
Návrh rozhodnutí Rady o postoji, který má přijmout Evropské společenství a jeho členské státy v Radě přidružení ustavené na základě Evropsko-středomořské dohody o přidružení mezi Evropskými společenstvími a jejich členskými státy na jedné straně a Jordánským hášimovským královstvím na straně druhé ohledně přijetí doporučení týkajícího se provádění akčního plánu spolupráce EU a Jordánska /* KOM/2004/0796 konecném znení */

V Bruselu dne 9.12.2004

KOM(2004) 796 v konečném znění



o postoji, který má přijmout Evropské společenství a jeho členské státy v Radě přidružení ustavené na základě Evropsko-středomořské dohody o přidružení mezi Evropskými společenstvími a jejich členskými státy na jedné straně a Jordánským hášimovským královstvím na straně druhé ohledně přijetí doporučení týkajícího se provádění akčního plánu spolupráce EU a Jordánska

(předložená Komisí)


V roce 2002 Evropská rada na svém zasedání v Kodani uzavírajícím přístupová jednání s deseti novými státy konstatovala, že rozšíření je významnou příležitostí pro další posun vztahů se sousedními zeměmi na základě sdílených hodnot, a uvedla, že Unie je i nadále rozhodnuta bránit vzniku nových dělicích čar v Evropě a posilovat stabilitu a prosperitu v rámci nových hranic Unie i mimo ně.

Ve sdělení Komise „Širší Evropa – sousedství: nový rámec vztahů s našimi východními a jižními sousedy“ z března 2003[1] se navrhuje zavedení akčních plánů spolupráce s partnerskými zeměmi. Na svém zasedání dne 16. června 2003 uvítala Rada toto sdělení a vyzvala Komisi, aby předložila v případě potřeby ve spolupráci s vysokým zástupcem akční plány pro spolupráci se všemi dotyčnými zeměmi počínaje Ukrajinou, Moldavskem a partnery z jižního Středomoří s dohodami o přidružení.

Dne 14. června 2004 Rada přivítala sdělení Komise „Evropská politika sousedství – strategický dokument“[2]. Rada též uvítala návrh na provádění evropské politiky sousedství prostřednictvím akčních plánů spolupráce schvalovaných společně s dotyčnými sousedními zeměmi a vyzvala Komisi, aby tyto akční plány navrhla. Akční plány by měly být zpracovány minimálně na období tří let s možností prodloužení po vzájemné dohodě. Měly by vycházet ze společných zásad, ale v případě potřeby by se měly lišit s ohledem na specifika příslušného souseda, jeho vnitrostátních reformních procesů a vztahů s EU. Akční plány by měly být komplexní a zároveň by měly jasně definovat omezený počet klíčových priorit a nabízet reálné stimuly pro reformu. Akční plány by měly též pokud možno přispívat k regionální spolupráci. Rada také definovala postup a monitorování provádění akčních plánů.

V úzké spolupráci s předsednictvím a vysokým zástupcem pro otázky politické spolupráce a SZBP uskutečnila Komise informativní jednání s Jordánskem, která vedla k dohodě o předloze akčního plánu spolupráce. Tento plán pokrývá časový rámec tří až pěti let. Jeho provedení přispěje k naplnění ustanovení obsažených v dohodě o přidružení a k posílení vztahů s Jordánskem, včetně značného stupně ekonomické integrace a prohloubení politické spolupráce. Provádění akčního plánu spolupráce významně přispěje k dalšímu sblížení legislativy, norem a standardů mezi Jordánskem a Evropskou unií.

Akční plán představuje široký nástroj ekonomické a politické spolupráce, který posune závazky a cíle obsažené v Evropsko-středomořské dohodě do dalšího stádia.

V souladu se závěry Rady ze dne 14. června 2004, které stanoví, že akční plány budou schváleny Radou a následně příslušnými Radami pro přidružení nebo spolupráci, připojuje Komise text návrhu rozhodnutí Rady o postoji, který má přijmout Evropské společenství a jeho členské státy v Radě přidružení EU a Jordánska ohledně přijetí doporučení týkajícího se provádění akčního plánu spolupráce uvedeného v příloze.

Komise proto žádá Radu, aby přijala přiložený návrh rozhodnutí Rady.



o postoji, který má přijmout Evropské společenství a jeho členské státy v Radě přidružení ustavené na základě Evropsko-středomořské dohody o přidružení mezi Evropskými společenstvími a jejich členskými státy na jedné straně a Jordánským hášimovským královstvím na straně druhé ohledně přijetí doporučení týkajícího se provádění akčního plánu spolupráce EU a Jordánska


s ohledem na čl. 2 odst. 1 rozhodnutí Rady a Komise 2002/357/ES, ESUO ze dne 26. března 2002 o uzavření Evropsko-středomořské dohody mezi Evropskými společenstvími a jejich členskými státy na jedné straně a Jordánským hášimovským královstvím na straně druhé,

s ohledem na Smlouvu o Evropské unii, zejména na článek 15 této smlouvy,

s ohledem na návrh Komise[3],

vzhledem k těmto důvodům:

(1) Evropsko-středomořská dohoda o přidružení mezi Evropskými společenstvími a jejich členskými státy na jedné straně a Jordánským hášimovským královstvím na straně druhé byla podepsána 24. listopadu 1997 a vstoupila v platnost 1. května 2002.

(2) Strany mají v úmyslu se dohodnout na akčním plánu spolupráce EU a Jordánska, který podpoří provádění Evropsko-středomořské dohody na základě zpracování a vymezení konkrétních kroků zaměřených na dosažení jejích cílů,


Jediný článek

Postoj, který má přijmout Evropské společenství a jeho členské státyv Radě přidružení ustavené Evropsko-středomořskou dohodou o přidružení mezi Evropskými společenstvími a jejich členskými státy na jedné straně a Jordánským hášimovským královstvím na straně druhé, týkající se provádění akčního plánu spolupráce EU a Jordánska bude vycházet z předlohy doporučení Rady přidružení uvedené v příloze k tomuto rozhodnutí.

V Bruselu dne

Za Radu





týkajícího se provádění akčního plánu spolupráce EU a Jordánska

Rada přidružení EU a Jordánska,

s ohledem na Evropsko-středomořskou dohodu o přidružení mezi Evropskými společenstvími a jejich členskými státy na jedné straně a Jordánským hášimovským královstvím na straně druhé, a zejména na článek 91 této dohody,

vzhledem k těmto důvodům:

Článek 91 Evropsko-středomořské dohody zmocňuje Radu přidružení k příslušným doporučením pro účely dosažení cílů této dohody.

Ve smyslu článku 101 Evropsko-středomořské dohody přijmou strany všechna obecná či specifická opatření pro splnění svých závazků vyplývajících z této dohody a budou dbát, aby cíle vytčené v této dohodě byly dosaženy.

Strany Evropsko-středomořské dohody se dohodly na znění akčního plánu spolupráce EU a Jordánska.

Akční plán spolupráce EU a Jordánska bude podporovat provádění Evropsko-středomořské dohody prostřednictvím zpracování a vzájemného schválení konkrétních kroků poskytujících praktické zásady pro její provádění.

Akční plán spolupráce má dvojí cíl, a to vytýčit konkrétní kroky pro splnění závazků stran vytýčených v Evropsko-středomořské dohodě a poskytnout širší rámec pro další posílení vztahů mezi EU a Jordánskem, včetně značného stupně ekonomické integrace a prohloubení politické spolupráce v souladu s celkovými cíli Evropsko-středomořské dohody,


Jediný článek

Rada přidružení doporučuje stranám provedení akčního plánu spolupráce EU a Jordánska uvedeného v příloze s tím, že jeho provedení bude zaměřeno na dosažení cílů Evropsko-středomořské dohody.

V [...]

Za Radu přidružení



1. Introduction

The enlargement of the European Union on 1 May 2004 has brought a historical shift for the Union in political, geographic and economic terms. The EU and Jordan are now closer together than ever before and, as near neighbours, will reinforce their political and economic interdependence. Enlargement offers the opportunity for the EU and Jordan to develop an increasingly close relationship, going beyond co-operation, to involve a significant measure of economic integration and deepening of political co-operation. The European Union and Jordan are determined to make use of this occasion to enhance their relations and to promote stability, security and well-being. The approach is founded on partnership, joint ownership and differentiation. It will contribute to the further development of our strategic partnership.

The European Neighbourhood Policy of the European Union sets ambitious objectives based on commitments to shared values and effective implementation of political, economic, social and institutional reforms.

Jordan is invited to enter into intensified political, security, economic and cultural relations, and shared responsibility in conflict prevention and conflict resolution.

The level of ambition of the EU-Jordan relationship will depend on the degree of commitment to common values as well as the capacity to implement jointly agreed priorities. The pace of progress of the relationship will acknowledge fully the efforts and concrete achievements in meeting those commitments.

The European Neighbourhood Policy is part of the European Union’s response to the Government of Jordan’s political reform agenda as set out in the “National Plan for Political Development”. This National Plan has been developed to progress with political reform designed to consolidate democracy, accountability, transparency and justice in Jordan, and to build a model for a modern, knowledge-based Islamic and Arab country. The European Neighbourhood Policy also responds to the Government of Jordan’s National Social and Economic Action Plan (2004-2006), which aims to develop a sustainable socio-economic reform process.

This Action Plan is a first step in this process. It covers a timeframe of three to five years. Its implementation will help fulfil the provisions in the Association Agreement (AA) and will encourage and support Jordan’s national reform objectives and further integration into European economic and social structures. Implementation of the Action Plan will significantly advance the approximation of Jordanian legislation, norms and standards to those of the European Union. It will also build solid foundations for further economic integration based on the adoption and implementation of economic and trade-related rules and regulations with the potential to enhance trade, investment and growth. It will furthermore help to devise and implement policies and measures to promote economic growth, employment and social cohesion, to reduce poverty and to protect the environment, thereby contributing to the long-term objective of sustainable development.

Jordan and the EU will cooperate closely in implementing this Action Plan.

For the near future the AA remains a valid basis for EU-Jordan co-operation.

New Partnership Perspectives

The European Neighbourhood Policy opens New Partnership Perspectives:

- The perspective of moving beyond cooperation to a significant degree of economic integration, including through a stake in the EU’s Internal Market, and the possibility for Jordan to participate progressively in key aspects of EU policies and programmes.

- An upgrade in the scope and intensity of political cooperation.

- The opportunity for convergence of economic legislation, the opening of economies to each other, and the continued reduction of trade barriers which will stimulate investment and growth;

- Increased financial support: EU financial assistance for Jordan will be better targeted to support the actions identified in the present document, mainly to support the political reform and economic modernisation agenda of the Jordanian Government. The Commission is furthermore proposing a new European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) for this purpose, also covering the very important aspect of transnational cooperation. There will also be infrastructure investment support through the European Investment Bank;

- Possibilities of gradual opening of or reinforced co-operation in relevant Community programmes, promoting i.a. cultural, educational, environmental, technical and scientific links;

- Support including technical assistance and twinning to meet EU norms and standards and targeted support and advise for legislative approximation through mechanisms such as TAIEX;

- Deepening trade and economic relations, extending them progressively to cover agriculture and the service sector, and to provide the conditions for increasing investment and exports;

- Enhanced direct cooperation between administrations based on the bodies set up by the Association Agreement in particular institutionalised thematic sub-committees.

In light of the fulfilment of the objectives of this Action Plan and of the overall evolution of EU–Jordan relations, consideration will be given to the possibility of a new contractual relationship. The Commission has suggested that this could take the form of a European Neighbourhood Agreement. The advisability of any new contractual arrangements will be considered in due time.

Priorities for Action

This Action Plan sets out a comprehensive set of priorities in areas within the scope of the Association Agreement. Among these priorities, all of which are important, particular attention should be given to:

- Take forward a national dialogue on democracy and political life within the framework of the national political development plan.

- Continue to develop an independent and impartial judiciary. Further reinforcing of the administrative and judiciary capacity.

- Take steps to develop further the freedom of the media and freedom of expression

- Further promote equal treatment of women, by preparing a plan to increase women’s participation in political and economic life.

- Strengthen political dialogue and co-operation on issues of international and regional interest including the Middle East Peace Process and the fight against terrorism.

- Take measures to improve business conditions to enhance growth and increase investment in Jordan.

- Enhance Jordan’s export potential by: further liberalisation of trade, in goods and agriculture, simplifying and upgrading customs legislation and procedures, improving industrial standards and modernisation of the sanitary and phytosanitary systems.

- Take steps to prepare for a progressive liberalisation of trade in services.

- Effective management of migratory flows and facilitation of movement of persons in conformity with the acquis, in particular examine the scope for visa facilitation for short stay for some categories of persons to be defined jointly.

- Implement the Jordanian Sustainable Development Strategy, and implement the government’s strategy to reduce poverty

- Develop the transport, energy and information society sectors and networks through sector liberalisation, investment in infrastructures and interconnection with EU networks.

- Strengthen co-operation on science and technology

Progress in meeting these priorities will be jointly monitored in sub-committees established by the Association Agreement. On this basis, the EU, together with Jordan, will review the content of the Action Plan and decide on its adaptation and renewal. After three years, decisions by Jordan and the EU may be taken on the next step in the development of bilateral relations, including the possibility of new contractual links. This could take the form of a European Neighbourhood Agreement whose scope will be defined in the light of progress in meeting the priorities set out in the Action Plan.

2. Actions

2.1. Enhanced Political dialogue and reform

Democracy and rule of law

Promote the stability and effectiveness of institutions strengthening democracy and the rule of law including good governance and transparency

Establish a political dialogue between the European Parliament and the Jordanian Parliament.

Support ongoing efforts to improve good governance and transparency (Jordan First Program and new reform agenda of the Government) in line with UN Conventions to which Jordan is party.

Medium Term

- Promote national dialogue on democracy, political life and relevant issues

- Reform of the political parties law and the elections law.

- Implement Government plans for preparing a comprehensive national programme for public sector reform.

- Further enhancement of the independence and impartiality of the judiciary, upgrade its quality and strengthen its administrative capacity

- Implement the Judicial Upgrading Strategy 2004-2006, simplify judicial procedures and improve the speed and efficiency of decisions.

- Strengthen the capacity and efficiency of the justice administration, including adequate training of judges.

Human rights and fundamental freedoms

Support the freedom of the media and strengthening freedom of expression

Intensify on-going efforts to promote freedom of expression and independence of the media

Strengthen the Higher Media Council

Develop training programs and institutions for media professionals

Promote role of the private sector in the media

Promote Freedom of association and Development of Civil Society

Implement the government’s plans for development of civil society

Medium Term

- Reform legislation on associations.

- Ensure respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms in line with Jordan’s international commitments

- Effective implementation of core UN Conventions to which Jordan is party.

- Strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of the National Commission for Human Rights

- Establish a dialogue for co-operation on Human Rights and Democratisation in the framework of the Association Committee

- Enhance protection of children’s rights and eliminate child labour.

- Ensure effective application of existing legislation against ill treatment.

- Promote Equal Treatment of women

- Incorporate into national legislation international Conventions to which Jordan is party concerning women’s rights, including implementation of measures strengthening punishment of crimes.

- Exchange information and develop reliable statistics on these matters.

Medium Term

- Increase the participation of women in economic and political life by developing and implementing a plan to increase the proportion of women in the labour force and in the political decision making process.

- Promotion of fundamental social rights and core labour standards

- Develop a dialogue on the fundamental social rights and labour rules to identify potential measures in this field.

Medium Term

- Implement the relevant International Labour Conventions to which Jordan is party.

- Ensure adherence and effective implementation of relevant Jordan’s commitments to the core labour standards contained in the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and related core ILO Conventions.

Co-operation on foreign and security policy

Strengthen the Political dialogue and co-operation on foreign and security policy

Develop an enhanced political dialogue and regular exchange of information on Common Foreign Security and Defence Policy (CFSP) and European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP).

Work with the EU to make multilateral institutions and conventions more effective, so as to reinforce global governance, strengthen coordination in combating security threats and address related development issues.

Regional and international issues, conflict prevention and crisis management.

Strengthen dialogue and co-operation on regional and international issues, conflict prevention and crisis management and addressing common security threats

Establish contact points and carry out exchanges of information on ESDP matters with the Secretariat of the Council and the Commission.

Further develop co-operation with Jordan in the context of the Middle East Peace Process, Iraq and other regional initiatives.

Actively promote the conclusion of the Euro-Mediterranean Peace and Stability Charter

Contribute to UN efforts to resolve regional conflicts and promote effective multilateralism.

Medium Term

- Explore the possibility of participation in training activities on conflict prevention, crisis and natural disaster management as well as in civil and military peace–keeping exercises and operations in co-operation with the EU.

- Further develop co-operation in addressing common security threats, including non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and illegal arms exports

- Cooperate on non-proliferation of weapons o mass destruction, their means of delivery and ballistic missiles, including through implementing UNSC resolution 1540/04, ensuring full compliance with and national implementation of existing international obligations and promoting the accession to and implementation of other relevant international instruments and export control regimes.

- Further develop co-operation in the prevention of and fight against the illicit trafficking of materials that are used in the manufacture of WMD.

- Co-operate on developing effective systems of national export control, controlling export and transit of WMD related goods, including WMD end-use control on dual use of goods and technologies, and effective sanctions for breaches of export controls.

- Apply the risk – based customs control ensuring safety and security of goods imported, exported or in transit, and explore possible definitions of standards for certification of operator (exporters and transporters) intervening in commercial exchanges.

- Improve overall co-ordination in the non-proliferation area and examine specific threats related to WMD which undermine regional security and the scope of co-operation in addressing them.

- Promote the relevant provisions on the political and security partnership of the Barcelona Declaration with the objective to pursue a mutually and effectively veritable Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction.

- Combating terrorism

- Strengthen EU-Jordan co-operation on the fight against and prevention of terrorism

- Co-operate to reinforce the role of the UN in the multilateral fight against terrorism, including through full implementation of UNSC Resolutions 1373/01 and 1267/99, and implementation and enforcement of the UN Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism;

- Ensure respect of human rights in the fight against terrorism.

2.2. Economic and Social Reform and development

Monetary, exchange rate and fiscal policies

Consolidate progress in macro-economic stabilisation and growth policies.

Pursue the implementation of a national macroeconomic stabilisation programme, taking into account the regional situation, with the aim to consolidate the achievements in the areas of price stability, lowering public debt and fiscal stability.

Continue improving public finance management and transparency; continue the policies for achieving a sustainable fiscal and pension system.

Increase efficiency of the public sector in line with the Government programme of reform.

Functioning of Market Economy

Continue progress in the establishment of fully functioning market economy through structural reforms.

Continue progress with the privatisation program.

Strengthening banking regulation and supervision.

Review structural economic reforms and monitor EU-Jordan co-operation within the framework of the economic dialogue of the Association Agreement.

Promote investment in Jordan

Develop a strategy to promote domestic investment and attract foreign investment to Jordan, including regulatory simplification, administrative facilitation, training of operators, and extension of commercial representations within the EU.

Develop a business-to-business dialogue and contacts between investment promotion agencies to identify investment opportunities and obstacles.

Social situation employment and poverty reduction

Enhance Social Development and co-operation

Implement the strategy of social development and poverty reduction in accordance with the socio-economic transformation plan

Develop and implement market driven strategies for addressing the problem of unemployment.

Engage in a dialogue on employment and social issues with a view to identify potential measures in this field.

Regional Development

Strengthening socio-economic cohesion of Jordan regions

Strengthen the regional development management structures. Implement the decentralisation of programme of services delivery and management at governorates level.

Support the reduction of regional disparities in social and economic development, in particular in rural areas in accordance with the Jordanian programme of rural and regional development.

Sustainable Development

Promotion of sustainable development

Carry out a gap analysis of the existing Jordanian Sustainable Development Strategy ( Agenda 21)

Prioritise actions contained in the strategy already as well as those resulting from the gap analysis


- Implement priority actions of the Strategy as defined within the short term.

2.3. Trade related issues, market and regulatory reform

2.3.1. Movement of goods

Trade Relations

Liberalisation of trade in goods.

Develop a joint monitoring system of the tariff-dismantling schedule for industrial goods.

Elimination of non tariff barriers.

Examine the possibility for further liberalisation of trade in agricultural products. Identify areas with export potential to the EU.

Staff training and capacity building in the Ministry of Trade and Industry on international trade relations.

Work towards the conclusion of free trade agreements with other countries in the region.

Enhancing Jordan’s Export Potential

Develop and implement a national strategy for exports promotion including training of operators and developing business to business marketing networks.

Medium Term:

- With a view to increasing transparency for economic operators elaborate rules of procedure for dispute settlement for the existing Association Agreement.


Improve functioning of customs service and simplification and modernisation of customs procedures

Further harmonisation and simplification of customs legislation, code and procedures in accordance with Palermo recommendations.

Strengthen co-operation with other agencies working at the border.

Conclude and implement the new protocol on Pan Euro-mediterranean origin cumulation.

Strengthen administrative co-operation to combat irregularities and fraud in customs and related matters.

Develop EU-Jordan co-operation with regard to risk based customs control ensuring safety and security of goods imported, exported or in transit, and define standards for certification of operators (exporters and transporters) intervening in commercial exchanges.


- Further convergence of customs related legislation

- Strengthen customs laboratory expertise

- Adopt and implement a Customs Ethics Policy

Technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures (EU harmonised areas)

Facilitate market access of industrial products.

Implement the Palermo Action Plan for the Free Movement of Industrial Products approved by the July 2003 Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Trade Ministers.

Establish a list of priority sectors for Jordan to participate in the internal market.

Adapt the Jordanian institutions in charge of implementing product legislation and train the various stakeholders.

Raise the awareness of economic operators.

Medium Term

- Harmonise and implement the relevant legislative framework with the acquis communautaire, including the legislation on liability for defective products and general product safety; harmonise national standards with European and international standards for industrial products.

- Strengthen the institutions in charge of standardisation, accreditation, conformity assessment, metrology and market surveillance; integrate them to the extent possible within European and international structures.

- Simplify procedures to avoid multiple testing requirements.

- Negotiate an Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products.

Restrictions and streamlined administration (EU non-harmonised areas)

Facilitate the movement of goods and improve administrative co-operation.

Ensure that interested Jordanian private sector associations, representing the majority of private sector operating in Jordan in accordance with national laws and regulations, are given an opportunity to comment on new draft legislation.

Ensure that interested parties are given an opportunity to identify problems related to movement of goods.

Medium Term

- Analyse legislation and administrative procedures with a view to identifying and progressively removing discrimination against imported products.

- Ensure that there is a central administrative unit responsible for implementation of movement of goods. This could also be a contact point to improve information flows and co-operation between the EU and Jordan and provide information to operators.

Sanitary and phytosanitary issues

Increase food safety for Jordanian and European consumers. Reforms and modernisation of the sanitary and phytosanitary sectors

Continue work towards full implementation of the WTO agreement on the application of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures and active participation in relevant international bodies (OIE, IPPC, Codex Alimentarius).

Draw up a list of measures for gradual legislative approximation towards the principles of the EU legislation: sanitary and phytosanitary, food and animal traceability and hygiene. First step towards the setting up of an animal identification and traceability system.

Develop a food policy and an action plan

Strengthen regulation to prevent the placing on the market of unauthorized substances, including plant protection products and ensure the monitoring of residues of these substances in live animals, animal products and plant products for food and feed.

Explore the possible reorganisation of the Jordan food safety control system under a unique Food Safety authority and the development of an official risk assessment and management structures and inspection services. Strengthening of the general sanitary and phytosanitary controls. Work towards the interconnection of the national rapid verification/action system for dangerous goods with the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed.

Take steps to increase participation of stakeholders in the Jordan food policy formulation and enforcement.

Medium Term

- Increase convergence with EU food safety principles and general foodstuff labelling requirements; examine potential for progressive abolition of pre-market approval systems for food products.

2.3.2. Right of establishment, Company law and services.

Establishment and company law

Remove obstacles to the establishment and operation of companies.

a) Operation of Companies

- Establish a suitable environment for companies.

- Co-operate to facilitate foreign investment

b) Establishment

- Co-operate to facilitate the establishment of companies.

- Without prejudice of annex VI of the agreement ensure reciprocal national treatment for EU and Jordanian subsidiaries, companies or branches.

c) Company law:

- Work towards convergence with key principles of international and EU rules and standards including the establishment of a public register of undertakings, a national gazette for the publication of companies data and ensure control of the incorporation of a company or the compatibility of certain acts in accordance with national laws and regulations.

- Efficient implementation of a code on corporate governance

Medium Term:

- Establish a high-quality audit profession.


Gradual abolition of restrictions on supply of services

Establish the Euromed framework protocol to enable the possibility of open bilateral negotiations.

Develop a strategy to enhance the competitiveness of the Jordanian services sector including regulatory simplification and administrative facilitation for both Jordanian and EU sectors.

Support Jordan to prepare for future liberalisation of trade in services in selected sectors in accordance with Government Policies. Jordan to proceed with consultations with its private economic operators to identify sectors for potential co-operation.

Explore possibilities of facilitating the supply of services including by the development of the necessary administrative structures and the removal of identified barriers.

Development of financial services.

Enhancement of a prudential regulatory framework for financial services.

Set up and train independent authorities to ensure effective supervision

2.3.3 Movement of capital and current payments

Further development of capital markets. Liberalisation of Payments, Capital Movements

Review current legislation to assess the need for further liberalisation of movement of capitals and to guarantee the free transaction movement of capitals relating in particular to direct investment and the protection of foreign investment.

Medium term:

- Complete liberalisation of capital movements

2.3.4 Movement of persons including workers and social security co-ordination

Facilitate the movement and integration of workers.

Equality of treatment of Jordanian and Community workers nationals who are legally residing and working in the territory of the Community or Jordan, elimination of discrimination.

Coordination of social security schemes.

2.3.5. Regional co-operation

Support the development of policies promoting regional integration.

Develop south-south trade and regional co-operation initiatives including support for the implementation of the Agadir agreement, and promote trade and investment among the regional partners.

Continue work carried out in the development of other regional trade promotion initiatives including the work carried out by the trilateral working group on the Qualified Industrial Zones.

Promote the development of regional projects in the environment, energy, telecommunications and transport.

2.3.6. Other key areas


Further Development of the tax system and its institutions

Further reform of the tax system and work to increase its compatibility with WTO norms.

Strengthening of the Tax Administration. Develop a comprehensive Strategy for the Tax Administration

Medium Term

- Complete the network of bilateral agreements between Jordan and EU Member States on avoidance of double taxation.

- Gradual approximation of the national tax legislation with the principles/structure of the EU acquis. Depending on the level of Jordan’s access to the Internal Market, adoption of and compliance with the principles of the Code of Conduct for Business Taxation

Competition policy and State Aid

Develop the conditions to enable competition between the EU and Jordan companies and among Jordanian companies. Establish implementing rules on competition, including in particular a consultation mechanism.

Adopt an Association Council Decision on implementing rules on competition.

Development of the mechanisms to monitor state aid grants

Establish a binding, uniform definition of State aid which is compatible with that of the EU and a national mechanism for collecting information on state aid.

Exchange with the EU of an annual report on the total amount and distribution of state aid, as foreseen by Article 53 of the Association Agreement.

Develop legislation and an anti trust control regime compatible with that of the EU.

Strengthen the Competition Directorate of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other concerned institutions.

Assess the effectiveness of the current legislative framework, and of its implementation.

Take further steps to increase public awareness of the competition rules and policy.

Ensure the right of appeal to an independent court against decisions on anti-trust in accordance with national laws and regulations.

Ensure non-discrimination on the part of state monopolies of a commercial character.

Exchange of information, insofar as this does not prejudice national security, on state monopolies and public enterprises which have been granted special rights.

For any sectors which should participate in the internal market, Jordan would have to put into place a State aids control regime and legislation compatible with that of the EU including:

Medium Term:

- Prohibition of state aid which distort trade between the EU and Jordan.

- A system of prohibition and ex-ante control of state aid.

- A procedure between the EU and Jordan, to settle cases that distort competition.

Intellectual and industrial property

Enhance protection of industrial and intellectual property rights

Strengthen the Trade’s Industrial Property Protection Directorate in the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Reduce circulation and trafficking of counterfeit/pirated goods in specifically targeted sectors.

Medium Term:

- Accede to the main international agreements - including the conventions (and timeframe) provided for by the Association Agreement - and apply international standards. Explore the possibility of applying key elements from the EU acquis, which are not covered by relevant international standards

- Establish a dialogue with organisations of rights holders and users of IP

- Explore the possibility of enhanced interaction with other Euromed partners - further legal/administrative improvements and co-ordination, membership of additional relevant conventions etc.


Adoption of statistical methods compatible with European standards in relevant statistical areas and advance the institution building of the Jordanian Statistical System

Elaborate a short and middle term development strategy for harmonisation with European standards in the relevant statistical areas.

Ensure that legislation on official statistics is based on the fundamental UN principles.

First steps to develop economic and social statistics in conformity with EU standards.

Continue the work on sustainable development indicators.

Public procurement

Develop conditions for open and competitive award of contracts.

Improve the functioning of the current system through increased transparency, information and training.

Improve information and awareness among contracting authorities and the business community about public procurement procedures.

Strengthen the Jordanian Public Procurement and Supplies Departments of the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of Finance.

Build capacity for e-procurement.

Medium Term:

- Harmonise procurement related regulations.

- Convergence with and implementation of key acquis principles e.g. transparency, non-discrimination, competition and access to legal recourse.

- Explore opportunities for increased opening of the public procurement markets within the Euromed region.

Enterprise policy

Improve the conditions for enterprise development

Modernise and improve the competitiveness of Jordanian industry including through the development of a Jordanian strategy for Industrial modernisation and competitiveness.

Improve business conditions including through the adoption and implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean Charter for Enterprise.

Work towards implementation of the October 2003 strategy of the Euro-Mediterranean Working Party on Industrial Co-operation.

Create a dialogue between business, administrations and academic institutions for the identification of priority actions for business improvement and the exchange of best practice.

Medium Term

- Reinforce the role of enterprises and their representative organisations in the preparation of legislative and regulatory measures.

Public Internal Financial Control and related issues

Develop the conditions for good financial management, accountability and control

Take first steps to develop independent internal audit systems for national budget in line with EU and international norms and standards.

Strengthen and build the capacity of the Jordanian Audit Bureau in line with EU and international norms and standards.

Start work to develop administrative capacity to prevent irregularities affecting national and international funds.

Ensure effective co-operation with the relevant EU Institutions

2.4. Co-operation in Justice and Home Affairs

Migration issues (legal and illegal migration, readmission, visa, asylum)

Management of migratory flows and prevention of illegal migration

Dialogue on asylum issues.

Exchange of information on migration issues (entry and stay, integration) and illegal migration

Discussion on the possibility of co-operation on transit migration.

Start and develop dialogue in visa issues

Develop visa co-operation, including the possible adaptation of visa systems, the visa and travel documents issuing procedure including their security

In order to facilitate the circulation of persons, examine within the context of existing structures, de possibilities of facilitation visa issuing (simplified and accelerated procedures in conformity with the acquis)

Border management

Development of an efficient border management

Exchange of information and practices on EU standards concerning border management

Develop regional co-operation between relevant law enforcement bodies

Fight against organised crime

Ratification and implementation of international instruments

Ratification and implementation of the United Nation Convention against Transnational Organised Crime. Signature and ratification of the Protocols on smuggling migrants, trafficking in persons and illicit manufacturing and trafficking of firearms.

Develop legislation following relevant international standards and international conventions.

Exchange information on the methods to fight against trafficking of persons, and smuggling of illegal migrants, including the position of victims

Exchange of information on the fight against Cybercrime

Develop effective law enforcement agencies for the fight against organised crime.


Reinforce the fight against drugs

Exchange information on the implementation of the 1988 UN Convention on Illicit Traffic of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances, including on reinforcing and/or harmonising national legislation

Exchange information on international co-operation in the fight against drugs

Start dialogue on regional co-operation including on training of relevant authorities

Prevention of the diversion of precursors and other essential substances to the production of illicit narcotic drugs equivalent to those adopted by the Chemical Action Task Force ( CATF).

Money laundering, financial and economic crime

Develop co-operation in the fight against money laundering

Exchange information and dialogue on the basic requirements in accordance with relevant international standards and international conventions. Start developing the legislative framework based on these standards.

Co-operation between Jordanian Law enforcement agencies and international organisations as well as with corresponding services of EU Member states

Exchange of information and dialogue concerning the institutional framework to support the fight against money laundering, financial and economic crime. Police and judicial co-operation

Develop co-operation between Jordan and EU Member States judicial and law enforcement authorities

Implement relevant international conventions and, where already ratified, start developing national legislation for their implementation

Exchange of information between EU, EU Member states and Jordanian law enforcement agencies, including on matters related to the International Criminal Court.

Co-operation in the field of police training between Jordanian and European police academies and colleges, as well as with CEPOL

Explore the possibilities for co-operation between Jordan and EUROPOL (European Police Office).

Develop adequate correctional centres (prisons) conditions

Exchange of information between the EU and Jordan on correctional centres (prisons) including classification systems for prisoners, vocational training programmes and reintegration into society

Develop a national programme to implement improvements in correctional centre (prisons) conditions, including the enhancement of detention facilities having regard to the protection of fundamental human rights.

Combating terrorism

Strengthening cooperation to combat terrorism

Develop cooperation to strengthen the fight against the financing of terrorism in line with the standards laid down in the FATF recommendations on terrorism financing.

Develop cooperation between law enforcement agencies to combat terrorism.

Develop judicial cooperation in the context of combating terrorism.

2.5. Transport, energy, information society and environment


Implement the National Transport Policy

Further develop the National Transport Policy to include the development of all transport modes

Strengthen and if necessary establish the administrative structures to prepare specific plans for priority sectors.

Strengthen and if necessary develop the necessary independent regulatory authorities.

Develop an infrastructure policy in order to identify the priority infrastructure projects in various sectors as well as addressing financing issues.

Regional element:

- Participate in the planning and identification of priority regional infrastructure projects and the interconnection of this network with the trans-European transport network.

- Participate in the development of Global Navigation Satellite Systems in the Mediterranean region and in the new MEDA regional project on satellite navigation.

- Adopt border crossing facilitation actions that aim to improve the functioning of the transport network in order to increase the fluidity of the transport flows between Jordan, regional partners and the EU.

Medium Term:

- Participate in the development of Global Navigation Satellite Systems in the Mediterranean region.

- Implementation of a license regime both for passenger and freight operations with a view to ensuring level playing field in particular in the freight sector .

- Strengthening of bodies to enforce standards in the field of social legislation and technical requirements with international conventions and EU standards in the area of dangerous goods and driving times.

- Undertake work towards further approximation of legislative and regulatory frameworks with European and International standards.

- Implement selected measures and reforms in the aviation sector

- Implementation of the existing national aviation policy and further reinforce administrative capacity (including a separation of regulatory and operational functions of the CAA).

- Continue with the sector reform and gradual market liberalization. Address issues of private investments in airport infrastructures and the opening of the market for ground handling services.

- Prepare for negotiations on a comprehensive aviation agreement with the EU. Revise bilateral aviation agreements concluded with Member States with a view to include the Community designation clause. Explore possibilities for involvement in the Single European Sky.

- Co-operation on aviation security matters (common rules to combat international terrorism).

- Improve the management, control and safety of air traffic.

Medium Term:

- Develop industrial and research co-operation with the EU in the aviation sector.

- Implement selected measures and reforms in the maritime sector

- Implement the National Maritime Policy for the development of the sector.

- Strengthen the institutional structures in maritime administration in terms of ship inspectors and associated support personnel.

- Strengthen cooperation in the field of maritime security in order to fight terrorism within the framework of SOLAS/ISPS provisions.

- Implement relevant international conventions.

- Continue with the reform of the port sector (separation of operational and commercial functions).

Medium Term:

- Introduce stringent maritime safety provisions with a view to exploring the possibilities of cooperating in EMSA activities. Continue to approximate the Jordanian maritime legislation to international and EU standards. Effectively enforce maritime safety standards and effective enforcement in the areas of Port State Control and Flag State implementation.

Regional element:

- Take part in regional co-operation regarding maritime policy, ports and short sea shipping.

- Develop co-operation with EU and Mediterranean partners in the framework of the International Maritime Organisation and promote the participation in the new regional project on maritime safety (SAFEMED).


Take steps to adopt an updated overall energy policy converging towards EU energy policy objectives.

Update and take steps to adopt, by the appropriate instance, the current energy policy document.

Gradual harmonisation of the Jordanian statistical and data registration systems in the energy sector with EU standards.

Modernise and develop the Nuclear Energy Commission.

Strengthen and develop the capacity of the Natural Resources Authority.

Medium term

- Implementation of an updated overall energy policy converging towards EU energy policy objectives.

- Further develop EU-Jordan energy policy dialogue and cooperation.

- Gradual convergence towards the principles of the EU internal electricity and gas markets.

- Establish a list of measures for gradual convergence towards the principles of the EU internal electricity and gas markets.

- Cooperate, in the context of the Declaration of Intent of 2 December 2003 on the Euro-Mashrek cooperation in the field of natural gas.

- Effective electricity price developments towards the elimination of distortions.

- Develop the Electricity Regulatory Commission towards an energy sector regulator independent from market operators.

- Further advance in restructuring/privatising the electricity sector.

Medium term

- Implement measures for gradual convergence towards the principles of the EU internal electricity and gas markets, complete electricity sector reform and continue the Euro-Mashrek gas cooperation.

- Progress on energy networks.

Short and medium term

- Reduce electricity network losses.

- Further development of regional energy infrastructures including the submarine electricity cable with Egypt, the electricity interconnection with Syria and the gas pipeline towards Syria.

- Improve safety and security of energy infrastructure

- Develop interconnections on oil, gas and electricity with the neighbouring countries

- Progress on energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.

- Take steps to adopt an Action Plan for improving energy efficiency and enhancing the use of renewable energy.

- Reinforce the institutions dealing with energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

Medium term

- Pursue measures in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

- Progress to reach Jordan's target to ensure that 5 % of the country's energy needs are covered by the year 2015 by renewable energy sources in the medium term.

Information Society

Progress in the development and use of Information Society applications

Elaborate a national policy on the development of the sector including regulatory, economic, technological and social aspects, including advanced services

Take steps to liberalise the market for fixed voice telephony.

Work towards developing a harmonized regulatory framework including licensing, access and interconnection, numbering, Universal Service and users rights, privacy protection and data security, cost-orientation of tariffs.

Implement Government’s plan for the promotion of the Information Society and implement the e-Transaction law as well as the current plans on e-Government, e-Commerce and e-Finance.

EU support, including training and cooperation in regional eStrategies.

Encourage broadband development in order to increase internet penetration.


Take steps to ensure that conditions for good environmental governance are set and start implementing them

Enhance administrative structures and procedures to ensure strategic and financial planning as well as implementation, including strengthening of the Ministry of Environment.

Review the National Environment Action Plan NEAP.

Complete the adoption of the Environment Protection Law; take steps to Adopt by-laws on environment

Implement priority actions of the National Environmental Education, Awareness and Communication Strategy.


- Prepare a state-of-the environment report by the end of 2006, drawing on from support and experience by UNEP and European Environment Agency, where appropriate;

- Take active action for prevention of deterioration of the environment, protection of human health, and achievement of rational use of natural resources, in line with the commitments of the Johannesburg summit

Medium term:

- Seek incentives to promote environmentally sound production patterns within Jordanian industries.

- Take steps towards adoption of specific programmes/plans on selected priority sectors

- Enhance co-operation on environmental issues

- Identify possibilities for enhanced regional co-operation, in particular in relation to water issues

- Possible participation in selected European Environment Agency (EEA) activities

- Work towards the implementation of the provisions under the Kyoto Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Medium term

- Implement provisions under the Kyoto Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Science and technology, research and development

Accelerate the integration of Jordan into the European Research Area and the Community Framework Programme

Complete negotiations and start implementation of the Science and Technology agreement.

Put into place and reinforce mutual information systems

Put into place the network of national contact points for the 6th Framework programme and connect the RDT-I operators

Organise the EU-Jordanian co-operation in RDT-I

Strengthen the Higher Council for Science and Technology and the Higher Committee for Scientific Research.

Develop a sound policy for Scientific Research and Development

To facilitate Jordan’s participation in the 6th Community R&D Framework Programmes and in other EU scientific activities.

Develop the scientific and technological capacity with a focus on the use of RTD results by the industrial and SME sector

Reinforce the human resources, as well as the material and institutional means to improve the capacities of the RTD-I operators.

Organise a concerted interaction between the scientific actors and the end users (industry, SME), public-private

Promote the integration of Jordan into scientific high-level exchanges

Reinforce Jordan’s participation in the international Marie Curie scholarships; foresee appropriate mechanisms for return

Reinforce the exchange of personal in the joint projects and promote the participation of Jordanian scientists in international scientific debates

2.6. People-to-people contacts

Education, training and youth

Reform and upgrade the education and training systems and work; within the framework of the Jordanian national programme, towards convergence with EU standards and practice.

Develop and implement a vocational training programme

Reform the education system according to the Jordanian national programme. Work towards to enhancing the quality and the capacity of institutions and organisations involved in the quality assurance of education and training provision Address accreditation and licensing procedures;

Take steps to increase the involvement of civil society stakeholders and social partners in higher education and VET reform;

Encourage the participation in the Erasmus Mundus programme.

Foster the development of human resources and human capital, and promote the reform of higher education through the TEMPUS III programme.

Aim at the reform of higher education in line with the principles of Bologna process.

Enhance co-operation in the field of education, training and youth

Establish a policy dialogue between EU and Jordanian authorities in the field of education and training

Explore the possibility of extending co-operation in the areas of school education, vocational education and training through the possible extension of the TEMPUS programme.

Increase links among Jordanian educational institutions and with the EU

Enhance youth exchanges and co-operation in the field of non-formal education and intercultural dialogue

Culture and audio-visual issues

Enhance cultural co-operation

Enhance Jordan’s participation in the relevant EC cultural co-operation programmes.

Create conditions for an environment favouring co-operation and circulation of cultural and audio-visual goods and services

Work towards the development of a transparent, efficient and predictable regulatory system including through the establishment of an independent regulatory authority in the audio-visual sector

Public health

Increase the level of health security, health information and knowledge

Exchange of information and know-how on health indicators and data collection

Invite relevant Jordanian authorities as observers in the meetings of the Network of Competent Authorities

Develop the Technical and administrative conditions to integrate Jordan in the EU public health information and knowledge system

Communicable Disease Surveillance and Health Security (Epidemiological Surveillance and Control)

Participation in Communicable Disease Networks and dedicated surveillance networks

Develop adequate laboratories networking

3. Monitoring

The Action Plans will be submitted for formal adoption to the EU-Jordan Association Council. The Action Plans will guide the work between the EU and Jordan. Should the need arise, on the EU side, for specific measures necessitating legally binding decisions, the Commission will recommend to the Council the adoption of the necessary negotiating directives.

The joint bodies established under the Association Agreement will advance and monitor the implementation of the Action Plan on the basis of regular reports on its implementation.

A first review of the implementation of the Action Plan will be undertaken within two years of its adoption.

The Action Plan can be regularly amended and/or updated to reflect progress in addressing the priorities.


CAA: Civil Aviation Authority

CEPOL: European Police College

EMSA: European Maritime Safety Agency

FATF: Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering

IP: Intellectual Property

IPPC: International Plant Protection Convention

ILO: International Labour Organisation

NEAP: National Environment Action Plan

OIE: Organisation Mondiale de la Santé Animale

TAIEX: Technical Assistance Information Exchange

UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme

[1] KOM(2003) 104.

[2] KOM(2004) 373.

[3] Úř. věst. C , , s.