
Resolution of the Ministers with responsibility for Cultural Affairs, meeting within the Council of 13 November 1986 on the protection of Europe's architectural heritage

Official Journal C 320 , 13/12/1986 P. 0001 - 0001

RESOLUTIONof the Ministers with responsibility for Cultural Affairs, meeting within the Councilof 13 November 1986on the protection of Europe's architectural heritage(86/C 320/01)

THE MINISTERS FOR CULTURAL AFFAIRS MEETING WITHIN THE COUNCIL, Having regard to the Solemn Declaration on European Union of 19 June 1983 and in particular the paragraph concerning 'the advisability of undertaking joint action to protect, promote and safeguard the cultural heritage', Having regard to the resolution of the European Parliament of 14 September 1982 on the protection of the architectural heritage, Noting the work accomplished by the Commission of the European Communities in making grants available for restoring selected monuments in all Member States and in giving scholarships for study of conservation questions in appropriate training institutions of other Member States; Taking into account the European Convention of the Council of Europe for the protection of the architectural heritage and the work programme of the Council of Europe in this field; Bearing in mind the possibility that the European Foundation, once set up, may take part in these activities; Recognizing that this resolution does not result in any modification of the powers of the Community and the Member States regarding the protection of the architectural heritage, but considering that they should take greater advantage of each other's experience; Agree to develop effective cooperation on aspects of Europe's architectural heritage, opening this to other European countries where appropriate; Agree to encourage the exchange of experience and the transfer of information on the architectural heritage, in particular through the standardization of terminology and the establishment of a network of data bases prepared in this area in the Member States; Agree to promote awareness among public and private institutions and the general public about the economic, social and cultural aspects of Europe's architectural heritage, in consultation with the experts of the Member States and the Council of Europe, as well as other intergovernmental organizations concerned; Agree to make public institutions and undertakings specializing in the conservation of buildings, aware of the possibilities of enhancing the interest of sites to the widest possible public by means of visual and other measures; Take note of the Commission's intention to contribute further to the realization of measures in this field.