Exceptional aid for highly-indebted ACP States

This Decision provides broader and faster debt relief for highly-indebted poor States from Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP).


Decision No 1/1999 (PDF) of the ACP-EC Council of Ministers of 8 December 1999 on exceptional aid for highly-indebted ACP States.


This decision comes under the framework of the international debt-relief initiative for highly-indebted poor countries (HIPC), launched in 1996 and extended during the G7 summit in Cologne in June 1999 in order to offer broader and faster debt relief for HIPCs.

The Decision is also based on the Commission's Communication of 26 October 1999 on a Community participation in the initiative (HIPC).

Unallocated programmable resources from the eighth European Development Fund (EDF) are used in the form of grants for the following purposes:

For countries which qualify after 2001, the aid is supplemented from further available EDF resources.

The aid is mobilised on the basis of arrangements laid down by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of the ACP Convention. There exist special arrangements within the framework of general coordination with other donors to use the new budgetary margin of manoeuvre for the development of social sectors and for poverty alleviation, in line with the new development strategy of the international community focusing on poverty alleviation.

This Decision applies only to ACP countries. Other measures are envisaged for non-ACP countries.



Entry into force - Date of expiry

Deadline for transposition in the Member States

Official Journal

Decision No 1/1999 of the ACP-EC Council of Ministers



OJ L 103 of 28.4.2000


Decision No 2/2001 (PDF ) of the ACP-EC Council of Ministers of 20 December 2001 on settling all ACP HIPC LDCs' "special loans" remaining after full application of HIPC debt alleviation mechanisms [Official Journal L 56 of 27.2.2002].

Decision No 3/2002 (PDF ) of the ACP-EC Council of Ministers of 23 December 2002 on the reallocation of unallocated resources as well as uncommitted interest subsidies from the Eighth European Development Fund (EDF) [Official Journal L 59 of 4.3.2003].

Last updated: 30.07.2007