Communication on the future of the European Employment Strategy (2003)

Presented by the Commission as a document for discussion with a view to revising the EES in 2003, the purpose of this Communication is to present an outline for the new employment strategy complemented by examples of existing concrete objectives and considerations and suggestions for possible new targets. It introduces a new generation of guidelines. A subsequent revision is envisaged in 2005 in the framework of revising the Lisbon Strategy.


Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, of 14 January 2003, on the future of the European Employment Strategy (EES) "A strategy for full employment and better jobs for all" [COM (2003) 6 final - not published in the Official Journal].


This communication supplements the five-year review of the European Employment Strategy (EES). Given that the EES constitutes a key component of the Lisbon agenda, the Commission stresses that it will contribute to responding to medium and longer term challenges which the European Union will have to face, notably via a new generation of employment guidelines.

The core of the Commission's recommendations consists in a simplification of the guidelines, the definition of quantified targets, better coordination of policies and mobilisation of the different players involved in implementing the EES.

Hence, the new guidelines should include three overall objectives:

In order to achieve these overall targets, the Commission proposes:

Examples of indicators and quantified targets for the EES are provided in the annex to this Communication.

The operational services that play a particularly important role in implementing the objectives are the employment services, the social re-integration services, the training services and the labour inspectorates. Invited to present an annual report on their contributions at European, national, regional and local level, the social partners have also been closely involved in implementing the EES.

The Berlin European Council of 1999 established the European Social Fund (ESF) as a key financial instrument to support the EES, but it is necessary to take account of trends in regional and national labour markets when implementing the Structural Fund programmes.


Council Resolution of 6 February 2003 on Social Inclusion - through social dialogue and partnership [Official Journal of C 39 of 18.02.2003].

Last updated: 03.03.2005