

To make full use of the possibilities offered by new technologies in vocational training systems.

To promote innovation in the vocational training field with a view to taking account of technological changes and their impact on employment, work, and the requisite qualifications and skills.


Council Decision 89/657/EEC of 18 December 1989 establishing an action programme to promote innovation in the field of vocational training resulting from technological change in the European Community (Eurotecnet).


The programme runs for a period of five years, commencing on 1 January 1990.

It comprises a network of national or transnational innovatory projects and a series of Community measures.

The common framework of guidelines taken into account by the network of projects has the following objectives:

Both sides of industry are to be fully associated in the implementation of the common framework of guidelines.

The Community measures supplementing the measures taken by Member States are aimed at:

The Commission is to implement support measures as indicated in the Annex, taking account of the differing needs and situations which exist in the Member States. Both sides of industry are to be fully associated.

The Commission is to ensure that there is consistency and complementarity between this programme and the other Community programmes involving vocational training and/or technological development. It will draw upon the assistance of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training and be assisted by an advisory committee, which it must keep regularly informed of the development of the programme.

4) deadline for implementation of the legislation in member states

Not applicable.

5) date of entry into force (if different from the above)


6) references

Official Journal L 393, 30.12.1989

7) follow-up work

Council Decision 92/170/EEC of 16 March 1992 (Official Journal L 75, 21.03.1992) amending Decision 89/657/EEC (Eurotecnet) and Decision 90/267/EEC (Force) with a view to setting up an advisory committee for education and continuing training combining Force and Eurotecnet.

Commission report concerning the first phase of Eurotecnet (1985-88) - (SEC(89) 1658 final).

Commission report on the operation of the Eurotecnet Programme (January 1990 - June 1992) COM(93) 317 final.

1991 was a very successful year for the Eurotecnet programme, as the nine working objectives set out in the work programme were achieved:

The objectives for 1992, in line with the overall objectives of the Eurotecnet Decision, were adapted to take account of the new guidelines, and the activities were structured and planned accordingly.

The objectives are as follows:

- technological content of training programmes;

- skill shortages at general vocational training level;

- key/core competency development of technological, cognitive and social skills;

The following actions are involved:

Starting in 1993, the network has been redesigned in line with the four key domains approved by the Commission, following a favourable opinion from the Force/Eurotecnet Advisory Committee (Doc. FPC/93/12 final):

The active involvement of enterprises, management and labour is guaranteed.

A considerable effort has been made to give activities a transnational dimension by pursuing particular aims and seeking partners in other Member States.

In addition, most of the projects operate in synergy with other Commission programmes and iniatives such as Force, Petra, Delta, Comett and Euroform.

The upgraded network at present comprises 284 projects which have been approved by Vice-President Ruberti.


The main results achieved by the network are as follows:

Final report from the Commission on the Eurotecnet programme (1990-1994) [COM(97) 386 final, not published in the Official Journal]

The total budget allocated to the Eurotecnet programme for the period 1990-1994 was ECU 9.2 million. The objective of Eurotecnet was to promote innovation in the fields of basic and continuing vocational training with a view to taking account of current and future technological changes and their impact on employment, work and necessary qualifications and skills.

The programme did not provide direct financing for projects. It was concerned on the one hand with the networking of innovative projects in vocational training and on the other hand with carrying out research on specific themes linked to vocational training.

Eurotecnet produced more than 70 scientific publications, including "The Learning Organisation", which was distributed in the Member States in nine languages. Between 1990 and 1994 70 000 copies of publications were distributed in the Member States, and 64 workshops and seminars took place.

1993 saw a major restructuring of the network. 90 new projects were introduced, and 83 old ones (out of 284) were withdrawn. Projects were grouped around the following four key domains:

The following tangible results were obtained:

Eurotecnet organised dissemination activities in two ways:

The programme contributed to innovation in vocational training through favouring the creation of transnational partnerships between projects and through synergy with other Community programmes, in particular Force, but also Petra and Comett. In addition, 77 Eurotecnet projects were supported by Euroform, the Community Initiative on human resource development.

Since 1995, the main Eurotecnet activities have been incorporated into the Leonardo da Vinci programme.

8) commission implementing measures