

Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea

L 356/421


tas-26 ta' Novembru 2014

dwar l-ispeċifikazzjoni teknika għall-interoperabbiltà relatata mas-subsistema ta' “vetturi ferrovjarji — storbju” li temenda d-Deċiżjoni 2008/232/KE u li tħassar id-Deċiżjoni 2011/229/UE

(Test b'rilevanza għaż-ŻEE)


Wara li kkunsidrat it-Trattat dwar il-Funzjonament tal-Unjoni Ewropea,

Wara li kkunsidrat id-Direttiva 2008/57/KE tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill tas-17 ta' Ġunju 2008 dwar l-interoperabbiltà tas-sistema ferrovjarja fil-Komunità (1), u b'mod partikulari l-Artikolu 6(1) tagħha,



Skont l-Artikolu 12 tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 881/2004 tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill (2), l-Aġenzija Ferrovjarja Ewropea (minn hawn 'il quddiem imsejħa “l-Aġenzija”) għandha tiżgura li l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet tekniċi tal-interoperabbiltà (minn hawn 'il quddiem imsejħin it-“TSIs”) jiġu adattati għall-progress tekniku, għax-xejriet tas-suq u għall-ħtiġijiet soċjali, u għandha tipproponi lill-Kummissjoni l-emendi għat-TSIs li hija tqis li jkunu meħtieġa.


Permezz tad-Deċiżjoni C(2010)2576 tad-29 ta' April 2010, il-Kummissjoni tat mandat lill-Aġenzija biex tiżviluppa u tanalizza mill-ġdid it-TSIs bil-għan li testendi l-ambitu tagħhom għas-sistema ferrovjarja kollha tal-Unjoni, u biex twettaq studju dwar kemm hu rilevanti li jiġu inkorporati r-rekwiżiti dwar l-istorbju li japplikaw għall-vetturi ferrovjarji ta' veloċità għolja ma' dawk li japplikaw għall-vetturi ferrovjarji konvenzjonali. Mill-istudju bin-numru ta' referenza ERA/REP/13-2011/INT ħareġ li għandu jkun hemm TSI waħda li tkopri kemm il-vetturi ferrovjarji konvenzjonali u kemm dawk ta' veloċità għolja. B'hekk, ir-rekwiżiti dwar l-istorbju li japplikaw għall-vetturi ferrovjarji konvenzjonali għandhom jiġu inkorporati ma' dawk li japplikaw għall-vetturi ferrovjarji ta' veloċità għolja.


It-Taqsima 7.2 tal-Anness tad-Deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni 2011/229/UE (3) tipprevedi li l-Aġenzija tanalizza mill-ġdid, b'mod komprensiv, it-TSI relatata mal-istorbju u taġġornaha, u li, abbażi ta' dan, tibgħat rapport lill-Kummissjoni u, jekk ikun hemm bżonn, tibagħtilha proposta wkoll.


Fit-3 ta' Settembru 2013, l-Aġenzija bagħtet ir-rakkomandazzjoni tagħha bin-numru ta' referenza ERA/REC/07-2013/REC dwar l-adozzjoni tat-TSI relatata mal-istorbju.


Biex ikun hemm adattament għall-progress teknoloġiku u titħeġġeġ il-modernizzazzjoni, għandhom jinġiebu 'l quddiem soluzzjonijiet innovattivi, u għandha tiġi aċċettata l-implimentazzjoni tagħhom skont ċerti kundizzjonijiet. Fejn tiġi proposta soluzzjoni innovattiva, il-manifattur jew ir-rappreżentant awtorizzat tiegħu għandu jiddikjara kif it-tali soluzzjoni tvarja mid-dispożizzjoni rilevanti tat-TSI jew kif din tikkumplimentaha. Is-soluzzjoni innovattiva għandha tiġi vvalutata mill-Kummissjoni. Jekk din il-valutazzjoni tkun waħda favorevoli, l-Aġenzija għandha tiżviluppa l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet operattivi u tal-interfaċċja x-xierqa tas-soluzzjoni innovattiva, kif ukoll il-metodi ta' valutazzjoni rilevanti.


F'nofs it-terminu, għandha ssir analiżi bil-għan li jitnaqqas l-istorbju li jagħmlu l-vetturi eżistenti filwaqt li titqies il-kompetittività tas-settur ferrovjarju. Din għandha tittratta l-iktar il-vaguni tal-merkanzija u hija importanti biex tiżdied l-aċċettazzjoni tat-traffiku ferrovjarju tal-merkanzija miċ-ċittadini.


Skont l-Artikolu 17(3) tad-Direttiva 2008/57/KE, l-Istati Membri għandhom jinnotifikaw lill-Kummissjoni u lill-Istati Membri l-oħra dwar il-proċeduri għall-valutazzjoni tal-konformità u għall-verifika li għandhom jintużaw għall-każijiet speċifiċi, kif ukoll dwar il-korpi li għandhom ir-responsabbiltà li jwettqu dawk il-proċeduri.


Dal-ħin, il-vetturi ferrovjarji joperaw skont ftehimiet eżistenti ta' natura nazzjonali, bilaterali, multinazzjonali jew internazzjonali. Huwa importanti li dawk il-ftehimiet ma jtellfux il-progress attwali u futur lejn l-interoperabbiltà. Għalhekk, l-Istati Membri għandhom jinnotifikaw lill-Kummissjoni bi ftehimiet ta' dan it-tip.


Għaldaqstant, id-Deċiżjoni 2011/229/UE għandha titħassar.


Id-Deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni 2008/232/KE (4) għandha tiġi emendata kif xieraq b'rabta mal-limiti għall-ħoss tal-vettura wieqfa, mal-livelli tal-istorbju fuq ġewwa u mal-karatteristiċi tal-limiti marbutin mal-istorbju fuq barra.


Il-miżuri previsti f'dan ir-Regolament huma skont l-opinjoni tal-Kumitat stabbilit skont l-Artikolu 29(1) tad-Direttiva 2008/57/KE,


Artikolu 1

Dan ir-Regolament jistabbilixxi l-ispeċifikazzjoni teknika għall-interoperabbiltà (it-TSI) relatata mas-subsistema tal-“vetturi ferrovjarji — storbju” tas-sistema ferrovjarja tal-Unjoni, kif stipulata fl-Anness.

Artikolu 2

It-TSI għandha tapplika għall-vetturi ferrovjarji li jaqgħu fil-kamp ta' applikazzjoni tar-Regolament tal-Kummissjoni (UE) Nru 1302/2014 (5) u tar-Regolament tal-Kummissjoni (UE) Nru 321/2013 (6).

Artikolu 3

Fi żmien sitt xhur mid-dħul fis-seħħ ta' dan ir-Regolament, l-Istati Membri għandhom jinnotifikaw lill-Kummissjoni b'kull ftehim li fih rekwiżiti marbutin mal-limiti tal-emissjonijiet tal-istorbju, dejjem jekk dawn ma kinux ġew innotifikati lilha qabel skont id-Deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni 2006/66/KE (7) jew id-Deċiżjoni 2011/229/UE.

Il-ftehimiet li għandhom jiġu nnotifikati għandhom ikunu:


ftehimiet nazzjonali bejn l-Istati Membri u l-impriżi ferrovjarji jew il-maniġers tal-infrastruttura, maqbula fuq bażi permanenti jew temporanja u meħtieġa minħabba n-natura speċifika jew lokali tas-servizz ferrovjarju maħsub;


ftehimiet bilaterali jew multilaterali bejn l-impriżi ferrovjarji, il-maniġers tal-infrastruttura jew l-awtoritajiet tas-sikurezza li jrendu livelli sinifikanti ta' interoperabbiltà lokali jew reġjonali;


ftehimiet internazzjonali bejn Stat Membru wieħed jew aktar u tal-inqas pajjiż terz wieħed, jew bejn l-impriżi ferrovjarji jew il-maniġers tal-infrastruttura tal-Istati Membri u tal-inqas impriża ferrovjarja waħda jew maniġer tal-infrastruttura wieħed ta' pajjiż terz, li jrendu livelli sinifikanti ta' interoperabbiltà lokali jew reġjonali.

Artikolu 4

Il-proċeduri għall-valutazzjoni tal-konformità u tal-idoneità għall-użu u għall-verifika tal-KE stabbiliti fit-Taqsima 6 tal-Anness ta' dan ir-Regolament għandhom jissejsu fuq il-moduli ddefiniti fid-Deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni 2010/713/UE (8).

Artikolu 5

1.   Għall-każijiet speċifiċi mniżżlin fit-Taqsima 7.3.2 tal-Anness, il-kundizzjonijiet li għandhom jiġu ssodisfati għall-verifika tal-interoperabbiltà skont l-Artikolu 17(2) tad-Direttiva 2008/57/KE għandhom ikunu dawk ir-regoli tekniċi applikabbli li jintużaw fl-Istat Membru li jawtorizza t-tqegħid fis-servizz tas-subsistemi koperti minn dan ir-Regolament.

2.   Fi żmien sitt xhur minn meta jidħol fis-seħħ dan ir-Regolament, kull Stat Membru għandu jgħarraf lill-Kummissjoni u lill-Istati Membri l-oħra dwar:


ir-regoli tekniċi msemmijin fil-paragrafu 1;


il-proċeduri għall-valutazzjoni tal-konformità u għall-verifika li għandhom jitwettqu sabiex jiġu applikati r-regoli tekniċi msemmijin fil-paragrafu 1;


il-korpi maħturin skont l-Artikolu 17(3) tad-Direttiva 2008/57/KE biex iwettqu l-proċeduri għall-valutazzjoni tal-konformità u għall-verifika għall-każijiet speċifiċi mogħtija fit-Taqsima 7.3.2 tal-Anness ta' dan ir-Regolament.

Artikolu 6

Il-konformità mal-valuri tal-azzjoni ta' inqas esponiment stipulati fl-Artikolu 3 tad-Direttiva 2003/10/KE tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill (9) għandha tiġi żgurata permezz tal-konformità mal-livell ta' ħoss ta' ġol-kabina tas-sewwieq, kif stipulat fil-punt 4.2.4 tal-Anness ta' dan ir-Regolament, u permezz ta' kundizzjonijiet operattivi xierqa li l-impriża ferrovjarja għandha tiddefinixxi.

Artikolu 7

1.   Biex ikun hemm adattament għall-progress teknoloġiku, il-manifattur jew ir-rappreżentant awtorizzat tiegħu jistgħu jipproponu soluzzjonijiet innovattivi li ma jkunux konformi mal-ispeċifikazzjonijiet stipulati fl-Anness u/jew li għalihom ma jkunux jistgħux jintużaw il-metodi ta' valutazzjoni stipulati fl-Anness.

2.   Is-soluzzjonijiet innovattivi jistgħu jkunu relatati mas-subsistema tal-vetturi ferrovjarji, mal-partijiet tagħha u mal-kostitwenti tal-interoperabbiltà tagħha.

3.   Fejn tiġi proposta soluzzjoni innovattiva, il-manifattur jew ir-rappreżentant awtorizzat tiegħu, stabbilit fl-Unjoni, għandu jiddikjara kif it-tali soluzzjoni tvarja mid-dispożizzjonijiet rilevanti ta' din it-TSI jew kif din tikkumplimentahom, u għandu jibgħat id-differenzi lill-Kummissjoni għall-analiżi. Il-Kummissjoni tista' titlob lill-Aġenzija tagħti l-opinjoni tagħha dwar is-soluzzjoni innovattiva proposta.

4.   Il-Kummissjoni għandha tagħti l-opinjoni tagħha dwar is-soluzzjoni innovattiva proposta. Jekk din l-opinjoni tkun waħda favorevoli, l-Aġenzija għandha tiżviluppa l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet operattivi u tal-interfaċċja x-xierqa u l-metodu ta' valutazzjoni, li jridu jiddaħħlu fit-TSI sabiex din is-soluzzjoni innovattiva tkun tista' tintuża, u mbagħad għandha tintegrahom fit-TSI matul il-proċess ta' reviżjoni skont l-Artikolu 6 tad-Direttiva 2008/57/KE. Jekk l-opinjoni ma tkunx waħda favorevoli, is-soluzzjoni innovattiva proposta ma għandhiex tintuża.

5.   Sa ma tiġi analizzata mill-ġdid it-TSI, l-opinjoni favorevoli mogħtija mill-Kummissjoni għandha titqies bħala mezz ta' konformità aċċettabbli mar-rekwiżiti essenzjali tad-Direttiva 2008/57/KE, u għalhekk tista' tintuża għall-valutazzjoni tas-subsistema.

Artikolu 8

Id-dikjarazzjoni ta' verifika u/jew ta' konformità mat-tip ta' vettura ġdida stabbilita skont id-Deċiżjoni 2011/229/UE għandha titqies li hija valida:

sakemm iċ-ċertifikat tat-tip jew tad-disinn ikollu jiġġedded kif stipulat fid-Deċiżjoni 2011/291/UE għall-każijiet fejn tkun ġiet applikata dik id-Deċiżjoni jew sal-31 ta' Mejju 2017 għall-każijiet l-oħra għal-lokomottivi, l-EMUs, id-DMUs u l-kowċis,

sat-13 ta' April 2016 għall-vaguni.

Id-dikjarazzjoni ta' verifika u/jew ta' konformità mat-tip ta' vettura ġdida stabbilita skont id-Deċiżjoni 2008/232/KE għandha titqies li hija valida sakemm iċ-ċertifikat tat-tip jew tad-disinn ikollu jiġġedded kif stipulat f'din id-Deċiżjoni.

Artikolu 9

1.   Id-Deċiżjoni 2011/229/UE għandha titħassar mill-1 ta' Jannar 2015.

2.   Il-punti, u tal-Anness tad-Deċiżjoni 2008/232/KE, għandhom jitħassru mill-1 ta' Jannar 2015.

3.   Madankollu, id-dispożizzjonijiet imsemmijin fil-paragrafi 1 u 2 għandhom jibqgħu japplikaw għall-proġetti awtorizzati skont it-TSI mehmuża ma' dawk id-Deċiżjonijiet u, sakemm l-applikant ma jitlobx li japplika dan ir-Regolament, għall-proġetti relatati ma' vetturi ġodda u mat-tiġdid jew l-immodernizzar ta' vetturi eżistenti li huma fi stadju avvanzat ta' żvilupp jew li huma s-suġġett ta' kuntratt li huwa fis-seħħ fid-data tal-pubblikazzjoni ta' dan ir-Regolament jew għall-każijiet imsemmijin fl-Artikolu 8 ta' dan ir-Regolament.

Artikolu 10

Dan ir-Regolament għandu jidħol fis-seħħ fl-għoxrin jum wara dak tal-pubblikazzjoni tiegħu f'Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea.

Għandu japplika mill-1 ta' Jannar 2015. Madankollu, qabel l-1 ta' Jannar 2015, tista' tingħata awtorizzazzjoni għat-tqegħid fis-servizz skont it-TSI, kif stabbilit fl-Anness ta' dan ir-Regolament.

Dan ir-Regolament għandu jorbot fl-intier tiegħu u japplika direttament fl-Istati Membri skont it-Trattati.

Magħmul fi Brussell, is-26 ta' Novembru 2014.



Jean-Claude JUNCKER

(1)  ĠU L 191, 18.7.2008, p. 1.

(2)  Ir-Regolament (KE) Nru 881/2004 tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill tad-29 ta' April 2004 li jistabbilixxi Aġenzija Ewropea tal-Ferroviji (ir-Regolament tal-Aġenzija) (ĠU L 220, 21.6.2004, p. 3).

(3)  Id-Deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni 2011/229/UE tal-4 ta' April 2011 dwar l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet tekniċi tal-interoperabbiltà marbuta mas-sottosistema “vetturi ferrovjarji — storbju” tas-sistema ferrovjarja konvenzjonali trans-Ewropea (ĠU L 99, 13.4.2011, p. 1).

(4)  Id-Deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni 2008/232/KE tal-21 ta' Frar 2008 dwar speċifikazzjoni teknika għall-interoperabbiltà (STI) rigward is-subsistema “vetturi ferrovjarji”tas-sistema ferrovjarja tranżEwropea ta' veloċità għolja (ĠU L 84, 26.3.2008, p. 132).

(5)  Ir-Regolament tal-Kummissojni (UE) Nru 1302/2014 tat-18 ta' Novembru 2014 dwar speċifikazzjoni teknika għall-interoperabbiltà fir-rigward tas-subsistema tal-“Vetturi ferrovjarji — lokomotivi u vetturi ferrovjarji għat-trasport tal-passiġġieri” tas-sistema ferrovjarja fl-Unjoni Ewropea (ara l-paġna 228 ta' dan il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali).

(6)  Ir-Regolament tal-Kummissjoni (UE) Nru 321/2013 tat-13 ta' Marzu 2013 dwar l-ispeċifikazzjoni teknika għall-interoperabbiltà relatata mas-subsistema ta' “vetturi ferrovjarji — vaguni tal-merkanzija” tas-sistema ferrovjarja fl-Unjoni Ewropea u li jirrevoka d-Deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni 2006/861/KE (ĠU L 104, 12.4.2013, p. 1).

(7)  Id-Deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni 2006/66/KE tat-23 ta' Diċembru 2005 dwar l-ispeċifikazzjoni teknika tal-interoperabbiltà marbuta mas-subsistema tal-“vetturi ferrovjarji — storbju” tas-sistema ferrovjarja konvenzjonali trans-Ewropea [traduzzjoni mhix uffiċjali] (ĠU L 37, 8.2.2006, p. 1).

(8)  Id-Deċiżjoni tal-Kummissjoni 2010/713/UE tad-9 ta' Novembru 2010 dwar moduli għall-proċeduri għal valutazzjoni ta' konformità, adattezza għall-użu, u verifika tal-KE li għandhom jintużaw fl-ispeċifikazzjonijiet tekniċi għal interoperabbiltà adottati skont id-Direttiva 2008/57/KE tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill (ĠU L 319, 4.12.2010, p. 1).

(9)  Id-Direttiva 2003/10/KE tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill tas-6 ta' Frar 2003 dwar il-ħtiġiet minimi ta' saħħa u sigurtà li jirrigwardaw l-esposizzjoni ta' ħaddiema għal riskji li jirriżultaw minn aġenti fiżiċi (ħoss) (Is-Sbatax-il Direttiva individwali skond it-tifsira ta' l-Artikolu 16(1) tad-Direttiva 89/391/KEE) (ĠU L 42, 15.2.2003, p. 38).






Technical scope 426


Geographical scope 426








Introduction 427


Functional and technical specifications of the subsystems 427


Limits for stationary noise 427


Limits for starting noise 428


Limits for pass-by noise 428


Limits for the driver's cab interior noise 429


Functional and technical specifications of the interfaces 429


Operating rules 430


Maintenance rules 430


Professional qualifications 430


Health and safety conditions 430


European register of authorised types of vehicles 430






Interoperability constituents 430


Subsystem rolling stock regarding noise emitted by rolling stock 430


Modules 430


EC verification procedures 431


Simplified evaluation 433




Application of this TSI to new subsystems 434


Application of this TSI to renewed and upgraded subsystems 434


Specific cases 434


Introduction 434


List of specific cases 435


In general Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) lay down for each subsystem (or part of it) the optimal level of harmonised specifications in order to ensure the interoperability of the rail system. Therefore TSIs harmonise only the specifications concerning parameters which are critical to interoperability (basic parameters). The specifications of the TSIs must meet the essential requirements as set out in Annex III of Directive 2008/57/EC.

In line with the proportionality principle this TSI sets out the optimal level of harmonisation related to specifications on the rolling stock subsystem as defined in Section 1.1 intended to limit the noise emission of the rail system within the Union.

1.1.   Technical scope

This TSI applies to all rolling stock within the scope of Regulation (EU) No 1302/2014 (LOC&PAS TSI) and Regulation (EU) No 321/2013 (WAG TSI).

1.2.   Geographical scope

The geographical scope of this TSI corresponds to the scopes defined in Section 1.2 of Regulation (EU) No 1302/2014 and in Section 1.2 of Regulation (EU) No 321/2013, each for their rolling stock (RST) concerned.


A “unit” means the rolling stock which is subject to the application of this TSI, and therefore subject to the “EC” verification procedure. Chapter 2 of Regulation (EU) No 1302/2014 and Chapter 2 of Regulation (EU) No 321/2013 describe what a unit can consist of.

The requirements of this TSI apply to the following categories of rolling stock set out in Section 1.2 in Annex I of Directive 2008/57/EC:


Self-propelling thermal or electric trains. This category is further defined in Chapter 2 of Regulation (EU) 1302/2014 and shall be referred to in this TSI as multiple units, EMU (electrified) or DMU (diesel).


Thermal or electric traction units. This category is further defined in Chapter 2 of Regulation (EU) 1302/2014 and shall be referred to in this TSI as locomotives. Power units that form part of a “self-propelling thermal or electric train” and railcars are not included in this category and belong to the category under point (a).


Passenger carriages and other related cars. This category is further defined in Chapter 2 of Regulation (EU) 1302/2014 and shall be referred to in this TSI as coaches.


Freight wagons, including vehicles designed to carry lorries. This category is further defined in Chapter 2 of Regulation (EU) No 321/2013 and shall be referred to in this TSI as wagons.


Mobile railway infrastructure construction and maintenance equipment. This category is further defined in Chapter 2 of Regulation (EU) No 1302/2014 and consists of on-track machines (referred to in this TSI as OTMs) and infrastructure inspection vehicles, which belong to the categories in points (a), (b) or (d) depending on their design.


All basic parameters set out in this TSI must be linked with at least one of the essential requirements as set out in Annex III of Directive 2008/57/EC. Table 1 indicates the allocation.

Table 1

Basic parameters and their link to the essential requirements


Basic parameter

Essential requirements


Reliability availability


Environm. protection

Technical compat.


Limits for stationary noise







Limits for starting noise







Limits for pass-by noise







Limits for driver's cab interior noise







4.1.   Introduction

This Chapter sets out the optimal level of harmonisation related to specifications on the rolling stock subsystem intended to limit the noise emission of the Union rail system and to achieve interoperability.

4.2.   Functional and technical specifications of the subsystems

The following parameters have been identified as critical for the interoperability (basic parameters):


“stationary noise”;


“starting noise”;


“pass-by noise”;


“driver's cab interior noise”.

The corresponding functional and technical specifications allocated to the different categories of rolling stock are set out in this section. In case of units equipped with both thermal and electric power the relevant limit values under all normal operation modes shall be respected. If one of these operation modes foresees the use of both thermal and electric power at the same time the less restrictive limit value applies. In accordance with Articles 5(5) and 2(l) of Directive 2008/57/EC, provision may be made for specific cases. Such provisions are indicated in Section 7.3.

The assessment procedures for the requirements in this section are defined in the indicated points and sub points of Chapter 6.

4.2.1.   Limits for stationary noise

The limit values for the following sound pressure levels under normal vehicle conditions concerning the stationary noise allocated to the categories of the rolling stock subsystem are set out in Table 2:


the A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level of the unit (LpAeq,T[unit]);


the A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level at the nearest measuring position i considering the main air compressor (Li pAeq,T); and


the AF-weighted sound pressure level at the nearest measuring position i considering impulsive noise of the exhaust valve of the air dryer (Li pAFmax).

The limit values are defined at a distance of 7,5 m from the centre of the track and 1,2 m above top of rail.

Table 2

Limit values for stationary noise

Category of the rolling stock subsystem

LpAeq,T [unit] [dB]

Li pAeq,T [dB]

Li pAFmax [dB]

Electric locomotives and OTMs with electric traction




Diesel locomotives and OTMs with diesel traction
















The demonstration of conformity is described in point

4.2.2.   Limits for starting noise

The limit values for the AF-weighted maximum sound pressure level (LpAF,max) concerning the starting noise allocated to the categories of the rolling stock subsystem are set out in Table 3. The limit values are defined at a distance of 7,5 m from the centre of the track and 1,2 m above top of rail.

Table 3

Limit values for starting noise

Category of the rolling stock subsystem

LpAF,max [dB]

Electric locomotives with total tractive power P < 4 500 kW


Electric locomotives with total tractive power P ≥ 4 500 kW

OTMs with electric traction


Diesel locomotives P < 2 000 kW at the engine output shaft


Diesel locomotives P ≥ 2 000 kW at the engine output shaft

OTMs with diesel traction


EMUs with a maximum speed vmax < 250 km/h


EMUs with a maximum speed vmax ≥ 250 km/h


DMUs P < 560 kW/engine at the engine output shaft


DMUs P ≥ 560 kW/engine at the engine output shaft


The demonstration of conformity is described in point

4.2.3.   Limits for pass-by noise

The limit values for the A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level at a speed of 80 km/h (LpAeq,Tp,(80 km/h)) and, if applicable, at 250 km/h (LpAeq,Tp,(250 km/h)) concerning the pass-by noise allocated to the categories of the rolling stock subsystem are set out in Table 4. The limit values are defined at a distance of 7,5 m from the centre of the track and 1,2 m above top of rail.

Measurements at speeds higher than or equal to 250 km/h shall also be made at the “additional measurement position” with a height of 3,5 m above top of rail in accordance with Chapter 6 of EN ISO 3095:2013 and assessed against the applicable limit values of Table 4.

Table 4

Limit values for pass-by noise

Category of the rolling stock subsystem

LpAeq,Tp (80 km/h) [dB]

LpAeq,Tp (250 km/h) [dB]

Electric locomotives and OTMs with electric traction



Diesel locomotives and OTMs with diesel traction












Wagons (normalised to APL = 0,225) (*1)



The demonstration of conformity is described in point

4.2.4.   Limits for the driver's cab interior noise

The limit values for the A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level (LpAeq,T) concerning the noise within the driver's cab of electric and diesel locomotives, OTMs, EMUs, DMUs and coaches fitted with a cab are set out in Table 5. The limit values are defined in the vicinity of the driver's ear.

Table 5

Limit values for driver's cab interior noise

Noise within the driver's cab

LpAeq,T [dB]

At standstill with horns sounding


At maximum speed vmax if vmax < 250 km/h


At maximum speed vmax if 250 km/h ≤ vmax < 350 km/h


The demonstration of conformity is described in point

4.3.   Functional and technical specifications of the interfaces

This TSI has the following interfaces with the rolling stock subsystem:

Interface with subsystems of points (a), (b), (c) and (e) of Chapter 2 (dealt with in Regulation (EU) No 1302/2014) with regard to:

stationary noise,

starting noise (not applicable to coaches),

pass-by noise,

interior noise within the driver's cab, where applicable.

Interface with subsystems of point (d) of Chapter 2 (dealt with in Regulation (EU) No 321/2013) with regard to:

pass-by noise,

stationary noise.

4.4.   Operating rules

Requirements concerning the operating rules for the subsystem rolling stock are set out in Section 4.4 of Regulation (EU) No 1302/2014 and in Section 4.4 of Regulation (EU) No 321/2013.

4.5.   Maintenance rules

Requirements concerning the maintenance rules for the subsystem rolling stock are set out in Section 4.5 of Regulation (EU) No 1302/2014 and in Section 4.5 of Regulation (EU) No 321/2013.

4.6.   Professional qualifications

Not applicable.

4.7.   Health and safety conditions

See Article 6 of this Regulation.

4.8.   European register of authorised types of vehicles

The data of the rolling stock that must be recorded in the “European register of authorised types of vehicles (ERATV)” are set out in Decision 2011/665/EU.


There is no interoperability constituent specified in this TSI.


6.1.   Interoperability constituents

Not applicable.

6.2.   Subsystem rolling stock regarding noise emitted by rolling stock

6.2.1.   Modules

The EC verification shall be performed in accordance with the module(s) described in Table 6.

Table 6

Modules for EC verification of subsystems


EC-Type Examination


EC verification based on quality management system of the production process


EC verification based on product verification


EC verification based on full quality management system plus design examination

These modules are specified in detail in Decision 2010/713/EU.

6.2.2.   EC verification procedures

The applicant shall choose one of the following assessment procedures consisting of one or more modules for the EC verification of the subsystem:




Within the application of the chosen module or module combination the subsystem shall be assessed against the requirements defined in Section 4.2. If necessary, additional requirements concerning the assessment are given in the following points.   Stationary noise

The demonstration of conformity with the limit values on stationary noise as set out in point 4.2.1 shall be carried out in accordance with Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 (without clause 5.5.2), 5.7 and clause 5.8.1 of EN ISO 3095:2013.

For the assessment of the main air compressor noise at the nearest measuring position i, the Li pAeq,T indicator shall be used with T representative of one operating cycle as defined in Section 5.7 of EN ISO 3095:2013. Only the train systems that are required for the air compressor to run under normal operating conditions shall be used for this. The train systems which are not needed for the operation of the compressor may be switched off to prevent contribution to the noise measurement. The demonstration of conformity with the limit values shall be carried out under the conditions solely necessary for operation of the main air compressor at the lowest rpm.

For the assessment of the impulsive noise sources at the nearest measuring position i, the Li pAFmax indicator shall be used. The relevant noise source is the exhaust from the valves of the air dryer.   Starting noise

The demonstration of conformity with the limit values on starting noise as set out in point 4.2.2 shall be carried out in accordance with Chapter 7 (without clause of EN ISO 3095:2013. The maximum level method referring to Section 7.5 of EN ISO 3095:2013 shall apply. Deviating from clause 7.5.3 of EN ISO 3095:2013 the train shall accelerate from standstill up to 30 km/h and then maintain the speed.

In addition the noise shall be measured at a distance of 7,5 m from the centre of the track and a height of 1,2 m above top of rail. The “averaged level method” and the “maximum level method” in accordance with Section 7.6 and 7.5 respectively of EN ISO 3095:2013 shall apply and the train shall accelerate from standstill up to 40 km/h and then maintain the speed. The measured values are not assessed against any limit value and shall be recorded in the technical file and communicated to the Agency.

For OTMs the starting procedure shall be performed without additional trailer loads.   Pass-by noise

The demonstration of conformity with the limit values on pass-by noise as set out in point 4.2.3 shall be carried out in accordance with points and   Test track conditions

The tests shall be performed on a reference track as defined in Section 6.2 of EN ISO 3095:2013.

However, it is permitted to carry out the test on a track that does not comply with the reference track conditions in terms of acoustic rail roughness level and track decay rates as long as the noise levels measured in accordance with point do not exceed the limit values set out in point 4.2.3.

The acoustic rail roughness and the decay rates of the test track shall be determined in any case. If the track on which the tests are performed does meet the reference track conditions, the measured noise levels shall be marked “comparable”, otherwise they shall be marked “non-comparable”. It shall be recorded in the technical file whether the measured noise levels are “comparable” or “non-comparable”.

The measured acoustic rail roughness values of the test track remain valid during a period starting 3 months before and ending 3 months after this measurement, provided that during this period no track maintenance has been performed which influences the rail acoustic roughness.

The measured track decay rate values of the test track shall remain valid during a period starting 1 year before and ending 1 year after this measurement, provided that during this period no track maintenance has been performed which influences the track decay rates.

Confirmation shall be provided in the technical file that the track data related to the type's pass-by noise measurement were valid during the day(s) of testing, e.g. by providing the date of last maintenance having an impact on noise.

Furthermore, it is permitted to carry out tests at speeds equal to or higher than 250 km/h on slab tracks. In this case the limit values shall be 2 dB higher than those set out in point 4.2.3.   Procedure

The tests shall be carried out in accordance with the provision in Sections 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7 (without 6.7.2) of EN ISO 3095:2013. Any comparison against limit values shall be carried out with results rounded to the nearest integer decibel. Any normalisation shall be performed before rounding. The detailed assessment procedure is set out in points, and   EMU, DMUs, locomotives and coaches

For EMU, DMUs, locomotives and coaches three classes of maximum operational speed are distinguished:


If the maximum operational speed of the unit is lower than or equal to 80 km/h, the pass-by noise shall be measured at its maximum speed vmax. This value shall not exceed the limit value LpAeq,Tp(80 km/h) as set out in point 4.2.3.


If the maximum operational speed vmax of the unit is higher than 80 km/h and lower than 250 km/h, the pass-by noise shall be measured at 80 km/h and at its maximum speed. Both measured pass-by noise values LpAeq,Tp(vtest) shall be normalised to the reference speed of 80 km/h LpAeq,Tp(80 km/h) using formula (1). The normalised value shall not exceed the limit value LpAeq,Tp(80 km/h) as set out in point 4.2.3.

Formula (1):

LpAeq,Tp(80 km/h) = LpAeq,Tp(vtest) – 30 * log (vtest/80 km/h)

Vtest = Actual speed during the measurement


If the maximum operational speed vmax of the unit is equal to or higher than 250 km/h, the pass-by noise shall be measured at 80 km/h and at its maximum speed with an upper test speed limit of 320 km/h. The measured pass-by noise value LpAeq,Tp(vtest) at 80 km/h shall be normalised to the reference speed of 80 km/h LpAeq,Tp(80 km/h) using formula (1). The normalised value shall not exceed the limit value LpAeq,Tp(80 km/h) as set out in point 4.2.3. The measured pass-by noise value at maximum speed LpAeq,Tp(vtest) shall be normalised to the reference speed of 250 km/h LpAeq,Tp(250 km/h) using formula (2). The normalised value shall not exceed the limit value LpAeq,Tp(250 km/h) as set out in point 4.2.3.

Formula (2):

LpAeq,Tp(250 km/h) = LpAeq,Tp(vtest) – 50 * log(vtest/250 km/h)

Vtest = Actual speed during the measurement   Wagons

For wagons two classes of maximum operational speed are distinguished:


If the maximum operational speed vmax of the unit is lower than or equal to 80 km/h, the pass-by noise shall be measured at its maximum speed. The measured pass-by noise value LpAeq,Tp(vtest) shall be normalised to a reference APL of 0,225 m-1 LpAeq,Tp (APLref) using formula (3). This value shall not exceed the limit value LpAeq,Tp(80 km/h) as set out in point 4.2.3.

Formula (3):

LpAeq,Tp (APLref) = LpAeq,Tp(vtest) – 10 * log(APLwag/0,225 m-1)

APLwag = Number of axles divided by the length over the buffers [m-1]

Vtest = Actual speed during the measurement


If the maximum operational speed vmax of the unit is higher than 80 km/h, the pass-by noise shall be measured at 80 km/h and at its maximum speed. Both measured pass-by noise values LpAeq,Tp(vtest) shall be normalised to the reference speed of 80 km/h and to a reference APL of 0,225 m-1 LpAeq,Tp(APL ref, 80 km/h) using formula (4). The normalised value shall not exceed the limit value LpAeq,Tp(80 km/h) as set out in point 4.2.3.

Formula (4):

LpAeq,Tp (APLref, 80 km/h) = LpAeq,Tp(vtest) – 10 * log(APLwag/0,225 m-1) — 30 * log(vtest/80 km/h)

APLwag = Number of axles divided by the length over the buffers [m-1]

Vtest = Actual speed during the measurement   OTMs

For OTMs the same assessment procedure as set out in applies. The measuring procedure shall be performed without additional trailer loads.

OTMs are deemed to comply with the pass-by noise level requirements in point 4.2.3 without measuring when they are:

solely braked by either composite brake blocks or disc brakes, and

equipped with composite scrubbers, if scrubber blocks are fitted.   Driver's cab interior noise

The demonstration of conformity with the limit values on the driver's cab interior noise as set out in point 4.2.4 shall be carried out in accordance with EN 15892:2011. For OTMs the measuring procedure shall be performed without additional trailer loads.

6.2.3.   Simplified evaluation

Instead of the test procedures as set out in point 6.2.2, it is permitted to substitute some or all of the tests by a simplified evaluation. The simplified evaluation consists of acoustically comparing the unit under assessment to an existing type (further referred to as the reference type) with documented noise characteristics.

The simplified evaluation may be used for each of the applicable basic parameters “stationary noise”, “starting noise”, “pass-by noise” and “driver's cab interior noise” autonomously and shall consist of providing evidence that the effects of the differences of the unit under assessment do not result in exceeding the limit values set out in Section 4.2.

For the units under simplified evaluation, the proof of conformity shall include a detailed description of the noise relevant changes compared to the reference type. From this description, a simplified evaluation shall be performed. The estimated noise values shall include the uncertainties of the applied evaluation method. The simplified evaluation can either be a calculation and/or simplified measurement.

A unit certified on the basis of the simplified evaluation method shall not be used as a reference unit for a further evaluation.

If the simplified evaluation is applied for pass-by noise, the reference-type shall comply with at least one of the following:

Chapter 4 and for which the pass-by noise results are marked “comparable”

Chapter 4 of Decision 2011/229/EU and for which the pass-by noise results are marked “comparable”

Chapter 4 of Decision 2006/66/EC

Chapter 4 of Decision 2008/232/EC.

In case of a wagon whose parameters remain, compared to the reference type, within the permitted range of Table 7 it is deemed without further verification that the unit complies with the limit values on pass-by noise as set out in point 4.2.3.

Table 7

Permitted variation of wagons for the exemption from verification


Permitted variation (compared to the reference unit)

Max. unit speed

Any speed up to 160 km/h

Type of wheel

Only if equally or less noisy (acoustic characterisation i. a. w. Annex E of EN 13979-1:2011)

Tare weight

Only within the range of +20 %/– 5 %

Brake block

Only if variation does not result in higher noise emission.


7.1.   Application of this TSI to new subsystems

See Article 8 of this Regulation.

7.2.   Application of this TSI to renewed and upgraded subsystems

If a Member State considers that in accordance with Article 20(1) of Directive 2008/57/EC a new authorisation for placing in service is necessary, the applicant shall demonstrate that the noise levels of renewed or upgraded units remain below the limits set out in the TSI which was applicable when the unit in question was first authorised. If no TSI existed at the time of the first authorisation, it shall be demonstrated that the noise levels of renewed or upgraded units are either not increased or remain below the limits set out in Decision 2006/66/EC or Decision 2002/735/EC.

The demonstration shall be limited to the basic parameters affected by the renewal/upgrade.

If the simplified evaluation is applied, the original unit may represent the reference unit in accordance with the provisions of point 6.2.3.

The replacement of a whole unit or (a) vehicle(s) within a unit (e.g. a replacement after a severe damage) does not require a conformity assessment against this TSI, as long as the unit or the vehicle(s) are identical to the ones they replace.

If, during renewal or upgrading of a wagon, a wagon is being equipped with composite brake blocks and no noise sources are added to the wagon under assessment, then it shall be assumed that the requirements of point 4.2.3 are met without further testing.

7.3.   Specific cases

7.3.1.   Introduction

The specific cases, as listed in point 7.3.2, are classified as

(a)   “P” cases: “permanent” cases;

(b)   “T” cases: “temporary” cases.

7.3.2.   List of specific cases   General specific case

Specific case Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania

(“P”) For units from third countries with 1 520mm wheel set gauge the application of national technical rules instead of the requirements in this TSI is permitted.   Limits for stationary noise (point 4.2.1)


Specific case Finland

(“T”) For coaches and wagons equipped with a diesel generator for electrical power supply higher than 100 kW and intended to operate solely on the railway network of Finland the limit value for stationary noise LpAeq,T [unit] in Table 2 may be raised up to 72 dB.

Decision 2011/229/EU may continue to be applied for freight wagons to be used only on the territory of Finland and until the relevant technical solution in relation to Nordic winter conditions is found, but in any case not later than until 31 December 2017. This shall not prevent freight wagons from other Member States to operate on the Finnish network.


Specific case UK for Great Britain

(“P”) For DMUs intended to operate solely on the railway network of Great Britain the limit value for stationary noise LpAeq,T [unit] in Table 2 may be raised up to 77 dB.

This specific case does not apply to DMUs intended to operate solely on the High Speed 1 railway network.


Specific case UK for Great Britain

(“T”) For units intended to operate solely on the railway network of Great Britain the limit values Li pAeq,T in Table 2 considering the main air compressor do not apply. The measured values shall be submitted to the NSA UK.

This specific case does not apply to units intended to operate solely on the High Speed 1 railway network.   Limits for starting noise (point 4.2.2)


Specific case Sweden

(“T”) For locomotives with total tractive power of more than 6 000 kW and a maximum axle load of more than 25 t the limit values for starting noise LpAF,max in Table 3 may be raised up to 89 dB.


Specific case UK for Great Britain

(“P”) For units specified in Table 8 intended to operate solely on the railway network of Great Britain the limit value for starting noise LpAF,max in Table 3 may be raised up to the values set out in Table 8.

Table 8

Limit values for starting noise regarding a specific case UK for Great Britain

Category of the rolling stock subsystem

LpAF,max [dB]

Electric locomotives with total tractive power P < 4 500 kW


Diesel locomotives P < 2 000 kW at the engine output shaft




This specific case does not apply to units intended to operate solely on the High Speed 1 railway network.   Limits for pass-by noise (point 4.2.3)


Specific case Sweden

(“T”) For locomotives with total tractive power of more than 6 000 kW and a maximum axle load of more than 25 t the limit values for pass-by noise LpAeq,Tp (80 km/h) in Table 4 may be raised up to 85 dB.

(*1)  APL: the number of axles divided by the length over the buffers (m-1)

Appendix A

Open points

This TSI does not contain any open points

Appendix B

Standards referred to in this TSI



Characteristics to be assessed

References to mandatory standards


Stationary noise


EN ISO 3095:2013


Starting noise


EN ISO 3095:2013


Pass-by noise


EN ISO 3095:2013


EN ISO 3095:2013


Driver's cab interior noise


EN 15892:2011


Simplified evaluation


EN 13979-1:2011

Annex E

Appendix C

Assessment of the rolling stock subsystem

Characteristics to be assessed, as specified in Section 4.2



Particular assessment procedure

Design review

Type Test

Routine Test

Element of the rolling stock sub-system



Stationary noise


X (*1)



Starting noise


X (*1)



Pass-by noise


X (*1)



Driver's cab interior noise


X (*1)



(*1)  Only if the simplified evaluation in accordance with point 6.2.3 is applied.