát | | |

09.836 | 22 | 60045-26-3 | 3-fenylpropyl-benzoát | | | | 09.836 | hydrocinnamyl-benzoát | | |

09.837 | 22 | 60045-27-4 | 3-fenylpropyl-3-fenylpropanoát | | | 262-036-5 | 09.837 | hydrocinamyl-hydrocinnamát | | |

09.838 | 4 | 67633-96-9 | hex-3-enyl-methyl-karbonát | | | 266-797-4 | 09.838 | | ((Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl)-methyl-karbonát | 5 |

09.839 | 1 | 72928-48-4 | decyl-3-methylbutyrát | | | 277-077-4 | 09.839 | decyl-isovalerát | | |

09.840 | 1 | 84788-08-9 | propyl-deka-2,4-dienoát | 3648 | 10889 | 284-147-8 | 09.840 | | | |

09.841 | 3 | 85554-72-9 | hex-2-enyl-oktanoát | | | 287-605-5 | 09.841 | hex-2-enyl-kaprylát | hex-2-en-1-yl-oktanoát | 5 |

09.842 | 8 | 156679-39-9 | menthol-ethylenglykol-karbonát | 3805 | | | 09.842 | | | |

09.843 | 8 | 30304-82-6 | menthol-1- a 2-propylenglykol-karbonát | 3806 | | | 09.843 | | | |

09.845 | 8 | 1205-42-1 | cis-2-methyl-5-(1-methylethenyl)cyklohex-2-en-1-yl-acetát | | | 214-883-7 | 09.845 | | (Z)-5-isopropenyl-2-methylcyklohex-2-en-1-yl-acetát | |

09.846 | 4 | 2315-09-5 | hex-3-enyl-formiát | 3353 | 2153 | 219-017-1 | 09.846 | | hex-3-en-1-yl-formiát | 5 |

09.848 | 8 | 5655-61-8 | (1S-endo)-1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol-acetát | | | 227-101-4 | 09.848 | | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-acetát | |

09.849 | 5 | 10250-45-0 | 2,6-dimethyl-4-heptyl-acetát | | | 233-588-4 | 09.849 | | 1-isobutyl-3-methylbutyl-acetát | |

09.850 | 1 | 27829-72-7 | ethyl-(E)-hex-2-enoát | 3675 | 631 | 248-681-5 | 09.850 | | | 5 |

09.852 | 23 | 51115-63-0 | 2-methylbutyl-2-hydroxybenzoát | | | 256-972-3 | 09.852 | 2-methylbutyl-salicylát | | 5 |

09.853 | 23 | 52513-03-8 | 2-methylbutyl-benzoát | | | 257-982-0 | 09.853 | | | |

09.854 | 4 | 53398-85-9 | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-2-methylbutanoát | 3497 | 2345 | 258-517-4 | 09.854 | | | 5 |

09.855 | 4 | 56922-82-8 | (E)-hex-3-enyl-hexanoát | | | 260-444-8 | 09.855 | (E)-hex-3-en-1-yl-kapronát | (E)-hex-3-en-1-yl-hexanoát | |

09.856 | 4 | 65405-80-3 | (Z)-hex-3-enyl-krotonát | | | 265-746-3 | 09.856 | | (Z)-hex-3-enyl-(E)-but-2-enoát | 5 |

09.857 | 9 | 63270-14-4 | nonandiol diacetát | 2783 | | 264-060-1 | 09.857 | | nonan-1,3-diyl-diacetát | |

09.858 | 23 | 67674-41-3 | fenylmethyl-2-methylbut-2-enoát | 3330 | 2184 | 266-880-5 | 09.858 | | benzyl-2-methylbur-2-enoát | |

09.862 | 9 | 85554-66-1 | ethyl-3-acetoxyoktanoát | | | 287-598-9 | 09.862 | | | |

09.863 | 9 | 638-33-5 | 2-methylbutyl-laktát | | 10769 | | 09.863 | | 2-methylbutyl-2-hydroxypropanoát | |

09.865 | 1 | 20290-84-0 | hexyl-oktadec-9-enoát | | | 243-692-1 | 09.865 | hexyl-oleát | | |

09.866 | 3 | | allyl-valerát | | | | 09.866 | allyl-pentanoát | | |

09.868 | 5 | | sek-butyl-2-methylkrotonát | | | | 09.868 | sek-butyl-tiglát | 1-methylpropyl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.870 | 8 | | karvyl-3-methylbutyrát | | | | 09.870 | karvyl-isopentanoát | p-mentha-6,8-dienyl-2-methylbutanoát | |

09.871 | 4 | | citronellyl-dekanoát | | | | 09.871 | citronellyl-kaprinát | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-yl-dekanoát | |

09.872 | 4 | | citronellyl-dodekanoát | | | | 09.872 | citronellyl-laurát | 3,7-dimethylokt-6-en-1-yl-dodekanoát | |

09.874 | 30 | | di(2-methylbutyl)-malát | | | | 09.874 | | bis(2-methylbutyl)-2-hydroxybutandioát | |

09.878 | 18 | 61114-24-7 | eugenyl-isovalerát | | | | 09.878 | eugenol-isovalerát | 4-allyl-2-methoxyfenyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.880 | 5 | | hept-4-enyl-2 butyrát | | | | 09.880 | | 1-methylhex-3-en-1-yl-butyrát | |

09.881 | 3 | | hex-2(trans)-enyl-isobutyrát | | | | 09.881 | | (E)-hex-2-en-1-yl-2-methylpropanoát | |

09.883 | 4 | | hex-3(cis)-enyl-methyl-karbonát | | 09.883 | | | | (Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl-methyl-karbonát | |

09.884 | 4 | | hex-3-enyl-2-ethylbutyrát | | | | 09.884 | | hex-3-en-1-yl-2-ethylbutanoát | |

09.885 | 4 | | hex-3-enyl-hexadekanoát | | | | 09.885 | hex-3-en-1-yl-palmitát | hex-3-en-1-yl-hexadekanoát | |

09.887 | 1 | 16930-96-4 | hexyl-tiglát | | | | 09.887 | | hexyl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.888 | 8 | | isobornyl-2-methylbutyrát | | | | 09.888 | | 1,7,7-trimethylbicyklo[2.2.1]heptan-2-yl-2-methylbutanoát | |

09.889 | 2 | | isobutyl-2-methylkrotonát | | | | 09.889 | isobutyl-tiglát | 2-methylpropyl-(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.890 | 4 | | isoprenyl-2-methylbutyrát | | | | 09.890 | | 2-methylbuta-1,3-dien-1-yl-2-methylbutanoát | |

09.893 | 25 | | 2-isopropyl-5-methylfenyl-formiát | | | | 09.893 | thymyl-formiát | | |

09.894 | 17 | | 2-methoxy-4-(prop-1-enyl)fenyl-3-methylbutyrát | | | | 09.894 | isoeugenyl-isopentanoát | 2-methoxy-4-prop-1-en-1-yl-fenyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

09.895 | 23 | | 4-methoxybenzyl-2-methylpropanoát | | | | 09.895 | | | |

09.896 | 3 | | 2-methylbut-2-enyl-formiát | | | | 09.896 | | 2-methylbut-2-en-1-yl-formiát | |

09.897 | 4 | | 3-methylbut-3-en-1-yl-butyrát | | | | 09.897 | | | |

09.898 | 4 | | 3-methylbut-3-en-1-yl-hexanoát | | | | 09.898 | 3-methylbut-3-en-1-yl-kapronát | | |

09.899 | 7 | | myrtenyl-2-methylbutyrát | | | | 09.899 | | (6,6-dimethylbicyklo[3.3.1]hept-2-en-2-yl)methyl-2-methylbutanoát | |

09.900 | 7 | | myrtenyl-3-methylbutyrát | | | | 09.900 | myrtenyl-isovalerát | (6,6-dimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]hept-2-en-2-yl)methyl-isopentanoát | |

09.903 | 3 | | prenyl-3-methylbut-2-enoát | | | | 09.903 | | 3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl-3-methylbut-2-enoát | |

09.914 | 30 | | diethyl-citrát (asym.) | | | | 09.914 | | 2,3-bis(ethoxykarbonyl)2-hydroxybutanová kyselina | |

09.915 | 23 | 94-13-3 | propyl-4-hydroxybenzoát | 2951 | 678 | 202-307-7 | 09.915 | | | |

09.916 | 9 | 7367-90-0 | ethyl-3-hydroxyoktanoát | | 10603 | 230-919-4 | 09.916 | | | |

10.001 | 9 | 104-61-0 | nonano-1,4-lakton | 2781 | 178 | 203-219-1 | 10.001 | γ-lakton 4-hydroxynonanové kyseliny, prunolid, 4-nonanolid | nonano-4-lakton | |

10.002 | 9 | 104-67-6 | undekano-1,4-lakton | 3091 | 179 | 203-225-4 | 10.002 | 4-unndekanolid | undekano-4-lakton | |

10.003 | 9 | 7779-50-2 | hexadec-6-eno-1,16-lakton | 2555 | 180 | 231-929-1 | 10.003 | ambrettolid, lakton 16-hydroxyhexadec-7-enové kyseliny, 6-hexadecen-16-olid | hexadec-6-eno-16-lakton, 1-oxacykloheptadec-7-en-2-on | 5 |

10.004 | 9 | 106-02-5 | pentadekano-1,15-lakton | 2840 | 181 | 203-354-6 | 10.004 | exaltolid, muskolakton, lakton 15-hydroxytetradekanové kyseliny, 15-pentadekanolid | pentadekano-15-lakton | |

10.005 | 11 | 17369-59-4 | 3-propylidenftalid | 2952 | 494 | 241-402-8 | 10.005 | | | |

10.006 | 9 | 96-48-0 | butyro-1,4-lakton | 3291 | 615 | 202-509-5 | 10.006 | lakton 4-hydroxybutanové kyseliny, γ-butyrolakton, tetrahydrofuran-2-on | butano-4-lakton | |

10.007 | 9 | 705-86-2 | dekano-1,5-lakton | 2361 | 621 | 211-889-1 | 10.007 | 5-dekanolid | dekano-5-lakton | |

10.008 | 9 | 713-95-1 | dodekano-1,5-lakton | 2401 | 624 | 211-932-4 | 10.008 | lakton 5-hydroxydodekanové kyseliny, 5-dodekanolid | dodekano-5-lakton | |

10.009 | 9 | 18679-18-0 | dodec-6-eno-1,4-lakton | 3780 | 625 | 242-497-9 | 10.009 | lakton 4-hydroxydodec-6-enové kyseliny, (Z)-dodec-6-en-4-olid | dodec-6-eno-4-lakton, 5-okt-2-en-1-yltetrahydrofuran-2-on | 5 |

10.010 | 9 | 823-22-3 | hexano-1,5-lakton | 3167 | 641 | 212-511-8 | 10.010 | delta-hexalakton, lakton 5-hydroxyhexanové kyseliny, δ-kaprolakton, lakton 5-hydroxy-5-methylpentanové kyseliny | hexano-5-lakton, 6-methyltetrahydropyran-2-on | |

10.011 | 9 | 710-04-3 | undekano-1,5-lakton | 3294 | 688 | 211-915-1 | 10.011 | lakton 5-hydroxyundekanové kyseliny, 5-undekanolid | undekano-5-lakton, 6-hexyltetrahydropyran-2-on | |

10.012 | 13 | 591-12-8 | 5-methylfuran-2(3H)-on | 3293 | 731 | 209-701-8 | 10.012 | lakton 4-hydroxypent-3-enové kyseliny, lakton β,γ-angelikové kyseliny, 5-methylfuran-2(3H)on | pent-3-eno-4-lakton | |

10.013 | 9 | 108-29-2 | pentano-1,4-lakton | 3103 | 757 | 203-569-5 | 10.013 | γ-valerolakton, lakton 4-hydroxypentanové kyseliny, γ-methyl-γ-butyrolakton, 4-pentanolid | pentano-4-lakton | |

10.014 | 9 | 3301-94-8 | nonano-1,5-lakton | 3356 | 2194 | 221-974-5 | 10.014 | lakton 5-hydroxynonanové kyseliny, 5-nonanolid | nonano-5-lakton, 6-butyltetrahydropyran-2-on | |

10.015 | 9 | 698-76-0 | oktano-1,5-lakton | 3214 | 2195 | 211-820-5 | 10.015 | lakton 5-hydroxyoktanové kyseliny | oktano-5-lakton, 6-propyltetrahydropyran-2-on | |

10.016 | 9 | 2721-22-4 | tetradekano-1,5-lakton | 3590 | 2196 | 220-334-2 | 10.016 | lakton 5-hydroxytetradekanové kyseliny, 6-nonyl-tetrahydropyran-2-on | tetradekano-5-lakton | |

10.017 | 9 | 706-14-9 | dekano-1,4-lakton | 2360 | 2230 | 211-892-8 | 10.017 | 4-dekanolid | dekano-4-lakton | |

10.018 | 9 | 7774-47-2 | 4-butyloktano-1,4-lakton | 2372 | 2231 | 231-875-9 | 10.018 | γ-lakton 4-butyl-4-hydroxyoktanové kyseliny | 5,5-dibutyltetrahydrofuran-2-on | |

10.019 | 9 | 2305-05-7 | dodekano-1,4-lakton | 2400 | 2240 | 218-971-6 | 10.019 | 4-dodekanolid | dodekano-4-lakton | |

10.020 | 9 | 105-21-5 | heptano-1,4-lakton | 2539 | 2253 | 203-279-9 | 10.020 | 4-heptanolid, γ-lakton 4-hydroxyheptanové kyseliny | heptano-4-lakton | |

10.021 | 9 | 695-06-7 | hexano-1,4-lakton | 2556 | 2254 | 211-778-8 | 10.021 | 4-hexanolid, tonkalid, γ-kaprolakton | hexano-4-lakton, 5-ethyltetrahydrofuran-2-on | |

10.022 | 9 | 104-50-7 | oktano-1,4-lakton | 2796 | 2274 | 203-208-1 | 10.022 | 4-oktanolid | oktano-4-lakton, 5-butyltetrahydrofuran-2-on | |

10.023 | 13 | 698-10-2 | 5-ethyl-3-hydroxy-4-methylfuran-2(5H)-on | 3153 | 2300 | 211-811-6 | 10.023 | emoxyfuron, γ-lakton 2,4-dihydroxy-3-methylhex-2-enové kyseliny | 5-ethyl-3-hydroxy-4-methyl-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-on | |

10.024 | 11 | 551-08-6 | 3-butylidenftalid | 3333 | 10083 | 208-991-3 | 10.024 | | | |

10.025 | 11 | 6066-49-5 | 3-butylftalid | 3334 | 10084 | 228-000-8 | 10.025 | | 3-butyl-2-benzofuran-1-on | |

10.026 | 9 | 40923-64-6 | 3-heptyldihydro-5-methyl-2(3H)-furanon | 3350 | 10953 | 255-141-2 | 10.026 | | 3-heptyl-5-methyltetrahydrofuran-2-on | |

10.027 | 9 | 499-54-7 | 3,7-dimethyloktano-1,6-lakton | 3355 | 11833 | 207-882-8 | 10.027 | menthan lakton, lakton 6-hydroxy-3,7-dimethyloktanové kyseliny, menthon lakton | 7-isopropyl-4-methyloxepan-2-on | |

10.028 | 9 | 16429-21-3 | dodekano-1,6-lakton | 3610 | | 240-483-7 | 10.028 | | dodekano-6-lakton, 7-hexyloxepan-2-on | |

10.029 | 9 | 5579-78-2 | dekano-1,6-lakton | 3613 | | 226-963-9 | 10.029 | 6-butylhexan-6-olid | dekano-6-lakton, 7-butyloxepan-2-on | |

10.030 | 13 | 28664-35-9 | 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethylfuran-2(5H)-on | 3634 | 11834 | 249-136-4 | 10.030 | | 2-hydroxy-3-methylpent-2-en-1,4-lakton 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-on | |

10.031 | 9 | 27593-23-3 | 6-pentyl-2H-pyran-2-on | 3696 | 10967 | 248-552-3 | 10.031 | 6-pentyl-2H-pyran-2-on | | |

10.033 | 9 | 34686-71-0 | dec-7-eno-1,5-lakton | 3745 | | 247-074-2 | 10.033 | 6((Z)-pent-2-en-1-yl)tetrahydropyran-2-on, 7-decen-5-olid | 6-(pent-2-en-1-yl)tetrahydropyran-2-on | |

10.034 | 13 | 80417-97-6 | 5,6-dihydro-3,6-dimethylbenzofuran-2(4H)-on | 3755 | | 279-462-2 | 10.034 | dehydromenthofurolakton, (R)-5,6-dihydro-3,6-dimethyl-2(4H)-benzofuranon | | |

10.035 | 9 | 68959-28-4 | undec-8-eno-1,5-lakton | 3758 | | 273-411-8 | 10.035 | δ-lakton 5-hydroxyundec-8-enové kyseliny | 6-((Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl)tetrahydropyran-2-on | |

10.036 | 11 | 13341-72-5 | 5,6,7,7a-tetrahydro-3,6-dimethylbenzofuran-2(4H)-on | 3764 | | 236-390-6 | 10.036 | dehydroxymenthofurolakton, mintlakton | 3,6-dimethyl-2,4,5,6,7,7a-hexahydro-1-benzofuran-2-on | |

10.037 | 9 | 54814-64-1 | dec-2-eno-1,5-lakton | 3744 | | 259-359-9 | 10.037 | dec-2-eno-5-lakton, 6-pentyl-5,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-on | | |

10.038 | 9 | 67114-38-9 | dec-7-eno-1,4-lakton | | | | 10.038 | | 5-(hex-3-en-1-yl)tetrahydrofuran-2-on | |

10.039 | 9 | 63095-33-0 | cis-dec-7-eno-1,4-lakton | | | 263-852-4 | 10.039 | 5-((Z)-hex-3-en-1-yl)tetrahydrofuran-2-on | | |

10.040 | 9 | 32764-98-0 | dec-8-eno-1,5-lakton | | | 251-201-7 | 10.040 | | 6-(pent-3-en-1-yl)tetrahydropyran-2-on | |

10.041 | 13 | 10547-84-9 | 3,4-dimethyl-5-pentylfuran-2(5H)-on | | | | 10.041 | | | |

10.042 | 13 | 774-64-1 | 3,4-dimethyl-5-pentylidenfuran-2(5H)-on | | 11873 | | 10.042 | bovolid, γ-lakton 4-hydroxy-2,3-dimethylnona-2,4-dienové kyseliny | 3,4-dimethyl-5-pentyl-2,5-dihydrofuran | |

10.043 | 9 | 74183-60-1 | (E)-2,7-dimethylokta-5,7-dieno-1,4-lakton | | | | 10.043 | marmarolakton | (E)-2,7-dimethylokta-5,7-dieno-4-lakton | |

10.044 | 9 | 16400-72-9 | dodec-2-eno-1,5-lakton | 3802 | | 240-453-3 | 10.044 | lakton 5-hydroxydodec-2-enové kyseliny, δ-dodec-2-enolakton, 6-heptyl-5,6-dihydropyran, 5-heptyl-2-penten-5-olid | | |

10.045 | 9 | 3301-90-4 | heptano-1,5-lakton | | 10660 | 221-972-4 | 10.045 | 6-ethyltetrahydropyran-2-on | heptano-5-lakton | |

10.046 | 13 | 2407-43-4 | hex-2-eno-1,4-lakton | | | 219-304-1 | 10.046 | | 5-ethyl-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-on | |

10.047 | 9 | 109-29-5 | hexadekano-1,16-lakton | | | 203-662-0 | 10.047 | dihydroambrettolid, hexadekan-16-olid | hexydekano-16-lakton, 1-oxacykloheptadekan-2-on | |

10.048 | 9 | 730-46-1 | hexadekano-1,4-lakton | | 10673 | | 10.048 | | hexadekano-4-lakton, 5-dodecyl-tetrahydrofuran-2-on | |

10.049 | 9 | 7370-44-7 | hexadekano-1,5-lakton | | 10674 | 230-924-1 | 10.049 | tetrahydro-6-undecyl-2H-pyran-2-on | hexadekano-5-lakton, 6-undecyltetrahydropyran-2-on | |

10.050 | 13 | 92015-65-1 | hexahydro-3,6-dimethyl-2(3H)-benzofuranon | | | | 10.050 | 3,6-dimethyloktahydroo-1-benzofuran-2-on | | |

10.051 | 9 | 7011-83-8 | 5-hexyl-5-methyldihydrofuran-2(3H)-on | 3786 | | 230-291-1 | 10.051 | dihydrojasmon lakton | 5-hexyl-5-methyltetrahydrofuran-2-on | |

10.052 | 9 | 33673-62-0 | 3-methylnonano-1,4-lakton | | | 251-629-4 | 10.052 | | 4-methyl-5-pentyltetrahydrofuran-2-on | |

10.053 | 9 | 39212-23-2 | 3-methyloktano-1,4-lakton | 3803 | 10535 | 254-357-4 | 10.053 | 4-butyl-3-methyl-γ-butyrolakton | 5-butyl-4-methyltetrahydrofuran-2-on, 3-methyloktano-4-lakton | |

10.054 | 13 | 21963-26-8 | non-2-eno-1,4-lakton | | | 244-685-6 | 10.054 | 5-pentylfuran-2(5H)-on | non-2-eno-4-lakton, 5-pentyl-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-on | |

10.055 | 9 | 542-28-9 | pentano-1,5-lakton | | 10907 | 208-807-1 | 10.055 | δ-valerolakton | pentano-5-lakton | |

10.056 | 11 | 87-41-2 | ftalid | | | 201-744-0 | 10.056 | 1(3H)-isobenzofuranon | 2-benzofuran-1(3H)-on | |

10.057 | 11 | 57743-63-2 | 3a,4,5,7a-tetrahydro-3,6-dimethylbenzofuran-2(3H)-on | | | | 10.057 | | 3,6-dimethyl-2,3,3a,4,5,7a-hexyhydro-1-benzofuran-2-on | |

10.058 | 9 | 7370-92-5 | tridekano-1,5-lakton | | 10902 | 230-927-8 | 10.058 | | tridekano-5-lakton, 6-oktyltetrahydropyran-2-on | |

10.059 | 9 | 123-69-3 | hexadec-7-en-1,16-lakton | | | 203-644-5 | 10.059 | hexadec-7-en-16-olid, (Z)-1-oxacykloheptadec-8-en-2-on | hexadec-7-eno-16-lakton | |

10.060 | 13 | 2518-53-8 | dec-2-en-1,4-lakton | | | 219-742-3 | 10.060 | | 5-hexyl-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-on | |

10.061 | 13 | 70851-61-5 | cis-hex-5-enyldihydro-5-methylfuran-2(3H)-on | 3937 | | 274-942-8 | 10.061 | lakton 4-hydroxy-4-methyldec-9-enové kyseliny | (Z)-5-hex-3-en-1-yl-5-methyltetrahydrofuran-2-on | |

10.063 | 9 | 28645-51-4 | hexadec-9-en-1,16-lakton | | | 249-120-7 | 10.063 | | 1-oxacykloheptadec-10-en-2-on, hexadec-9-eno-16-lakton | |

10.065 | 13 | | 2,3-dimethylnon-2-eno-1,4-lakton | | | | 10.065 | | | |

10.066 | 13 | | furan-2(5H)-on | | | | 10.066 | | but-2-eno-4-lakton, 2,5-dihydrofuran-2-on | |

10.068 | 9 | | pentadekano-1,14-lakton | | | | 10.068 | | pentadekano-14-lakton | |

11.001 | 33 | 107-85-7 | 3-methylbutylamin | 3219 | 512 | 203-526-0 | 11.001 | isopentylamin, 3-methylbutan-1-amin | | |

11.002 | 33 | 78-81-9 | isobutylamin | | 513 | 201-145-4 | 11.002 | | 2-metylpropan-1-amin | |

11.003 | 33 | 109-73-9 | butylamin | 3130 | 524 | 203-699-2 | 11.003 | | butan-1-amin | |

11.004 | 33 | 107-10-8 | propylamin | | 601 | 203-462-3 | 11.004 | | propan-1-amin | |

11.005 | 33 | 13952-84-6 | sek-butylamin | | 707 | 237-732-7 | 11.005 | | 1-methylpropan-1-amin | |

11.006 | 33 | 64-04-0 | fenethylamin | 3220 | 708 | 200-574-4 | 11.006 | 1-amino-2-fenylethan, 2-fenylethylamin | | |

11.007 | 33 | 51-67-2 | 2-(4-hydroxyfenyl)ethylamin | | 709 | 200-115-8 | 11.007 | tyramin, 4-(2-aminoethyl)fenol 4-hydroxy-fenylethylamin, tyrosamin | | |

11.008 | 33 | 551-93-9 | 2-aminoacetofenon | 3906 | 2041 | 209-002-8 | 11.008 | o-acetylanilin, o-aminoacetofenon, 2-aminofenyl(methyl)keton | 1-(aminofenyl)ethan-1-on | |

11.009 | 33 | 75-50-3 | trimethylamin | 3241 | 10497 | 200-875-0 | 11.009 | | | |

11.011 | 33 | 5331-48-6 | N-acetylpropylamin | | | 226-231-9 | 11.011 | N-propylacetamid | | |

11.012 | 33 | 109-89-7 | diethylamin | | 10470 | 203-716-3 | 11.012 | | | |

11.013 | 33 | 124-40-3 | dimethylamin | | 10473 | 204-697-4 | 11.013 | | | |

11.014 | 33 | 19342-01-9 | N,N-dimethylfenethylamin | | | 242-976-2 | 11.014 | | 2-fenyl-N,N-dimethylezhan-1-amin | |

11.015 | 33 | 75-04-7 | ethylamin | | 10477 | 200-834-7 | 11.015 | | ethan-1-amin | |

11.016 | 33 | 111-26-2 | hexylamin | | 10478 | 203-851-8 | 11.016 | | hexan-1-amin | |

11.017 | 33 | 35448-31-8 | N-isopentyliden isopentylamin | | | | 11.017 | N-(3-methylbutyliden)-3-methylbutan-1-amin | | |

11.018 | 33 | 75-31-0 | isopropylamin | | 10480 | 200-860-9 | 11.018 | 2-aminopropan | propan-2-amin | |

11.019 | 33 | 74-89-5 | methylamin | | 10483 | 200-820-0 | 11.019 | | | |

11.020 | 33 | 96-15-1 | 2-methylbutylamin | | 10484 | 202-483-5 | 11.020 | | 2-methylbutan-1-amin | |

11.021 | 33 | 110-58-7 | pentylamin | | 11734 | 203-780-2 | 11.021 | amylamin | pentan-1-amin | |

11.022 | 33 | 102-82-9 | tributylamin | | | 203-058-7 | 11.022 | | | |

11.023 | 33 | 121-44-8 | triethylamin | | 10496 | 204-469-4 | 11.023 | | | |

11.024 | 33 | 593-81-7 | trimethylamin-hydrochlorid | | | 209-810-0 | 11.024 | | | |

11.025 | 33 | 1184-78-7 | trimethylaminoxid | | 10494 | 214-675-6 | 11.025 | trimethylamin N-oxid dihydrát | | |

11.026 | 33 | 102-69-2 | tripropylamin | | 10495 | 203-047-7 | 11.026 | | | |

12.001 | 20 | 3268-49-3 | 3-(methylthio)propanaldehyd | 2747 | 125 | 221-882-5 | 12.001 | methional | 3-(methylsulfanyl)propanal | |

12.002 | 20 | 13532-18-8 | methyl-3-(methylthio)propanoát | 2720 | 428 | 236-883-6 | 12.002 | | mezhyl-3-(methylulfanyl)propanoát | |

12.003 | 20 | 74-93-1 | methanthiol | 2716 | 475 | 200-822-1 | 12.003 | methylmerkaptan | | |

12.004 | 20 | 870-23-5 | allylthiol | 2035 | 476 | 212-792-7 | 12.004 | | prop-2-en-1-thiol | |

12.005 | 20 | 100-53-8 | fenylmethanthiol | 2147 | 477 | 202-862-5 | 12.005 | benzylmerkaptan | | |

12.006 | 20 | 75-18-3 | dimethylsulfid | 2746 | 483 | 200-846-2 | 12.006 | | dimethylsulfan | |

12.007 | 20 | 544-40-1 | dibutylsulfid | 2215 | 484 | 208-870-5 | 12.007 | | dibutylsulfan | |

12.008 | 20 | 2179-57-9 | diallyldisulfid | 2028 | 485 | 218-548-6 | 12.008 | | diallydisulfan | |

12.009 | 20 | 2050-87-5 | diallyltrisulfid | 3265 | 486 | 218-107-8 | 12.009 | | diallyltrisulfan | |

12.010 | 20 | 109-79-5 | butan-1-thiol | 3478 | 526 | 203-705-3 | 12.010 | butylmerkaptan | | |

12.011 | 20 | 1569-69-3 | cyklohexanthiol | | 529 | 216-378-7 | 12.011 | cyklohexylmerkaptan | | |

12.012 | 20 | 110-81-6 | diethyldisulfid | | 533 | 203-805-7 | 12.012 | | dimethyldisulfan | |

12.013 | 20 | 3658-80-8 | dimethyltrisulfid | 3275 | 539 | 222-910-9 | 12.013 | | dimethyltrisulfan | |

12.014 | 20 | 629-19-6 | dipropyldisulfid | 3228 | 540 | 211-079-8 | 12.014 | | dipropyldisulfan | |

12.015 | 20 | 111-47-7 | dipropylsulfid | | 541 | 203-873-8 | 12.015 | | | |

12.016 | 20 | 625-80-9 | diisopropylsulfid | 542 | 210-911-7 | | 12.016 | | diisopropylsulfan | |

12.017 | 20 | 75-08-1 | ethanthiol | | 546 | 200-837-3 | 12.017 | ethylmerkaptan | | |

12.018 | 20 | 625-60-5 | S-ethyl-acetothioát | 3282 | 11665 | 210-904-9 | 12.018 | ethyl-thioacetát | S-ethyl-ethanthioát | |

12.019 | 20 | 2179-60-4 | methyl(propyl)disulfid | 3201 | 585 | 218-551-2 | 12.019 | methyl(propyl)disulfid | methyl(propyl)disulfan | |

12.020 | 20 | 17619-36-2 | methyl(propyl)trisulfid | 3308 | 586 | 241-594-3 | 12.020 | methyl(propyl)trisulfid, methyl-trithio propan, propyl-methyl-trisulfid | methyl(propyl)trisulfan | |

12.021 | 20 | 2179-59-1 | allyl(propyl)disulfid | | 600 | 218-550-7 | 12.021 | | allyl(propyl)disulfan | |

12.022 | 20 | 4532-64-3 | butan-2,3-dithiol | 3477 | 725 | 224-870-8 | 12.022 | | | |

12.023 | 20 | 6028-61-1 | dipropyltrisulfid | 3276 | 726 | 227-903-4 | 12.023 | | dipropyltrisulfan | |

12.024 | 20 | 37887-04-0 | 3-merkaptobutan-2-ol | 3502 | 760 | 253-701-0 | 12.024 | | 3-sulfanylbutan-2-ol | |

12.025 | 30 | 57-06-7 | allyl-isothiokyanát | 2034 | 2110 | 200-309-2 | 12.025 | prop-2-en-1-yl-isothiokyanát | | |

12.026 | 20 | 624-92-0 | dimethyldisulfid | 3536 | 2175 | 210-871-0 | 12.026 | | dimethyldisulfan | |

12.027 | 20 | 137-06-4 | 2-methylbenzen-1-thiol | 3240 | 2272 | 205-276-8 | 12.027 | o-tolylmerkaptan | | |

12.028 | 20 | 2550-40-5 | dicyklohexyldisulfid | 3448 | 2320 | 219-851-6 | 12.028 | | dicyklohexyldisulfan | |

12.029 | 20 | 1679-07-8 | cyklopentanthiol | 3262 | 2321 | 216-841-3 | 12.029 | cyklopentylmerkaptan | | |

12.030 | 30 | 505-79-3 | 3-(methylthio)propyl-isothiokyanát | 3312 | 2326 | 208-020-3 | 12.030 | 3-methylmerkaptopropyl-isothiokyanát, 3-(methylsulfanyl)propylisothiokyanát | 1-isothiokyanáto-3-(methylsulfanyl)propan | |

12.031 | 20 | 67633-97-0 | 3-merkaptopentan-2-on | 3300 | 2327 | 266-799-5 | 12.031 | | 3-sulfanylpentan-2-on | |

12.032 | 20 | 2432-51-1 | S-methyl-butanthioát | 3310 | 2328 | 219-407-1 | 12.032 | methyl-thiobutyrát | | |

12.033 | 20 | 91-60-1 | naftalen-2-thiol | 3314 | 2330 | 202-082-5 | 12.033 | 2-naftylmerkaptan | | |

12.034 | 20 | 1191-62-4 | oktan-1,8-dithiol | 3514 | 2331 | 214-738-8 | 12.034 | | | |

12.035 | 20 | | 2-,3- a 10-merkaptopinan | 3503 | 2332 | 245-900-6 | 12.035 | pinanethiol, pinanylmerkaptan | 2,6,6-trimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]heptan-2-thiol a 2,6,6-trimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]heptan-3-thiol a 2,6,6-trimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]heptan-10-thiol | |

12.036 | 20 | 54957-02-7 | 3-[(2-merkapto-1-methylpropyl)thio]butan-2-ol | 3509 | 2353 | | 12.036 | α-methyl-β-hydroxypropyl-α-methyl-β-merkaptopropyl-sulfid | 3-[(2-sulfanyl-1-methylpropyl)thio]butan-2-ol, 3-[(1-methyl-2-sulfanylpropyl)sulfanyl]butan-2-ol | |

12.037 | 20 | 2179-58-0 | allyl(methyl)disulfid | 3127 | 11866 | 218-549-1 | 12.037 | | allyl(methyl)disulfan | |

12.038 | 20 | 38462-22-5 | 8-merkapto-p-menthan-3-on | 3177 | 11789 | 253-953-1 | 12.038 | 8-merkaptomenthon, thiomenthon | 8-sulfanyl-p-menthan-3-on, 2-(1-methyl-1-sulfanylethyl)-5-methylcyklohexan-1-on | |

12.039 | 20 | 79-42-5 | 2-merkaptopropanová kyselina | 3180 | 11790 | 201-206-5 | 12.039 | | 2-sulfanylpropanová kyselina | |

12.040 | 20 | 23328-62-3 | 2-methylthioacetaldehyd | 3206 | 11686 | 245-587-6 | 12.040 | | 2-(methylsulfanyl)acetaldehyd | |

12.041 | 20 | 13678-58-5 | 1-(methylthio)butan-2-on | 3207 | 11543 | 237-169-7 | 12.041 | | 1-(methylsulfanyl)butan-2-on | |

12.042 | 20 | 1073-29-6 | 2-(methylthio)fenol | 3210 | 11553 | 214-027-2 | 12.042 | 1-hydroxy-2-methylmerkaptobenzen, 2-methylmerkaptofenol | 2-(methylsulfanyl)fenol | |

12.043 | 20 | 882-33-7 | difenyldisulfid | 3225 | 11757 | 212-926-4 | 12.043 | fenyldithiobenzen | difenyldisulfan | |

12.044 | 20 | 5905-46-4 | prop-1-enyl(propyl)disulfid | 3227 | 11699 | 227-604-9 | 12.044 | | prop-1-en-yl(propyl)disulfid | |

12.045 | 20 | 34135-85-8 | methyl(allyl)trisulfid | 3253 | 11867 | 251-843-8 | 12.045 | | allyl(methyl)trisulfan | |

12.046 | 20 | 19788-49-9 | ethyl-2-merkaptopropanoát3279 | | 11469 | 243-314-5 | 12.046 | ethyl-2-sulfanylpropanoát | | |

12.047 | 20 | 40789-98-8 | 3-merkaptobutan-2-on | 3298 | 11497 | 255-082-2 | 12.047 | | 3-sulfanylbutan-2-on | |

12.048 | 20 | 1878-18-8 | 2-methylbutan-1-thiol | 3303 | 11509 | 217-515-3 | 12.048 | 2-methylbutylmerkaptan | | |

12.049 | 20 | 2084-18-6 | 3-methylbutan-2-thiol | 3304 | 11510 | 218-223-9 | 12.049 | 3-methylbutylmerkaptan | | |

12.052 | 20 | 40790-04-3 | di-(3-oxobutyl)sulfid | 3335 | 11441 | | 12.052 | bis(3-oxobutyl)sulfid | bis(3-oxobutyl)sulfan | |

12.053 | 20 | 13327-56-5 | ethyl-3-(methylthio)propanoát3343 | | 11476 | 236-370-7 | 12.053 | ethyl-3-(methylthio)propanoát | ethyl-3-(methylsulfanyl)propanoát | |

12.054 | 20 | 4500-58-7 | 2-(ethylthio)fenol | 3345 | 11666 | 224-811-6 | 12.054 | (2-ethylfenyl)merkaptan | 2-(ethylsulfanyl)fenol | |

12.055 | 20 | 34619-12-0 | 4-merkaptobutan-2-on | 3357 | 11498 | | 12.055 | | 4-sulfanylbutan-2-on | |

12.056 | 20 | 16630-52-7 | 3-(methylthio)butanal | 3374 | 11687 | 240-678-7 | 12.056 | | 3-(methylsulfanyl)butanal | |

12.057 | 20 | 34047-39-7 | 4-(methylthio)butan-2-on | 3375 | 11688 | 251-810-8 | 12.057 | | 4-(methylsulfanyl)butan-2-on | |

12.058 | 20 | 23550-40-5 | 4-(methylthio)-4-methylpentan-2-on | 3376 | 11551 | 245-727-6 | 12.058 | | 4-methyl-4-(methylsulfanyl)pentan-2-on | |

12.059 | 20 | 2307-10-0 | propyl-thioacetát | 3385 | 11576 | 218-984-7 | 12.059 | | S-propyl-thioacetát | |

12.060 | 20 | 53053-51-3 | methyl-4-(methylthio)butyrát | 3412 | 11526 | 258-328-7 | 12.060 | methyl-[(γ-methylmerkapto)butyrát] | methyl-4-(methylsulfanyl)butanoát | |

12.061 | 20 | 42919-64-2 | 4-(methylthio)butanal | 3414 | 11542 | 256-001-3 | 12.061 | 4-(methylmerkapto)butanal | 4-(methylsulfanyl)butanal | |

12.062 | 20 | 505-10-2 | 3-(methylthio)propan-1-ol | 3415 | 11554 | 208-004-6 | 12.062 | methionol, (3-hydroxypropyl)methylsulfid | 3-(methylsulfany)propan-1-ol | |

12.063 | 20 | 51755-66-9 | 3-(methylthio)hexan-1-ol | 3438 | 11548 | 257-380-8 | 12.063 | 3-methylmerkaptohexan-1-ol | 3-(methylsulfany)hexan-1-ol | |

12.064 | 20 | 39067-80-6 | thiogeraniol | 3472 | 11583 | 254-269-6 | 12.064 | 3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-thiol | (E)-3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-dien-1-thiol | |

12.065 | 20 | 59902-01-1 | 2,8-dithianon-4-en-4-karbaldehyd | 3483 | 11904 | 261-978-4 | 12.065 | 5-(methylthio)-2-(methylthio)methylpent-2-en-1-al | 5-methylsulfanyl-2-[(methylsulfanyl)methyl]pent-2-enal | |

12.066 | 20 | 540-63-6 | ethan-1,2-dithiol | 3484 | 11467 | 208-752-3 | 12.066 | dithioglykol | | |

12.067 | 20 | 1191-43-1 | hexan-1,6-dithiol | 3495 | 11486 | 214-735-1 | 12.067 | | | |

12.068 | 20 | 699-10-5 | benzyl(methyl)disulfid | 3504 | 11508 | 211-826-8 | 12.068 | | benzyl(methyl)disulfan | |

12.069 | 20 | 3489-28-9 | nonan-1,9-dithiol | 3513 | 11558 | 222-482-3 | 12.069 | | | |

12.070 | 20 | 814-67-5 | propan-1,2-dithiol | 3520 | 11564 | 212-398-5 | 12.070 | | | |

12.071 | 20 | 107-03-9 | propan-1-thiol3521 | | 11816 | 203-455-5 | 12.071 | propylmerkaptan | | |

12.072 | 20 | 16128-68-0 | butan-1,2-dithiol | 3528 | 11909 | 240-290-8 | 12.072 | | | |

12.073 | 20 | 24330-52-7 | butan-1,3-dithiol | 3529 | 11910 | 246-172-2 | 12.073 | | | |

12.074 | 20 | 72869-75-1 | diallylpolysulfidy | 3533 | 11912 | | 12.074 | prop-2-enylpolysulfidy, diallyldi-, tri-, tetra- a pentasulfidy | diallyldisulfan, diallyltrisulfan, diallyltetrasulfan, diallylpentasulfan | |

12.075 | 20 | 5905-47-5 | methyl-prop-1-enyl-disulfid | 3576 | 11712 | 227-605-4 | 12.075 | prop-1-enyl(methyl)disulfid | | |

12.076 | 20 | 109-80-8 | propan-1,3-dithiol | 3588 | 11929 | 203-706-9 | 12.076 | | | |

12.077 | 20 | 766-92-7 | benzyl(methyl)sulfid | 3597 | | 212-174-7 | 12.077 | | | |

12.078 | 20 | 20582-85-8 | 4-(methylthio)butan-1-ol | 3600 | | | 12.078 | | 4-(methylsulfanyl)butan-1-ol | |

12.079 | 20 | 40878-72-6 | 2-(methylthiomethyl)but-2-enal | 3601 | 11549 | 255-126-0 | 12.079 | 2-ethylidenmethional | 2-[(methylsulfanyl)methyl]but-2-enal | |

12.080 | 20 | 108-98-5 | thiofenol | 3616 | 11585 | 203-635-3 | 12.080 | benzenthiol, fenylmerkaptan | | |

12.081 | 20 | 150-60-7 | dibenzyldisulfid | 3617 | | 205-764-0 | 12.081 | | dibenzyldisulfan | |

12.082 | 20 | 118-72-9 | 2,6-(dimethyl)thiofenol | 3666 | | 204-272-3 | 12.082 | | 2,6-dimethylbenzen-1-thiol | |

12.083 | 20 | 5466-06-8 | ethyl-3-merkaptopropanoát | 3677 | | 226-771-5 | 12.083 | ethyl-3-thiopropanoát | ethyl-3-sulfanylpropanoát | |

12.084 | 20 | 22014-48-8 | ethyl-4-(methylthio)butanoát | 3681 | | 244-720-5 | 12.084 | | ethyl-4-(methylsulfanyl)butanoát | |

12.085 | 20 | 71159-90-5 | p-menth-1-en-8-thiol | 3700 | | 275-223-1 | 12.085 | | dimethyl(4-methylcyklohex-3-en-1-yl)methanthiol | |

12.086 | 20 | 51534-66-8 | methyl-2-(methylthio)butanoát | 3708 | | 255-648-9 | 12.086 | | methyl-2-(methylsulfanyl)butanoát | |

12.087 | 20 | 65887-08-3 | 2-(methylthiomethyl)-3-fenylpropenal | 3717 | | | 12.087 | | 3-fenyl-2-[(methylsulfanyl)methyl]propanal | |

12.088 | 20 | 592-88-1 | diallylsulfid | 2042 | 11846 | 209-775-1 | 12.088 | | diallydisulfan | |

12.089 | 20 | | ethyl-3-(methylthio)butanoát | 3836 | 11475 | | 12.089 | | ethyl-3-(methylsulfanyl)butanoát | |

12.090 | 20 | | propyl-methanthiosulfinát | | 11571 | | 12.090 | | | |

12.091 | 20 | 6588-78-9 | 10-merkaptopinan | 3503 | 2332 | 229-520-8 | 12.091 | | 2,6,6-trimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]heptan-10-thiol | 5 |

12.092 | 20 | | diallylpentasulfid | 3533 | 11912 | | 12.092 | | diallylpentasulfan | |

12.093 | 20 | | diallylhexasulfid | 3533 | 11912 | | 12.093 | | diallylhexasulfan | |

12.094 | 20 | | diallylheptasulfid | 3533 | 11912 | | 12.094 | | diallylheptasulfan | |

12.096 | 20 | 10152-76-8 | allyl(methyl)sulfid | | 11429 | 233-422-0 | 12.096 | | allyl(methyl)sulfan | |

12.097 | 20 | 90195-83-8 | allyl(methyl)tetrasulfid | | | | 12.097 | | allyl(methyl)tetrasulfan | |

12.098 | 20 | 33368-82-0 | allyl(prop-1-enyl)disulfid | | 11433 | | 12.098 | | allyl(prop-1-en-1-yl)disulfan | |

12.099 | 20 | 33922-70-2 | allyl(propyl)sulfid | | 11434 | | 12.099 | (prop-2-enyl)thiopropan | allyl(propyl)sulfan | |

12.100 | 20 | 33922-73-5 | allyl(propyl)trisulfid | | 11435 | | 12.100 | | allyl(propyl)trisulfan | |

12.101 | 20 | 41820-22-8 | allyl-thiopropanoát | 3329 | 11436 | | 12.101 | allyl-thiopropionát | | |

12.102 | 30 | 622-78-6 | benzyl-isothiokyanát | | 11863 | 210-753-9 | 12.102 | benzylisothiokyanát | 2-isothiokyanatotoluen | |

12.103 | 20 | 1191-08-8 | butan-1,4-dithiol | | | 214-728-3 | 12.103 | | | |

12.104 | 20 | 513-53-1 | butan-2-thiol | | | 208-165-2 | 12.104 | sek-butylmerkaptan | | |

12.105 | 20 | 34322-09-3 | S-2-butyl-3-methylbut-2-enthioát | | | 251-938-4 | 12.105 | | S-sek-butyl-3-methylbut-2-enthioát | |

12.106 | 20 | 2432-91-9 | S-2-butyl-3-methylbutanthioát | | | 219-416-0 | 12.106 | | S-sek-butyl-3-methylbutanthioát | |

12.107 | 30 | 592-82-5 | butyl-isothiokyanát | | 11488 | 209-770-4 | 12.107 | butylisothiokyanát | 4-isothiokyanatobut-1-en | |

12.108 | 20 | 68084-03-7 | diisopentyl-thiomalát | | 11454 | 268-416-7 | 12.108 | bis(3-methylbutyl)-merkaptosukcinát, diisopentyl-sulfanylsukcinát | bis(3-methylbutyl)-sulfanylsukcinát | |

12.109 | 20 | 4253-89-8 | diisopropyldisulfid | 3827 | 11455 | 224-225-0 | 12.109 | | diisopropyldisulfan | |

12.110 | 20 | 2444-49-7 | diallyltetrasulfid | | 11449 | 219-485-7 | 12.110 | | diallyltetrasulfan | |

12.111 | 20 | 629-45-8 | dibutyldisulfid | | | 211-091-3 | 12.111 | | dibutyldisulfan | |

12.112 | 20 | 5943-31-7 | dibutyltrisulfid | | | | 12.112 | | dibutyltrisulfan | |

12.113 | 20 | 352-93-2 | diethylsulfid | 3825 | 11450 | 206-526-9 | 12.113 | | diethylsulfan | |

12.114 | 20 | 3600-24-6 | diethyltrisulfid | | 11451 | 222-754-1 | 12.114 | | diethyltrisulfan | |

12.115 | 20 | 420-12-2 | ethylensulfid | | | 206-993-9 | 12.115 | | | |

12.116 | 20 | 5756-24-1 | dimethyltetrasulfid | | 11459 | 227-278-8 | 12.116 | | dimethyltetrasulfan | |

12.117 | 20 | 872-10-6 | dipentylsulfid | | | 212-820-8 | 12.117 | | dipentylsulfan | |

12.118 | 20 | 1618-26-4 | 2,4-dithiapentan | 3878 | | 216-577-9 | 12.118 | bis(methylthio)methan, formaldehyd-dimethyldithioacetal | bis(methylsulfanyl)methan | |

12.119 | 20 | 112-55-0 | dodecylmerkaptan | | | 203-984-1 | 12.119 | | dodekan-1-thiol | |

12.120 | 20 | 68398-18-5 | 2,8-epithio-p-menthan | | | 269-970-2 | 12.120 | 4,7,7-trimethyl-6-thiabicyklo[3.2.1]oktan | | |

12.121 | 20 | 23747-43-5 | ethyl-2-(methyldithio)propanoát | 3834 | 11471 | 245-862-0 | 12.121 | ethyl-α-(methyldithio)propanoát | ethyl-2-(methyldisulfanyl)propanoát | |

12.122 | 20 | 4455-13-4 | ethyl-2-(methylthio)acetát | 3835 | | 224-700-2 | 12.122 | ethyl-2-methylthioacetát | ethy-(methylsulfanyl)acetát | |

12.124 | 20 | 638-46-0 | ethyl(butyl)sulfid | | | | 12.124 | | butyl(ethyl)sulfan | |

12.125 | 20 | 2432-42-0 | ethyl-propanthioát | | | 219-405-0 | 12.125 | S-ethyl-propanthioát | | |

12.126 | 20 | 30453-31-7 | ethyl(propyl)disulfid | | 11478 | | 12.126 | | (ethyl)propyldisulfan | |

12.127 | 20 | 4110-50-3 | ethyl(propyl)sulfid | | 11479 | 223-890-4 | 12.127 | | (ethyl)propylsulfan | |

12.128 | 20 | 7341-17-5 | 2-ethylhexan-1-thiol | 3833 | | 230-854-1 | 12.128 | | | |

12.129 | 20 | 18721-61-4 | 3-(ethylthio)propan-1-ol | | | 242-534-9 | 12.129 | 3-(ethylthio)propanol | 3-(ethylsulfanyl)propan-1-ol | |

12.130 | 20 | 1639-09-4 | heptan-1-thiol | | 11485 | 216-678-8 | 12.130 | heptylmerkaptan | | |

12.131 | 20 | 2917-26-2 | hexadekan-1-thiol | | | 220-846-6 | 12.131 | hexadecylmerkaptan, cetylmerkaptan | | |

12.132 | 20 | 111-31-9 | hexan-1-thiol | 3842 | 11487 | 203-857-0 | 12.132 | hexylmerkaptan | | |

12.133 | 20 | 93762-35-7 | isopentyl-3-(methylthio)propanoát | | | 297-748-5 | 12.133 | | 3-methylbutyl-3-(methylsulfanyl)propanoát | 5 |

12.134 | 20 | 34365-79-2 | S-isopropyl-3-methylbut-2-enthioát | | | 251-966-7 | 12.134 | | S-isopropyl-thioseneciát, S-isopropyl-3-methylthiokrotonát | |

12.135 | 20 | 26473-47-2 | 3-merkapto-2-methylpropanová kyselina | | | 247-726-6 | 12.135 | 3-merkaptoisobutanová kyselina | 3-sulfanyl-2-methylpropanová kyselina | |

12.136 | 20 | 2464-23-5 | 3-merkapto-2-oxopropanová kyselina | | | | 12.136 | | 2-oxo-3-sulfanylpropanová kyselina | |

12.137 | 20 | 34300-94-2 | 3-merkapto-3-methylbutan-1-ol | 3854 | | | 12.137 | 3-merkapto-3-methyl-1-butanol | 3-methyl-3-sulfanylbutan-1-ol | |

12.138 | 20 | 50746-10-6 | 3-merkapto-3-methylbutyl-formiát | 3855 | | | 12.138 | 3-merkapto-3-methylbutyl-formiát | 3-methyl-3-sulfanylbutyl-formiát | |

12.139 | 20 | 7217-59-6 | 2-merkaptoanisol | | 11880 | 230-605-7 | 12.139 | thioguajakol | 2-methoxybenzen-1-thiol | |

12.140 | 20 | 17042-24-9 | 2-merkaptopentan-3-on | | | | 12.140 | | 2-sulfanylpentan-3-on | |

12.141 | 20 | 23832-18-0 | 2-merkaptopinan | 3503 | 2332 | 245-900-6 | 12.141 | pinan-2-thiol | 2,6,6-trimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]heptan-2-thiol | 5 |

12.142 | 20 | 72361-41-2 | 3-merkaptopinan | 3503 | 2332 | 276-598-4 | 12.142 | | 2,6,6-trimethylbicyklo[3.1.1]heptan-3-thiol | 5 |

12.143 | 20 | 24653-75-6 | 1-merkaptopropan-2-on | 3856 | | | 12.143 | merkaptoaceton | 1-sulfanylpropan-2-on | |

12.144 | 20 | 107-96-0 | 3-merkaptopropanová kyselina | | 11709 | 203-537-0 | 12.144 | | 3-sulfanylpropanová kyselina | |

12.145 | 20 | 94087-83-9 | 4-methoxy-2-methylbutan-2-thiol | 3785 | | 301-977-9 | 12.145 | | | |

12.146 | 20 | 16630-66-3 | methyl-(methylthio)acetát | | 11525 | 240-683-4 | 12.146 | | methyl-(methylsulfanyl)acetát | |

12.148 | 20 | 61122-71-2 | S-methyl-4-methylpentanthioát | 3867 | | | 12.148 | | | |

12.149 | 20 | 1534-08-3 | S-methyl-acetothioát | 3876 | | 216-252-1 | 12.149 | S-methyl-thioacetát | | |

12.150 | 20 | 5925-68-8 | S-methyl-benzothioát | 3857 | 11505 | 227-656-2 | 12.150 | | S-methyl-thiobenzoát | |

12.151 | 20 | 60779-24-0 | methyl(butyl)disulfid | | | | 12.151 | butyl(methyl)disulfid | butyl(methyl)disulfid | |

12.152 | 20 | 628-29-5 | methyl(butyl)sulfid | | | 211-034-2 | 12.152 | | butyl(methyl)sulfan | |

12.153 | 20 | 20333-39-5 | methyl(ethyl)disulfid | | 11470 | | 12.153 | | ethyl(methyl)disulfan | |

12.154 | 20 | 624-89-5 | methyl(ethyl)sulfid | 3860 | 11474 | 210-868-4 | 12.154 | | ethyl(methyl)sulfan | |

12.155 | 20 | 31499-71-5 | ethyl(methyl)trisulfid | 3861 | | | 12.155 | | ethyl(methyl)trisulfan | |

12.156 | 20 | 20756-86-9 | S-methyl-hexanthioát | 3862 | 11515 | | 12.156 | S-methyl-thiokapronát | | |

12.157 | 20 | 23747-45-7 | S-methyl-isopentanthioát | 3864 | 11506 | 245-863-6 | 12.157 | S-methyl-thioisovalerát | S-methyl-3-methylbutanthioát | |

12.158 | 20 | 5897-45-0 | methyl(isoprenyl)sulfid | | | | 12.158 | | | |

12.159 | 20 | 2949-92-0 | methyl-methanthiosulfonát | | 11520 | 220-970-0 | 12.159 | | | |

12.160 | 20 | 42075-43-4 | S-methyl-pentanthioát | | | | 12.160 | S-methyl-thiovalerát | | |

12.161 | 20 | 14173-25-2 | methyl(fenyl)disulfid | 3872 | 11532 | 238-020-9 | 12.161 | fenyl(methyl)disulfid | fenyl(methyl)disulfan | |

12.162 | 20 | 100-68-5 | methyl(fenyl)sulfid | 3873 | 11533 | 202-878-2 | 12.162 | thioanisol, (methylsulfanyl)benzen | methyl(fenyl)sulfan | |

12.163 | 20 | 10152-77-9 | methyl(prop-1-enyl)sulfid | | 11538 | | 12.163 | methyl(prop-1-en-1-yl)sulfid | methyl(prop-1-en-1-yl)sulfan | |

12.164 | 20 | 33368-80-8 | methyl(prop-1-enyl)trisulfid | | 11539 | | 12.164 | methyl(prop-1-en-1-yl)trisulfid | methyl(prop-1-en-1-yl)trisulfan | |

12.165 | 20 | 5925-75-7 | S-methyl-propanthioát | | | | 12.165 | S-methyl-thiopropionát | | |

12.166 | 20 | 3877-15-4 | methyl(propyl)sulfid | | 11541 | 223-403-5 | 12.166 | | methyl(propyl)sulfan | |

12.167 | 20 | 87148-08-1 | methyl(propyl)tetrasulfid | | | 289-302-3 | 12.167 | | methyl(propyl)tetrasulfan | |

12.168 | 20 | 67952-60-7 | 2-methyl-2-(methyldithio)propanal | 3866 | | 267-914-1 | 12.168 | | 2-methyl-2-(methyldisulfanyl)propanal | |

12.169 | 20 | 19872-52-7 | 2-methyl-4-oxopentan-2-thiol | | 11500 | 243-386-8 | 12.169 | 4-merkapto-4-methylpentan-2-on | | |

12.170 | 20 | 5287-45-6 | 3-methylbut-2-en-1-thiol | 3896 | 11511 | 12.170 | | | | |

12.171 | 20 | 541-31-1 | 3-methylbutan-1-thiol | 3858 | | 208-774-3 | 12.171 | isopentylmerkaptan | | |

12.172 | 20 | 1679-09-0 | 2-methylbutan-2-thiol | | | 216-843-4 | 12.172 | | | |

12.173 | 20 | 513-44-0 | 2-methylpropan-1-thiol | | 11536 | 208-162-6 | 12.173 | isobutylmerkaptan | | |

12.174 | 20 | 75-66-1 | 2-methylpropan-2-thiol | | 11537 | 200-890-2 | 12.174 | terc-butylmerkaptan | | |

12.175 | 20 | 67-68-5 | methylsulfinylmethan | 3875 | | 200-664-3 | 12.175 | dimethylsulfoxid, DMSO | | |

12.176 | 20 | 583-92-6 | 4-(methylthio)-2-oxobutanová kyselina | 3881 | | | 12.176 | | 4-(methylsulfanyl)-2-oxobutanová kyselina | |

12.177 | 20 | 32637-94-8 | 8-(methylthio)-p-menthan-3-on | | | | 12.177 | 8-(methlysulfanyl)-p-menthan-3-on | 5-methyl-2-[2-(methylsulfanyl)propan-2-yl]cyklohexan-1-on | |

12.178 | 20 | 16630-65-2 | 3-(methylthio)butanová kyselina | | | 240-682-9 | 12.178 | | 3-(methylsulfanyl)buranová kyselina | |

12.179 | 20 | 5271-38-5 | 2-(methylthio)ethan-1-ol | | 11545 | 226-090-3 | 12.179 | 2-(methylthio)ethanol, (2-hydroxyethyl)methylsulfid | 2-(methylsulfanyl)ethan-1-ol | |

12.180 | 20 | 31331-53-0 | 1-(methylthio)ethan-1-thiol | | | | 12.180 | | 1-(methylsulfanyl)ethan-1-thiol | |

12.181 | 20 | 66735-69-1 | 1-(methylthio)pentan-3-on | | | | 12.181 | | 1-(methylsulfanyl)pentan-3-on | |

12.182 | 20 | 58809-73-7 | 2-(methylthio)propanová kyselina | | | 261-450-3 | 12.182 | | 2-(methylsulfanyl)propanová kyselina | |

12.183 | 20 | 646-01-5 | 3-(methylthio)propanová kyselina | | | 211-460-9 | 12.183 | | 3-(methylsulfanyl)propanová kyselina | |

12.184 | 20 | 84559-98-8 | 3-(methylthio)propyl-3-methylbutanoát | | | 283-185-2 | 12.184 | 3-(methylthio)propyl-isovalerát | 2-(methylsulfanyl)propyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

12.185 | 20 | 16630-60-7 | 3-(methylthio)propyl-butanoát | | | 240-680-8 | 12.185 | 3-(methylsulfanyl)propyl-butyrát | 3-(methylsulfanyl)propyl-butanoát | |

12.186 | 30 | 4104-45-4 | 3-(methylthio)propylamin | | | 223-875-2 | 12.186 | 3-(methylsulfanyl)propylamin | 3-(methylsulfanyl)propan-1-amin | |

12.187 | 20 | 74758-93-3 | methylthiomethyl-butanoát | 3879 | | 277-989-2 | 12.187 | (methylsulfanyl)methyl-butyrát | (methylsulfanyl)methyl-butanoát | |

12.188 | 20 | 74758-91-1 | methylthiomethyl-hexanoát | 3880 | | 277-988-7 | 12.188 | (methylsulfanyl)methyl-kapronát | (methylsulfanyl)methyl-hexanoát | |

12.189 | 20 | 77974-85-7 | S-(methylthiomethyl)-2-methylpropanthioát | | | | 12.189 | | S-[(methylsulfanyl)methyl]-2-methylpropanthioát | |

12.190 | 20 | 25103-58-6 | 2,4,4,6,6-pentamethylheptan-2-thiol | | | 246-619-1 | 12.190 | terc-dodecylmerkaptan | | 5 |

12.191 | 20 | 110-66-7 | pentan-1-thiol | | | 203-789-1 | 12.191 | pentylmerkaptan | | |

12.192 | 20 | 2084-19-7 | pentan-2-thiol | 3792 | | 218-224-4 | 12.192 | 1-methylbutylmerkaptan | | |

12.193 | 30 | 2257-09-2 | fenethyl-isothiokyanát | | 11495 | 218-855-5 | 12.193 | 2-fenylethylisothiokyanát | 1-fenyl-2-isothiokyanatoethan | |

12.194 | 20 | 4410-99-5 | 2-fenylethan-1-thiol | 3894 | 11561 | 224-563-9 | 12.194 | fenethylmerkaptan | | |

12.195 | 20 | 33049-93-3 | S-prenyl-thioacetát | 3895 | | | 12.195 | | S-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)-thioacetát | |

12.196 | 20 | 53626-94-1 | S-prenyl-thioisobutyrát | | | | 12.196 | S-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)-thioisobutyrát | S-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)-2-methylpropanthioát | |

12.197 | 20 | 75-33-2 | propan-2-thiol | 3897 | 11565 | 200-861-4 | 12.197 | isopropylmerkaptan | | |

12.198 | 20 | | 2,3,5-trithiahexan | | | | 12.198 | methyl[(methylsulfanyl)methyl]disulfid | methyl[(methylsulfanyl)methyl]disulfan | |

12.199 | 20 | 507-09-5 | ethanthiová kyselina | | | 208-063-8 | 12.199 | thiooctová kyselina | | |

12.200 | 20 | 14252-42-7 | 1,1-bis(ethylthio)ethan | | | | 12.200 | acetaldehyd-diethyldithioacetal | 1,1-bis(ethylsulfanyl)ethan | |

12.201 | 20 | 57074-34-7 | 8-acetylthio-p-menthanon-3 | 3809 | | 304-949-4 | 12.201 | | S-[(2-(4-methyl-2-oxocyklohexyl)propan-2-yl]-thioacetát | |

12.203 | 20 | 74586-09-7 | methylthio 2-(acetyloxy)propanoát | 3788 | | 277-931-6 | 12.203 | | S-methyl-2-acetoxypropanthioát | |

12.204 | 20 | 623-51-8 | ethyl-2-merkaptoacetát | | | 210-800-3 | 12.204 | | ethyl-2-sulfanylacetát | |

12.205 | 20 | 4124-63-4 | merkaptoacetaldehyd | | | 223-929-5 | 12.205 | 2-merkaptoethanal | sulfanylacetaldehyd | |

12.211 | 20 | | but-1-enyl(methyl)sulfid | 3820 | | | 12.211 | (but-1-en-2-yl)methylsulfid | (but-1-en-2-yl)methylsulfan | |

12.212 | 20 | | ethyl-5-(methylthio)valerát | | | | 12.212 | | ethyl-5-(methylsulfanyl)pentanoát | |

12.213 | 20 | | S-ethyl-benzothioát | | | | 12.213 | | S-ethyl-thiobenzoát | |

12.214 | 20 | 127931-21-9 | isobutyl-3-(methylthio)butyrát | | | | 12.214 | | 2-isobutyl-3-(methylsulfanyl)butanoát | |

12.215 | 20 | | S-isopropyl-3-methylbutanthioát | | | | 12.215 | S-isopropyl-thioisovalerát | | |

12.217 | 20 | | 3-merkaptohexan-1-ol | 3850 | | | 12.217 | | 3-sulfanylhexan-1-ol | |

12.218 | 20 | | methyl(3-methylbut-1-enyl)disulfid | 3865 | | | 12.218 | methyl(3-methylbut-1-en-1-yl)disulfid | methyl(3-methylbut-1-en-1-yl)disulfan | |

12.219 | 20 | | 5-methylthio-2-(methylthio)methylpent-2-enal | | | | 12.219 | | 5-(methylsulfanyl)-2-[(methylsulfanyl)methyl]pent-2-enal | |

12.220 | 20 | | 2,2,4,6,6-pentamethylheptan-4-thiol | | | | 12.220 | | | |

12.221 | 20 | | S-prenyl-thioisopentanoát | | | | 12.221 | S-prenyl-thioisovalerát | 3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl-3-methylbutanthioát | |

12.225 | 20 | | ethyl-3-methylthio-2-methylpropanoát | | | | 12.225 | | ethyl-2-methyl-(methylsulfanyl)propanoát | |

12.227 | 20 | | methylthio-2-(propanyloxy)propanoát | 3790 | | | 12.227 | S-methyl-2-propoxythiopropionát | S-methyl-2-propoxypropanthioát | |

12.229 | 20 | | 3-merkapto-2-methylbutyl-formiát | | | | 12.229 | | 2-methyl-3-sulfanylbutyl-formiát | |

12.234 | 20 | 136954-20-6 | 3-merkaptohexyl-acetát | 3851 | | | 12.234 | | 3-sulfanylhexyl-acetát | |

12.235 | 20 | 136954-21-7 | 3-merkaptohexyl-butyrát | 3852 | | | 12.235 | | 3-sulfanylhexyl-butyrát | |

12.236 | 20 | 51755-85-2 | 3-(methylthio)hexyl-acetát | 3789 | | | 12.236 | | 3-(methylsulfanyl)hexyl-acetát | |

12.237 | 20 | 16630-55-0 | 3-(methylthio)propyl-acetát | 3883 | | 240-679-2 | 12.237 | | 3-(methylsulfanyl)propyl-acetát | |

13.001 | 14 | 620-02-0 | 5-methylfurfural | 2702 | 119 | 210-622-6 | 13.001 | 5-methylfuran-2-karbaldehyd | 5-methyl-2-furaldehyd | |

13.002 | 14 | 611-13-2 | methyl-2-furoát | 2703 | 358 | 210-254-6 | 13.002 | methyl-furan-2-karboxylát | methyl-2-furoát | |

13.003 | 14 | 615-10-1 | propyl-2-furoát | 2946 | 359 | 210-407-7 | 13.003 | propyl-furan-2-karboxylát | propyl-2-furoát | |

13.004 | 3 | 4208-49-5 | allyl-2-furoát | 2030 | 360 | 224-128-3 | 13.004 | allyl-furan-2-karboxylát, prop-2-en-1-yl-furan-2-karboxylát, prop-2-en-1-yl-2-furoát | allyl-2-futoát | |

13.005 | 14 | 39251-86-0 | hexyl-2-furoát | 2571 | 361 | 254-377-3 | 13.005 | hexyl-furan-2-karboxylát | hexyl-2-furoát | |

13.006 | 14 | 7149-32-8 | fenethyl-2-furoát | 2865 | 362 | | 13.006 | 2-fenylethyl-2-furoát | fenethyl-2-furoát | |

13.007 | 13 | 3208-40-0 | 2-(3-fenylpropyl)tetrahydrofuran | 2898 | 489 | 221-715-6 | 13.007 | 2-hydrocinnamyltetrahydrofuran, α-(3-fenylpropyl)-tetrahydrofuran | | |

13.009 | 11 | 119-84-6 | 3,4-dihydrokumarin | 2381 | 535 | 204-354-9 | 13.009 | 3,4-dihydrokumarin | 2H-chroman-2-on | |

13.010 | 13 | 3658-77-3 | 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethylfuran-3(2H)-on | 3174 | 536 | 222-908-8 | 13.010 | | fufranol | |

13.011 | 14 | 623-20-1 | ethyl-furfurakrylát | 545 | | 210-778-5 | 13.011 | | ethyl-3-(2-furyl)prop-2-enoát | |

13.012 | 11 | 92-48-8 | 6-methylkumarin | 2699 | 579 | 202-158-8 | 13.012 | lakton 3-(5-methyl-2-hydroxyfenyl)propenové kyseliny | 6-methyl-2H-chromen-2-on | |

13.015 | 14 | 28588-73-0 | bis(2,5-dimethyl-3-furyl)disulfid | 3476 | 722 | 249-093-1 | 13.015 | | bis(2,5-dimethyl-3-furyl)disulfan | |

13.016 | 14 | 28588-75-2 | bis(2-methyl-3-furyl)disulfid | 3259 | 723 | 249-095-2 | 13.016 | | bis(2-methyl-3-furyl)disulfan | |

13.017 | 14 | 28588-76-3 | bis(2-methyl-3-furyl)tetrasulfid | 3260 | 724 | | 13.017 | | bis(2,5-dimethyl-3-furyl)tetrasulfan | |

13.018 | 14 | 98-01-1 | furfural | 2489 | 2014 | 202-627-7 | 13.018 | fural, furan-2-karbaldehyd | 2-furalaldehyd | 2, 3 |

13.019 | 14 | 98-00-0 | furfurylalkohol | 2491 | 2023 | 202-626-1 | 13.019 | furan-2-methanol | (2-furyl)methanol | |

13.020 | 13 | 97-99-4 | tetrahydrofurfurylalkohol | 3056 | 2029 | 202-625-6 | 13.020 | tetrahydrofuran-2-methanol | (tetrahydro-2-furyl)methanol | |

13.021 | 14 | 7779-66-0 | isopentyl-4-(2-furan)butyrát | 2070 | 2080 | | 13.021 | 3-methylbutyl-furan-2-butyrát | 3-methylbutyl-4-(2-furyl)butanoát | |

13.022 | 14 | 10031-90-0 | ethyl-3(2-furyl)propanoát | 2435 | 2091 | 233-097-5 | 13.022 | ethyl-furan-2-propionát | ethyl-3-(2-furyl)propanoát | |

13.023 | 14 | 7779-67-1 | isopentyl-3-(2-furan)propanoát | 2071 | 2092 | 231-932-8 | 13.023 | isopentyl-furan-2-propanoát | 3-methylbutyl-3-(2-furyl)propanoát | |

13.024 | 14 | 105-01-1 | isobutyl-3-(2-furyl)propanoát | 2198 | 2093 | 203-261-0 | 13.024 | isobutyl-furan-2-propanoát | 2-methylpropyl-3-(2-furyl)propanoát | |

13.025 | 14 | 1334-82-3 | pentyl-2-furoát | 2072 | 2109 | 215-616-7 | 13.025 | pentyl-furan-2-karboxylát | | |

13.026 | 14 | 98-02-2 | 2-furanmethanthiol | 2493 | 2202 | 202-628-2 | 13.026 | furan-2-methanthiol, α-furfurylmerkaptan | (2-furyl)methanthiol | |

13.027 | 12 | 65504-96-3 | 2-pentyl-5 nebo 6-keto-1,4-dioxan | 2076 | 2205 | | 13.027 | | 5-pentyl-1,4-dioxan-2-on a 6-pentyl-1,4-dioxan-2-on | |

13.028 | 12 | 65504-45-2 | 2-butyl-5 nebo 6-keto-1,4-dioxan | 2204 | 2206 | | 13.028 | 5-butyl-1,4-dioxan-2-on a 6-butyl-1,4-dioxan-2-on | 5-butyl-1,4-dioxan-2-on a 6-butyl-1,4-dioxan-2-on | |

13.029 | 14 | 625-86-5 | 2,5-dimethylfuran | | 2208 | 210-914-3 | 13.029 | | | |

13.030 | 14 | 534-22-5 | 2-methylfuran | | 2209 | 208-594-5 | 13.030 | | | |

13.031 | 14 | 4265-16-1 | 2-benzofurankarbaldehyd | 3128 | 2247 | 224-248-6 | 13.031 | | 1H-benzofuran-2-karbaldehyd | |

13.032 | 14 | 1883-78-9 | furfuryl(isopropyl)sulfid | 3161 | 2248 | | 13.032 | | | |

13.033 | 14 | 13678-68-7 | S-furfuryl-acetothioát | 3162 | 2250 | 237-173-9 | 13.033 | S-furfuryl-thioacetát | S-(2-furylmethyl)-acetothioát | |

13.034 | 14 | 623-30-3 | 3-(2-furyl)akrylaldehyd | 2494 | 2252 | 210-785-3 | 13.034 | 3-(2-furyl)akrolein, furan-2-propenal | 3-(2-furyl)prop-2-enal | |

13.035 | 14 | 494-90-6 | menthofuran | 3235 | 2265 | 207-795-5 | 13.035 | 3,9-epoxy-p-mentha-3,8-dien | 3,6-dimethyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-benzofuran | 2, 3 |

13.036 | 14 | 623-18-7 | methyl-furfurakrylát | 2267 | | | 13.036 | | methyl-3-(2-furyl)prop-2-enoát | |

13.037 | 16 | 16409-43-1 | 2-(2-methylprop-1-enyl)-4-methyltetrahydropyran | 3236 | 2269 | 240-457-5 | 13.037 | | 4-methyl-2-(2-methylprop-1-en-1-yl)tetrahydropyran | |

13.038 | 14 | 50626-02-3 | 2-fenyl-3-karbethoxyfuran | 3468 | 2309 | 256-663-3 | 13.038 | ethyl-2-fenylfuran-3-karboxylát | ethyl-2-fenyl-3-furoát | |

13.039 | 30 | 22694-96-8 | 2,4,5-trimethyl-δ-3-oxazolin | 3525 | 2319 | | 13.039 | 2,4,5-trimethyl-2,5-dihydrooxazol | | |

13.040 | 14 | 65505-16-0 | 2,5-dimethyl-3-thiofuroylfuran | 3481 | 2323 | 265-796-6 | 13.040 | S-(2,5-dimethyl-3-furyl)thio-2-furoát | | |

13.041 | 14 | 55764-28-8 | 2,5-dimethyl-3-(isopentylthio)furan | 3482 | 2324 | 259-802-6 | 13.041 | | 2,5-dimethyl-3-[(3-methylbutyl)sulfanyl]furan | 5 |

13.042 | 13 | 3188-00-9 | 4,5-dihydro-2-methylfuran-3(2H)-on | 3373 | 2338 | 221-685-4 | 13.042 | | 2-methyltetrahydrofuran-3-on | |

13.043 | 14 | 770-27-4 | furfuryliden-2-butanal | 2492 | 11885 | 212-221-1 | 13.043 | 2-furfurylidenbutyraldehyd | 2-ethyl-3-(2-furyl)propenal | |

13.044 | 14 | 623-15-4 | 4-(2-furyl)but-3-en-2-on | 2495 | 11838 | 210-774-3 | 13.044 | furfurylidenaceton | | |

13.045 | 14 | 6975-60-6 | 1-(2-furyl)propan-2-on | 2496 | 11837 | 230-234-0 | 13.045 | furfuryl(methyl)keton, (2-furyl)aceton | | |

13.046 | 14 | 874-66-8 | 3-(2-furyl)-2-methylprop-2-enal | 2704 | 11878 | 212-866-9 | 13.046 | 2-furfurylidenpropionaldehyd | 3-(2-furyl)-2-methylpropenal | |

13.047 | 14 | 623-22-3 | propyl-3-(2-furyl)akrylát | 2945 | 11842 | 210-780-6 | 13.047 | propyl-furan-2-akrylát | propyl-3-(2-furyl)prop-2-enoát | |

13.048 | 13 | 2217-33-6 | tetrahydrofurfuryl-butyrát | 3057 | 11841 | 211-297-3 | 13.048 | (tetrahydro-2-furyl)methyl-butanoát | | |

13.049 | 13 | 637-65-0 | tetrahydrofurfuryl-propanoát | 3058 | 11843 | 218-710-6 | 13.049 | (tetrahydro-2-furyl)methyl-propanoát | | |

13.050 | 14 | 4437-20-1 | difurfuryldisulfid | 3146 | 11480 | 224-649-6 | 13.050 | difurfuryldisulfid | difurfuryldisulfan | |

13.051 | 14 | 59020-90-5 | 2-furfuryl-thioformiát | 3158 | 11770 | 261-563-8 | 13.051 | furfuryl-thioformiát | | |

13.052 | 14 | 13679-46-4 | furfuryl(methyl)ether | 3159 | 10944 | 237-176-5 | 13.052 | | | |

13.053 | 14 | 1438-91-1 | methyl(furfuryl)sulfid | 3160 | 11482 | 215-874-0 | 13.053 | furfuryl(methyl)sulfid | | |

13.054 | 14 | 1192-62-7 | 2-acetylfuran | 3163 | 11653 | 214-757-1 | 13.054 | | (2-furyl)methylketon | |

13.055 | 14 | 28588-74-1 | 2-methylfuran-3-thiol | 3188 | 11678 | 249-094-7 | 13.055 | (2-methyl-3-furyl)merkaptan | | |

13.056 | 14 | 13678-67-6 | difurfurylsulfid | 3238 | 11438 | 237-172-3 | 13.056 | difurfurylsulfan | | |

13.057 | 14 | 13678-60-9 | furfuryl-isovalerát | 3283 | 10642 | 237-171-8 | 13.057 | 2-furylmethyl-3-methylbutanoát | furfuryl-3-methylbutanoát | |

13.058 | 14 | 31704-80-0 | 3-(5-methyl-2-furyl)butanal | 3307 | 10355 | 250-771-4 | 13.058 | 3-(5-methyl-2-furyl)butyraldehyd | | |

13.059 | 14 | 3777-69-3 | 2-pentylfuran | 3317 | 10966 | 223-234-7 | 13.059 | | | |

13.060 | 13 | 65505-25-1 | tetrahydrofurfuryl-cinnamát | 3320 | 11821 | 265-799-2 | 13.060 | (tetrahydro-2-furyl)methyl-3-fenylpropenoát, tetrahydrofurfuryl-cinnamát | tetrahydrofurfuryl-3-fenylprop-2-enoát | |

13.061 | 14 | 4437-22-3 | difurfurylether | 3337 | 10930 | | 13.061 | | | |

13.062 | 14 | 623-19-8 | furfuryl-propanoát | 3346 | 10646 | 210-776-4 | 13.062 | furfuryl-propionát | | |

13.063 | 14 | 59020-85-8 | S-furfuryl-propanthioát | 3347 | 11484 | 261-562-2 | 13.063 | furfuryl-thiopropanoát | | |

13.064 | 14 | 57500-00-2 | methyl(furfuryl)disulfid | 3362 | 11513 | 260-773-7 | 13.064 | furfuryl(methyl)disulfid, (2-furylmethyl)methyldisulfid | furfuryl(methyl)disulfid | |

13.065 | 14 | 13678-59-6 | 2-methyl-5-(methylthio)furan | 3366 | 11550 | 237-170-2 | 13.065 | methyl(5-methyl-2-furyl)sulfid | 2-methyl-5-(methylsulfanyl)furan | |

13.066 | 14 | 10599-70-9 | 3-acetyl-2,5-dimethylfuran | 3391 | 10921 | 234-216-3 | 13.066 | 2,5-dimethyl-3-acetylfuran | (2,5-dimethyl-3-furyl)methylketon | |

13.067 | 14 | 39252-03-4 | furfuryl-oktanoát | 3396 | 10645 | 254-381-5 | 13.067 | furfuryl-kaprylát | | |

13.068 | 14 | 36701-01-6 | furfuryl-valerát | 3397 | 10647 | 253-160-0 | 13.068 | furfuryl-pentanoát | | |

13.069 | 14 | 3777-71-7 | 2-heptylfuran | 3401 | 10952 | 223-236-8 | 13.069 | | | |

13.070 | 14 | 14360-50-0 | 2-hexanoylfuran | 3418 | 11180 | 238-333-0 | 13.070 | (2-furyl)pentylketon | | |

13.071 | 14 | 55764-23-3 | 2,5-dimethylfuran-3-thiol | 3451 | 11457 | 259-800-5 | 13.071 | 2,5-dimethyl-3-merkaptofuran, 2,5-dimethyl-3-furylmerkaptan | | |

13.072 | 16 | 3738-00-9 | 1,5,5,9-tetramethyl-13-oxatricyklo[]tridekan | 3471 | 10514 | 223-118-6 | 13.072 | tetramethylperhydronaftofuran | 3a,6,6,9a-tetramethyldodekahydronafto[2,1-b]furan | |

13.073 | 14 | 39251-88-2 | oktyl-2-furoát | 3518 | 10864 | 254-378-9 | 13.073 | oktyl-furan-2-karboxylát | | |

13.074 | 14 | 3782-00-1 | 2,3-dimethylbenzofuran | 3535 | 11913 | 223-245-7 | 13.074 | | | |

13.075 | 14 | 61295-51-0 | 2,6-dimethyl-3-((2-methyl-3-furyl)thio)heptan-4-on | 3538 | 11915 | 262-692-2 | 13.075 | | 2,6-dimethyl-3-[(2-methyl-3-furyl)sulfanyl]heptan-4-on | |

13.076 | 6 | 65620-50-0 | 6-hydroxydihydrotheaspiran | 3549 | 11917 | | 13.076 | | 2,6,10,10-tetramethyl-1-oxaspiro[4.5]dekan-6-ol | |

13.077 | 14 | 61295-41-8 | 3-((2-methyl-3-furyl)thio)heptan-4-on | 3570 | 11922 | 262-690-1 | 13.077 | | 3-[(2-methyl-3-furyl)sulfanyl]heptan-4-on | |

13.078 | 14 | 61295-50-9 | 4-((2-methyl-3-furyl)thio)nonan-5-on | 3571 | 11923 | 262-691-7 | 13.078 | 4-[(2-methyl-3-furyl)sulfanyl]nonan-5-on | | |

13.079 | 14 | 65505-17-1 | 2-methyl-3-(methyldithio)furan | 3573 | 11924 | 265-797-1 | 13.079 | | 2-methyl-3-(methyldisulfanyl)furan | |

13.082 | 14 | 61197-09-9 | 2-methyl-3-(propyldithio)furan | 3607 | | 262-650-3 | 13.082 | | 2-methyl-3-(propyldisulfanyl)furan | |

13.083 | 14 | 1193-79-9 | 2-acetyl-5-methylfuran | 3609 | 11038 | 214-779-1 | 13.083 | methyl(5-methyl-2-furyl)keton | | |

13.084 | 13 | 27538-09-6 | 5-ethyl-4-hydroxy-2-methylfuran-3(2H)-on | 3623 | | 248-513-0 | 13.084 | | | 5 |

13.085 | 13 | 19322-27-1 | 4-hydroxy-5-methylfuran-3(2H)-on | 3635 | 11785 | 242-961-0 | 13.085 | | | |

13.086 | 14 | 26486-14-6 | 4,5-dihydro-2-methyl-3-thioacetoxyfuran | 3636 | | 247-731-3 | 13.086 | 2-methyl-4,5-dihydrofuran-3-thiol-acetát | S-(2-methyl-4,5-dihydro-3-furyl)-thioacetát | |

13.087 | 30 | 57893-27-3 | 6-acetoxydihydrotheaspiran | 3651 | | 261-005-3 | 13.087 | | 2,6,10,10-tetramethyl-1-oxaspiro[4.5]dekan-6-yl-acetát | |

13.088 | 16 | 1786-08-9 | 3,6-dihydro-4-methyl-2-(2-methylprop-1-en-1-yl)-2H-pyran | 3661 | 217-241-4 | | 13.088 | 4-methyl-2-(2-methylprop-1-en-1-yl)-3,6-dihydro-2H-pyran | | |

13.089 | 13 | 4077-47-8 | 2,5-dimethyl-4-methoxyfuran-3(2H)-on | 3664 | | 223-797-9 | 13.089 | mesifuran | 4-methoxy-2,5-dimethylfuran-3(2H)-on | |

13.090 | 13 | 7416-35-5 | 2,2-dimethyl-5-(1-methylprop-1-enyl)tetrahydrofuran | 3665 | 10937 | 231-028-3 | 13.090 | | 2,2-dimethyl-5-(1-methylprop-1-en-1-yl)tetrahydrofuran | |

13.091 | 30 | 53833-30-0 | 4,5-dimethyl-2-ethyloxazol | 3672 | | 258-815-4 | 13.091 | | 2-ethyl-4,5-dimethyloxazol | |

13.092 | 14 | 3208-16-0 | 2-ethylfuran | 3673 | 11706 | 221-714-0 | 13.092 | | | |

13.093 | 14 | 94278-27-0 | ethyl-3-(2-furfurylthio)propanoát | 3674 | | 304-716-7 | 13.093 | | ethyl-3-(furfurylsulfanyl)propanoát | |

13.094 | 16 | 7392-19-0 | 2,6,6-trimethyl-2-vinyltetrahydropyran | 3735 | 10976 | 230-983-3 | 13.094 | bois de rose oxide | 2,6,6-trimethyl-2-vinyltetrahydropyran | |

13.095 | 13 | 41239-48-9 | 2,5-diethyltetrahydrofuran | 3743 | 11882 | 255-274-6 | 13.095 | | | |

13.096 | 13 | 5989-33-3 | 5(2-hydroxyisopropyl)-2-methyl-2-vinyltetrahydrofuran | 3746 | 2214 | 227-814-0 | 13.096 | cis-linalool oxid B | cis-dimethyl(5-methyl-5-vinyltetrahydro-2-furyl)methanol 2-(cis-5-methyl-5-vinyltetrahydro-2-furyl)propan-2-ol | 5 |

13.097 | 13 | 13679-86-2 | anhydrolinalooloxid (5) | 3759 | 11944 | 237-184-9 | 13.097 | anhydrolinalooloxid | 5-isopropenyl-2-methyl-2-vinyltetrahydrofuran | |

13.098 | 16 | 36431-72-8 | theaspiran | 3774 | 10515 | 253-031-9 | 13.098 | | 2,6,10,10-tetramethyl-1-oxaspiro[4.5]dec-6-en | |

13.099 | 13 | 4166-20-5 | 4-acetoxy-2,5-dimethylfuran-3(2H)-on | 3797 | | | 13.099 | | (2,5-dimethyl-4-oxo-4,5-dihydro-3-furyl)-acetát | |

13.100 | 30 | 13678-73-4 | 2-acetyl-1-furfurylpyrrol | | 11941 | | 13.100 | 1-(1-furfurylpyrrol-2-yl)ethan-1-on | (1-furfurylpyrrol-2-yl)methylketon | |

13.101 | 14 | 22940-86-9 | 2-acetyl-3,5-dimethylfuran | | | | 13.101 | 1-(3,5-dimethyl-2-furyl)ethan-1-on | (3,5-dimethyl-2-furyl)methylketon | |

13.102 | 14 | 583-33-5 | butyl-2-furoát | | | | 13.102 | | | |

13.103 | 14 | 4466-24-4 | 2-butylfuran | | 10927 | 224-732-7 | 13.103 | | | |

13.104 | 13 | 1004-29-1 | 2-butyltetrahydrofuran | | | 213-718-6 | 13.104 | | | |

13.105 | 14 | 100113-53-9 | 2-butyrylfuran | | 11045 | | 13.105 | (2-furyl)propylketon | 1-(2-furyl)butan-1-on | |

13.106 | 14 | 83469-85-6 | 2-decylfuran | | | | 13.106 | | | |

13.107 | 14 | 64280-32-6 | 2,4-difurfurylfuran | | | | 13.107 | | | |

13.108 | 14 | 26486-13-5 | 4,5-dihydro-3-merkapto-2-methylfuran | | | | 13.108 | 2-methyl-4,5-dihydrofuran-3-thiol | | |

13.109 | 11 | 17092-92-1 | dihydroaktinidiolid | | 10931 | | 13.109 | | 2,2,6-trimethyl-7-oxabicyklo[4.3.0]non-9-en | |

13.110 | 30 | 62147-49-3 | 2,5-dihydroxy-2,5-di(hydroxymethyl)-1,4-dioxan | | | | 13.110 | 2,5-dihydroxy-2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)-1,4-dioxan | 2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)-1,4-dioxan-2,5-diol | |

13.112 | 30 | 53833-32-2 | 4,5-dimethyl-2-propyloxazol | | 11379 | 258-817-5 | 13.112 | | | |

13.113 | 14 | 61197-06-6 | 2,5-dimethyl-3-(methyldithio)furan | | | | 13.113 | | 2,5-dimethyl-3-(methyldisulfanyl)furan | |

13.114 | 14 | 63359-63-7 | 2,5-dimethyl-3-(methylthio)furan | | | | 13.114 | | 2,5-dimethyl-3-(methylsulfanyl)furan | |

13.115 | 30 | 77311-02-5 | 2,4-dimethyl-3-oxazolin | | | | 13.115 | | 2,4-dimethyl-2,5-dihydrooxazal | |

13.116 | 14 | 55764-22-2 | 2,5-dimethyl-3-thioacetoxyfuran | | | 259-799-1 | 13.116 | S-(2,5-dimethyl-3-furyl)-thioacetát | | |

13.117 | 13 | 65330-49-6 | 2,5-dimethyl-4-ethoxyfuran-3(2H)-on | | | 265-701-8 | 13.117 | | | |

13.118 | 30 | 30408-61-8 | 2,5-dimethyl-4-ethyloxazol | | | 250-181-7 | 13.118 | 4-ethyl-2,5-dimethyloxazol | | |

13.119 | 13 | 14400-67-0 | 2,5-dimethylfuran-3(2H)-on | | 11066 | 238-365-5 | 13.119 | | | |

13.120 | 16 | 1003-38-9 | 2,5-dimethyltetrahydrofuran | | | 213-707-6 | 13.120 | | | |

13.121 | 11 | 87-05-8 | 7-ethoxy-4-methylkumarin | | 11870 | 201-721-5 | 13.121 | | 7-ethoxy-4-methyl-2H-chromen-2-on | |

13.122 | 14 | 614-99-3 | ethyl-2-furoát | | 10588 | 210-404-0 | 13.122 | | | |

13.123 | 14 | 6270-56-0 | ethyl(furfuryl)ether | | 10940 | 228-454-7 | 13.123 | 2-(ethoxymethyl)furan | | |

13.124 | 14 | 2024-70-6 | ethyl(furfuryl)sulfid | | | | 13.124 | | | |

13.125 | 14 | 1703-52-2 | 2-ethyl-5-methylfuran | | 10942 | 216-937-5 | 13.125 | | | |

13.126 | 14 | 13529-27-6 | furfural-diethylacetal | | | 236-872-6 | 13.126 | | | 2, 3 |

13.127 | 14 | 13678-61-0 | furfuryl-2-methylbutyrát | | 10643 | | 13.127 | | furfuryl-2-methylbutanoát | |

13.128 | 14 | 623-17-6 | furfuryl-acetát | 2490 | 2065 | 210-775-9 | 13.128 | | | |

13.129 | 14 | 59020-84-7 | furfuryl-but-2-enoát | | | | 13.129 | | | |

13.130 | 14 | 623-21-2 | furfuryl-butyrát | | 638 | 210-779-0 | 13.130 | | | |

13.131 | 14 | 39481-28-2 | furfuryl-heptanoát | | | | 13.131 | furfuryl-enanthát | | |

13.132 | 14 | 39252-02-3 | furfuryl-hexanoát | | | | 13.132 | furfuryl-kapronát | | |

13.133 | 14 | 6270-55-9 | furfuryl-isobutyrát | | 10641 | 228-453-1 | 13.133 | | furfuryl-2-methylpropanoát | |

13.134 | 30 | 1438-94-4 | 1-furfurylpyrrol | 3284 | 2317 | 215-876-1 | 13.134 | 1-furfurylpyrrol | | |

13.135 | 14 | 58066-86-7 | 1-(2-furfurylthio)propanon | | | | 13.135 | | 1-(2-furfurylsulfanyl)propan-2-on | |

13.136 | 14 | 88-14-2 | 2-furoová kyselina | | 10098 | 201-803-0 | 13.136 | furoová kyselina | furan-2-karboxylová kyselina | |

13.137 | 14 | 65545-81-5 | 3-(2-furyl)-2-fenylprop-2-enal | 3586 | 11928 | | 13.137 | | | |

13.138 | 14 | 699-17-2 | 1-(2-furyl)butan-3-on | | 11084 | 211-831-5 | 13.138 | 4-(2-furyl)butan-2-on | | |

13.139 | 14 | 67-47-0 | 5-hydroxymethylfurfuraldehyd | | 11112 | 200-654-9 | 13.139 | | 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-furaldehyd | |

13.140 | 30 | 1365-19-1 | linalool oxid (5členný kruh) | 3746 | 11876 | 215-723-9 | 13.140 | | 5-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2-methyl-2-vinyltetrahydrofuran | 5 |

13.141 | 14 | 108499-33-8 | methyl-2-(furfurylthio)acetát | | | | 13.141 | | methyl-(furfurylsulfanyl)cetát | |

13.142 | 14 | 13679-61-3 | S-methylfuran-2-thiokarboxylát | 3311 | 11547 | 237-177-0 | 13.142 | S-methyl-thio-2-furoát | | |

13.143 | 14 | 94278-26-9 | methyl-3-(furfurylthio)propanoát | | | 304-715-1 | 13.143 | | methyl-3-(furfurylsulfanyl)propanoát | |

13.144 | 14 | 78818-78-7 | methyl(5-methylfurfuryl)disulfid | | | | 13.144 | | methyl(5-methylfurfuryl)disulfan | |

13.145 | 14 | 13679-60-2 | methyl(5-methylfurfuryl)sulfid | | 11522 | | 13.145 | | methyl(5-methylfurfuryl)sulfan | |

13.146 | 14 | 66169-00-4 | methyl-furfuryl-trisulfid | | | | 13.146 | furfuryl(methyl)trisulfid | furfuryl(methyl)trisulfan | |

13.147 | 13 | 92343-93-6 | 2-(3-methylbuta-1,3-dienyl)-4-methyltetrahydrofuran | | | | 13.147 | | 2-(3-methylbutan-1,3-dien-1-yl)-4-methyltetrahydrofuran | |

13.148 | 14 | 15186-51-3 | 3-methyl-2(3-methylbut-2-enyl)furan | | | | 13.148 | | 3-methyl-2-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)furan | |

13.149 | 14 | 59303-05-8 | 5-methyl-2-furanmethanthiol | | | | 13.149 | 5-methylfuran-2-methanthiol, (5-methylfurfuryl)merkaptan | | |

13.150 | 14 | 5555-90-8 | 3-(5-methyl-2-furyl)prop-2-enal | | | | 13.150 | | | |

13.151 | 14 | 65530-53-2 | 2-methyl-3,5 a 6-(furfurylthio)pyrazin | 3189 | 2287 | | 13.151 | methyl(furfurylthio)pyrazin (směs isomerů) | 2-(furfurylsulfanyl)-3-methylpyrazin a 2-(furfurylsulfanyl)-5-methylpyrazin a 2-(furfurylsulfanyl)-6-methylpyrazin | |

13.152 | 14 | 63012-97-5 | 2-methyl-3-(methylthio)furan | 3949 | | | 13.152 | | 2-methyl-3-(methylsulfanyl)furan | |

13.153 | 14 | 55764-25-5 | (2-methyl-3-furyl)-thioacetát | | | 259-801-0 | 13.153 | S-(2-methyl-3-furyl)-thioacetát | | |

13.154 | 30 | 95-21-6 | 2-methyl-4,5-benzooxazol | | | 202-399-9 | 13.154 | | 2-methylbenzoxazol | |

13.155 | 14 | 10599-69-6 | 2-methyl-5-propanoylfuran | | 11158 | 234-215-8 | 13.155 | 1-(5-methyl-2-furyl)propan-1-on | | |

13.156 | 13 | 41763-99-9 | 2-methylfuran-3(2H)-on | | | | 13.156 | | ethyl(5-methyl-2-furyl)keton | |

13.157 | 13 | 3511-32-8 | 5-methylfuran-3(2H)-on | | | | 13.157 | | | |

13.158 | 13 | 96-47-9 | 2-methyltetrahydrofuran | | 10964 | 202-507-4 | 13.158 | | | |

13.159 | 13 | 34003-72-0 | 5-methyltetrahydrofuran-3-on | | | | 13.159 | | | |

13.160 | 13 | 57124-87-5 | 2-methyltetrahydrofuran-3-thiol | 3787 | | 260-572-4 | 13.160 | | | |

13.161 | 11 | 4430-31-3 | oktahydrokumarin | 3791 | | 224-623-4 | 13.161 | | hexahydrochroman-2-on | |

13.162 | 14 | 4179-38-8 | 2-oktylfuran | | 10965 | 224-049-4 | 13.162 | | | |

13.163 | 14 | 3194-17-0 | 2-pentanoylfuran | | | | 13.163 | 1-(2-furyl)pentan-1-on | butyl(2-furyl)keton | |

13.164 | 14 | 4229-91-8 | 2-propylfuran | | 10971 | 224-182-8 | 13.164 | | | |

13.165 | 16 | 5552-30-7 | 6,7,8,8a-tetrahydro-2,5,5,8a-tetramethyl-5H-1-benzopyran | 3822 | | 226-916-2 | 13.165 | | 2,5,5,8a-tetramethyl-6,7,8,8a-tetrahydro-5H-chromen | |

13.166 | 13 | 637-64-9 | tetrahydrofurfuryl-acetát | 3055 | 2069 | 211-296-8 | 13.166 | | | |

13.167 | 13 | 5421-00-1 | tetrahydrofuryl-fenylacetát | | | 226-534-6 | 13.167 | | | 5 |

13.169 | 30 | 20662-84-4 | trimethyloxazol | | 11424 | 243-952-4 | 13.169 | 2,4,5-trimethyloxazol | | |

13.170 | 16 | 3033-23-6 | cis-(2S)-4-methyl-2-(2-methylprop-1-en-1-yl)tetrahydropyran | | | 221-217-9 | 13.170 | | | |

13.175 | 13 | | 4-acetyl-2,5-dimethylfuran-3(2H)-on | | | | 13.175 | 1-(2,5-dimethyl-4-oxo-4,5-dihydro-3-furyl)ethan-1-on | (2,5-dimethyl-4-oxo-4,5-dihydro-3-furyl)methylketon | |

13.176 | 14 | | furanyl-butyrát | | | | 13.176 | | 2,5-dimethylfuran-3(2H)-on-4-yl-butanoát | |

13.178 | 14 | | 3-(furfuryldithio)-2-methylfuran | | | | 13.178 | | 3-(furfuryldisulfanyl)-2-methylfuran | |

13.181 | 14 | | 2-methyl-3-furylbutan-3-on-1-yl-disulfid | | | | 13.181 | 2-methyl-3-furyl-3-oxobutyl-disulfid | | |

13.182 | 14 | | 2-methyl-3-thioacetoxytetrahydrofuran | | | | 13.182 | | | |

13.185 | 14 | | 2-furfuryl-3-oxobutan-2-yl-disulfid | | | | 13.185 | | | |

13.187 | 14 | 23747-34-4 | 2-propionyl-3-methylfuran | | 10970 | | 13.187 | | ethyl(3-methyl-2-furyl)keton | |

13.188 | 14 | 59303-07-0 | 2-methyl-3-furfurylthiopyrazin | 3189 | | | 13.188 | | 2-(furfurylsulfanyl)-3-methylpyrazin | |

13.189 | 16 | 56469-39-7 | linalooloxid(5)-acetát | | | | 13.189 | | 2-(5-methyl-5-vinyltetrahydro-2-furyl)propan-2-yl-acetát | |

13.190 | 14 | 61296-44-1 | 3-((2-methyl-3-furyl)thio)-2-butanon | | | | 13.190 | | 3-[(2-methyl-3-furyl)sulfanyl]butan-2-on | |

14.001 | 28 | 119-65-3 | isochinolin | 2978 | 487 | 204-341-8 | 14.001 | | | |

14.002 | 30 | 491-35-0 | 4-methylchinolin | | 488 | 207-734-2 | 14.002 | lepidin | | |

14.003 | 30 | 94-62-2 | piperin | 2909 | 492 | 202-348-0 | 14.003 | | 1-[5-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)penta-2,4-dienoyl]piperidin | |

14.004 | 28 | 83-34-1 | 3-methylindol | 3019 | 493 | 201-471-7 | 14.004 | skatol | | |

14.005 | 24 | 15707-24-1 | 2,3-diethylpyrazin | 3136 | 534 | 239-800-1 | 14.005 | | | |

14.006 | 24 | 15707-23-0 | 2-ethyl-3-methylpyrazin | 3155 | 548 | 239-799-8 | 14.006 | | | |

14.007 | 28 | 120-72-9 | indol | 2593 | 560 | 204-420-7 | 14.007 | 1-benzopyrrol | | |

14.008 | 28 | 110-86-1 | pyridin | 2966 | 604 | 203-809-9 | 14.008 | | | |

14.010 | 30 | 110-89-4 | piperidin | 2908 | 675 | 203-813-0 | 14.010 | | | |

14.011 | 30 | 130-89-2 | chinin-hydrochlorid | 2976 | 715 | 205-001-1 | 14.011 | chinin-chlorid | | 2, 3 |

14.014 | 30 | 36267-71-7 | 5,7-dihydro-2-methylthieno(3,4-d)pyrimidin | 3338 | 720 | 252-940-8 | 14.014 | | 2-methyl-5H,7H-thieno[3.4-d]pyrimidin | |

14.015 | 24 | 34413-35-9 | 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrochinoxalin | 3321 | 721 | 252-002-8 | 14.015 | | | |

14.016 | 24 | 27043-05-6 | 2,5-dimethyl-3-ethylpyrazin | 3149 | 727 | 248-182-2 | 14.016 | | 3-ethyl-2,5-dimethylpyrazin | 5 |

14.017 | 24 | 13360-64-0 | 2-ethyl-5-methylpyrazin | 3154 | 728 | 236-416-6 | 14.017 | | | |

14.018 | 24 | 1124-11-4 | 2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazin | 3237 | 734 | 214-391-2 | 14.018 | | | |

14.019 | 24 | 14667-55-1 | 2,3,5-trimethylpyrazin | 3244 | 735 | 238-712-0 | 14.019 | | | |

14.020 | 24 | 123-32-0 | 2,5-dimethylpyrazin | 3272 | 2210 | 204-618-3 | 14.020 | | | |

14.021 | 24 | 108-50-9 | 2,6-dimethylpyrazin | 3273 | 2211 | 203-589-4 | 14.021 | | | |

14.022 | 24 | 13925-00-3 | ethylpyrazin | 3281 | 2213 | 237-691-5 | 14.022 | 2-ethylpyrazin | | |

14.023 | 28 | 96-54-8 | 1-methylpyrrol | | 2217 | 202-513-7 | 14.023 | N-methylpyrrol | | |

14.024 | 24 | 13925-07-0 | 2-ethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazin | 3150 | 2245 | 237-694-1 | 14.024 | | | |

14.025 | 24 | 63450-30-6 | 2,5 nebo 6-methoxy-3-methylpyrazin | 3183 | 2266 | 264-168-9 | 14.025 | 2,5- nebo 2,6-dimethoxy-3-methylpyrazin | | |

14.026 | 24 | 13925-05-8 | 2-isopropyl-5-methylpyrazin | 3554 | 2268 | | 14.026 | | | |

14.027 | 24 | 109-08-0 | 2-methylpyrazin | 3309 | 2270 | 203-645-8 | 14.027 | 2-methyl-1,4-diazin | | |

14.028 | 24 | 13708-12-8 | 5-methylchinoxalin | 3203 | 2271 | 237-246-5 | 14.028 | | | |

14.029 | 30 | 65504-93-0 | 1-fenyl-(3 nebo 5)-propylpyrazol | 3727 | 2277 | | 14.029 | 1-fenyl-3(5)-propylpyrazol | | |

14.030 | 28 | 2044-73-7 | 2-pyridinmethanthiol | 3232 | 2279 | 218-061-9 | 14.030 | (2-pyridylmethyl)merkaptan | pyridin-2-methanthiol | |

14.031 | 24 | 35250-53-4 | pyrazinethanthiol | 3230 | 2285 | | 14.031 | pyrazin-2-ethanthiol | 2-pyrazinylethan-1-thiol | |

14.032 | 24 | 22047-25-2 | acetylpyrazin | 3126 | 2286 | 244-753-5 | 14.032 | 2-acetylpyrazin, methyl(pyrazinyl)keton | 1-pyrazinylethan-1-on | |

14.034 | 24 | 21948-70-9 | methyl(pyrazinyl)sulfid | 3231 | 2288 | 244-675-1 | 14.034 | | (methylsulfanyl)pyrazin | |

14.035 | 24 | 67952-65-2 | 2-methyl-3,5 nebo 6-methylthiopyrazin | 3208 | 2290 | 267-918-3 | 14.035 | methyl(methylthio)pyrazin (směs isomerů) | 2-methyl-3-(methylsulfanyl)pyrazin, 2-methyl-5-(methylsulfanyl)pyrazin a 2-methyl-6-(methylsulfanyl)pyrazin (směs) | |

14.037 | 24 | 23747-48-0 | 6,7-dihydro-5-methyl-5H-cyklopentapyrazin | 3306 | 2314 | 245-864-1 | 14.037 | | 5-methyl-6,7-dihydro-5H-cyklopentapyrazin | |

14.038 | 28 | 1122-62-9 | 2-acetylpyridin | 3251 | 2315 | 214-355-6 | 14.038 | methyl(2-pyridyl)keton | 1-(2-pyridyl)ethan-1-on | |

14.039 | 28 | 350-03-8 | 3-acetylpyridin | 3424 | 2316 | 206-496-7 | 14.039 | methyl(3-pyridyl)keton | 1-(3-pyridyl)ethan-1-on | |

14.041 | 28 | 109-97-7 | pyrrol | 3386 | 2318 | 203-724-7 | 14.041 | | | |

14.042 | 28 | 91-62-3 | 6-methylchinolin | 2744 | 2339 | 202-084-6 | 14.042 | | | |

14.043 | 24 | 24683-00-9 | 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazin | 3132 | 11338 | 246-402-1 | 14.043 | | | |

14.044 | 24 | 13925-06-9 | 2-isobutyl-3-methylpyrazin | | 3133 | 237-693-6 | 14.044 | | | |

14.045 | 28 | 39741-41-8 | 2-acetyl-1-ethylpyrrol | 3147 | 11371 | | 14.045 | (1-ethylpyrrol-2-yl)methylketon | 1-(1-ethylpyrrol-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

14.046 | 28 | 932-16-1 | 2-acetyl-1-methylpyrrol | 3184 | 11373 | 213-247-6 | 14.046 | methyl(1-methylpyrrol-2-yl)keton | 1-(1-methylpyrrol-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

14.047 | 28 | 1072-83-9 | 2-acetylpyrrol | 3202 | 11721 | 214-016-2 | 14.047 | methyl(pyrrol-2-yl)keton | 1-(pyrrol-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

14.049 | 24 | 32974-92-8 | 1-(3-ethylpyrazin-2-yl)ethan-1-on2-acetyl-3-ethylpyrazin | 3250 | 11293 | 251-316-2 | 14.049 | (3-ethylpyrazin-2-yl)methylketon | | |

14.050 | 24 | 5910-89-4 | 2,3-dimethylpyrazin | 3271 | 11323 | 227-630-0 | 14.050 | | | |

14.051 | 24 | 68739-00-4 | 2,5 nebo 6-methoxy-3-ethylpyrazin | 3280 | 11329 | 272-125-0 | 14.051 | | 3-ethyl-2,5-dimethoxypyrazin nebo 3-ethyl-2,6-dimethoxypyrazin | 5 |

14.052 | 24 | 38713-41-6 | isopropenylpyrazin | 3296 | 11341 | | 14.052 | | 2-isopropenylpyrazin | |

14.053 | 24 | 59021-02-2 | merkaptomethylpyrazin | 3299 | 11502 | | 14.053 | pyrazinylmethanthiol | | |

14.054 | 24 | 3149-28-8 | methoxypyrazin | 3302 | 11347 | 221-579-8 | 14.054 | | | |

14.055 | 24 | 54300-08-2 | 2-acetyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazin | 3327 | 11294 | 259-076-0 | 14.055 | (3,5-dimethylpyrazin-2-yl)methylketon | 1-(3,5-dimethylpyrazin-2-yl-)ethan-1-on | |

14.056 | 24 | 18138-04-0 | 2,3-diethyl-5-methylpyrazin | 3336 | 11303 | 242-024-6 | 14.056 | | | |

14.057 | 24 | 25773-40-4 | 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazin | 3358 | 11344 | 247-256-1 | 14.057 | | | 5 |

14.058 | 28 | 6304-24-1 | 2-isobutylpyridin | 3370 | 11395 | 228-606-2 | 14.058 | | | |

14.059 | 28 | 14159-61-6 | 3-isobutylpyridin | 3371 | 11396 | 238-003-6 | 14.059 | | | |

14.060 | 28 | 2294-76-0 | 2-pentylpyridin | 3383 | 11412 | 218-937-0 | 14.060 | | | |

14.061 | 28 | 536-78-7 | 3-ethylpyridin | 3394 | 11386 | 208-647-2 | 14.061 | | | |

14.062 | 24 | 24168-70-5 | 2-(sek-butyl)-3-methoxypyrazin | 3433 | 11300 | 246-050-9 | 14.062 | | 2-sec-butyl-3-methoxypyrazin | |

14.063 | 28 | 91-22-5 | chinolin | 3470 | 11364 | 202-051-6 | 14.063 | | | |

14.064 | 28 | 123-75-1 | pyrrolidin | 3523 | 10491 | 204-648-7 | 14.064 | tetramethylenimin, tetrahydropyrrol | | |

14.065 | 28 | 108-48-5 | 2,6-dimethylpyridin | 3540 | 11381 | 203-587-3 | 14.065 | 2,6-lutidin | | |

14.066 | 28 | 104-90-5 | 5-ethyl-2-methylpyridin | 3546 | 11385 | 203-250-0 | 14.066 | 2-methyl-5-ethylpyridin | | |

14.067 | 24 | 32737-14-7 | 2-methyl-3,5 nebo 6-ethoxypyrazin | 3569 | 11921 | 251-184-6 | 14.067 | | 2-ethoxy-3-methylpyrazin nebo 2-ethoxy-5-methylpyrazin nebo 2-ethoxy-6-methylpyrazin | 5 |

14.068 | 28 | 1073-26-3 | 2-propionylpyrrol | 3614 | 11942 | 214-026-7 | 14.068 | ethyl(pyrrol-2-yl)keton | 1-(pyrol-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

14.069 | 24 | 28217-92-7 | (cyklohexylmethyl)pyrazin | 3631 | | 248-905-1 | 14.069 | | | |

14.070 | 30 | 67860-38-2 | 4-acetyl-2-methylpyrimidin | | | 3654 | 14.070 | methyl(2-methyl-4-pyrimidyl)keton | 1-(2-methyl-4-pyrimidyl)ethan-1-on | |

14.071 | 28 | 93-60-7 | methyl-nikotinát | 3709 | | 202-261-8 | 14.071 | 3-karbomethoxypyridin | methyl-pyridin-3-karboxylát | |

14.072 | 28 | 2110-18-1 | 2-(3-fenylpropyl)pyridin | 3751 | | 218-300-7 | 14.072 | | | |

14.076 | 24 | | 2-methoxy-(3,5 nebo 6)-methylpyrazin | 3183 | 2266 | | 14.076 | | 2-methoxy-3-methylpyrazin nebo 2-methoxy-5-methylpyrazin nebo 2-methoxy-6-methylpyrazin | |

14.077 | 24 | | 2-ethyl-(3,5 nebo 6)-methoxypyrazin (85 %) a 2-methyl-(3,5 nebo 6)-methoxypyrazin (13 %) | 3280 | 11329 | | 14.077 | | 2-ethyl-3-methoxypyrazin nebo 2-ethyl-5-methoxypyrazin nebo 2-ethyl-6-methoxypyrazin a 2-methoxy-3-methylpyrazin nebo 2-methoxy-5-methylpyrazin nebo 2-methoxy-6-methylpyrazin | |

14.078 | 24 | | 2-isopropyl-(5 nebo 6)-methoxypyrazin | 3358 | 11344 | | 14.078 | | 2-isopropyl-5-methoxypyrazin nebo 2-isopropyl-6-methoxypyrazin | 5 |

14.079 | 28 | 27300-27-2 | 2-acetyl-1,4,5,6-tetrahydropyridin | | | | 14.079 | methyl(1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-pyridyl)keton | 1-(1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-pyridyl)ethan-1-on | |

14.080 | 33 | 99583-29-6 | 2-acetyl-1-pyrrolin | | | | 14.080 | | | |

14.081 | 24 | 54300-10-6 | 5-acetyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazin | | | | 14.081 | (5,6-dimethylpyrazin-2-yl)methylketon | 1-(5,6-dimethylpyrazin-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

14.082 | 24 | 23787-80-6 | 2-acetyl-3-methylpyrazin | | 11296 | 245-889-8 | 14.082 | (3-methylpyrazin-2-yl)methylketon | 1-(3-methylpyrazin-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

14.083 | 24 | 43108-58-3 | 2-acetyl-5-ethylpyrazin | | | | 14.083 | (5-ethylpyrazin-2-yl)methylketon | 1-(5-ethylpyrazin-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

14.084 | 24 | 22047-27-4 | 2-acetyl-5-methylpyrazin | | 11297 | | 14.084 | methyl(5-methylpyrazin-2-yl)keton | 1-(5-methylpyrazin-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

14.085 | 28 | 6982-72-5 | 2-acetyl-5-methylpyrrol | | | | 14.085 | methyl(5-methylpyrrol-2-yl)keton | 1-(5-methylpyrrol-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

14.086 | 24 | 34413-34-8 | 2-acetyl-6-ethylpyrazin | | 11295 | | 14.086 | (6-ethylpyrazin-2-yl)methylketon | 1-(6-ethylpyrazin-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

14.087 | 24 | 22047-26-3 | 2-acetyl-6-methylpyrazin | | 11298 | | 14.087 | methyl(6-methylpyrazin-2-yl)keton | 1-(6-methylpyrazin-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

14.088 | 28 | 576-15-8 | 1-acetylindol | | | 209-396-1 | 14.088 | N-acetylindol, (indol-1-yl)methyketon | 1-(indol-1-yl)ethan-1-on | |

14.089 | 28 | 1122-54-9 | 4-acetylpyridin | | | 214-350-9 | 14.089 | methyl(4-pyridyl)keton | 1-(4-pyridyl)ethan-1-on | |

14.090 | 28 | 25224-14-0 | 3-(sek-butyl)pyridin | | | | 14.090 | | | |

14.091 | 24 | 15987-00-5 | 2-butyl-3-methylpyrazin | | | 240-126-5 | 14.091 | | | |

14.092 | 28 | 5058-19-5 | 2-butylpyridin | | | 225-758-1 | 14.092 | | | |

14.093 | 28 | 539-32-2 | 3-butylpyridin | | | 208-715-1 | 14.093 | | | |

14.094 | 28 | 74808-78-9 | 4-butylchinolin | | | | 14.094 | | | |

14.095 | 24 | 18138-05-1 | 3,5-diethyl-2-methylpyrazin | 3916 | 11305 | | 14.095 | | | |

14.096 | 24 | 32736-91-7 | 2,5-diethyl-3-methylpyrazin | 3915 | 11304 | | 14.096 | | | |

14.097 | 24 | 13238-84-1 | 2,5-diethylpyrazin | | 11306 | | 14.097 | | | |

14.098 | 24 | 38917-62-3 | 6,7-dihydro-2,3-dimethyl-5H-cyklopentapyrazin | 3917 | 11309 | | 14.098 | | | |

14.099 | 24 | 41330-21-6 | 6,7-dihydro-5,7-dimethyl-5H-cyklopentapyrazin | | | | 14.099 | | 5,7-methyl-6,7-dihyro-5H-cyklopentapyrazin | |

14.100 | 24 | 55031-15-7 | 3,(5 nebo 6)-dimethyl-2-ethylpyrazin | 3149 | 727 | | 14.100 | 2-ethyl-3,5-dinethylpyrazin nebo 2-ethyl-3,6-dinethylpyrazin | | |

14.101 | 24 | 40790-20-3 | 2,5-dimethyl-3-isopropylpyrazin | | 11318 | | 14.101 | | 3-isopropyl-2,5-dimethylpyrazin | |

14.102 | 24 | 38917-61-2 | 5,6-dimethyldihydrocyklopentapyrazin | | | | 14.102 | | 5,6-dimethyldihydrocyklopentapyrazin | |

14.103 | 28 | 583-61-9 | 2,3-dimethylpyridin | | | 209-514-1 | 14.103 | lutidin | | |

14.104 | 28 | 108-47-4 | 2,4-dimethylpyridin | | | 203-586-8 | 14.104 | lutidin | | |

14.105 | 28 | 583-58-4 | 3,4-dimethylpyridin | | 209-511-5 | | 14.105 | lutidin | | |

14.106 | 28 | 591-22-0 | 3,5-dimethylpyridin | | 11382 | 209-708-6 | 14.106 | | | |

14.107 | 28 | 625-84-3 | 2,5-dimethylpyrrol | | 11383 | 210-913-8 | 14.107 | 2,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrrol | | |

14.108 | 24 | 2379-55-7 | 2,3-dimethylchinoxalin219-162-0 | | | | 14.108 | | | |

14.109 | 24 | 32737-14-7 | 2-ethoxy-3-methylpyrazin | 3569 | 11325 | 251-184-6 | 14.109 | | | 5 |

14.110 | 28 | 614-18-6 | ethyl-nikotinát | | | 210-370-7 | 14.110 | | ethyl-pyridin-3-karboxylát | |

14.111 | 24 | 13360-65-1 | 3-ethyl-2,5-dimethylpyrazin | 3149 | 2246 | 236-417-1 | 14.111 | | | 5 |

14.112 | 24 | 25680-58-4 | 2-ethyl-3-methoxypyrazin | 3280 | 11329 | 247-184-0 | 14.112 | | | 5 |

14.113 | 24 | 52517-53-0 | 5-ethyl-6,7-dihydro-5H-cyklopentapyrazin | | | | 14.113 | | | |

14.114 | 24 | 13925-03-6 | 2-ethyl-6-methylpyrazin | 3919 | 11331 | 237-692-0 | 14.114 | | | |

14.115 | 28 | 100-71-0 | 2-ethylpyridin | | 11767 | 202-881-9 | 14.115 | | | |

14.116 | 28 | 536-75-4 | 4-ethylpyridin | | 11387 | 208-646-7 | 14.116 | | | |

14.117 | 28 | 1129-69-7 | 2-hexylpyridin | | | 214-454-4 | 14.117 | | | |

14.118 | 28 | 142-08-5 | 2-hydroxypyridin | | | 205-520-3 | 14.118 | 2-pyridon | | |

14.120 | 28 | 553-60-6 | isopropyl-nikotinát | | | 209-043-1 | 14.120 | | isopropyl-pyridin-3-karboxylát | |

14.121 | 24 | 93905-03-4 | 2-isopropyl-(3,5 nebo 6)-methoxypyrazin | 3358 | 11344 | 299-837-4 | 14.121 | | 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazin nebo 2-isopropyl-5-methoxypyrazin nebo 2-isopropyl-6-methoxypyrazin | |

14.122 | 24 | 67952-59-4 | 2-isopropyl-3-methylthiopyrazin | | 11342 | 267-913-6 | 14.122 | | 2-isopropyl-3-(methylsulfanyl)pyrazin | |

14.123 | 24 | 29460-90-0 | isopropylpyrazin | 3940 | 11343 | 249-646-7 | 14.123 | | (2-methylpropyl)pyrazin | |

14.124 | 28 | 644-98-4 | 2-isopropylpyridin | | 11400 | 211-426-3 | 14.124 | | | |

14.125 | 28 | 696-30-0 | 4-isopropylpyridin | | | 211-794-5 | 14.125 | | | |

14.126 | 24 | 2847-30-5 | 2-methoxy-3-methylpyrazin | 3183 | 2266 | 220-651-6 | 14.126 | 2-methyl-3-methoxypyrazin | | 5 |

14.127 | 24 | 25680-57-3 | 2-methoxy-3-propylpyrazin | | | | 14.127 | | | |

14.128 | 24 | 2882-20-4 | 2-methyl-3-methylthiopyrazin | | | 220-736-8 | 14.128 | 2-methyl-3-(methylthio)pyrazin | | 2-methyl-3-(methylsulfanyl)pyrazin |

14.129 | 24 | 15986-80-8 | 2-methyl-3-propylpyrazin | | | 240-121-8 | 14.129 | | | |

14.131 | 28 | 95-20-5 | 2-methylindol | | | 202-398-3 | 14.131 | | | |

14.133 | 33 | 109-05-7 | 2-methylpiperidin | | | 203-642-1 | 14.133 | α-pipekolin | | |

14.134 | 28 | 109-06-8 | 2-methylpyridin | | 11415 | 203-643-7 | 14.134 | α-pikolin, 2-pikolin | | |

14.135 | 28 | 108-99-6 | 3 | -methylpyridin | 11801 | 203-636-9 | 14.135 | β-pikolin, 3-pikolin | | |

14.136 | 28 | 108-89-4 | 4-methylpyridin | | 11416 | 203-626-4 | 14.136 | γ-pikolin, 4-pikolin | | |

14.137 | 28 | 120-94-5 | 1-methylpyrrolidine | | | 204-438-5 | 14.137 | N-methylpyrrolidin | | |

14.138 | 30 | 91-63-4 | 2-methylchinolin | | 11358 | 202-085-1 | 14.138 | chinaldin | | |

14.139 | 24 | 7251-61-8 | 2-methylchinoxalin | | | 230-664-9 | 14.139 | | | |

14.140 | 28 | 1802-20-6 | 3-pentylpyridin | | | | 14.140 | | | |

14.141 | 33 | 110-85-0 | piperazin | 203-808-3 | | | 14.141 | | | |

14.142 | 24 | 18138-03-9 | propylpyrazin | 3961 | 11362 | 242-023-0 | 14.142 | | | |

14.143 | 28 | 4673-31-8 | 3-propylpyridin | | 11419 | 225-122-3 | 14.143 | | | |

14.144 | 24 | 290-37-9 | pyrazin | | 11363 | 206-027-6 | 14.144 | | | |

14.145 | 28 | 1003-29-8 | pyrrol-2-karbaldehyd | | 11393 | 213-705-5 | 14.145 | | | |

14.146 | 30 | 130-95-0 | chinin | | | 205-003-2 | 14.146 | | | 2,3 |

14.147 | 24 | 91-19-0 | chinoxalin | | 11365 | 202-047-4 | 14.147 | | | |

14.148 | 24 | 52517-54-1 | 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-5-methylchinoxalin | | | | 14.148 | | | |

14.149 | 28 | 91-61-2 | 6-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrochinolin | | | 202-083-0 | 14.149 | | | |

14.150 | 28 | 108-75-8 | 2,4,6-trimethylpyridin | | | 203-613-3 | 14.150 | 2,4,6-kollidin | | |

14.151 | 24 | 4177-16-6 | vinylpyrazin | | 11370 | 224-045-2 | 14.151 | | | |

14.152 | 30 | 6119-70-6 | chinin-sulfát | 2977 | | | 14.152 | | | 2, 3, 5 |

14.153 | 28 | 1333-53-5 | (1-methylethyl)chinolin | | | 215-595-4 | 14.153 | | isopropylchinolin | |

14.154 | 30 | 7549-43-1 | chinin-chlorhydrát | | | 231-437-7 | 14.154 | chinin-hydrochlorid | | 2, 3 |

14.155 | 30 | 6119-47-7 | chinin-monohydrochlorid dihydrát | | | | 14.155 | | | 2, 3 |

14.156 | 33 | 147030-02-2 | (E)-1-(1-oxodec-2-enyl)piperidin | | | | 14.156 | | (E)-1-dec-2-enoylpiperidin | |

14.157 | 33 | 78910-33-5 | (E,E)-1-(oxodeka-2,4-dienyl)pyrrolidin | | | | 14.157 | | (E,E)-1-deka-2,4-dienoylpyrrolidin | |

14.158 | 24 | 94089-22-2 | 2-isopropoxy-3-methylpyrazin | | | 302-122-2 | 14.158 | | | |

14.161 | 24 | | 6,7-dihydro-2,5-dimethyl-5H-cyklopentapyrazin | | 11310 | | 14.161 | | 2,5-dimethyl-6,7-dihydro-5H-cyklopentapyrazin | |

15.001 | 29 | 7774-74-5 | 2-sulfanylthiofen | 3062 | 478 | 231-881-1 | 15.001 | thiofen-2-thiol | | |

15.002 | 29 | 38205-64-0 | 2-methyl-5-methoxythiazol | 3192 | 736 | | 15.002 | 2-methoxy-5-methylthiazol | | |

15.004 | 29 | 13679-70-4 | 5-methylthiofen-2-karbaldehyd | 3209 | 2203 | 237-178-6 | 15.004 | | | |

15.005 | 29 | 65505-18-2 | 2,4-dimethyl-5-vinylthiazol | 3145 | 2237 | | 15.005 | | | |

15.006 | 20 | 55704-78-4 | 2,5-dihydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-1,4-dithian | 3450 | 2322 | 259-770-3 | 15.006 | 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-dihydroxy-p-dithian | 2,5-dimethyl-1,4-dithian-2,5-diol | |

15.007 | 20 | 38325-25-6 | spiro(2,4-dithia-1-methyl-8-oxabicyklo[3.3.0]oktan-3,3'-(1'-oxa-2'-methyl)cyklopentan) a spiro(dithia-6-methyl-7-oxabicyklo[3.3.0]oktan-3,3'-(1'-oxa-2-methyl)cyklopentan) | 3270 | 2325 | 253-884-7 | 15.007 | spiro[dithia-6-methyl-7-oxabicyklo [3.3.0]oktan-3,3α-(1α-oxa-2-methyl)cyklopentan] (isomer) | | |

15.008 | 29 | 6911-51-9 | di(2-thienyl)disulfid | 3323 | 2333 | | 15.008 | di(2-thienyl)disulfan | | |

15.009 | 20 | 828-26-2 | trithioaceton | 3475 | 2334 | 212-582-5 | 15.009 | 2,2,4,4,6,6-hexamethyl-s-trithian | 2,2,4,4,6,6-hexamethyl-1,3,5-trithian | |

15.010 | 29 | 29926-41-8 | 2-acetyl-2-thiazolin | 3817 | 2335 | | 15.010 | 2-acetyl-4,5-dihydrothiazol | (4,5-dihydrothiazol-2-yl)methylketon, 1-(4,5-dihydrothiazol-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

15.011 | 29 | 38205-60-6 | 5-acetyl-2,4-dimethylthiazol | 3267 | 2336 | 253-826-0 | 15.011 | 2,4-dimethyl-5-acetylthiazol, (2,4-dimethylthiazl-5-yl)methylketon | | |

15.012 | 29 | 1003-04-9 | 4,5-dihydrothiofen-3(2H)-on | 3266 | 2337 | 213-698-9 | 15.012 | tetrahydrothiofen-3-on | | |

15.013 | 29 | 18640-74-9 | 2-isobutylthiazol | 3134 | 11618 | 242-470-1 | 15.013 | 2-isobutylthiazol | | |

15.014 | 29 | 137-00-8 | 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazol | 3204 | 11621 | 205-272-6 | 15.014 | 4-methylthiazol-5-ethanol, sulfurol | 2-(4-methylthiazol-5-yl)ethan-1-ol | |

15.015 | 29 | 656-53-1 | 4-methyl-5-(2-acetoxyethyl)thiazol | 3205 | 11620 | 211-515-7 | 15.015 | 2-(4-methylthiazol-2-yl)ethyl-acetát | | |

15.016 | 29 | 95-16-9 | benzothiazol | 3256 | 11594 | 202-396-2 | 15.016 | | | |

15.017 | 29 | 3581-91-7 | 4,5-dimethylthiazol | 3274 | 11606 | 222-703-3 | 15.017 | | | |

15.018 | 29 | 1759-28-0 | 4-methyl-5-vinylthiazol | 3313 | 11633 | 217-160-4 | 15.018 | | | |

15.019 | 29 | 13623-11-5 | 2,4,5-trimethylthiazol | 3325 | 11650 | 237-107-9 | 15.019 | | | |

15.020 | 29 | 24295-03-2 | 2-acetylthiazol | 3328 | 11726 | 246-134-5 | 15.020 | 1-(thiazol-2-yl)ethan-1-on, methyl(thiazol-2-yl)keton | | |

15.021 | 29 | 15679-19-3 | 2-ethoxythiazol | 3340 | 11611 | 239-760-5 | 15.021 | ethyl(thiazol-2-yl)ether | | |

15.022 | 29 | 18277-27-5 | 2-(sek-butyl)thiazol | 3372 | 11598 | 242-154-3 | 15.022 | 2-sek-butylthiazol | | |

15.023 | 29 | 13679-85-1 | 4,5-dihydro-2-methylthiofen-3(2H)-on | 3512 | 11601 | 237-183-3 | 15.023 | 2-methyltetrathiofen-3-on | | |

15.024 | 29 | 2530-10-1 | 3-acetyl-2,5-dimethylthiofen | 3527 | 11603 | 219-779-5 | 15.024 | (2,5-dimethyl-3-thienyl)methylketon, 1-(2,5-dimethyl-3-thienyl)ethan-1-on | | |

15.025 | 20 | 23654-92-4 | 3,5-dimethyl-1,2,4-trithiolan | 3541 | 11883 | 245-808-6 | 15.025 | | | |

15.026 | 29 | 15679-13-7 | 2-isopropyl-4-methylthiazol | 3555 | | 239-758-4 | 15.026 | | | |

15.027 | 29 | 43039-98-1 | 2-propionylthiazol | 3611 | | | 15.027 | ethyl(thiazol-2-yl)keton | 1-(thiazol-2-yl)propan-1-on | |

15.028 | 29 | 288-47-1 | thiazol | 3615 | 11642 | 206-021-3 | 15.028 | | | |

15.029 | 29 | 65894-82-8 | 2-(sek-butyl)-4,5-dimethyl-3-thiazolin | 3619 | | 265-968-0 | 15.029 | | 2-sek-butyl-4,5-dimethyl-2,5-dihydrothiazol | |

15.030 | 29 | 76788-46- | 04,5-dimethyl-2-ethyl-3-thiazolin | 3620 | | 278-551-3 | 15.030 | | 2-ethyl-4,5-dimethyl-2,5-dihydrothiazol | |

15.032 | 29 | 65894-83-9 | 4,5-dimethyl-2-isobutyl-3-thiazolin | 3621 | | 265-969-6 | 15.032 | 4,5-dimethyl-2-(2-methylpropyl)-3-thiazolin | 2-isobutyl-4,5-dimethyl-2,5-dihydrothiazol | |

15.033 | 29 | 15679-12-6 | 2-ethyl-4-methylthiazol | 3680 | 11612 | 239-757-9 | 15.033 | | | |

15.034 | 20 | 5616-51-3 | 2-methyl-1,3-dithiolan | 3705 | | 227-038-2 | 15.034 | | | |

15.035 | 29 | 693-95-8 | 4-methylthiazol | 3716 | 11627 | 211-764-1 | 15.035 | | | |

15.036 | 20 | 43040-01-3 | 3-methyl-1,2,4-trithian | 3718 | | 256-056-3 | 15.036 | | | |

15.037 | 29 | 13679-72-6 | 2-acetyl-3-methylthiofen | | 11590 | 237-179-1 | 15.037 | 1-(3-methyl-2-thienyl)ethan-1-on | methyl(3-methyl-2-thienyl)keton | |

15.038 | 29 | 7533-07-5 | 2-acetyl-4-methylthiazol | | 11589 | | 15.038 | methyl(4-methylthiazol-2-yl)keton | 1-(4-methylthiazol-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

15.039 | 29 | 59303-17-2 | 2-acetyl-5-methylthiazol | | | | 15.039 | methyl(5-methylthiazol-2-yl)keton | 1-(5-methylthiazol-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

15.040 | 29 | 88-15-3 | 2-acetylthiofen | | 11728 | 201-804-6 | 15.040 | methyl(2-thienyl)keton | 1-(2-thienyl)ethan-1-on | |

15.041 | 29 | 76572-48-0 | 2-butyl-4,5-dimethylthiazol | | | | 15.041 | | | |

15.042 | 30 | 132344-97-9 | 2-butyl-4-methylhexahydropyrrolo[2,1-d][1,3,5]dithiazin | | | | 15.042 | 4-butyl-2-methyl-1-aza-3,5-dithiabicyklo[4.3.0]nonan | 2-butyl-4-methylhexahydropyrrolo[2,1-d][1,3,5]dithiazin | |

15.043 | 29 | 54411-06-2 | 2-butyl-5-ethylthiofen | | 11596 | 15.043 | | | | |

15.044 | 29 | 37645-61-7 | 2-butylthiazol | | 11597 | 253-577-8 | 15.044 | | | |

15.045 | 29 | 1455-20-5 | 2-butylthiofen | | | 215-935-1 | 15.045 | | | |

15.046 | 29 | 34722-01-5 | 3-butylthiofen | | | | 15.046 | | | |

15.047 | 20 | 92900-67-9 | 3,5-di-isobutyl-1,2,4-trithiolan | | | | 15.047 | | 3,5-diisobutyl-1,2,4-trithiolan | |

15.048 | 20 | 54934-99-5 | 3,5-di-isopropyl-1,2,4-trithiolan | | | | 15.048 | | 3,5-diisopropyl-1,2,4-trithiolan | |

15.049 | 20 | 54644-28-9 | 3,5-diethyl-1,2,4-trithiolan | | | | 15.049 | | | |

15.050 | 29 | 41981-71-9 | 2,5-diethyl-4-methylthiazol | | | | 15.050 | | | |

15.051 | 29 | 4276-68-0 | 2,5-diethyl-4-propylthiazol | | | | 15.051 | | | |

15.052 | 29 | 15729-76-7 | 2,5-diethylthiazol | | | 239-823-7 | 15.052 | | | |

15.053 | 29 | 35686-14-7 | 3,4-diethylthiofen | | | | 15.053 | | | |

15.054 | 30 | 54717-17-8 | dihydro-2,4,6-triethyl-1,3,5(4H)-dithiazin | | | | 15.054 | | 2,4,6-triethyldihydro-4H-1,3,5-dithiazin | |

15.055 | 30 | 116505-60-3 | 2,4-dimethyl(4H)pyrrolidino[1,2e]-1,3,5-dithiazin | | | | 15.055 | 2,4-dimethyl-1-aza-3,5-dithiabicyklo[4.3.0]nonan | 2,4-dimethylhexahydropyrrolo[2,1-d][1,3,5]dithiazin | |

15.056 | 20 | 67411-27-2 | 3,6-dimethyl-1,2,4,5-tetrathian | | | | 15.056 | | | |

15.057 | 30 | 104691-40-9 | 4,6-dimethyl-2-(1-methylethyl)dihydro-1,3,5-dithiazin | 3782 | | | 15.057 | 2(4)-isopropyl-4(2),6-dimethyldihydro-4H-1,3,5-dithiazin | | |

15.058 | 29 | 873-64-3 | 4,5-dimethyl-2-ethylthiazol | | | | 15.058 | | 2-ethyl-4,5-dimethylthiazol | |

15.059 | 29 | 41981-72-0 | 4,5-dimethyl-2-propylthiazol | | | 255-604-9 | 15.059 | | | |

15.060 | 29 | 60755-05-7 | 2,4-dimethyl-3-thiazolin | | | 262-405-0 | 15.060 | | 2,4-dimethyl-2,5-dihydrothiazol | |

15.061 | 29 | 32272-57-4 | 2,5-dimethyl-4-ethylthiazol | | | | 15.061 | | 4-ethyl-2,5-dimethylthiazol | |

15.062 | 29 | 541-58-2 | 2,4-dimethylthiazol | | 11605 | 208-786-9 | 15.062 | | | |

15.063 | 29 | 4175-66-0 | 2,5-dimethylthiazol | | | | 15.063 | | | |

15.064 | 29 | 638-02-8 | 2,5-dimethylthiofen | | 11609 | 211-313-9 | 15.064 | | | |

15.065 | 29 | 632-15-5 | 3,4-dimethylthiofen | | 11610 | | 15.065 | | | |

15.066 | 20 | 505-29-3 | 1,4-dithian | 3831 | | 208-007-2 | 15.066 | p-dithian, tetrahydro-1,4-dithiin, diethylendisulfid | | |

15.067 | 29 | 32272-48-3 | 4-ethyl-2-methylthiazol | | | | 15.067 | | | |

15.068 | 29 | 19961-52-5 | 5-ethyl-2-methylthiazol | | | | 15.068 | | | |

15.069 | 29 | 52414-91-2 | 4-ethyl-5-methylthiazol | | | 257-904-5 | 15.069 | | | |

15.070 | 29 | 40323-88-4 | 2-ethyl-5-methylthiofen | | | | 15.070 | | | |

15.071 | 29 | 15679-09-1 | 2-ethylthiazol | | | 239-755-8 | 15.071 | | | |

15.072 | 29 | 872-55-9 | 2-ethylthiofen | | 11614 | 212-830-2 | 15.072 | | | |

15.073 | 29 | 1795-01-3 | 3-ethylthiofen | | | 217-267-6 | 15.073 | | | |

15.074 | 29 | 36880-33-8 | 5-ethylthiofen-2-karbaldehyd | | | 253-252-0 | 15.074 | | | |

15.075 | 29 | 65016-61-7 | 3-heptylthiofen | | | | 15.075 | | | |

15.076 | 29 | 18794-77-9 | 2-hexylthiofen | | 11616 | 242-579-4 | 15.076 | | | |

15.077 | 29 | 26494-10-0 | 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethylthiofen-3(2H)-on | | | 247-742-3 | 15.077 | | | |

15.078 | 29 | 53498-32-1 | 2-isobutyl-4,5-dimethylthiazol | | 11617 | 258-586-0 | 15.078 | | 4,5-dimethyl-2-(2-methylpropyl)thiazol | |

15.079 | 30 | 101517-87-7 | 2-isobutyldihydro-4,6-dimethyl-1,3,5-dithiazin | 3781 | | | 15.079 | 2(4)-isobutyl-4(2),6-dimethyldihydro-4H-1,3,5-dithiazin | | |

15.080 | 29 | 53498-30-9 | 2-isopropyl-4,5-dimethylthiazol | | | | 15.080 | | | |

15.081 | 20 | 292-46-6 | lenthionin | | 11619 | | 15.081 | | 1,2,3,5,6-pentathiacykloheptan | |

15.082 | 29 | 7774-73-4 | 3-merkaptothiofen | | | 231-880-6 | 15.082 | 3-sulfanylthiofen | thiofen-3-thiol | |

15.083 | 20 | 51647-38-2 | 3-methyl-1,2,4-trithiolan | | | | 15.083 | | | |

15.084 | 29 | 86290-21-3 | 5-methyl-2-pentylthiazol | | | | 15.084 | | | |

15.085 | 29 | 13679-83-9 | 4-methyl-2-propanoylthiazol | | 11622 | | 15.085 | ethyl(4-methylthiazol-2-yl)keton | 1-(4-methylthiazol-2-yl)propan-1-on | |

15.086 | 29 | 2346-00-1 | 2-methyl-2-thiazolin | | | 219-071-6 | 15.086 | | 2-methyl-4,5-dihydrothiazol | |

15.087 | 29 | 2527-76-6 | 2-methyl-3-merkaptothiofen | | | 219-770-6 | 15.087 | 2-methyl-3-sulfanylthiofen | 2-methylthiofen-3-thiol | |

15.088 | 29 | 120-75-2 | 2-methyl-4,5-benzothiazol | | | 204-423-3 | 15.088 | 2-methylbenzothiazol | | |

15.089 | 29 | 3581-87-1 | 2-methylthiazol | | 11626 | 222-702-8 | 15.089 | | | |

15.090 | 29 | 24050-16-6 | 2-methylthiazolidin | | | | 15.090 | | | |

15.091 | 29 | 554-14-3 | 2-methylthiofen | | 11631 | 209-063-0 | 15.091 | | | |

15.092 | 29 | 616-44-4 | 3-methylthiofen | | 11632 | 210-482-6 | 15.092 | | | |

15.093 | 29 | 880-36-4 | 2-oktylthiofen | | | 212-913-3 | 15.093 | | | |

15.094 | 29 | 53119-25-8 | 2-pentanoylthiofen | | | | 15.094 | pentyl(2-thienyl)keton | 1-(2-thienyl)pentan-1-on | |

15.095 | 29 | 102871-31-8 | 3-pentylthiofen | | | | 15.095 | | | |

15.096 | 29 | 4861-58-9 | sek-pentylthiofen | | 11634 | 225-465-9 | 15.096 | | 1-methylbutylthiofen | |

15.097 | 29 | 13679-75-9 | 2-propionylthiofen | | 11635 | 237-182-8 | 15.097 | 2-propanoylthiofen, ethyl(2-thienyl)keton | 1-(2-thienyl)propan-1-on | |

15.098 | 29 | 17626-75-4 | 2-propylthiazol | | | 241-606-7 | 15.098 | | | |

15.099 | 29 | 24050-10-0 | 2-propylthiazolidin | | | | 15.099 | | | |

15.100 | 29 | 1551-27-5 | 2-propylthiofen | | | 216-288-8 | 15.100 | | | |

15.101 | 29 | 1518-75-8 | 3-propylthiofen | | | | 15.101 | | | |

15.102 | 20 | 110-01-0 | tetrahydrothiofen | | | 203-728-9 | 15.102 | tetramethylensulfid | | |

15.103 | 20 | 291-22-5 | 1,2,4,5-tetrathian | | | | 15.103 | | | |

15.104 | 29 | 5333-83-5 | 1-(2-thienyl)butan-1-on | | | 226-246-0 | 15.104 | 2-butyrylthiofen, propyl(2-thienyl)keton | | |

15.105 | 29 | 94089-02-8 | 1-(2-thienyl)ethan-1-thiol | | 11580 | 302-104-4 | 15.105 | 1-(2-thienyl)ethylmerkaptan | | |

15.106 | 29 | 110-02-1 | thiofen | | 11647 | 203-729-4 | 15.106 | | | |

15.107 | 29 | 98-03-3 | thiofen-2-karbaldehyd | | 11874 | 202-629-8 | 15.107 | 2-formylthiofen | | |

15.108 | 29 | 6258-63-5 | 2-thiofenmethanthiol | | | 228-394-1 | 15.108 | (2-thienyl)methylmerkaptan | thiofen-2-methanthiol | |

15.109 | 30 | 638-17-5 | 2,4,6-trimethyldihydro-1,3,5(4H)-dithiazin | | 11649 | | 15.109 | thialdin | 2,4,6-trimethyldihydro-4H-1,3,5-dithiazin | |

15.110 | 20 | 2765-04-0 | 2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,5-trithian | | | | 15.110 | | | |

15.111 | 20 | 289-16-7 | 1,2,4-trithiolan | | | | 15.111 | | | |

15.113 | 30 | 74595-94-1 | 5,6-dihydro-2,4,6,tris(2-methylpropyl)4H-1,3,5-dithiazin | | | | 15.113 | | 2,4,6-triisobutyl-5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3,5-dithiazin | |

15.114 | 30 | 101417-25-8 | 5-acetyl-2,3-dihydro-1,4-thiazin | | | | 15.114 | 5-acetyl-2,3-dihydro-4H-1,4-thiazin, (2,3-dihydro-4H-1,4-thiazin-5-yl)methlyketon | 1-(2,3-dihydro-4H-1,4-thiazin-5-yl)ethan-1-on | |

15.115 | 29 | 61323-24-8 | 2-isobutyl-4-methylthiazol | | | 262-709-3 | 15.115 | | 2-(2-methylpropyl)-4-methylthiazol | |

15.116 | 29 | | 2-acetyl-4-ethylthiazol | | | | 15.116 | (4-ethylthiazol-2-yl)methylketon | 1-(4-ethylthiazol-2-yl)ethan-1-on | |

15.117 | 29 | | 2-isobutyl-4,5-dimethylthiazol | | | | 15.117 | | | |

15.118 | 29 | | 4-butylthiazol | | | | 15.118 | | | |

15.119 | 29 | | 2-isobutyl-3-thiazolin | | | | 15.119 | | 2-isobutyl-2,5-dihydrothiazol | |

15.121 | 29 | | 4-sulfanyl-2-methyl-4,5-dihydro-thiofen | | | | 15.121 | | 4-methyl-2,3-dihydrothiofen-3-thiol | |

15.122 | 30 | | 2,4,6-triethyl-1,3,5-trithiazin | | | | 15.122 | | | |

16.001 | 2 | 7563-33-9 | amonium-isovalerát | 2054 | 464 | 231-458-1 | 16.001 | | amonium-3-methylbutanoát | |

16.002 | 30 | 12135-76-1 | amonium-hydrogen-sulfid | 2053 | 482 | 235-184-3 | 16.002 | | | 1, 5 |

16.006 | 19 | 2444-46-4 | N-nonanoyl-4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylamid | 2787 | 590 | 219-484-1 | 16.006 | N-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)pelargonamid, nonivamid | N-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)nonanamid | |

16.007 | 30 | 7783-06-4 | sirovodík | 3779 | 647 | 231-977-3 | 16.007 | | sulfan | |

16.009 | 30 | 7664-41-7 | amoniak | | 739 | 231-635-3 | 16.009 | | | 4 |

16.012 | 30 | 1405-86-3 | glycyrrhizová kyselina | 2528 | 2221 | 215-785-7 | 16.012 | glycyrrhizin | | 3, 5 |

16.013 | 19 | 39711-79-0 | N-ethyl-2-isopropyl-5-methylcyklohexan karboxamid | 3455 | 2298 | 254-599-0 | 16.013 | N-ethyl-p-menthan-3-karboxamid | N-ethyl-2-isopropyl-5-mehylcyklohexa-1-karboxamid | |

16.014 | 19 | 404-86-4 | N-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)-8-methylnon-6-enamid | 3404 | 2299 | 206-969-8 | 16.014 | kapsaicin, (E)-8-methyl-N-vanillylnon-6-enamid | | |

16.015 | 32 | 77-83-8 | ethyl-methylfenylglycidát | 2444 | 6002 | 201-061-8 | 16.015 | ethyl-α,β-epoxy-β-methylfenylpropanoát, jahodový aldehyd | ethyl-2,3-epoxy-3-fenyl-3-methylbutanoát | |

16.016 | 30 | 58-08-2 | kofein | 2224 | 11741 | 200-362-1 | 16.016 | | 1,3,7-trimethylpurin-2,6(1H,3H)-dion | 2, 3 |

16.017 | 30 | 109-95-5 | ethyl-nitrit | 2446 | 11869 | 203-722-6 | 16.017 | | | 4 |

16.018 | 32 | 121-39-1 | ethyl-3-fenyl-2,3-epoxypropanoát | 2454 | 11844 | 204-467-3 | 16.018 | ethyl-α,β-epoxy-α-fenylpropanoát, ethyl-3-fenylglycidát | ethyl-3-fenyloxiran-2-karboxylát | |

16.027 | 29 | 67-03-8 | thiamin-hydrochlorid | 3322 | 10493 | 200-641-8 | 16.027 | vitamin B1 | 3-[(4-amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidyl)methyl]-5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazol-3-ium-chlorid-hydrochlorid | 1, 3 |

16.030 | 20 | 67715-80-4 | 2-methyl-4-propyl-1,3-oxathian | 3578 | 11540 | | 16.030 | | | |

16.032 | 30 | 83-67-0 | theobromin | 3591 | | 201-494-2 | 16.032 | 3,7-dimethylxanthin | 3,7-dimethyl-3,7-dihydro-1H-purin-2,6-dion | 2, 3 |

16.039 | 30 | | kalium-2-(1-ethoxyethoxy)propanoát | 3752 | | | 16.039 | | kalium-2-(1-ethoxyethoxy)propanoát | |

16.040 | 32 | 74367-97-8 | ethyl-2,3-epoxy-3-methyl-3-p-tolylpropanoát | 3757 | 11707 | 277-844-3 | 16.040 | ethyl-3-methyl-3-tolylglycidát | ethyl-2,3-epoxy-3-methyl-3-(4-methylfenyl)propanoát | |

16.041 | 22 | 13794-15-5 | natrium-2-(4-methoxyfenoxy)propanoát | 3773 | | | 16.041 | | | |

16.042 | 32 | 18383-49-8 | karvon-5,6-oxid | | 10501 | | 16.042 | | 5,6-epoxy-p-menth-8-en-2-on | |

16.043 | 32 | 1139-30-6 | β-karyofyllenepoxid | | 10500 | 214-519-7 | 16.043 | β-karyofyllen-oxid | 4,12,12-trimethyl-9-methyliden-5-oxatricyklo[,6]dodekan | |

16.044 | 32 | 35178-55-3 | piperitenon-oxid | | 10508 | | 16.044 | | 1,2-epoxy-p-menth-4(8)-en-3-on | |

16.047 | 19 | 60-35-5 | acetamid | | | 200-473-5 | 16.047 | | | |

16.048 | 30 | 12125-02-9 | chlorid amonný | | | 235-186-4 | 16.048 | salmiak, amoniium-chlorid | | |

16.049 | 19 | 541-35-5 | butyramid | | | 208-776-4 | 16.049 | butanamid | | |

16.050 | 30 | 5146-66-7 | 3,7-dimethylokta-2,6-diennitril | | | 225-918-0 | 16.050 | | | |

16.051 | 32 | 38284-11-6 | epoxyoxoforon | | | | 16.051 | 1,3,3-trimethyl-7-oxabicyklo[4.1.0]heptan-2,5-dion | 2,3-epoxy-2,6,6-trimethylcyklohexan-1,4-dion | |

16.052 | 19 | 105-60-2 | 1,6-hexalaktam | | | 203-313-2 | 16.052 | ε-kaprolaktam | hexano-6-laktam | |

16.053 | 30 | 51115-67-4 | 2-isopropyl-N,2,3-trimethylbutanamid | 3804 | 10459 | 256-974-4 | 16.053 | | | |

16.054 | 16 | 65416-59-3 | 6-methylen-2,10,10-trimethyl-1-oxaspiro[4.5]dec-7-en | | | | 16.054 | vitispiran | 2,10,10-trimethyl-6-methyliden-1-oxaspiro[4.5]dec-7-en | |

16.055 | 11 | 564-20-5 | sklareolid | 3794 | | 209-269-0 | 16.055 | norambrienolid | 3a,6,6,9a-tetramethyldekahydronafto[2,1-b]furan-2(1H)-on | |

16.056 | 34 | 107-35-7 | taurin | 3813 | | 203-483-8 | 16.056 | | 2-aminoethan-1-sulfonová kyselina | 1, 3 |

16.057 | 20 | 72472-02-7 | 2,4,4-trimethyl-1,3-oxathian | | | | 16.057 | | | |

16.058 | 25 | 10236-47-2 | naringin | 2769 | 10286 | 233-566-4 | 16.058 | | | |

16.059 | 30 | 12124-99-1 | hydrogensulfid amonný | 2053 | 482 | 235-184-3 | 16.059 | | | 1, 5 |

16.060 | 30 | 53956-04-0 | amonná sůl glycyrrhizové kyseliny | 2528 | 2221 | 258-887-7 | 16.060 | amonium-glycyrrhizát | | 1, 3, 5 |

16.061 | 30 | 20702-77-6 | neohesperidin-dihydrochalkon | 3811 | | 243-978-6 | 16.061 | | | 4 |

16.062 | 20 | 59324-17-3 | trans-2-methyl-4-propyl-1,3-oxathian | | | 261-700-1 | 16.062 | | | |

16.064 | 7 | 52104-11-7 | karyolanol-1 | | | | 16.064 | | 4-[(β-D-glukopyranosyl)oxy]-3-methoxybenzaldehyd | |

16.065 | 23 | | 4-(β-D-glukopyranosyloxy)-3-methoxy-benzaldehyd | | | | 16.065 | | | |

16.066 | 30 | 34625-23-5 | ethyl-D-glukopyranosid | | | 252-122-0 | 16.066 | | | |

16.067 | 30 | 18604-50-7 | 2-methoxy-4-(prop-2-enyl)fenyl-β-D-glukopyranosid | | | | 16.067 | | 4-allyl-2-methoxyfenyl-β-D-glukopyranosid | |

16.068 | 30 | 100-47-0 | benzonitril | | | 202-855-7 | 16.068 | | | 4 |

16.069 | 30 | 85-32-5 | guanilová kyselina | | | | 16.069 | | | |

16.070 | 32 | | 7,15-epoxy-3-karyofyllen | | | | 16.070 | | | |

16.071 | 32 | | (E)-4,5-epoxydec-2-enal | | | | 16.071 | | | |

16.073 | 1 | | natrium-acetát | 3900 | | | 16.073 | | | |

16.075 | 23 | | ethyl-vanillin-β-D-glukopyranosid | 3801 | | | 16.075 | | | |

16.077 | 20 | | 2-(2-methyl-1-propenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-1,3-oxathian | | | | 16.077 | | 4,4-dimethyl-2-(2-methylprop-1-en-1-yl)-1,3-oxathian | |

16.078 | 34 | | lysin-hydrochlorid | | | | 16.078 | 2,6-diaminohexanová kyselina - hydrochlorid | | |

16.079 | 25 | | 4-(p-hydroxyfenyl)-2-butanon-β-D-glukopyranosid | | | | 16.079 | | | |

16.080 | 30 | 72401-53-7 | tanin | 3042 | | 276-638-0 | 16.080 | kyselina tříslová | pentakis-O-{3,4-dihydroxy-5-[(3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoyl)oxy]benzoyl}-D-glukosa | |

16.081 | 30 | 126-14-7 | sacharosa-oktaacetát | 3038 | 11819 | 204-772-1 | 16.081 | oktaacetylsacharosa | | O-oktaacetylsacharosa |

17.001 | 34 | 107-95-9 | β-alanin | 3252 | | 203-536-5 | 17.001 | | 3-aminopropanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.002 | 34 | 56-41-7 | L-alanin | 3818 | 11729 | 200-273-8 | 17.002 | | 2-aminopropanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.003 | 34 | 74-79-3 | L-arginin | 3819 | 11890 | 200-811-1 | 17.003 | (S)-2-amino-5-guanidinopentanová kyselina, 2-amino-5-guanidinovalerová kyselina | | 1, 3 |

17.004 | 34 | 3130-87-8 | asparagin | | 516 | 221-521-1 | 17.004 | | 2-amino-4-karbamoylpropanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.005 | 34 | 56-84-8 | aspartová kyselina | 3656 | 10078 | 200-291-6 | 17.005 | asparagová kyselina | 2-aminobutandiová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.006 | 34 | 56-89-3 | cystin | | 11747 | 200-296-3 | 17.006 | | 2,2'-diamino-3,3'-disulfanyldipropanová kyselina | 1, 3, 5 |

17.007 | 34 | 56-85-9 | glutamin | 3684 | | 200-292-1 | 17.007 | | 2-amino-4-karbamoylbutanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.008 | 34 | 71-00-1 | L-histidin | 3694 | | 200-745-3 | 17.008 | | 2-amino-3-(imidazol-4-yl)propanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.009 | 34 | 36901-87-8 | 4-hydroxyprolin | | | | 17.009 | | 4-hydroxypyrrolidin-2-karboxylová kyselina | |

17.010 | 34 | 443-79-8 | DL-isoleucin | 3295 | 10127 | 207-139-8 | 17.010 | | 2-amino-3-methylpentanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.011 | 34 | 595-39-1 | isovalin | | | | 17.011 | 2-amino-2-methylbutanová kyselina | 2-amino-2-methylbutanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.012 | 34 | 61-90-5 | L-leucin | 3297 | 10482 | 200-522-0 | 17.012 | | 2-amino-4-methylpentanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.013 | 34 | 70-54-2 | DL-lysin | 3847 | 11947 | 200-740-6 | 17.013 | | 2,6-diaminohexanová kyselina | 1, 3, 5 |

17.014 | 34 | 59-51-8 | DL-methionin | 3301 | 569 | 200-432-1 | 17.014 | α-amino-γ-methyl-thio-n-butanová kyselina | 2-amino-3-(methylsulfanyl)propanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.015 | 34 | 1115-84-0 | S-methylmethioninsulfonium-chlorid | 3445 | 761 | 214-231-1 | 17.015 | vitamin U, DL-(3-amino-3-karboxypropyl)dimethylsulfonium-chlorid | | |

17.016 | 34 | 3184-13-2 | L-ornithin-monochlorhydrát | | | 221-678-6 | 17.016 | L-ornithin-monohydrochlorid | 2,5-diaminopentanová kyselina - monohydrochlorid | 1, 3 |

17.017 | 34 | 150-30-1 | DL-fenylalanin | 3726 | 10488 | 205-756-7 | 17.017 | | 2-amino-3-fenylpropanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.018 | 34 | 63-91-2 | L-fenylalanin | 3585 | 10488 | 200-568-1 | 17.018 | | 2-amino-3-fenylpropanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.019 | 34 | 147-85-3 | L-prolin | 3319 | 10490 | 205-702-2 | 17.019 | | pyrrolidin-2-karboxylová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.020 | 34 | 302-84-1 | serin | | | 206-130-6 | 17.020 | | 2-amino-3-hydroxypropanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.021 | 34 | 80-68-2 | threonin | | | 201-300-6 | 17.021 | | 2-amino-3-hydroxybutanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.022 | 34 | 60-18-4 | L-tyrosin | 3736 | | 200-460-4 | 17.022 | | 2-amino-3-(4-hydroxyfenyl)propanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.023 | 34 | 516-06-3 | DL-valin | 3444 | | 208-220-0 | 17.023 | | 2-amino-3-methylbutanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.024 | 34 | 302-72-7 | DL-alanin | 3818 | 11729 | 206-126-4 | 17.024 | 2-aminopropanová kyselina | | 1, 3, 5 |

17.026 | 34 | 56-87-1 | L-lysin | 3847 | 11947 | 200-294-2 | 17.026 | lysin | 2,6-diaminohexanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.027 | 34 | 63-68-3 | L-methionin | 3301 | | 200-562-9 | 17.027 | | 2-amino-4-(methylsulfanyl)butanová kyselina | 1, 3, 5 |

17.028 | 34 | 72-18-4 | L-valin | 3444 | | 200-773-6 | 17.028 | | 2-amino-3-methylbutanová kyselina | 1, 3, 5 |

17.030 | 34 | 73-32-5 | L-isoleucin | | | 200-798-2 | 17.030 | | 2-amino-3-methylpentanová kyselina | 1, 3 |

17.031 | 34 | 657-27-2 | L-lysin-monochlorhydrát | | | | 17.031 | | 2,6-diaminohexanová kyselina-hydrochlorid | 1, 3, 5 |

17.032 | 34 | 52-89-1 | L-cystein-hydrochlorid | | 11746 | 200-157-7 | 17.032 | | 2-amino-3-sulfanylpropanová kyselina-hydrochlorid | 1 |

17.033 | 34 | 52-90-4 | L-cystein | 3263 | 10464 | 200-158-2 | 17.033 | | 2-amino-3-sulfanylpropanová kyselina | 1 |

17.034 | 34 | 56-40-6 | glycin | 3287 | 11771 | 200-272-2 | 17.034 | | aminooctová kyselina | 1 |



Kód | Den, kdy Komise obdržela oznámení |

CN003 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN004 | 17. 10 1998. |

CN009 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN010 | 17. 10 1998. |

CN012 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN013 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN014 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN016 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN019 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN022 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN023 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN030 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN031 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN033 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN035 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN036 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN037 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN042 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN045 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN048 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN049 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN050 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN052 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN053 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN054 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN057 | 17. 10. 1998 |

CN058 | 30. 10. 1998 |

CN059 | 18. 9. 1998 |

CN060 | 26. 10. 1998 |

CN061 | 26. 10. 1998 |

CN064 | 3. 2. 1999 |

CN065 | 26. 1. 2001 |


[1] Chemical Abstract Service.

[2] European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances: Evropský seznam stávajících obchodovaných chemických látek.

[3] Council of Europe: Rada Evropy.

[4] Flavour and Extract Manufacturer's Association of the US.
