Third programme on equal opportunities (1991-1995)


To help create the circumstances in which women can participate fully on the labour market and maximize their contribution to economic and social life, through the development of a more integrated, comprehensive approach.


Third medium-term Community action programme on equal opportunities for women and men (1991-95).


The activities proposed under the third action programme are designed to intensify and develop the work already undertaken in the two previous programmes. The three basic aims of the third programme are:

The Member States are asked to achieve the following objectives:

The two sides of industry are requested to make equal opportunities and equal treatment an element in collective bargaining. They are to ensure that issues of equal remuneration are included in collective bargaining (equal pay for the same work or work of equal value).

The Commission is to ensure that the programme is implemented and is to make an interim and overall assessment (at mid-term and at the end of the period) of the policy on equal opportunities and equal treatment.

4) deadline for implementation of legislation by the member states

Not applicable.

5) date of entry into force (if different from the above)

6) references

Commission proposal COM(90) 449 finalOfficial Journal C 142, 31.05.1991

7) follow-up work

On 21 May 1991, the Council adopted a Resolution on the third medium-term Community action programme on equal opportunities for women and men(1991-1995). In it, the Member States are invited to encourage measures designed to promote the participation of women in the decision-making process in public, economic and social life (Official Journal C 142, 31.05.1991).

On 27 March 1995, the Council adopted a Resolution on balanced participation by men and women in decision-making. The Council invites the Member States to promote the balanced participation of men and women in decision-making as a priority objective in the context of their respective practices regarding equal opportunities for men and women and to adopt this objective as such in their governments' programmes. It also calls upon the institutions and bodies of the European Communities to implement measures, in their capacity as employers and on the basis of a review, promoting the balanced recruitment of men and women. The Commission is called upon to step up its information and awareness effort and its efforts to promote research and to introduce pilot schemes to implement the balanced participation of men and women in decision-making; and to take account of the Resolution in its fourth action programme on equal opportunities for men and women.

8) commission's implementing measures

Memorandum on equal pay for work of equal value COM(94) 6 final