

Official Journal of the European Union

C 3/23

Information communicated by Member States regarding State aid granted under Commission Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 of 12 January 2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises

(2006/C 3/12)

(Text with EEA relevance)

Aid Number

XS 20/04

Member State

United Kingdom


East Midlands

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid

Creswell SME Units Development

Legal basis

Regional Development Agencies Act 1998

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount


Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount

GBP 160 410

Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Article 4(2)-(6) and Article 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation

From 9.2.2004

Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 31.12.2006

Objective of aid

Aid to SME



Economic sectors concerned

All sectors eligible for aid to SME


Name and address of the granting authority


East Midlands Development Agency


Apex Court, City Link, Nottingham, East Midlands, United Kingdom, NG2 4LA

Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation

The measure excludes awards of aid or requires prior notification to the Commission of awards of aid,


if the total eligible costs are at least 25 000 000 EUR and

the gross aid intensity is at least 50 %,

in areas which qualify for regional aid, the net aid intensity is at least 50 %; or


if the total gross aid amount is at least 15 000 000 EUR



Aid Number

XS 36/04

Member State




Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid

Finance Ministry guidelines on promoting the business activities of SMEs under the joint Federal Government/Länder scheme for improving regional economic structures (Consultancy guidelines) of 22 March 2004, published in Brandenburg Official Gazette No 13 of 7 April 2004

Legal basis

Operationelles Programm Brandenburg 2000-2006 unter Beachtung der jeweils geltenden einschlägigen Bestimmungen aus den EU — Verordnungen (insbesondere der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1260/1999 und Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1145/2003)

Gesetz über die Gemeinschaftsaufgabe „Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur“ in der jeweils geltenden Fassung und des auf dieser Grundlage ergangenen Rahmenplanes

§§ 23, 24 der Landeshaushaltsordnung (LHO)

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount

EUR 4,6 million

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation


Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 31.12.2004

Objective of aid

Aid solely for SMEs in manufacturing, enterprises directly serving industry and tourism firms (advisory/training courses for specialist personnel and management)



Economic sectors concerned

All sectors eligible for aid to SMEs


Name and address of the granting authority


Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB)

Legal address:

Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg

Steinstraße 104-106

D-14480 Potsdam

Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation

The measure excludes awards of aid or requires prior notification to the Commission of awards of aid,


if the total eligible costs are at least EUR 25 000 000 and

the gross aid intensity is at least 50 %,

in areas which qualify for regional aid, the net aid intensity is at least 50 %; or


if the total gross aid amount is at least EUR 15 000 000



Aid Number

XS 40/04

Member State

United Kingdom


The North East of England

Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving an individual aid

The South Tyneside Major Business Grant Fund

Legal basis

The Wellbeing Power of Section 2 of the Local Government Act 2000

Annual expenditure planned under the scheme or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall

GBP 500 000

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Article 4(2)-(6) and Article 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation

From 1.5.2004

Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 31.3.2006

Objective of aid

Aid to SME



Economic sectors concerned

All sectors eligible for aid to SME


Name and address of the granting authority


Business Development Team

South Tyneside Council


Town Hall

South Shields

NE33 2RL, United Kingdom

Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation

The measure excludes awards of aid or requires prior notification to the Commission of awards of aid,


if the total eligible costs are at least 25 000 000 EUR and

the gross aid intensity is at least 50 %,

in areas which qualify for regional aid, the net aid intensity is at least 50 %; or


if the total gross aid amount is at least 15 000 000 EUR



Aid No

XS 47/04

Member State




Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Local development plan LAG ‘Prealpi e Dolomiti’

Action 1: Certification of business quality systems

Legal basis

Programma operativo regionale LEADER + Regione Veneto approvato con Dec. CE n. C(2001)3564 del 19.11.2001

Piano di sviluppo locale GAL ‘Prealpi e Dolomiti’

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount

EUR 190  000

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation

Starts on 17.2.2004 (Final date for applications: 16.2.2004)

Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 31.12.2006

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs



Economic sectors concerned

Limited to specific sectors

craft enterprises entered in the register specified in Section 5 of Law No 443 of 8 August 1985 on the Framework Law on craft enterprises, as subsequently amended and consolidated;

enterprises classified as small or medium-sized for the purposes of Commission Recommendation 96/280/EC of 3 April 1996 concerning the definition of small and medium-sized enterprises and duly entered in the register specified in Law No 580 of 29 December 1993, in accordance with the terms and procedures specified in Order No 581 of 7 December 1995 of the President of the Republic.

Enterprises operating in the agricultural and fisheries sector while also engaging in the production, processing and marketing of the products listed in Annex I to the EC Treaty are not eligible. Likewise, aid for exports or linked to export activities and aid that is conditional on the use of national rather than imported products cannot be granted. Similarly, shipbuilding, synthetic fibres, motor vehicle and transport enterprises are ineligible for aid (other than those included in the Istat — Ateco '91 codes at Nos 602, 6021, 6022, 6023, 6024, 6025, 631, 6311, 6312, 632 and 6321).


Name and address of the granting authority


Associazione GAL ‘Prealpi e Dolomiti’



Via dei Giardini, 17

I-32036 Sedico (BL)


Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation

The measure excludes awards of aid or requires prior notification to the Commission of awards of aid,


if the total eligible costs are at least EUR 25 000 000 and

the gross aid intensity is at least 50 %,

in areas which qualify for regional aid, the net aid intensity is at least 50 %; or


if the total gross aid amount is at least EUR 15 000 000


Aid No

XS 57/04

Member State




Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Consultancy cheques — aid measure to promote external consultancy services for Flemish small and medium-sized companies

Legal basis

Besluit van de Vlaamse regering van 30 april 2004 betreffende de adviescheques.

(Dit besluit vervangt het besluit van de Vlaamse regering van 14 februari 2003 betreffende de adviescheques, ter kennisgegeven aan de Europese Commissie bij brief van 2 april 2003 (ref. P11/533/1241) waarvan wij nooit de ontvangstbevestiging hebben gekregen)

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount

EUR 15 million for 2004 (budget determined annually)

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation


Duration of scheme or individual aid

Unlimited, subject to of Article 10 of Regulation 70/2001

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs



Economic sectors concerned

All sectors eligible for aid to SMEs


Name and address of the granting authority


Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap

Afdeling Economisch Ondersteuningsbeleid

Cel adviescheques


Markiesstraat 1

B-1000 Brussels

Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation

The measure excludes awards of aid or requires prior notification to the Commission of awards of aid,


if the total eligible costs are at least EUR 25 000 000 and

the gross aid intensity is at least 50 %,

in areas which qualify for regional aid, the net aid intensity is at least 50 %; or


if the total gross aid amount is at least EUR 15 000 000



Aid No

XS 86/04

Member State




Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises, as part of Integrated Projects

Legal basis

POR Campania 2000-2006 approvato dalla Commissione Europea con decisione C(2000) 2347 dell'8 agosto 2000 e s.m.i.

Complemento di Programmazione, misura 4.5

Disciplinare degli aiuti alle piccole e medie imprese operanti nel settore del turismo concessi in applicazione della Misura 4.5 del P.O.R. Campania 2000-2006 nell'ambito dei Progetti Integrati. (aiuti esentati dalla notificazione in conformità al reg. CE n. 70/01) approvato con Delibera di Giunta Regionale n. 710 del 14/5/2004

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Annual overall amount

EUR 64 952 332

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Articles 4(2)-(6) and 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation


Duration of scheme or individual aid award

Until 31.12.2006

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs



Economic sectors concerned

Limited to specific sectors


Other services(tourism)


Name and address of the granting authority


Regione Campania

Area Generale di Coordinamento 13

Settore 02

Responsabile della misura 4.5 del POR Campania 2000 — 2006


Centro Direzionale Isola C/5 — Napoli

Telefono: (081) 796 89 59

fax: (081) 796 85 11

e-mail: asse4.mis4.5.cdc@regione.campania.it

Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation

The measure excludes awards of aid or requires prior notification to the Commission of awards of aid,


if the total eligible costs are at least EUR 25 000 000 and

the gross aid intensity is at least 50 %,

in areas which qualify for regional aid, the net aid intensity is at least 50 %; or


if the total gross aid amount is at least EUR 15 000 000



Aid No

XS 115/03

Member State




Title of aid scheme or name of company receiving individual aid

Small business loans: new component of the already notified programme for the financing of business start-ups and growth — joint scheme involving the Federal Government, the Land of Baden-Württemberg, the DtA and L-Bank (OJ C 340, 4.12.2001, p. 2), now entitled ‘Programme for the financing of business start-ups and growth — joint scheme involving the Federal Government, the Land of Baden-Württemberg, the KfW-Mittelstandsbank and L-Bank’

Note: the KfW is the legal successor to the DtA pursuant to the Law on the restructuring of the Federal economic development banks (BGBl. I, p. 1657 et seq.)

Legal basis

Gesetz über die Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg vom 11.4.1972 (Gesetzblatt für Baden-Württemberg vom 14.4.1972, S. 129 ff.), zuletzt geändert durch Gesetz vom 11.11.1998 (GBl. S. 581) i. V. m. Mittelstandsförderungsgesetz Baden-Württemberg vom 19.12.2000 (GBl. S. 745); §§ 23, 44 Landeshaushaltsordnung Baden-Württemberg und § 49a Landesverwaltungsverfahrensgesetz

Annual expenditure planned or overall amount of individual aid granted to the company

Aid scheme

Approximate anticipated annual overall amount

Interest rate subsidies

EUR 14 000 000

Loans guaranteed


Individual aid

Overall aid amount


Loans guaranteed


Maximum aid intensity

In conformity with Article 4(2)-(6) and Article 5 of the Regulation



Date of implementation

As from 2.1.2004 (subprogramme small business loans)

Duration of the scheme or individual aid award

Up to 30.6.2007 (programme as a whole)

Objective of aid

Aid to SMEs



Economic sectors

All sectors eligible for aid to SMEs


Name and address of the granting authority


Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg



Postfach 10 29 43

D-70025 Stuttgart

Large individual aid grants

In conformity with Article 6 of the Regulation

The measure excludes awards of aid or requires prior notification to the Commission of awards of aid,


if the total eligible costs are at least EUR 25 000 000 and

the gross aid intensity is at least 50 %,

in areas which qualify for regional aid, the net aid intensity is at least 50 %; or


if the total gross aid amount is at least EUR 15 000 000
