Email draft
Dear beneficiaries,
You are invited to participate to this survey because you have received support from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (EGF) after dismissals in [company name / economic sector / region] in [Member State]. The EGF is a European instrument, which provides assistance to persons who have lost their job because of a major restructuring event.
To participate in this EU Survey, please create a European Commission’s user authentication service (EU Login) account. Follow the steps described here.
The questionnaire should not take more than [7] minutes to complete. Your answers will be automatically saved so if you prefer you can complete a part of the survey and return later to finish it. Last chance to submit the answers is [date].
Your answers will be treated fully confidentially and will not be shared with anyone else.
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact [name of the respective national EGF contact person or functional mailbox].
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond – we highly appreciate your feedback!
Introduction to the survey
The purpose of this survey is to find out if the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (EGF) has been useful to the people who received support. The data collected in this survey will be used to improve the EGF.
1. The European Union and the EGF
Are you aware that the measures you participated in were co-financed by the European Union? (multiple answers possible)
Yes, I was aware that the measures I received were co-financed by the European Union (EU)
Yes, I was aware that the measures I received were co-financed by the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (EGF)
2. Background on the beneficiary
We would like to know more about your personal situation. Please, answer the following questions.
What is your gender?
What is your citizenship?
Choose from list (EU and non-EU countries)
If double citizenship, please type in the second citizenship: ________
What is your highest and completed level of education according to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)?
Not completed primary education (ISCED 0)
Primary education (ISCED 1)
Secondary education (ISCED 2 and 3)
Vocational education (ISCED 4)
Bachelor’s degree (ISCED 6)
Master’s degree (ISCED 7)
Other: ______ total years of education: _______
How many years of professional experience do you have?
Do you have a disability?
Do you have a migrant background (1)?
Have you ever experienced long-term unemployment (2)?
Do you feel disadvantaged at the labour market?
Yes, if yes, please specify the reason:_____________
3. Your employment situation before benefiting from EGF support
Next questions should give us more information about your previous job. The answers will help us to compare your employment situations before and after receiving the EGF support.
What was your employment status?
Employment Status
My job was*
My contract/employment relationship was*…
My contract/employment relationship was*…
Provided directly through the company
Provided through an agency
Not applicable for self-employed
To what extent were you satisfied with your job?
Very satisfied
Prefer not to say
Very dissatisfied
4. Measures and/or support
Following questions are about the measures and/or support which you have received.
Which types of support did you receive? Multiple answers possible.
General categories
(*optional) specific measures
Individual job search assistance, case management and general information services
Profiling (3)
Advice, Counselling, Career guidance or job search assistance
Mentoring or coaching
Outplacement assistance (4)
Training and re-training
Training and re-training – Institutional training (school, university, training centre or similar)
Training and re-training – vocational training; supervised workplace training; apprenticeship schemes, traineeships or internships
Employment incentives/wage subsidy
Wage subsidy
Supported employment & rehabilitation
Supported employment (5)
Rehabilitation (6)
Promotion of entrepreneurship
Assistance with starting your own business (for example counselling, coaching, legal advice, etc.)
Financial incentives to start up your own business
Assistance with business creation
Assistance with employee take-overs
Training allowance
Job-search allowance
Mobility allowance and/or contribution to commuting costs
Subsistence allowance
Contribution to the cost of carers of dependent persons.
Others (please fill in):
How much time passed between your dismissal and starting the measure(s)?
For how long did you receive support provided through the EGF?
Longer than 12 months
To what extent do you agree with the following statements
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Do not know
Not applicable
The support I got was tailored to my needs
The support I got helped me to develop new skills/gain new qualifications
Thanks to the support I received, I am now better able to use digital technologies (e.g. internet; computer, smartphone, other devices, software) [digital skills]
Thanks to the support I received, I am now better able to save energy, produce less waste or find other ways to help the environment [green skills]
The support I got encouraged me to overcome gender-stereotypes in job selection, and/or made me more aware of gender discrimination in general
The support I got helped me to gain more confidence in my abilities
The support I got helped me to build a network of contacts
After participating in the measure(s) I am better qualified for work
Which measure was most useful?
Choose from the list of measures (drop down menu):
supported employment and rehabilitation
promotion of entrepreneurship
Were you offered measures that you did not participate in?
No (if no, skip to question 4.8)
What is the reason for not participating in measures?
Did you ask for a specific measure?
No (Skip to question 4.11)
Did you receive the measure you asked for?
If no, what measure did you request? Type in: _____
If no, do you know why you did not receive the measure you asked for?
Type in:_________
If you completed education or training with support of the EGF, what type of education? (Multiple answers possible)
Vocational education/training
Validation of a degree from non-EU country
Training to prepare for recognition of skills acquired through work experience
Re-training/re-skilling/professional re-orientation, which profession: (type in)
Other: Type in______________
Not applicable
What was your status after you ended your last measure?
Your status 6 months after (if applicable)
Your status 12 months after (if applicable)
Your status 18 months after (if applicable)
Undergoing training or education
Undergoing training or education
Undergoing training or education
5. Current situation
We would like to know which of the following options describes best your current employment status.
What best describes your current situation? (If more than one option is applicable, choose the predominant option and add additional information in the next question.)
Unemployed (including permanent sick leave, disabled or incapacitated, on family leave, doing housework, looking after children or other persons) (Skip to chapter 6)
Employed (permanent, temporary, short-term, platform (7)) (Skip to chapter 7)
Self-employed (Skip to chapter 8)
Student or undergoing training (Skip to chapter 9)
Retired (Skip to chapter 10)
Other Inactive (Skip to chapter 10)
If you have additional information on your current employment situation, please specify: ______
6. For the participants that are currently unemployed
In the previous question, you have marked that you are currently unemployed and/or in permanent sick leave, doing housework, looking after children or other persons. The following questions will help us understand your specific situation.
For how many months have you been without a job?
Type in _______________
Are you currently looking for a job?
Yes, I am actively looking for a job
No, I have already found a new job, but have not started working yet
No, I am not interested in finding a job at this moment
If you are not interested in finding a job, why? Type in_________
7. For the participants that are currently employed
In the previous question, you have marked that you are currently employed. The following questions will help us understand your specific situation.
What type of contract do you have?
Permanent (open-ended) contract
Temporary (fixed term) contract
What type of employment relationship do you have?
Direct through the company
Indirect through an agency
Do you have the same profession as before receiving EGF support?
If no, which profession? Type in:_________________
Is your new job in the same region as your previous job that you held before receiving EGF support?
No, different country inside the EU
No, different country outside the EU
Did the support you received motivate you to find a job outside the country or region?
For how long have you been working in your current job?
Do you have more responsibilities in your current job than in your previous?
How many hours of paid or unpaid overtime do you normally work in your new job?
More than in my previous job
Less than in my previous job
The same as in my previous job
How is your salary compared to your previous job?
In general, how are your working conditions in your new job compared to the job you held before receiving EGF assistance?
Did the support you received help you to find a new job?
Are the technical and digital skills you acquired during the support you received helpful in the new job?
They helped me very much
They helped me a little
No, they didn’t help me at all
I did not receive such trainings
Are the environmental/green skills you acquired during the support you received helpful in the new job?
They helped me very much
They helped me a little
No, they didn’t help me at all
I did not receive such trainings
8. For the participants that are currently self-employed
In the previous question, you have marked that you are currently self-employed. Please, answer following questions. The following questions will help us understand your specific situation.
Do you run your business as …?
Is your business in the same sector as your previous job, which you held before receiving EGF support?
If no, which sector? Type in: ____________
Do you run your business in the same region as your previous job, which you held before receiving EGF support?
No, different country inside the EU
No, different country outside the EU
If no, did the support you received motivate you to start a business outside the country or region?
For how long have you been running your own business?
How many people are employed in your business (including you)?
(Type the number) _____________
How are your earnings compared to your previous job, which you held before receiving EGF support?
In general, how are your working conditions compared to your previous job, which you held before receiving EGF support?
Did the support you received help you to become self-employed?
Are the technical and digital skills you acquired during the support you received helpful in your self-employment?
They helped me very much
They helped me a little
No, they didn’t help me at all
I did not receive such trainings
Are the environmental/green skills you acquired during the support you received helpful in your self-employment?
They helped me very much
They helped me a little
No, they didn’t help me at all
I did not receive such trainings
9. For persons in education or training
In the previous question 5.1, you have marked that you are currently in education or training. The following questions will help us understand your specific situation.
What type of education are you currently involved in?
Completing primary education
Completing secondary education
Validation of a degree from non-EU country
Other: Type in______________
What profession are you aiming at after finishing your education/training?
Type in: ________
Did the support you received help you start an education or a training programme?
Are the digital skills you acquired during the support you received helpful in your education or training programme?
They helped me very much
They helped me a little
No, they didn’t help me at all
I did not receive such trainings
Are the environmental/green skills you acquired during the support you received helpful in your education or training programme?
They helped me very much
They helped me a little
No, they didn’t help me at all
I did not receive such trainings
10. Closing page
Below, please feel free to provide any additional feedback on the EGF assistance you received:
Once you click ‘submit’ below, your answers will be saved and sent, and you will not be able to make changes anymore. You can get a copy of your replies sent to your email. Please follow the instructions on the EUSurvey website.
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer this survey.
(1) A person who has:
migrated into their present country of residence; and/or
previously had a different nationality from their present country of residence; and/or
at least one of their parents previously entered their present country of residence as a migrant.
(info bubble)
(2) Long-term unemployment refers to being without work for longer than one year, while actively looking for employment. (info bubble)
(3) Assessing jobseekers’ employment potential which serve the purpose of developing individual action plans and directing the jobseekers towards the appropriate active labour market measures. (info bubble)
(4) The provision of assistance to redundant employees in finding new employment, either as a benefit provided by the employer directly, or through a specialist service. (info bubble)
(5) Subsidies for the employment of persons with a permanently (or long-term) reduced working capacity. (info bubble)
(6) Measures providing vocational rehabilitation for persons with a reduced working capacity (temporary or permanent) and which help participants adjust to their disability or condition and develop competencies that prepare them to move on to work or regular training. (info bubble)
(7) Paid work organised through online platforms. (info bubble)