
Komunikazzjoni mill-Kummissjoni lill-Kunsill u lill-Parlament Ewropew - Tisħiħ ta’ l-impatt ewropew : qafas komuni għat-tfassil tad-dokumenti ta’ strateġija tal-pajjiżi u l-programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni /* KUMM/2006/0088 finali */


Brussel 2.3.2006

KUMM(2006) 88 finali






1. Daħla 4

1.1. Il-qafas komuni u l-programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni: xi elementi tal-kontribuzzjoni ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea 4

1.2. Il-kuntest tal-qafas għad-dokumenti ta’ strateġija tal-pajjiżi u l-programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni 4

1.3. Kummenti tal-bidu 6

2. Qafas rivedut għal programmazzjoni msaħħa 7

2.1 Il-prinċipji li għandhom jiġu segwiti għal programmazzjoni effiċjenti 7

2.2 Id-disa’ komponenti essenzjali għad-dokumenti ta’ strateġija tal-pajjiżi 8

2.3. Il-proċedura ta’ tfassil ta’ dokument ta’ strateġija tal-pajjiżi fil-perspettiva ta’ programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni 10

2.3.1. Il-Prinċipji Bażiċi 10

2.3.2. Il-passi differenti tal-programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni 11

L-ewwel pass: Analiżi komuni 11

It-tieni pass: Lil hinn minn analiżi komuni, tweġiba strateġika komuni 11

ANNESS Format komuni għall-karti ta’ strateġija tal-pajjiż (SPCs) 12



1.1. General objectives of the donor’s external policy 12

1.2. Strategic objectives for cooperation with the partner country 12

1.3. Main bilateral agreements 12


2.1. Analysis of the political, economic, social and environmental situation in the partner country 12

2.1.1 Political situation 12

2.1.2 Economic and social situation 14

2.1.3 Social situation, including decent work and employment 16

2.1.4 The country in the international context 16

2.1.5 Environmental situation 17

2.2. Development strategy of the partner country 17

2.3. Analysis of the viability of current policies and the medium-term challenges 18


3.1 Overview of the donor’s past and present cooperation (lessons learned) 18

3.2 Information on the programmes of other donors (complementarity) 19

3.3 Description of the political dialogue between the donor and the partner country 19

3.4 Description of the state of the partnership with the partner country and progress towards harmonisation 19

3.5 Analysis of consistency with the donor’s other policies 19




1. Summary table for the country 21

2. Country environmental profile 21

3. Prospective financial matrix of donors 22

4. Country migration profile (where necessary) 22

5. Description of the CSP drafting process, stressing the involvement of non-state actors and local authorities 22

6. Harmonisation road map (where there is one) 22


It-tisħiħ ta’ l-effikaċja ta’ l-għajnuna hu għan essenzjali ta’ l-aġenda ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea (UE). Id-dinamika internazzjonali li twaqqfet permezz tal-Konferenza internazzjonali ta' Monterrey (18-22 ta' Marzu 2002) sabet ir-riżultat finali tagħha bl-adozzjoni tad-dikjarazzjoni ta' Pariġi dwar l-armonizzazzjoni u l-allinjament ta' l-għajnuna (2 ta' Marzu 2005). F’dan il-kuntest, l-Unjoni Ewropea ma waqfitx tisħaq, minn naħa, il-ħtieġa assoluta li tagħmel progress b’mod kollettiv f’dak li għandu x’jaqsam ma' l-effikaċja u l-impatt, u min-naħa l-oħra, id-dmir li tagħti l-impuls tagħha f’dan ir-rigward.

F’dan il-qafas, hemm bżonn li l-għanijiet kollha ta’ politika esterna u l-istrumenti l-oħra ta' l-UE jitqiesu biex tiġi żgurata l-koerenza u tissaħħaħ l-effikaċja ta' l-għajnuna. Il-politika ta’ żvilupp hi, tabilħaqq, wieħed mill-punti li jikkontribwixxu sabiex jintlaħqu l-għanijiet tal-politiki barranin ta' l-UE, flimkien ma' strumenti oħra bħall-politiki ta’ difiża u sigurtà, il-politiki kummerċjali, ambjentali jew oħrajn.

1.1. Il-qafas komuni u l-programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni: xi elementi tal-kotribuzzjoni ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea

L-UE ppreżentat, fl-okkażjoni tal-Forum ta' livell għoli ta' Pariġi ta' Frar/Marzu 2005, pjan ta' ħidma li jgħaqqad impenji konkreti għall-implimentazzjoni mgħaġġla u kollettiva tal-prinċipji tad-dikjarazzjoni ta’ Pariġi. Wieħed mill-pilastri ta’ din il-kontribuzzjoni volontarja hu l-impenn li titwaqqaf b’mod progressiv programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni permezz tar-revizjoni tal-qafas għad-dokumenti ta’ l-istrateġija tal-pajjiżi (DSP) ta' l-2000. Din tikkonstitwixxi wieħed mill-komponenti tal-pjan ta’ azzjoni ta’ l-UE għall-effikaċja ta’ l-għajnuna.

Il-Kunsilli GAERC ta’ Novembru 2004, umbagħad ta’ April u ta’ Novembru 2005, żviluppaw rispettivament il-prinċipju, in-natura u l-kalendarju ta’ proċess bħal dan.

Qabel ma tqiegħdu s-sisien ta’ din il-programazzjoni multiannwali komuni, kien jeħtieġ li jintemm il-ġbir tat-tagħrif disponibbli sabiex jinftehmu aktar is-sistemi differenti ta’ programmazzjoni ta’ l-Istati Membri (u tad-donaturi l-oħra), li jieħdu l-prassi tajba li teżisti (magħrufa mill-OECD) u li jintegraw bis-sħiħ ir-realtà ta’ miżura bħal din fuq il-post.

Għal dan il-għan, tliet studji fondamentali twettqu fl-2005, fl-Uganda, fit-Tanzanija u fiż-Żambja. Wieħed tgħallem mill-esperjenza miksuba u mill-valutazzjonijiet mwettqa fil-qafas tal-programm ta’ armonizazzjoni mwettaq mill-UE f'erba’ pajjiżi pilota: il-Vjetnam, in-Nikaragwa, il-Marokk u l-Mozambique.

It-tliet studji, li r-riżultati tagħhom setgħu jiġu analizzati bil-parteċipazzjoni ta’ l-Istati Membri, kienu l-bażi ta’ analiżi supplimentari soda għar-reviżjoni tal-qafas għas-CSP, suġġett ta’ dan id-dokument.

1.2. Il-kuntest tal-qafas għad-dokumenti ta’ strateġija tal-pajjiżi u l-programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni

Il-qafas ta’ programmazzjoni għas-CSPs komunitarji (normalment imsejjaħ il-“qafas għas-CSP”) ġie adottat fl-2000, fil-kuntest tar-riforma RELEX, bħala strument tal-programmazzjoni multiannwali. Tabilħaqq, kellu jservi ta’ bażi biex jagħti direzzjoni lill-istruttura tas-CSP komunitarji kollha u jkun għajn ta’ tagħrif għat-tfassil tad-dokumenti strateġiċi ta’ l-Istati Membri [1] L-għan tiegħu kien li jtejjeb il-koerenza u l-kwalità tal-programmazzjoni ta’ l-għajnuna esterna, li jagħmilha aktar viżibbli u effikaċi u li jiffavorixxi komplimentarità akbar ma’ l-Istati Membri fil-qasam tal-kooperazzjoni fl-iżvilupp skond l-Artikolu 177 sa 181 tat-Trattat KE.

Dan il-qafas ġie applikat mingħajr dewmien mill-Kummissjoni fil-programmazzjoni tas-CSP/RSP ta’ l-1 ġenerazzjoni (2002-2006) u ta’ reviżjoni ta’ nofs it-terminu (2004) għall-pajjiżi kollha li qegħdin jiżviluppaw li jibbenefikaw mill-Fondi Ewropej ta’ l-Iżvilupp u mill-programmi ALA, MEDA, TACIS u CARDS.

Rapporti dwar il-progress ta’ l-implimentazzjoni tal-qafas għas-CSP, stabbiliti mill-Kummissjoni fuq it-talba tal-Kunsill fl-2001, 2002 u 2005, ippermettew lill-UE li tara li l-użu rigoruż tas-CSP/RSP kien mezz effiċjenti u xieraq biex jittejjeb il-livell ta’ kwalità tal-proċessi tiegħu ta' programmazzjoni.

F’dan il-każ, il-Kunsill ikkonkluda, fl-2003 [2], li l-qafas għas-CSP kien effettivament ikkontribwixxa b’mod sinifikanti għall-għan tal-programmazzjoni multiannwali u għat-tisħiħ ta’ l-effikaċja u tal-kwalità ta’ l-għajnuna esterna ta’ l-UE. Huwa jinnota li l-eżerċizzju tejjeb il-koordinazzjoni u l-komplimentarjetà bejn l-għajnuna komunitarja u dik bilaterali, b’mod partikolari ma’ dik ta’ l-Istati Membri [3], li kienu implikati bil-kbir fuq il-post. Fil-biċċa l-kbira tal-każijiet, l-awtoritajiet tal-pajjiżi msieħba kienu assoċjati mill-qrib mal-proċess ta’ programmazzjoni. Dan kabbar is-sens ta’ approprjazzjoni u l-koerenza bejn l-istrateġija tal-Kummissjoni u l-proċess ta' żvilupp nazzjonali.

Ir-reviżjonijiet ta’ nofs il-perjodu ta’ l-2004 ippermettew li tissaħħaħ aktar il-kwalità u l-effikaċja tas-CSP, b'mod partikolari bit-titjib tal-koerenza bejn il-politika ta’ l-iżvilupp u l-politiki esterni u interni l-oħra tal-KE/UE jew bit-tisħiħ ta’ l-approċċ imsejjes fuq ir-riżultati, permezz ta’ l-integrazzjoni aktar rigoruża ta’ indikaturi ta’ rendiment li jippermettu li jiġu valutati l-kisbiet tal-pajjiżi imsieħba, b’mod partikolari għal dak li għandu x’jaqsam mal-kisba ta’ l-għanijiet tal-millennju għall-iżvilupp (MDG).

Il-qafas għas-CSP għandu jitqies bħala proċess kontinwu, li għandu jitjieb b'mod kontinwu u jiġi addattat biex jiġi segwit l-iżvilupp ta' l-aġenda ta' l-effiċjenza ta' l-għajnuna. F’dan il-kuntest, jidher b’mod aktar u aktar ċar li eżerċiżżju ta’ programmazzjoni kkoordinat u mfassal b’mod konġunt fuq livell Ewropew jista’ jikkontribwixxi b’mod aktar sinifikattiv għall-effiċjenza ta’ l-għajnuna u għall-għan ta’ twettiq ta’ l-MDGs.

Tabilħaqq, fl-2004, il-grupp ad hoc dwar l-armonizzazzjoni, responsabbli li jipproponi kontribuzzjoni ta’ l-UE għat-tisħiħ tal-koordinazzjoni, ta’ l-armonizzazzjoni u l-allinjament, saħaq li programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni tista’ tħaffef il-koordinazzjoni tal-politiki, tmexxi l-armonizzazzjoni tal-proċeduri u toffri possibbiltajiet ta’ teħid ta’ deċiżjoni dwar il-komplimentarjetà. Hi għandha tippermetti allinjament progressiv tad-donaturi dwar iċ-ċikli ta’ programmazzjoni multiannwali tal-pajjiż imsieħeb (strateġiji ta’ tnaqqis tal-faqar u proċessi baġitarji) u ż-żieda tal-possibbiltajiet ta’ sinkronizzazzjoni tal-proċessi ta’ programmazzjoni ta’ l-Istati Membri u tal-Kummissoni billi tiffavorixxi, fit-tul, tnaqqis sostanzjali ta’ l-ispejjeż tat-tranżazzjoni.

Huwa fil-konklużjonijiet tal-Kunsill ta’ Novembru 2004 li l-programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni sabet l-iżvilupp tagħha fuq livell Ewropew, peress li l-Kummissjoni ġiet mistiedna apposta sabiex tirrevedi l-qafas għas-CSP ta’ l-2000 filwaqt li daħħlet il-possibbiltà ta’ programmazzjoni bħal din.

Il-prinċipju ta’ programmazzjoni komuni ġie mtenni u msaħħaħ fil-qafas tal-“konsensus Ewropew għall-iżvilupp”, id-dikjarazzjoni l-ġdida ta’ politika ta’ żvilupp ta’ l-UE ta’ Diċembru 2005.

1.3. Kummenti tal-bidu

Skond il-konklużjonijiet tal-Kunsill ta’ Novembru 2004, “il-qafas rivedut għas-CSP għandu jikkostitwixxi wieħed mill-istrumenti ta’ implimentazzjoni tal-programmazzjoni multiannwali għall-għajnuna kollha pprovduta mill-Istati Membri u l-Kummissjoni. […] [Hu] għandu jipprovdi, [barra minn hekk], linji ta’ gwida biex tiġi implimentata l-programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni fuq il-livell tal-pajjiżi” [4]

L-adozzjoni mill-UE kollha tad-disa’ komponenti essenzjali għas-CSP li huma speċifikati fit-taqsima 2.2. u li jiggwidaw il-format komuni propost fl-Anness tikkostitwixxi l-ewwel pass ewlieni lejn it-tisħiħ ta’ l-effiċjenza ta’ l-għajnuna esterna. Hi tirrappreżenta punt ta’ appoġġ fondamentali għall-armonizzazzjoni u l-koordinazzjoni ta' din l-għajnuna.

Il-programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni hi proċess flessibbli li għandu jiġi stabbilit bl-istess ritmu ta’ l-iżvilupp tal-qagħda speċifika fil-pajjiż imsieħeb. Is-sura u l-istruttura tagħha huma differenti minn pajjiż għal ieħor. Hi ġiet ppreżentata fit-taqsima 2.3.


Dan id-dokument jikkostitwixxi l-aġġornament tal-qafas għas-CSP ta’ l-2000 li jiddefinixxi l-elementi ta’ bażi li għandhom jiġu inklużi u l-passi li għandhom jiġu segwiti fit-taħrig tagħhom.

Dan il-qafas rivedut hu maqsum fi tliet taqsimiet :

- L-ewwel (taqsima 2.1.) tfakkar il-prinċipi li għandhom jiggwidaw l-eżercizzju ta’ programmazzjoni.

- It-tieni (taqsima 2.2) tagħti taqsira tad-disa’ komponenti essenzjali għas-CSPs tal-ġejjieni. Proposta ta’ format komuni hi annessa ma’ dan id-dokument.

- It-tielet (taqsima 2.3) tiddeskrivi fil-qasir il-passi ewlenin tal-proċedura li għandha tiġi segwita għat-tfassil tas-CSP fil-ġejjieni u l-emendi li għandhom jiġu previsti fil-perspettiva ta’ programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni.

2.1. Il-prinċipji ta’ programmazzjoni effiċjenti

Ċerti prinċipji għandhom jiggwidaw u jirfdu l-programmazzjoni. Imfassla u rraffinati dawn l-aħħar snin fuq livell Ewropew, il-biċċa l-kbira minn dawn jidhru wkoll bħala impenji ta’ sħubija fid-dikjarazzjoni ta’ Pariġi (l-approprjazzjoni, l-armonizzazzjoni, l-allinjament, it-tmexxija msejsa fuq ir-riżultati u r-responsabbiltà reċiproka). Huma jiddiriġu l-istruttura tas-CSPs u tal-komponenti essenzjali tagħhom kif inhuma deskritti fit-taqsima li jmiss :

- Il- qafas ta’ sħubija . L-istrateġiji għandhom iserħu fuq il-ftehim ta’ kooperazzjoni u ta’ sħubija u jkunu skond l-istrateġiji reġjonali.

- Ir-rispett ta’ l- għanijiet tal-konsensus Ewropew . Il-politika ta’ żvilupp ser ikollha bħala għanijiet ewlenin it-tneħħija tal-faqar fil-kuntest ta’ l-iżvilupp sostenibbli, b’mod partikolari it-twettiq ta’ l-MDGs, kif ukoll il-promozzjoni tad-demokrazija, ta' l-iggvernar tajjeb u tar-rispett tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem. Dawn l-għanijiet se jitħarsu fil-pajjiżi kollha li qegħdin jiżviluppaw u jiġu applikati lill-komponent “għajnuna għall-izvilupp” ta’ l-istrateġiji Komunitarji kollha ta’ kooperazzjoni mal-pajjiżi terzi.

- Il- koerenza . L-istrateġija u d-dokumenti ta’ programmazzjoni għandhom ikunu eżawrenti u jqisu l-għanijiet tal-politika ta’ żvilupp u tal-politiki l-oħra li jiddefinixxu r-relazzjonijiet mal-pajjiż imsieħeb.

- Id- divrenzjar hu bżonn, meta tiġi kkunsidrata d-diversità ta’ l-imsieħba u ta’ l-isfidi. Dan japplika kemm għall-politika ġenerali kif ukoll għall-programmi ta’ kooperazzjoni.

- Il- kwistjonijiet trasversali għandhom jitqiesu skond il-konsensus Ewropew (demokrazija, gvernar tajjeb, drittijiet tal-bniedem, drittijiet tat-tfal u tal-popli indiġeni ; ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi; ambjent sostenibbli ; HIV/aids).

- L-effiċjenza ta’ l-għajnuna tinkludi wkoll elementi importanti oħra bħad- diviżjoni tax-xogħol, il-komplimentarjetà u l-armonizzazzjoni . L-isforzi kollha għandhom jiffokaw fuq il-massimizzazzjoni ta' l-iskambju ta' tagħrif fost il-parteċipanti kkonċernati kollha u fuq il-komplimentarjetà ta’ l-interventi ta’ l-Istati Membri u l-attivitajiet tad-donaturi u aġenżiji multilaterali oħra. Il-Koordinazzjoni għandha sseħħ l-ewwel nett fil-pajjiżi msieħba kkonċernati.

- L-użu tas- sostenn baġitarju ġenerali u/jew settorjali bħala kondizzjoni ta’ implimentazzjoni, sakemm dan ikun possibbli, jibqa’ prinċipju ewlieni għaż-żieda ta’ l-effiċjenza ta’ l-għajnuna u għandu jissaħħaħ.

- Il- konċentrazzjoni (filwaqt li tinżamm il-flessibbiltà) tinvolvi l-għażla, fil-qafas tal-proċess ta’ programmazzjoni ta’ l-għajnuna Komunitarja, ta’ numru limitat ta’ oqsma.

- L- approprjazzjoni mill-pajjiżi msieħba u l-allinjament . L-aġenda tal-pajjiż imsieħeb ser tkun fil-qalba tat-tħejjija ta’ l-istrateġija u tal-programmazzjoni, li fuqhom sejrin jallinjaw ruħhom progressivament.

- Approċċ imsejjes fuq ir-riżultati . Il-programmazzjoni, l-implimentazzjoni u l-proċess ta’ valutazzjoni għandhom jinkludu b’mod sistematiku indikaturi ewlenin ta’ riżultati definiti biex iqisu, fit-tul, l-impatt ta’ l-għajnuna.

- Is- sehem tas-soċjetà ċivili u ta’ parteċipanti oħra : is-sħubija għandha tiġi estiża għall-atturi mhux ta’ l-Istat, għas-settur privat, li għandhom jiġu assoċjati mad-djalogu dwar il-politiki, għat-tfassil ta’ l-istrateġija ta’ kooperazzjoni għall-implimentazzjoni tal-programmi. L-involviment tal-parteċipanti l-oħra ta’ l-iżvilupp, b’mod partikolari ta’ l-awtoritajiet lokali u l-Parlament, għandu jiġi żgurat.

- Il- lezzjonijiet tal-passat u l- prinċipju ta’ reviżjoni . It-tagħlima meħudha mill-esperjenza ta’ l-imgħoddi tal-pajjiż imsieħeb, tar-rappreżentanti tad-donatur fuq il-post u tas-servizzi tas-sede tad-donatur u r-riżultati tal-valutazzjonijiet esterni u interni relevanti għandhom jitqiesu b’mod sistematiku u jinfluwenzaw l-għażliet imwettqa fl-eżerċizzju ta’ programmazzjoni. Barra minn hekk, is-CSPs huma għodda effiċjenti biss jekk ir-rendiment tagħhom hu vvalutat b’mod regolari u l-istrateġija hija orjentata mill-ġdid skond ir-riżultati.

2.2. Id-disa’ komponenti essenzjali għad-dokumenti ta’ strateġija għall-pajjiżi

Il-qafas il-ġdid għas-CSP jipproponi li jinżamm fl-intier tiegħu l-approċċ loġiku diġà żviluppat f’dak ta’ l-2000, li ta prova ta’ l-effiċjenza tiegħu. Ġie aġġornat għal dak li għandu x’jaqsam mal-prassi l-ġdida li dehret fuq ix-xena internazzjonali u l-impenji l-ġodda ta’ l-UE li ġew żviluppati fit-taqsima ta' qabel. Hu jistabbilixxi l-elementi indispensabbli sabiex ikun jista’ jipprevedi programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni pajjiż b’pajjiż.

Format dettaljat għas-CSPs hu propost fl-Anness. Jinkludi l-komponenti essenzjali li ġejjin, li jiżguraw, kif uriet l-esperjenza, programmazzjoni ta’ kwalità [5]

1. Il-qafas tar-relazzjonijiet bejn id-donatur u l-pajjiż imsieħeb

2. Analiżi tal-qagħda politika (interna u esterna), ekonomika u kummerċjali, soċjali u ambjentali tal-pajjiż imsieħeb

3. L-aġenda tal-pajjiż imsieħeb, kif ukoll l-istrateġija ta’ żvilupp

4. Imsejsa fuq l-analiżi tal-qagħda tal-pajjiż u l-aġenda tiegħu, analiżi tal-vijabbiltà tal-politiki attwali u ta’ l-isfidi li għandhom iħabbtu wiċċhom magħhom fil-medda ta’ żmien medju.

5. Dehra ġenerali tal-kooperazzjoni fl-imgħoddi u fil-preżent tad-donatur (tgħalim u esperjenzi) b’kunsiderazzjoni ta’ l-istrumenti kollha ta’ għajnuna esterna, tal-komplimentarjetà mal-programmi ta’ donaturi oħra u tal-koerenza ma’ l-istrumenti l-oħra tiegħu ta’ l-għajnuna esterna u tal-politiki.

6. Deskrizzjoni ta’ l-istat tas-sħubija mal-pajjiż imsieħeb, kif ukoll id-djalogu politiku, u l-progress tal-proċess ta’ armonizzazzjoni.

7. L-istrateġija ta’ kooperazzjoni tad-donatur, l-għanijiet speċifiċi tiegħu, il-koerenza tiegħu ma' l-istrumenti l-oħra ta' l-għajnuna esterna u l-politiki, il-komplimentarjetà tiegħu mad-donaturi l-oħra.

8. Imsejjes fuq l-elementi ta’ hawn fuq, programm ta’ ħidma jew programm nazzjonali indikattiv (NIP) li jiddefinixxi l-għanijiet li jistgħu jitqiesu permezz ta’ l-indikaturi ta’ rendiment, il-kontribuzzjoni speċifika tad-donatur u n-natura u t-tip tal-mekkaniżmi ta’ appoġġ l-aktar xierqa.

9. Mehmuża: tabella sinoptika tal-pajjiż, taqsira tal-profil ambjentali, matriċi finanzjarja prospettiva tad-donaturi, profil migratorju (jekk ikun il-każ), inkluż l-aspett ta’ ħarsien internazzjonali, deskrizzjoni tal-konsultazzjoni tal-parteċipanti mhux ta’ l-istat u, jekk din teżisti, programm li jikkonċerna l-armonizzazzjoni,

Il-Kummissjoni biħsiebha tfassal is-CSPs tagħha fuq il-bażi ta’ dawn id-disa’ komponenti essenzjali ġodda u tal-format propost fl-anness li jiżviluppahom. Hi ser tagħmel dan b’mod progressiv : minnufih għall-pajjiżi ta’ l-ACP, aktar tard (reviżjoni f’nofs il-perjodu) għar-reġjun ta’ l-Ażja u ta’ l-Amerika Latina u l-pajjizi koperti mill-politika Ewropea tal-Viċinat u r-Russja, fejn il-proċess ta’ tfassil tas-CSPs (u RSP) tat-tieni ġenerazzjoni ssejjes fuq il-format l-antik u hu kważi konkluż.

Il-Kummissjoni tinnota li l-biċċa l-kbira ta’ dawn il-komponenti jinsabu diġà fid-dokumenti ta’ strateġija mfassla mill-Istati Membri dwar il-pjan bilaterali. Għaldaqstant, hi tqis li l-qafas l-ġdid għas-CSP, li jinkludi dawn il-komponenti essenzjali, jista’ jintuża wkoll mill-Istati Membri għall-għajnuna bilaterali tagħhom mingħajr emenda sostanzjali tal-proċeduri tagħhom u bil-flessibbiltà meħtieġa sabiex tkun tista' taddatta mal-kuntest speċifiku tal-pajjiż. Barra minn hekk, l-Istati Membri li qegħdin idaħħlu strumenti ta’ programmazzjoni jistgħu japplikaw direttament il-qafas l-ġdid għas-CSPs tagħhom.

Iżda, lil hinn mill-possibbiltà għall-Istati Membri li jiffissaw l-istrateġiji bilaterali tagħhom fuq dawn id-disa’ komponenti u fuq il-qafas il-ġdid għas-CSP, il-Kummissjoni tqis li l-format ippreżentat fl-anness jikkostitwixxi mingħajr dubju l-appoġġ l-aktar xieraq għall-iżvilupp fit-triq tal-programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni, b'mod partikolari rigward l-iskambju ta' ċerti aspetti tal-programmazzjoni (taqsima 2.3.2.). Għalhekk għandu jkun, safejn hu possibbli, użat ukoll mill-Istati Membri.

Fl-aħħar, jeħtieġ ukoll li dawn il-mekkaniżmi ta’ programmazzjoni jkunu flessibbli kemm jista’ jkun sabiex jippermettu li jkunu sinkronizzati bejniethom u jiġu allinjati fuq l-aġenda politika u tal-baġit tal-pajjiżi msieħba.

2.3. Il-proċedura ta’ tfassil ta’ dokument ta’ strateġija tal-pajjiż fil-perspettiva ta’ programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni

Il-qafas il-ġdid għas-CSP għandu jippermetti li jitħaffef approċċ ta’ programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni bejn il-Kummissjoni, l-Istati Membri u, eventwalment, imsieħba oħra.

Il-kompitu tal-KE/UE hu li jitħaffef dan l-approċċ, jitħeġġeġ l-akbar sehem possibbli u jiġi involut il-pajjiż imsieħeb.

2.3.1. Il-Prinċipji Bażiċi

Il-programmazzjoni komuni għandha tkun proċess flessibbli, progressiv u miftuħ, fejn il-pajjiż imsieħeb għandu rwol importanti u li jiġi mill-post.

- Flessibbli , għaliex tista’ tieħu forom differenti addattati għal qagħda tal-pajjiżi msieħba [b’mod partikolari għal dak li għandu x’jaqsam ma’ kapaċitajiet istituzzjonali u b’hekk il-kwalità tal-politika nazzjonali ta’ l-iżvilupp (PRSP, ...)] u tad-donaturi, li jistgħu jkunu xi ftit jew wisq lesti, politikament u/jew f’termini ta’ proċeduri, għal armonizzazzjoni.

- Gradwali, filwaqt li jiġu maħsuba l-passi progressivi "ta' integrazzjoni" skond l-iżvilupp tal-qagħda. Hu jkun jista’ jinkludi l-Istati Membri kollha jew parti minnhom.

- Miftuħa , filwaqt li ma tillimitax ruħha biss għall-Istati Membri. Il-programmazzjoni komuni tinstab fil-moviment internazzjonali li biħsiebha tiddinamiżża. Filwaqt li proċess li jrid jistabbilixxi programmazzjoni konġunta diġà qiegħed iseħħ, il-programmazzjoni Ewropea konġunta għandha tkun tista’ tintegra ruħha u tagħtih impuls permezz ta’ koordinazzjoni u viżjoni Ewropea komuni.

- Ir- rwol ewlieni tal-pajjiż imsieħeb hu kruċjali fit-tħejjija u l-koordinazzjoni tal-programmazzjoni komuni għaliex għandha tissejjes fuq l-istrateġija ta’ tnaqqis tal-faqar, jew strateġiji ekwivalenti oħra, u fuq iċ-ċiklu tal-baġit tal-pajjiżi kkonċernati. Huwa fuq din il-bażi li l-imsieħba jistgħu tassew jallinjaw ruħhom u jiffokaw fuq l-aħjar komplimentarjetà (tqassim tax-xogħol) u tnaqqis ta' l-ispejjeż ta' tranżazzjoni fit-tul. Jekk il-pajjiż m’għandux il-kapaċitajiet li jkollu dan ir-rwol essenzjali, għandu jingħata s-sostenn meħtieġ biex jiksibhom. Sadattant, id-donaturi jistgħu jiżviluppaw huma stess programmazzjoni komuni skond il-prijoritajiet u ċ-ċikli ta’ programmazzjoni li qegħdin ifeġġu, skond il-prinċipju ta’ allinjament uffiċjali (« shadow alignment » – il-pajjiżi bi dħul baxx jew l-Istati dgħajfa), jew li jeżistu (pajjiżi bi dħul medju).

- Id-deċiżjoni f’waqtha, is-sura u d-direzzjoniiet tal-programmazzjoni komuni se jiddependu, għal kull pajjiż, mid-delegazzjonijiet tal-Kummissjoni u imsieħba oħra li qegħdin jikbru fuq il-post . Tabilħaqq, huwa f’dan il-livell li għandhom jiġu organizzati l-koordinazzjoni u l-armonizzazzjoni fuq dan il-punt. Il-programmazzjoni komuni se tkun element li għandu jiġi integrat, jekk meħtieġ, fil-programm għall-koordinazzjoni u l-armonizzazzjoni mfassla fil-pajjiżi. Skambji spissi bejn is-sede u r-rappreżentanti lokali, kif ukoll segwitu regolari, jinħtieġ biex il-proċess jinġieb fil-ogħla livell politiku..

2.3.2. Il-passi differenti tal-programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni:

In-natura flessibbli u gradwali tal-programmazzjoni multiannwali komuni għandha tiġi espressa fil-gradi u l-passi tagħha, mill-ħolqien komuni jew armonizzat tas-CSP, jiġifieri l-użu mill-Istati Membri, bil-flessibbiltà meħtieġa, tad-disa’ komponenti essenzjali tas-CSP kif jinsabu fil-format rivedut mehmuż..

L-ewwel pass: Analiżi komuni

L-esperjenza u l-analiżi mwettqa juru li, ikunu x'ikunu l-mudelli użati, serje ta' elementi, meqjusa bħala essenzjali biex jiddefinixxu strateġija ta' kooperazzjoni ser ikunu komuni għad-donaturi differenti li ser jieħdu sehem f’pajjiż. It-tnaqqis ta’ l-ispejjeż ta’ tranżazzjoni għall-pajjiż imsieħeb jimponi, fuq il-fatti, li dawn l-elementi għandhom jinqasmu u jiġu armonizzati.

Dawn l-elementi jikkorrispondu għal Kapitoli 1, 2 u 3 tal-Parti I tal-format komuni (ara l-anness) u huma: il-valutazzjoni tal-qagħda politika globali, stima tal-kuntest makroekonomiku, soċjali u ambjentali tal-pajjiż (b’lista ta’ indikaturi makroekonomiċi u ta’ faqar armonizzati fuq il-bażi ta’ l-aġenda tal-gvern), l-istqarrija tal-prijoritajiet tal-pajjiż imsieħeb, l-analiżi tat-tagħlimiet meħudha mill-kooperazzjoni ta' qabel, l-analiżi tal-koerenza tal-politiki l-oħra fil-pajjiż imsieħeb, l-analiżi tal-komplimentarjetà bejn l-azzjonijiet ta’ l-imsieħba differenti u l-istqarrija ta’ l-aġenda ta’ l-armonizzazzjoni.

It-tieni pass: Lil hinn minn analiżi komuni, tweġiba strateġika komuni

Jekk approċċ ta’ programmazzjoni jsir permezz ta’ ġabra ta’ l-elementi ta’ l-analiżi kollha (ara l-ewwel stadju), dan ma jkunx esklussiv ta’ livell ta’ ambizzjoni ogħla li jikkonsisti, għall-Istati membri kollha jew parti minnhom li huma rrappreżentati fuq livell ta’ pajjiż, fit-tfassil ta’ strateġija ta’ rispons komuni.

Dan se jinkludi l-elementi li jinsabu fil-Kapitoli 4 tal-Parti I tal-format komuni mehmuż : definizzjoni komuni ta’ l-għanijiet tal-kooperazzjoni ma’ l-imsieħeb, definizzjoni ta’ l-oqsma ta’ konċentrazzjoni b’tqassim tax-xogħol bejn l-imsieħba (matriċi finanzjarja tad-donaturi), indikazzjonijiet dwar l-allokazzjonijiet finanzjarji u dwar l-analiżi tar-riskju u l-impenji tal-pajjiżi msieħba meħudha bi ftehim komuni. Indikaturi tar-rendiment ser ikunu ddefiniti b’mod komuni billi jissejsu fejn possibbli fuq id-dokumenti ta' strateġija tal-pajjiżi kkonċernati u ser ikunu suġġetti ta' djalogu mal-gvern. Se jitwaqqfu strateġiji komuni għal dak li għandu x’jaqsam mas-segwitu u l-valutazzjoni, ma’ eżamijiet annwali konġunti tar-riżultati u ta’ l-implimentazzjoni ta’ l-istrateġija ta’ tnaqqis tal-faqar.

ANNEX: Common format for country strategy papers (CSPs)


1. CHAPTER 1: framework for relations between the donor and the partner country

For the EC/EU

1.1. General objectives of the donor’s external policy

1.2. Strategic objectives for cooperation with the partner country

Strategy papers must reflect the policy guidelines set out in the “European Consensus on Development”. They must also reflect the EU’s commitments with regard to the effectiveness of aid (Paris Declaration, additional EU commitments).

They will also set out the donor’s main objectives in its dealings with the partner country in the regional context (in the case of the EU, these include the European Neighbourhood Policy, the Cotonou Agreement, the Asia, Latin America and Africa Strategies and the European Programme for Reconstruction and Development in South Africa).

1.3. Main bilateral agreements

Describe the association and partnership agreements (e.g. the Economic Partnership Agreements – EPAs) binding the donor and the partner country, stating the fields covered and the objectives pursued.


2.1. Analysis of the political, economic, social and environmental situation in the partner country

This analysis should include all major domestic policy developments and issues and all significant external factors.

2.1.1 Political situation

The CSP must analyse the country’s political, institutional and security situation in a broad context, including governance, progress towards democracy, the rule of law and observance of human rights. The regional context must be specifically addressed here. This section should therefore examine the following aspects:

- The main obstacles at national level to progress towards a situation in which human rights are respected, protected and promoted. The analysis will identify the priorities and objectives permitting progress towards respect for fundamental human rights in all circumstances.

- The content and any shortcomings of the partner country’s plans/policies concerning social cohesion, employment and gender equality; the gender representativeness of the administration and the position with regard to international commitments on gender equality. Commitments and compliance under international conventions concerning children’s rights must also be described. Special attention must be paid to child labour and to trafficking and violence against women and children. The protection afforded for the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples must also be examined.

- Observance of democratic principles, including in particular an assessment of the electoral process and public participation in the democratic process (free elections by universal suffrage, multiparty system, equal access to political activity, participatory decision-making process, the role of the media, civil society and other non-state actors, etc.), the possibility of changing the government without violence, etc.

- The organisation of government, the authorities’ decision-making procedures. Particular attention must be paid to examining the various levels of power and the division of powers between central, regional and local tiers of government and the effectiveness of their interaction (decentralisation and devolution). The main constraints faced by “key institutions” in fulfilling their respective mandates (including the capacities the national statistical system to provide statistics and indicators in the different domains), institutional transparency and accountability for the management of public resources and affairs; the institutional capacity to draw up and implement measures against corruption money laundering, fraud and tax avoidance; the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary. The role of parliaments in their dual function of making law and overseeing the executive must be examined, as must the degree to which civil society is involved in the political and social debate.

- The government’s position with regard to the key international conventions, especially those concerning the environment, human rights, gender equality, refugees, labour law, the International Criminal Court, terrorism, organised crime and corruption.

- Potential factors for conflict, the risk of national or regional conflict breaking out, continuing or flaring up again, and key cultural and social factors directly influencing the political process (e.g. ethnic tensions or migratory flows).

- The security system, including the division of powers between the difference agencies,[6] and the decision-making procedure and democratic and civilian oversight over the security system.

- The overall security situation. The following questions must be posed: Are there signs of violent conflict in the country and/or region? Is the country’s stability threatened by armed violence? What is the influence of neighbouring countries? Is there a national small-arms manufacturing industry? Does the level of crime in the country threaten its development? What is the situation with regard to the various forms of organised crime and illegal drugs? Is there a threat of terrorism in the country or region?

- Any evidence pointing to a fragile state, e.g. the incapacity to perform the basic functions of government (security, basic social services, human rights); identify support measures, such as government reform.

- The regional context of the country, its relations with its neighbours and the impact of these factors on the political, institutional and security situation in the country.

This analysis should serve to identify the type of partnership: efficient, difficult/fragile state, post-conflict.

Accordingly, in fragile states, post-conflict countries and specific cases of countries that have yet to achieve “structural stability” or are showing signs of increasing instability, greater attention should be given to analysing measures taken to ensure security and stability, including conflict prevention and management, post-conflict intervention strategies (demobilisation, disarmament, re-integration (in particular of women and child soldiers), rebuilding, humanitarian mine clearance, support for action against illegal arms trafficking and dissemination of small arms and light weapons, etc.), and the introduction of the rule of law and democracy (including broader participation of civil society and a more equitable distribution of power). The issues of transition and LRRD will have to be taken into account.

A chronology of recent events and the national and regional agenda will be annexed as basic information.

2.1.2. Economic and social situation

The CSP must include an analysis of macroeconomic performance, covering both the public and the private sectors, an analysis of structural change and of important sectoral changes. It must also include an analysis of the structure of the country’s trade at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels, including the foreseeable impact of economic partnership agreements.

It must analyse issues of good governance in the financial, tax and legal fields. The aim is to gauge the extent to which the country is implementing international recommendations on transparency and the effective exchange of information to prevent and counter financial and corporate malpractice, including in the tax field.

Economic situation, structure and performance

This part must analyse the partner country’s economic performance in a manner permitting comparison with other countries. It will identify the principal economic sectors contributing to gross domestic product and assess trends in their competitiveness, especially in the light of the prospects for the liberalisation of bilateral, regional and multilateral trade. Particular attention should be given to analysing the respective roles of the public and private sectors and the state of infrastructure, especially as regards transport, water, energy and information and communications technologies. The analysis must also address variations in the terms of trade, the external debt burden, the degree of diversification of export earnings and dependency on public and private external transfers, including remittances from migrants. The importance of service activities, especially financial services, and in particular those specifically offered to non-residents (offshore centres), will also be addressed. The employment situation will be studied with particular attention to equal economic opportunities for men and women.

The analysis should also highlight the potential sources of macro-economic and social instability in order to make the EC/EU planning process flexible enough to deal with such instability if and when it occurs.

A table with key macroeconomic indicators will be annexed to facilitate and structure the overview of the situation and any forecasts for the years ahead.

Structure and management of public finances

This section will examine the state of public finances and the external debt, analyse the quality of public finances and the structure of budget revenue and expenditure, point out any imbalances and indicate whether measures have been taken to remedy them.

Assessment of the reform process

As a general rule, the objectives of economic reform programmes, and in particular economic stabilisation and structural adjustment programmes, are to balance the economy, eliminate distortions, introduce appropriate incentives and create favourable conditions for the development of the private sector, while allowing and guaranteeing the effective and efficient working of the public sector. A key aspect of such programmes is the need to ensure that markets are open and that the economy is able to profit from, and manage successfully, external competitive forces (including those generated by regional integration initiatives).

The analysis must check the overall consistency of the policy pursued and identify possible weaknesses and inconsistencies. It is important to analyse the impact and viability (including the issue of institutional capacities) of the main sectoral reforms and to consider how these reforms might influence growth and development. In this context, the impact of reforms aimed at increasing transparency, effective information exchange and international administrative and judicial cooperation in the field of services, especially financial services, will also be examined, among others, in relation to the fight against money laundering, fraud and tax avoidance and corruption.

Particular attention must be given to reforms in the fields of political, administrative and fiscal decentralisation and issues relating to regional planning, given their potential impact on poverty, especially in rural areas.

Trade policy and external environment, in particular regional cooperation agreements

The country’s trade policy must be analysed, especially the country’s openness (tariff and non-tariff) and the regulatory framework’s consistency with the country’s commitments. Consistency with the country’s development aims and foreign trade agreements, especially regional integration schemes involving the country, the impact of such schemes on the economy and actual progress towards the creation of a regional market will also be examined.

This analysis could, where relevant, use the results of trade-policy reviews by the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Particular attention must be paid to the demands of economic transition, regional convergence and trade opening. The assessment of reform must take such undertakings or obligations into account. It must include an analysis of the country’s economic performance in the framework of the regional integration process to which it belongs (e.g. macroeconomic convergence criteria) and its influence on the country’s economy. This section also includes an analysis of the scope for integration, ways of increasing the benefits, and related issues such as infrastructure, regional markets and financial and economic structures.

2.1.3. Social situation, including decent work and employment

CSPs must analyse the situation, trends and progress or delays in the social sectors and in terms of food security. They must therefore cover demographic factors (population growth, breakdown by age, relationship between rural and urban population and trends, the existence and nature of migratory flows) and such sectors/fields as education, research, health (including sexual and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis), social protection, including social security networks, support programmes for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, including the disabled, employment opportunities and working conditions and housing, rural development and access to agricultural markets. All these aspects, and in particular employment policy and the fairness of the tax system, are crucial to achieving a satisfactory level of social cohesion.

A major part of the analysis will involve reviewing the fairness of access to services and their use for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, such as children, women and indigenous peoples, and determining whether the policies pursued address the concerns of these groups, gender equality or HIV/AIDS issues and the needs of indigenous communities.

The strategy papers will examine the country’s progress towards eradicating poverty in terms of the MDGs, analyse the reasons for the trends observed, in particular gender differences, and review the main challenges and issues, their magnitude and their breakdown (by age, sex and geography).

To facilitate and structure this overview, a table setting out the key social development indicators will be annexed. This table will include at least the 10 key indicators chosen for monitoring the MDGs, which gauge the country’s performance and progress in the matter of poverty reduction and social development. Where possible, it will provide data for the reference year 1990, data for the most recent years, estimates for the years ahead and intermediate and final objectives for 2015. These indicators can be supplemented by other indicators monitored in the PRSP.

Comments must be made on the quality of data and the frequency with which it is updated. To ensure comparability in time, data sources must be used as consistently as possible and any change in indicators and/or sources accounted for.

2.1.4. The country in the international context

Where relevant, this section will refer to any regional or international developments that might affect cooperation between the donor and the country concerned.

These include the country’s political relations in the region, and in particular international and/or regional agreements, regional policies and any progress towards regional integration, or the existence of armed conflicts in the region.

It is also important to highlight the role actually or potentially played by the country in the regional and multilateral context (beacon, pole of stability), its capacity to play a leading role in the provision of public goods (e.g. peacekeeping, managing water resources in cross-border water basins to protect the environment, etc.) and its capacity to take part in international cooperation on such issues as terrorism, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, trafficking and dissemination of small arms and light weapons, people trafficking, illegal migration, etc., which have a tendency to spill over.

2.1.5. Environmental situation

This chapter will be based on an analysis of the environmental conditions in the country and the recommendations made in the “Country Environmental Profile”, a summary of which will be annexed.

This section will give an overview of trends in the availability and use of environmental/natural resources and in pollution in the country and, possibly, the region that directly affect or influence poverty reduction (link with MDG 7) and food security. It will show clearly the main environmental challenges facing the country and the main obstacles to be overcome. Particular attention will be given to problems and needs arising from climate change.

The country’s institutional situation and its specific capacities in the area of managing the environment and natural resources will be described along with the legislative framework. The CSP will also examine the existence or lack of regulatory reforms in the area. Lastly, the environmental impact, if any, of national sectoral policies will be described.

Achievements in the area of the environment and the management of natural resources will be examined, either as cross-cutting issues in major cooperation programmes (including their environmental impact) or as specific projects or programmes.

Stock will be taken of the country’s accession to international agreements in the different domains (climate change, biodiversity, desertification, chemical products, etc.) and the measures actually taken to apply them. The country’s specific needs in the matter will also be indicated. The “Country Environmental Profile” will take account of vulnerability to natural disasters (risk profile) accompanied, where appropriate, by a specific analysis identifying needs and measures in relation to prevention and preparedness, etc.

2.2. Development strategy of the partner country

This section must provide a summary of the aims and objectives of the government of the country concerned, as defined (a) in the official documents presenting the range of policies implemented, (b) in any national plan, reform strategy or medium- or long-term development programme and (c) in any sectoral development programme. This statement should be supplemented by an indication of how the government proposes to achieve these objectives.

This section must review the country’s commitments under the framework of the regional integration process of which it is a member (e.g. creation of a customs union, economic convergence, common market, sectoral policies, including those relating to security matters, partnership with the EU) and multilaterally (e.g. African Union, WTO, etc.).

Particular attention must be given, where relevant, to the policies pursued by the country to develop ties with the diaspora and foster its involvement, to channel remittances, to promote economic emigration or to limit the impact of the brain drain.

2.3. Analysis of the viability of current policies and the medium-term challenges

In the light of the analysis of the country’s situation and political agenda, and especially its poverty reduction strategy (PRSP), a critical summary will be provided of the viability of the country’s current policies and medium-term prospects, showing both strengths and weaknesses.

This section will help clearly identify future challenges facing the government and the budgets it will be making available to tackle them, with due regard for complementarity. The most promising fields for future cooperation between the partner country and the donor will be chosen with a view to reducing poverty, i.e. fields in which national priorities realistically and viably match the objectives of the donor and the donor’s specific comparative advantages compared to other donors.

In the case of low-income countries, e.g. those eligible for IDA, especially the HIPC initiative, the national agenda will be linked to, or treated as, a poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP). Under the principle of ownership, the CSP will support the partner country’s PRSP and its strategy of development or reforms in pursuit of the MDGs and align itself as far as possible on the systems and procedures of the country’s other partners. This principle of ownership must be adapted in the event of difficult partnerships or post-crisis situations in particular, and alternative approaches must be sought (shadow alignment, work with civil society, etc). Where this foundation exists, the EC, Member States and, possibly, other donors will harmonise their cooperation aid as far as possible.


3.1. Overview of the donor’s past and present cooperation (lessons learned)

In the event of joint programming, each donor will draw up a separate chapter providing an overview of its cooperation with the partner country.

The CSP must contain a summary of the results of the donor’s past and present cooperation with the partner country and of the lessons learned in order to update knowledge and incorporate best practices. It is important that this statement should cover all external aid instruments for the country, including regional cooperation, issue-based programmes, global initiatives and humanitarian aid.

The previous CSP’s sectors of intervention must be evaluated in the light of the results obtained so far on the basis of progressive qualitative and quantitative performance indicators, with due regard for the requisite flexibility.

Account will be taken of general recommendations specifically made in evaluations of strategies by the partner country, if there are any, evaluations of specific sectors and projects and annual reports.

3.2. Information on the programmes of other donors (complementarity)

This section must provide as accurate and comprehensive a picture as possible of the programmes of the Member States and other donors, indicating how they complement each other. Specify as far as possible the amounts involved and their breakdown by intervention sector. Where they exist, the partner country’s analytical instruments (PRSP, etc.) will be used.

This section should also discuss what type of instruments the donors are using in their cooperation and whether there is a sectoral or regional focus to their efforts.

A prospective financial matrix of donors will be annexed for detailed information.

3.3. Description of the political dialogue between the donor and the partner country

This section will cover the development of the political dialogue between the government and the donor, in particular concerning aspects such as the human rights situation, governance, the rule of law, etc.

3.4. Description of the state of the partnership with the partner country and progress towards harmonisation

The CSP must describe progress towards improving the coordination of policies, the harmonisation of procedures for programming rounds and the alignment on the partner country’s budget cycles. This analysis will be based inter alia on the progress indicators laid down in the Paris Declaration.

More specifically, this section will report on the progress of any coordination/harmonisation process in the country at European level, and in particular on the dialogue between the Commission and the Member States and the existing coordination system, briefly describe the guidelines in the “road map” on the EU’s harmonisation and alignment in the partner country, describe the application of the common framework at European level and explain the stage/type of joint programming chosen for the country. It will state the future guidelines and implementation plan for joint programming. Where relevant, it will describe the other harmonisation processes under way in the country and the donors’ position on these initiatives, and their complementarity and links with the harmonisation process at European level.

This section will provide information on the donors’ initiatives to align on the partner country’s multiannual programming rounds (poverty reduction strategies and budget processes).

It will describe the role, attitude and position of the partner country in the harmonisation and alignment process and its capacity/willingness to play a leading role.

3.5. Analysis of consistency with the donor’s other policies

It is widely recognised that development policy alone will not enable the developing countries to progress.

Policies other than aid policy are at least as important in so far as they contribute or affect developing countries in their efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

The principle of consistency with other EU policies requires special attention. This section must, where relevant, address the following areas: trade, the environment, climate change, security, agriculture, fish, the social dimension of globalisation, employment and decent work, migration, research and innovation, the information society, transport and energy.

The objective is to promote the possible synergies between other EU policies and development policy in the response strategy.


This section should set out the strategic choices for cooperation in the partner country on the basis of its needs, strategies, priorities and resources and according to the evaluation of:

- the partner country’s development strategy and the viability of interventions in the light of the country’s political and institutional, economic, trade, social and environmental situation;

- the objectives of the donor’s development policy, other aspects of external action and other policies;

- the country’s needs and progress towards the MDGs and its commitment to achieving them, referring where possible to indicators and statistics delivered by the national statistical system;

- the relative magnitude of the financial and administrative resources to be made available and their potential impact (for example, in terms of improved country economic performance and poverty reduction);

- the comparative advantages of the donor in relation to complementarity/the division of labour between development partners, especially vis-à-vis the Member States and/or the Commission;

- where relevant, the results of the analysis of the consistency between the donors’ other policies and the development objectives;

- any risks associated with the strategy that could jeopardise its success (political, economic, security, environmental impact).

The programming process must be guided by the principle of concentration. This means selecting a limited number of sectors of intervention rather than scattering efforts across too many different sectors. This is crucial to the effectiveness of aid.

The choice of implementation method must also be explained, given the principle of switching from a project-based to a programme-based approach, accompanied, wherever possible, by structural/sectoral aid.

For each selected focal area, the CSP should define overall and specific objectives.

If there is a joint response strategy, this section must contain a division of labour between development partners. If not, it must provide a specific justification of the value added by the EC as compared to other donors.

Cross-cutting issues must be mainstreamed in each priority area: i) democracy, good governance, human rights, the rights of the child and the rights of indigenous peoples; ii) gender equality; iii) environmental sustainability; iv) HIV/AIDS.

The partner country’s commitments, drawn up in cooperation with the government, will be listed and the risks of the response strategy analysed.

In order to determine whether the priority sectors have a potential environmental impact, a reference will be made to a clear commitment to carry out a strategic environmental assessment.


All the aspects examined in the CSP feed into a work programme or NIP.

The NIP is essentially a management tool covering a period of several years to identify and define, in a transparent manner, the selected areas/sectors of cooperation for financing and appropriate measures and actions for attaining the objectives set down. More specifically, it must set out the overall and specific objectives, the target groups, the expected results, the programmes to be implemented to achieve the objectives, the type of assistance to be provided and a calendar. The commitments agreed with the partner country will be reiterated.

In this connection, performance indicators must be fixed for each sector in partnership with the partner country and the other partners. These indicators must be confined to a few essential indicators of different types (inputs, direct achievements, results and impact). There should be a particular emphasis on results-based indicators, which have the advantage of increasing the partner country’s ownership of the policies to be applied to achieve the objectives. The indicators must also be clearly defined and measurable. In this connection, the donors need to agree to use common indicators to assess performance in each sector against the objectives. In the countries concerned, this should be done using the monitoring system laid down in the PRSP, which should be incorporated into the national budget cycle.

Where appropriate, the work programme should also give an approximate idea of the resources allocated, the financing method (aid, projects, budget support) and the financial legal basis.


1. Summary table for the country

This table provides basic information on the country concerned. The tables showing the macroeconomic indicators and the 10 key poverty indicators will be included in it.

2. Country environmental profile

This analysis of the environmental conditions in a country or sector includes the following information: a description of the natural and human environment, including the profile of vulnerability and exposure to the risk of natural disaster, the legislative and institutional framework, information on the links between the social, economic and environmental situations, key data on areas where environmental action is needed and recommendations for the future, an analysis of the cooperation from an environmental point of view as to its integration in programs and projects in other areas and/or as to its integration as focal sector.

3. Prospective financial matrix of donors

This annex summarises the known interventions of other donors, including the Member States and multilateral donors. It will transparently reflect at least the results of the local coordination/harmonisation referred to above. It will highlight, where relevant, the division of labour and/or complementarity. The matrix will be both retrospective and prospective, covering both the past and the period 2006-2013.

This matrix will also be a useful contribution to the CDF/PRSP exercise if that is being developed in the partner country.

4. Country migration profile (where necessary)

A migration profile must be drawn up for every country in which migration (South/North or South/South) and/or asylum issues could influence development prospects.

It contains any information relevant to the design and management of a common migration and development policy. It includes information on migratory flows (refugees and economic migrants), taking in gender issues and the situation of children. It also provides information on the country’s skills needs, skills available in the diaspora and remittances to the country. Where relevant, the profile will analyse the routes taken by illegal migrants and the activities of people-trafficking networks.

5. Description of the CSP drafting process, stressing the involvement of non-state actors and local authorities

This involves, in particular, explaining how non-state actors and local authorities were involved in the programming discussions and, more generally, assessing the progress made and to be made towards consolidating the involvement of these actors in the development process (discussion of the country’s development priorities in the framework of the PRSP, the participatory nature of the budgetary processes, the capacities, potential and constraints of different types of actors, etc.).

6. Harmonisation road map (where there is one)

[1] Konklużjonijiet tal-Kunsill ta’ l-10 ta' Novembru 2000 dwar il-qafas armonizzat għad-dokument ta’ strateġija tal-pajjiż, il-punt III, SEC(2000)/1049.

[2] Konklużjonijiet tal-Kunsill adottati fil-CAGRE tat-18 ta’ Marzu 2003, dokument 6941/03.

[3] Skond il-linji ta’ gwida għat-tisħiħ tal-koordinazzjonia ta’ ħidma bejn il-KE u l-Istati Membri, adottati mill-Kunsill f’Jannnar 2001.

[4] Rapport tal-Grupp ad hoc dwar l-armonizzazzjoni – Tisħiħ tal-koordinazzjoni, l-armonizzazzjoi u l-allinjament : il-kontribuzzjoni ta’ l-UE, 14670/04, 15 ta’ Novembre 2004, p. 37.

[5] L-intestatura ta’ kull titlu ser ikun addattat skond l-awtur tad-DSP u l-pajjiżi msieħba. Fi kliem ieħor, il-kelma “donatur” ser tiġi ssostitwita bl-isem ta’ l-awtur u l-“pajjiż msieħeb” bl-isem tal-pajjiż imsieħeb.

[6] The OECD-DAC defines the security system as the body of institutions and other agencies involved in maintaining the security of the state and its citizens. Security System Reform and Governance, Policy and Practice , DAC Guidelines and Reference Series (Paris: OECD 2004).