Action Plan for Better Regulation

Regulatory simplification requires a strong political commitment from all the European institutions and the Member States throughout the legislative process. This Communication puts forward a number of actions, in the long term allowing the creation of a new legislative culture based on the "better regulation" principle.


Communication from the Commission of 5 June 2002, Action Plan "Simplifying and improving the regulatory environment" [COM(2002) 278 final - Not published in the Official Journal].


The purpose of this Communication is to improve the regulatory environment. Following consultations, the Commission noted the need for better regulation throughout the legislative process: from preparation of the proposal by the Commission to implementation by the Member States. This Action Plan focuses on the responsibilities of each party concerned during the legislative process. It aims to enable all the institutions and Member States to produce better laws.

Actions to be implemented by the Commission

First of all, the Commission intends to improve the quality of the legislative proposals through a number of actions, such as:

Secondly, the Commission undertakes to monitor the adoption and application of legislative acts more closely by:

Lastly, the Commission will ensure the general coordination and implementation of this Action Plan by setting up an internal network for "better lawmaking". This network will involve all the Directorates-General and will be coordinated by the Secretariat-General. It will have the following mandate:

Action proposed to the European Parliament and the Council

The Commission calls upon the Parliament and Council to commit to improving legislative quality, for example by concluding an inter-institutional agreement by the end of 2002. First of all, the Commission proposes that the institutions make more appropriate use of legislative instruments. This would be achieved by:

The European Parliament and the Council are asked to support the Commission in its plans to simplify and reduce the volume of Community legislation. The institutions should therefore draw up a simplification programme. The Commission suggests that the European Parliament and the Council create structures specifically responsible for legislative simplification. It would be a good idea to have an inter-institutional agreement on the subject. The European Parliament and the Council are called upon to support the codification programme by adopting codification proposals under accelerated procedures.

The European Union institutions are responsible for the quality of the legislation adopted. Some amendments can alter the quality of the act because they have been drafted complicatedly or they are too precise or not precise enough. The introduction of a period during which the act can be reread by lawyer-linguists would make it possible to improve quality and consistency before final adoption. The Commission proposes that the European Parliament and the Council carry out impact assessments of the substantial amendments which they introduce at first reading.

Action concerning the Member States

The Member States should also be committed to improving and simplifying the regulatory environment. The Commission therefore recommends that the Member States:

The Commission proposes that the Member States take specific action, including:

Developing a common legislative culture within the Union

In order to successfully implement this Action Plan, the objective of improving regulations must be applied to the entire legislative cycle, from the drafting of the proposal to its adoption by the legislator to its application by the Member States. The development of a common legislative culture will ultimately benefit European citizens. The Commission therefore proposes the following actions:


Communication from the Commission of 6 June 2002 - "European Governance: better lawmaking" [COM(2002) 0275 final - Not published in the Official Journal].

This Communication complements the Action Plan "Simplifying and improving the regulatory environment". It aims to improve implementation by the EU through a number of initiatives, including:

Lastly, this Communication reaffirms the importance of the Community method as a basis for building the European Union. The reforms of governance, "a quiet revolution in terms of the way we act", require the institutions to consolidate and clarify the sharing of their powers.

Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions of 11 February 2003 - "Updating and simplifying the Community acquis" [COM(2003) 71 final - Not published in the Official Journal].

This Communication follows on from the Action Plan "Simplifying and improving the regulatory environment". Since the Community was established, the Community acquis has never undergone a full examination. The Commission proposes a Framework for Action aimed at simplifying the Community acquis and sets the following six objectives:

Last updated: 28.02.2007