Environment and Health Action Plan 2004-2010

To improve the health of European citizens we need to know exactly what impact environmental damage has on human health. This Action Plan is designed to provide the European Union (EU) with reliable information on that impact and to step up cooperation between stakeholders in the environment, health and research fields.


Communication of 9 June 2004 from the Commission: "The European Environment & Health Action Plan 2004-2010" [COM(2004) 416 - Official Journal C 49, 28.02.2006].


Covering the first cycle of the European Environment and Health Strategy, i.e. the period from 2004 to 2010, this Action Plan aims, on the one hand, to provide the EU with the scientifically grounded information needed to help Member States reduce the adverse health impacts of certain environmental factors and, on the other hand, to step up cooperation between stakeholders in the environment, health and research fields, whether these are public authorities in Member States, European bodies or institutions, or civil society.

In line with the European Environment and Health Strategy, the Action Plan focuses particularly on the links between environmental factors and respiratory diseases, neuro-developmental disorders, cancer and endocrine disrupting effects.

The Action Plan is based on three main themes, each covering a number of actions:

Member States, the Commission, international organisations and stakeholder groups (industries and civil society, for example) will share responsibility for implementing the Action Plan.

The Commission will play a major role and will continue to engage with all the main stakeholders and promote cooperation at EU level, within its areas of competence, and liaise with the European Environment Agency, the European Food Safety Agency and other relevant bodies. It will implement the actions through existing initiatives and programmes which already have allocated resources, notably the Public Health Programme and the Sixth Framework Programme for Research, and through the operational budgets of the services concerned.

Stakeholders will be fully involved in the implementation process through the Consultative Group, comprising Member States, stakeholders and international organisations. Relevant scientific committees and working groups will also be consulted.

In 2007 the Commission will conduct a mid-term review of the implementation of the Action Plan.


The Action Plan serves as the Commission's contribution to the Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, organised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in Budapest in June 2004.


Communication of 11 June 2007 from the Commission: "Mid Term Review of the European Environment and Health Action Plan 2004-2010" [COM(2007) 314 final - Official Journal C 191, 17.08.2007]. In this communication the Commission notes the growing links between environment policy and health policy, and especially the development of information systems, the priority given to research into environment and health interactions, the closer cooperation between environment, research and health, and the concentration on emerging issues such as nanotechnology. In addition, several initiatives have been launched since the Action Plan got under way, such as the Water Information System for Europe (WISE), and measures on air quality and chemicals.

Last updated: 29.08.2007