

Official Journal of the European Union

C 281/37

Order of the Court of First Instance of 5 September 2006 — Finland v Commission

(Case T-350/05) (1)

(Preliminary issues - Objection of inadmissibility - Act without binding legal effect - Own resources of the European Communities - Infringement procedure - Default interest provided for in Article 11 of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1150/2000 - Negotiation of an agreement on a conditional payment)

(2006/C 281/64)

Language of the case: Finnish


Applicant: Republic of Finland (represented by: T. Pynnä and E. Bygglin, Agents)

Defendant: Commission of the European Communities (represented by: P. Aalto and G. Wilms, Agents)


Action for annulment of the decision of the Commission (General Secretariat) contained in the letter of 8 July 2005, by which the Commission refused to open negotiations with the Republic of Finland concerning the conditional payment of duties claimed retroactively together with default interest accrued up to the date of payment of those duties, claimed by the Commission from the Republic of Finland in the context of infringement procedure No 2003/2180, brought under Article 226 EC.

Operative part of the order


The action is dismissed as inadmissible;


The Republic of Finland is ordered to pay the costs.

(1)  OJ C 281, 12.11.2005.