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Document 52009XC0206(02)

Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty — Cases where the Commission raises no objections

OJ C 30, 6.2.2009, p. 14–17 (BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV)



Official Journal of the European Union

C 30/14

Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty

Cases where the Commission raises no objections

(2009/C 30/03)

Date of adoption of the decision


Reference number of the aid

N 135/08

Member State




Promotion Fund Law (Absatzfondsgesetz)

Legal basis

Gesetz über die Errichtung eines zentralen Fonds zur Absatzförderung der deutschen Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft (Absatzfondsgesetz)

Verordnung über die Beiträge nach dem Absatzfondsgesetz

Type of measure

Aid scheme


Promotion and advertising

Form of aid



EUR 610 million


Up to 100 %



Economic sectors

Agricultural sector

Name and address of the granting authority

Absatzförderungsfonds der deutschen Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft

Schertberger Straße 14

D-53177 Bonn

Other information

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

Date of adoption of the decision


Reference number of the aid

N 379/08

Member State



Title (and/or name of the beneficiary)

Regime dei contratti di filiera e di distretto (Decreto del Ministro delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali recante criteri, modalità e procedure per l'attuazione dei contratti di filiera in attuazione della legge n. 289 del 27 dicembre 2002, articolo 66, commi 1 e 2)

Legal basis

Decreto n. 2850 del 21 aprile 2008 di attuazione dell'articolo 4, comma 2, del decreto interministeriale recante condizioni di accesso ai finanziamenti del fondo rotativo per il sostegno alle imprese e gli investimenti in ricerca

Legge 27 dicembre 2002, n. 289, recante disposizioni per la formazione del bilancio annuale e pluriennale dello Stato (legge finanziaria 2003), pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 305 del 31 dicembre 2002 — Supplemento Ordinario n. 240 ed in particolare gli articoli 60 e 61, relativi al «Finanziamento degli investimenti per lo sviluppo» e al «Fondo per le aree sottoutilizzate ed interventi nelle medesime aree», e il comma 1 dell'articolo 66, relativo al sostegno della filiera agroalimentare

Decreto del Ministro delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali del 1o agosto 2003, relativo a criteri, modalità e procedure per l'attuazione dei contratti di filiera; pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale del 29 settembre 2003, n. 226, e successive modificazioni

Decreto 3 febbraio 2004 di modifica del Decreto del Ministro delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali 1o agosto 2003, relativo a criteri, modalità e procedure per l'attuazione dei contratti di filiera

Decreto del Ministro delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali del 20 marzo 2006, recante disposizioni per l'attuazione dei contratti di filiera, pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale del 12 aprile 2006, n. 86

Decreto del Ministro delle Politiche Agricole alimentari e Forestali n. 452 del 3 luglio 2007, recante modifica al decreto 1o agosto 2003, relativo a criteri, modalità e procedure per l'attuazione dei contratti di filiera, pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale del 24 luglio 2007, n. 170

Circolare 2 dicembre 2003 attuativa del Decreto 1o agosto 2003 del Ministro delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali recante criteri, modalità e procedure per l'attuazione dei contratti di filiera, pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale dell'8 gennaio 2004, n. 5

Decreto 22 novembre 2007 del Ministro delle Politiche Agricole alimentari e Forestali di concerto con il Ministro dell'Economia e delle Finanze e con il Ministro dello sviluppo economico, recante condizioni di accesso ai finanziamenti del fondo rotativo

Type of measure

Aid scheme


Aid for investments (in agricultural holdings, relocation of farm buildings, relating to the protection and improvement of environment, for the processing and marketing of agricultural products), aid to encourage the production and marketing of quality agricultural products, provision of technical support (consultancy services, training, organisation of and participation in forums, competitions, exhibitions and fairs) in the agricultural sector, aid for advertising of agricultural products, aid for research and development

Form of aid

Direct grant and soft loan


Overall budget: EUR 800 million


Variable (between 20 % and 100 % depending on the aid measure)


From the approval by the Commission to 31.12.2013

Economic sectors

Agriculture and Agrifood industry

Name and address of the granting authority

Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali

Via XX Settembre, 20

I-00187 Roma

Other information

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

Date of adoption of the decision


Reference number of the aid

N 517/08

Member State



Title (and/or name of the beneficiary)

Atbalsts kartupeļu gaišās gredzenpuves ierobežošanai un apkarošanai

Legal basis

Ministru kabineta 2007. gada 29. maija noteikumi Nr. 365 “Kartupeļu gaišās gredzenpuves apkarošanas un ierobežošanas kārtība”

“Atbalsts kartupeļu gaišās gredzenpuves ierobežošanai un apkarošanai” projekts

Type of measure

Aid scheme


Prevention of and compensation for plant diseases

Form of aid

Direct grant and subsidised services


LVL 4 750 000 (around EUR 6 800 000 million)


Up to 100 %


Until 30.12.2013

Economic sectors

Agricultural sector

Name and address of the granting authority

Zemkopības ministrija

Republikas laukums 2

LV-1981 Rīga

Other information

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

Date of adoption of the decision


Reference number of the aid

N 526/08

Member State

The Netherlands


Title (and/or name of the beneficiary)

Aanpassing van de heffing waaruit onderzoek en ontwikkeling in de pluimveesector en de preventie van ziekten van pluimvee worden gefinancierd voor 2009

Legal basis

Wet op de bedrijfsorganisaties (artikel 126), Instellingsbesluit Productschap Pluimvee en Eieren (artikelen 6 en 8), Concept Verordening van het Productschap Puimvee en Eieren betreffende algemene bepalingen voor heffingen 2009, Concept Verordening van het Productschap Puimvee en Eieren tot wijziging van de verordening bestemmingsheffingen legsector 2009, Ontwerpverordening van het Productschap Puimvee en Eieren tot wijziging van de verordening bestemmingsheffingen pluimveevlees sector 2009 en de ontwerpverordening van het Productschap Pluimvee en Eieren tot wijziging van de verordening bestemmingsheffingen legsector (2009-I)

Type of measure

Parafiscal levy


The measure concerns an adjustment of the parafiscal levy for the research and development in prevention and eradication of poultry diseases

Form of aid

Parafiscal levy, aid for research and development


EUR 4,56 million per year, EUR 32 million for the period 2007-2013


100 %



Economic sectors

Agricultural sector; poultry and egg sector

Name and address of the granting authority

Productschappen Vee, Vlees en Eieren

Louis Braillelaan 80

Postbus 460

2700 AL Zoetermeer


Other information

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:

Date of adoption of the decision


Reference number of the aid

N 544/08

Member State



Title (and/or name of the beneficiary)

Atbalsts, lai kompensētu zaudējumus, kas radās augļu dārzos bakteriālās iedegas rezultātā

Legal basis

Augu aizsardzības likums;

2004. gada 30. marta Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr. 218 “Augu karantīnas noteikumi”;

“Kārtība, kādā piešķir kompensāciju par fitosanitāro pasākumu izpildi” projekts

Type of measure

Eradication of plant diseases


Plant diseases and pest infestations

Form of aid

Direct grant and subsidised services


Overall budget LVL 1 750 000 (around EUR 2 490 040)


Up to 100 %


Until 30.12.2013

Economic sectors

Agricultural sector

Name and address of the granting authority

Lauku atbalsta dienests

Republikas laukums 2

LV-1981 Rīga

Other information

The authentic text(s) of the decision, from which all confidential information has been removed, can be found at:
